Holland Far from Bone

By Patrick Thomas

Published on Jan 21, 2020


This is a fictional story in which sexual activity between consenting adult males is depicted; it is no way based on true events or the sexuality of any of the persons mentioned. If you are underage or it is otherwise illegal to read this story where you live, please stop reading now.

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Author's Note: Finishing this chapter took longer than expected. Thanks for being patient.

There are a lot of story ideas sketched out for Tom; however, feedback is always welcome and appreciated.

---------------------------------------------------------- Holland Far From Bone - 04 - Farm Work is Hard Work ----------------------------------------------------------

Story Note: the events depicted in this story take place around March of 2019.

Chris stretched and yawned, waking up early before the alarm clock went off which was surprising considering the previous night's adventures with beer and pot. Scratching his chest, his cock began to plump up as memories from the evening played through his mind: standing between Tom's legs in the hot tub and then the younger man standing between his legs...and then hugging in the kitchen dressed only in their underwear, hard crotches pressed together. He shook his head and sat up - time to get up and tend to the animals, especially since the farmhands had left yesterday afternoon. Throwing back the sheets, he climbed out of bed and stepped into the hallway, pulling on a t-shirt as he descended the stairs into the kitchen. A short time later, a pot of coffee was brewed and he'd finished making breakfast. Setting the plates on the table, he glanced at the clock to check the time; so far, Tom had been awake and downstairs by the time breakfast was ready each day. The corners of Chris' mouth tugged down worryingly - he hoped that a line hadn't been crossed in the hot tub or the kitchen, upsetting his friend. A little nervous, he made his way back up the stairs and took a moment to ready himself, staring at the slightly open door of Tom's room.

He stepped inside and opened his mouth to speak...but no words came out as he froze in his tracks. Tom was still asleep, completely dead to the world. One arm lay across his chest and the other one was pushed up under the pillow behind his head. He must have gotten too warm in his sleep because the sheets were tossed back, only covering up one leg. Chris' gaze travelled up the length of the limb that was sticking out of the covers until his eyes rested on the other man's waist. With the sheets only covering up his right leg, the rest of Tom's body was on display. The only thing he was wearing was a pair of red briefs...and those were barely doing their job of concealing his body. The waistband was pushed down, a remnant of Tom sticking his hands down inside his underwear to play with his dick while thinking about Chris after coming back to bed. After he'd dozed off, his hand had made its way elsewhere but the result was that his underwear was pushed down further than he'd normally wear them. Neatly trimmed brown hair framed the top of the waistband which was riding just above the base of his cock...which seemed like it was trying to bust free. Whether it was a nice dream or morning wood, Tom's dick was rock hard and straining against the red fabric, a hard rod pointing towards his hip, the bulge visibly throbbing in time with his heartbeat. Chris swallowed, quietly stepping closer, taking in the sight. `God damn,' he thought. He couldn't tell if he could actually see part of Tom's shaft or if that was just wishful thinking. A couple of minutes passed before Chris made his next move; as riveting as the sight was, he didn't want Tom to wake up to find Chris standing over him, staring. Gently taking the corner of the sheet between his fingers, he pulled it up, covering Tom's body with care and not disturb his slumber. Once the lad was decently covered, he moved his hand up and tapped Tom on the shoulder. "Hey, sleeping beauty..."

Tom's head slowly shifted left and right, his eyes finally opening as he woke up. "What time is it?"

"Time to wake up. Breakfast is already made. Were you planning on getting out of bed today, or waiting until tomorrow?"

Rubbing his eyes, Tom's nose scrunched up as he stuck his tongue out. "Sorry, I don't wake up as early as old people. Hey!" Chris thumped his knuckles against Tom's forehead, eliciting a laugh out of his co-star. "Alright, I'm getting up." He was about to pull back the covers, but then became aware of his throbbing morning wood. "Um...I'll be down in a minute. Need to use the restroom real quick."

Chris smirked - Tom was so bad at lying. "Don't take too long. See you downstairs." Leaving the room, he made his way back to the kitchen.

Tom got out of bed and was in the middle of pulling on a shirt when he paused. Was Chris hard when he left? Or was that wishful thinking on Tom's part? Did the buttonfly just make it look that way? Hell, Chris had a big enough bulge when he was soft. Damn, this wasn't helping his own hard-on at all. Shaking his head, he finished pulling on his shirt and ducked into the bathroom, brushing his teeth and splashing some water on his face. At the top of the stairs, his lips curled into a mischievous grin - returning to his room he swapped out the t-shirt for a tight-fitting sleeveless workout shirt and then gave the waistband of his briefs a tug, lowering them down just a little. He remembered pushing the boundaries with Chris last night and wanted to keep tapping that line to see where it might go.

"Glad you could...finally make it." There was a brief pause when Chris noticed Tom's little undies display, the lapse barely noticeable. "We need to get a move on and feed the animals - they can't feed themselves."

"Oh shit, sorry." The pair wolfed down their breakfast. As they were cleaning up, Tom thought he caught Chris glancing over...and was the bulge in his grey trunks bigger than when they'd started clearing the table? Before he could get a good look, it was time to finish getting dressed, hop in the golf cart and they were making their way to the first pen.

Same as the previous days, they fed and tended to the chickens first. Cleaning up the pen a little, Chris took quick peeks at Tom's body; the tight-fitting shirt hugged the muscles of his slim, toned body and the lack of sleeves showed off his arms nicely. Meanwhile, Tom was catching his own looks at Chris, admiring the way the blue cotton stretched across his broad chest and arms, his happy trail showing whenever he had to reach up. Next stop was the pigs, with Tom taking the lead on their feeding and light cleaning, making sure their water was clean. As he lifted a bag of feed, he groaned and lowered the bag. "You okay, kiddo?"

Tom's face was screwed into a slight grimace that eased a moment after lowering the bag. "Yeah, just think I overdid it yesterday. Back is kinda hurting a little." Taking hold of the bag, he lifted it again, slower and easier this time, setting it on the shelf with a grunt. Chris watched, concerned.

"Okay, let me know if it hurts too bad - don't want to overdo it. When we get back to the house, might have you lie down on the table and massage it out."

"Yessir." Tom cracked a joke and stuck his tongue out, masking the intrigue at the idea of Chris rubbing his hands over his backside. Finishing up with the pigs, they were back in the cart and on their way to the sheep pen. An idea kindled in Tom's mind to test the waters with Chris. Pulling at the bottom of his shirt, he peeled it up and off, tucking it into his lap. He grinned, part of his face obscured by sunglasses, as Chris glanced over with curiosity. "Working on my tan."

"Ha - okay, good luck with that." Arriving at the last stop, Chris hit a button on the remote and the gate slid open and they drove through, the gate closing behind them. Pulling up near the flock, he parked before getting too close, not wanting to spook them. Once he'd stepped out of the cart, he mirrored Tom's actions and peeled off his own shirt, dropping it on the hood of the cart. He smirked at the younger man, "Don't want to get too pale either." They took care of the sheep, Chris smiling warmly as he watched Tom's gentle treatment of the animals - he really took to the sheep, especially the lambs, in a way that was cute as hell to watch. "Alright sport, time to head ba...oh shit!"

Alarmed by the surprised expression on Chris' face, Tom turned to see what had gotten his friend's attention...and then began running. The morning's weather was more windy than the previous days, and a gust had picked up Tom's discarded shirt from where he'd dropped it on the cart. He chased after it, the light material lifting easily with the wind, a spot of grey rolling across the field in little hops. As he closed the distance with only a few feet between him and his shirt, Tom groaned as a large gust of wind hit, picking up the shirt and flinging it into the pond. "Fuuuuuuck." A noise behind him caused him to look back, catching Chris with his hand clamped over his mouth, trying hard not to laugh. "It's not funny." Turning to watch his shirt floating on the surface of the water, he glanced back again when Chris gave up and started laughing out loud. "Dude, it's not funny. Ugh..." With an exasperated sigh, he waded into the water. The pond's drop off was sharper than he imagined - several paces into the water and it was up to his waist. Grabbing his shirt, he twisted it, wringing as much water out of it as he could; throwing it over his shoulder, he began making his way back to land...and then stopped, his jaw dropping a little in surprise before breaking out into a laugh of his own. Chris was racing this way, chasing his own shirt as the wind flung it towards the lake as well. Again, the space between was too far and the wind strong enough that the big beefy man was left standing at the water's edge, hands on his hips, frustrated as he watched his shirt floating in the pond.

"Um, sport...you mind giving me a hand?"

"After you laughed at me? Hmpf." Tom stood there, knee-deep in the water, not moving towards the edge of the pond or in the other direction where Chris' shirt lay.

Glowering, Chris stepped into the water, lip curling up as the cold water met his skin. Between his taller height and not having to wade out nearly as far, the water only came halfway up thighs, leaving him thankful that his crotch stayed dry and warm. The pair made their way back to land, laughing at each other and the situation. Climbing back in the cart, they made their way across the farm and back to the house.

Pulling into the garage, Chris got out of the cart but headed away from the door that led inside the house; instead, he made his way to a cabinet where he pulled out two towels and a small box. Walking past the cart, he stepped out of the garage and stood in the driveway, waving for Tom to follow. Tom moved out into the driveway and watched as Chris punched in a code on a small keypad, lowering the garage door. "What about the mudroom?"

Chris was walking around the corner of the house, headed for the backyard. "Not using it today."

"We're not?" Tom jogged a little to catch up, eyebrows furrowed with confusion. "But we're covered in mud. We can't just walk in the house like this."

"Nope." Chris tossed the two towels over the back porch railing, opening the small box and tossing it onto the back porch. "Sure can't."

"I don't understand...how are we getting into the house if we're not using the mudroom?"

The older man held up his hand, revealing a bar of soap. Placing it on a metal tray between the two vertical pipes of the outdoor shower, he leaned down and picked up a shoe, tossing it onto the back porch. "With that little trip into the pond, we're way too wet and muddy to set foot in the house." Peeling off a sock, it sailed through the air, landing next to the discarded shoe. Tom looked at Chris' feet - the mud and water from the pond covered it, dirt caked between his toes. A finger pointed at his own shoes. "Yours are the same. Pond water isn't like river water. Rivers and creeks keep moving, so the whole system kinda cleans itself. Ponds sit still though, so crud gathers at the bottom. When you walk, it disturbs the crud - and that, along with anything floating in the water, gets in your shoes, up your legs, anywhere the water touches." The other shoe and sock joined their partners on the wooden deck. "So, we're half covered in muddy gunky water. Even if we use the mudroom, we'd wind up tracking crap all over the floors. That's one reason the shower is out here."

Tom blinked, both at the understanding of Chris' explanation and realizing that this meant that they were about to strip down...in front of each other...outside in the open. Eyes wide open, he took a big nervous swallow, looking around at the surrounding hillsides. "Out here, in the open, where anyone can see?" The last couple of words came out in a squeak.

"Out here, in the open, where pretty much the chickens miiiight be able to see you, but that's about it. There's no one for miles and miles...the guys are all gone for the weekend. It's just us, the chickens, pigs, and sheep. The animals are too far away to peek at you...and neither of us has anything the other one hasn't seen before." By the time he was finished speaking, Chris had unzipped his pants and tossed those on the porch as well, down to his underwear. His legs were wet and muddy up to a few inches below the groin, the hair on his legs matted with water and mud. Turning his back to give his friend some privacy, he peeled off his boxer-briefs and sent those flying on to the top of the clothing pile and then took his time turning on the showerheads, adjusting the temperature of water for both. Behind, he could hear the sound of shuffling and then the distinct noise of a zipper being pulled down, followed by more shuffling. Soft footsteps padded forward as Tom quickly made his way past the small wooden platform, placing his clothes in a stack at the edge of the porch before sliding under the water, his hands dropped down to waist-level in an attempt to cover his crotch.

Chris glanced sideways, taking in the beautiful sight of Tom's form. The lad's jaw was a little clenched, a nervous look etched into his features. He placed a hand on the other man's shoulder. "Tom, you've been to a gym with open showers before?"

"Yeah, just been awhile. Not since signing up with Marvel, since, well, you know how you have to be on guard for people...and cameras..."

"Well, this is just like that. And I promise you, there's not a soul around, let alone one with a camera. How often do you think I use this?' He lifted his hand, waving at the shower setup and then set it back on Tom's shoulder.

"Um...pretty often?"

"Yeah. And have you seen any naked pics surface online?"

A small grin warmed Tom's face. "Not any that are real, no."

Chris processed the response, which indicated that Tom had seen fake nudes of Chris online before... and that wasn't the kind of thing you just stumble across by accident. He kept his face pleasantly neutral, not revealing that Tom had accidentally given up a bit of info on his web browsing habits. "There ya go then. We'll shower up, head inside, get dressed, and find a video game or movie or something. Maybe a puzzle if the other options are too much excitement for you." Winking, he patted Tom on the shoulder and stepped back under the water of his own shower head. Tom stared as the water cascaded over the large muscles, the mud and dirt quickly rinsing away, Chris' beefy ass on full display. Gulping, he followed suit and stepped under his own shower head, closing his eyes as the water flowed down his scalp and over his face, covering his body from head to toe, the warm water cleaning off the grime from the pond. Leaning back, he lifted his hands up to his head and brought them backward, pulling his wavy hair back as he shook the water from his face. A squelching noise caused him to glance over, seeing that Chris had started soaping up, white lather already covering his broad chest and arms. As his hand moved down to clean his crotch, Chris felt eyes upon him and looked over to see a funny grin on Tom's face. "Something amusing, spud?"

Tom's head shook for a moment, nose wrinkled up at the latest little nickname. The gears of his mind whirred to think up something on the spot. "It's just a little bit funny - you definitely looked like that scene from the first Guardians movie, the grumpy shirtless one, back when you were in the pond." A small chuckle rolled out as he recalled the sight of the shirts being tossed by the wind, as well as the reference to the previous day's conversation.

"Har har, yeah, it was funny." His eyes rolled in jest while he worked the soap down his legs. "Guess that's not too far off." He broke into a grin. "Although if we're comparing movie costumes, then yeah, I look more like mine. You're missing the spandex and the...what was it, a magic jockstrap?" He winked, working the soap down his other leg. Straightening up, he handed the soap to Tom, who still had his hands over his bits. Reaching for the soap resulted in less coverage, and his manhood bobbed forward a little, not hard but definitely chubbed up. Realizing that it was obvious, his face turned red. "Nothing to be embarrassed about - it happens. Hell, it's a farm - nature can kinda get to you a little sometimes." Chris' reassuring tone helped made Tom feel a little more at ease. A quick glance down and he realized that Chris was also about a quarter hard as well, his cock looking heavy as it angled slightly up and away from his balls, bouncing a little as the water struck it. Looking away, he tried to keep his mind clear and began soaping up...and then the random thought that this bar of soap had just been all over Chris Pratt's naked body, including all up in his cock and balls. He couldn't unthink the thought once it was in his head; a jolt went right down his spine and into his crotch, which began filling out quickly and within seconds he was completely stiff, the head of his cock waving up towards his face. He turned his body away slightly in an attempt to hide his erection, or at least not make it too obvious. To his left, he could hear the splash of Chris rinsing the suds off of his body; the mental image did nothing to help his engorged state. Giving up on maintaining any real modesty, he bent over to begin scrubbing his feet and legs; he figured that the position might do something to help hide his crotch.

Chris stared - his friend's ass was unintentionally on display due his leaning forward to wash his legs. Already chubbed up, Chris' meat quickly filled out to its full length of over seven inches. His hand moved of its own accord and began lightly tugging on his dick, enjoying watching Tom's body shift as he worked the soap up his body, his slim muscles lightly flexing with the movements and the water flowing down over his smooth skin. He came to his senses and pulled his hand away as Tom stood up, aware that the young man might turn his head at any moment. Instead, Tom looked up at mountains as he lathered his chest and arms. Reaching up to soap his shoulders, his back clenched and his head jerked down a little, the sound of a grunt audible over the sound of the two showers running. He reached upward again, more slowly, but quickly pulled his hand back down.

"You okay, bud?"

"Yeah...it's...ah, it's my back. Just can't...mmmpfh." He grunted again as he tried and failed to bring the soap to his shoulders a third time.

"Here, let me see the soap."

"Huh? Oh, you don't have to..." Tom's words trailed off as Chris plucked the white square out of his hand...and at catching a glimpse of the tall hunky nude form again. He couldn't tell if it was his imagination or if Chris' cock had gotten bigger.

"It's nothing. Happens on occasion - farm work is tough and you're bound to pull a muscle. Hell, part of the training for farm hands is how to work out knots or pulled muscles when one of the other guys pushes themselves too hard."

Tom stared forward, trying to think of math problems but unable to conjure up any numbers as he felt Chris' big hand running over his shoulders, fully aware that the man was naked and only a few inches away. "Wait...how often do you guys get hurt out here? You made it sound like a vacation..." The tone of his voice was amusement but still with a bit of nervousness.

A large laugh erupted from behind. "Well, I mean...it's relaxing, but it's also hard work and shit happens. Had to work a bad knot out of Andrew's back the other day and he knocked out a sore spot in my leg the time before that. Farm work takes its toll on you." Tom swallowed, imagining the farmhand and Chris rubbing their hands on each other's bodies. Fuck - he tried recalling old script lines or poems instead of math problems but didn't have much more success in distracting himself. The mental image of the Chris and Andrew, combined with the movement of Chris' hand in the middle of his back had his cock throbbing.

"You ready for next month's big premiere?" Thick fingers ran out from Tom's spine along his ribs, working the muscles right under his shoulder blades to try and ease the knot there.

"Hell yeah - the last one was a lot of fun. The whole thing was crazy and big and there were so many people!" Chris smiled, remembering the party and enjoying Tom's enthusiasm; it was also nice to see him relax a little.

"Did you get a chance to hit any of the parties afterward?"

A shake of the wet brown curls. "Not really..." Tom's voice trailed off. "Um, did you?"

"Yes and no." His hands were working the flesh of Tom's mid-back; the mini massage felt good and Tom found himself working not to moan in response. "Went to one for a little but those things get a little loud for my taste. Went back to the hotel and got some sleep. Well, tried to anyway."

"Tried to...?" Tom kept his response short, afraid of what unintentional noise might come out.

"Yeah. Started dozing off but the people in the room next door was really loud - a lot of shouting, throwing things around."

"Oh hell, were they fighting or something?"

"Mmm, or something." Chris' hand was down at the base of Tom's back, right above the point where his back curved back up to form his rear end. His thumbs spread out, away from Tom's spine, kneading the skin and muscle. "Went on for awhile. Saw the guy in the hallway the next morning and talked about it."

"Oh crap - what did he say?"

Chris paused for a moment, watching his hands glide along Tom's lower back as he thought about his next words. Placing his thumb on Tom's spine, he pressed and slid it downward, giving it a good rub. "Well, Chadwick apologized..." He felt the muscles of Tom's back tense up as the words sank in and the younger man realized Chris' reference. "He said next time he'd try to keep it down. Told him not to worry - it was pretty entertaining to listen to." Tom sensed Chris' presence shift closer, their bodies just inches apart. "Who would have thought that our little Tom could get so loud? Or mouthy?" His thumb grazed the very top of Tom's crack, up and down like the night before. "Kiddo gets creative when he's pressed up against the wall, hmm?" His middle finger replaced his thumb and began to glide south, pressing down into Tom's crevice. "Gave up on sleeping and just listened to the two of you going at it." The tip of his finger reached Tom's hole, eliciting a small moan; rubbing lightly up and down, he brought his body even closer, his lips near Tom's ear. "It was the hottest damn thing to hear." His other hand came around and rested against Tom's soap-covered chest, massaging his pecs. "Wound up shucking off the underwear I was wearing and layed there.." His hand slid down, tracing over Tom's abs. "...started working it at the same rhythm, in time with you guys." His fingers kept moving down, wrapping around the base of Tom's very hard cock, feeling it jerk in his hand; at the same time, he applied pressure with his soap-covered finger, inserting his digit in to the first knuckle. Tom's knees buckled for a moment, slightly overwhelmed at a fantasy coming to life. It felt like Chris was all over his body - a hand beginning to slightly tug on his dick, a finger working its way inside his ass, lips and teeth nibbling at his ear, and that was definitely a thick hard cock brushing against his rear.

"So while we were..."


"You were..."

"Hmm?" Chris hummed in a questioning tone, wanting to hear Tom say the words.

"You were...jerking...along..." His words came out in halting breaths, a reaction to the big broad hand running up and down his shaft and the thick finger running its full length in and out of his entrance.

"Mmhmm... same pace as you guys... right up to the end." Gathering up some more soap, a second finger began pressing inside, stretching the tight hole, causing Tom to gasp a little. "The shit coming out of your mouth...fucking hot." Picking up the pace, Chris' second finger found its way inside, his knuckles wedged against Tom's ass, twisting a bit to open the kid up. His engorged cock was rubbing against the firm cheeks, his intentions clear as day. Tom opened his eyes and stared at the blue sky, rolling his head back to give the taller man full access to attack his neck with his tongue. As the wet pink flesh explored that area, a third finger worked its way into his ass, causing him to groan with pleasure and anticipation. "All the way up to the end...came at the same time as you and Chad."


"Shot all over myself. Kinda like you did before coming down to the kitchen last night."

"Unnggghhhh..." Tom moaned loudly, both at the memory and the sensations roiling his body. Chris withdrew his fingers and pulled Tom up against his body, stroking the younger man's length as he wedged his own hard cock into the crack of Tom's ass, rolling his hips slightly to rub up and down, teasing the both of them.

"You good...?"

"Am I...huh?"

"Are you okay with this?" He felt Tom's head shake left and right, his back rippling with a small chuckle.

"Seriously? Am I okay with my big stud co-worker...ohhh...and this? Hell yessss..." His last word trailed off as he felt the thick cock head flex against his hole. And then he felt the other man begin to laugh, his chest bouncing against Tom's shoulder blades.

"Son, do you even know what a `stud' is?"

Tom's eyebrows knitted in a mix of confusion and frustration. Were they were really going to have a trivia session instead of getting it on? "Yeah, it's a big hot guy. Like you."

The broad hand gripped the base of his dick, using it as a handle to pull Tom's hips back, pulling him back against Chris' pole. Teeth lightly nibbled at his ear. "Not on a farm." The throbbing rod ground against his rear. "On a farm, it's a breeding animal." The words growled against Tom's ear.


"Is that what you want?" The voice was rolling against his head, shooting down his spine and into his nether regions, lighting them up with lust. "You want me to breed you Tom?"


"Yes what?"

A sharp exhale and Tom took the initiative, pushing his hips back to wiggle against the rigid member. "Yes, please. Yes, Chris. Yes, sir. Yes, whatever. Just fuck me and breed me, please...Chris, I need it..." His voice had a little bit of a whine to it, his tone full of desire.

"You need this, kiddo?" He ran his knob up and down, teasing the younger man. Eager for the teasing to be done and to feel Chris ramming his insides, Tom decided to push Chris' buttons. He said he'd gotten hot hearing Tom talking dirty through the wall? Tom let loose.

"Yeah, I need it. I want it. I need your big daddy stud dick inside me, fuck my brains out until you cum...deep inside of me. Fucking breed my hole." It worked, the larger man growling as he pushed forward, burying the first couple of inches inside. Both men moaned loudly, glad to finally taking this next step. Tom couldn't count the number of times he'd jerked off, imagining Chris' cock inside...and Chris was feeling the tight warm confines of Tom's rear squeezing around his manhood. Resisting the urge to bury himself to the hilt, he scooped up some more soap suds and lathered his shaft, using it as lube to sink a couple more inches inside. Pulling back, he continued working back and forth, until his hips were pressed into Tom's globes. The other man groaned the entire time, realizing that each inch of Chris' cock was thicker than the last, wonderfully stretching his tight hole more and more as it sank inside. One broad hand was clasped to Tom's chest, pinning him against Chris' body; the other played with his cock, stroking it and using it for leverage as Chris began thrusting, working his length in and out, the two men moaning as they began fucking out in the open, finally enjoying each other's flesh.

Reaching forward, Tom turned the shower knob to end the flow of water, allowing him to grasp his hands on the wooden post, bracing himself as Chris' thrusts picked up speed and intensity. Strong hands slid down and held his hips in place as the tall muscular man began pounding his hole. "God yeah, fuck that big stud cock into me." The hands kept moving, caressing his torso front and back, Chris finally getting to explore Tom's body like it was a personal playground.

"Yeah babe, damn Chad was right...you are so...fucking...tight."

Head turned to take a look back at Chris, Tom grinned. "Yeah, you like that?"

"Fuck yeah." He slowly slid his length in and out, his face showing the pleasure he was feeling from Tom's hole. "He said it was amazing. He wasn't lying." The pair moaned as he slowly long-dicked his friend; Chris enjoying the snug confines of Tom's insides and Tom relishing the way Chris' tool felt - the increasing thickness of the shaft towards the base stretched his hole even as the head hit spots deep inside. "He also said..." The large hands slid down to Tom's waist again, getting a firm grip. "...that your hot little ass could take quite the pounding." His hips thrust forward, ramming his entire length inside, making a firm clapping sound as his body slammed into Tom's. The smaller man's hands gripped the pole and his head lowered, hanging down with his mouth open, gasping as Chris began giving his ass a workout.

Tom's legs began to shake a little, prompting Chris to let up his thrusts. Hands gliding up Tom's slim frame, he pulled him up and back, bringing their torsos back together, planting gentle but insistent kisses along his neck. His hands pawed up and down Tom's body, enjoying the chance to explore the slim musculature while grinding his crotch into the firm rear. Catching Tom's mouth, his tongue ran around the pair of lips before slowly sliding inside, their tongues exploring the feel and taste of each other. Breaking the kiss, Chris' mouth probed the edge of Tom's ear, bringing a moan and a shudder that went down his spine to his ass, clenching Chris' cock. "You still want to see how a farm stud fucks?"

"Mmm....yeah." Tom's little moan became a groan as he felt Chris pull out...his insides felt a little emptier after having the thick meat buried inside. He watched as Chris leaned over to turn off the other shower and then pointed to an area of the yard several feet away.

"Head over there." A swat on his rear got him moving. Chris disappeared inside the house and came back out, a small plastic bottle in his hand. His arms wrapped around Tom, their mouths coming together again. Their tongues wrestled as their hard dicks ground against each other. Now it was Tom's turn to pull his mouth away, planting his lips back onto Chris' chest, able to openly explore the broad expanse. Instead of pretending to talk while his lips played along Chris' chest, his mouth was open, his tongue running in long strokes over the big pec. When his mouth hit Chris' nipple, he felt fingers dig into his hair; he latched his mouth onto the nub and went to town, getting growls and moans in response, feeling Chris' jutting manhood poke at his groin. He went to move down but was stopped by the hand holding his head; Chris wanted to get back inside Tom's body, but not through his mouth; there'd be time for that later. Using his hands to turn the smaller man's body around, facing away, he swatted his rear again. "Down on all fours."

Dropping to his hands and knees, Tom looked back to see Chris lubing up his cock. He watched, finally getting a good look at the pipe that had been working his insides. His own dick was about 7 inches and this looked a little longer than that. A cut head sat at the end of a shaft that as his eyes travelled down the length he saw that the shaft got thicker...and thicker, all the way down to the base. No wonder his ring was getting that awesome stretched sensation as Chris worked his way inside; it twitched a little in anticipation of being penetrated again. Tossing the bottle to the ground, Chris dropped down to his knees behind Tom, running his hand appreciatively over the hot rump. He gave it another firm smack. "You ready?"

"Yessir - show me what a farm breeding program looks like." Before he could chuckle at his own comment, the air was knocked out of his lungs as Chris plunged back inside, his balls smacking into Tom's cheeks. His fingers splayed out in the grass, his head hanging down moaning as the large tool went to work on his ass. It wasn't necessarily a rough fuck, but it was one that meant business as Chris began pounding him again, large hands holding his hips. Looking back again, he saw a determined expression on his friend's face, eyebrows furrowed and his lips pressed together, staring down at Tom's ass.

For Chris, it was a venting of bottled up sexual frustration. He'd been wanting to tear the kid's clothes off all weekend...hell, if he was being honest, he'd been wanting to get Tom naked since the day they met. But the little teasing moments the last couple of days had his balls boiling and he intended to release them inside this hot piece of ass. "How do you like that `stud cock' now?" Tom's response was to lower his shoulders down a little, raising his ass and pushing it back against Chris' groin, giving a slight wiggle as he squeezed his ass a few times. Chris growled - he loved the kid to pieces but he wanted to fuck the smirk off of his face and own this hole. His fingers dug into Tom's rump as he picked up the pace, noting that the little bottom was pushing back, hungry for his cock.

"I love it...are you still going to breed me...fill me up with farmer cum?"

"God dammit..." The kid knew how to mess with his head; the power and tempo of his thrusts increased. He didn't want to prolong it any longer...he wanted to shoot his load.

"Please, Chris...I've been wanting it all weekend." Tom's voice was half moan, half whine. "Was hoping you'd fuck me in the kitchen...or in the hot tub...or hell, at the hotel anytime this past few weeks..."

The idea that he could have been playing "hide the meat" with Tom the entire time they'd been doing voice work for the film pushed Chris over the edge. Slamming forward, he buried all of his cock inside, grinding his hips forward to try and somehow work even deeper. With a loud moan, his nuts pulled up and his manhood swelled as it exploded, releasing his load deep inside Tom's rear. Pushing with his arms, Tom pressed his hips backward, grinding back against Chris, clenching his ass cheeks, milking the big thick cock inside. Shot after shot splashed his insides; as Chris' orgasm crested, his body finally relaxed. When his fingers came away from Tom, there were long red marks from the firm grip. Catching his breath, he remained plugged inside, sighing every time that Tom's tunnel squeezed him manhood. With a large exhale, he sat back on his feet, his dick finally pulling out of Tom's rear. "Alright son, your turn."

"Huh?" Tom was confused - did Chris want him to top? Chris plopped down on the ground next to Tom, amused at the baffled expression. Grabbing the smaller man, he pulled him over, flipping him in the process so that Tom landed on his back next to Chris. One hand slid up Tom's leg, getting a good feel for the muscles, pulling it up over Chris' body as his hand continued sliding up...two of his fingers disappearing back into Tom's entrance. He moaned as Chris fingered him; and when Chris' digits pressed against his prostate, his hips bucked up into the air, almost causing Chris to lose his grip. His waist kept moving as he shifted his body to face Chris, partly rutting his cock against the beefy hip and mostly riding the thick fingers. The six inch height difference became more apparent to Tom as he was curled up against the taller man, feeling that either he was smaller than he perceived himself or Chris just felt bigger up close. He pawed at the hairy muscular chest, his mouth working against the pec and bicep as Chris worked his hole again. "You like getting your mouth on my chest, don't you, kiddo?"

"Mmm..." he moaned, face pressed against the large muscled mound, lips rubbing into the chest hair. "It's so big."

"My chest?"

"Fuck, everything." Chris' free hand came up and wrapped around the back of his head, pulling him hard against the meaty pec. It wasn't long before his breath was catching. "Chris, I'm gonna..."

He was pushed onto his back again, one hand caressing the back of his neck while the other continued its magic below. Tom's eyes squeezed tight as he began cumming, the streaks of white fluid coursing over his taut body. The first shot hit his chin, grazing up and over his lips; a few landed on his chest, the rest sputtering onto his abs. His hips were up in the air, thighs clenching with every shot. When his balls were finally finished emptying out, his body relaxed, sinking down into the grass. Chris continued rubbing his fingers around inside, massaging Tom's hole, eliciting small moans; he lowered his face and ran his tongue over Tom's neck, tasting his load for the first time, swiping his tongue up and over the other man's chin until their mouths met, their kiss longer and less forceful this time.

Time passed as their kiss continued, deepening with building emotion, no longer in the heat of passion. Letting go, Chris rolled over onto his back, the two men staring up at the big blue sky.

"That was fun." Tom's tone was one of satisfied amusement.

He squinted over at the younger man, trying to look irritated...which was difficult when you'd just shot a load. "Fun?"

Tom's smirk grew into a full beaming smile as he dropped the sarcastic humor. "Okay, more than fun." He curled his body up against Chris, running his fingers through the hair on his chest. "I've actually been wanting it for awhile..."

"Yeah, kinda noticed that last night." Chris' lip curled up in a grin. Tom looked up to meet his eyes, blinking.


"Kiddo, you came down into the kitchen with your underwear barely on and ground up against me. And before that, you basically tried to climb on board the Pratt Train in the hot tub. And don't think I didn't notice your underwear was pulled down this morning at breakfast."

"So why didn't you...we didn't...?" Tom shook his head, confused.

"Booze and especially pot. I'm down for a good time, but didn't want to risk taking advantage of you."

Tom laughed, the sound muffled as his mouth was pressed against Chris' pec. "Dude, I was rubbing my dick up against you. And making out with your chest."

A big hand came up and ruffled his hair. "Yeah, and it still could be considered mixed signals of someone who's not entirely with it."

"Okay, so for future reference, if I'm high, what's the `clear signal'? What if I strip down and get on all fours, begging for it?"

"Well, you mean like today?" He yipped when Tom bit down near his nipple. "Alright. Yeah, that probably would have worked. And now it's not a big deal because..." he waved his hand down their nude entangled bodies. "Speaking of `this', we need a shower. Again."

"We're going to get dirty again later, right?"

Halfway off the ground, Chris reached down and gave Tom a hand to get up. "Hell yeah we are." He gave the young man's rear another swat, sending him in the direction of the shower stand. "We have all weekend, just you and me." He smiled as he sauntered over, imagining what the weekend might have in store.

~ ~ ~

The next morning

Chris woke up, the curtains of the window showing the vestiges of dawn light emerging outside. His chest rose and fell with a large breath, partly from waking up and mostly an exhale of satisfaction. Looking down, a mop of messy brown hair lay nestled up against his chest, the owner's face obscured, his right arm curled around Tom's back. He smiled, enjoying the moment, quietly reflecting on the shift in their friendship...and appreciating the memories they'd made the previous day. After their "farm fuck" (Tom's term for it) in the back yard, they'd rinsed off and made lunch, chatting away as if really nothing out of the ordinary had just happened. There wasn't much to do as far as farm chores on the weekend, so they had more free time and opted for a movie, Tom's choice this time. He'd picked some old mystery movie that was entertaining...but apparently not as entertaining as lounging around in nothing but their underwear. Before long, they'd both become distracted; Chris blamed Tom but in truth he would rather watch Tom's briefs-clad body more than any movie. One moment, Tom was curled up next to Chris on the couch...the next, he was straddling the larger man's lap, the back of his briefs pulled down with Chris' hands massaging his rear. He'd had Tom suck on his finger to get it nice and wet before sliding it back inside, adoring the way that Tom looked when he moaned, his eyebrows stitching together a little, his mouth slightly open, looking at Chris with longing and need. He'd sent Tom upstairs on an errand, returning with a little traveling bag full of different types of lube (he liked to try different things when it was just himself lounging around). Plucking the heated version out first, he'd inserted two fingers back into the younger man, watching his face as his hole warmed up...and then panting in pleasure mixed with discomfort as Tom realized that increased friction caused the lube to warm up even further, creating a small fire in his ass. Chris had switched to the soothing aloe tube, kissing Tom's neck and jaw as he massaged it inside, bringing the temperature of his tunnel back down.

Eager to be filled by more than a finger, Tom had grabbed one of the tubes at random and greased up Chris' pole, setting himself at the tip and sitting down in one motion, his head leaned back as he stretched himself open on the thick member. Taking hold of Chris' shoulders, he'd began riding him, joking that it looked like the farm had a horse after all, laughing both at his own joke and Chris rolling his eyes. As the tempo picked up, the room filled with the scent of strawberries, making them realize which random tube Tom had plucked...prompting some jokes about what was for dessert. Chris wound up balling up Tom's green briefs and wedging them in his mouth to end the jokes, getting a little harder at the sight of the gagged younger man moaning into the fabric, eyes hazy with lust and eyebrows furled with want. Tom came first, spraying all over Chris' torso, rubbing it in with his hands as he continued bouncing up and down. When it became apparent that Chris was getting close, Tom spat the briefs out and leaned down, wrapping his arms around Chris' thick neck and began talking dirty, trying to push him over the edge. Pulling up just enough that the large tool slid out of his hole, Tom sat back down so that the big dick was laying against his crack; licking up Chris' neck, he'd moaned into his ear, begging him to cum on his ass but not wanting to waste a drop of the stud's juices. Chris lost it, shooting all over his friend's ass cheeks, his cock head sliding up and down, wedged in between Tom's firm globes. Chests heaving as they recovered from their orgasmic high, he slid out from under Tom, keeping the smaller man kneeling on the couch cushions as he stood right behind him, scooping up his load with his fingers and pushing it into the tight hole.

"You said you didn't want to waste a drop..." Tom had been moaning at the sensation of the large digits probing his rear, as well as at the mental image playing in his mind of what it must look like from behind as the creamy jizz all disappeared off of his rear, and pushed into it.

"God damn, fuck me daddy..." Tom's head rolled as he moaned in ecstasy. Chris' tongue snaked up his neck, circling around his ear.

"Maybe later, son. Daddy needs a break to recover." His words and his tongue prompted more sounds of pleasure from the smaller man. "Looks like someone has a thing for older guys?"

Tom's hips wiggled a little as he began riding Chris' fingers. "Hmmm?"

"Chad's 40. I've heard...'rumors' of you and other guys and I don't remember any of them being under 30."

"You guys aren't that old." Tom's moan turned into a squeal as Chris curled his fingers and pressed down, applying unrelenting pressure right on Tom's prostate. Waves of pleasure mixed with a little pain rolled up and down Tom's body, which shook as a result.

"Not that old?"

His words came out in breathy spurts. "Like, 40...ah...isn't old...and you guys both...ungh...look like...fuck fuck...late twenties?" He exhaled as the fingers uncurled, easing up on his insides, and resumed their massage motion. Hot breath tickled his ear as Chris began laughing.

"Son, I'm 39, which puts me juuuust old enough to be your dad." Tom's knees buckled as he moaned, sinking down against the back of the couch, angling his ass up to meet Chris' hand. "Come to think of it, your guys are all muscular and have a `look'. Maybe it's not just older men. Does little Tom-Tom have a thing for daddies? That's something else Chad and I talked about over breakfast." He spread his fingers out like a pair of scissors, expanding the sides of Tom's tunnel as he pushed back forward, stretching it out. He'd wound up flipping Tom over and continued finger-fucking him until he'd worked another load out of him, latching his mouth on Tom's knob and swallowing every drop this time, a little amazed at how forceful his shots were - no wonder the kid could hit his chest and face.

Chris sighed contentedly at the recent memory, his free hand hidden below the sheets as he stroked his cock which was now fully awake, a combination of morning wood and remembering the events of the day before. The fingers of his right hand absent-mindedly stroked up and down a small area of Tom's back and before long, the mass of brown hair shifted from side to side as its owner woke up. "Mmmm, what day is it?"

The broad hand rose up, fingers disappearing into Tom's hair as he stroked the younger man's head. "Sunday." Tilting his face down, he nestled his nose against Tom's head, inhaling the scent of the wavy locks. The kid lived all the way in England and their schedules were crazy, so he wasn't under any pretense that this was a "thing", but it was definitely something that they could enjoy while it lasted.

"Last day of the weekend..." Tom's voice trailed off as he rolled his body towards Chris, burying his face against the large chest muscles, his fingers trailing along over one pec.

The corner of one lip curled up in a grin. "Not quite...we're here until Tuesday morning, remember?" He could fee Tom's cheeks shift in a big smile.

"Oh yeah - awesome. Any chance we can make it Wednesday, or Thurs..." Moving his arm outward to stretch across Chris' torso, his hand bumped into a bicep and felt it moving up and down, quickly guessing what was causing the movement.

"Maybe...depends on what the studio says. Right now, what would my little guest like for breakfast?"

"Hey, I'm not little. I'm just shorter than you." Teeth came together, giving Chris a small friendly nip along his ribs. "Well, and not as muscular." The attacker shifted down, giving another small bite at the bottom of Chris' rib cage. "Maybe..." Taking the sheets between his fingers, Tom pulled them up above his head, just as he landed another nibble on a hip bone. "...breakfast in bed."

"Breakfast in bed, eh?" Chris grinned, a little nervous as he tried to anticipate where the next bite would land...and flinched as Tom closed his jaw on the large thigh.

"Mmmhmmm. Maybe..." His teeth pressed together, more gently now, right where Chris' inner thigh met his groin. "...sausage...and eggs." The last sound of his sentence was muffled as the bump in the covers rose up and came back down, swallowing most of Chris' meat in one gulp. He pushed his face downward, trying to take the last inch or so, fingers curling at Chris' hips. A loud slurping noise filled the room as he pulled off for air; the shape of his cloth-covered head descending again as he tried to take all of Chris' cock down his throat. Planting his hand on top of the mound between his legs, Chris pushed down gently, resisting the urge to thrust his hips up, slightly tilting them instead.

"That's it, sport - get your fill." Hands clawed down his legs as a muffled moan rose up from under the covers. He watched as the sheet rose up and down, Tom's breath heavy through his nose, small wet noises punctuated by the occasional gag or light cough. Hands kept running up and down his legs, occasionally peeking out from below the covers to explore his chest before sliding down over his abs, disappearing back down below. Amused at the hidden blowjob, Chris was ready to watch Tom in action and pushed back the sheet, the grey material gathering along Tom's shoulders before sliding down his back. Burying his fingers in Tom's hair, he alternated between allowing the hungry mouth to suck on his meat...and at times would use his grip to pull the cute face down, stuffing it by pushing up with his hips. Any confusion that Tom's gagging or coughing was causing him discomfort was cleared up by watching his hands roam and dig at Chris' body, his hips lustily squirming against the sheets.

Pulling off, he looked up, his cheeks streaked with tears from choking himself on the large tool, face flushed. Mischief settled into his facial features as he taunted the larger man. "So...do you think that if I get enough of your DNA in me..." Crawling up into Chris' lap, he straddled the other man, legs on either side of his hips, teasing him with a taut ass rubbing against his pole. "...that would make us, like, kinda related?"

Chuckling, Chris held back the urge to jokingly roll his eyes at Tom's silly streak. "What, you want to be a Pratt now?"

"Maybe..." Flexing his cheeks on Chris' dick, he slowly licked his way up the muscular neck, stubble scraping his tongue. "...it would definitely make you my `big daddy Chris'..." He got a horny growl for his efforts, rumbling from deep inside the broad chest.

"Fuck, kid. Fine, you want me to breed you until there's more Pratt genes floating in you than Holland ones?" His hands slid down, cupping the firm rear and squeezing it. The globes suddenly disappeared from his grasp as their owner pushed himself to stand up, his hard cock tapping Chris in the face. Shifting his hips, Tom lined his knob up to the pair of lips and nudged forward, sliding inside the warm wet mouth.

"Or maybe it'll be `Chris Holland' instead." He looked down, winking and ignoring an eyeroll, as he began moving his hips, feeding Chris his rod, the taste of flesh and precum filling the other man's mouth. Now it was Chris' turn to curl his fingers and drag them up and down Tom's skin, appreciating the feel and taste of his friend. Minutes passed by quickly as Chris slurped away on the tasty cock, aiming for his own helping of "breakfast in bed".

Pulling free with a wet popping sound, Tom slid down, winding up once more in Chris' lap. Small nipping kisses found their way along the jawline, communicating his growing hunger. "If you fill me up with enough of your seed..." His tongue darted in between Chris' lips, leaving his words behind for a couple of minutes as they made out. Breaking away, he licked his way up Chris' neck, his tongue circling around an ear, his next words coming out in a breathy whisper. "...can I still call you Chris' or do I have to start calling you daddy'?" He smiled wickedly as Chris leaned forward, a rolling gnarled moan rumbling out of his chest and throat as he pushed Tom onto his back, pinning him down against the mattress. Flipping him over, a large hand rose up in the air and came back down, planting a firm swat right on Tom's right ass cheek.

"I'm thinking it might be `sir', until you show that you can behave." He reinforced his point with another smack.

Tom's body flexed hungrily as he moaned. Twisting his head, he looked back at Chris with a smirk. "Do you really want me to be a good boy?"

"How old are you again?" The other hand swung down with a third smack on the other side of the pert rear.

"Twenty-two..." The words cut off in a moan as a fourth slapping noise filled the air.

"Alright, son..." Another whack and both of Tom's buns were a pink color. "...time to learn that there's a time to play..." Smack number six rung out. "...and a time to be serious."

Tom's fingers dug into the sheets, his hips wriggling as he moaned, the sheets beneath him wet with precum. "Which is which...'sir'?"

Whack number seven hit his ears. "Figure it out, sport." The big hands paused for a moment, squeezing the tight rump appreciatively before swatting it again. Chris took his time, making it to about a dozen spanks. Tom was sighing and moaning face down.

"Fuck, how many more...?" His voice had a slight whine to it, a little bit of pain mixed in with his pleasure.

"How old are you?" Smack number thirteen struck his tush.

"Oh fuck...twenty...ow, two..."

"Well kiddo," another slap to the rear, "looks like you've got seven more to go." By the time he was nearly finished, Tom's buns were red. His own cock was painfully hard from the sight of Tom's amazing rear-end as well as the gasping hungry moaning sounds coming from Tom's mouth, muffled since the brown-haired little stud had mashed his face into the mattress. "Twenty-two," he was nearly moaning himself as he said it, bringing his hand down one more time, a little more gently. This time, his paw stayed on the round glute, his other hand taking hold of its partner and spreading them apart, gazing on Tom's tight little entrance. Leaning down, his breath hit Tom's cheeks. "And one to grow on," he growled right before planting his tongue at Tom's taint and slowly sliding it up. More moans filled the air, louder this time as Tom tilted his head up, the thick tongue working at his entrance, teasing it, before gliding up to the top of his crevice, planting a kiss on the small of his back. And then it was moving down again, his legs tensing as the scruffy cheeks buried themselves in his rear-end, the older man aggressively eating out his ass.

"Fuck, fuck fuuuuuuuuuck.". Fingers were digging into his rear, spreading it apart and squeezing it, while the tongue assaulted his hole. Suddenly it was gone and Tom felt movement from behind...and then a slab of meat tapping against his entrance. The wet sound of lube being applied reached his ears and he arched his back in anticipation. Large hands gripped his haunches and spread them apart as he was slowly speared by Chris' thick member. Both men moaned while Chris sank deep inside Tom's hole, grinding against it once he was in to the hilt. Pulling back, he buried himself again...and again, his thrusts gaining power and speed.

Chris lowered his body, pressing his chest against Tom's back, his hips still working his cock in and out, feeling the smaller man bucking up to meet his movements. Wrapping his arms around Tom, he nuzzled his neck, continuing to pummel his rear. Words filled Tom's ear, describing all the things Chris liked about his body... And some of the ideas he had for enjoying that body over the weekend. Between Chris' taunting, the cuddle fuck, and the big dick massaging his prostate, he soon lost it, shooting his load into the sheets. His ass spasmed, gripping Chris' rod, setting him off as well. With a howl, he rammed forward, pinning Tom into the mattress as he emptied his nuts deep inside the hot tight tunnel. Breathing heavily, they came down from their orgasmic high, both grinning blissfully. Pulling out, Chris rolled over and lay next to Tom, stroking his fingers down his back. "Looks like I'm not changing my last name after all."

"Hmm?". Tom's eyes remained closed, smiling. He felt Chris place a hand under his hip, flipping him onto his back.

"All that wasted Holland DNA, Mr. Mini-Pratt."

"You ass...". Tom's hands settled into his own smooth chest, relaxing as he laughed. The bigger man was suddenly on top of him, kissing his neck.

"Mmm, no, your ass...is...". His mouth made its way to Tom's nipple, nibbling it between his words. "...is amazing.". Bringing Tom to another round of loud moaning, he abruptly ended the make out session. "Alright, time for a shower, breakfast, and a little bit of chores."

"Awww...". Tom rolled out from under Chris, face down, face whining into the mattress. A heavy swat hit his ass, prompting him to jump up from the bed with a yelp. "Yessir.". He couldn't help but laugh at Chris playing at a stern face, a finger pointing at the door to the bathroom. Bouncing away, he made his way into Chris' walk in shower, turning the knobs. Water fell, a warm embrace along his body, soon joined by large arms that wrapped around his torso, thinking that this was a really great way to start the day.

~ ~ ~

Later that day

Tom was excited, both hands on the steering wheel, watching the ground rolling a fair distance below as the tractor made its way across the field. "Yeehaw!"

"No one actually says `yeehaw'..." Chris' laugh came with a roll of the eyes, sitting behind Tom on the one-seat tractor. The younger man had been excited at the idea of finally getting a chance to drive the large machine. Feet and legs shifting as he worked the pedals, he could feel the movements causing the muscles of his rear end to flex, rubbing slightly against Chris' inner thighs. The sparse hairs covering his own legs made it easier to feel the fur of Chris' legs brushing against his skin. The contact brought him back to earlier that afternoon. After their "breakfast in bed" and shower, the guys had rustled up breakfast and quickly knocked out the weekend chores...and Chris had actually agreed to his suggestion of just roaming around in t-shirts, underwear, and shoes - no pants. The chores that day consisted of feeding and tending to the animals and checking the pen fences for any gaps or wear and tear on the posts. They'd ended up visiting some parts of the farm that Tom hadn't seen yet, including finally getting a tour of the barn. Tom loved the smell and look of the building, which was the oldest structure on the property. Tools and equipment were neatly stored in the stalls that normally might hold horses or cows. Beams of daylight streamed in through small gaps or knotholes in the roof's boards. Inhaling, it just smelled so much like...a farm. Walking around the bottom floor, Chris had taken time to point out the various pieces of machinery and equipment, explaining what each one was used for. Tom's face was all big smiles, relishing the ambiance of the place and noticing that Chris seemed to really enjoy being able to teach the workings of the farm to an appreciating audience, even if it was an audience of just one. Then again, maybe that one particular audience member was part of the enjoyment.

Finishing up with the main floor, they'd begun climbing the ladder up to the loft area where the bales of hay were stored. About halfway up, Tom had felt a hand on his ankle, gentle at first to prompt him to stop and then the grip tightening a little to indicate that he should stay in place. Confused, he'd looked down to see Chris continue climbing upward until his upper body was overlapping with Tom's legs. The hand slid up his bare legs, fingers pinching the bottom hem of the button-fly trunks he'd borrowed. Slowly, the cotton material slid down, exposing his rear. Pulling himself up another rung or two, Chris planted kisses on the back of Tom's thighs, the scruff on his cheeks scraping his nearly-smooth legs. Moving up one more rung brought Chris face-level with Tom's rear...and he once again buried his face in between the firm cheeks, unable to resist the perky bottom. Tom's hands clenched the ladder as he moaned, loving the feel of Chris' tongue lapping at his hole, the rough cheeks rubbing against his bottom.

"Fuck yes, Chris...god damn that feels so good." He flexed his rear, grinding back a little to meet the ravenous mouth. A muffled moan met his ears, his words of encouragement prompting the ass eating to increase in intensity, the younger man leaning his head back and groaning. "Yeah, you going to use something else too?" He wiggled his hips, teeth nipping at his butt, a silent message to stay still. Lifting his arms, he took hold of the ladder and climbed up two more rungs, listening as his friend followed, the mouth quickly returning to its feast. Slowly, they made their way up the ladder, both men panting with lust by the time they'd made it to the upper floor. Picking Tom up, Chris had tossed him over his shoulder and strode over to the main window. Facing the opposite direction and only able to see Chris' broad back and beefy ass, Tom listened as the farmer fiddled with the latch, kicking the window open. Using his foot to slide a smaller hay bale away from the others, Chris flung Tom down onto the bale, landing him on his back. A large hand quickly peeled away the blue trunks, balling them up and throwing them to the side as he settled down onto his knees, lifting Tom's legs and burying his face once more. Tom's legs quivered in delight, his firm cock throbbing against his abs.


One eyebrow rose up, then the rest of the lightly-bearded face, Chris' tongue lashing out to take a swipe up Tom's hard length. "Please what...?"

"Fuck me..." He wiggled his hips again, indicating his eagerness and desire.

"Fuck me...what?"

Tom's head jolted back, a moan of frustration filling the air. Looking back down between his legs, he whimpered. "Fuck me, please...sir. Fuck me please, big daddy Chris. Just fuck me, please." He watched as Chris stood up, peeling his own underwear off as he rose, tossing it through the air to join the other pair on the floor somewhere. Spitting into his palm, he greased up his pole and pushed Tom's legs forward, the smaller man's thighs meeting his stomach, allowing him to spit again, this time onto Tom's exposed rear. They didn't have lube this time, but Tom was still opened up a little from the morning tryst...and some of Chris' cum was still lining his insides.

"Looks like someone finally learned manners." Chris winked and then spat into his hand again, getting his fat knob wet, planting it at Tom's entrance, and then began pushing in. Both men groaned with pleasure, Tom's cry mixed with a little bit of pain as the thick member entered his body with mostly just spit as lube, Chris feeling Tom's tunnel squeezing his cock. Slowly, he worked himself inside; once he'd bottomed out, the larger man leaned down, lowering his body over Tom's on top of the hay bale. Tom slid his legs down, wrapping them around Chris' waist, moaning as the thick dick slid in and out at a leisurely pace, taking their time and enjoying each other in the afternoon sun. Rolling his head backward, Tom gazed out at the farm, taking in the sight, feeling a moment of pure bliss at the view of nature beyond the window and the feeling of Chris on top of him...and inside of him.

They moved in a casual rhythm, in no hurry as they relished each other's bodies, Tom running his hands over Chris' chest and back and arms, his legs squeezing at the muscular waist to show his pleasure. The scruffy face ventured over his chest and neck, lips and tongue exploring the feel and taste of Tom's skin, occasionally meeting his mouth and engaging in a light tongue wrestling match.

"Oh god, babe..."

"Getting close?" Tom's words came out in a breath against Chris' ear.


"Don't stop...breed me, again...with that stud cock..." He felt Chris chuckle against his neck, enjoying Tom having such a dirty mouth on such a sweet face. The hips below bucked harder, with a sense of urgency as Chris' neared the point of no return, eager to unload inside his friend's tight rear. "Give it to me...please, Chris."

With a cry, Chris' head tilted forward, eyes clenched tightly as manhood swelled and began firing balls-deep. "Yesss......." Tom's fingers dug down the broad back, leaving pink trails in Chris' skin. Shot after shot coated Tom's insides, Chris continuing to grunt with each throb of his cock, until he was spent, his weight collapsing down, their mouths meeting in a hungry kiss. Pulling out, Chris slid his body down Tom's torso, kneeling on the floor and wrapping his mouth around Tom's rod, sucking fervently as he slid his fingers inside Tom's tunnel, finding that certain spot inside and strumming it with his fingertips. Tom moaned, hips bucking up and down to meet both Chris' mouth his hand, writhing on top of the hay bale. In no time, his cries of passion filled the loft as his balls fired off, each shot of cum eagerly swallowed down Chris' throat. Chest heaving as he caught his breath, he looked down to watch as Chris pulled off, his thumb swiping up his chin to catch some of the juices that had escaped, bringing it back to his lips. "Waste not, want not..."

"One load closer to that Pratt-Holland hybrid." Tom grinned, laughing at his own joke, laughing even harder when Chris shook his head. The other man's hand roughly lifted his legs up, exposing his behind as the other hand came down and gave it a smack. Chris climbed back up, on top of the younger man, shaking his head again before nipping at his chin, then planting a big kiss on his lips, the taste of Tom's own nectar on his tongue.


Tom looked down to see that his underwear had tented up, a wet spot appearing as he recalled the afternoon's literal roll in the hay. Letting the tractor roll to a stop, he set the brake and leaned back, enjoying both the view ahead and the feel of Chris' muscular torso against his back. Arms came around and crossed around his chest, hands gliding down his stomach and settling in his lap, happening to bump into his hard bulge. "Looks like someone does think my tractor's sexy after all."

Tom made a noise that was half-groan and half-chuckle at the bad pun. "Not just the tractor."

"Oh really? What else does my little Tom-Tom find attractive?"

"The barn." He broke into a big grin, imagining his friend's facial reaction. A big paw smacked him on the chest before returning to his lap.

"You ass."

He rocked his hips just a little, feeling the warmth of Chris' legs against his own and the bulge against his rear. "You say that as if you don't like my ass..."

The other man's mouth and chin nuzzled against Tom's neck, slowly exploring down towards his shoulder, planting soft kisses along the way. "Mmm, maybe..." He could feel Chris' lips curl into a grin against his shoulder, returning the taunt. In retaliation, he flexed his butt muscles, feeling the bulge below firming up. Fingers played at the buttons of the trunks he had borrowed from Chris, pulling his hard cock out into the open, stroking up and down its length, his foreskin moving up and down along his wet cock head. "And that's what's fun about the buttons." Chris' words were muffled with his lips pressed against Tom's shoulder.

"Maybe, eh?" He tilted forward, shifting towards the dash console. Reaching back, he slowly dragged down the waistband of the borrowed underwear, the tight muscles of his behind revealed inch by inch. Tucking the waistband below the curve of his rear cheeks, Tom crossed his arms on the steering wheel and brought his head down to rest, looking back over his shoulder at the big stud. Wiggling his butt a little more, he watched Chris' chest rise in a big inhale as he enjoyed the sight of Tom's bare backside. "Just maybe? Big Daddy Chris isn't sure if he likes my ass or not?"

The large hands stroked down his shoulder blades, along his ribs, and came down to cup his rear-end. "Oh babe...damn...'Big Daddy Chris' definitely likes your ass. And everything else." Leaning forward, he planted a kiss between Tom's shoulder blades, his tongue snaking up along Tom's spine, sending a shiver down his back, right to his hole. Tom shifted backward again, pushing his rump right into Chris' crotch, feeling a big hard lump pressing into him.

"Prove it."

He was suddenly tugged backward, his shoulder blades resting against the large pecs of Chris' chest, the big hands roaming down his torso and tearing the underwear away, his hard dick standing at attention in his lap. The lap below was rising up and down, grinding a hard mound into his ass, causing him to pant a little in anticipation.

"What's my little farm boy want now?"

Tom whined at the taunt, his hands raking up Chris' thighs, tugging at the underwear still encasing his friend's crotch. "He wants that big stud dick inside." The words rolled out in a coo, Tom nearly purring in Chris lap as he twisted his hips downward, grinding down, eager for what was beneath him to be inside him. "Fucking breed me again..." His entire body flexed in Chris' lap, putting on a display of lust and need, showing how hungry he was to be plugged full of Chris' fat cock again. It worked - he felt Chris growl against his shoulder, his tongue and lips making their way back up. "Use your big thick daddy dick to fill me up with Pratt DNA. Make me your farm boy." His words came out in a breathy moan, the tone and the message causing Pratt's growl to intensify, his hands pulling Tom down as he thrust against the younger man's ass. One of Chris' hands dove below, yanking down on his own underwear, releasing his thick manhood. Tom felt it wedged against his cheeks, continuing to lengthen and thicken as it got harder, no longer confined in its cotton prison. The pair worked their bodies against one another, enjoying the feel of each other's bodies.

"You know..." Chris' words came out slowly as his mouth worked up Tom's neck. "...never would have guessed that sweet innocent little Tom had such a dirty mouth." Arriving at Tom's ear, he ran his tongue around the edge, bringing out a moan from the other man. Breaking away, Tom leaned to the side so that they could see each other. Raising his eyebrows and making his eyes larger, he was the picture of innocence.

"Would that be better, if I was sweet and innocent and cute?" His eyes blinked, reinforcing the image.

Chris ran his fingers down Tom's jawline. "Naw, I like you just the way you are, sport. Cute, and sorta innocent." His smile caused Tom to break character and return the affectionate look. "And horny and dirty. I actually kinda like the mouth you have on you."

Tom's smile curled into a smirk. "Thought you liked my ass?"

Fingertips curling under Tom's chin, Chris came in closer, noses touching, his breath warm against Tom's lips. "Kiddo, I like everything about you, from head to toe, inside and out." Their lips met, Chris' hand roaming down Tom's body as they kissed. His fingers found Tom's dick, wrapping around it and stroking gently, causing the younger man to moan against his mouth, hips gyrating to meet Chris' caress. Breaking away again, he twisted around so that he was facing away again, leaning onto the steering wheel, his ass exposed to Chris' view...and crotch. He felt the thick member sliding up and down his crack, teasing his hole. Feeling it gliding back up, he pushed back, catching it just as it came across his hole. Chris got the message and spat onto the spot, getting it slick with spit before pressing harder against Tom's entrance. Tom's head tilted forward as he groaned with pleasure and pain, pushing back to take in more of the girthy pipe as it invaded his rear. Halfway in, Chris stopped, his hands stroking the firm buns. "You okay, son?" As much as he wanted to fuck the hell out of Tom's tight hole, he didn't want to hurt the guy.

The muscles of Tom's back rose and fell with deep breaths as his body adjusted to the anal intrusion. "Mmhmm." Rising up a little, he slowly dropped back down, taking that inch back inside. Up and down once more...the movement sent shivers up and down his spine, a little moan rolling out of his throat. "Fuck me, big daddy Chris." He smirked, knowing exactly what buttons to push. He felt the large hands take hold of his hips, pulling him down, another couple of inches of Chris' rod getting buried in his rear.

"Like that?" Fingers dug into his hips. He could sense that Chris wanted to slam inside but was also trying to be nice..as possibly savor the moment. He didn't want to savor it - they had plenty of time still on the farm and back in LA; he wanted his brains fucked out.

"Don't..." His voice pitched up into a whine as forced himself down a little further. "...stop..." He heard a long, loud moan from behind as he continued pushing down, taking inch after thick inch until he felt his butt pressing against Chris' thighs. The moan turned into a deep exhale, hands running up and down his sides. Picking up his hips, Tom rose back up, most of Chris' cock leaving his insides, and then slid back down the thick pole, his anal ring singing in pleasure as it stretched around the thick base.

Chris reclined back in the seat, watching with lust as Tom's body rose and fell, his cock reappearing momentarily before disappearing inside the tight hot hole. The muscles of Tom's torso tensed and flexed with his movements, covered in a light sheen of sweat which caused his skin to shine in the late afternoon sun as he worked up and down on Chris' pole. He let Tom do the work, the younger man's enjoyment apparent as his moans grew in volume and intensity. Slowly but surely his pace increased; within minutes he was bouncing up and down, riding Chris' dick like it was a carnival ride. Chris felt his balls begin to boil; not ready for their tractor ride to end, he pulled Tom backward, resting him against Chris' chest.

"Shhhhh..." Tom felt Chris' breath against his neck, a large hand stroking his sweaty chest in an effort to calm him down. The rise and fall of the meaty torso behind gave away the fact that his friend was also worked up. "Shhh...slow it down, son." Taking deep breaths, Tom brought himself down from a lustful high, enjoying the feeling of Chris' thick manhood still buried inside his ass. "Fuck, you're so damn hot."

"You liked that?" Tom grinned, his hips rocking a little, wanting to entice another plowing session.

"Hell yeah. Your ass looks amazing bouncing up and down." The scruffy chin dragged across his shoulder.

"Your cock feels amazing, bouncing up and down on it." A small growl rumbled against his shoulder. Bringing his arms back, Tom wrapped his hands behind Chris' head, making his entire body available for the other man to explore with his hands. "You like it when I talk dirty, don't you?" Another light growl was all he got in response, fingers digging in slightly as they raked down Tom's chest. "I bet you were jerking off so hard in that hotel room, listening to me and Chad..." Hips below ground down a little, stretching his hole as the thick base worked against his entrance. Knowing that his mouth got Chris going, Tom began dialing it up a notch. "Fuck, your big daddy dick is so thiiiiick..." he dragged out the last word, pushing his hips down further.

The large hand slid back up, planting itself in the middle of his chest, pinning Tom in place. He could feel the big muscles of Chris' thighs flex as he began thrusting, working his rod in and out of Tom's rear. "Like that?"

He moaned, rolling his head back against Chris' shoulder. "Yesss....it feels so good stretching my insides."

"Damn kiddo, you're so god damned tight..." The pace was picking up, Chris shifting their bodies forward so they could lean back further in the seat, providing more leverage to push his meat in and out of Tom's tight rear.

"Loosen me up with that big cock." The hands slid down his torso, gripping his hips. "Show me how hard a farmer can fuck." He felt Chris' length sliding out and timed his next words, speaking just as he felt the large knob pulling at his hole. "I want to limp off your farm. Wreck me, Chris..."

"Oh god..." He felt the face bury itself against his neck as Chris slammed up, yanking Tom down at the same time, the thick tool ramming all the way in. Both men cried out with pleasure. Chris began pummeling his hole, Tom's onslaught of words egging him on. One hand slid across Tom's crotch, taking hold of his cock and stroking it. Tom lost track of the filth coming out of his mouth, only aware of the amazing pounding his ass was getting. The hand that wasn't jerking him off made its way up his body, slick with sweat. His hands were still wrapped the back of Chris' head, fingers clenching into the curls of Chris' hair.

"It's all yours, Pratt. Use me." The thick fingers dragged back down his body, leaving streaks in the sweat covering his chest and stomach. Splaying out, the hand made it all the way back up, fingers gently wrapping around his neck. "Who's your fucking daddy now, farm boy?"

Tom screamed as his nuts unloaded, his dick swelling and throbbing in Chris' hand. Jizz flew all over his chest and stomach, mixing with the sweat as it slid down his body, coating his torso. Shot after shot fired out, the bear paw squeezing his manhood to keep milking it out. His orgasm peaking, Tom's body went limp, legs falling down on either side of Chris' thick lower limbs, head rolling back to rest against the meaty shoulder, a pair of lips kissing along his neck. "Damn..."

Eyes closed, he felt fingers unwrap from around his shaft, sliding up a few inches of his stomach. His guess that Chris was playing with his spent load was wrong; instead, the hand disappeared and he felt it working below his ass, realizing that his own juices were going to be used as lube to continue the fuck session. "Oh god..." The thick member slid in and out, its movement made easier by the slick juices now coating it.

"We're not done yet." Chris words were muffled against his neck, a moan involuntarily rolling out. The wide rod began pistoning in and out of his hole, eager for its own release. "Yeah, son, take that dick." The little daddy/son game they were playing had Tom on fire. He wanted desperately to feel Chris get off inside of him again. Upping the ante, he brought his hand down and placed it against the back of Chris' hand, running it up his body, smearing his cum over his chest and into the meaty palm. The pounding increased, his now-lubed hole allowing for even harder thrusts. Taking Chris' wrist, he brought the hand up to his face, licking the cum off of his palm. "God damn..." Grinning devilishly, he pushed the big hand back down against his chest, sliding it down over his stomach, coating the palm and fingers with his cum again, bringing it back up to his face.

Sliding his tongue up Chris' fingers, he ran his tongue over their length. "Fuck me stud...fuck me hard." Closing his mouth, he sucked away on the thick digits. The hips below were smashing up against his ass, battering his hole with such intensity that his body was jerkily bouncing on Chris' lap, in danger of tumbling off if it weren't for the iron grip pinning him on Chris' cock. Using both hands, he drove Chris' hand once more down and back up his torso. Bringing it back up, he planted it right over his face, the smell and taste of sweat and cum and Chris' skin filling his senses. "Chris..." his tongue snaked out over the palm. "...fill me up..." The wet pink muscle lashed out across the thick fingers before disappearing back between his lips. "...pleeeeeease..." Bending the tips, he shoved the fingers into his own mouth, sucking down on them hard. His words were muffled but still understandable enough. "...I need your cum." His hands were gripping Chris' wrist as he sucked away on his friend's fingers.

Now it was Chris' turn to yell out. Slamming all the way in, he began spilling his seed deep inside, coating Tom's guts. His cries of ecstasy continued, moaning and grinding his hips with each throb of his meaty cock, breeding the tight hole. Moments later, it was his turn for his arms and legs to go limp, his still-hard member buried deep in Tom's rear.

Breathing heavily, both of them slowly calmed down, their fevered state fading away. Tom's chest rose and fell, his back rubbing against Chris' heaving chest, the sweat covering their bodies causing him to slide around a little. Chris' hands on Tom's chest, and his dick still buried in his ass, kept the smaller man from sliding right off of his lap. Nudging his nose and lips against Tom's jaw, Chris sighed with contentment. "Alright kiddo...it's starting to get late. We need to get the tractor back inside before it gets dark." Resting his chin on his friend's shoulder, they both gazed out across the farm, awash in the oranges and pinks of the setting sun. It was a beautiful moment, seeing the colors play out across the field, their bodies entangled, energy spent from pleasuring each other.

"Can we relax in the hot tub later?" He felt Chris' chin shift as the lips curled in a grin.

"Relax, eh?"

"Yeah." Tom did his best to make his voice sound innocent. "Watch the stars, the bubbles and light going. It's reaaaally relaxing."

"Sounds fun. And that's all you have in mind?"

"Maybe..." Tom shifted his hips, clenching his ass around the dick still impaling his insides. "We're creative. I'm sure we can think of something to help you unwind from today." The chin shifted from side to side as a result of Chris shaking his head at another of Tom's jokes. Patting his friend's smooth chest, he pointed at the steering wheel and pushed up a little with his hips. "Think you can drive like this?"

He leaned forward, taking hold of the wheel, making sure not to release Chris' cock. "I think so. It's not the first time I've driven a stick." There was another groan, this time one of pain instead of pleasure, and a forehead falling against his back. "You know, if you hate my jokes that much, you can probably find a way to keep me from talking."

"Doubt that. The underwear shoved in your mouth didn't last too long."

"Good point. Guess you're just stuck with my mouth." Tom released the brake and set the tractor into gear, laughing as he began making their way back towards the barn.


"Yeah, buddy?"

"Best camping trip. Ever. Thanks."

The beefy arms wrapped around his waist, embracing him as he got another kiss on his shoulder blade. "It's a farm, not a campsite. But...anytime you want to play farm boy, kiddo..."


"Oh my god Tom, I told you, no one says yeehaw."

Tom clenched his ass again, squeezing Chris' meat. "What if I say `yeehaw' when I'm riding you?"

His joke was met with silence for a moment, and then a chuckle; fingers continued caressing his smooth chest. "You know, `yeehaw' doesn't sound that bad after all."

The End

Thanks for reading. If you enjoyed the story, have feedback, or want to share ideas, it would be great to hear from you. red.cheshire@yahoo.com

If you're interested in other stories I've written:

"Suckered by a Jonas Brother" (sexual adventures of Nick & Joe Jonas)


"More Than Once Upon A Time" series (series based on the "Once Upon A Time" television series)


"On The Set of Neighbors" (Zac Efron & Dave Franco have fun - based on the 2014 films "Neighbors" and "Neighbors 2")


"Exploring Kirk's Frontiers" (based on the 2009 "Star Trek" universe)


"The College Bet"


Next: Chapter 5

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