Holland Far from Bone

By Patrick Thomas

Published on Dec 22, 2022


This is a fictional story in which sexual activity between consenting adult males is depicted; it is no way based on true events or the sexuality of any of the persons mentioned. If you are underage or it is otherwise illegal to read this story where you live, please stop reading now.

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-------------------------------------------------------------------- Holland Far From Bone - "Climbing the Walls" (Part of the "Quarantine Frustration" story arc) --------------------------------------------------------------------

Author's Note: This story takes place in June, July, and September 2020. The "Quarantine Frustration" story arc begins in April 2020 and ends in September 2020.

Thank you to Robert and Damion for suggestions that found their way into this chapter. Thanks as always to Patrick for helping with proof-reading and editing.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ PART 1 - EARLY JUNE 2020 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

"What the hell is this?" Tom barely got the question out, he was so amused. One hand lay flat on his chest as it bucked with amusement - the other held up a small object. On the computer screen, his friend Zayn Malik was giggling.

"Ah, good - it finally arrived in the post!"

"Is this how you and Krasinski are spending your time?"

"Dude, no - he's here in-person, so don't need the fancy stuff. But you looked like you were in a bad way, so thought I'd lend a mate a hand. Or, well, a plug." Zayn descended into another fit of giggles, which only increased when he watched as Tom turned the gift around in his hands, examining it.

"You sent me a butt plug."

"I sent you a remote-controlled vibrating butt plug." The laughter faded, Zayn wiping the tears from the corners of his eyes as his expression became more mischievous than amused. "And anyone with the app and the access code can control it." His smile grew as he saw Tom glance up, one eyebrow rising with intrigue. He thumbed through his phone and then stared into the camera. "Go ahead, turn it on. If you dare."

Rolling his eyes, Tom found a small switch on the base and flicked it...and nothing happened. After a few moments, the plug began vibrating - softly at first and then very firmly, back to a gentle mode, and then settled on what seemed to be a medium level. His head cocked with curiosity as the device seemed to pulse while vibrating, the reverberations coming in little waves, like a thrumming sort of morse code that kept changing patterns. When Tom looked back up at the camera, the corner of his mouth was pulled upward in a cocky sort of grin. It was a sight that warmed Zayn's heart for a moment - the look that Tom had right before they entered a sex party or jumped into bed with some new catch.

"So, want to give it a go?"

"And you're gonna just what - sit there and watch, tapping on your screen?"

"Hell no. I got this at the same time." Zayn lifted a larger object into the air, grinning wickedly.

"Is that...one of those jerk-off tubes?"

"It's a remote-controlled stroker. Works the same way as your little nubbin there. Turn on the app - I'll text you the code."

"What makes you think I have the app installed?"

"Thomas Stanley Holland..." Zayn leaned towards his laptop, both eyebrows lifted up. "...lie to someone who doesn't know you. Inside and out. Especially your insides. The first seven inches or so anyway." He let out a giant laugh as Tom rolled his eyes again, this time with a chuckle as he tapped on the app mentioned by the butt plug's instructions. "That's my little Tom-Tom." Another laugh as Tom's nose wrinkled up with irritation at the nickname.

"Look, Uno..." Now it was Zayn's turn to curl a lip - he truly did detest that nickname, a reference to his split from OneDirection.

He held up his free hand. "Hey, hey now, no need for that rubbish. Besides..." He leaned in again, one eyebrow waggling "...you don't complain when I call you Tom-Tom while you're riding my dick." The grin returned as he saw Tom blush. "I think it's grown on you."

"The nickname, or your dick."

"Both." Zayn leaned back in his chair, grinning ear to ear, shaking the digital fleshlight again. "So, fancy a go?"

"Yeah - sounds fun."

In a short time, both guys were stripped down to their underwear, toys nearby, positioning their laptops as they got comfortable. Lubing up their toys, Zayn peeled off his trunks and tossed them over the computer, as if he were throwing them at his friend. Smiling, Tom turned and took off his briefs, kneeling on the bed so that he was facing away from the computer.

"Damn, I miss that ass." Zayn licked his lips as he checked out his friend's rear end. "You haven't been missing squat days, that's for sure."

Tom looked over his shoulder, watching as Zayn slowly stroked his cock. "Not much else to do all day, is there?"

"Fair point. Let's change that then - ready?"

"Yeah!" Smiling, Tom turned so that he was facing the laptop, spreading his knees apart. The pair lubed up their toys, Zayn sliding the clear silicon tube down his hard shaft and Tom inserting the blue butt plug into his entrance, both letting out small sighs of pleasure.

Tom's spine stiffened, letting out a yelp of surprise as the plug suddenly began vibrating at maximum intensity. "You could warn a guy, you know."

"What's the fun in tha-AAAA oh!" Zayn's eyes closed as the sleeve surrounding his shaft kicked into high gear. "Guess that's fair." Both men tapped their phone screens, decreasing the intensity of the vibrations. "Mmm, that feels nice." Thumbing the screen again, he set Toms' butt plug to begin vibrating with a pattern, little jolts of action that punctuated rising and lowering waves of intensity. He grinned as Tom's eyes fluttered, a happy moan rolling out of his throat. "Yeah, you like that?"

"Mmhmm." Holland nodded, biting his lower lip as the plug's vibration went through a more intense wave. Picking up his phone, he looked at the settings for Zayn's fleshlight, settling on a pattern that would feel like someone's grip quickly squeezing the other man's cock. A second later, it was Zayn's turn to groan with pleasure.

"Fuck, that's good. You know how to push my buttons."

Tom let out a sigh, unable to help from chuckling - even across the ocean, there was no escaping his friend's bad jokes.

"Try riding it a little. Yeah, just like that." Zayn leered at the screen as he watched Tom pump his hips up and down. He mirrored the motion with the silicon sleeve, sliding it up and down his dick at the same tempo. "That's it. Just imagine you're riding my cock."

"Zee..." Tom closed his eyes, leaning his head back, getting into the fantasy.

"Course, my cock's bigger than that plug. So pretend we're playing a game of just the tip. Yeah, that's it mate, ride my knob - if you're a good boy, I'll give you the rest of it, slide it all into you, pumping your guts." He licked his lips as he heard Tom whimper. "You want it bad, don't you? The head isn't enough. Tom-Tom's craving the whole of it." With a tap, Malik increased the strength of the small device in Tom's butt.

Tom's eyes opened, a familiar shine glinting in the warm brown orbs. He matched Zayn's action, dialing up the intensity of his friend's toy. "Yeah? As if I were riding it like that? Up and down...and up...and down...sucking on your fingers?" He put a digit in his mouth, pretending it was Zayn's, making a show of licking and sucking.

"Oh damn."

"Or stroking your chest."

"Fuck, you know I love that."

"Giving some attention to those sexy nipples of yours."

Zayn reached up and tweaked one of his nips, his breath hitching. He groaned as the pulsing pattern of the sleeve changed, rolling waves of pleasure massaging his meat.


"Uh huh?"

The pair were breathing heavily. They'd lost track of the time, focusing on the sensations their new toys were giving one another, Zayn's hand and Tom's hips pumping up and down in a synchronized pace, verbally teasing one another.

"I miss your cock."

"I miss yours too. And that ass. Man, no one has an ass like yours. I just wanna....mmmm."

"Want to what?"

"I'm tearing up your hole when I see you again."


"Oh yeah. Might pop a blue pill - go at it for a couple of hours before I'm not hard any more, draining my balls into your guts."

"Oh fuck."

"And don't worry, Tom-Tom..."


"I won't forget to shoot a load down your throat. Watch you milk my cock with that sexy mouth of yours."

"Fuck!" Tom could see it in his mind, Zayn standing over him, thrusting into his mouth, the hard cock throbbing between his lips. His own dick began jerking in his fist, spraying a load of cum onto the sheets. "Fuuuuuuck..." The word was half-moan, half-whimper.

"Yeah, you need it bad. Do you even remember what my seed tastes like? I think you need a reminder. Maybe several. Gonna let you guzzle down my cum so you'll never forget." Zayn's words resonated through Tom's mind, lengthening out his orgasm, his entire body jerking as he continued unloading volleys of jizz. When he was finally spent, he let out a long satisfied shuddering sigh, grinning with mischief.

"Yeah? I don't think you really remember what my ass feels like. I think you've forgotten it." Tom stuck out his lower lip, feigning sadness. Reaching down, he blindly tapped at his phone's screen, changing the settings as he continued speaking. "Might need to tie you to the headboard, right after you take that pill, and ride you for a couple of hours. Turn around and lean forward, so you can see my ass...oh, but you'll be tied up, so you won't be able to grab it. Poor you. And when you cum, I'm going to keep riding you, using it as lube to go harder, faster, owning your dick with my hole." He kept speaking, painting a picture of delightful torture until Zayn tore the sleeve away, unveiling his manhood and grabbing it, furiously stroking the shaft a couple of times before releasing a torrent of cum across his chest and stomach, groaning loudly. Tom stared, enraptured by the sight of the hard dick swelling and jerking in Zayn's grip, white creamy fluid rocketing out, licking his lips.

"Whewwww. Damn, that was hot. What did you think?"

Tom squinted as he pulled the plug from his rear, flicking the power switch off. "That was fun - thanks, mate!"

"No worries. Be careful who you give the access code to for that thing..." Winking at the camera, Zayn gave a lecherous grin again. "...or, don't be careful and give it to everyone. Have fun." The grin grew wider. "Wear it to dinner."

"Nooo!" Tom fell back against the pillows, laughing. "People'll hear it going off and on!" He laughed until tears came to his eyes, imagining Zayn's suggestion.

"Might not. Test it out with some music, see if it's loud or not."

"Maybe." Tom wiped the corners of his eyes, still laughing.

"I dare you." The former boyband singer giggled at the sight of Tom rolling his eyes.


"Uh huh." Smirking, Zayn knew that Tom had a hard time backing down from his dares. It'd made for some interesting times together.

"I'll think about it. Alright then, speaking of dinner, I need to wash up and get out of this room."

"Good!" Zayn's features softened, his eyes scanning Tom's face. "It's good to see you again."

"You too."

"Hope it's in-person again real soon."

"Yeah, that'd be nice." Tom looked down at the plug, chewing his bottom lip a little. "Can't wait for this to be over."

"Won't be long - you watch." Blowing a kiss at the screen, Zayn ended the video chat. Smiling wistfully, Tom hopped off of the bed and padded towards the bathroom, a little bit of spring in his step.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ PART 2 - MID-JUNE 2020, A FEW DAYS LATER ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Tom looked at his phone, eyebrows scrunched together. As he was working to puzzle out the picture on the screen, it was replaced by the name of an incoming caller. Smirking, Holland thumbed the green button.

"Hey, Henry."

"I'd wager that someone is confused right now."

"Have you got my room bugged?" Tom laughed, his eyes scanning his living room.

"Stop looking around the room and flip back over to the photo I sent."

"Yes sir, Mr. Cavill." Tom's voice was heavy with amusement as he followed the instructions. "It's a tent. Are you out camping?"

"Indeed, I am."

"With pleasant company, I hope."

"Mmmmm." It seemed as if the deep rumble of Henry Cavill's broad chest could be felt through the metal and glass of Tom's phone. "Sadly, no. Not in these times."

"Yeah." The corner of Tom's mouth tugged downward as he snuggled into the cushions of the couch, staring at the ceiling. In his mind's eye, the plaster gave way to clouds and trees, breaking up the bold blue color of the sky. The couch was replaced with a hammock, rocking at the edge of a campsite, the smell of smoke curling into his nostrils.

"Hello, earth to young Mr. Holland."

"I'm sorry, what?"

"I said..." That big rolling chuckle. Tom's toes curled, imagining his cheek against the big hairy pecs, feeling them bounce from Henry's restrained laughter. "...we should plan a trip."

"A camping trip?"

"Yes. Another one." Tom swore he could hear the grin in Henry's voice. "Last time was... a lot of fun."

The pouch of Tom's briefs became quite snug as a series of memories flowed into his mind - peeling off their rain-soaked clothes before diving into the tent, lightning flashes illuminating their bodies as they smashed together in a lustful tangle of legs and arms, Henry's big thick cock burying inside, over and over. Playing the role of father and son for the park ranger who'd come across them during their morning jog - a role which had turned naughty as "Big Daddy Henry" offered up his son's mouth to the ranger's hard meat. Feeling the rough bark of a tree under his palms as Henry...

Tom swallowed, his mouth dry, one hand down his pants. "Yeah, mate. It was hella fun."


"Yeah. We should absolutely go for another camping trip."

"Brilliant. You're rather good at helping to pitch a tent, if I recall." Tom's phone buzzed in his hand. Glancing at the screen, he saw a notification for an incoming message from Cavill. Tapping it, he was greeted by the sight of thick legs clad in pajama pants, a large mound in the middle rising up into the sky.

"It's...a big tent. Takes a lot of work."

"Mmmm." That delicious rumble again. Tom yearned to have his face buried into Henry's chest to feel and hear it again. "Think you got the right hang of it."

Cocking his head, Tom didn't hear any of his family around. Hooking his thumb into the waistband of his shorts, he pulled down, revealing a bit of pubic hair as he snapped a photo and sent it back to Henry.

"That's what I'm talking about, lad." The phone vibrated in Holland's grip again - a quick tap and he was greeted by the sight of flesh peeking through the gapped fly of Henry's lounge pants, the button straining to contain the mast of meat. Another buzz and he watched a short video of thick fingers undoing the button, allowing over eight inches of thick cock to bust through, springing into the air. Tom licked his lips, almost able to taste the bead of precum that was already visible at the tip of the weighty appendage.

Cautiously, he filmed a clip, groping his hard bulge and then yanking the waistband down, his own hard dick popping out and landing against his stomach with a loud smacking sound. He was glad he had the earbuds in - exposed in the family living room, the speakerphone felt a tad bit too dangerous.

The pair went back and forth, trading videos of stroking themselves, recalling memories from their camping trip.

"I thought the park ranger was going to shoot right away when I pushed your head down onto his pole."

"Fuck, me too - it was throbbing down my throat really hard."

Tom watched as the big bear paw glided up and down the thick shaft, thicker towards the head, recalling the way Henry's cock felt like it was punching into his guts. "And then when he showed up with a friend?"

"Ha! Yes - my little Tommy's ranger swap, the two taking turns on your ass. They couldn't believe my boy was such a slut, taking two loads right then and there."

"Well, and then a third..."

"Fuck, you were so damned horny after. I thought you were going to ride my cock right off."

"Do you think they...?"

"Suspected something?"


"Naw. I think they were busy with ranger stuff." Cavill grinned, recalling the look of curiosity that the ranger had given them during check-out, able to picture the dirty imaginings of the other man's mind picturing this big beefy dad pounding his little twink of a son. If the same ranger was still there on their next trip...it would be fun to toy with that idea a bit. He pictured Tom, bent over the wooden picnic table, ass in the air, Henry's hard cock driving in and out of it, wondering what the ranger's face would look like as Cavil bred his "son" right there in front of him. The idea sent him over the edge, his large balls spewing out a big heavy load that splattered across his broad stomach, coating the hairy expanse. Chuckling, he sent the video clip to his young friend, knowing what the next picture he'd get would be.

The sight triggered Tom's own orgasm, his cock throbbing in his fist as he held it straight up, cum flying up a few inches into the air before coming back down, raining creamy white fluids down his length and the trimmed hair around the base of his shaft. His lips were pressed together, stifling the loud moan that he naturally would let out with his release. Still breathing heavily, he sent the recording back to Cavill, receiving a devil and a few fire emojis in response. Smirking, he coated his finger with jizz and filmed himself sucking the digit clean, sending it to Henry.

"If this was yours...waste not, want not."

"Damn - you know exactly what buttons to push. I want your mouth...and your ass...wrapped around this...can just picture your tongue at work, cleaning me off."

Tom purred as he got a picture of Cavill's cum-covered cock, his mouth watering.

"Soon, my lad."

Tom got another text, this time just a tent emoji with two devils.

The pair ended the call, pledging to set a date for a camping trip soon. Signing off with a winking text, Tom heard footsteps approaching. Quickly pulling his shorts up and his shirt down, he returned his attention to the television as his brother, Harry, entered the room and plopped down on the far end of the couch. Working to keep his facial expression neutral and his breathing regular while his pulse slowly returned to normal, Tom waited several minutes before attempting to excuse himself to his bedroom. Tom opened his mouth to speak...

"Fancy a go at the Nintendo?"


"C'mon, bro. I'm bored as hell."

Swallowing, Tom gave in, feeling the juices in his shorts slide around as he grabbed a controller and fired up a racing game.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ PART 3 - MID-JUNE 2020 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

"That's it, baby boy. Stretch that hole open for me."

Tom was on his knees, face pressed to the mattress, two fingers sliding in and out of his lubed up hole. Following directions, he spread the fingers apart.

"More." Moaning, Tom spread his index and middle finger apart, as far as they would go. "C'mon man, I've seen you take dicks bigger than that. I know that hole can open up." The last word held onto the `e', stretching the sound to make a point.

Grinning, Tom looked between his spread legs. A delicious-looking dick was being stroked on his tablet screen, shiny with lube and precum, a cocky mustached grin in the background. "Why don't you come do it for me?"

"Would if I could, man. Now, show me what I'm missing out on."

His grin growing wider, Tom reached back with his other hand. He slid in the index finger of his left hand alongside that of his right hand...and slowly pulled them apart. "Hell yeah, that's what I'm talking about." Anthony Mackie's stroking picked up the pace a little as the pink insides of Tom's hole came into view.


"Oh yeah. If I was there...would spread you open a little more, push my tongue in there."

"Fuck..." Tom moaned as he began sliding one finger in and out. "Like this?"

"Yeahhhhh, start just like that. Slowly work up a little bit of speed." Mackie let out a husky groan as he watched Tom's finger move a tad more quickly, matching his words. His cock throbbed in his grip, eager for release. Glancing at the clock, he realized they'd been going at it for almost an hour, slowly teasing towards the edge...and then slowing things down to back away. Both of them were ready to burst. He made a mental note to thank Paul Rudd for introducing him to the joys of tantric sex. He'd been surprised at first - Rudd was such a horn dog that Anthony would figure he'd want to get off as soon and as much as possible. And they'd definitely done that early on during filming of "Ant-Man", but later Paul had that hot little smile, eyes shining as he mentioned that he wanted to show Mackie something different. Two hours of teasing later, they'd been drenched in sweat and cum - Mackie swore it was probably the biggest load he'd ever shot.

"Let's get you on your back...but keep doing what you're doing." On his laptop screen, he watched as Tom rolled over and then spread his legs apart, lifting his hips to make room for his hands, fingers returning to open up his entrance. "Push those legs back, the way I would." Tom's knees lifted upward, his legs moving up and further apart, his fingers moving faster. "You only need one hand for that. Put the other one back to work on your balls."

Tom groaned, his head rocking back and forth on the pillow as he tugged on his nut sack, the two fingers of his other hand driving in and out of his ass. His hips slowly rocked up and down, his hard cock waving in the air, flinging drops of precum onto his stomach and thighs. "Going to have to try this next time - get you to finger yourself real nice and good while I feed you this dick." Grasping the base, Mackie waved his meat towards the camera. "I know how much you love to swallow - your favorite type of protein shake."


"Yeah, baby boy?"


"Please what?"

"I need...I'd like to..."

"Get off?"

"Uh huh." Tom's voice came out as a whining moan, full of hunger and need. He'd gotten used to jerking off a lot during the past few months, usually going at it quickly to just get off and find release. It'd been a long time since he'd been teased like this - and it was amazing but it was also torture, his balls churning, his cock throbbing so hard that it almost hurt.

"I don't know..." The tone of voice was playful.

"Please! My balls hurt - hell, my dick hurts. I'm leaking everywhere, for you. These fingers aren't enough - I miss your cock..."

"What do you miss about my meat?"

"The feel of it in my hole, the taste of it down my throat."

"You going to let me use that ass next time I see you?"

"It's yours - whatever you want, however you want it. Fuck me all night long, the next day too. Fill me up with Mackie DNA." Anthony's cock jerked hard in his fist, imagining Tom Holland as his personal fuck toy for the weekend. He'd get the sexy little stud to not jerk off for a few days before, to mess with him just a little more, all worked up and ready to blow.

"Well, I'd certainly be working you over faster than that. And I'd be paying some attention to your dick by now."

"Fuck yesssss..." Tom hissed as his hand flew up to his shaft, yanking on it furiously as hips bucked to ride his fingers.

"You suck a mean dick, dude. Can't wait to see those lips wrapped around my pole again."


"Or just grab your hair and ram it down your tight throat."

"Unnnghhhh fuuuUUUUUCKKKKK!!!!!!" Tom didn't just cum - it felt like his cock exploded in his fist. Every muscle in his body went taut, quaking as he was wracked with pleasure. His rod was jerking so hard, it seemed like it might fly right off of his body. When the orgasm finally began to fade after a couple of minutes, he went limp on the bed, legs lowering down and splaying out. Licking his lips, he tasted his own juices. Tom smiled - he was normally able to hit his chest and neck - but he was more worked up than usual.

"Daaaaamn, that went far!"

"Yeah, every now and then I hit my face."

"No man, you might want to look up..." At Anthony's beckoning, Tom opened his eyes and glanced up. The headboard had not one, not two, but three splatters of white creamy fluid on it, slowly beginning to run down the wooden surface.

"Oh fuck!"

"The Tom that I know isn't a messy little hoe..."

"Huh?" Tom looked at the screen, both amused and curious.

"Lick it clean. Ah ah - no. Start with your face." Tom swiped his finger over his cheek and then slid it into his mouth, sucking his own cum from the digit. "Yeah, just like that. There's a little more on the left. Yeah..." Mackie's stroking increased, precum flowing from the head of his cock at the sight of Tom turning from teasing victim' into slut kitten'. "Okay, all clean. Now the headboard." He watched as Tom put his face flat to the wood, a few inches away from where his jizz had landed, his ass pushed up into the air. "Oh fuck..."

The wet pink flesh of Tom's tongue stuck out and slowly lapped up his own juices. First one spot, then the second. When he reached the third, he heard a loud grunt. Tilting his head slightly, he kept licking as he watched Mackie's cock turn into a volcano of cum, torrents of cream sliding down the mocha-colored shaft, gliding along the large ample veins that ran along his length. Holland kept licking, imagining that the cum he was tasting right now was his friend's, both of them moaning loudly. The nut nectar kept flowing and flowing - Mackie began slowly stroking again, greasing his pole with his own juices, his fingers coated as well. Tom's toes curled as he remembered how much his friend could shoot - one of the few guys who could flood Tom's mouth to the point that he sometimes couldn't swallow it all, leaving him with jizz pouring down his chin.

"Fuck. Fuuuuuck." Mackie wiped his hand on his stomach and chest, letting out a large breath. On the other side of the ocean, Tom flipped back onto his back, one hand bent behind his head, the other laying flat on his chest. "Feeling better? Yeah...there's that sexy smile." Focusing on the laptop again, Mackie found Tom grinning ear to ear. Hell, the kid was practically glowing.

"I feel...amazing!"


"Hell yeah! To be honest, just been wanking so much, stuck inside this damn house...I forgot to have fun with it. If that makes sense?"

"No, I hear you. You forget about that human touch and it just becomes a routine."

"Yeah. Like, brush your teeth, rub one out, get dressed. Not like...whew. Not like this."

"Well..." Anthony leaned closer to the camera, enjoying the sight of a freshly-jizzed Tom Holland again. "...we'll have to do this again soon." He let out a loud laugh as Tom nodded vigorously, those wavy brown locks flying around from the enthusiastic show of approval. "You talked to Seb lately?" One eyebrow slowly rose up. Mackie didn't know what happened - neither Stan nor Holland seemed to want to talk about it much. He knew about the Halloween party gone wrong - he'd gotten the story from Evans. But the two had some sort of talk after and hadn't quite been the same little dynamic duo since then. The corner of Anthony's mouth pulled down slightly...he'd been rooting for his two friends to wind up together. And after the boat trip, it looked like things were going that way. Fucking Seb,' he thought. That dude gets in the way of his own happiness sometimes.'

"Yeah, we've been chatting."

"Just chatting?" Mackie's eyebrow rose further, his slight frown turning into a sly smile. Knowing Tom...

"More than just chatting." That cute smile somehow grew just a little bigger.

"Figured. I don't think you know how to send regular text messages."

"I do!"

"Oh really?" Mackie held his phone up to the camera, showing the message thread from Tom. "Man, half of these are pictures of your dick."

"They are not."

"Okay. A quarter are pictures of your dick. The other quarter are pictures of your ass."

"Are you complaining?"

"Hell no! Keep `em coming!" Mackie set the phone down, the pair laughing together. "And I'll see you next week or so...and keep you coming."

"Yes sir!" Tom's smile went from glowing to wicked in a flash. Mackie was still laughing as he ended the chat.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ PART 4 - LATE JUNE 2020 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Tom sat down with a laugh, shaking his head. If you'd shown him just the picture and text message, he'd have been able to guess who it was. Still chuckling, he looked at his phone again. On the screen, a hard cock was partially exposed, just the base of the shaft visible. The rest was covered up by a Spider-man sock.

[Ryan] Closest I can get to sliding inside of you right now.

[Tom] Actually, you can get closer...

Tom grinned as he locked the phone and slid it into his pocket. He felt the device vibrate with incoming notifications but decided that Mr. Reynolds would have to wait. The hunk was so used to getting what he wanted - Tom found that teasing him was so much fun.

An hour or so later, Tom finally responded.

[Ryan] Do tell.

[Ryan] Hello - thinking of you. And trying to figure out how I can "get closer".

The last text was accompanied by a video. Stealing away to his bedroom for privacy, Tom opened the attachment to find a printed picture of himself wearing the Spider-man outfit. Well, kinda. It was an edited picture, made to look as if the bottom half of the suit was missing, leaving his butt exposed. He smirked - these manips were pretty good sometimes, and this was one of them. Between the print-out and the camera was Ryan Reynolds' dick, not covered up at all this time, slowly being stroked. Tom's underwear quickly began to fill out at the familiar sight. Rummaging around in the back of his underwear drawer, he grasped the butt plug that Zayn had gifted and held it up against the bulge in his trousers, snapping a photo, firing it off to Ryan. Next, he sent a link to the plug's app and the access code.

[Ryan] Interesting. Is this what I think it is?

[Tom] Depends. What do you think it is?

[Ryan] eyeroll emoji

[Tom] devil emoji

[Ryan] Devil horns are a good look on you. ;) Okay, downloaded the app and put in the code. Shows a device called `T Hole-end'. Ha ha.

[Tom] Well I wasn't going to put my actual name in there. No clue who has access to it.

[Ryan] Fair point. Speaking of points...you putting that thing in or not? ;)

[Tom] Maybe...

[Ryan] eyeroll emoji Tease...

[Tom] You're one to talk!

[Ryan] What? When? I'm pretty solid about shoving my dick into you.

[Tom] fire emoji Fair point.

[Ryan] Speaking of...

[Ryan] Oh...

Tom chuckled, imagining the look on Ryan's face. He'd whipped off his pants and underwear, sighing with pleasure as he slid the butt plug inside. Kneeling on his bed and holding the headboard, the buttplug front and center, he snapped a photo of his half-bare backside.

[Ryan] That's what I'm talking about.

The plug in Tom's ass began buzzing, sending a tingle up his spine. Reaching back, he tapped the red button to record a video of him grinding back against the butt plug, imagining that it was something else, wiggling his butt as the sound of the vibrating toy filled the air. Grinning wickedly, he sent the video to Ryan...and received back a bunch of fire emojis. He yelped when the device suddenly jumped to the highest setting and then began switching between the different levels of intensity. He could picture Reynolds smirking as he jabbed the screen.

[Tom] Amused?

[Ryan] Always! ;)

Tom licked his lips as he watched a new video of Reynolds stroking his meat, the picture of Tom in the background again.

[Tom] About to head to dinner.

[Ryan] Wear the plug to dinner. >:)

[Tom] Why does everyone keep saying that? LOL

[Ryan] "Everyone"? How many people did you send the code to?

[Tom] Just a few... 0:)

[Ryan] Okay, so like 12 to 15. :P Wear it to dinner!

[Tom] Hang on - I'm going to change the code so only you have access to it. Promise that you'll only use the lowest two settings.

[Ryan] Sweet! >:) Why the lowest two?

[Tom] You can't hear it when it's running then. Any higher and it gets louder.

[Ryan] It's a deal. Have fun!

[Tom] Ha! You too!

Ten minutes later, Tom wasn't sure if he regretted the decision or not. As he sat at the table with his family, the plug kept alternating between the first two power levels, as if Reynolds were sending out messages in morse code to Holland's butt. Not only that, but it appeared that he'd figured out the pattern setting as well. Dinner became a struggle as the vibrations sent thrilling little jolts through Tom's body, especially to his dick which was stiff but uncomfortably confined in his briefs. He had to resist the urge to shift in his seat and found it harder and harder to concentrate on what anyone was saying. When dessert was mentioned, he feigned feeling a bit out of it so that he could retreat back to his bedroom...with an entirely different type of treat on his mind.

[Tom] Evil.

[Ryan] Duh. Do you not remember our dance at Halloween?

Tom's already-hard member jolted in his pants. The memory of Reynolds fucking him in the middle of a dance floor, not a soul around them aware of what was going on because of the crammed amount of bodies, low lighting, and the spurts of fog coming from the ceiling.

[Tom] Fuck, yes. That was hot AF.

[Ryan] Pumping a load into someone's ass in the middle of a club was a first. Might want to try that again soon. >:)

Tom's trousers disappeared, tossed against the wall, as he freed his straining cock.

[Ryan] How was dinner?

[Tom] Difficult.

[Ryan] You mean "hard"? LOL

[Tom] eyeroll emoji

[Ryan] Awww, maybe this will make you feel better.

Tom swallowed at the next video he received - Ryan had taped the picture of Tom to the edge of a sock, cutting off the part of the image below his butt. The sock slid up and down and down Reynold's hard dick, giving the appearance that his shaft was sliding in and out of Tom's cheeks.

[Tom] Damn...someone's creative.

[Ryan] You like it when I get creative.

[Tom] Yeah, I do...

Shucking his underwear, Tom rested on the bed, leaning against the pillows and spreading his legs, snapping another photo.

[Tom] You can go up a level now. ;)

[Ryan] Oh, we're playing my favorite game. >:).

Tom let out a low moan as the plug dialed up to the strongest setting and then began pulsing. He closed his eyes, imagining it was to the beat of a song, Ryan's body pressed against his, dancing...and then the back of his shorts getting pulled down just far enough so that hot hard cock could push inside. The next video he sent to Ryan was of Tom stroking his cock, moaning Ryan's name while the fingers of his other hand played against the plastic material of the toy.

[Ryan] What are you thinking about while you're jerking off?

[Tom] Guess.

Tom took another photo, this time using his tablet propped up near his feet. He had one hand around his shaft, the other holding his phone with a shirtless photo of Ryan on the screen.

[Ryan] Aww, you're so cute when you're trying to be flattering.

[Tom] Trying?? It's not working?

He laughed as he received another video, this time of Ryan's rock-hard dick throbbing in the air.

[Ryan] Maybe. Know what would be even cuter though?

[Tom] What's that?

[Ryan] Seeing you dressed the same way as when we first...

[Tom] Hmmm. On my knees, sucking Jackman?

Another eyeroll emoji came in.

[Ryan] No, later. When you got up for water.

[Tom] Ohhhhhhh!

Grinning ear to ear, Holland leapt off the bed and rummaged through the back of his closet, looking for a particular piece of clothing. Finding what he was looking for, he tugged on a sweater - just long enough that it covered the top half of his ass. Setting a timer on the phone's camera, he posed up against the dresser, pushing his hips back a little so that his butt was more on display.

[Ryan] That's it. Fuck, your butt always looks so good. Jake's fucking lucky.

[Tom] Thanks. :)

[Ryan] I still think you knew exactly what you were doing, coming down to the kitchen dressed like that.

[Tom] I thought everyone would be asleep!

He fondly recalled waking in the middle of the night and heading to get a drink of water, just pulling on Jake's sweater.

[Ryan] Why don't you pose next to the window, like when we... ;)

Blushing, Tom complied, thankful that they'd installed the one-way film on the house's windows. Setting the timer again, Tom pressed his palms to the glass and spread his legs, arching his back until he heard the sound of the shutter.

[Ryan] Fuuuuck.

[Tom] Yes, I think that's what we did next. ;)

The next message was a video of Ryan tugging at his dick, precum leaking out from the tip. Tom replied with a video of his own, still at the window but facing the bed now, stroking himself and moaning lightly.

Another video came in - Ryan's legs were spread wider, the motion of his fist faster and harder as it moved up and down his shaft. At the end, he turned the phone to show a folder on his laptop...a folder with at least a dozen photos and videos of Tom. Some of them were public shots...and others were attachments saved from private chats.

[Tom] Stalker, much? ;)

[Ryan] Naw, just a little crush. Although not anything Jake should worry about.

Holland opened up a hidden folder on his laptop, full of similar pictures and videos, navigating to the one with Reynold's name on it. He sent a similar video, jerking himself to a set of Ryan's images.

[Ryan] Great minds think alike. ;)

The pair went back and forth, opening their favorite pictures of one another, their stroke game getting more intense with each round. The last one from Ryan showed him going over the edge, cum firing from his cock. As his moans subsided and the shots reduced to small pulses of jizz, he turned the camera to reveal what had set him off - a video of Tom riding Ryan's lap, wearing nothing but the Spider-man mask from their Halloween festivities. The scene - both the recording and Ryan's cum shot - caused Tom to groan loudly, his own dick erupting in his grip. He managed to catch it on video, sending it to Ryan with a series of devil emojis.

[Tom] That was hot.

[Ryan] It was - we need to go out for Halloween again. >:)

[Tom] Ha! That too. Was talking about your getting off.

[Ryan] Funny how those two ideas go together.

Chuckling, Tom wrapped up the conversation as he turned on the shower. Removing the butt plug and turning it off, he set it on the edge of the tub as he stepped in, enjoying the heat and steam of the hot water cascading around him, his mind awash in very fond memories of celebrating various holidays with Jake and Ryan.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ PART 5 - EARLY JULY 2020 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

"Sorry kiddo, it's just not my thing." Tom frowned as he heard the words through his earbud, laying on the bed and staring at the ceiling while on the phone with Jake. He caught himself before letting out a frustrated breath, pressing his lips together for a moment.

"I just thought, since we can't be together right now, in-person, that it'd be a fun way to still be connected." Lifting up the butt plug, he turned it around in his fingers, noting how the shiny plastic reflected the light from the lamp in his bedroom.

"Let me guess - Zayn's idea?" The pair laughed as Jake correctly guessed the culprit. Tom felt his spirits lifting at the familiar sound of Jake's giggle.

"How'd you guess?"

"He's always horny and has a sense of humor. He's your version of what Ryan is to me. Although Ryan doesn't send me sex toys in the mail."

Tom felt his cock stiffen - the mention of Ryan Reynolds brought to mind their past exploits and the recent chat sessions they'd had together. The Canadian actor really knew what buttons to push to get Tom's horned-up motor running. It was a good thing that the stud was on the other side of the pond, or Tom would probably have broken Russell Tovey's strict instructions to his boys to mind the lock-down restrictions.

"Ryan's nevvvvver sent you something like that? Why do I find that hard to believe?" A hand slid down his trousers, lightly stroking himself as images flashed through his mind. On his knees sucking off Hugh Jackman...and Ryan right next to him with his lips wrapped around Jake's member, the two having "lost" the Christmas raffle. Getting fucked by Jake later that evening when they were alone in the guestroom...and then plowed by Ryan in the middle of the night during Tom's search for a drink of water. Ryan breeding him at a gay club on Halloween, arms wrapped around Tom's scantily-clad body as they danced in the middle of a dance floor, the other people around them completely unaware. Getting spit-roasted by Jake and Ryan back at the hotel room, happily used by the sexy studs into the early morning light. Riding Ryan while role-playing as Spider-man and Deadpool, Jake having caught a flight back home while Tom and Ryan stayed in town to continue celebrating Halloween. Getting fucked in the bushes as Ryan demonstrated his propensity for public sex, a hot shirtless jogger sitting on a bench just across the path. And then turning it back on Ryan, face fucking the older man in a bathroom stall while a stranger watched. The pair so horned up that they'd gone at it in the elevator back at Ryan's building, hitting the emergency stop and letting the security officer tell them what to do as Ryan rammed Tom's guts. Ryan turning on the webcam and having Jake watch as he sucked Tom and then let the little twink pound his hole, Jake stroking himself while watching his boyfriend fuck his best friend.

"You okay?" Jake's question caused Tom to realize that his breathing had picked up and he'd grunted a little.

"Yeah, just...you mentioning Ryan and with all this chatting by phone, I was remembering that time we got you on the webcam." He'd told Jake some of their exploits from that weekend, while lapping at his man's thick meat stick...but not all of them. Jake would have freaked out at some of their activities.

"That was pretty hot."

"Hell yeah it was. Which part did you like best?"

"Watching him suck your dick. Wishing I was there instead...but enjoying the show."

"I should have cum on his face that evening." Tom heard Jake murmur and the distant sound of a zipper. In his mind, he could see Jake pulling out his cock and starting to stroke it.

"Naw - I think he liked it right where you shot it."

"You think?"

"Oh yeah. Ryan's a total slut. If I had been there, he'd have probably let us go back and forth, taking turns on him all night."


"You'd like that, wouldn't you?" Tom could picture Jake's crooked grin.

"I might."

"Which part - fucking him, or him being a slut."

Tom's grin grew wider. "Both, I think."

"Mmm. That would be pretty hot - using your cum as lube to fuck him even harder, until he's howling."

"Can't howl if he's eating my ass."

"Oh fuck. THAT would be hot to watch while...mmmm...while pounding him."

"Mmmmm." Tom murmured as his stroking increased. Closing his eyes, he could almost feel it - Ryan's tongue against his hole, those stubbled cheeks against his ass, hearing the sound of skin against skin as Jake drilled Ryan's guts. Knowing Ryan, a finger or two would go along with that tongue. And if Reynolds happened to get hard again... Tom smiled knowingly. Not "if" - when. When Ryan got hard again, Tom could just slide his body back, under the other man's, until his hard rod was back up Tom's bum.

His breath hitched as his cock spasmed, shooting another load (the fourth that day, as if Tom was keeping count any longer). Splatters of cream landed on his stomach. He could hear Jake grunt, the sound of Tom getting off causing his boyfriend to go over the edge as well.

"See, didn't need the little butt plug at all." Tom giggled a little, able to picture Jake's teasing glint in his eye. He knew that if they were together right now, Jake would reach over and ruffle his hair.

"True. Although I could call Ryan and see if he's game."

"I doubt he'd say no. Maybe I shouldn't leave the two of you alone together again. You're both...devils." Jake caught himself before saying the word `slut'. He didn't mean it in a negative way, but after butting heads with Tom over the sex parties with Hemsworth and Tovey, he was careful about how he expressed his opinions about that side of Tom's life.

"We are perfect angels when we hang out." Tom widened his eyes, putting effort into playing the part of feigned innocence.



"The horniest angels I've ever seen." The pair descended into a fit of giggles again.

"Maybe that can be our costume next year, if we go out for Halloween again."

"Hooo boy. We'll see - the wings would burn right off." Jake laughed again as he heard Tom let out a fake indignant laugh.

"You could...take them off. And we could skip the club."

"You're getting hard again already, aren't you?" That teasing tone from Jake again, knowing Tom all too well.


"Okay, little stud. I've got to head off. Call Ryan if you need to."

Tom looked at the phone, not sure if Jake was serious or not. "Mmm - probably should go see what my brothers are up to. They've been awfully quiet today, which isn't a good sign. And we were trying to beat a level in a video game yesterday. Might finish it off."

"Love you, kiddo."

"Love you too."

The call ended and Tom let out a long breath, chewing his bottom lip as he debated whether to get up and find his brothers, or...

Grinning, he thumbed through his phone and hit the call button.

"Well, well. If it isn't my favorite sexy little Brit."

"Hey, Ryan. What're you up to?"

"Mmm. I'd be up in you, if you were here."

The phone's screen changed to show an incoming video call, featuring Reynold's face. His smile growing wider, Tom tapped the button to accept.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ PART 6 - MID-JULY 2020 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

[Tovey] Looks fun.

[Tom] Want to try it out? I can send over the access code.

[Tovey] Sure.

[Tovey] Maybe later?

[Tom] Cool. Later today or tomorrow?

[Tovey] .

[Tovey] tmrw?

Eyebrows scrunched up, Tom tilted his head as he looked at his phone. Russell's messages were unusually brief. He usually didn't respond at all when he was busy - these texts were out of character.

[Tom] Everything okay?

Three bubbles appeared and then disappeared. The text window was replaced by an incoming video call, which Tom accepted. His mouth dropped open and then broke into a laugh as he found Tovey...but not alone. The actor was in the shower and behind him was someone else.

"Hey Steve!"

Brockman waved, soap suds flinging through the air. "Hi Tom. Sorry, Russ is having some...difficulty typing right now." The rugby coach winked.

"I can see that! You could have responded later, if you two are busy at the moment." Tom glanced down, taking in the sight of Steve's furry muscled body, his big cock just out of view of the camera. Tom licked his lips a little, thinking about the very familiar piece of meat.

"This was more amusing. Here..." Steve picked up the phone and set it on a ledge in the shower, giving Tom a good view. "How's that?"

"It's...wonderful." He could see the two studs from head to knee, most of their bodies on display. With another wink, Steve picked up the bar of soap and began lathering up Russell's body. Otherwise, the three chatted away about their day in a normal manner. Tom absentmindedly stroked his half-hard bulge through his shorts as he watched the other two put on a show of showering.

"I've got an idea." The devilish look Brockman gave sent a sexy tingle down Tom's spine. "Close your eyes, love." Tovey complied, tilting his head with curiosity. Wiping the excess water from his body, Steve slid out of the shower for a moment before reappearing. Winking, he held up two very familiar sky blue leather straps. Tom's jaw dropped a little with both surprise and lust as he watched Brockman fasten one of the straps around his arm. Sliding the second strap around Russell's neck, he quietly snapped it in place. "Alright, open."

"What the...??"

"Figured that young mister Holland might fancy seeing what it looks like when you're the one wearing the collar."

The tip of Tovey's finger slid around the piece of leather - it'd been quite some time since he'd worn one of these at his neck.

"Tom, what should I do with my new boy here?" Brockman looked up, mischief gleaming in his eyes.

"Oh - fuck him, of course."

"Oh, of course!" Laughing, Steve lined up his cock and sank half of it into Tovey's rear, earning a small squeal of pleasure and pain from his lover.

"Didn't say stop, did I?"

"Mmmm, looks like he's learned a thing or two from your Alpha friends, Russ." Pressing his lips together, Brockman pushed his hips, burying himself to the hilt. A long roan rolled out of Tovey's throat, followed by a long exhale as his guts sought to accommodate the intrusion. "And where's yours?" Steve lifted one eyebrow, staring into the camera. Swallowing, Tom scampered from the bed, digging into a drawer. When he reappeared, he had lost his shirt and shorts, clad only in briefs, a matching sky blue leather strap around his own neck. "That's it. Two boys now. Take it out, then." That sexy bearded jaw jutted towards the camera.

Obediently, Tom tugged off the briefs, his hard cock springing into view. "Damn, that's nice. Real nice." Brockman stared into Tom's eyes as he continued drilling Russell. "Stroke it a bit. There you go, lad." He watched as Tom worked his several inches, precum flowing from the tip already, turned on by this little adventure that Tovey's man was taking them on.

"Now, about this little plug..."

"Uh huh?"

"It's not enough, is it?"

"No sir."

"You need something bigger, don't you lad?"

"Yes sir."

"Why don't you be a good one and go get something that'll scratch that itch between your legs."

Tom disappeared again, coming back with a dildo and a bottle of lube.

"Ooh - you like `em big, don't ya?" Brockman put pressure on Russell's back, bending his lover forward a little, picking up the pace. "Slide that on in, Tom. Thaaaaat's it." He let out a happy moan that matched Tom's as the large dildo speared its way into Tom's hole. "That's it, lad. Ride it. Show me what you'd do if you were here."

Biting his lower lip, Tom pumped his body up and down, riding the long thick dildo, stroking himself with his other hand. In his mind, it was Steve's cock. Or Tovey's. The mental image kept switching, as if they were taking turns with his ass...which was a common weekend event. He'd even worn the collar for Steve before, who donned the bandana around his neck indicating a guest as he used Tom's hole. But the idea of Russell wearing a collar was new...and strangely thrilling. Tom had to slow down a couple of times, nearing the edge of cumming. Brockman seemed to pick up on the vibe, glancing back and forth between Tovey's neck and the image of Tom on Russell's phone. He had that expression Tom had gotten to know very well, as if he was cooking up a plan.

"Oh, I think he's close, aren't you, little piggy?" Brockman pulled Tovey upright, licking his neck as he began thrusting harder. "As soon as this whole Covid business is finished, we're all going out and getting wasted aren't we?"

"Yes sir." Tom moaned as he heard Tovey speak submissively.

"Take my man out to his favorite bar. Tie him down. Watch a bunch of guys queue up, taking their turns with you. Scratch that deep fucking itch the two of you have got."

Tom and Tovey both moaned, picturing the sight.

"Little Tom there tied up next to you. Let your other two lads have a go at both of you - getting to own their Alpha and Buck Number One. Oh fuck, you love the idea, you slut. I can feel your guts tightening up, thinking about it."

Russell let out a loud whimpering moan as he began shooting his load. Brockman groaned as his man's body squeezed his dick, still thrusting in and out, riding the actor's orgasmic spasms. Tom wasn't far behind - with a moan, he began firing away as well, still flogging his meat, sending splatters of cum everywhere.

Steve stared into the camera, growling. "As soon as this fucking lock-down is done, your ass is coming over here. And we're gonna take care of you, right as rain. You'll be limping home." Roaring, he slammed forward, knocking the wind out of Russell as he blew a huge load deep into his lover's guts. His tongue snaked into Tovey's mouth, lashing against each other. Chest heaving, he pulled out, his long rod bouncing as it started to soften.

Brockman's expression softened a little, still determined. "I'm serious. When this shit's all done, you're coming over here and we'll take good care of you. I know you're crawling the walls over there."

Tom was grinning ear to ear - both at the promise of a solid fucking as well as the friendly concern in the other man's voice. "Thanks, Steve. I'll take you up on that."

"I'm sure you will. Now, I need to clean this one up properly."

Waving and laughing, Tom hit the end call button. Laying down on the bed, he felt the dildo slide out of his hole. Pulling a blanket up to cover himself, he settled off into a peaceful nap.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ PART 7 - LATE JULY 2020 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

"Fuuuuuck..." Tom's words mirrored those coming from his laptop's speaker. On the screen, Zayn Malik was on his knees, head bent down to the bed, his face tilted up so he could stare into the camera. Behind him was John Krasinski, hands on Zayn's waist as he plowed the smaller man, the hair on his chest plastered to his skin with sweat. The video was almost two hours long - this was Tom's third time trying to finish watching it, having busted a nut twice now. Now he knew why Zayn had winked at the camera while putting the cockring on John - the pair had intended on going the extra mile for this show.

"It feels so good inside," Zayn moaned.

"I know..." Tom sighed, his dick beginning to feel sore from so much wanking today but unable to stop, determined to watch the rest of the video his friend had made. He sighed again, recalling the way that Krasinski's thick eight inches felt as they pushed in, the arrow-shaped head piercing his guts in a most-delicious way. Precum dripped down the back of Tom's fingers as he continued tugging on his meat, watching as John flipped Zayn over and lifted his legs in the air, both of them groaning as he re-entered his lover's tunnel and began drilling the singer once more.

"Oh god, I can't...I'm going to..." Zayn's eyes squinted shut, his mouth falling open as John grasped his rock-hard member and stroked it to finish, ropes of jizz landing across his flat stomach. Swiping up some of his spent seed, Zayn stuck his fingers into his own mouth, sucking greedily as he stared into the camera.

"Oh, gods...fuuuuck!" Tom gritted his teeth, his nuts pulling up as they shot out another load, coating his own stomach. Groaning, he paused the video once again as he wiped himself clean with a t-shirt, tossing it into the hamper and moaning with both lust and frustration...and a blush of jealousy that his friend was getting his ass railed regularly and here he was, stuck with just his own hands and some toys. Blowing out a long breath of air, Tom threw on some gym shorts and dashed outside to play basketball, hoping that the game would take his mind off of...other things.

"Harder...harder...har...oh fuck yes babe, just like that!" Zayn was up against the headboard now, the pair kneeling with John behind him, hammering his guts. John was drenched in even more sweat, looking like he desperately wanted to cum but was unable to with the snug cockring and the desensitizing lube that Zayn kept slathering onto the girthy member. They'd started in a similar position against the wall but shifted over onto the bed, knocking over a lamp from the bedside table during their transit, which now cast a strange set of light and shadows on the scene as they continued fucking each other's brains out.

John shifted closer, pinning Zayn up against the headboard as he pounded furiously, chasing the orgasm that he was being denied. Even though his ability to move was limited in this position, Zayn was doing his best to squirm around and push back against the hard cock as it thrust in and out.


"The fuck...?" Tom blinked, trying to count. "Asshole - you've gotten off four times already!" He whimpered as Zayn slid out from between Krasinski and the headboard, rising to his feet. Malik held his palm on Krasinski's forehead, holding him in place while the younger man flogged his meat. The sexy thighs flexed as Zayn went over the edge, cum shooting out of his cock, right into John's tongue, which was sticking out of his open mouth. Now it was Krasinski who stared into the camera as those hunky lips wrapped around Zayn's knob, suckling drops of sweet man nectar out of his lover's rod.

"FUCK!" Tom gritted his teeth, his own orgasm slightly painful as his nearly-empty balls shot their own load for the...was it the fifth or sixth time today? Panting, he closed the lid of the laptop and hobbled to the shower.

"Holy damn..." Tom's words trailed off, his mouth hanging open. Zayn was leaning back against the headboard, laying on the bed as Krasinski rode his hard seven inches, the tattooed hands clenching the furry ass as it bounced up and down.

"You ready to finally get off, my sexy man?"

"Uh huh." It looked like it - John's cock looked bigger than usual, the head flushed with an angry purple color.

"You've been a good stud. You deserve it." Zayn played with the snap on the leather strap around the base of John's cock. "Maybe."

"Please..." Krasinksi whimpered, the small plaintive sound somehow even hotter as it came from a burly stud.

"Okay." Smirking, Zayn popped the snap, flinging the leather cockring off to the side somewhere. Tom looked down at the counter on the video player - it was nearing the end of the video after almost two hours. He swore that all Zayn did was tap John's cock with his finger and the damn thing erupted, spewing cum all over Zayn's chest and face, the stud's balls overworked and pent up, denied release as Zayn had worked his lover over for such a long session. Tom gasped - it seemed as if John just kept cumming and cumming...and cumming...and cumming...a seemingly never-ending orgasm. Malik's upper body was coated with so much jizz that it was almost comical to behold. Krasinksi's roar of pleasure kept Tom from laughing, his own hard cock twitching in his grip at the sight. He licked his lips, almost able to taste John's seed.

His attention turned elsewhere as Zayn pulled his dick out of Krasinski's ass, sliding it up and down the hairy crevice a few times before he got off as well, cum shooting upwards before trailing down, leaving streaks of white fluid over the large globes of John's rear, some of it disappearing into his crack. Groaning, Zayn rubbed his cockhead against Krasinski's entrance, coating it with cream before sliding back in to finish pumping the rest of his load inside. The two made out as they came down from their blissful high, tongues sliding against one another as they moaned loudly.

Grinning, Zayn turned John around and bent him down, winking at the camera as he bared his teeth and sank them into one of the meaty globes, pulling away to leave his trademark bite mark, claiming an ass he'd conquered...even though this was a hole he'd had times too numerous to count.

Zayn patted the bigger man's haunches as he turned his attention to the camera. "Love ya, mate. Cheers." Winking again, he reached over and ended the recording.

"Fuck..fuck...fuuuuuuck!" Tom rose up to his knees and flogged himself furiously, spraying yet another load on the quilt covering his bed. He made a note to toss it into the washing machine tomorrow, glad that he'd locked the door as he sank down to the bed and passed out, exhausted from so much jerking off in one day. He counted in his head, murmuring a number before giving into sleep.


~ ~ ~ ~ ~ PART 8 - EARLY SEPTEMBER 2020 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

[Dornan] You know you want to.

Tom blew air between his lips. Jamie wasn't wrong...he did want to head over for a hook-up, desperately. It'd been half a year since he'd gotten any dick..or ass...or a mouth. Hell, he'd settle for a quick handjob at this point. It probably wouldn't take but two or three tugs of another man's hand and he'd get off, he was so ready to feel another person's touch again.

[Tom] You're not wrong. But I can't.

[Dornan] To hell with Tovey's rules. We've both been isolated for plenty of time, the risk is very low. Come over and get some relief.

Tom started typing and then deleted his response, staring at the screen, feeling torn.

[Dornan] Thomas... Tell me that you don't need it.

Holland swallowed as a picture came through with the message. Opening it, he saw the very familiar sight of Jamie Dornan's impressive cock. Eight inches of thick veiny meat - it made Tom's mouth water as he imagined taking it into his mouth, feeling it fill his throat, the taste and texture so wonderful...and that sweet nutty flavor of Jamie's seed, spilling out onto his tongue, every drop getting swallowed down.

[Tom] You know, no one else calls me that.

[Dornan] eyeroll emoji You're deflecting.

Tom's lips pressed together with a small amount of irritation. He didn't know how the hell Dornan read people so well. His sense of intuition was uncanny, able to tell exactly what turned on a person, physically and mentally...and apparently able to call their bullshit even in a normal conversation, when the hunk's dick wasn't burying itself into Tom's rear.

[Tom] I can't. But when this is all over... ;)

[Dornan] Hmm. I might have some other plaything in mind by then. Could be busy...

[Tom] Too busy for this?

Holland smirked as he scrolled through his camera roll and found a great picture of his bare ass, sending it to Jamie.

[Dornan] Possibly.

[Tom] That's not a yes. :P

[Dornan] You're right. I've always got time for that delicious hole of yours. It's like a tight velvet glove, gripping my cock just right.

[Tom] series of fire emojis

[Dornan] You know I've got a soft spot for your bum.

[Tom] Soft spot...or hard rod?

[Dornan] Both. Come over, help me take care of this problem you've created.

A short video clip came in - Dornan had pulled his cock out of his pants and was stroking it, running his thumb over the slit, showing Tom the precum that was already pulsing out.

"Fuuuuuck..." He groaned, his fingers tightening around the edges of the phone.

[Tom] Tell you what...

[Dornan] You'll be over in less than an hour?

[Tom] I wish. No.

[Dornan] eyeroll emoji

[Tom] If this fucking lock-down is still going on a month from now, I'll come over.

[Dornan] Really?

[Tom] Yes, really. So you better be on your A-game, mate.

[Dornan] >:) When have I ever given you less than my best?

Tom licked his lips, unable to prove Jamie wrong. Few people were able to fuck as well as he could. There were sometimes at the parties when Tom had to will himself not to climb onto the `Fifty Shades' actor's lap and let him... Tom shook his head, focusing on the conversation.

[Tom] True. You're one of the best.

[Dornan] You must be really horned up - you're not even trying to play coy.

[Tom] I'm just ready for this quarantine to be done.

[Dornan] Right. I thought Tovey gave you boys strict instructions to stay home?

Tom let out a long breath, weighing his thoughts. He rarely crossed the leader of their little pack group.

[Tom] He did. But it's not fair. He's got Steve. Zayn has John. Damson has Carter. I've got...my hand. I'm over it.

[Dornan] True, it is easy to give those kinds of instructions...or follow them...when you've got someone at home to keep you company.

[Tom] And who's keeping Mr. Dornan company these days? ;)

[Dornan] Lewis. He's been isolating here at the flat with me. Tom and Eddie are shacked up together. I gave my boys a different set of instructions than you got. Bunk down, but with each other. Help prevent getting frustrated.

As if the thought of getting railed by Dornan wasn't bad enough, the mental image of him going at it with Lewis Tan caused the bulge in Tom's trousers to throb.

[Tom] And that's working?

[Dornan] It is. Although I do miss variety. As amazing as Lewis is, I'm feeling the need for something else.

[Tom] Something, or someone?

[Dornan] Some-you. Come over. Bring some color and spice into this drab fucking lock-down. I promise you won't regret it.

Tom glanced at the drawer that held his car keys. He felt himself rise up from the bed, and for a moment it was as if he might walk over to that drawer, fetch the keys, and drive over to Jamie's place. He could stay there for a week or so, make sure he hadn't caught the bug, and then head back home. The moment passed and he sank back down onto the bed, physically and emotionally deflated.

[Tom] In a month.

[Dornan] A month then - holding you to that. And looking forward to you coming over.

[Tom] Coming, or cumming? >:)

[Dornan] Both. I promise, I'll make it worth it.

[Tom] Oh, I have zero doubts about that. :)

[Dornan] Good night, Thomas. See you soon. :)

The corner of Tom's mouth tugged to the side. As much as he wanted to be irritated at Dornan's using his full name, there was something...sexy about it. Especially hearing it in-person, the way he said it in a low gravelly-growl sort of way, similar to Jeremy Irons' way of speaking. He'd be hard-pressed to confess it to Dornan, but it sent a tingle down his spine whenever the stud let the word "Thomas" rumble from his chest and out from between those sexy pouty lips of his. It made Holland want to rub his face against the other man's beard and hold on, letting Jamie do whatever he wanted, as long as he kept saying his name like that the entire time. Not that there was any way that he'd ever confess such a thing - Dornan and his dick had enough grip on Tom's hormones as it was.

Looking down, he let out a long frustrated sigh at the sight of a large wet spot on the front of his trousers. Pulling up the pictures and video clips of Dornan's beautiful cock, he pulled his own out and began pleasuring himself, biting his lip as he imagined what it might have been like if he'd given in tonight.


P.S. The next chapter brings an end to Tom's quarantine frustration. ;)

Thanks for reading. If you enjoyed the story, have feedback or want to share ideas, would love to hear from you. red.cheshire.writer@gmail.com

You can find all my stories at redcheshire.weebly.com Follow me on Instagram or Twitter: Instagram @redcheshire Twitter @redcheshire_fic

Next: Chapter 22

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