Holland Far from Bone

By Patrick Thomas

Published on Oct 14, 2022


This is a fictional story in which sexual activity between consenting adult males is depicted; it is no way based on true events or the sexuality of any of the persons mentioned. If you are underage or it is otherwise illegal to read this story where you live, please stop reading now.

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-------------------------------------------------------------------- Holland Far From Bone - "Pushing More Buttons" (Part of the "Quarantine Frustration" story arc) --------------------------------------------------------------------

Author's Note: This story takes place in May and June 2020. The "Quarantine Frustration" story arc begins in April 2020 and ends in September 2020.

Thank you to Robert for suggestions that found their way into this chapter. Thanks as always to Patrick for helping with proof-reading and editing.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ PART 1 - LATE MAY 2020 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

"Holy shit, mates - you're killing me!" Tom groaned, his fingers tightening around his throbbing cock as he watched the scene on his tablet - the phone's smaller screen wasn't good enough for what was happening.

A face just a foot away filled half of the screen, a tongue reaching out to lap against the thick member that filled most of the other half. The tongue's owner smirked, staring with blue eyes at the camera. "Should I stop then?"

"Fuck no! Keep going!" Tom laughed as Liam Hemsworth chuckled, his tongue returning to its task. Somewhere behind him, Tom could hear Chris Hemsworth moaning as he appreciated Liam's oral skills. The younger brother's tongue swirled around the long bullet-shaped head, the tip of the wet flesh running back and forth across the bottom edge of the head, right where it flared out. That was Tom's favorite part of Hemsworth's cock - the way the ridge of his cock head tugged at Tom's lips as he sucked on it. Well, actually...every bit of the thick nine inches was his favorite part.

He sighed in pleasure and frustration as he watched Liam move farther down, licking at the large veins that ran along the shaft, seeing the rod twitch with Chris' pulse. A pearl of clear fluid appeared at the tip and broke free, trickling down, running into Liam's beard as he kept lapping up and down, his tongue pressed broad and flat now, running in long lazy strokes like this was a sweet ice cream cone instead of his older brother's dick.

"Mmmm, it's so good. So...thick...and juicy." Liam spoke between licks, glancing at the camera, putting on a show for their friend. "It'd be hot if...you were...here." Liam wrapped his lips around the head, pulling off with a wet popping sound. "We could..." pop "...have a little...threeway...suck session..." pop "...like that one day. Fuck, that was hot." He plunged down a few inches of Chris' length, slowly pulling back up until he released the pole from his mouth again. "Looks like you remember it." Liam shot a look between Tom's legs, where the British actor was furiously stroking his meat, licking his lips at both the past memory and the current display.

"You should fly out here." Another long lick up and down. "I know you miss this..." He grasped Chris' hammer and wagged it towards the camera. "And I know that Chris misses your mouth." Liam returned to the summit of Chris' pole, licking his tongue firmly against the soft-yet-rigid flesh of the Thor actor's cock head.

A beefy hand appeared, landing on the back of Liam's head and pushing down, forcing his mouth down about two-thirds of the meaty member. "I do miss his mouth - he knows when to shut up and focus on sucking." Chris and Liam both laughed - the older brother's mirthful sounds were louder and clearer, filling Tom's room. Liam's amusement was muffled by the mouthful of dick, quickly replaced by the sounds of slurping as he began sucking earnestly on Chris' rod.

He bobbed up and down - soon, the entire shaft was covered in a thick coating of spit, both men moaning louder than usual, putting on a show for their friend.

"You really should...come out here..." Liam murmured the words in between sucking sessions, coming up for air and a little teasing. "We both miss your mouth."

"And your ass!" Chris leaned over, making sure Tom could see his face as he winked.

"Your ass...too. And dick. If you...were here..." Liam began licking again, alternating between worshiping Chris' cock with his tongue and his mouth. "...I'd let you...fuck me...again. So glad...Chris found you...you're a lot of fun."

"You can bring Nick too." Another wink from the older brother. It was Tom's turn to chuckle as he watched Liam's cheeks turn a darker shade of pink. Nick had been mentioning the Hemsworth brothers in his texts and now Tom had an idea as to why. He made a note to see if he could get the Jonas brother to admit that he had a crush on a certain Aussie.

"Bring whoever...you want. We'll all ride out...the pandemic here...everyone fucking...and sucking...and happy. End each day...with their...balls drained."

"Speaking of..." Chris pushed down on Liam's head again, further this time, so that his younger brother's mouth was nestled against his ball sac, groaning as the other man obediently went to work tonguing the large orbs.

Liam's hand moved to begin sliding up and down Chris' shaft as he feasted on his brother's nuts. Tom watched, entranced, his hand moving at the same pace, matching Liam's grip stroke for stroke. He could see Chris' chest begin rising more as he took in bigger breaths, very familiar with the tell-tale signs that the other man's orgasm was imminent.

Liam was also intimately aware of his brother's reactions. He began stroking harder, the back of his head moving left to right as he worked his tongue faster. Right as Tom saw the muscles of Chris' legs begin to flex, Liam quickly moved back up, wrapping his lips around the thick head. Tom stared in wonder as the already-girthy shaft swelled up even more, the large veins even more prominent, the whole rod flexing as Chris delivered his seed into his younger brother's hungry mouth. Both men were moaning with pleasure as Chris' cock continued throbbing, each jerking motion an indication of another juicy shot being fired between Liam's lips.

"Fuuuuuuck..." Tom swallowed, his own stroke game slowing down as he watched, mesmerized. The muscles of Liam's jaws worked, sucking hard on the head as he slowly pulled back, releasing the dick from his lips, allowing it to fall forward, throbbing in mid-air as it began to deflate.

Turning to look at the camera, Liam tilted his chin up...and opened his mouth. Tom groaned as the large pool of cum was visible, every drop of Chris' load captured inside Liam's mouth, coating his tongue, the roof of his mouth, the insides of his cheeks. Closing his mouth again, Liam winked as he crawled up to the headboard, bringing the phone with him and holding it as he parted Chris' lips with the fingers of his free hand.

Pursing his lips, Liam pushed out part of Chris' load, feeding his brother's own juices back to the beefy stud. When the last of the nectar was gone, Liam dropped his face down, his lips meeting Chris', their tongues lashing with a passionate kiss. Liam made sure that the kiss was big and sloppy, some of the cum escaping and gushing out onto Chris' bearded chin. Tom moaned again as Liam broke the kiss and licked at the area beneath Chris' bottom lip, making sure to clean up the mess he'd just made.

Winking again, Liam took the camera and pulled his body upright so that he was kneeling next to Chris' head. His other hand reached down and cradled the back of his brother's head as he pushed his own hips forward, feeding the bigger man eight inches of man meat. Tom stared, noticing for the millionth time how the two brothers' cocks were so similar. Both had that pronounced ridge around a bullet-shaped cock head, both had veiny shafts. Where Chris had an inch of length over Liam's dick, the younger brother won in the girth game. Tom looked forward to the day that he could happily get spit-roasted by the near-twin-cocks, feeling them stretch out his throat and his ass.

"He tastes so good...but you already know that, don't you? I bet you can just aaaaaalmost taste him on your own lips. Those sweet juices that his nuts put out. I've lost track of the number of times you've swallowed his cum. Or taken it deep in your hole. Or all over your chest. I bet you've wanked off a hundred times just this month, imagining Chris pounding your little fuck hole, haven't you?"

Tom moaned, loving the way Liam always started talking dirty when he was worked up. While Chris was playful in bed, Liam was downright kinky. He closed his eyes for a moment, a stream of memories flashing through his mind, before returning his gaze to the tablet screen. Liam's cock was out of Chris' mouth now, his hand a blur as he jerked himself furiously, the tip pointed towards Chris' open mouth, tongue outstretched, ready to catch his brother's load.

"I'm going to fuck you so hard the next time I see you - make up for all this lost time. You'll be limping back to the plane when I'm done with you. Plus whatever, big boy here does to you. Tear that boy pussy right...the...fuck...uuuuppppPPPPPPPP....UNGHHHHHHH!!!" Liam squinted hard as his cock exploded, rope after rope of jizz rocketing into Chris' open mouth.

When he was done, Liam pushed his cock back between Chris' open lips, swirling his member around before pulling back. He brought the phone down so that the camera could get a good look. Tom groaned as he saw that Liam's cock was coated in a thick layer of his own cum...a layer that Chris began licking clean.

"Oh fuck!" It was Tom's turn to squint and groan as he began making a mess of his stomach and chest, soon covered in his own juices.

"I bet that tastes good too." Liam groaned again, this time in lustful anticipation, as he watched Tom scoop up some of his own cum and then stick his finger in his mouth, winking at the camera.

"It does, actually."

"Get your ass to Australia."

"I can't." Tom's lower lip stuck out, pouting. Australia had some of the strictest quarantine protocols...and he had a bunch of shit he had to take care of here in England. Plus he had that trip to New York in September. He growled, frustrated.

"Soon, before you know it." Liam's cockiness was gone, replaced with a tender look of care for his friend. They were all going stir-crazy with cabin fever, locked in their own homes. At least he had Chris to serve as a dick-straction, making the time go by faster.

"What about Harrison. Can't you, um, `hang out' with him?"

"Naw mate, we're not supposed to go out. Plus, if anyone in his family has it, then we'll get it here. Until they get a vaccine going, we're all stuck."

The corner of Chris' mouth pulled down in a frown, feeling bad for Tom. "Well, what Liam said. It'll be over soon. And..." Another mischievous wink. "...if you do get riled up, just text Liam with an idea or two. I'm sure he'd be happy to play dress up and fuck around on camera."

Tom blinked, recalling Liam's affection for role play...and a certain night that Liam had dressed Tom up in a football uniform, the Australian wearing medical scrubs as he pretended to be a doctor giving Tom a physical exam. Except it wasn't just a finger that he'd slid into Tom's hole.

Tom's pulse quickened at the happy memory, his cock already starting to stiffen up again, ready for another round of stroking.

"That'd be fun. Hell, Liam can dress me up however he wants when all of this is over."

Liam's eyebrows shot up, a big grin on his face, already beginning to churn up ideas. Both Chris and Tom laughed at the obvious show of interest.

"Uh oh - better be careful what you promise." Chris laughed as he pulled himself upright, leaning against the pillows.

"Right?! Fuck, it'll be worth it, whatever he comes up with. As long as he slams that big cock of his into me."

"See, I said you created a monster." Now Liam was laughing, returning to the old line he'd been telling Chris ever since he'd found out that his older brother had been the one to pop Holland's cherry.

"I don't see anyone complaining." Chris wrapped his arm around Liam as the younger brother laid down, snuggling against Chris.

"Yeah, me either."

"Didn't say anyone was." Liam laughed as Chris clamped his hand over Liam's mouth, making an exaggerated expression of being pleased at the resulting sound of silence.

"See, be glad you're not stuck in a house with this one. Hey!" Chris laughed as Liam began nibbling on his fingers. "Let me deal with this one. I think he needs some discipline. Maybe that'll be the video we send you next." Winking, Chris tapped the button to end the video chat.

Tom closed his eyes, picturing Liam on all fours, getting spanked by his older brother. Rock hard once more, he reached down and grasped his cock, moaning as he began jerking himself off once more.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ PART 2 - LATE MAY 2020, A FEW DAYS LATER ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

[Tom] Is this new?

[Mendes] No, unfortunately. :( This is from last year. Threesome with Nick and his brother Joe.

[Tom] What? That's hot!

[Mendes] Right?! Nick's a hungry little bottom, but Joe is... mmmm.

[Tom] More assertive?

Tom watched as the three-dot-bubble popped up and disappeared, then reappeared.

[Mendes] Wait, have you...? With both of them?

Tom replied back with just the winking emoji.

[Mendes] You ass - you weren't going to tell me?

[Tom] You didn't tell me you bagged both of them either.

[Mendes] Hmm. Good point LOL

The typing bubble showed up again and hung there, disappearing again before popping up one more time, followed by a message that made Tom's eyebrow rise with curiosity.

[Mendes] Do you think they've ever...?

[Tom] Who - Nick and Joe?

[Mendes] Yeah. Wonder if they've ever messed around with each other.

Looking at the screen, Tom pondered the question for the first time. Sex with the two Jonas Brothers had been really hot - both of them were skilled in bed. Tom recalled that they were really comfortable being naked and fucking around each other...but chalked that up to their being close from all the time on the road and just two dudes enjoying a threesome.

His eyebrows furrowed as he scanned his memories, trying to recall if Nick and Joe had touched each other, but nothing came to mind. The only thing that was close was that Tom remembered that he'd kissed the guys at various points during their tryst...and it would have been after he'd sucked their cocks. Which would have meant that each brother would have technically tasted the other brother's dick on Tom's lips...but he didn't think that had happened after either one of them had cum in Tom's mouth, which would have been completely different.

He compared it to the way the Hemsworth brothers interacted. He knew how intimate they were with each other...but their bro-cest was something that very few people knew about.

[Tom] I don't think so. I've never seen them do anything with each other.

[Mendes] Same. Was just imagining getting to fuck around with them again and it kinda came to mind. It'd be kinda hot. Is that weird?

Tom got a good laugh - not at Shawn's question, but at how his friend might respond if he knew about Chris and Liam. The two Australian studs were hot...and looked mouth-wateringly delicious when they were going at it together in bed.

[Tom] Nope, not weird. They're two sexy guys. Watching them together would be really hot.

[Mendes] Don't tell them I asked about it. I don't want them thinking I'm weird or anything.

[Tom] Well, you are weird, but thinking of Joe and Nick isn't why you're weird. :P My lips are sealed though.

[Mendes] Your lips do make a really good seal...around my dick.

Tom sent the eyeroll emoji, getting a laughing one back from Shawn.

Tom laughed as well, switching back to the video that Shawn had sent. It started with Mendes going back and forth between two cocks, sucking them like they were his favorite lollipops. Then it switched to Nick on his back, legs wrapped around Shawn's waist as Mendes pounded his hole. Nick must have been really horny that day - his back was arching as he gripped the sheets moaning. Plus, Tom knew that Shawn was really good at topping...well, and bottoming...which would also explain Nick's cries of ecstasy. But then it was Shawn riding Joe, with the older brother making Shawn beg to get Joe's load up his ass.

[Mendes] I got Joe later in the shower, fucking him up against the wall.

Tom sent back the fire emoji.

[Tom] Damn - bet that looked hot. No video?

[Mendes] No. The shower sex just kinda happened. Flirted with Joe a lot to ease that ass open. Definitely worth the effort.

[Tom] Yeah, Jake said that Joe was pretty tight.

[Mendes] Gyllenhaal? Wait, he fucked Joe?

[Tom] Yep. ;) We got the special backstage tour experience at their concert. Nick's a little muscled for Jake's taste - he went for Joe's ass. Well, his mouth first.

Now it was Mendes' turn to send a bunch of fire emojis.

[Mendes] Okay, I bet THAT was hot as hell. Video?

Tom hopped over to his computer, finding the folder of videos that was buried deep in the file system. Locating the video he wanted, he sent it off to Mendes. Jake had taken the video of Tom standing up, holding Nick's head and feeding him cock. Later, it showed Tom fucking Nick from behind, holding the younger Jonas brother upright, caressing his chest and playing with his nipples while Tom thrusted into him.

[Mendes] Daaaamn, that's hot. Nothing of Jake?

[Tom] Hell no. You know he won't be caught on camera. He gets irritated whenever I make a video.

[Mendes] Bet he doesn't complain about watching it though.

[Tom] Ha! No, he doesn't.

Tom watched as another video attachment appeared. Clicking on it, he watched as Nick was on his hands and knees on a bed, sucking Drake's cock while someone pounded into Nick's rear. Nearby, Mendes stood naked, stroking his dick, waiting for his turn. A couple of guys were next to Shawn, also waiting, but Tom couldn't make out their faces.

[Tom] That's an old favorite.

[Mendes] Ah, you saw it before. Not surprised. Who hasn't?

[Tom] :P

[Mendes] Okay, what about this one?

Tom pulled up the new video and quickly expanded it to fill his laptop screen. It was someone's backside - one that looked familiar but he couldn't quite place. A pair of dark brown legs draped around the other man's hips, held up and pinned to a wall, fingers digging into the hunk's shoulders. Tom blinked, recognizing Lil Nas X. And then, when the rapper began making out with the top pounding him into the wall, Tom finally realized that it was Liam Hemsworth.

[Tom] Oh damn - that's hot.

[Mendes] Did you reach the end yet?

Tom went back to the video, watching as the pace of their thrusts increased, their moaning turning into loud cries as Lil Nas X groaned about how badly he wanted Liam's babies, Hemsworth growling about how hard he was going to breed his hole. Tom's hand snaked down into his shorts, taking hold of his own very hard cock, entranced by the video. By the time that Liam's ass cheeks clenched, indicating that he was shooting his seed, a wet spot had appeared on Tom's shorts.

[Tom] Fuuuuuck!

[Mendes] Right??!! I've watched that like a thousand times. There's more from that night. I think they basically shot more than one of the Lord of the Rings movies.

Tom sent back a laughing emoji...and then more fire emojis.

[Mendes] I can send them, but you know the drill.

Tom laughed, familiar with the video trading system. He found another video, one of several that he and Zayn Malik had made together and sent it along. It was followed with a picture of his tented crotch, the mark of precum large and very visible in the gray shorts.

[Mendes] Not sure which one I like more - the video or the pic. >:)

He sent a picture of his own crotch, clad only in boxer-briefs, the length of his nearly-seven inches jutting up from the blue fabric.

[Tom] You've got too many clothes on.

[Mendes] Says the man wearing shorts.

Tom snapped another photo and sent it along - fully nude this time, his cock pointing towards the camera.

[Tom] What shorts?

[Mendes] I like the way you think. ;)

The message came with a photo. Shawn's underwear was pulled down, tucked beneath his balls, his fingers wrapped around his shaft. Next was a video, up close of the end of his cock, the tip of his finger playing with his precum, smearing the fluid around.

The pair went back and forth, swapping photos and videos as they played with themselves, egging each other on as they stroked their hard cocks. At Shawn's bidding, Tom spat on his fingers and spread his legs, pushing two digits into his hole, moaning out the singer's name. In return, he got a video of Shawn smacking his dick against his open palm, singing about how good Tom's ass would feel sliding up and down his pole. It wasn't long before the two were panting and moaning like crazy, turning each other on...but at the same time trying to hold back, each trying to last longer than the other.

It was Mendes that broke first. Tom groaned as he watched a thick load burst forth, spurting towards the camera, followed by a series of pulses that dribbled down Shawn's smooth shaft, shining in the lamp light of Mendes' bedroom. Thumbing over to the video function, Tom recorded his own orgasm, with some of the shots rocketing over the phone, landing on his neck and chest. Spent, he tapped the screen to send the video off, relaxing against the sheets, enjoying the afterglow of post-orgasmic bliss. Moments later, his phone dinged once more. The series of fire and splash emojis brought a grin to his face...one that turned into devilish glee as Shawn recommended that they reach out to their friend Nick the next day.

Wiping himself clean with a shirt and tossing it into the hamper, Tom whistled merrily as he snuggled against the pillows and fired up his video game console.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ PART 3 - LATE MAY 2020, THE NEXT DAY ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

[Nick] You know, I do make other videos. Music videos. TV shows. Movies.

[Mendes] Yeah, and those are neat. But they're not our favorites. >:)

[Tom] Yeah, send us the really good ones.

[Mendes] Don't you mean the really bad ones?

[Tom] LOL Yeah - the badder the better.

[Nick] You two are pervs, you know that, right? :)

[Mendes] Says the guy that got gangbanged on a beach in Hawaii filming Midway...

[Nick] Hey, I wasn't the only one!

[Tom] Fuck, that was a whole bunch of really hot really bad videos!

[Nick] You know Darren was in those too, right?

[Mendes] Shit, there were so many hot guys in that movie. When's the sequel?

[Nick] It...you know it was a war movie, right? There's not...a sequel, dude.

Tom laughed as a series of eyeroll emojis appeared, followed by a middle finger...first from Shawn and then some from Nick.

[Mendes] I KNOW. I meant like a reunion gangbang.

[Nick] Has Tom seen the video from your birthday gangbang?

[Tom] The what? NO! Tom has NOT seen it. What the fuck?

[Mendes] Nick...

[Nick] 0 :)

[Mendes] Nick. Quit being a dick.

[Nick] Fiiiine. There isn't a video.

Now it was Tom's turn to send a bunch of middle fingers in the text thread.

[Nick] But there was a birthday gangbang. Birthday boy specifically requested no phones there, so we couldn't record the 21 guys fucking him for his 21st birthday.

[Tom] :O

[Nick] Yep, that's the face he was making all night!

[Mendes] Fuck you Nick

[Nick] If you ask nicely, sure. Might even let you film it. :P

[Mendes] Whatever. How about you film that thick cock of yours doing something interesting.

[Nick] Like this?

Tom licked his lips as a video attachment showed up. Opening it, a crotch appeared on his screen, clad in gym shorts and nothing else. Nick's happy trail was prominent as it descended into the waistband that hung low on his hips. Looking down, Tom could clearly make out the weighty piece of meat that was flopping around in Nick's shorts, jerking in place as he flexed the muscles of his groin to make his dick dance a little.

[Mendes] That's what I'm talking about!

[Nick] I think it's Tom's turn to request a video isn't it? ;)

[Tom] Oh yeah, that's how we did it last time.

[Mendes] Fuck, that was a hot night. We need to do that again.

[Nick] What - you didn't get enough photos of us all in our underwear that night?

[Tom] That was hot! Mendes was a sneaky bitch, getting us to strip down and kept pushing the envelope on those poses.

[Nick] Well, he didn't tell us he'd already fucked both of us.

[Mendes] Neither one of you mentioned that you'd hooked up before either.

[Nick] 0 :)

[Tom] ANYWAY... Nick...let's see some ass.

Tom grinned some more as a picture came through. In it, Nick had turned around. Reaching back, he'd tugged down the waistband of his shorts so that his left ass cheek was showing up.

[Nick] My turn. Shawn - show us your dance moves. Video - you owe me one.

After a few moments, another message came through. Tapping it opened a video - similar to Nick, Shawn had shed his shirt, wearing a pair of lounge shorts that left little to the imagination. The Canadian singer swiveled his hips around, his half-hard cock bouncing around under the thin layer of cotton. After a few circular motions, Shawn switched to some thrusts, causing his manhood to bounce around. By the time he was done, he was more than half hard...but Tom would have to wait to get a better look, as the video ended.

[Mendes] Okay, Tom - let's see that gorgeous butt of yours.

Grinning ear to ear, Tom scampered over to his dresser, quickly finding certain pieces of clothing. He tore off his clothes and changed into a crop-top t-shirt and a jock strap. Snatching up a selfie stick, he positioned himself face-down on the bed, his hips tilted up towards the ceiling, putting his rear on display. Snapping the photo, he fired it off and waited.

[Mendes] Oh damn. Daaaamn. Wish I was there.

[Nick] Me too! And I'm not even a butt man.

[Mendes] Which is funny, since you sure can eat an ass for days.

[Nick] Tell Drake thanks for that one.

[Mendes] Oh, I have. A few times. >:) He taught you well.

[Tom] Ahem. My turn. Nick, give us a little groping action.

A couple of minutes passed until Tom's phone chirped again, but it was worth the wait. Nick's shorts were back but this time he was kneeling on the bed. The front of his shorts made a large tent, a small wet spot already appearing. He ran his thumb along the length of his bulge, twirling it around the tip in a teasing manner. Gripping himself, Nick gave his rod a few tugs...and then, still holding his cock, Nick's fingers worked against the shaft, pulling at the fabric of his shorts, causing the waistband to move south. Slowly, more of his happy trail came into view...and then the trimmed patch of hair around the base of his cock. And juuuust when Tom thought he could make out the base of Nick's meat, he relaxed his grip, allowing the waistband to snap back into place.

Tom and Shawn both flooded the chat with fire and thumbs up emojis, receiving one big devil GIF back from Nick.

[Nick] Okay Shawn, get to the goods. Since you started the whole photoshoot last time, you be the first to show some dick this time.

[Mendes] That's fair. ;)

It didn't take long before another video came through. In this one, Shawn ran his fingers along the length of his hard cock, still encased in the lounge shorts. Slowly, he teased at the button in the crotch of the shorts, until he finally worked it loose, allowing the gap to widen, revealing the flesh of his shaft to appear. His fingers stroked at the exposed rod, tugging slowly down on the fly of the shorts, causing the entire piece of clothing to move down. Finally, the head of his cock appeared...and then disappeared...and then reappeared, this time popping through the slit in the front of Shawn's shorts. He toyed with the foreskin covering his head before peeling it back, revealing the meaty flesh, glistening with precum. Giving a few slow squeezes to his manhood, Mendes then reached into the fly of the shorts and pulled his balls out, letting the low-hanging orbs dangle beneath his rock hard cock. Swiping a bit of his leaking juices up with his finger, Shawn's hand went off screen, followed by a wet sucking sound. And then the video ended.

[Tom] Bet that tastes good.

[Mendes] You'd be the one to know. ;)

[Nick] Hang on - I'm checking how much a plane ticket to Canada costs.

[Mendes] Ha!


[Mendes] Okay Holland, your turn. Other side this time.

Tom stretched out on the bed, holding the camera up above his body. Tapping the red button to record, he reached back down and played with his crotch, the pouch of the jockstrap barely containing his cock, which threatened to push out of the small scrap of fabric.

"I wish you two were here..." His hand moved over, taking hold of a small plastic bottle and opening the lid. The side of his hand pulled at the edge of the jockstrap, tugging it to the side, allowing his dick to slide out. Quickly, it inflated to its full length, throbbing above his abs, eager for attention. Slowly, he drizzled lube down the seven inches, closing the bottle and tossing it to the side. The camera's point of view moved in, giving a close-up of his manhood as Tom grasped it, fingers gliding up and down the slick pole. And then the video ended.

[Tom] Nick, show us something slutty. ;)

[Nick] Cumming right up. >:)

[Mendes] Oh damn, this ought to be good. Sounds like he liked your video, Tom. You should send another real quick.

[Tom] Nice try, Mendes. :P

It took several minutes for Nick's file to appear. In the meantime, Tom found one of his favorite porn videos and stroked himself slowly, edging. When his phone beeped, it was worth the wait. Nick was on his hands and knees facing the camera, moaning. He began turning his body until his entire side was in view...and Tom swallowed as he saw the dildo sticking out of Nick's ass - thick, with a suction cup at the base. Holland continued stroking as his eyebrows knitted with curiosity. On the screen, Nick slowly backed up, getting a feel for where the headboard was located behind him. Making contact, he jutted his hips back and wiggled them, making a solid connection for the toy to attach to the wood and metal surface.

Winking, Nick reached back and a humming noise began. `Oh damn,' Tom thought, realizing that the dildo was actually a vibrator. Jonas lowered his shoulders to the surface of the bed, his ass up in the air as he began gyrating, fucking himself.

"If either one of you were here right now, this ass would be all yours. I need dick so bad. You have no idea." He grinned - he did need dick but with Joe and Kevin around, he was getting plenty of it. But that wasn't anything that Tom or Shawn needed to know about. So far, only the Hemsworth Brothers were aware of Jonas `bro-cest' relationship...since they had one of their own as well. For a moment he wondered if Chris and Liam had fucked around in front of Tom. The thought flittered out of his mind as the vibrating toy grazed across his prostate, sending happy chills down his spine. He went back to playing for the camera.

"I'd let you guys take turns, one at a time, drilling and breeding my hole until your balls were completely empty. It's been so looooooong. And your dicks are so goooooood." His back began moving in a wavelike motion, rising and falling in a rhythm, riding the toy. "Promise me that you'll both help me out soon." He turned and winked at the camera right before it went black.

[Mendes] Fuuuuuuck, you went all out for that one!

[Tom] That was fucking hot Nick!

[Nick] Your turn Mendes >:)

[Mendes] Oh shit. I don't trust that devil face of yours.

[Nick] >:) >:) >:)

[Tom] LOL, neither do I...but I'm looking forward to this!

[Nick] Shawn, let's see you...

A series of thinking-face emojis came from Nick.

[Mendes] ??

[Nick] I want to see that hot cock of yours in action.

[Mendes] >:)

The next video had Shawn standing at the edge of his bed, the back of his hand flat against the top of his mattress, cock jutting up into the air. Tilting his hips, his fingers caught his rod and encircled it. Slowly, he began pumping back and forth, fucking his own fist. The tempo picked up, faster and faster. Tom could hear small grunts as Shawn pounded his own hand, the tight grip tugging at the skin of his shaft, foreskin pulling back and forth behind his cock head. A large dark spot grew on the blue bedspread, the result of lube and precum pooling into the cotton. Suddenly, Shawn stopped, his breath hitching and his manhood visibly jerking in his grip. A series of loud half-grunt half-moan sounds could be heard. Tom stared as clear fluids slowly pulsed from the tip of Shawn's prick, the flesh of his shaft flushed a dark pink color. The camera zoomed in, catching more clear juices escaping before the video cut off.

[Mendes] Had to stop. Almost started cumming.

[Nick] And???

[Mendes] Didn't want to...yet. ;)

[Tom] Damn, I'm getting close too, just watching that...and Nick's little rodeo.

[Nick] Little?

A photo came through of the vibrator. It had to be over nine inches long and was really thick.

[Mendes] DAMN!!! How long have you had that???

[Nick] I don't know. A while. Drake got it for me a few years ago.

[Mendes] A few...what? How is your ass still tight?

Nick sent the shrug and wink emojis.

[Nick] It's a gift.

Tom swore he could hear the sound of Nick laughing as Shawn sent off a series of eyeroll and middle finger emojis.

[Mendes] Whatever. Tom - your turn. Show us something really hot.

Grinning, Tom repeated the trick he'd used with Jordan and Duke, kneeling to ride a dildo while facing the phone's camera, stroking himself while pistoning his hips up and down, moaning, going back and forth between detailing how good it felt...and describing what he planned to do with his friends' bodies the next time he saw them. Now his rod was the one drooling with precum as he stopped himself, swallowing hard, eyes clenched, a handful of meat throbbing in his palm, willing himself not to start shooting.

[Tom] Nick...take us home, dude.

[Nick] Aye aye ;)

For the next video, Nick must have set the phone down on a table. He was standing a couple of feet away, both hands wrapped around his thick member. Jonas was halfway stroking himself as he thrust into his grip, fucking his own hands like Shawn had earlier. He went at it harder and harder, a red blush soon appearing across his chest.

"Next time we hang out, I want you guys on either side of me, one cock down my throat, one up my ass, going as hard as you can, making up for lost time." The head of his cock turned a darker pink color, almost purple, as his chest began rising and falling with larger breaths.

"And then, fuck it - both of you inside me at the same time. DP my ass. Stretch my hole and fill it with...oh fuck fuck fuuuuuuuuck!" Nick's hips began spasming, his fingers clenching as his fuck-hose began firing away. Tom could hear the splattering sound of cum landing on the table around the phone...and then a louder splat, with the view shifting slightly.

Oh fuck - he shot the phone with his cum!' Tom descended into a fit of giggles, still stroking himself as he watched Nick continue to unload. Tom licked his lips, recalling how intense Nick's shooting could be, the volleys of cum slamming into the back of his throat as Tom swallowed greedily on the times that they'd hung out'.

[Nick] Mendes. Get it.

Shawn's video came more quickly than Tom had expected. Mendes was on his knees, leaning against the headboard, one hand furiously working his cock. The other was reaching around, pounding a dildo into his own ass, the movements of his hand in sync, stroking and ramming. Tom's jaw dropped a little, realizing that he could hear the sound of Nick's moans in Shawn's video.

`Holy fuck - this is him jerking off while watching Nick's...wowwwww.' His own cock throbbed in reaction to the idea. Somehow watching Shawn watching Nick was even hotter than just a video of either one of the guys simply beating off.

Mendes' groans became higher pitched and more frequent until cum began spurting out of his dick, landing on the pillow and mattress. Shawn let out a long familiar whining moan as his balls emptied, ropes of cum hanging from the back of his hand as he slowly continued to jerk himself through his orgasm. Then the hand nearly disappeared from view as Shawn brought his fingers up to his mouth and began sucking them clean.

[Tom] [Nick] Fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck!

The pair sent the same text at nearly the same time.

[Nick] That...is going to be hard to top. Damn. Good luck!

Lips pressed together, Tom thought for a minute...and then grinned as an idea formed. He crawled over to the head of his bed, flipping himself upside down so that his weight was resting on his head and shoulders, back up against the headboard and feet up in the air, pressed to the wall for balance. He slowly jerked himself off, thumbing the tip of his dick, bringing the thick digit to his mouth and sucking the precum off before returning to stroking. It didn't take long before he lost it, worked up from edging for so long with the hot videos his friend were sending. His meat swelled up in his hand and then exploded, a large amount of jizz raining down on his neck and face...a lot of it landing in his open mouth, caught by his outstretched tongue as he feasted on his own juices.

When he was finally spent, he shook his rod, squeezing the last drops out, making loud sounds of pleasure as he tasted himself.

Rolling his body down so that he was laying face down on the bed, Tom licked his fingers clean, staring into the phone's camera the entire time. Winking, he reached forward and tapped the red button to end the video, sending it to Nick and Shawn.

[Mendes] Daaaaamn! I forgot what a little whore for cum you are! >;)

[Nick] Right? Dude sucks a mean dick.

[Tom] Well, when someone's got a good piece of meat to feast on... ;)

[Mendes] Fuck that was hot. We need to do this again - soon.

[Nick] And meet up again before too long.

[Tom] Amen to that.

[Mendes] Maybe another photoshoot?

[Tom] LOLOLOLOL Maybe.

[Nick] Sure. We'll go in a different order this time. Shake it up a bit.

[Mendes] >:) Bet!

[Tom] Good night guys - ttyl

[Nick] Night - miss you two

[Mendes] Same. Miss you too. Nite!

Tom wiped his cheek with his thumb, clearing off another streak of his cum, sucking it in between his lips. He let out a long satisfied sigh, happy to have chatted with those two guys again...and looking forward to their next time hanging out.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ PART 3 - LATE MAY 2020, TWO DAYS LATER~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Tom stretched and yawned, rubbing his eyes as he reached for the phone. Rubbing his eyes, he scrolled through notifications to see what he'd missed during the long nap. One item stood out, waking him up. Smiling broadly, he tapped the screen and listened to the sound of the phone ringing...and ringing...and ringing. His smile faded as the line went unanswered...and then it picked up.

"Hey cutie."

Tom's smile came back twice as strong as he heard Jake Gyllenhaal's voice. "Hey yourself, handsome."

"What's my man up to, so busy that he can't answer the phone?" Tom could hear the grin in Jake's voice.


"Ohh, napping. Busy day, huh?"

"Mmm, hush. It was a rather nice nap."

"A rather nice nap. You are so cute when you're being so British."

"I'm always British."

"Mmhmm. Which means you're always cute." Tom rolled his eyes, a giant grin stretching his cheeks as he enjoyed the line.

"And you're always so cheesy."

"And you always like it."

"I do."

Tom cleared his throat. "Ahem - someone forgot to send me a picture."

"I didn't forget. I sent you a photo of me working out - all sweaty and muscly, shirtless in the gym."

Tom rolled his eyes again, this time a little exasperated. "Thaaaaaat's not the photo that I wanted. I sent you something hotter." He's enjoyed groping himself until a wet spot had appeared in his briefs, snapping a pic and sending it with the message `thinking of you'.

"You did. And I really liked it."


"But who else did you send it to?" Tom could just see it in his head - one of Jake's eyebrows rising up, a crooked grin as he played the role of inquisitor.


"Uh huh. That's what I thought. Besides, babe, you know I don't like sending stuff like that."

"I knooooooow. You like getting it though."

"Ha!" Jake chuckled into the phone. "I do. You got me there. I'd rather show you the real thing."

"Oooh. I'd rather see the real thing too."

"Just see it?"

"Mmmmm, no, more." Tom settled back into the bed, his hand roaming down into his shorts. "I'd want to taste it too."

"I'd love that. Watch those cute lips of yours slide up and down. God, I love the way you suck my dick - you look so cute and hot at the same time."

"I love sucking your dick. And riding it."

"I noticed." Another chuckle, with a little bit of a growl now. Tom would bet good money that Jake's pants were starting to tent. "Can't wait until we can do that again."


"Oh yeah. I wanna lay there and watch you riding me, feeling that tight ass of yours devour my cock the same way your mouth does."

Tom moaned, his toes curling. Jake might not be much of one for sending dirty texts...but he had a gift for using words when they were in person. Well, or on the phone. "Fuck, I need that."

"Yeah? How bad?"

"Rather badly."

"Damn - you're so hot when you're being British."

"I thought you said it was cute."

"Mmm, it is. But it's hot when you're doing it while you're being a hot little British slut for my dick."

"I love being your hot little slut."

"Fuck, I know. You wouldn't be riding me for long."

"You're hard?"

"Hell yeah. You?"

"Already wanking it."

"Ha! Knew it. Me too."

"Mmmmm. What a waste."

"I know - I'd rather flip you over and spread those sexy legs, start drilling into your ass."

"Yeah daddy, give it to me."

"Damn, you take it so hard."

"The harder the better."

"The way your hands claw at me while you're taking a pounding. It's so fucking hot."


"And the way you bury your face into my chest when you start to cum. Always makes me want to shoot right away."

"It's so big. And hairy."

"I promise not to shave before we meet up again."


"Roll you over, rub my big hairy chest all over your back while I'm fucking you."

"Oh god."

"Wrap my arms around you and pin you in place, pounding you into the bed."


"You want that, don't you?"


"Pull out, slap my cock on your face while I'm jerking it...so close."

"I am..."

"Me too. Push your face down onto my meat, choke you on it..."


"Feel that tight throat work around it, start blasting a load into you."

"Jaaaaaake....mmmmmmhhhhhhh!" Tom's eyes squinted hard, imagining the scene as he began nutting in his shorts.

"Feeling you...suck...and swallowwwwWWW fuck!" He could hear Jake's heavy breath turn into small gasps as his boyfriend began cumming too.

"Big load?"

"It's been like...three or four days?"

"Mmmmm." Tom half-moaned, half-whined, swearing he could almost taste it across the thousands of miles.

As the two wiped themselves clean, they continued the conversation as they each hopped into the shower, recounting what else they'd done that day and the plans for tomorrow. When the call ended, Tom bounced out of his room, a big goofy grin on his face as he floated down the hallway.

~ ~ ~ ~ TO BE CONTINUED ~ ~ ~ ~

Note - there's about one more chapter of Tom frustrated at home during lockdown before he finally gets some real release.

Thanks for reading. If you enjoyed the story, have feedback or want to share ideas, would love to hear from you. red.cheshire.writer@gmail.com

You can find all my stories at redcheshire.weebly.com

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Next: Chapter 21

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