Holland Far from Bone

By Patrick Thomas

Published on Mar 14, 2023


This is a fictional story in which sexual activity between consenting adult males is depicted; it is no way based on true events or the sexuality of any of the persons mentioned. If you are underage or it is otherwise illegal to read this story where you live, please stop reading now.

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-------------------------------------------------------------------- Holland Far From Bone - "Finally" (Part of the "Quarantine Frustration" story arc) --------------------------------------------------------------------

Author's Note: This story takes place in September 2020.

The "Quarantine Frustration" story arc begins in April 2020 and ends in September 2020.

Thank you to Jackson, Lars, and Robert for suggestions that found their way into this chapter.

Thanks as always to Patrick for helping with proof-reading and editing.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

"Hey, we're finally in the same time zone!" Tom smiled from ear to ear as he stepped off of the airplane, checking the signs to see where he needed to go in the airport to find his driver.

"My little loverboy is in America? Help us, the British are coming!" Tom chuckled - he could picture Jake putting his hand up against his chest, pretending to be nervous. One thing he loved about the hunky older man was his playful nature.

"Oh yeah. I'm definitely cumming..." Glancing around to make sure no one was within earshot, Tom lowered his voice a little. "...all over your face."

"Mmmmm." The sound of Gyllenhaal licking his lips came through the phone speaker. "My tasty little man."

"Okay, hold that thought for later." Tom sat down for a moment, waiting for the throbbing in his pants to subside before continuing on. The last thing he wanted was for the paparazzi to snap a photo where he had a big bulge in his pants. "Speaking of, are we still on for tomorrow?"

"About that..."

Tom stopped, firmly pressing his lips together and closing his eyes with frustration. "You're canceling."

"I'm not..." He could hear Jake let out a long sigh, cutting the denial short. "It's just...you know the situation here."

"Your family farm."

"Yeah. And if any of us leave, it means being stuck in a little cabin at the edge of the property for two weeks before we're able to come back inside the main house. I already did a round in that shack and it's a little piece of hell."

Tom stared out the window, watching a plane take off. I know what it's like - I've spent six months stuck inside!' The words rang through his mind at a loud volume. It's not fair...' He thought of the difference between the States and England, where the lockdown was more severe. As another plane lifted into the air, he opened and closed his mouth a couple of times, searching for a rebuttal. Ideas came to mind and then popped like little balloons as he realized that there was no way Jake was going to leave the safe confines of his family's farm.

The thought was mingled up with the memories of time spent with Jake. Despite busy work schedules, they'd spent a lot of time together since filming "Far From Home". Before the pandemic, Jake had made time for them to be together, even when it meant juggling work and his family. When they were together...a small smile tugged at the corner of Tom's mouth, thinking of the way that Gyllenhaal focused on him, making him feel like they were the only two in a crowded room. And when they were alone...his eyelids fluttered at the memories of their bodies entwined together, a mess of legs and arms, moaning and panting. Jake always left him feeling...he bit his lower lip, a warm glow spreading through his chest.

"Okay." A long breath of air caused Tom's nostrils to flare, venting his unhappiness at the situation.

"I'm sorry."

"I said it's okay."

"It's not."

"It's not, but it's fine. At least I can get out of the hotel and go places, as long as I wear a mask. Back home..."

"I know."

"...and no one's going to fine me just for being outside. I can stretch my legs."

"I'm sorry."

"I was just hoping to stretch something else." Another long sigh. "It can wait though."

"Look, as soon as this starts to dial down a bit or there's a vaccine or a treatment or something, I promise, I'm going to make it up to you."

Another plane left the ground but it turned into a blurry blob as tears of frustration welled up in Tom's eyes. He blinked, wiping his face with the back of his hand.

"Okay. Hey, I'm here at the pick-up spot to meet the car, so I've gotta go. I'll call you later tonight though."

"Love ya, stud."

"Love you too." Biting his lower lip, Tom hung up the phone and shoved it into his pocket. Blinking his eyes again while shaking his head, he dug his sunglasses out of his bag and put them on, taking a deep breath to gather himself before leaving the terminal and making his way to the exit.

~ ~ ~ ~

Glancing at his phone, Tom checked the directions and turned left.

[Tom] Found it. Thanks again, mate!

[Hugh] Anytime. Let me know how you like it.

[Tom] thumbs up emoji

[Hugh] Oh, you can kiss something else. devil emoji

[Tom] Christmas is only a few months away.

[Hugh] Are you going to be on the nice list or naughty list this year?

[Tom] Whichever one gets me a trip to your north pole.

[Hugh] eyeroll emoji That one hurt. You need new lines.

[Tom] You and Ryan are one to talk!

[Tom] Okay, here. Ttyl

[Hugh] Have fun!

Grinning, Tom looked up to find the name of the gym that Jackman had directed him to. Staring at the walls of the hotel room reminded him too much of being stuck inside the house back home. After strolling around outside for a while, he'd found himself getting bored and listless. Wanting to throw some weights around and vent his frustration, he'd reached out, figuring that if anyone knew a good quiet gym to hit up, Hugh would be the guy...and he'd come through.

He'd thought about messaging Seb, but things between them were still a little tense following the incident at Halloween and their argument afterward. For a moment, happier thoughts came to mind - memories of days spent under the sun, the deck of a boat rocking gently with the waves, and three friends clad only in speedos...or less.

His daydream faded when an attendant came out and took his name - Hugh had called ahead to let them know Tom was coming as his guest. A cotton swab went up his nose and then he waited for the rapid test results to come back negative. The attendant came back out with a thumbs up, grinning as he held the door open for Tom. Eyes hidden behind sunglasses, Tom glanced up and down - the guy was really cute. He cut the thought off as he felt blood rushing to his crotch, looking forward to an actual workout. `Maybe later...' he thought as he headed for the locker room.

An hour later, he let out a sigh of contentment as he set a weight back on the floor, enjoying the blood pumping through his veins and the sore feeling in his arms and chest. There were only a couple of guys in the gym, although they still made for good eye candy. The guy from the front desk came through to check on everyone and mentioned to Tom that a lot of people were still working out at home, but that they were slowly starting to see clients coming back as the fatigue of quarantining wore them down.

He came around the wall separating the weights area from the cardio equipment, finding just two other people in this space as well. An older guy, probably late 50s, was on the stair machine. The guy's legs were well-developed, thigh muscles bulging with each step, easily visible with the short shorts that he was wearing. The sight of his salt-and-pepper chest hair caused Tom's mouth to water a little. The British actor blushed as the DILF caught Tom checking him out, giving him a knowing wink. With a shy grin, Tom nodded a quiet hello' as he made his way over to the treadmills. Thirty minute run...and then maybe climb some stairs...or something else.' He pushed away the thought to avoid getting a hard-on, although he didn't think the stud on the stair machine would mind. A quick glance in the mirror lining the wall showed that the other guy was giving Tom's butt a good stare. Tom knelt to re-tie his shoe...not so much for safety, but to give a little show, knowing that the movement would cause his ass to flex under the shorts.

There were only three treadmills and the middle one was occupied. Setting his bottle of water into the cupholder and draping his towel over the handle, Tom glanced to his left at the other guy...and stopped, his finger hanging in the air above the control panel.

"Dude!" The word popped out before he knew it. Tom blushed, mentally kicking himself that after all this time, he still got a little starstruck from time to time.

The other man looked over at the outburst and then did a double-take, laughing as he hit a button to stop the treadmill before he went flying off of it. "Oh wow, I wasn't expecting to run into Spider-man today!" A hand reached out and shook Tom's.

"Just Tom, not Spider-man...left the costume at home. Oh wow - it's so cool to run into you, man."

Trevor Noah looked up and down Tom's body, taking in his clothing. "Yeah, not sure this look would work out so much for the movie, huh? Cool to meet you too. What brings you to New York, Mr. Holland? Er, Tom." Trevor corrected himself when he noticed Tom's nose scrunch slightly at the use of his last name.

"Work. In town to go over a movie and it's stuff that they didn't want to do over a video call."

"Spider stuff?" Noah laughed as Tom opened his mouth and then closed it. "Okay, yeah, Spider stuff. Knowing your reputation on spoilers, can see why they didn't want to do it over Zoom." Trevor winked, laughing again as Tom blushed.

"I'm not that bad at leaking stuff..."

"True. Ruffalo's faaaar worse. Anyway, dude, I'm a big fan. And it's nice to finally meet you - we keep trying to get you on the show but someone's too busy shooting webs all over the place." Tom blushed again, a little embarrassed and at the innuendo.

"Sorry! I keep meaning to, but..." He shrugged and shook his head apologetically.

A hand reached out and gave his shoulder a friendly clap and squeeze. "Don't stress. Trust me, I know how the studios set the schedule and all that stuff. But we would love to get you one day." A wink sent a little tingle down Tom's spine as he grinned.

"That'd be a lot of fun. I promise, I'll work on it."

The pair continued chatting as they began running. Trevor asked about Tom's projects - the Daily Show host had a deep knowledge of pop culture, seeming to know some things about the MCU and its stars that even Tom didn't know. As they spoke, Tom had a gnawing feeling that he knew Trevor somehow but couldn't quite put his finger on it. He shrugged it off, figuring it was just a sense of familiarity from seeing the other guy on television and online. The conversation continued, with Trevor both admiring Tom's work in the Spider-man movies while also gently teasing him about the costume. Tom matched the jokes by poking fun at Trevor's never-ending supply of hoodies he wore on the at-home version of the `Daily Show' and at the same time, complimenting the comedian's new look.

It came to him suddenly when Trevor wiped his brow - Tom's eyes widened as he realized where he recognized Trevor from, staring at the treadmill console, willing himself to keep running and not trip...and that his quickening pulse didn't cause his manhood to swell up. A vision flashed in his mind: a house in L.A. rented by Chris and Liam Hemsworth, filled with a who's who of the previous year's male celebrities - actors, singers, and athletes...all sprawled out and enjoying the party. And a dozen more guys, sauntering around the party in skimpy outfits and wearing masks, taking little tickets from the guests and in return, catering to a litany of debaucherous desires. It'd been Tom's first time at the party, enjoying the thrill of his identity disguised by the mask, the letter `B' scrawled on his chest with body paint, indicating to the guests that he was a bottom. Some of the other guys had B's as well, including Logan Lerman and Michael B Jordan (oh man, his first encounter with that insanely long cock...Tom had to resist licking his lips at the memory). Others like Jon Bernthal and Dyllon Burnside sporting a T on their chest, while some of the guys like Charlie Cox and Remy Hii strutted around with V's.

And Trevor Noah, sitting on a couch next to some of the other guys from the show - Ronny Chieng, Roy Wood Jr, Michael Kosta, Jordan Klepper, and sitting next to Hasan Minhaj. It'd taken a moment for Tom to piece it together, partly because Noah had looked different back then - his hair so much shorter and his face clean-shaven. Plus, after all the sex parties with the Hemsworths and back in Britain, Tom's mind still didn't pull from those memories first when meeting someone for the not-first-time.

He'd been on his knees for six minutes, sucking on Trevor's cock, savoring it as it slid down his throat, fingers gliding in Tom's hair as the other cast mates played rock-paper-scissors to see who'd get to sample his skills next (Minhaj had won...and had opted to slide his rod into Tom's ass instead of using his mouth). And Noah had wiped his forehead in the same way, groaning about how good a job Tom was doing.

Tom swallowed, reaching for his water bottle and chugging some of it, trying to look anywhere but to his left...and failing. Seeing that Noah was distracted skipping songs on his phone, Tom took the opportunity to look up and down the other man's body, seeing it in a new light, knowing what lay under those gym shorts. Tom worked to steady his breathing and his pulse, willing his cock not to harden. Attempting to distract himself, he dialed up the speed so that he was sprinting more than running. Amused, Trevor increased the speed of his own treadmill, making a joke that he was going to outrun a superhero.

Minutes later, both men stopped at the same time, holding the handles of their machines and panting, drenched in sweat.

"Oh man. Remind me not to do that again."

"Do what?" Tom's chest rose and fell with heavy breaths.

"Try to keep up with one of you MCU guys. I forgot that they put you guys on some intense training programs. Oooof." Trevor widened his eyes for comedic effect as he exhaled, clutching at his chest, his sweaty shirt clinging to his skin. "Okay, now that I can walk again - your fault by the way."

"Hey!" Both men laughed as Noah waved away Tom's protest.

"Now that I can...oh man...walk again...calling it a day and hitting the shower." He lifted his closed hand, bumping fists with Tom. "Enjoy your stay in New York - it's a great city."

"Yeah, seems like it..." Something in Tom's tone of voice sounded unenthusiastic.

"How long are you in town for again? Five days?"

"Yep. Five days." Tom watched as Trevor paused before speaking again.

"If you get bored at the hotel and want to hang out or something, let me know." He grinned wide, turning back into jokester mode. "I mean, I'm not a superhero or something, but I make a pretty good tour guide." Tom rolled his eyes, causing both men to laugh again.

"You know, I might take you up on that."

"Cool. It'd be fun to hang out." Another friendly pat on Tom's shoulder. "Have a good one, man."

`Hang out,' Tom thought. He closed his eyes, swallowing again as he pictured what he knew was hanging between Trevor's legs. When he felt like he'd regained control of his senses, Tom wiped down the machine and gathered his belongings, heading to the locker room. As he put his things away, the corner of his mouth curled up in a smile. Tossing the towel over his shoulder, he left the locker room and strode into the shower area. Instead of stalls or even an open wall, Tom was surprised to find that the small room had two upright poles with a ring of shower heads around each. It made sense, making use of the cramped quarters. He made his way over to the one that Trevor was at, choosing a spot that wasn't directly across from the other man but also not right next to him.

"You finished?"

"Yeah. I did weights before the run, so..." Tom turned on the water and stepped under it, enjoying the blast of water against his skin. He let out a long satisfied sigh as he felt the stress and sweat rinse away. "The new hairstyle looks good, by the way." Reaching forward, Tom pressed a button on the soap dispenser and began running his hands over his arms to lather up.

"Yeah? Thanks. Wasn't sure how people would respond. You know, the whole `professional hair' argument thing."

Tom shrugged. "There's always a million critics. Have to do what fits best for you."

"I hear you on that one."

"Didn't take you for a gym guy though."

Trevor let out a good laugh at Tom's comment. "I'm not sure what a `gym guy' is. Like what, I just sit around and watch the news all day?" Noah splashed water in Tom's direction.

"I mean...yeah? Hey!" Tom giggled as he dodged another aquatic attack. "It's kinda your job, right?" His grin made it apparent that he was teasingly harassing the news anchor. "Plus, lots of people stuck in their homes the last several months, so you know, maybe not as active."

"Valid point. But no, man, I have to get out of my place, you know? Or I'd be climbing the walls. Which, probably is easy for Spider-man, but us mere mortals don't have the little finger sticky things, so that's not really my thing." Trevor laughed again as Tom rolled his eyes at the bad joke. "I'm not in Marvel form, but I'm not doing bad, you know?"

Tom took the comment as an opportunity to glance down Trevor's body. The sight of a naked man caused his pulse to start racing - he started doing math problems in his head to avoid popping a boner in front of Trevor.

"Now, Mr. Holland is definitely a gym guy. Man, every time a video or picture of you in the gym hits social media, it's all up in my feed, everyone sharing and drooling and stuff. Oooh, look, he's so cute. Oh my god, I wanna have his babies!" Tom blushed at the good-natured teasing.

"I'm not a `gym guy'. But yeah, have to stay in shape for the role..." Tom trailed off, realizing that he'd contradicted himself.

"I'm not a gym guy...oh man." Trevor threw his head back, his laughter ringing off the walls of the shower room. "My man, have you looked in a mirror lately? You're all..." Noah sucked in air and puffed out his chest, flexing his arms. "You're a gym guy."

Tom's nose wrinkled for some reason. "I mean, I go to the gym. But...am I a gym guy?" He turned to rinse his backside. Based on the pause in Trevor's response, he guessed that the other man's eyes were raking down his body. With a smirk, he flexed his butt muscles, making it look as if he was just shifting his balance from one foot to the other.

Noah lightly cleared his throat before continuing. "Naw, not really. You don't strike me as the type of guy who goes around bragging about how much he can lift. Which, if you do, I'm totally not judging..."

"You're judging."

"Always." Both men laughed. Tom twisted his back as if it were sore, giving Trevor something else to judge...and the attempt worked, if the lack of words from the other man was any indication. Tom turned back around, catching Trevor's eyes darting back up.

"So, what are you up to for the rest of the day? Since you're not climbing walls...and assuming that you're not throwing hammers or shields or anything like that?"

"Wouldn't call it a hammer. Maybe a screwdriver..." It took a moment for Trevor's joke to register, causing Tom's mouth to open and shut quickly, a blush springing to his cheeks for some reason, which just caused the comedian to laugh again. "Wasn't planning anything, just going home. Same thing every single day lately, you know?"

"Ugh, I hear you. So tired of being stuck inside, never hanging out with anyone. Which, I get it...safety...but still."

"Well, wait. You had to get tested to come into the gym, right?"


"There you go then - should be safe for us to hang out together. What did you have planned for the rest of the day?"

"Just the hotel." Tom didn't sound enthusiastic about the idea at all.

"Well, I'm not Thor or Captain America, but if you want to hang out..." Trevor shrugged, trying to look nonchalant.

"Dude, that would be awesome!"

~ ~ ~ ~

A few hours later, Tom found himself in Trevor Noah's apartment. The pair had left the gym and headed for Central Park, looking for fresh air and sunshine after months of being indoors constantly. Nodding at the umbrella over a food vendor's cart, Trevor had commented on Tom's `Lip Sync Battle' routine, somehow complimenting and teasing at the same time. Tom had turned it back on Noah, offering to walk him through the dance moves. And now here they were, with furniture pushed aside to clear a space in Noah's living room so they'd have room to move around.

"There we go." Opening an app on the television, Trevor found a video of Tom's skit and hit play, studying the moves before rewinding back to the beginning. "Ready?"

"Yeah. Are you ready?"

"I think so. Go easy on me."

"I'll try." Tom grinned as he moved into the starting pose. "Okay, so, one leg back like this, your arm out here..." Tom had a yardstick while Noah held a long cardboard tube. They progressed through the dance routine slowly, Tom teaching the moves, both men laughing with amusement. "Now...ready to do it with the music?"

"No. But here goes." Trevor hit play and they went through the routine. Tom's moves were a little rusty but came back to him quickly. Noah on the other hand, was not as smooth. He panted as they finished the second run through.

"Hey, you're getting better!"

"You're being kind. I think."

"No, seriously. You've got good moves. It's a complicated routine, but you look good! One more time."

One more time turned into two more times. And then a third, with Tom apologizing as he peeled off his shirt, which was starting to stick to his back from sweating.

"Ooof - not a bad idea. Dancing isn't getting much better, but at least I'll have my dashing good looks to distract, eh?" Trevor winked jokingly as he tossed his own shirt over to the side as well. Twice more and they were both panting for breath.

"Man, this reminds me of the good old days - I miss going out dancing sooo much."

"There's something about a twenty-year old saying `the good old days' that I'm not sure how to feel about that..." Trevor cocked an eyebrow.

"I'm twenty-four." Holland putting his hands on his hips as he corrected the comment caused Trevor to descend into a laughing fit.

"Oh, okay. Twenty-four. When you reach thirty-six, get back to me on how you feel about some little whipper snapper talking about the old days."

"Whipper snapper? Are you sure you aren't sixty-six?"

"You little - " Trevor grabbed a pillow and pretended as if he might throw it, causing both men to laugh again. "But yeah, you're right. I miss going out and dancing and stuff too."

"Sorry about sweating all over your apartment though."

"Eh - it's just the living room, not `all over'. And it's fine. Been a while since someone else worked up a sweat in here, you know?" Trevor winked again. Tom couldn't tell if he was joking or if he was flirting.

"I mean, if I'd know that we were going to work out again, I'd have packed another change of clothes."

"Hey, you could go down to the store and buy a Spider-man costume. Do the umbrella dance in that. THAT would be funny as hell. Film it, go viral."

"Oh HELL no!"

"C'mon...it'd be great..." A raised eyebrow taunted Tom - again, he couldn't tell if Trevor was serious or joking around.

"Actually...wait, where do you keep your Halloween costume type of stuff?"

"Um, there's a tub in the bedroom closet. Why...?" Noah's question trailed off as he watched Tom dash off, disappearing into the other room. He listened to the sound of Holland rummaging around before reappearing...and fell back onto the couch, holding his stomach laughing. The British actor stood there wearing a black tank-top and dark gray short-shorts. He'd pulled on a wig - red instead of black - and had long navy blue socks covering his calves. And at the moment he was too busy laughing to concentrate.

"Oh! Hang on." Tom scampered off to the kitchen and pulled some raspberries out of the fridge, squeezing one and wiping the juice over his mouth, replicating the lipstick he'd worn in the `Lip Sync Battle'. The effort caused Trevor to start laughing until he was crying and holding his sides.

"I was not expecting you to pull together the busted version of your costume!" He wiped tears from the corners of his eyes.

"I don't look busted!" Tom looked down at himself and then back to Trevor, who shrugged before descending into more giggles.

"It's not that..." Trevor pointed at the paused video on the screen.

"Well, it's not my fault you don't have a bustier and leather shorts."

Trevor pretended to write on an invisible pad of paper. "Buy lingerie and leather...got it."


"Oh, I don't know man, I'm trying to catch my breath." Trevor's hand went to his chest, still laughing. "You go ahead - I'll watch and figure out where I'm messing up."

Tom shrugged. "Alright." He got back into the starting pose as Noah picked up the remote and hit play. As he made his way through the dance routine, Tom looked over towards the couch. It looked like Trevor's eyes were all over his body - he began moving his hips more and sure enough, the other man's glances lingered on Tom's lower half.

As the song finished, Trevor clapped. "Not bad, not bad."

"Not bad??"

"Hey, you're doing way better than I was!" Trevor began laughing again. "I still can't believe you had the balls to do that on tv though."

"Oh, it was almost much worse."

"Really?" Noah leaned back against the couch, one eyebrow raised, his curiosity piqued.

"Oh yeah. There was a different set of dance moves originally planned out, but it was a little...much. So we came up with this - " Tom pointed at the television. "- instead. More family-friendly."

"Wait, wait, wait." Noah waved his hand in the air as he spoke. "Say what?" He started laughing again as Tom blushed, embarrassed.

Holland bit back a grin. The forced blush had worked, earning more intrigue from the older man. "It was just...more...I don't know, like burlesque-ish."

"More `burlesque-ish' than wearing that?" Trevor waved his hand at the screen.

"Yeah..." Tom trailed off the word as if he was on the fence about discussing it further.

"Okay, I've got to see this."

"I don't know..."

Trevor tilted his head, both eyebrows lifted now. "C'mon - you can't say you had something that was `too much for tv' and then leave it hanging like that."

"You sure? It was...a little much, a little...odd?"

Trevor leaned back against the couch again, stretching his arms out along the back of it. "Hit me."

Tom swallowed with feigned nervousness. A gleam in his eyes was the only giveaway of his amusement at Trevor taking the bait. "Okay." He took a deep breath, readying himself. His mind spun for a moment, planning out some moves. There actually hadn't been an alternate dance routine planned out, but he had an idea in mind of what he wanted to show off for Noah. "Ready?"

The remote was lifted in the air, a thumb resting against the play button. "Yep. You ready?"

"I think so."

"Hit it."

Trevor hit the play button and `Umbrella' began playing again. Tom swallowed as he began dancing again. While the original routine had a lot of arm movements, he used his legs and hips more this time - swiveling, wiggling, and thrusting. He swore he could hear Trevor swallow with a large gulp when he bent over and ran his hands down his legs, grabbing his ankles and shaking his ass. Turning back around, he was running his hands down his chest, abdomen, and over his thighs, moving his hips around in a circle. Noah definitely wasn't laughing any longer - his bottom lip hung down a little in surprise, his eyes glued to Tom's body as it progressed through the routine which became more and more adult in nature. As the song finished, Tom was on his knees, legs spread wide and his hands behind his head, putting the taut muscles of his body on display. Trevor sat silent, blinking.

"Well...?" Tom held the position.

"That was, um...wow, something." Trevor shook his head as if clearing it. A grin slowly returned to his face. "I can, uh, see why you went with the other moves." He nodded towards the screen behind Tom.

"A little too out there?"

"Ha! More like a little too Magic Mike!" Trevor's smile grew with a light laugh.

"What? That was not Magic Mike."

"My man. You were all like..." Trevor jokingly copied part of Tom's moves, running his hands down his body and pumping his hips on the couch. "It was waaaay Magic Mike. You should see if you can get in on their next movie." The other man started laughing again, especially when Tom stuck his tongue out.

"That'd actually be neat - would switch up my rep from the MCU stuff. But I'm not really sure that I fit their look."

"Say what?"

"Channing. Rodriguez. That big Joe guy. I can't keep up with all that."

"Manganiello? Dude, hardly anyone's getting that big." Trevor lifted his arms and made a joking "swelled muscles" pose. "But..." His eyes went down Tom's body, returning to Tom's face. "...you've got a Matt Bomer thing going on. And you're in better shape than Pettyfer." Now it was one of Tom's eyebrows that went up, amused that Trevor Noah had the cast of `Magic Mike' memorized. "Although, it's a question of if you're comfortable taking your clothes off on camera."

"I was in my underwear for Spider-man."

"For like what - five seconds? Those guys were dancing around in thongs for half the movie." He saw Tom's head tilt. "Okay, like a fifth of the movie. But still."

"Yeah." Tom tapped his chin as if he was weighing the idea. "That would be different. Would have to practice so it wouldn't feel weird during auditions. Can't be that hard though."

"Riiiiiight. Just, you know, dancing around in your underwear. Completely normal stuff. Good luck." Trevor's wink turned into another laugh as Tom's nose wrinkled up.

"I could totally do it."

"Oh, no doubt. Go for it - I'll cheer you on."

"Okay." Tom looked over at a small device in the living room. "Alexa - play `Pony' by Ginuwine."

"Wait - what?"

"You said go for it."

"I meant - "

"Alexa, increase volume to seven." The music played louder, drowning out the rest of Trevor's words. He was also too busy watching Tom's body as it began slowly gyrating to the beat, the comedian's throat working as he swallowed nervously, not a single joke coming to mind.

The lyrics to the song filled the room. I'm just a bachelor...I'm looking for a partner...Someone who knows how to ride. Holland's hips swung back and forth. He smirked - Noah's eyes were barely making it higher than his chest already and he'd barely started. As the chorus started, he ran his palms down his torso again, his fingers finding the bottom of the tank top.

If you're horny let's do it...Ride it, my pony. Taking hold of the shirt, Tom slowly lifted it up, peeling it from his body. My saddle's waiting... He let the black cotton material dangle from his finger for a moment before letting it drop to the floor. Come and jump on it... Noah swallowed again, unconsciously moving his knees in and out.

Tom moved closer, his body moving in long undulating waves. He was on his knees again, hips thrusting lightly, fingers raking up his thighs. He glanced at Trevor's crotch, noting that the other man had a noticeable bulge already.

Sitting here flossing...Peepin' your steelo... Tom stretched his leg out, peeling one of the long socks off, tossing it in Trevor's direction.

Just once if I have the chance...The things I would do to you... The other sock came off and went flying through the air, landing on Noah's knee.

Send chills up and down your spine...Juices flowing down your thigh... He was back on his knees, tracing a finger down his chest, face tilted down and looking at Noah with hooded eyes.

"How's the audition going?"

"The wha-oh." Trevor blinked, tilting his head a little. "I mean, I think you'd have the part."

"You think? You're not sure?"

"I, uh - " Noah's words trailed off as Tom rose to his feet and stepped forward, unsure where this was going. Tom turned around, knowing how the short-shorts looked, hugging his ass. His thumbs rubbed at the waistband, teasing the idea that he might tug it down. Instead, he ran his hands down to his knees as he bent them, pushing his butt out. He teased the other man with an almost-lap dance, still a couple of feet away. In his peripheral vision, he noticed that Trevor's feet slowly slid apart, spreading his legs. Tom grinned for a moment, returning to a look of concentration as he turned around, grinding to the chorus again.

If you're horny let's do it...Ride it, my pony...My saddle's waiting...Come and jump on it... He knew the rest of the song was just the chorus on repeat. With another step in Trevor's direction, Tom slowly lowered the shorts, the waistband sliding over his crotch and stopping for just a moment before dropping to the ground, leaving him in just a pair of red briefs. Turning again, he placed his hands behind his head and worked his hips. Bending his knees again, he brought his body within just a couple inches of Trevor's. He could see Noah's toes curling, slowly pressing against the floor with frustration at the close-but-not-touching element of the lap dance.

As the song faded away, Tom turned around, his chest rising and falling with slightly heavy breath. "How was that?"

"Maaaaaan, pretty sure you'd get the role."

"Really? Even without looking like Big Joe?" Tom bent his arms, flexing.

"Ha!" Trevor's laugh had a little bit of a nervous tinge to it. "It felt like I was in the champagne room. Well, except without the dollar bills stuffed...you know."

"Oh! I didn't think about that!" Tom smacked his palm against his forehead.

"About...what?" Trevor's eyebrows knitted together, confused.

"Do you have any dollars?"

"Do I have...what?!"

"Well, in the movie, they've got women shoving money at them. I'd have to be comfortable with that, right?"

"I, yeah, I guess?"

"So...do you have any dollars?"

"Um." Trevor lifted his hips, pulling his wallet out of his back pocket. He thumbed through it, pulling out about a dozen bills. "Yeah. But why?" The corner of Tom's lip curled up into a grin - he couldn't help it. The other man was trying to sound confused but the tone of his voice gave away his curiosity and anticipation.

"To practice with."

Trevor swallowed again. "Um, practice what?"

Now it was Tom blinking, one eyebrow raised to silently respond, his face and body saying Really??' even if his mouth wasn't making the words. Instead, he kept his eyes on Trevor's as his lips parted to speak again. "Alexa - play Red Light Special' by TLC.' He tried not to chuckle as Trevor's eyes widened slightly, swallowing.

Take a good look at it, look at it now... Tom's hips were moving again, working in a slow circle. Might be the last time you'll have a go round...

That's a lie,' Tom thought as he began dancing again. He can go round and round as many times as he wants.' He stepped closer, his feet between Trevor's legs, noting that the other man's feet moved even further apart, silently inviting Tom further in.

I'll let you touch it if you like to go down...

"Dollars?" One cute little eyebrow rose up, teasingly.

"Oh, yeah..." Trevor lifted one up, tentatively sliding it into the waistband of Tom's briefs, right at his hip. "How's...that?"

"Doesn't feel weird."

Don't go too fast, don't go too slow... Tom turned and lowered his hips, bringing his rear down until it was just barely brushing against Trevor's lap.

I like 'em attentive and I like 'em in control... He turned to glance over his shoulder, raising his eyebrow again. His grin returned as Trevor tucked another bill into the top of his underwear. Again, it was near his hip, the other man playing it safe. Tom decided it was time to dial things up a notch.

Baby, it's yours, all yours, if you want it tonight...I'll give you the red light special all through the night... The music kept playing as he brought his torso upright and put his hands on his knees, bending further, his butt pressing against Noah's crotch...and finding what was definitely a firm lump. He resisted the urge to grind down on it, swinging his hips a little instead, rubbing back and forth to the beat.

Baby, it's yours, all yours, if you want it tonight...Come through my door, take off my clothes and turn on the red light...

Tom turned again, noting that Trevor was breathing more heavily. He climbed onto the couch, straddling Trevor's lap, resting his weight on his knees so that he was an inch or so above Noah's crotch, not giving the other man what he might want...yet. Trevor lifted another dollar bill - Tom lightly took hold of his wrist and lifted it up, pressing the bill (and Trevor's fingers) against his chest, slowly sliding them downward.

I know that you want me, I can see it in your eyes...You might as well be honest, 'cause the body never lies... Their hands moved down over the ridges of Tom's abs, Trevor swallowing as the tension rose. Tom brought Trevor's fingers to a spot halfway between his hip and his crotch, curling the other man's digits and helping him tuck the dollar there, further in than before.

"This is easier than I thought it'd be."

"Yeah?" The tip of Noah's tongue darted out, wetting his lips.

"Yeah. I thought it'd be weird, doing a Magic Mike type of thing. But it's actually kinda fun."

"Fun. Ha." Trevor chuckled lightly.

"How is it? From the audition or audience side?"


"Just good? Hmmm."

Baby, it's yours, all yours, if you want it tonight...I'll give you the red light special, all through the night... The music continued as Tom moved his hips more vigorously, still matching the beat but with more intensity as he placed his hands on the back of the couch, leaning over Trevor's body as he lowered himself down, his ass firmly pushed against the other man's crotch as he continued dancing. He was pretty sure he felt it throb through Trevor's pants, just encouraging him further.

"Got any more dollars?"

"Yeah." Trevor brought another dollar up, placing it at the bottom of Tom's chest, close to where Holland had started him before. He moved on his own this time, tracing down the sexy stomach, his fingers finding a spot closer to the front and then diving down below the black waistband and lingering as Tom continued working his hips back and forth.

And then Tom was up, turning around and sitting again...but at the edge of the couch, not touching Trevor. He lifted his hips up and down, putting his butt on display.

If you want me (if you want me) let me know it (let me know)...I'll make time but you've got to show it (you've got to show)... He felt fingers and a dollar rest against his back, sliding down...down...down. He slowly shifted backward with each move to the beat, until he was pressed against Noah's crotch again. The other man's legs spread even further, giving Tom better access...and he took advantage of it, wedging himself into the older man's groin as the fingers found his briefs and slid into them, under the black waistband and red fabric, brushing against the top of Tom's crack and then pulling back.

Tom turned around once more, climbing onto Trevor's lap.

If you need me (if you need me), I want to see (I want to see)...But don't mistake me, I don't want you down on your knees...

He smirked, clearing his throat. "If I'm the one dancing, why are you the one sweating?"

"Huh? Oh." Trevor wiped his forehead with the back of his hand. "It's just a little warm in here."

"Ah, okay."

I need someone (I need someone), a real man (a real man)...I need someone who understands (who understands)...

Trevor's hand came back up and rested in the center of Tom's chest. As they slid down, Tom slowly leaned backward, causing Trevor to shift his weight forward a little, pressing his crotch and Tom's rear more firmly against one another. As his fingers reached Tom's waist, the British stud took hold of Trevor's hand and moved it over to his hip...at the same time, he grasped Trevor's other hand and brought it to his other hip. Leaning back further, he put his body on display as he continued grinding, a little more earnestly than before as he pulled Trevor's hands down his thighs.

Baby it's yours, all yours, if you want it tonight...I'll give you the red light special, all through the night...

He brought their hands down to his knees and then began pulling them back up...slowly up...sliding along the inside of his muscular legs. When he reached his crotch, he danced their hands back out, brushing against the cotton hem, bringing their hands slowly back up to his waistband. Trevor took hold of one side, tugging it a little, as the fingers of his other hand slid over to the center and dipped down. He continued his descent until his fingers were brushing into the hair of Tom's crotch, pulling back as if touching a live wire.

Baby it's yours, all yours, if you want it tonight...Just come through my door (come through my door)...

Tom moved his body forward, grinding their crotches together, feeling Trevor's hand go to his back, pressing another dollar bill against his skin and gliding down.

Tom repeated the teasing moves again, taking hold of Noah's hands and guiding them down over the back of his thighs, up and down a couple of times, enjoying the large hands rubbing his legs. He wasn't sure, but it seemed like Trevor's hips were slightly moving up to meet Tom's movements. As he continued leading Trevor's hands, he brought them up...but straight up instead of sliding out to the side, bringing them up over the curves of his round bubble butt. He could feel Trevor's fingers curling in, digging against the cotton-clad flesh. Up their intertwined fingers went, above the waistband of Tom's briefs...and then down, both pairs of hands sliding underneath the elastic band, pushing it down. The illusion of tipping was gone, the dollar bill falling to the ground as Noah's hands clenched, squeezing Tom's rear.

Holland lifted himself up, his crotch still pressed against Trevor's body, his lump sliding over the other man's stomach.

Take off my clothes (take off my clothes) and turn on the red light... He lowered his hips, pushing the lump in his briefs back against Trevor's crotch before lifting back up.

Baby, it's yours, all yours, if you want it tonight... Tom continued rising upward, Trevor's palms still pressing against the cheeks of his ass. His crotch was rubbing up and down against Trevor's chest, the other man pulling him forward, pressing their bodies closer together.

Red light special, all through the night... Tom dropped his hips back down, pinning Trevor's hands between his ass and the other man's thighs as he leaned back, further and further.

Baby it's yours, if you want it tonight... As the song faded away, he was pumping his hips up and down, pressing against Trevor's palms and then pushing his crotch up in the air, back and forth. With his head hanging out in the air past Trevor's knees, he reached out and blindly found a dollar bill, dropping it onto his chest. He felt one of Noah's hands slide out from between their bodies and press the dollar to his skin, slowly raking it down over Tom's stomach.

Noah found Tom's waistband again and slid under it, pushing the dollar into Tom's crotch. The tips of his fingers brushed the trimmed patch of hair but lingered this time.

"Champagne room?" Tom's voice came out low and husky.

"Yeah, the champagne room. Definitely not the kind of dance they do out in the main area."

"No?" Tom was still working his hips, a cocky grin appearing on his face. "The champagne room is more fun?"

"Uh huh."

Tom's fingers slid down over the back of Trevor's arm. "The champagne room then." He heard Trevor let out a little gasp as he pushed their hands down, Noah's fingers bumping against the hardened root of Tom's cock. He held the other man's hand there as he ground upward, whimpering lightly at the feel of another man's flesh against his own. The fingers of Trevor's other hand curled, squeezing Tom's ass harder. He began moaning softly, riding Noah's lap, happily caught between both hands, front and back.

Eagerly, Tom lifted himself back up, resting down against the definitely-harder-and-larger bulge in Trevor's lap. "What's that?"

"The champagne bottle." Both men chuckled. "So..." Trevor lifted a $20 bill into the air. "What do I get for a twenty?"

"This." Tom pressed his body against Noah's, rubbing his nose against the other man's neck. "And this..." He murmured as brought Trevor's free hand back to his rear, encouraging him to squeeze and caress the firm muscles.

A couple of minutes later, Trevor cleared his throat and spoke up again. "What's a fifty get?" He pressed another bill to Tom's body.

"Fifty gets you this." Tom reached back and nudged Trevor's other hand further inward, until the tips of his fingers were grazing up and down the cleft between his cheeks. He slid his nose up and over Trevor's chin, licking at his mouth and then tugging at the other man's lower lip. Trevor tilted his face to meet Tom's, their lips pressing together...and then their tongues were wrestling against one another's, both moaning hungrily. Tom whimpered again, louder this time, as Noah's finger ran in a slow circle around his hole, teasing him. He found himself bucking his hips backward, eager for the other man to press his digit inside. Being denied that pleasure just drove him to kiss more fervently, silently begging for more.

Trevor broke the kiss, panting. "And, uh..." He swallowed, sighing with pleasure and anticipation. "...what do I get for a hundred?" He lifted the bill in the air, one eyebrow raised up.

"For a hundred?"

"Yep. One hundred. Maybe two."

"For a hundred..." Tom kissed Trevor on the lips again and then began lowering his body, slowly crawling back off of the couch. "...maybe two..." He was on his knees, looking up into the other man's face, rubbing his hands over Trevor's thighs, slightly frustrated that the comedian was still wearing pants. "...you might get..." He brought his face closer in, hovering over the throbbing crotch, feeling the heat emanating from it. "...something fun."

"Something fun?" Fingers ran up and down Tom's arm.

"Very fun." He plucked at the button of Trevor's pants.

"Champagne room fun?"

"Gotta find the champagne first. You said there was a bottle here?" Slowly, more slowly than he wanted to, Tom pulled down the zipper, revealing navy blue fabric beneath.

"Uh huh. Find it and drink up, man."

Growling, Tom tore Trevor's pants down, tugging the CK trunks with them. He found himself in a familiar spot between Trevor's legs, staring at a hardening cock...and devoured it. Unlike the party, he'd get more than six minutes this time. Hungrily, sloppily, he slurped up and down, moaning loudly.

"Oh fuuuck..." Fingers dove into Tom's hair, encouraging his lust-driven efforts. Denied the taste and feel of another man for several months, he sucked Noah's cock like a madman, moaning and whimpering. "Jesus...fuuuuuuck..." Trevor's legs flexed, pumping up into the younger man's mouth, pulling his face down, impaling it for a few moments before letting Tom do his thing.

Tom pulled off, wiping his chin. "Sorry..." His tongue lapped at the large scoop-shaped head, diving into the deep slit. "...it's just been...so long..." His mouth opened and he took in the tip, sucking on it, wanting to tease...but found himself devouring the entire eight inch length, loving the way it filled his throat.

"Same. Fuck, same here. Take it."

Tom clenched his hands at Trevor's thighs and hoovered his cock, feasting on it.

"I'm...fuck, I'm..." Trevor clenched his eyes as his entire body tightened up, his hips spasming and thrusting his meat further down Tom's throat. Holland pushed down on the other man's thighs, pulling back so that his lips were latched firmly about halfway along the shaft, feeling it throb as cum flooded his mouth. He moaned loudly, a deep satisfied emanation that rolled down his spine, his toes curling against the floorboards as he savored the taste of Trevor's thick hot juices. He swallowed greedily - it'd been months since a man had shot their load into his mouth and he was savoring the sensation to the fullest.

He was so intent on sucking the delicious meatstick in his mouth that it took him by surprise when Trevor placed his thumbs at Tom's forehead and pried the little stud off of his cock, groaning with pleasure and pain. It was only then that Tom realized that he'd been going at it for a full minute or two after Trevor had finished cumming, still sucking and swallowing on a cock that was now fully spent.

Noah stared into Tom's eyes which shone with lust, his pupils dilated as if he were high, lower lip hanging as he panted hungrily. The younger man pounced upward, landing on the couch, straddling Trevor's lap, his mouth attacking the older man's lips, sucking and nibbling. He whimpered as he ground his hips downward...whimpers that turned into groans as he realized that the cock between his friend's legs was still hard, despite Tom's efforts to suck the life out of it.

"Do you have..." He reached down, earnestly tugging at the firm rod. He felt Trevor lean over and rummage in the drawer of a side table, putting a good-sized bottle in Tom's palm. Holland leaned back, opening the cap, smirking with one eyebrow raised.

"Hey, I told you - it's been a long time since someone else broke a sweat here. Damn pandemic."

"So what, you've got lube stashed all over the apartment?"

"There's even some in the kitchen. Just in case."

"Just in..." Tom giggled. He wasn't sure if Trevor was joking or not. `Later,' he thought as he reached down and quickly slicked up Noahs' length...and then lowered his hips. As he impaled his ass on Trevor's cock, part of Tom's mind was telling him to slow down, to enjoy it...and the rest of him, brain and body, was screaming for dick. Head rolled back and groaning loudly, he sank all the way down until he felt thighs pressing up against his butt, fingers clenching at the other man's shoulders, almost wanting to cry with pleasure at the feeling of being stretched out by a dick...a real dick, not some plastic toy.

"Fuuuuuuuuuck..." Both men moaned the word at the same time as Tom lifted himself up and then slammed back down...again...and again...and again. He held onto Trevor's shoulders as he bounced up and down, riding the other man at a frenzied pace.

Trevor's eyebrows scrunched together as he squeezed that round supple ass and thrust up with his hips, meeting Tom's movements to really drive in and out. The room filled with the sound of skin slapping against skin, increasingly louder and louder moans, and heavy breathing. It wasn't long before Tom had broken out into another sweat, this time from fervent fucking rather than dancing. His hands slid up over Trevor's shoulders and along his neck, caressing into the short afro that the news anchor had grown out while at home, fingertips digging gently against his scalp. Tom was leaning back a little as he rode, his mouth hanging open and groaning as he lifted himself up and down.

Every now and then Tom would look down, his eyes glazed over. When that happened, Noah would bring a hand up to the back of the little cutie's head and pull him forward, making out as they fucked, enjoying the way Tom's moans turned into long mewling sounds. It was during one of those kisses that he heard Tom's breath start to hitch and then it was Trevor who was groaning as the muscles of Tom's ass flexed impossibly tight around his shaft, threatening to squeeze his dick off. Ropes of cum erupted between them, splashing both men on the chest. Trevor was impressed by the size of the load coming out of Tom's smaller body.

Trevor barely gave the other man time to recover from getting off before lifting them both off of the couch. Tom moaned louder as he found himself on his back on the floor, legs wrapped around Trevor's waist, the South African holding his weight up on his elbows and using them as traction to really thrust deep and hard into Tom's tunnel.

"Fuck me...fuuuck me...fuuuuck meeeeee!!!"

"I...am...fucking...you..." Trevor panted, trying to catch his breath but not slowing down as he chased another orgasm. He wanted...no, he needed to feel what it was like to shoot a load into this tight little ass.

He groaned with lust and intrigue as Tom's eyebrows knitted together and he arched his back, the Spider-twunk moving his body...and then a well-muscled leg was running up along Trevor's body, hooking onto his shoulder. Getting the hint, he reached down and pulled Tom's other leg up...and then lifted himself up, resting on his knees and pressing Tom's legs to the bottom's chest as he continued drilling his ass.

"Fuck. Me. Fuck. Me. Fuck. Me." Tom repeated the words non-stop. The world had disappeared, replaced with just two things - Trevor and Trevor's Dick. Over eight inches of meat stretching him out in the most delicious way that he hadn't realized he'd missed this much. His fingers clawed at the floor and at Trevor's arms, his back arching hungrily, wishing he could spread his legs further and let the hunk's cock in even deeper, wanting every last quarter-inch buried inside.

"I can't...I'm going to..."

"PleAAAAASE!" Tom cried the words out.

"Yeah, you want it?"

"OH MY FUCKING GOD YES, BREED ME, PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE!" As he felt his guts being painted with a load of cum, Tom's eyes rolled back in his head. He couldn't get off so soon, but his body was wracked with the same intense pleasure as if he were having an orgasm. Squeezing his eyes shut, he found stars popping off in the darkness behind his eyelids.

"Shhh...shhh...shhhh, it's okay, it's okay."

"Huh?" Tom came back to the present and found Trevor's fingers wiping at the corner of his eyes. Was he...? Sniffling, he brought his hand up to his face and wiped tears from his eyes.

"So-sorry. I just..."

"Oh man, I get it." Letting out a long breath, Trevor collapsed to the floor next to Tom, both of their chests heaving.

"Damn, I need a cigarette."

Tom looked over. "You smoke?"

"Naw." Trevor laughed, his fingers scratching at his chest. "But I think I get it right now." He turned to meet Tom's gaze, winking, causing the smaller man to break out into a laugh. Tom turned over, laying halfway on top of Trevor's body, waggling his eyebrows.

"I've got something you can smoke."

"Oh, really?" Trevor laughed as Tom took the other man's hand and brought it down, the two of them groping Tom's half-hard dick. "Mmmm. Even better than a cigarette." Lips found his and there was that adorable tongue again, meeting his own. Trevor closed his eyes, humming happily as he felt Tom's cock begin to stiffen under his touch.

~ ~ ~ ~

Trevor leaned against the counter, running his fingers through Tom's hair. The hot twunk was on his knees, hands gripping the comedian's legs as he bobbed up and down, hungrily feasting on the hard cock. He snapped back to reality as he heard the sound of knocking on his apartment door. Glancing at his phone, he saw a notification that their food delivery had arrived.

"He's here. I need to..." Trevor moaned as Tom pushed himself down until his lips were wrapped around the base of Noah's shaft. Finally, Tom broke off, a trail of spit connecting his bottom lip to Trevor's rod.

"They have to..." His tongue stuck out and licked around the pronounced ridge of Trevor's cock head. "...leave it at the..." lick "...door...anyway." Those lips descended once more, engulfing the throbbing shaft.

`He's not wrong,' Trevor thought as he tilted his head back and closed his eyes, moaning lightly at his new friend's efforts. "Okay - food's going to get cold." He pulled Tom's mouth off of his meat, laughing at the way the younger man pouted.

When he returned, Tom nuzzled his face against the older man's chest. "Can I have dessert before dinner?"

"You already had dessert."

Tom's eyes darted around, thinking of a response. "Um, that was an appetizer." He laughed as Trevor frowned, taken aback by the idea of his dick being referred to that way. "A big, tasty appetizer. It filled me up..." Tom started sinking to his knees again, peeling down the waistband of Trevor's trunks to reveal the treat he was craving. His tongue began lapping up and down the curved shaft.

"A few loads..." Trevor swiveled his hips, causing his cock to bounce across Tom's nose. "...wasn't enough to fill you up?"

"Three? No, not at all."

"Has it been three?" Trevor counted on his fingertips. "Let's see - you swallowed me on the couch, screamed to get bred on the floor. You let me rest for a few minutes before sucking out another on the floor. Hmmm. Guess it has only been three."

"Could be four..." Tom suckled on the large cockhead.

"How many does it take to fill you up?"

Tom pulled off and grinned. "Oh. A LOT more than three." He flicked his tongue over Trevor's slit. "Want to find out?"

Noah sighed as Tom sank his lips down his throbbing shaft again. "That...mmmm...that sounds like fun. Hey, I have an idea." He looked down to find Tom's eyebrows raised in a silent question, his mouth otherwise busy. "What if you stay here instead of the hotel?" He laughed as Tom's lips stretched out further, grinning despite being stuffed full. The younger man nodded enthusiastically.

He pulled off, licking at Trevor's rod. "That sounds amazing. I could keep snacking on this." He ran his tongue down Noah's length, tickling the other man's balls with his tongue. "I'm really REALLY hungry." He returned to licking at the tip, pouting and blinking his eyes.

"I'm hungry too. For real food. Although I might snack on that ass again later." Trevor laughed as Tom lifted himself back up to his feet, pouting. Moments later, the Brit was devouring his meal, famished from the energy they'd expended on the couch...and the living room floor...and the kitchen. Trevor chuckled, shaking his head in amusement at how quickly his guest had switched modes, animatedly chatting while he ate, as if they'd spent the afternoon playing video games instead of playing with the joysticks between their legs.

Finishing up his meal, Tom waited and drank a beer while waiting on Trevor to wrap up. Once his host was done, Tom pounced on him once more, coming around the kitchen island to where Trevor was throwing away the plates.

"I'm ready for dessert." Tom whined the words as he began working his mouth down Trevor's torso. His downward movement was stopped by Trevor's hands sliding under Tom's arms, lifting the actor and turning him around. Noah slid behind him, grinding his stiffening dick against the firm round butt. Spitting onto his cock, Trevor lined up and slowly sank inside. The lube and cum from their earlier tryst granted him entrance into the tight hole.

"Ready for dessert?"

"Yessssss." Tom hissed the words as he leaned back, pressing his back against Noah's chest. It'd been so long since he'd fooled around, playing as a little sexual party favor for the Hemsworths or as Tovey's boy toy at the London parties. The desire to play into another man's fantasies overtook him as he wrapped his arms around the back of Trevor's head. He let out another moan - this one sounded more slutty than his earlier needy cries of lust. "What's...uuuuunnhhhh...what's your favorite position?"

"Mmmm. Why?" He could feel Trevor's smile against his shoulder, lips meeting the toned flesh.

"I want to make you feel good."

"It's..." Trevor took hold of Tom's shoulder and leaned him forward, until Tom was bent over the counter. "...this."

Placing his palms flat on the granite surface, Tom arched his backside, spreading his legs a little further apart and pushing backward to take more of Trevor's meat.

"Yeah man, open up that ass for me." Noah thrust forward, burying the rest of his dick inside, loving the feel of Tom's ass pressed against his body...especially when the little stud began gyrating his hips, grinding on his rod.

The pair picked up speed. Trevor used his grip on Tom's hips to pull the hungry bottom back as he thrust forward, slamming inside again and again. Soon, Tom had his chest pressed to the kitchen island, his arms splayed out to either side, fingertips digging at the cold flat surface. He spread his legs even further, allowing Trevor to get just a little bit deeper into his guts.

"Oh...my....fucking...godddddd!!!!" Tom snapped his head back and let out a howling moan.

"That feels good?" Trevor's thumbs caressed Tom's hips as he held on, drilling the twink.

"Yessssssss. I needed this so fucking bad." Holland pushed back again, meeting Trevor's forward thrust and wiggled his hips, grinding against the other man.

smack smack smack The sound of skin slapping against skin filled the kitchen, punctuated by grunts and groans. Eventually Tom felt the thrusts getting jerkier, more hurried. He clenched the muscles of his ass, squeezing Noah's cock as it continued drilling him. With a whimpered growl, Trevor pushed in one last time, his cock throbbing as it began pumping another volley of cum into Tom's hole.

Panting, the comedian leaned forward, chuckling as he nuzzled the back of Tom's neck.

"That's four."

~ ~ ~ ~

"Okay, so guests are confirmed?"


"Zoom links sent out?"

"Yes boss." Trevor rolled his eyes, smiling as he shook his head at the long-running joke with the `Daily Show' staff member.

"Kenny, for the five millionth time, I'm not your boss. Comedy Central signs the checks. THEY'RE your boss."

"Got it...boss."

"Remind me to fire you."

"You can't. You're not my boss, remember?"

Laughing, the group returned to the task of finalizing production of the day's show and going over plans for the rest of the week. Catching movement in his peripheral vision, Trevor glanced up to see a slim figure make its way into the kitchen. Blinking, he stopped himself before his eyebrow rose up - a reaction that might confuse his co-workers. Subtly looking back up, he watched as Tom got some water from the fridge.

`That little...' Noah covered his mouth, trying not to laugh again at the sight of Tom Holland, Spider-man himself, wearing one of the comedian's trademark hoodies...and seemingly nothing else, the flesh of those sexy legs on full display all the way down to the floor.

Turning, Tom waved and winked as he took a drink. Reaching down, Trevor checked to make sure that his microphone was muted. Picking up a coffee mug to cover his mouth, he returned his attention to the laptop screen as he spoke. "Forgot your pants?"

Tom looked down, as if noticing his lack of clothing for the first time. "Ohhh. Naw. You told me to make myself comfortable. So..." He waved a hand down towards his lower body.

"I see."

"Do you?" Turning, Tom stretched out his arms, causing the large shirt to raise up...exposing the cheeks of his very round ass, framed by the straps of one of Trevor's jocks. Noah cleared his throat in surprise, trying to maintain a neutral expression. Realizing that he was being asked a question, he unmuted himself.

"Yeah, that sounds great. I like that."

Tom turned around, grinning wickedly. "Really? You do?" He mouthed the words, barely whispering. Pulling the hoodie up with one hand, Tom exposed his torso. Lightly pinching his own nipple, the Brit trailed his fingers down his stomach and over the bulging pouch, allowing the thick cotton fabric to drop back down and cover him once more.

"I'd like to see how that turns out. Keep going." Trevor waved his finger in a circle, indicating that Kenny should keep talking, elaborating on the staffer's idea. Watching the screen, Trevor chewed the inside of his lips nervously as Tom slowly sauntered across the living room.

`Fuck,' he thought as the actor got down on all fours and crawled under the coffee table. He tried to wave the younger man away but his efforts were half-hearted, with his long-neglected cock doing the thinking for him.

Swallowing, Trevor reached down to adjust the top of the laptop, making sure that it was angled up higher, before he resumed gripping the coffee mug with both hands as if for dear life. Glancing down very quickly, he found Tom grinning from ear to ear as he slowly began unzipping Trevor's shorts and pulled them down. Warm breath escaped Tom's nose and blasted the bulge in his underwear....which soon followed, sliding down his thighs and dropping to the floor.

`Fuuuuuuuuuck.' In his mind's eye, Trevor could see the headlines. Daily Show host caught getting head on camera He stared at the Zoom window to make sure that Tom's hair didn't show up...and then had to choke back a moan as his dick disappeared down his guest's throat.

The rest of the meeting went by in an agonizingly slow blur, with Trevor barely able to follow the conversation while Tom continued slowly sucking his cock. While the pace didn't pick up, the intensity did, with Tom's lips and throat putting an increasing amount of pressure on his rod.

"Tom..." His mouth covered by the coffee mug again, Trevor reached down and tried to pry the other man's face away, failing from both the high level of Tom's desire and Trevor's lack of interest in really stopping him.. "Tom...fuck...I'm..."

He squeezed his eyes shut, desperately trying to think of things...anything...that might prevent the inevitable.

"Trevor, you okay?"

"Uh, yeah. I just...ahem." Trevor cleared his throat. "I've got a little bit of a headache. Stayed up too late last night watching the television. Hang on, keep talking, I'm listening. I'll be right back." Reaching down, he slammed his thumb down to mute his audio and then turn off his camera. Somewhere, off in the distance, he heard his co-workers still speaking. A roaring sound filled his ears as his body sought release, shooting volleys of cum in between Tom's hungrily suckling lips.

"Fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck." As his cock began to soften, Trevor finally opened his eyes and looked down to see Tom wipe the corner of his mouth with his thumb, sticking the digit between his lips and sucking on it as he scooted backward and out from under the coffee table.

Still on the ground, his horny little guest leaned back against a chair, spreading his legs and fondling himself. Having to return to the meeting, Trevor reluctantly resumed the conversation while he half-watched Tom pull out his own cock and begin stroking it, sucking on the fingers of his other hand. When Tom was close, he stopped and tucked his member back into the jock, pulling himself up to a standing position. Smirking, he held up both hands, most of his fingers raised. Silently, he mouthed one word.


Winking, Tom turned and slinked away, returning to the kitchen to get another glass of water. Feeling parched himself, Trevor chugged the rest of his coffee, eager for the meeting to end.

~ ~ ~ ~

"You...you little..." Trevor closed his laptop lid, rising up from the couch and stalking his way across the room. Tom stayed put on a kitchen stool, swinging his feet, still wearing just the hoodie and a smile.

"Hiiii." Winking, he waved and took another bite from his apple.

"Someone behaved very badly during my meeting today."

Tom put his hand against his chest, his jaw dropping with surprise "Me??"

"Yes, you."

"Oh no. I'm sorry." Grinning, Tom took another bite.

"Sorry isn't going to be good enough."

"I'm very sorry?"

"Still not good enough." One side of Trevor's mouth pulled up in a grin as he smacked the back of his hand into the palm of his other hand. Tom looked down and back up, swallowing with feigned nervousness.

"I'm really really sorry?" Blinking, he gave a big nervous grin as the older man stepped forward.

"Am I going to be, um...punished?"

"Yeah. I think it's well-deserved for that little prank, don't you?"

Looking down, Tom saw the large bulge in Noah's underwear. He hid his amusement (mostly) as he slid off of the stool and made his way to the bedroom, hanging his head as he walked. Reaching the bed, he climbed up and rested on his hands and knees, his ass on full display in the jockstrap.

smack A hand came down on the meaty cheek. "Are you going to do that again while I'm on a Zoom call?" smack

Tom looked over his shoulder as he responded. "No...sir." He noticed Trevor swallow when he uttered the last word, a little grumble rolling out of the other man's throat.

"Why don't I believe you?" smack

Tom arched his back, sticking his rear further up in the air. "Because I've been naughty?"

A hand caressed his ass, giving it a squeeze before rising up and coming down a couple more times. smack smack "Yes, you have been." smack "Very.." smack "...very..." smack smack "...naughty."

"Ow!" Suppressing a smile, Tom stuck out his lower lip, pouting as he winced.

"That hurt?"

"Uh huh."

"Aww. I'm sorry." A pair of hands squeezed his cheeks, spreading them as Trevor knelt down. "Here, I'll kiss it..." His lips met the muscled flesh of Tom's butt, planting a gentle peck. "...and make it better." He repeated the motion on the other cheek. "...and even..." Leaning forward, he lapped his tongue up in a long stroke over Tom's hole. "...better."

Tom's eyes rolled back in his head as he let out a long low moan, arching his back even further. Trevor ate his ass out enthusiastically, with loud slurps, his fingers digging into Tom's haunches.

He came up for air after a few minutes. "Are you sorry yet?"

"Oh yeah. Very sorry! Ohhhhhhhh!!" He swallowed as a finger slid into his entrance, moving in a circular motion to ease that tight British hole open. Hearing motion from behind, Tom spread his legs and gripped the sheets with anticipation, sighing as the head of Trevor's cock parked at his entrance, teasing for just a moment before sliding inside.

"Don't stop."

"Mmmm. Wasn't planning on it." Letting out his own sigh of pleasure, Trevor sank all the way in, grinding his hips once his balls came to rest against Tom's rear. smack He brought his hand down again, spanking Tom as he began thrusting, delivering firm swats as he fucked the smaller man.

"Oh fuck. Fuuuuuck!!!" Holland pushed back, eagerly taking Trevor's meat again and again, his toes curling.

"Who's a bad boy?"

"I am."

smack "Are you going to behave from now on?"

"Probably not." smack smack smack "Fuuuuuuuuuuuuck meeee."

"I...am...fucking...you...god damn, this ass is...fuuuuuck." Trevor swallowed as he pounded harder, savoring the feeling of being buried in a guy's ass after such a long dry spell. Despite having filled this twink with several loads, he couldn't get enough, eager to make up for lost time and opportunity. His thrusts knocked Tom to the mattress and he climbed up on to the bed, covering the bottom's body with his own, pounding into his ass. Several minutes later, with a loud groan, his body shuddered as he shot yet another volley of cum into Tom's guts.

"Unnghhhhhh..." Noah let out a long breath, his heart racing. "Ten..." His forehead rested against Tom's shoulder. "My turn." Turning Tom over, Trevor quickly made his way down the twunk's body, licking and sucking until he reached the hard rod rising between his legs, engulfing it with his mouth and sucking furiously. It didn't take long before Tom was squeezing his eyes shut and grunting as he sprayed his juices down his friend's throat.

"Mmmm...double digits." Winking, he bent down and gave Trevor a deep kiss. "Finally."

~ ~ ~ ~

Tom leaned back, letting out a long sigh...this time it was an exhale brought about by relaxation rather than the joyous feeling of having his insides stretched or pounded.


Grinning, Tom looked up and backward. "A little bit."

"Just a little? Damn kid, I'm worn out." Trevor's laughter echoed around the bathroom. "Not sure how you're not exhausted."

"I'm just...not." Reaching down below the water of the bathtub, Tom continued to slowly work the bar of soap over his legs and stomach, making sure to get his friend's legs and arms as well.

"Oh, so getting plowed a dozen times in a couple of days is just, like, normal for you?"

Tom smirked as he stared off into space, memories of various parties and orgies coming to mind. With the bathroom lights turned off and the room illuminated only by candles, he was almost able to see the memories playout in the air, like one of those drive-in movie theaters. He chose to dodge the question instead of answering it directly. "It's just been suuuuch a loooong time..." His hand worked the bar of soap in harder strokes up and down Trevor's thighs. "...this damn lockdown back home. All by myself. I'm just all...I don't know. Worked up, I guess."

Trevor let out a little growl as his manhood reacted to Tom's touch. The Brit wasn't the only one who'd been denied the pleasures of the flesh. It felt like every nerve he had was connected to his dick - every time Holland touched him or even just gave a cute or devilish look...boom, he got hard right away. Even though his cock was a little sore from all the fucking they'd been doing the past two days, here it was, rising up again, eager to get back to work.

"Mmmmm, what's this?" He could hear the grin in Tom's voice as the little mischief-maker dug his fingers into Trevor's left thigh and clenched the muscles of his ass, squeezing Trevor's manhood.

"As if you have to ask any longer." Both men laughed, but just for a moment. Noah's chuckles gave way to a long moan as Tom lifted his hips up and then sank back down, spearing himself on the hard rod. With his guts slathered with lube and Trevor's cum, he took the now very-familiar dick easily.

"I think my guy here..." Trevor flexed his cock inside Tom's ass. "...has spent more time inside you than he has in my underwear."

"Goooooooood." The word rolled out of Tom's throat in a husky half-whisper as he rocked back and forth, slow grinding the other man's dick. Another moan erupted from his mouth as a hand found his own hard cock and began stroking it, matching Tom's rhythm.

The pair took their time. They still had a couple more days before Tom's flight back to London, so there was no need to rush. The earlier frantic pace of their sex, driven by the need to release urges that had been held back for far too long, had given way to more relaxed rounds of fornication, reveling in enjoying and exploring one another's bodies.

"Oh damn. This ass is...magic. Are we in the twenties yet?"

The sound Tom made was half-chuckle and half-moan as he continued working Trevor's staff. "Fourteen?"

"What? Are you...sure it's just...fourteen?"

"Uh...huh. Just...fourteen." Tom's breathing was getting heavy, matching Noah's ragged breaths.

Trevor took hold of Tom's hips and picked up the pace a little, pushing up harder and faster. Water sloshed up the sides of the tub, threatening to splash over and make a mess...not that either of the two studs cared. They were focused on one thing at the moment and nothing else mattered.

Groaning, Trevor clenched his fingers into Tom's flesh as he released more of his seed into the younger man's guts.

"Fif..." Trevor swallowed as the lights firing off behind his eyelids faded away. Resting his chin against Tom's shoulder, he let out a long breath. "Fifteen."

"Mmmm. Fifteen."

A hand patted Tom's chest. "Here, let's head to the bed. I want to try something."

Tom stood, his hard cock bobbing in the air as they dried off. Trevor reached the bed first and crawled up onto it, resting on his hands and knees. Looking over his shoulder, he winked at Tom. "Your turn. Round one."

"Oh." Tom ran his palm over Trevor's rear.

"Sorry. I should have asked. Do you...?"

"Ohhh, yeah!" Tom's lustful stare gave way to an enthusiastic grin. He climbed up onto the bed, taking hold of his dick and smacking it against Trevor's ass. "Hell yeah."

"Be gentle. It's been a while."

Lubing up his meat, Tom sank it into Trevor's hole, his eagerness causing him to move a little faster than he meant, stopping when he heard the other man hiss. "Sorry."

"It's okay, just...slow. Slow...ahhhhhh, there you go. Mmmmmmmm." Noah closed his eyes, savoring the feeling of being filled.

"That feel better?"

"Oh yeah, it's so fucking good. It's been so - " Biting down, Trevor pushed himself backward, taking the rest of Tom's cock. "- so damn long. Too long."

Their pace picked up - not as hyper as their first tryst, but close. Tom's dick felt like it was vibrating from the joy of being buried in a hole again - it'd spent far too much time enjoying only the touch of his own hand. Both men were crying out with pleasure as they worked each other over, until Tom let out a giant cry, howling as he creamed Trevor's insides.

Rolling Trevor over, Tom climbed on and rode him at a fevered pace, his ass slapping against Noah's thighs, fingers clenching at the South African's chest, sucking on the fingers that Trevor shoved into his mouth.


"That's it. Take it. Take it. Taaaaaaaaake fuuuuckiiiiiing helllllllll." Now it was Trevor who was roaring as his balls ached from the act of producing yet another load of cum. He moaned from the pleasure of release, mixed with a little bit of groaning as his nuts throbbed from being overworked.

Tom crumpled down against Trevor's body, purring as a hand stroked his back.

"Sixteen." Trevor's chest rumbled against Tom's cheek as he spoke the word, giving way to a gasp as Tom's mouth found his nipple and suckled at it.

The Spider-man actor looked up with a mischievous wink, his teeth lightly gnawing at the nub of flesh as he confirmed the count. "Sixteen." Winking, he bit down a little harder.

~ ~ ~ ~

"Twenty-three." Tom let out a long exhale as Trevor collapsed on top of him. They'd taken their time for this last round. His hole stung a little, both from the sheer amount of pounding it'd received over the last few days, combined with nearly one hour of plowing just now. A cock ring lay nearby - Trevor had finally taken it off, allowing his cock to find the release it ached for, both of them enjoying the feeling too much and reluctant for their escapades to come to an end. Tom had lost track of time, relishing the feel of Trevor on top of him, that cock sawing in and out between his legs which were wrapped around Trevor's waist the entire time, lips mashing together and hands wandering all over.

The pair made small talk as they showered...again. They'd already showered earlier, intending to get Tom dressed and ready to go before they'd gotten distracted.


Tom smiled as he took the olive green hoodie from Trevor - the same one he'd worn when he'd interrupted the `Daily Show' host's meeting earlier. He'd borrowed other hoodies as he put on similar shows, playing with himself off in the distance while Trevor was stuck on the laptop. The last time, he'd slowly lapped his tongue over the comedian's manhood and balls, edging him for the entire length of the two hour meeting. Trevor had been desperate for the meeting to end; when it finally had, he'd slammed the laptop lid shut and shoved his cock down Tom's throat, quickly depositing a load of jizz into the actor's stomach.

"Aww - are you sure?"

"Yeah. It looks good on you."

"Maybe I'll take some photos in it."


Tom pulled the hoodie on before slipping his feet into his shoes. "Definitely. And I'll wear it the next time I'm in town."

"Mmmm. Give me some warning. The boys are worn out." Trevor reached down and cupped his hand over his crotch.

"Aww, sorry."

Trevor swatted Tom's rear. "No you're not."

"You're right. I'm not. At all. Just like you're not really complaining."

"Not at all."

The pair were still laughing and chatting as they made their way into the hall. Reaching the elevator, they found a handwritten sign. `Out of order.'

"Well, guess it's the stairs." Tom shrugged as he adjusted the weight of his bags.

"Here, I'll help you then. Twenty flights will wear you out. Well, most people. Maybe not you MCU guys." Tom rolled his eyes, sticking out his tongue at the taunt before following Trevor towards the entry to the stairwell.

They stopped about ten floors down to catch their breath.

"You know, we never made it to twenty-four."

"What's so special about twenty-four?" Trevor leaned against the handrail, working to catch his breath.

"It's how old I am."

"Oh. Well, we should have aimed for thirty-six then."

Grinning, Tom closed the distance between them. "Thirty-six would be great." Dropping down to his knees, he began undoing Trevor's pants.

"Wait - what're you doing? Someone might - " Trevor was interrupted by Tom pressing a piece of paper into his hand. Opening it, he found the note from the elevator.

"No one's going to be using the stairs."

"They will when the elevator doesn't work."

"It's working just fine." Tom had Trevor's cock pulled out and was licking at the head, feeling it stiffen in his hand.

"No, it...wait. Did you...?"

"Sneak out when you weren't looking and put the sign there?" Tom shrugged.

"Such a...mmmmm...bad...little...mmmmmm." Trevor moaned as his dick disappeared down Tom's throat. Not wanting to get caught, Tom worked hard on the piece of man meat, sucking and slobbering, grabbing at Trevor's ass and thighs, making sure that the rod never escaped his mouth until...

"Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm." Tom raked his fingers down Trevor's thighs, moaning as his throat was coated with the other man's juices. He suckled at the head, getting every drop of nectar before tucking Trevor's manhood back into his underwear, zipping up his pants, and giving his crotch a little pat as he stood back up.

"You are...something else."

"Uh huh."

Chuckling, Trevor followed Tom as they resumed their descent down the stairs. "That's all you have to say for yourself?"

Tom looked back over his shoulder, grinning from ear to ear. "Twenty-four."

The sound of laughter rang up and down the stairwell, followed by threats of just how Tom could expect to be punished for his impish behavior, threats that Trevor fully intended to carry out the next time they met, with Tom egging him on, already eager for his next trip to New York.

~ ~ ~ ~

"Yeah babe, that's it. Take it. Damn, you look so hot like that."


"Oh yeah. I just wanna tear your hole up."

"Tell me."

"I'm going to tie you to the bed..."


"Spread those legs."

"Yes daddy."

"Slam into you. Again and again."


"Pound that hole into oblivion. Just the way you like it. With this dick."

Tom watched as the view on his phone changed from Jake's face to his crotch, his boyfriend's cock pulled out and being jerked furiously. "Oh hell yeah, my favorite dick."

"Yeah, this one's your favorite?"

"Yes daddy."

"Daddy's gonna pound his boy's hole."


"So hard. So hard you're limping the rest of the day."

"Fuck me daddy."

"I need my little Tom's ass. I should fly to England and tear it up."

"Oh fuck. For real???"

"Yeah. I'm going to book a flight today. Come next week. And then cum...and cum..and oh wow."

Tom's cock turned into a geyser, his body sinking down onto the length of the dildo he'd been ramming in and out of his ass, putting on a show for Jake. His other hand clawed at the sheets of his bed, his legs quaking - it felt as if his entire body was pulsing out through his dick. When he was finished, he leaned back limply against the pillows.

"Are...were you serious?"

"Yeah. I'm booking a flight today. I'm sorry about not being with you during your trip. You came all this way out. It's just my..." Jake sighed. "You know how paranoid everyone is right now."

"Your family isn't paranoid. They're just being safe."

"Well, I want to be..." Jake let the words hang in the air, until Tom gave up.

"Want to be what?"

"Snuggled up with you." The pair grinned at each other, the vast physical distance between them seeming to evaporate.

"You're serious."

"One hundred percent. Are you free later this week?"

Tom looked around the walls of his bedroom, which suddenly seemed like less of a prison than they had the past several months. "Uh, YEAH!"

"Great." Jake shared his screen as he booked a flight, the pair making plans. Tom noticed that it was a one-way flight, not saying anything, excited that the trip was open-ended. He was visibly bouncing up and down as they wrapped up their conversation, laying in bed and staring at each other as sleep began taking hold of the younger man.

"I love you."

"I love you too, my sweet Tom man."

Tom blew a kiss at the phone as he thumbed the red button to end the call. He was still smiling as slumber took hold, his arms wrapped around a spare pillow, imagining that it was Jake's body next to his again, at long last.

~ ~ THE END ~ ~

Thanks for reading. If you enjoyed the story, have feedback or want to share ideas, would love to hear from you. red.cheshire.writer@gmail.com

You can find all my stories at redcheshire.weebly.com Follow me on Instagram or Twitter: Instagram @redcheshire Twitter @redcheshire_fic

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