Holland Far from Bone

By Patrick Thomas

Published on Nov 26, 2021


This is a fictional story in which sexual activity between consenting adult males is depicted; it is no way based on true events or the sexuality of any of the persons mentioned. If you are underage or it is otherwise illegal to read this story where you live, please stop reading now.

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-------------------------------------------------------------------- Holland Far From Bone - Chapter 17 - "Bunny's Epilogue" (Part of the "Bunny on a Boat" story arc) --------------------------------------------------------------------

Author's Note: This story takes place in June 2018, after the Avengers: Infinity War premiere.

Originally meant to be a three-chapter story arc, this "Bunny on a Boat" story wound up spanning nine chapters plus this epilogue (so ten total). These three characters were really fun to write together and the feedback from readers was amazing. Along the way, it had a big impact on the overall arc of where Tom's adventures will go in the future of this series (including on the stories that take place before "Bunny" but haven't been written yet).

This epilogue is meant as a thank-you to each and every person who read or commented on the sailing vacation adventure of Tom, Chris, and Seb. Early on, Chris mentioned a trip he and Seb took to Hawaii and it's been a running gag throughout the entire story arc. Here, we (and Tom) find out a little bit more about what happened in Hawaii. ;)

Shoutouts to Dan D, Mdawg225, and drillpscyhe for advocating for the boat story to be written. breakingthrough for asking for a Tom + Sebastian story. Edger_Allen_hoe for inspiring more flirtation between Seb and Tom...curious to see where that might lead.

Thanks as always to Patrick for helping with proof-reading.

Also - a very special thank you to ArgentFakes, who created a beautiful image on Twitter, depicting a scene from the "Bunny on a Boat" story series. The fact that they took the time to create a visual render of Tom, Chris, and Seb still blows my mind and warms my heart. Thank you.



"Oh man, that's it. Right there." Chris Evans rolled his head back, a little groan rolling out of his throat. Opening his eyes, he looked down between his legs at Tom Holland - the lower half of his face was out of sight, buried below Chris' rock hard member, his tongue lapping in circles around Chris' big furry nuts. "Jesus kid, you could kill a man with that mouth." "Or his ass." On the other end of Tom's body, Sebastian Stan was on his knees, hands gently holding Tom's hips as he plowed the fellow Marvel actor's hole. Between the two of them, Tom rested on his hands and knees, moaning and purring, happy as a kid in a candy shop. Looking up, he flicked his tongue back and forth along the length of Chris' eight inches until he reached the large plum-shaped head. Wrapping his lips around it, he sank his mouth back down, inhaling the hefty member.

A knock at the door interrupted their carnal post-trip festivities. Placing his thumb on Tom's forehead, Chris withdrew his cock and stood up, wrapping a towel around his waist, heading towards the door of their hotel room.

"Hey, that was quick. Thanks, man." Evans beamed a big smile at the hotel room clerk, who stood there with his eyes wide open, mouth hanging open slightly as he took in the sight of Chris Evans' nearly nude form, covered in nothing but a low-draped towel, a large bulge prominent beneath the white cotton material. Reaching out, he took the tray of food from the other man.

"We uh...aim to please." Closing his mouth, the college-age looking guy grinned a bit. "Anything else I can help you with...sir?"

One of Chris' eyebrows rose up slightly in amusement - guys this young were usually bowled over if he answered the door like this, usually too surprised to flirt. `Must not be a new employee,' he thought to himself. A small moan from within the room brought him back to the present. Reaching down with his free hand, he lightly groped his bulge. "Not right now. Have a hand on things. Might be hungry later though." Winking, he closed the door, managing not to laugh as the hotel clerk leaned to the right, trying to sneak a peek inside before the door closed.

"Breakfast is served."

"It's...mmmmm...seven at night. Hardly breakfast time." Hands pressed to the mattress, Tom curved his back, his hips rising up to meet Seb's gentle thrusts.

"Breakfast is a state of mind. Need to keep your strength up. You had a long week." Winking, Chris settled back down onto the bed, stretching one leg out on either side of Tom's body. Lifting the cover of the food tray, he revealed a pile of different kinds of fruit, watching with more amusement as Seb's eyebrows furrowed, wondering what his old friend was up to. Picking up a piece of pineapple, Chris broke part of the ring, opening it up so that he could encircle the yellow ring of fruit around the base of his cock. He repeated the gesture with a second pineapple ring.

Wrapping his hand around the back of Tom's head, he pulled the smaller man closer, watching as Tom began using his teeth to tear away at the fruit, making sure to work his tongue between the two rings, teasing the bigger man. "It's supposed to make your cum taste better."

"I don't think that's how it works."

Evans looked up, tilting his head and feigning disappointment. "Seb. Quit being a killjoy. And quit rolling your eyes like that, unless this..." He reached down and squeezed his cockhead. "...is buried inside your ass." He chuckled as Seb rolled his eyes again...and then moaned as Tom suckled at his meat. "Besides, I think Bunny here likes the way `Seb juice' tastes juuuust fine." Grinning, he ruffled Tom's wavy brown hair - and moaned again as the last of the pineapple ring disappeared and Tom's mouth began attacking the base of his cock. Reaching over, he grabbed two more pineapple rings and wrapped them around his cock. Tom made quick work of the new pieces of fruit, eager to get back to the piece of meat. After spending some more time on Chris' balls, he came up for air before wrapping his lips around the large head again. As he suckled on the tip, he looked up, making big doe-eyes, knowing the effect that his "innocent slut look" (as Chris called it) had on the beefy stud.

"Well look at that." Chris' beard stretched with a grin. "Your face is a sticky juicy mess and for once it's not because it's covered in cum."

Tom pulled off, feigning indignation. "Excuse me. I rarely miss a drop. As you well know." He enunciated each word in the last part of his statement, causing all three men to recall sensuous memories from the previous week. He returned his mouth to Chris' cock as the other man let out a hearty laugh.

"Good point. You only get a mess on your face when we pull out and shoot on it." The dazzling blue eyes went hazy with thought for a moment before he blinked and returned his focus to the twink sucking on his meat. "You know...we could arrange a little get-together. Invite some of the guys." He glanced up at Seb. "Have ourselves a little bukake party with a certain cute Brit in the middle." He chuckled as Seb licked his lips at the idea.

"Really? Who?" Tom's lips unlatched from Evans' thick dick, grinning with eager anticipation.

"It'd be a surprise."

"Oh my god. You and your mysterious surprises." Tom rolled his eyes as he pressed his cheek against Chris' thigh, letting out an exasperated sigh, his fingers running over the large balls he'd been licking earlier.

"You don't like my surprises?" A raised eyebrow and another ruffle of Tom's hair. "You liked the air conditioning surprise."

"That was...fun." Tom couldn't help but smile a little, even as his forehead furrowed with a little bit of irritation. "But when it's some mystery Boston Bar that you won't explain and a Hawaii story that you won't tell. It's..."



"Alright, you've been a good sport. We'll tell you the Hawaii story."

"We will?" Seb tilted his head, still slowly thrusting in and out of Tom's ass. Tom squeezed his ass muscles, earning a little moan. "That's right. We will." Seb grinned - the kid definitely knew how to push his buttons. He looked up as Chris began laughing again.

"Dude, you are too easy."

"Look who's talking."

"Whatever...ohhhh." Evans closed his eyes as he felt Tom's lips descend down his shaft and give a good hard suck, bringing his attention back to the twink in the middle. "Actually, we'll do you one better - we'll act it out for you. A little play." The suction around his cock let up as Tom's jaw dropped slightly, his eyes going wide with surprise and delight at the idea. "You've been really patient..." His fingers stroked through the brown locks of hair. "...and attentive." He sighed as those cute lips pulled tight against his rod again and began tightening their grip. "You deserve a little treat."

Tom pulled off and looked down at the member standing up between Chris' legs. "Little?" He let out a laugh as he dodged a swat towards his head. Instead, he found the broad hand applying pressure to his shoulder, rolling him away to the side. He grunted as the hard cock in his ass pulled free, leaving him feeling a bit empty.

Laying on his back, Tom watched as Chris got up and dug through one of his bags, returning with a length of rope. Winking, the Captain America actor took hold of Tom's left hand and tied it to the bedpost. "This is so you watch and pay attention to our little play, instead of to yourself." He glanced down between Tom's legs to make his point clear before turning his attention to securing Tom's other wrist to the headboard. This left Tom sitting up, leaning against the headboard, arms outstretched and his legs open, cock pointing to the air, as Chris crawled back on top of the mattress, meeting Seb at the foot of the bed.

Getting a good look at Tom, Chris turned his attention to Seb and pulled his chin forward, meeting the other man's lips with his own, their tongues meeting out in the air with a kiss meant to show off for their audience of one. Breaking the kiss, he looked over at Tom while licking his lips, noticing that the younger man's hard cock was visibly throbbing as it stood up unattended, precum already leaking down the seven inches, Tom's nuts wet with his own juices. The corner of Chris' mouth curled up with mischief. `This is going to be so much fun,' he thought as he cleared his throat.

"Once upon a time - "

"Really?" Chris turned towards Seb and his little outburst.

"Who's telling the story?"

"I thought we were."

"We're taking turns. What - you don't like how I start my stories?" Seb shook his head. "Fine - you start the story then."

Seb's teeth shone with a broad smile as he spoke. "Once upon a time - "

"You asshole."

"Shut up. It's my turn." Seb laughed as Chris let out a big frustrated sigh.

"Guys..." A small interruption from the head of the bed.

"You suck so bad."

"You've never complained."

"Good point. You do have some skills."

"Guys!" The two actors turned their attention to the head of the bed and both couldn't help but chuckle at poor Tom, tied up and his face contorted with a combination of lust and irritation, eager for them to get on with it.

"My bad. Seb?"

"As I was saying. Once upon a time, Chris and I were in Hawaii to film some scenes."

"Which movie?" They turned their attention back to Tom's question.

"Bunny. You're the audience - it's rude to interrupt a performance. Shhhhhh." Chris brought his finger up to his lips, one eyebrow raised in warning.


"Keep it up and you will be." Tom opened his mouth with what was sure to be a wise-ass response before catching himself and pressing his lips together again, causing Seb to bite down on his own bottom-lip, stifling a giggle. Instead, he cleared his throat.

"Once upon a time, Chris and I were in Hawaii to film some scenes. For some movie."

"It doesn't matter which one - just that Seb and I were there and the hotel only had one room left."

"Exactly. Some sort of booking error. And the room only had one bed."

"Which wasn't a problem because it was a king-sized bed. Plenty of room. Except that I didn't know then that Seb talks in his sleep."

"Whatever. I didn't know that Chris SNORES."

"I don't snore that bad."

"The hell you don't. When you've been drinking? Sounds like one of those mack trucks rumbling along."

"Whatever. ANYWAY - one room, one bed, fine, whatever. So we go up, unpack, settle in. The room was a little warm, so I turned on the air conditioner."

"We didn't realize until later that it wasn't working."

"And Sebby here assumed that I messed it up. But after he double-checked it and saw that sometimes I actually know what I'm doing, we realized that it just wasn't putting out cold air."

"So at this point it's like 10 o'clock at night - no other rooms in the hotel, no rooms in the hotels nearby, and we're both too tired to start calling all over town. Lady at the desk was really apologetic and said there was another room opening up in the morning and they could move us over."

"Oh - didn't she give us vouchers for a few free massages?"

"She did! Those were...really nice."

"Especially with that one guy who was doing them. He had really good...hands."

"Evans - you want to focus on one story at a time?"

"Sorry." Chris grinned, reaching down to tweak Seb's nipple. "So we're laying there - me in the thinnest lounge shorts I've got and Seb in some gym shorts, sheets kicked down and still sweating a little. It was really uncomfortable."

"Evans here finally just peeled off his shorts , tossing them on the floor."

"It was so funny - Seb was trying to act confused while also trying to sneak a peek between my legs."

"It's not every day that some guy just strips down naked in the same bed."

"Especially when they have America's dick." Chris reached down and tugged at his cock.

"You're America's ass. Get it right."

"So after Seb stopped acting all flustered while checking out my junk, we went to sleep."

"Okay, maybe I was checking him out." Seb looked over to find Tom quietly looking like he didn't believe this part of the story. "Okay. He has a nice body and he was naked. I was checking him out. Anyway, we tried to go to sleep. It was really hard with it being hot and everything."

"That wasn't the only thing that was hard."

Seb closed his eyes and shook his head at the bad pun. "True. Evans here sprouted a little hard-on while he was sleeping."


"Ow!" Seb leaned back as Evans' fingers flicked his dick. "Okay, mediu-ow! He got hard. And it was poking me in the back."

"We finally did drift off to sleep, but apparently I kept turning over and spooning with Seb." Chris shrugged.

"Which would be fine, if part of him wasn't trying to punch out my kidneys."

"You weren't complaining later, when I was punching out your guts."

"ANYWAY - I woke up dumb ass here and he turned over, only to wake up later to find him cuddling again, with his hard-on pressed into my back again."

"Yeah, like three times."

"Well, you kept rolling over and cuddling and prodding."

The two stopped, looking over at Tom. The poor guy swallowed at the mental image, which brought back memories of a similar experience during their boat trip. His hard cock bobbed in the air, rocking with his pulse. The skin of his shaft was shiny with precum, the head of his cock darker as he became more and more turned on by the unfolding tale.

Chris licked his lips wolfishly. His voice lowered as he launched into the next part of the story. "So, I apologized to Seb. My schedule had been really busy lately - so busy that I hadn't had time to...take care of things." He reached down and took hold of Seb's cock, stroking it.

"And he started doing...mmmmm...this. But to himself."

"And of course, Seb was pretending to be shocked."

"Well, I wasn't expecting you to just start stroking yourself right next to me!"

Chris tilted his head back and laughed, his arm still moving back and forth as he tugged at Seb's dick. "He even asked if I wanted to go into the bathroom for privacy."

"Why? You've already seen it." Seb tilted his head as he spoke, changing his voice to sound more like Chris.

"You had!"

"In all its glory."

"Ah - so you finally admit that I have a nice dick."

"Oh my god. We're not talking about your dick right now."

"Actually, we are. So there I was, stroking it. Mine, not Seb's. He was trying to pretend like he was sleeping, except that he's really really bad at that. You could totally see that he had his left eye open just enough to watch the show."

"You could not."

"Dude. You totally could. Those baby blue eyes of yours show up really well. The tent in your shorts showed up even better. And there's no way you'd be getting hard if your eyes were closed."

"I could hear the sound of you jerking off."

"Either way - you were turned on." Seb kept quiet, pretending to glare a little. "So I elbowed Seb and suggested that he might as well take care of business too. Which meant more pretending to be flustered from Mister Metal Arm here."

"Whatever. Chris' line was `It's not like you haven't seen it in a porn before. You do watch porn, right?' And I had to point out that porn isn't usually a live-action thing taking place one foot away." Tom chuckled as Seb imitated Chris' voice again.

"Oh shit - we were supposed to be acting this out."

"Hey!" Seb let out a shout of surprise as Chris pushed him back. He found himself lying flat on his back at the foot of the bed, followed by Evans who plopped down next to him. The Captain America star began stroking himself as both Tom and Seb watched his hand work up and down the thick veiny shaft.

"Anyway. So yeah, I asked if Seb had seen porn before...and of course he has, so I pointed out that he'd seen a guy get off before."

"He made a convincing argument." Seb reached down and began tugging on his own cock, occasionally rolling his thumb up and over the head, spreading the ample amount of precum that was flowing out. "We were both sitting there, jerking away...and Evans here starts shifting around like he's uncomfortable."

"I was uncomfortable. It was fucking hot and muggy in the room."

"This isn't working." Seb changed his voice again, mimicking Chris. "My arm's all sweaty, rubbing against my side." He glanced over at Tom, who had the tip of his tongue sticking out between his lips, focused on the show below their hips. "And he reached over and took my hand..." Seb moved his left arm over, taking hold of Chris' meat and began sliding his hand up and down. "...and put it on his junk."

"It's not junk. It's a fine piece of meat."

"Whatever. On his `fine piece of meat' and he reached over and started working mine."

"Your junk."

"Fuck you."

"Maybe later. Don't give away the ending of the story." Evans looked over at Tom with a wink.

"ANYWAY - Chris decides to distract me by complimenting my dick."

"What - you've got a nice dick. You really do need to learn how to take a compliment."

"And going on about how much precum was leaking out."

"It was a lot."

"It's not a lot."

"You do leak a lot." Both men looked over in response to Tom's comment. "Sorry, sorry. But you do. It's kinda hot."

"See, he likes the taste of your juices. You don't need the pineapple."

"Oh my god."

"ANYWAY..." Chris changed his voice to imitate Seb.

"Shut up. Any... Um, so, Chris here was letting out happy sounds, saying how much better it felt not having his sweaty arm sliding against his side. Then he began playing with my foreskin, making comments about how he wondered what it was like to have it."

"Meanwhile, he's tracing his finger along the veins on my meat."

"And then he's going on again about the amount I was leaking."

"It was all over my fingers. It was a LOT."

"I was worked up."

"Mmmhmmm." Chris' chuckle was cut off as Seb elbowed him in the ribs. "So I decided to get a taste."

"What?" They looked over at Tom again.

"Silence in the peanut gallery, Peanut." It was Seb's turn to shush Tom.


"Yeah, so he reaches up and sticks his finger in his mouth, getting a taste."

"I swear, I felt his cock throb in my hand when I did that. Don't make that face - it did and you know it."

"It might have. Dickhead here manages to talk me into tasting some of his, even though he doesn't precum as much."

"Managed to talk you...whatever, it didn't take much."

Seb rolled his eyes. "Next thing I know, he's got his hand on the back of my neck, nudging me down to his crotch, telling me that it'll work better if I use my mouth, since he doesn't leak as much."

"Yeah...and I told you to get a taste. You started sucking on it all on your own."

"What the hell else was I going to do with a dick in my mouth?"

Chris looked up at the ceiling, his eyebrows crunching down in thought. "Good point. Oh - acting." He pushed down on Seb's head until the Romanian hunk had his mouth wrapped around Chris' meat. He suckled on it for a moment before beginning to bob his head up and down. "Yeah, that's my buddy. Always hungry." He looked over at Tom, whose toes were curling as he shifted his legs, getting more worked up at their display and unable to do anything about it. "Sound like anyone you know, Bunny?" He grinned at the little whimper their friend let out in response.

"I came up for air after a while..."

"And to give his jaw a break. Ow!" Evans' thighs flexed together as he reacted to Seb thumping his balls.

"...and gave jackass a compliment." Seb jokingly glared up at Chris. "I didn't know back then about his ego, so I actually told him that he tasted good."

"You really think I have an ego problem?"

Seb looked up to find Chris staring at him, curious. "No, I'm just teasing you. You're a pretty good guy." He smiled as Chris actually blushed a little. "He responded by saying thank-you and then commenting that he wanted a better taste of mine, so he rolled us over into a sixty...oof." Seb shifted as Chris twisted and rolled into position, slurping Seb's dick down his throat. "...a 69. Pretty much...mmmmm...like this." The guys went at it for a few minutes, actually forgetting that Tom was in the room as they sucked each other's cocks. A small sound from Tom brought them back to the present.

"And then like this." Chris rolled over, bringing Seb with him, until his friend was on top, still in a 69, returning their attention to blowing one another. Chris began wetting his finger and rubbing it on Seb's hole as he slid his lips up and down his friend's length, earning happy moans.

"Damn. Forgot about that pa-aaaart." Seb's voice went up in pitch as Evans' finger penetrated him. Soon Chris was working his finger back and forth while sucking away - Seb had all eight inches buried down his throat, his moans muffled as he spread his legs to give Chris better access.

"You want more than a finger in there, buddy?"

Seb pulled off with a wet sucking sound, the thick meat landing with a heavy thud against Chris' stomach. "I don't know. You're a pretty big guy."

"I'll be gentle. I think you can take it."


Chris turned towards Tom. "Notice he never said he doesn't fuck guys."

Seb sighed. "I think that would have been an obvious lie by then. Oooooh." He sighed again as Chris worked a second digit inside, spreading his fingers apart to help open Seb's hole.

"C'mon Seb. You'll love it."

"Okay. But you're going to go slow?"

"Of course." Chris slid out from beneath Seb, grabbing a bottle of lube from the night stand and greasing up his pole. Positioning himself behind Seb, who was still on his hands and knees, he rubbed the head of his cock in a circle around Seb's hole before slowly pushing forward, watching as the tip disappeared. His hips rocked back and forth as he slowly eased in an inch or so...and then pushed forward, burying about three inches inside. Seb let out a yelp of surprise and discomfort, mostly play-acting. After all this time, he was quite used to his friend's girth. He leaned forward until the thick piece was gone, turning and pushing Chris over.

"I thought you said you were going to be gentle. And slow."

"I was...for a bit. It's not my fault that your ass feels really good." Chris blinked and did his best to look innocent as he rubbed Seb's thighs. The other man had moved to straddle Chris, squeezing out more lube onto Chris' member before taking hold of it. Hovering over the thick rod, he slowly dropped his hips - Tom watched as about three inches of it disappeared inside Seb's ass. Letting go, Seb let out a happy little moan and placed his hands on Chris' chest, as if to hold the stud in place while he began moving up and down, slowly but surely taking inch after inch. Eventually, he was resting against Chris' legs, all eight inches buried inside, both men moaning. He picked up the pace until he was riding, his ass cheeks clapping against Chris' thighs. He looked over at Tom, winking. His friend let out a moan, eyebrows knitted together, the head of his cock an angry red color, engorged and throbbing. This was nearly torture, watching the two handsome men fucking and not even being able to stroke his own cock, let alone participate. Not that Tom was complaining.

"Ready for more?"

"What - you've got more cock hidden somewhere?"

"It's hidden in your hole, buddy. But no, not more cock. Just harder." Seb lifted an eyebrow, curious as he pulled off, his hole feeling empty again with a noticeable absence after being stuffed so thoroughly. He let himself be guided onto his back and watched as Chris slid between his legs, lifting up one thigh so that he could access the sweet tight hole, both men groaning as he slid back in. "Isn't this a better way to sweat instead of because of the busted air conditioning?"

"Hell yeah."

"By the way, I saw you peeking at my cock. Your eyes weren't closed."

"Yes they were." Seb let out a frustrated groan as Chris pulled almost all the way out and held himself in place, not thrusting forward again. He looked up to find Evans staring at him, one eyebrow raised, waiting. "Okay, fine, I was kinda peeking." He moaned with pleasure as Chris sank his meat back inside. A bearded mouth met his stubbled face, lips latching onto each other, a tongue penetrating his mouth the same way its owner's cock was penetrating his ass. Between the deep passionate kiss and the thick cock sliding in and out of his ass, it wasn't long before Seb's breathing was beginning to hitch, nearing the point of no return. Suddenly, Chris was gone, sliding down to take Seb's meat in his mouth as he rammed his fingers into Seb's entrance, fingering his friend as he slurped hungrily on his cock, staring up with those bold blue eyes, silently asking Seb to go over the edge. Seb cried out as his cock erupted, Chris' throat working to swallow every drop of what his co-star had to offer. With his chest heaving, working to catch his breath, Seb felt his spent dick slide out from between Chris' lips and plop down against his thigh.

"Damn - your load tastes even better than...earlier." Chris made a lascivious show of licking his lips, then making a big swallow as he enjoyed the taste of Seb's juices. Crawling up, he plopped down on Seb's side, his fingers tracing over the smooth chest, teasing a nipple before looking up at Tom.

"And then?"

"Oh. Then I put Seb on his knees and face-fucked him until I blew a load down his throat. He looked really cute like that." Tom looked over at Seb, who just shrugged and winked.

"That's it?"

Chris and Seb looked at each other and then at Tom. "Well, it was a whole week or so there. So, more happened." Seb grinned as the pair turned and crawled up towards Tom, lightly nibbling and licking their way up his legs. "Lots more." He pushed Tom's legs apart as Evans moved between them, his cock hard and visibly throbbing, eager for release.

"Lots...lots more." Still lubed up from fucking Seb, Chris guided his dick into Tom's hole, letting out a shudder at the tightness of it. "Fuuuuck, kid." His eyes rolled back. `How the fuck is he still so tight?' Chris thought, images of the poundings they'd given the little twunk over the last week pouring through his mind. Taking hold of Tom's legs, his hands slid along their well-toned length until he was holding the slim ankles, pushing them out to make a big V-shape as he slammed forward, hearing Tom grunt as response. Opening his eyes, he looked down and drilled his bright blue eyes into Tom's warm honey-brown orbs as he began drilling the tight ass, eager to break it open with his cock.

Placing one of Tom's ankles on his shoulder, Chris reached over, grabbing a banana. He teased it in front of Seb's mouth and then moved it away, guiding Seb's mouth to meet Tom's. The two gobbled the banana together, ending in a messy kiss. "Oh look - Seb finally thinks the fruit is fun to play with."

"Mmmm." Seb growled in response, nibbling on Tom's lower lip.

"Want to know the best part of the story?" Chris grinned, his eyes lighting up with mischief.

Tom panted, his eyes half-open. "Hmmm?"

"The parts we didn't tell you."

"What?" Tom's eyes opened the rest of the way, his mouth dropping open in surprise. "What parts?"

"And the parts we made up."

"WHAT?! OH!" Chris chuckled as he rammed his cock forward, earning the yelp out of the little spider-stud. Tom turned to look at Seb. "You guys really made it up?"


"Yes." Seb and Chris spoke at the same time. Looking at each other, they spoke again.


"No." This time, they reversed their responses.

"Maybe." They spoke at the same time.

"You guys!!!! That's not fair!" Tom stuck his lower lip out in a pout.

"Sorry babe." Seb nibbled on Tom's exposed lower lip again, which pulled in as Tom turned his head, irritated. Grinning, Seb crawled forward until he was in a 69 position again, this time on his hands and knees above Tom, tilting his head down to begin sucking at his new lover's rigid pole. He knew Tom had forgiven the tall tale as he felt a tongue begin lapping at his nuts.

Turned on by being tied up and the show the guys had put on, it didn't take long before Tom's thighs were flexing, a sure sign that he was about to begin shooting. Seb went to take in Tom's length...and found himself stopped by Evans' thumb pressed against his forehead. The pressure increased until his head was pushed back, Tom's cock falling out from between his lips just as it began firing. One shot landed on Seb's tongue and lips - the rest began blasting across Tom's stomach...and another banana held out by Chris. He looked up to find Chris grinning wickedly as he held the banana in place, making sure it was coated with Tom's juices. As the younger man groaned, his orgasm abating, Chris tilted the banana up, nudging it against Seb's lips.

Chris watched as his friend's mouth opened, taking half the banana in one gulp, biting down and severing it, chewing and swallowing. Seb opened his mouth to take another bite but found the fruit gone as Chris lifted it up and finished the other half, licking his lips. "Damn. The pineapple does work." Seb closed his eyes, shaking his head but unable to hold back hisgrin. Picking up another pineapple ring, Chris swiped it across Tom's stomach, picking up a thick layer of cum before bringing it up to Seb's mouth. The pair stared into each other's eyes as Seb opened up and ate the pineapple ring. "Doesn't it taste better, Sebby?"

"Actually..." Seb licked his lips, making a loud smacking noise for Tom to hear. "It does. Is there more?"

"Oooh. Someone's hungry." Chris smiled as he repeated the gesture with the last piece of pineapple, feeding it to Seb, moaning as the brown-haired hunk began sucking on the thick fingers. The entire time, he continued sawing in and out of Tom's hole.

Seb moved away, curling up next to Tom, the pair making out while Evans pounded away, ready to get off at last.

"So which parts of the story were true?"

"Seb...don't do it." Chris put on his best stern look. "Seb..." He couldn't help but laugh as Tom nibbled on Seb's ear, earning a moan...and then Tom ran his tongue in circles around the edge of Seb's ear. "Seb..."

"The air conditioning was broken."

"God dammit Seb."

Another nibble on his ear. "And there was only one bed."

"You're so fucking easy."

"We did kick the sheets off of the bed." Chris gave up, focusing on his thrusts, feeling a familiar tingle in his balls. He watched as Seb spilled the beans (well, part of them), as Tom worked his ear over. Dammit if the kid wasn't looking at Chris and grinning while he did it too. He picked up the pace of his thrusts in an effort to punish the little fucker.

"I did wake up with Chris' boner in my back...mmmm...and I did ride Chris' cock. Keep doing that..."

"Seb, you suck." Chris' nostrils flared, his body covered in a layer of sweat.

"Yeah, that...damn. And he did face-fuck me. But that was later, in the shower. And there was fingering..." He opened his eyes, looking at Chris. "...but not like how he described it."

"And?" Tom's question was muffled, his lips wrapped on Seb's ear lobe.

"That's it. We made up the rest."

"Mmmm...thank you SEB."

"Fuck...you...SEB." Chris slammed forward one more time as his cock began throbbing, coating the inside of Tom's guts with his seed. His broad hairy chest heaved as he cried out.

When his balls were finished unloading, Chris curled his body down, cuddling up on the other side of Tom. His mouth found Tom's ear, growling into it. "Bad little bunny. Bad bad little bunny."

"You're going to punish me, big daddy Chris?" Even though he'd just gotten off, Chris felt a jolt go down his spine, straight down to his cock. `Okay, maybe Seb isn't the only easy one. This damn kid,' he thought.

"Yes. At the bar. In Boston. Which you definitely are NOT learning about until we go. Right, Seb?"

"Cross my heart." Seb swiped his fingers over his chest and held them up. The pair watched as Tom held Seb's wrist and began sucking on his fingers, smiling. "Nope, that's not going to work."

"Ugh." Tom let the fingers go, his head landing back against the pillow.

"Sorry kiddo. Some things are better as surprises." Leaning down, Chris gently pressed his lips against Tom's. The younger man responded, meeting the kiss as he slid his tongue into Chris' mouth. Seb's mouth met theirs, lips and limbs intertwining as the trio made out, the sounds of waves crashing against the shore coming through the open window. They all had flights back to the mainland the next day...but for now, they could revel in a moment of relaxation as their vacation slowly began to come to an end.



Thanks for reading. If you enjoyed the story, have feedback or want to share ideas, would love to hear from you. red.cheshire.writer@gmail.com

You can find all my stories at redcheshire.weebly.com

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Next: Chapter 18

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