Holland Far from Bone

By Patrick Thomas

Published on Jul 17, 2020


This is a fictional story in which sexual activity between consenting adult males is depicted; it is no way based on true events or the sexuality of any of the persons mentioned. If you are underage or it is otherwise illegal to read this story where you live, please stop reading now.

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---------------------------------------------------------- Holland Far From Bone - 06 - Learning a New Way to Stretch ----------------------------------------------------------

Authors Note: This story takes place in April 2018 in London, England.

"And that's our show for tonight - thank you and have a good night!" Graham Norton waved toward the audience with one hand, his other arm extended out to indicate his guests for the night: Kylie Minogue, Emily Blunt, her husband John Krasinski, and Tom Holland. "Thank you!" As the audience began to file out, the group made small talk about each other's upcoming projects and places that they were planning to visit while in town.

"Looks like it's time - the crowd is all cleared out." John nodded his head towards the rows of now-empty seats. "What if we move this and find someplace to eat?"

"Oh...Kylie and I were talking about the idea of a girl's get-away this weekend." Emily smiled, enjoying the idea of relaxing at a spa for the next day or two. "But, you two boys should grab a bite. Tom's from here, if he doesn't mind showing you around?"

"I, uh...yeah, that'd be brilliant." Tom smiled, blinking slightly. He had tentative plans for the evening but didn't really want to bring them up...and got a small case of butterflies in his stomach at the thought of time alone with John. "There's actually a place nearby, a pub...that could work?" He trailed off his sentence, looking at John.

"Sounds great. You're the expert here, so I'm in your hands."

"That settles it then." Kylie grinned, eager to get out of the studio and its bright lights and have some fun. "You two boys get a pint or two - we'll grab Emily's bag and catch up with you in a day or two."

"Get three!" Emily smiled as the two ladies made their way towards the exit.

As they began crossing the stage area towards the door, John glanced down at his outfit and Tom's. "Is this too dressy for a pub...?"

Tom looked over, taking an opportunity to quickly eye John up and down. "Naw, you look fine."

"Okay - it's my first time. Be gentle." John winked, trying not to laugh as Tom stammered to reply.

~ ~ ~ ~

"Not bad - it's quaint." John sat, holding a pint as he looked around the pub.

"Yeah, it's one of my favorites when visiting London."

"Oh - thought that you were from here?"

"Well, yes and no. I live in Kingston upon Thames, which is about an hour away. It's far enough away that I took the show up on their offer of a hotel room here in town."

"Kingston upon Thames...sounds fancy."

Tom rolled his eyes. "It's England. Everything has a fancy name." He laughed as his well-timed joke caused John to snort laughter just as he was trying to take a swallow of beer, resulting in some mild coughing. "But yeah, this place is...cozy."

"It looks really old."

"Cause it is!" Tom began pointing out features of the pub, explaining them. John relaxed, enjoying both the taste of his beer and the sight of Tom explaining the pub, his animated features glowing. Tom finally noticed that John seemed to be looking at him more than their surroundings. "What?"

"Nothing - it's an awesome place. Can tell that you really like it here." He raised his glass to his lips, hiding a smile.

A few hours and many laughs later, the guys were walking and making their way back to the hotel. Between a meal, a few drinks, and many laughs, they were laughing and comfortable in their conversation. It seemed as if they'd covered everything, from movie-making to working out and places they wanted to visit, and were definitely enjoying each other's company. Tom couldn't tell if John's lingering glances were just his way of being friendly or something more; meanwhile, John was having fun dropping more small innuendos and watching Tom stammer in response.

"Did you get a chance to look around the hotel?"

Tom glanced over, hands in his pockets as they walked. "Yeah, why - anything interesting?"

"Naw. Wondered what you thought about the gym."

"I thought they didn't have a gym?! I checked before heading out."

John chuckled at Tom's exuberance. "That's my point. They don't have one. Isn't that kind of odd?"

"Eh. Depends. Seems like every hotel in America has one - here, it can be hit and miss. Was kinda hoping they'd have one though. Need to stay in shape for the Spider-man roles."

"Yeah, can see that's a problem for you." Tom looked over with confusion until John started laughing. "You look like you're in decent shape."


John rolled his eyes, exaggerating the movement. "Okay, you're in good shape. I think you can skip a day of the gym."

"I already did. And yesterday, thinking that the hotel might have a gym. Oh well." Tom shrugged. "I can just knock out some extra workouts next week."

Scrunching his eyebrows, John glanced over. "You know you can work out without a gym, right?" They'd reached the hotel entrance and made their way inside to the lobby.

"What, like push-ups and stuff? Guess that could work."

"Well...yes..." John trailed off, causing Tom to look over with eyebrows raised, curious. "So because of all the traveling, my trainer showed me a bunch of exercises that can be done without weights and equipment and stuff, just in case."

"Yeah?" John pressed the button for his floor, towards the top of the building. He glanced over at Tom. "Oh - looks like my room's on the same floor. They must have a few set aside permanently for guests."

John nodded, pressing his thumb against the button to close the elevator doors. "Anyway, so it was a bunch of solo calisthenics for if I'm traveling and there's no gym, like here. They can be made more intense with bands...but some of it is also exercises to do with a partner, where they're the weight."

"Really? The other person is the weight? How does that work?"

"It's...". John gestured in the air, trying to think of how to explain it. "...it's hard to explain, but it's a bit better than just doing basic push-ups and sit-ups and stuff. Want to try?"

"I...yeah, but I didn't pack any gym clothes, 'cause they, you know, don't have a gym." Tom frowned a bit.

"Well, I packed plenty, thinking that there was a gym - you can just borrow those." His eyebrow went up, both questioning and inviting at the same time. Tom thought about it for a moment before nodding.

"Sure, why not?"

John broke into a big smile beneath his thick beard. "Alright. Let's do it." A bell sounded as the elevator doors parted, depositing the pair onto their floor. Both headed left, towards their rooms, chuckling as they realized that their rooms were near each other, confirming that the studio definitely must have them permanently booked. Pulling the key card from his wallet, John opened the door and entered his hotel room, Tom following behind and tapping out a text to his friend. He looked up to see John rummaging through a drawer; looking Tom up and down for a moment to gauge his size, he looked back down and pulled out some shorts and a t-shirt, tossing them through the air. "Do you want the bedroom or the bathroom to change clothes?"

"Err...I'll take the bathroom." Swallowing, Tom entered the bathroom and closed the door behind him, trying not to picture John stripping down on the other side. Shrugging off his blazer, Tom untucked his shirt and peeled it off over his head...after kicking off his shoes, he folded his slacks and placed them with his other clothes on the bathroom counter. Catching himself in the mirror, he glanced up and down his body - the work in the gym had really made a difference over the past few years. Lifting an arm, he flexed before turning to the side and admiring his own form, making a note to send Hunnam and Hemsworth texts thanking them for the work-out tips. The mental image of John stripping down several feet away caused a throb in his crotch - pushing it down, he picked up the clothes that John had given him. The shorts went on first...and immediately fell back down to the ground because they were too big. "Um..."

"You okay in there?"

Tom looked over to the door, trying to figure out what to do. "Yeah, just getting the shorts on. Be out in a...minute." Picking the shorts up, Tom looked at the tag inside and noticed the "L" next to size. "Aww, bullocks," he whispered to himself - he hadn't thought about the fact that Krasinski was so much bigger than he was. Pulling them back up his legs, he tugged on the ends of the drawstring, pulling the waist in to be smaller before tying a bow. A peek at the inside of the shirt showed that it was a large size as well; pulling it on, Tom opened the bathroom door and stepped back into the hotel suite's living room.

John blinked a couple of times before chuckling. "Sorry."

"Uh, yeah mate, you're a bit bigger than I am." Tom looked down at the shirt which looked comically over-sized on his slimmer frame.

"Sorry about that." John's apology was unconvincing as he continued gently laughing, getting a pretend-annoyed look from Tom. "Can you move around with it like that?" He watched as Tom stretched his arms out and moved them around, noticing that the material caught around his elbows and bunched at various spots of his torso.

"Um, mostly?"

"Hmmm." John stood with one hand on his hip, the other curled on his chin, a finger tapping against his mouth. "Well...guess it's skins then."

"It's what? Ohhh..." John almost missed the surprised look on Tom's face as his view became blocked by his own shirt as he peeled it up and over his head, tossing it onto a table nearby. Tom swallowed again, a faint blush rising in his cheeks as he quickly glanced up and down John's toned upper body before looking down at his outstretched hand. Taking in a quick breath, he took the bottom of the shirt in his fingers and pulled up, removing it and handing it over, watching as it was tossed onto the table as well.

"Okay, first up - the basics." John dropped down to the floor in a push-up position, waiting until Tom copied his movement to begin a set of basic push-ups. Sit-ups followed, with each man holding the other's feet to keep their body in place. Tom worked to keep his breathing even as he watched John's body rise and come closer before falling back to the floor, over and over again. Standing up, he adjusted the shorts which had loosed a little with the movement of the sit-ups. After a set of lunges, Tom felt that the shorts had loosened but he ignored it for a moment as he moved to match John's stance with his legs spread and arms wide out to start jumping jacks ...and only five jumping jacks later, the shorts slid down his legs, landing at his ankles and leaving him standing in a pair of red briefs.

He felt his cheeks turn equally red with embarrassment as he reached down and pulled the shorts back up, tying the drawstring again. "Sorry, the string came loose..." He looked up to see John give a nonchalant shrug, a small friendly smile curling up one side of his mouth.

"Don't worry about it - nothing you don't see in a locker room."

"Yeah, that's true..." Tom finished re-tying the string and went back to jumping jack position as the pair finished the set. They continued through some more exercises, enjoying a conversation about different roles they'd played and discussing the demands of working out to keep up appearances in Hollywood. The second time Tom's shorts got loose and fell down, he just jokingly rolled his eyes and pulled them back up, feeling less embarrassed. As they worked through the complete set of solo exercises one more time, Tom's shorts fell off yet again as he stood back up after the lunges.

"Okay, those are probably not going to work." John managed to get the words out while laughing as Tom worked the drawstring once more, eyebrows furrowed in frustration.

"Do you have a smaller pair?"

"No, except for some boxer shorts for sleeping." Noticing Tom's eyebrow pop up, he cut off of the thought. "They're an open fly, so that's probably not going to work if you move around too much." Tom's cheeks flushing red at the thought brought forth another laugh. "Look, you've been in a locker room before, right?"

"Uh, yeah...not so much since the Spider-man movies started though. Never know who's got a camera."

"Hear you on that. Okay - let's just ditch the shorts then." Before Tom could respond, John tugged on the waistband of his own shorts, letting them drop and kicking them up into the air. Catching them, he tossed them onto the table where the already-discarded shirts were at. Tom found himself back in the same situation, looking at John's outstretched and waiting hand, trying to control his pulse at the sight of the ripped body, a furry happy trail disappearing into the bold blue waistband running around John's hips, the grey material of a pair of trunks covering the top several inches or so of each thigh; the material did not leave much to the imagination with the muscles of John's legs visible through the cotton fabric. Tom struggled not to look in between those legs, glancing up instead to see the friendly green eyes looking at him patiently.

"Um..." The shorts slipped out from between his fingers and fell to the ground, leaving him in just his red briefs again. "Okay." Swallowing, he reached down and picked the blue gym shorts up and handed them over.

"There you go. Don't have to worry about them falling down again." A moment later, Tom remembered that jumping jacks followed the lunges. He locked his eyes forward, trying to ignore any junk jiggling in the bottom of his peripheral vision as his new friend's body bounced up and down. By the time they'd finished the routine again, he was feeling relaxed again.

"So is that how you got in shape?" Now it was John's turn roll his eyes in exaggeration.

"Oh, completely. A few jumping jacks, some sit-ups, and voila." He lowered his hand along his body as if showing off a product. "Just fifteen minutes a day and you too can look like this." John started laughing when Tom stuck out his tongue.

"Okay, kinda seriously. It's like you left 'The Office' and then you were on...that Benghazi movie and bam, all swelled up."

"Well, that's all Jason." Noticing Tom's confused look, he continued. "My trainer. Twice a day workouts, strict diet...went from 25% body fat to about 9% in a few months. And he engineered the exercises so I could look like someone who might actually maybe sorta be a Navy Seal. Hang on..." John went into the bedroom...Tom watched the well-muscled backside as it moved away, willing his groin to behave as he saw the other man re-enter the main room with his phone in his hand. "...here." He moved so that he was standing next to Tom, holding the phone up and facing the both of them. Tom looked at the top of the screen to see the word "Gym" above a picture of John standing shirtless, wearing a pair of gym shorts. "So this is 'before', when we started the workout and diet." Swiping the screen, the next photo was similar but with John facing to the side. "And this is like a week later." Another swipe and another photo. "Jason said we should document it so that I could see the progress week after week for motivation."

"Oh - you can kinda already see the results, like here." Tom pointed around John's waist in the photo.

"Yeah, the diet kicked in pretty quickly...along with a lot of exercise. It's amazing what cutting out some items will do so fast." Swiping again, it was the same scene with John again facing the side. "And this is week two..." The next few photos were of John working out. Most were just of John doing various exercises.

"Wait - what's that?" Tom swiped back to a photo of John doing a handstand, another man holding his ankles.

"Oh - that's one of the partner exercises I was talking about. Here, watch." John held his finger to the screen and the photo turned into a mini-video, showing his body lowering and raising back up during the handstand. "It's a handstand press. The other person holds your ankles so you don't fall over." Another swipe and it was just John again, looking forward. This time, he was just wearing underwear instead of gym shorts...and Tom's breath caught when he realized it was the compression style underwear, leaving very little to the imagination. "Beginning of week three." John swiped again and once more it was a side shot. Tom's eyes ran downward, noticing the chest and back muscles on display, a beefy bicep in between, the compression underwear hugging the curves of John's ass and bulge. Glancing down, he realized that he could see the same bulge down below the phone...he quickly brought his gaze back upward to avoid popping a boner. Again, there were some 'action shots' of John working out. As the photos progressed, his body became wet with sweat in the photos, shining under the light and his trimmed chest hair matted against his skin. "Week 4..." Another swipe and now John was standing in a pair of briefs, his crotch nestled snugly in the pale green material that hugged the contours of his cock and balls. Another side profile shot and then more shirtless photos of him working out, along with a couple of videos. Tom began wondering if thinking of puppies or doing maths in his head would be better for controlling things down below. He gave up on those thoughts a moment later. "So after four weeks, definitely a big change..." John swiped again and the next photo was a copy of the first. Tom could already notice some changes.

"Fuck." The word slipped out of his mouth before he could catch it when John's finger slid over the screen again. The next shot was John standing, hands on his hips, wearing nothing but a jock strap and a smile.

"You okay?" John looked over at Tom, noting that it took a moment for the shorter man to look up and away from the phone.

"Yeah, just - I mean, fuck, it's a big difference...in just a month?" The corner of John's mouth twitched in amusement. 'The kid's a good actor, will give him that,' he thought. "Hell man, you got really ripped between the first photo and the last one."

"Yeah, I guess."

Tom looked back and forth between John and the phone, incredulous. "You guess? Dude..." Swiping back, he returned to the recent 'before' photo and then back to the jock strap one. "I guess." He changed his voice to sound a little like John's, jokingly mocking the other man's statement. "Look how big your arms got!" He swiped back and forth again, pointing out the difference between the two images.

"Okay, they did get bigger. But look at you man, you've been working on these and it shows." Reaching over, he gave Tom's upper arm a gentle appreciative squeeze.

"Yeah, but not like this big!" Tom reached over and wrapped his hands around John's bicep. His fingers barely touched - when the other man flexed his arm, a gap formed between his hands. "Show off." Tom pulled his hands away laughing.

"You'll get there." He clapped his hand against Tom's back, leaving it resting there as Tom's attention returned to the phone.

"Thanks...seriously, you beefed up. In just a month. Damn! I mean, look at your chest..." Again, Tom swiped back once to the 'before' photo before swiping forward twice - his guess proved correct that the next photo was John facing to the side. Returning to the earlier photo, he zoomed in on John's upper body before pulling up the 'after' version and zoomed in again. "Look at the difference. Wow."

John glanced down and noticed a bit of a difference in Tom's groin, the briefs having swelled out a little. "Well, yeah...thanks. I'm not the only one though." Switching to the browser, he typed in 'tom holland shirtless' and clicked images, pulling up rows of photos of Tom without a shirt. "Okaaaay....here." He found one that looked to be a few years old, where Tom was noticeably skinnier. "So look at that and then..." Using one finger, he tilted Tom's face up towards the full-length mirror nearby. His hand dropped, patting Tom on the chest. "Would have to say you've made some pretty good gains."

"Thanks, man. But still, not like this." Tom pointed at John's chest.

"Give it time." 'So the kid's a chest-man,' he thought, making a note to himself.

"You just sound so...I don't know, like nonchalant about it. You got ripped and you're all like 'yeah, it's okay'..." Tom's sentence trailed off as he began laughing.

"Well..." John started a sentence and trailed off. Tom's eyebrows shifted upward, patiently waiting. "Okay, so the arms were a given. The chest thing was necessary for the role. It's just not the part that I...uh, appreciated the most."

Tom's eyebrows dropped back down and crunched in, furrowed in confusion. "What - you're all about the legs?"

"Um, no." Glancing down, he looked at Tom's legs and pictured them wrapped around his waist. If anything, he went for butts and his new friend's looked oh so sweet. "So..." John returned to the photo of him facing forward. Pinching his fingers, he zoomed in on his abs.

"Your abs? I mean, those got pretty ripped too."

"Naw. I mean, yes, they did...but no. These." Leaving the photo zoomed in, John pointed at the clear-cut lines running on either side of his hips.

"Ohhh..." Tom's voice trailed off as his eyes followed John's finger up and down from hip to groin, seeing where the lines disappeared into the jock strap's waistband. He fought off a growl of frustration, noticing that the bottom edge of the screen cut off just below the waistband, preventing a good zoomed in look at John's crotch. "Yeah, I hear you on that...you got lucky, I've been struggling on that part." Looking up, he caught John's curious look. Leaning back, he pointed at his own hip. "Been doing crunches and sit-ups like crazy, trying to get those cu...hips lines." Tom caught himself before saying the word 'cum gutters' - John kept his face neutral as he noticed the cut-off syllable and the pink flush that returned to Tom's cheeks.

"Well, it's partly exercise, partly diet, and partly just genetics. Some guys do nothing and get them easily and some guys put in a shit ton of work and they never appear at all." Reaching out, he flicked his finger against Tom's hip, teasing the other man and noticing that he squirmed a little bit. "These aren't bad. Ticklish?" He laughed as Tom scrunched up his face in feigned annoyance as his finger flicked back down.

"Yes - ha! Thanks, but mine don't look like those." Tom's chin jutted forward, pointing towards John's body. They both looked down at the focus of Tom's gaze, the area right at John's hip.

"No, but again...you've got some growing to do. Keep at it and see what happens. But yeah...these were the part..." John slid his thumbs down the lines in his hip muscles, hitting the waistband of his underwear and dragging it down just a little. More of his happy trail came into view, followed by the slightest reveal of neatly trimmed pubic hair. "...that I was just like 'damn!' and proudest of." Tom stared, transfixed at the hard-cut line flowing from hip to groin...it took a lot of effort to look back up. John's bright green eyes were twinkling with amusement. Bringing his hands back up, he clapped Tom on the shoulder. "Alright - ready to try out the partner exercises that Jason showed me?"

"Uh...yes." Tom inhaled, willing his body to behave.

"Okay, so we'll start with the handstand press." John stood a few feet away, his palm flat out pointing at the floor, indicating where Tom should stand. Tom stepped over and got onto his hands and knees...John felt a twinge in his cock at the sight before it changed as Tom pushed his legs up into the air. Once he felt John's hands wrap around his ankles, he proceeded moving fully into place so that his arms were outstretched, holding his body straight up from the floor. Looking forward, he was eye level with the other man's knees. "Ready?"

"Uh huh."

"Okay, go for twenty."

Tom bent his arms, lowering his head towards the floor. Feeling his hair brush the carpet, he pushed back up until his arms were straight again. He'd done a similar exercise using a wall for support - but this felt more free. He was able to focus on the movement of his arms instead of also worrying about his balance, since John's light grip on his feet took care of that part. Smiling, he continued rising and falling as he enjoyed working through the press. After five movements, he felt John's hands push down slightly. "Okay, this should make it a little harder." Tom could feel how the slight pressure cause him to have to push more against the floor to rise again. Another five movements and the pressure increased again. He looked upward and saw legs, a bulge, and John's torso...he quickly looked back down before visions of seeing the same sight while on his knees sprang into his mind.

He slowed down during the last five as the workout caught up with him - pushing through with effort, he made it to twenty, curling his legs down to the floor and bringing himself back upright. His chest expanded with his heavy breathing. "Ready?" He looked up and nodded to John's question, then watched as John matched Tom's movements, his body curling down and legs suddenly pumping up. Reaching out, he caught the ankles, feeling the hair under his fingers. He looked down to see if John was ready and immediately regretted it, realizing that his view was now filled with John's inner thighs, the bulge of his crotch clearly visible and his ass rising up on the other side. Unconsciously his fingers squeezed John's ankles before relaxing. Again, he stared transfixed as the other man began working through the exercise, the muscles of his chest pumping slightly to lift his weight back up into the air. 'Daaaamn' Tom thought to himself, thoroughly enjoying the view. Thankfully, John was counting out loud which prompted Tom to get a better grip on his ankles and begin pressing down. He could feel the firm muscle under his fingers...and worried that something else might begin firming up as well. Disappointingly soon, John was counting out the words "eighteen...nineteen...twenty." Tom let his fingers loose from John's ankles as they descended down, the other man standing back up - he wasn't breathing as heavily as Tom after finishing the exercise, but his pecs were noticeably rising and falling to Tom's appreciation.

"Okay, next is inclined push-ups. Go ahead and get into a normal push-up position." Tom dropped down, facing the floor with his hands palm down below his shoulders. He felt John's hands on his ankles again and his feet were suddenly pulled a few feet up into the air - looking back, he figured he was at about a 30-degree angle. "Okay - twenty." Tom pushed up and back down - it was pretty similar to a regular push-up. At number five, his legs rose higher as John pulled up to increase the angle...Tom realized that the higher angle was causing him to put in more effort than a regular push-up; by fifteen he was definitely feeling the difference and worked to finish the set with his legs high up in the air. Knocking out the twentieth push-up, he felt John gently lower his legs to the ground. Switching places, he watched as John lay face down on the floor; Tom reached down and took hold of his ankles and lifted them up to the level of his own knees.

'Daaamn,' he thought as he took in yet another awesome view - this time of John's backside, the grey fabric of his trunks molded to the curves of his ass muscles. He lifted the large legs higher and higher with every five rise-and-falls, staring at the muscles around John's shoulders bunched as they worked. As the other man hit number twenty, Tom lowered his arms back down with a little sigh.

"You okay?"

"Hmm? Yeah, just - you're heavier than you look!"

"Dude, I don't weigh that much." John grinned as Tom just looked at him, one eyebrow up, unconvinced. "Okay, I weigh like 200 pounds - it's not that much, compared to some of the other guys who work out a lot."

"200? Holy shit - no wonder my arms were getting tired." Tom's response came out with a chuckle.

"Okay, how much does Mr. Holland of Kingston Upon Thames weigh?" He laughed as Tom's tongue stuck back out. Asking the question gave him an excuse to glance up and down Tom's body - clad only in briefs, it was obvious that his crotch had chubbed up a little during the exercise routine. John had to suppress the urge to smirk.

"Like..." Tom looked up, trying to remember American measurements. "...about 145 pounds?"

"That's not that far off."

"What?! No, that's like if you took a quarter of me and added it back on, then we'd be the same size. You're heavy." Tom started laughing - John nearly licked his lips watching the muscles of the younger man's body lightly flex as he laughed.

"Okay, lightweight. Let's see if we can't fill you out a bit then. Next is sit-ups. Get some work in on those hip lines you've been wanting." Winking, he nodded his forehead towards the floor, indicating that Tom should move into a sitting position. Once Tom's rear was against the carpet and his legs bent, John squatted down and placed his hands on Tom's knees. "So this is how the partner sit-ups work. It's like a regular sit-up but I'm going to put pressure on your legs...which will make the sit-ups harder as you go along. Twenty, just like everything else." The corner of his lip curled up in the faintest hint of a grin, knowing that the squat position put his crotch nearly at eye level for Tom.

Tom felt a small heat rise in his cheeks again as he realized his cock had swelled up a little watching John's ass during the push-ups...and it would be difficult to hide it in this position. Letting out a large breath, he lowered his back against the ground and worked to keep his own brown eyes locked onto John's green ones...and cursed inside his head as he noticed that John's crotch wasn't far out of view. Setting his jaw a bit, he decided to focus on the exercise and lifted his torso up from the ground. "One." The taller man counted out Tom's movements; on the fifth sit-up, he used his palms to push Tom's legs out a couple of inches in either direction. Swallowing, Tom continued the crunches...on the tenth one, his knees were pushed even further apart. He struggled through the last half of the set, the spreading of his legs making the sit-ups harder to do...and also leaving him feeling exposed. On the fifteenth sit-up, his legs were wide apart; the act of sitting up and laying down caused his groin to rise and fall as well. He could feel that his crotch had swelled up even more as a result. Laying back down one more time, he heard the word "Twenty" called out over his head. The touch of John's thumb pressing against his hip sent a jolt up his spine. "Keep that up and you'll get a deep line here in no time. Time to switch."

Tom sat back up - rather than squat like John had, he chose to rest on his knees with his body straight up. Feeling John prod his bare hip lit a small fire in the more mischievous part of his mind...and he wanted to see what buttons he could press. Placing his hands on the other man's knees, he smirked just a little. "Ready?" John nodded and began rising up and down, Tom counting each movement. After the fifth sit-up, he pushed the other man's legs apart, knowing that his own body was now on display between John's legs. He caught John glancing down, just as the other man squinted his eyes, pretending to be focused on the exercise. Amused, he pressed John's legs pretty far apart on the tenth sit-up...which meant that he would need to spread those big meaty legs even further for the last batch of five. Similar to his own set, the other man's efforts caused his hips to rise slightly, pushing his crotch up and down to Tom's delight. "Twenty." The merriment in his voice was just a little obvious. "You're right - that does make the sit-ups pretty intense."

"Told ya. It's not as good as a full gym but it's better than just solo calisthenics."

"What's next?" John paused ever so slightly, noticing Tom's slight smirk.

"Rowing." Tom's amusement turned to confusion, trying to figure out how that might work. "Here, sit down in front of me like you're going to do a sit-up." Once Tom had assumed the proper position, he took hold of the smaller man's thighs and pulled, bringing him forward until Tom's toes were just near John's rear...lifting up, he sat back down so that his body weight was pinning Tom's feet in place. "Okay, lift up a little." Once Tom moved, he slid his own toes underneath Tom's pert butt, feeling it come down to rest on his own feet. "Alright, now, grip my fingers with yours...we're each going to pull. But, we'll have to ease up a little so that we can move this way..." John pulled his shoulders back, causing Tom to lean forward towards him. "...and then you pull back." Tom flexed his arms, tugging the bigger man his way.

"That's pretty easy."

Raising an eyebrow, John used his knees to push against Tom's own, spreading them back out again. "Think again." He nearly laughed as Tom swallowed, trying to hid his reaction. "Ready, go." John pulled back, bringing Tom towards him. He could tell that his friend was doing his best not to look down before pulling John back again. "One." Again, he pulled Tom forward and held him there this time. "Now, see how your feet are pinned down?" He watched with amusement as Tom had to look down between John's legs and the hefty bulge in between. "That keeps each of us from sliding around and keeps the distance consistent." He let Tom hang for a moment before clearing his throat lightly. "Pull..." Tom blinked and yanked back, bringing John forward. "Good job. Two."

Back and forth they went. Tom nearly groaned, feeling the muscles of John's ass work against his feet...John wasn't immune either to feeling Tom's firm posterior grinding against his toes...he pushed the envelope ever so slightly, flexing his toes the smallest amount as he pistoned back and forth.

"Twenty." Tom let out a deep breath, from the effort of the exercise as well as trying to keep a straight face and keep his cock in check. "Weighted push-up is next."

"Oh man, this is a lot of arm and chest exercises."

"Yeah...but that's what it takes to bulk up in those areas. We can swap the next two so you get a break if you want."

"Uh, yeah...that'd be nice." Tom squeezed his own arm, play acting as if it were sore. "What're we doing next then that's not upper body?"

"Core and legs. Do you do yoga?"

"A little..." Tom's face tilted, trying to figure out which position they might be doing. Watching John do downward dog would mean pitching an instant tent.

"Great. Tree pose?"

"Oh...yeah, that one's a good one."

"Yes...but we're going to really stretch you out on this version of it." Again, John had to hold in his amusement at watching Tom try to keep a straight face at the inuendos. "Alright, come stand over here and move into tree pose." Tom made his way over to stand facing John; pressing his hands together at chest height, he raised one leg, resting his right foot flat against the inside of his left thigh. "Perfect."

John moved behind Tom, coming to stand just an inch behind him. "Okay, so which muscles does tree pose help with?"

"Um..." Tom gathered his thoughts, trying to put the closeness of John's body out of his mind...and the way John's breath against his neck sent shivers down his spine. "...core, so abs and balance...and legs."

"Correct, but there's more." John's hand came to rest flat against Tom's stomach, barely touching his skin. "So your core is activated, which means you're right - we're working on your balance and your abs. And you are engaging your leg muscles to hold this position." His hand disappeared from Tom's stomach, lightly tapping the top of his thigh. "But, we're also working your glutes." his fingertips just barely traced up the curve of Tom's rear. "Another thing with tree pose is that it definitely works this part of your thigh..." Fingers tapped against the back of Tom's leg, halfway between hip and knee. "...but not so much here." John's index finger quickly tapped the inside of Tom's leg. His movements were almost clinical, his voice soothing, as if he were actually a yoga instructor simply going through instructions. "Now, what we're going to do is use the benefit of a partner to take tree pose up to another level and really engage your muscles. So first..." John lightly rested his hands on Tom's hips. "...we want to raise your hands up, over your head." Tom slowly lifted his hands up, keeping them pressed together, until they were up and out of view. His body wobbled slightly as he worked to maintain his balance. "That's going to raise your center of gravity, causing you to have to work harder to maintain your balance...and that's going to work these guys more." John's hand returned to rest flat against Tom's stomach, fingers drumming lightly against the ab muscles. "Let me know when you're comfortable with your balance."

Tom took a deep breath and then another, concentrating. "Okay, I'm good."

"Alright." John's voice was even-toned, sounding soothing near his ear. His hand moved so that he could tap Tom's knee. "Now we want to extend this stretch, to really give your legs a good work out." Tom let out his breath and shifted his leg, pulling it backward a little. "More..." Taking a breath in, he stretched his leg just a little further back. "More..." Tom pulled his knee back as far as he could, fighting to keep his balance...until he lost it. John's hands were quickly at his hips, holding him steady.

"And that's why a partner works better for this." John's movement had brought his body up against Tom's, lightly pressing their flesh together. "Your partner can help hold your balance..." Keeping his left hand on Tom's hip, John's right palm came to rest on his right knee. "...so you can work on stretching. See how far back you can bring your knee now." Tom gulped, pulling back with his leg as far as he could and held it there. John's left hand helped him hold his balance...but despite that, his slight wobbling movements caused his butt to bump and shift against the bulge that he could feel pressed against him. "Okay, so that's as far as you can stretch on your own, right?"

"Yeah." Tom's took a deep breath in and out. His next breath was a sharp intake of air as he felt John's hand pull on his knee, gently bringing it back even further. The movement caused his own body to lean back a little, pressing their bodies together even more. He was very aware of John's crotch nestled between his ass cheeks. "And this is how far we can stretch you out with a partner." John held Tom's knee in place, his chest rising and falling against Tom's back, as they held the pose. "Remember how you were working your muscles before?"


"Bring your right hand down, slowly...keep your left hand up. Good." John took Tom's hand in his own and pressed it flat against Tom's own thigh, resting his hand on the back of Tom's. Applying gentle pressure, he caused Tom's hand to slide inward, stopping a couple of inches away from Tom's crotch. "Feel the difference?"

"Yes...it's much...it's harder...er, getting worked more." Out of John's sight, Tom's eyes twinkled with mischief as he tossed out the pun.

"Yeah, it is." John fought to keep his tone steady and not chuckle. "Okay, now let your leg lower slowly to the floor." Tom did so, standing still again, facing away from John. "And now your left leg."

'Oh my god,' Tom thought to himself, feeling pleasantly tortured at the exercise routine. Taking a deep breath, they went through the yoga pose again...this time stretching out Tom's left thigh, John's body pressed gently against Tom's backside the entire time. As they finished the stretch, Tom was thankful to be facing away - he wasn't fully hard, but he was halfway there and the tenting would be obvious.

"Okay, switch." Tom thanked the gods as he sensed John's body turning to face the opposite direction. Composing himself, he turned to help assist John through his own tree pose. Just like Tom, having his leg pulled back threw off John's balance and Tom had to position himself against the other man's back to hold him in place...very much aware that his half-hard cock was wedged into the space between John's butt cheeks. The only thing that kept it from being painfully obvious was the difference in their height - John being seven inches taller meant that most of Tom's bulge was nestled under the curve of his ass instead of right in the middle of it.

"Now, if you really bring your arms all the way up..." John fully extended his arms above his head. "...you really give it to your core. Here..." Reaching down with his left hand, he used it to place Tom's palm against his lower abs before raising his own hand back above his head. "...feel the difference?"

Tom had to take a deep breath - he could feel the furry happy trail under his palm and wanted oh so much to curl his fingers to rake them across John's body. "Uh huh...they're...very tight. And shaking?"

"Yeah, this is pretty hard to do." Tom squinted, trying to figure out if John had paused and broken up his sentence before the last two words. His thoughts were tossed asunder as the other man reached down and took hold of his hand again, placing it on John's knee. "Okay partner - pull." Tom obeyed, gently tugging John's knee and leg back. The movement caused John's body to rock slightly, grinding his ass against Tom's crotch. Tom gulped as he felt his cock twitch on its own, hoping that it wasn't noticeable. "A little more." Tom was reluctant to pull back too much, not wanting to injure his friend. Sensing this, John reached down again, moving Tom's hand. "Worried about pulling too far?"

"Uh, yeah...don't want to hurt your leg." Tom fought against sucking in a breath as his hand was moved far inward on John's thigh, nearly into his crotch.

"Here, pull back until I tell you to stop. I want you to feel the difference in how the leg muscle gets worked out. See how it feels now?"

"Uh huh...". Tom's pulse picked up speed - he could definitely feel the muscle along with the hair on John's thigh, which was a little tense with the pose. His crotch was becoming equally tense as it filled out even more, pushing into John's rear.

"Okay, start pulling." Tom applied more pressure with his palm, pulling John's thigh towards him...and nearly groaned as he realized that the movement was pushing their bodies together even more. John's effort to stay balanced and upright was causing his glute muscles to squeeze and tense, right against Tom's crotch. "There you go, stop." John's leg was nearly all the way out to his side - if he'd been laying on the ground, it would be maybe an inch off of the ground. "Okay, so remember how much the muscle was working earlier? Feel it now that it's stretched more."

"Yeah, it feels more...tense."

Moving slowly to keep his balance, John reached down again...and put his hand on the back of Tom's sliding it further in until Tom's thumb was at the edge of his groin, nearly touching his balls. "You can really feel the tendons and muscle working, trying to bring your knee back in and the work involved to keep it stretched out. It feels great."

'Fuck' was the only word running through Tom's mind. His cock was as hard as the ass muscle squeezing against his crotch. He swore he could feel the heat from John's ball sack radiating against his hand...and then for a moment actually felt it graze his thumb as John lowered his foot down to the floor. He got a brief moment of respite as his hand moved to John's hip and their bodies pulled away while John lifted his left foot to continue the pose. Placing his hand on John's right knee, they continued the movements - this time John left Tom's hand on his knee, just asking him to pull more until his left leg was out as far as his right had been. Once again, their bodies were pressed together, Tom praying that his throbbing cock was not obvious against John's ass muscles as they flexed against his crotch. He wasn't sure if he was thankful or sorry when John's foot lowered again, ending the exercise. Crossing one wrist over the other, Tom dropped his hands down and hoped that they covered up the bulge in his groin as John turned around. He struggled to keep his eyes up and not look down the taller man's hot body. "What's next?" he asked, eager to move into a position that might hide his aroused state.

"Those weighted push-ups you wanted to avoid."

'Thank goodness - facing down and away,' Tom thought. "Great - how does that work?"

"Alright, so get into the normal push-up position." John again had to stop himself from laughing as he noticed how quickly Tom spun around and dropped to the floor. He'd caught sight of Tom's bulge pushing out at the edge of his peripheral vision, the red color of Tom's underwear standing out both literally and figuratively. Even then, he didn't need to see it to know Tom was getting hard, having felt it digging in between his cheeks. "Okay, so your partner rests on your back to provide the weight."

"Ah - so you're going to sit on my back?" Tom's head was turned to talk over his shoulder.

"No." John watched as Tom's eyebrows screwed together in confusion before continuing. "Sitting puts too much weight and pressure in one spot of your back, which can cause damage. If it's a little kid that's one thing, but with a grown adult, that's too much weight." Stepping over towards Tom, John lowered himself until he was also in a push-up position, his body hovering over Tom's with his hands flat on the ground next to Tom's palms. "I'm going to wrap my hands around your chest. When I do, that's going to create a weight against the length of your body - most of it will be up here..." He brought his fingers up and tapped them against Tom's chest. "...but it's pretty much evenly distributed down your back. Ready?"


"Okay." John lowered his body the rest of the way, bringing it in contact with Tom's backside as he lifted his hands and lightly wrapped his arms around Tom's chest...which allowed him to feel the other man take in a sharp breath. "Twenty. Ready when you are."

Tom slowly lowered his torso to the ground and then pushed up again. The movement was definitely more difficult - not just because of the added weight on his back but the sense of John's body pressed so firmly against his own. And speaking of firm...he could feel John's bulge pressed against his ass and it wasn't entirely soft. Up and down a few more times and he was struggling. "You okay?"

"Uh...fuck, you're heavy!" Tom laughed as he felt John swat his chest. "What? You are! You've got like 50 pounds on me!"

"Good point. Here, is this better?" John spread his legs apart so that he could support some of his own weight using his toes against the floor.

"Yeah, a bit." Tom sighed in relief as the amount of weight against his back was noticeably lessened. Bending his arms, he moved through another five push-ups. He noticed that John's position caused the angle of his upper body to shift, wedging his crotch more against Tom's rear. With a swallow, he began another five movements, feeling John's chest rumble as he counted aloud with Tom's push-ups, breath blowing against his ear. By the time he'd got to twenty, he had begun bending his hips back and forth a little with each rise and fall, enjoying the way it caused John's definitely-not-soft bulge to grind against his rear.

Aaaand...twenty. Good job, sport." John shifted his arm, patting Tom's chest with praise. The pair stayed in the position for a couple of heartbeats, both pretending to rest. Lowering his hands to the floor, John supported his own weight before nudging Tom's shoulder with his forehead. "Switch?"

"Um, yeah." Tom lowered himself and slid out from underneath John's body with reluctance. Settling face-down against John's back, he wrapped his hands around the broad chest, feeling the hair against his palms and rested his cheek against John's shoulder blade. "Ready when you are." John's sudden movement down caused his own body to nearly slide off to the side.

"You okay?"

"Shit. Hang on."

"Isn't that your job?" Tom groaned at the joke, lightly pinching John's chest as punishment. He shifted his body back into place, realizing the problem was the height difference. Spreading his toes, he used them to somewhat grip John's calves.

"It's 'cause you're so damn tall. I think...". Tom shifted his hips, trying to get a better grip. "...okay, I think this'll work."

John lifted his body back up and then went through one more push-up; this time, Tom stayed in place. The younger man began counting as John rose and fell. Each time he came back up, John tensed his entire body on purpose. One, it caused Tom's body to jostle a little which resulted in the smaller man having to push with his toes and shift a little to stay in place...and his hard bulge to grind against John's ass. It also caused John's rear and chest to flex, much to Tom's enjoyment if his breathing and slight involuntary digging of his fingertips were any indication. By the time that Tom was counting "fifteen", his breath had a slight husk to it as his hormones flooded his system. "Twenty." His words came out as a heavy whisper against John's back, his cheek and nose pressed against the firm muscle, as his cock throbbed below. "What's next?"


"Huh? How do you do a partner squat?" Tom hadn't made any move to get off of John's back yet, enjoying the moment. John chuckled as he rolled his shoulder and hip, causing the smaller man to slide off. Tom landed on the floor, facing up. He watched as John stood up, the front of his underwear tented out - not obscenely but enough to show his arousal. The other man reached down with his hand, taking Tom's hand to help pull him up to his feet. Glancing down before Tom noticed, he saw that Tom's briefs were struggling to contain his manhood, a small spot in the red fabric dark with moisture. His lip curled up with a small smile.

"Alright, turn around so you're facing away." He watched as Tom followed the instructions, thoroughly enjoying the sight of Tom's firm bubble butt, the tip of his tongue peeking out as wet his lips hungrily. Stepping forward, he brought his body up against Tom's, feeling the other man respond by leaning back into him. "So, to make this harder..." He paused slightly with inuendo before continuing, "...you'll move like it's a normal squat on your own. As you move, I'll push against you to create tension, so you'll have to work more to complete the squat. And then I'll pull on your body a bit on the way up so that you have to work more to get out of the squat. Does that make sense?"

'Fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck yessssss,' is all that rang through Tom's head. Composing himself, a calm "Yep" rolled out of his mouth.

"Oh - for the pull, would you rather I wrap my arms around your torso or have my hands on your hips?"

"Um..." The sound of Tom taking a heavy swallow filled the room. "...is there a difference? As far as the exercise?" The last part of his question came out as an afterthought.

"Kinda, as far as balance, but not really."

"Um...torso then." Large arms wrapped around him, the beefy forearms landing right below his pecs. He felt John's body settle against his own.

"Ready when you are."

Tom let out a sigh and bent his legs. He could feel John's thighs flex behind his own as the other man pushed up against his movement. By the time that Tom reached the lowest part of the squat, his legs and glutes were working hard to finish the move with John's legs pushing against his...and that ample crotch was pushing against his rear. No, it definitely wasn't soft. Taking a deep inhale, Tom began rising up. He felt John's body shift to adapt and change the weight, his arms flexing around Tom's chest as he pulled down a little on Tom's body, pinning it against his own so that Tom had to put in more work to stand up again.

"One." John's breath rustled his hair, sending a shiver down his spine. Again they went through a squat, John's thighs and hips working up against Tom's on the way down, then the muscles of his arms and chest squeezing Tom's torso on the way up. By the time John counted out "five", the definitely-not-soft bulge against Tom's rear had become a definitely-hard-cock pushing up into his ass. By the time the word "ten" was spoken, both men were using their hips against each other more than their legs to get through the move. Thoughts of what this would be like without underwear danced through Tom's head.

"So...uh, how does the...the balance difference work?"

"The what?" John's mind was fuzzy with the blood rushing down to his groin.

"If you put your...hands on my...on my hips."

"Oh. It just changes the weight a little. Here." John's arms shifted, hands sliding down and across Tom's flat stomach until his palms were resting against the well-muscled hips. "Okay, try now." Tom bent his legs, noting the way that John's fingertips dug gently into his hips, the thumbs pressed back against his rear. Finishing his descent, he began moving back up. John's hands squeezed his hips as he pulled down and back to create pressure; it also pulled Tom's rear back against his crotch, his hard bulge buried into the wedge of Tom's ass. John stifled a moan as he wondered what the move would feel like with Tom naked on his hands and knees, pulling him back to ram inside. Tom flexed his glutes as he worked his way back up, squeezing the rod that was buried in his crack, the red cotton having bunched up in the back as John's manhood pushed further inside. When John's arms were wrapped around his torso, there had been a brief break between them on the way up - now, their lower bodies were in constant contact as Tom moved up and down. "Eleven." Did John's voice sound thicker? Tom pushed down again as John pushed up. By "fifteen", it was more of a thrust than a simple applying of pressure and John's fingers were splayed out on Tom's hips, his thumbs rubbing slightly in appreciation of Tom's hard-worked ass muscles. Tom took a deep breath at the bottom and top of each squat, both of them pretending it was from the workout. He started swiveling his hips slightly on the way down, grinding against the John's cock that was pressing up towards his hole, the red cotton briefs the only thing standing in the way. "Twenty. Good job." John's hand patted Tom's abs in praise, the bottom of his hand brushing the waistband of Tom's briefs. "What do you think?" His chin rested on top of Tom's head, neither man motivated to break away.

"It's definitely harder...work." Tom's wink wasn't visible to John as he paused before the last word, copying John's way of lacing his statements. "Your turn?"

"Yeah." John straightened his body, the move causing his hard cock to slide up an inch against the rise of Tom's upper rear and into his lower back before he turned to face the other direction. He felt Tom's chest rest lightly against his back, their feet nudging together as they got into position.

"Torso or hips?"

"Can you even reach my torso?" John laughed as his jest earned another light pinch from Tom, this time against his ribs. "Okay, hips. Don't want you to stretch your arms out."

"Whatever," Tom chuckled, his chest bucking up against John's back. His hands slid down, copying John's earlier movement, coming to rest against the other man's hips with a slight squeeze. He was caught off-guard when John's hips dipped down with no warning; in his attempt to match the movements he pushed up harder than he intended, ramming his stiff bulge against John's rear. A small grunt was the only sign that John gave in response, not wanting to break the moment. As he flexed his legs to stand back up, he enjoyed the feel of Tom's hands holding on and pulling at him. "One," came the voice from behind his back. Their height difference caused more friction this time, with John's rear sliding down along Tom's crotch before being at an angle where the shorter man was able to move along with John's hips. "Five." Tom's breath hitched a little, his voice catching as his cock got another rub-down from John's ass. "Te.." Tom cleared his throat. "Ten. Um...want to change the weight up a bit?"

"Sure." The amusement was obvious in John's voice...and then he had to suppress a slight groan as Tom's hands slid towards each other, meeting in the middle of his stomach before gliding up in unison to rest side by side in the middle of his chest.

"Sorry - not tall enough to do the reach around like you did."

Tom's words brought an entirely different mental image in John's imagination than the wrapping-arm movement he'd done earlier, causing his cock to throb. His tone was more wanting than amused, swallowing before speaking again. "That's fine - should still work." Shifting his weight, John began dropping his hips towards the floor. Once again, Tom pushed up once John's ass slid down over the tent in his briefs...this time pressing his fingers against John's flesh as he used his arms to pull their bodies closer together. Pushing up, John rose back to a standing position - the feel of hard muscle and chest hair against his fingers combined with John flexing his pecs once he was upright got to Tom, causing his cock to throb. "Elev..." his voice broke a little. "Um...eleven." His cheek was pressed against John's back, feeling the warmth against his face. The ass against his groin again, sending wonderful shivers down his spine. By the time he said "fifteen," Tom was breathing as if he was working out as well, trying to keep himself together. "Twen..twenty."

"What do you think?" The pair stayed in place, John standing with Tom's hands against his chest and cheek against his back.

"It's uh...it's almost as much work no matter which position you're in."

"Oh really?" John's chest bucked a little as he chuckled, pressing against Tom's palms.

"Yeah. I mean, you're still doing a squat either way. And back here you're having to push or pull, so probably more work back here."

"Mmm...". The sound caused John's to rumble...the feeling brought a small smile to Tom's mouth. "Good point."

"So uh, what's next?"

"Last exercise. Partner bench press." Tom's hands slid down John's front, reluctant to pull away until reaching the trail of fur near his navel. Managing not to sigh, Tom dropped his hands down to the side and pulled his body away, watching as John turned around to face him. His shorter height meant that John's crotch was still in his line of vision even while looking forward - and that crotch looked like it was going through a workout of its own, the dark grey material visibly lighter where it was stretched out in the front. Tom peeled his eyes up from John's chest level to meet his face, watching a glint of mischief shine in the green orbs.

"How's the partner bench press work?"

"Well, so this time I'll go first because it's easier to explain that way. But it's like an upside down push-up, using your partner as the weight. Here..." Tom watched as John lay down on his back, the trunks tenting up with his obvious erection that both men pretended wasn't there; from his new vantage point, Tom's crotch pointed directly out from the younger man's body, a large wet spot staining the briefs a darker color at the most prominent part of the bulge. "...okay, so you come get into a push-up position, hovering above me." He had to work not to laugh as Tom blinked, taking a hard swallow as the young actor realized what position he was about to be in. Dropping a knee down next to John's thigh, he straddled John's legs before planting his palms on either side of the other man's shoulders and pulled his body up into a plank position.

"Like this?"

'Love this,' John thought to himself. "Just like that, buddy." The two men stared into each other's eyes, a playfulness coming across Tom's features again.

"So what do we do next?"

"Stick one arm straight out to your side. Yeah, just like that." John reached up with his right hand and took hold of Tom's bicep. "Now stick the other arm out the same way. Yep." He reached up and used his left hand to grip Tom's other arm, pushing up so his own arms were straight up, lifting Tom into the air. "And now, you're the dumbbell."

"Excuse me, I'm the what?" Tom stuck his tongue out at John. John grinned, wanting so much to lean up and lick his friend's mouth, right where the pink tongue was pushing out. The wet pink flesh slipped back inside its owners mouth, which opened into a small "o" in surprise as John suddenly bent his arms, dropping Tom's body several inches towards the floor. Their faces were nearly touching, brown eyes staring into green ones. Tom's surprise faded as his expression shifted to match John's own playful grin. He felt John's grip shift as his body was raised back up into the air. The other man's eyebrow went up, waiting.

"What do you say?"

"Whee - this is fun." Tom had a wide grin - getting lifted up was actually pretty fun. He laughed as John rolled his eyes.

"No, I meant you counting. How many is that?"

"Ohh - one." The grin remained on his face as he was lowered back down, their torsos coming into contact at the bottom of the movement. John held Tom's weight for a moment before pushing back up. "Two." John shifted his weight slightly and brought his arms back down - with them came Tom and once again their chests rested against each other...and this time Tom's crotch rested against John's. If he had to guess, he'd say his bulge was resting against or right under the waistband of John's underwear. He kept a straight face, somehow, as John's own tent nudged into his balls. Before he could think about anything, he was up again. "Three." The two men maintained eye contact, not acknowledging the situation as Tom's body kept lowering and raising...and each time, their two bulges rubbed together. Sometimes it was just a brushing and a couple of times it was one rigid member bumping into the other. When that happened, Tom tended to blink, holding his eyes closed for just a second to enjoy the moment. "Ten. Um...".

John raised an eyebrow, waiting for Tom to finish his sentence. "Hmm?" he hummed questioningly.

"So...is it more of a workout when you have me...when you have your partner up or down?" Tom struggled to maintain a sense of this being a normal conversation.

"Probably when you're on the bottom of it." John couldn't even try to hide the grin as Tom blinked in response to the small joke. "Right here, because it's harder..." He brought Tom's body down to his own, his cock flexing in its cotton confinement, pushing against Tom's bulge. "...to hold it with your arms bent like this." He bounced Tom up an inch before lowering him back down - the movement caused his chest muscles to flex and Tom involuntarily glanced down to observe the manly chest.

Looking back up, a wicked glint crossed his eyes. "So...would it be more of a workout if you held this position then? With me on the bottom?" He very slightly swung his hips...maybe not even half a centimeter, but enough that John felt Tom's manhood press against him.

"You know, that's not a bad idea. Count to ten." He held Tom in position as the other man counted, chests and groins pressed together. Lifting Tom back up, he paused to rest a second and let out a big breath before lowering the smaller man back down. Around the fifteenth press, the extra exertion was taking its toll - his arms shook a little trying to hold Tom in place...and the movement caused their cocks to rub a little, only increasing the stress on John's body as he sought to maintain the workout. He actually was relieved when Tom said the word "twenty," since it meant that his arms could finally rest. Bringing the other man down, he let go and allowed his hands to fall to the floor with a well-deserved rest. Tom's head came down against his chest and stayed there, reluctant to move. He could feel John's pecs rising up against his cheek as he caught his breath, the light fur brushing against his cheek. Their bodies mashed together, John's hard cock was wedged up under his balls, throbbing in between his legs. It took all of his will power not to moan and grind his hips; instead, he rolled over to the side, laying face up on the ground next to his friend.

After a half minute, John had a chance to rest; rolling over, he moved into a plank position above Tom. 'Fuck...' Tom thought, wanting to raise his legs and wrap them around the big muscular man above. "Ready?"

"I guess. Aww fuck - you weigh more than I do."

"Do your best - we'll see what you've got in ya. Probably a good idea for you not to do the holding the bottom part." John winked, teeth flashing in a grin; he only received a determined grunt in response as Tom wrapped his hand over John's bicep. Sticking that arm all the way out, John waited until Tom had palmed his other arm before matching the move again.

"Now who's the dumbbell?" Tom laughed as John once again rolled his eyes. Lowering the bigger man, Tom's playful nature dissipated as the workout set in. John's 200-lb weight was very noticeable as Tom pumped his arms up and down. It was made harder by the feel of their bodies touching from chest to thigh, creating a distraction.


"Argh!" Tom's arms had been shaking as he lowered John's body back down - the weight was too much and he gave out, causing the other man's body to come down fully against his own, pinning him to the ground. The motion of John tilting his shoulders and head upward in order to look at him meant that everything further south was pressed even harder together...and down below, it was very hard.

"C'mon, you can do it."

"Man, you are heavy!". Instead of sympathy, John just rolled his eyes.

"Thought you wanted to work on this?" Bringing a hand over, he patted Tom's chest muscle. "Not going to get big and strong without a little effort."

Tom's laughter rocked his body underneath. "Yeah, but you're not little. You're heavy as fuck."

"Are you calling me fat?"


"You just called me fat." John blinked with feigned shock.

"No I di...hey, ha!" Tom descended into laughter as John's hand slid down, his fingers dancing against Tom's ribs as he began getting tickled. "Sto...ha! Stop, I'm ticklish!"

"No shit. You going to try knocking out the rest of the set or do I have to keep this up?"

"Fi...fine! Ha! Okay, okay!" Tom took hold of John's arms that were out to the side again and pushed up, grunting. The exertion worked in his favor - with each movement down, it seemed like John pushed his hips down like Tom had. By number thirteen, Tom's grunts were both from the effort of the workout and from pleasure of their hard cocks grinding together. He tried to copy John's exercise to a degree by holding him at the bottom of the press for just a moment, really just because he relished their bodies touching before lifting the other man up.

"Fourteen." Tom brought John back down and once again went limp, causing John's weight to pin him down...and he was not complaining. His chest rose and fell with heavy breath, trying to recover from the press exercise...and the result was John's body shifting against his own. "Tommy." John laughed as Tom's nose wrinkled up at the nickname. "Tommy...you have like five more. You can do it."

"Argh, you're so big. Fuck me, mate, you're heavy."

"C'mon. No pain no gain." John's fingers brushed along Tom's side with a warning shot of tickles to come. His arms were quickly gripped again as Tom pushed up to avoid the torture. "There you go - fifteen. Sixteen. Seventeen. Eighteen." Tom's arms were quaking as he brought them back down...and once again he gave up, dropping them to the floor.

John's fingers found their way to his ribs, running up and down. "Ah, no, I ha! I can't. Ha!! No more." Tom wiggled underneath, trying to dodge the tickling but there was nowhere to go. The only result of his efforts was that their bodies were rubbing against each other.

"C'mon, it's just two more. You can do it." John's body shifted as well, ensuring that Tom stayed pinned underneath.

"I can't - ha! Ah, I can't take it." Tom moved around - his torso was wiggling to move away from John's fingers while he bumped his hips up trying to knock the man over. John pushed down with his thighs to pin him in place, jamming their crotches together. Instead of knocking John off, all Tom's attempt was doing was humping against the rock hard cock pressed against his own. His moans weren't just from the tickling anymore.

He managed to slide a little further to the side, making it an awkward reach for John to tickle him. "Ha!" he crowed in slight victory, grinning.

"There's more targets than just your side." John's hand moved south and grazed Tom's the outer part of Tom's thigh. The leg lifted, trying to shield the flesh from being playfully assaulted. "Ahh...see, found it." John's fingers curled, dancing along the back of Tom's leg down toward his knee. His efforts were met with a squeal of laughter which revealed that Tom had surrendered one ticklish spot for an even more sensitive area. The room filled with laughter as Tom rocked his body again, his leg bending up and down to try and evade John's playful touch. One particular flick of the finger caused Tom's leg to kick up higher, coming back down to rest on John's back. It was an accidental move but one that left his thigh exposed; John's fingers skidded down the length of Tom's thigh from his knee towards the hem of his briefs, playing with the lower part of his butt that wasn't covered in red cotton.

"Ha...ah...oh." Tom's sounds were half laughter and half moan as finger tips brushed and flittered from left to right and back again, diving closer in on the second pass. "Ha! Ohh...mmmm."

"Did we find another ticklish spot?" John grinned, his face just a couple of inches away from Tom's, their chests heaving together with heavy breath. He could feel Tom's foot flexing against his back, curling with pleasure. His finger slid along the hem of Tom's briefs, twisting up and following it where leg met groin.


His finger played along the edge of the fabric, pressing lightly against the bottom of Tom's balls. "Yeah, you're ticklish here?"


His fingernail tugged at the material, lifting it slightly away from Tom's skin. "Kinda?" His hips dropped a little, grinding their crotches again.


A fingertip trailed down in the gap between cotton and flesh, feeling the heat of Tom's groin radiating against his hand. "That's funny..." Tom's eyes met his own. "...'cause you're not laughing any more...". His fingertip just slightly brushed Tom's sack, eliciting a small moaning intake of breath. "...and you're not wiggling around any more...". Again, his crotch pressed down, mashing against Tom's hard member. The small moan turned into a shuddering groan, Tom's teeth appearing as he bit lightly into his lower lip.

Hands raised up to hold John's sides as Tom wriggled underneath, grinding the muscles of his body up against John's. "Better?" His brown eyes lit up with lust.

John gave a little growl of pleasure in response. "Mmmm." Tom gazed into John's eyes, their faces nearly touching. John's breath hit his lips as he spoke, returning Tom's question. "Better?" His finger slid upward under the briefs, almost-but-not-touching Tom's cock as it traced upward through his crotch; on the way back down, it came even closer before hooking under his balls.

"Ahh...." Tom's mouth opened slightly as he moaned. Breath was replaced by skin as John's lips closed the very small gap and met Tom's, both men giving out a little groan of pleasure as they finally dropped the charade.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

To Be Continued ;)

Thanks for reading. If you enjoyed the story, have feedback, or want to share ideas, it would be great to hear from you. red.cheshire@yahoo.com

Find me on Instagram @redcheshire

If you're interested in other stories I've written:

"Suckered by a Jonas Brother" (sexual adventures of Nick & Joe Jonas) https://www.nifty.org/nifty/gay/celebrity/suckered-by-a-jonas-brother/

"More Than Once Upon A Time" series (series based on the "Once Upon A Time" television series) http://www.nifty.org/nifty/gay/celebrity/more-than-once-upon-a-time/

"On The Set of Neighbors" (Zac Efron & Dave Franco have fun - based on the 2014 films "Neighbors" and "Neighbors 2") http://www.nifty.org/nifty/gay/celebrity/on-the-set-of-neighbors

"Exploring Kirk's Frontiers" (based on the 2009 "Star Trek" universe) https://www.nifty.org/nifty/gay/celebrity/exploring-kirks-frontiers

"The College Bet" http://www.nifty.org/nifty/gay/college/the-college-bet

Next: Chapter 7

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