Holland Far from Bone

By Patrick Thomas

Published on Sep 12, 2021


This is a fictional story in which sexual activity between consenting adult males is depicted; it is no way based on true events or the sexuality of any of the persons mentioned. If you are underage or it is otherwise illegal to read this story where you live, please stop reading now.

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-------------------------------------------------------------------- Holland Far From Bone - "Bunny on a Boat" Chapter 15 - Boat Drinks --------------------------------------------------------------------

Author's Note: This story takes place in June 2018, after the Avengers: Infinity War premiere.

Shoutouts to Dan D, Mdawg225, and drillpscyhe for advocating for the boat story to be written. breakingthrough for asking for a Tom + Sebastian story. Edger_Allen_hoe for inspiring more flirtation between Seb and Tom...curious to see where that might lead. JSmith for the body worship idea and champagne celebration. Timtom, you might want to get a bigger, thicker towel. ;) Thanks as always to Patrick for helping with proof-reading.


Chris was proud of himself for making it through dinner without teasing his two friends, after prying them away from the railing and out of each other's arms, getting their speedos back on and over to the table. And then he was proud of himself for managing to not roll his eyes at the constant flirting throughout the meal. At the point where the pair took turns stabbing food with a fork and reaching across to feed one another, Chris began wondering if he'd be able to make it back to shore if he jumped over the railing and began swimming. Throughout it all, he kept a (mostly) straight face with just a hint of amusement peeking through.


"Hmmm?" He looked up at Seb's question, eyebrows raised.

"You have this look."

Are you serious right now? *I* have a look?' Was the first comment that came to Chris' mind, which he managed to bite back. He also avoided responding with the question, Oh, I still exist?'

"Um, what kind of look?" Innocent-appearing blinks didn't seem to deter Seb's line of questioning.

"I don't know. Some...weird look."

"I always look weird." Chris gave a big cheesy smile. "Well, that's what you always say. Weird, or stupid."

"You're up to something."

"Duh. I'm always up to something." He took another bite and began chewing, preparing himself to dodge Seb's curiosity. `Sometimes you have to stay out of the way and let things happen.' He didn't want to spook either of his friends out of this blossoming...whatever this was. Watching the pair settle back into a normal eating routine, he took a few more bites, thinking about them both as individuals and as a pair.

`Well, and sometimes it doesn't hurt to give a little nudge. Or a shove.' Grinning to himself, Chris got up from the table. Catching a curious glance from Tom, he waved it away. "Be right back. Forgot something."

He returned with a bottle and three glasses, raising them in the air with a wink. The bottle gleamed in the lights strung across the deck. "Brought something special for our last night at sea." He set the glasses down, a little disappointed when they made a soft sound instead of a clink. "Plastic...since the boat shop asked us to keep glass to a minimum." Popping the cork, he poured three drinks, bubbles rising up in the glasses.

Seb looked at the shield-shaped, parchment-colored label on the bottle and then back to Chris, surprised. "Damn. The good stuff?"

"Hey, it's a good trip. Good memories. Great friends." Chris raised his glass, the other two following suit, all three meeting in the middle before taking a sip. His grin got bigger when Tom's eyes got a little wider after tasting the champagne, taking another look at the bottle with a slightly embarrassed look.

"You got this for us?"

"Yep." Chris leaned back in his chair, relaxing. "It's been an amazing few days, both to relax and to get to know each other a little better." He eyed Tom up and down. "Well, a lot better. Especially after the air conditioner `broke' and you ditched the pajamas." He took another sip, trying not to laugh as Tom feigned a glower.

"I hate you so much. Still can't believe you tricked me."


"Err, no, not really."

"Besides, it's not my fault you were basically eye-fucking me and Seb the second you got on the boat."

Tom's mouth dropped open. "I was...I was not eye...eye fucking..." He looked back and forth between Chris and Seb, setting his jaw stubbornly. "I was not `eye-fucking' you two."

Chris coughed on his drink, laughing. "Seb?" Tom looked at Seb, expecting the Romanian stud to defend him.

"I uh...I mean, I didn't feel objectified. Much."

Evans rolled his eyes. "Hard to feel like a piece of meat when you're thinking with your dick."

"I hate you."

Chris' grin grew bigger. "Thaaat's the sweet little Seb I know and love. You love me...even though I don't get sweet little nickna...hey!" His words cut off into laughter, dodging Seb's swatting hand. "Anyway - now I know what to get Tom for Christmas. Some of those sunglasses with mirrored frames, so you can't see through them. Especially if he's going to try to stare at every guy's body and crotch all the time."

"I do not do that." Tom's lips pressed together, defiantly.

"Oh really?" Chris poured another glass, eyeing down his younger friend.

Memories of time off set during the Marvel movies with a number of co-stars flitted through Tom's mind - he realized that it wouldn't take long for Chris to discover the lie. "I, er...maybe, um, occasionally check out...people...appreciatively."

"Now that is a really nice, proper and very British way to say eyefucking." Chris tilted his glass in Tom's direction. "I like that. Hell, I'm stealing that."

"You're such an ass." Seb couldn't help but laugh while delivering the taunt, reaching out to pour a refill as well.

"You like my ass. And..." Chris cut the line off, clearing his throat. "Sorry, the Brit is here. We're supposed to be proper. When we're appreciating one another."

"I hate you." Tom's laugh gave him away.

"Keep talking with that attitude, young man...and it'll get you a spanking."


Chris stared at Tom, then looked over at Seb. "Your man is incorrigible. Get him under control. Or I will." Standing up with a wink, he noted that both of his friends were silent, trying to think of a witty response and failing, their minds tripping over Chris referring to Tom as Seb's `man'. He disappeared back down the steps, reappearing with another bottle, this time a less expensive label. The conversation gave way to one another's plans over the next few months. Tom gave the guys more pretend-irritation at their broken air-conditioning prank, noting that he'd brought really cute pajama shorts that went to waste.

"Wait - I thought you wear briefs to bed?" Evans took a sip, looking over the glass at Tom.

"Err, well, yeah, usually. But I packed a pair of shorts."

"But you wore briefs the first night. Dark blue ones." Seb stopped speaking as both of the other men looked at him.

"Of course you remember what color his briefs were." Evans smirked, leaning his face into his glass to resist laughing as Seb's blush was apparent even in the low light on the nighttime deck.

"Yeah, whatever. But I was going to wear them..." Tom looked at Chris, who had his eyebrow cocked up again. "I just got...distracted. And forgot. And..." He let out a sound that was half-sigh and half-chuckle, taking a sip as well.

"And then it got hot and the briefs disappeared. Which, I think was a nice improvement." Seb winked, causing Tom to blush. "Although I'm still surprised that Chris fessed up to it."

"Well, I'd be an asshole if I didn't." He laughed as Seb blinked and shook his head. "Besides, he was being all cute and shit when I admitted to our little prank."

"Chris Evans has a soft spot?" Chris coughed, choking a little at the combination of Seb's question and the memory it triggered.

"Um, not exactly..." Tom's comment prompted Seb to glance over and then back at Chris, curious.

"It was in the kitchen. My hard spot was grinding up against his soft spot...what, don't you roll your eyes at me. And he was all happy that the air conditioning was fixed. Really happy. Like, obviously happy." Evans nodded his head, looking down at Seb's crotch.

"I get the idea."

Tom broke into Chris' version of events. "That wasn't because of the air conditioning. You try having someone in a speedo rub up against your ass and see what happens. Anyway - he did confess to messing with the air conditioning wiring. And then he made up for it."

"He made up for it?" Now it was Seb's turn to raise an eyebrow - he could guess Evans' method for soothing over a prank.

"Er - yeah." Tom's grin was wide as he leaned back in his chair.

"Yeah, that's enough story time."

"Well, what time is it now then?" Tom winked at Chris, his knee bouncing eagerly.

"Time for dessert."

"Oh." The knee stopped bouncing as Tom's flirting failed, the subject seeming to return to their meal.

"Yes. Dessert." Now it was Evans' turn to smile from ear to ear as he shifted his hips forward in his chair and leaned back. Taking hold of the champagne bottle, he tilted it so that a good amount poured out, trickling onto his chest. The fizzy fluid drizzled down over his broad pecs, rivulets of bubbles trickling along the ridges of his abs. "Come and get it."

Seb shook his head at the comment but moved forward at the same time as Tom, both of them approaching Evans' torso and pressing their mouths to his chest, beginning to lap up the champagne. Lifting the bottle again, Chris poured out more this time, drenching his body from chest to thighs. "Oh no...clean up on aisle..." A hand covered his mouth, Seb reaching up as his mouth moved down and towards the middle, meeting Tom's for a moment. Breaking apart, their tongues slithered outward, teasing at Evans' nipples before sucking on them.

"Oh fuck..." He took hold of their heads with his hands, pressing them forward, mashing their faces against his chest. "That's it." He hissed as Tom's teeth began lightly chewing on the nub. "Mmmm...Daddy likes." Tom's fingers were between Chris' legs, playing with his balls through the booze-soaked speedo. The twink's mouth opened wider, devouring the furry beefy pec muscle, moaning lightly. Out of the corner of his left eye, Tom saw Seb nipping his teeth along the ridge of Chris' chest muscle. Gripping their heads, Chris guided their mouths back to his nipples, groaning as they went to work. He flexed his chest, the massive muscle pushing against their faces. "Work that..." Chris' voice trailed off into another moan as two sets of teeth gnawed at his nips.

"Yessir." Tom's voice was muffled, his mouth wide open and full of man chest, eyes wide and staring up into Chris'. Chris growled again, wondering how the pouch of his thin sheer speedo hadn't burst yet as his cock throbbed.

Seb's right hand reached over and took hold of the back of Tom's neck, guiding it to follow a mirrored path of his own mouth as they moved up over the rise of Chris' chest, until they were sucking on his collarbone. More champagne flowed, causing them to gulp and lick at the soaked flesh. Tom felt the hand on his neck nudge him to the right, until his face was at that area where chest meets arm. The smell and taste of champagne, sweat, and Evans' musk overwhelmed his senses. He licked up the edge of the furry armpit before clamping his mouth against the tendon, gnawing on it with a light growl.

"Oh fuck..." He felt Evans' thigh shifting down below, the massive legs spreading and closing with lust. "That's a good boy."

"Mmhmm?" Tom's eyes were wide and staring into his again, his cock straining to break free. His eyes closed and rolled back as Tom began lapping up and down, each stroke of his tongue working closer into his armpit. A hand groped out and grabbed Evans', bringing it in. Tom's mouth broke free as he jammed three fingers into his mouth, sucking on them greedily, still staring at Evans. One eyebrow rose up in a silent question. Seeing Evans bite his lower lip, Tom's eyebrow came back down as he winked. His lips let go of Chris' digits and latched onto his chest again, hunger and lust driving him down...down...down. Seb followed, their tongues getting the champagne on Evans' stomach, tasting more as it flowed down one more time. Their mouths met again at the waistband of his speedo, skipping his bulge as they wedged their faces up against his ball sac.

"Guys...fuck...fuuuuuck." Evans groaned, his fingers buried in their hair, his toes curling. Both of them were sucking on his nuts, one and then another pulling away from his body before the pressure broke and it was allowed to return to its home, nestled up in his crotch.

"Time to get to the main course." He tugged Tom's hair and pulled his face up so that it was pressed up against his hardened bulge.

"Yes sir..." Tom gave that fake-innocent look as he ran his tongue around...and around...and around. His lips wrapped around the head and sucked, Seb somewhere down below lapping at Chris' balls...Tom's fingers curled at the waistband and slowly tugged it down. Inch after inch of thick shaft came into view, painfully slow, until the speedo was bunched up at the end of his rod. Tom pulled back and tugged the fabric the rest of the way down. Chris' dick sprung free, quickly filling out. Holding Tom by the top of his head, he gripped his cock and smacked it against the younger man's face. Tom's face turned, trying to catch the man meat as it bounced off of his nose, his cheeks, his lips.

"You want this?"


His hand jerked his cock, smacking it harder against Tom's face. "Yes, what...?"

"Yes...sir..." Tom's voice was a little whiny with need, his eyebrows furled into crooked lines.

"Hmm. Not sure..." His beard twitched as he grinned, waving his manhood oh so close to Tom's mouth.


His eyebrow went up. "Please...?"

"Please. Sir. Please let me suck it."

His cock visibly throbbed as Tom dove into the role play. "Suck what? My fingers again?"

"No..." Tom's tongue lashed out, just grazing the veiny shaft. "Your...please, let me suck your big daddy dick."

"Oh god..." Chris' grip wavered and Tom dove forward, his lips attaching themselves to the base of his cock.

"This...one..." He moved up, suckling the skin of Evans' shaft. "Please...sir...let me suck...this big daddy dick...it's so good..." That cute mouth was there, licking at the large plum-shaped cock head. "Pleeeaaaase?" He didn't get a verbal response - instead, the hand on the back of Tom's head shoved down, impaling a third of the fleshy pole into his mouth. He coughed a little, the sudden movement catching his gag reflex off-guard. Adjusting, Tom wiped the corner of his eyes free of tears from the moment of choking and pressed down, saying the words `thank-you sir' as his lips traveled the rest of the way, until he'd inhaled the entirety of Chris' length.

Grabbing Tom's head, Chris held it in place as he ground his hips up, riding the lad's face. Seb continued sucking and licking at Chris' furry nuts, causing his eyes to roll back and his toes to curl as his two friends worshipped his manhood. Occasionally Seb lifted his face and met Tom's, their mouths and tongues playing together at the end of Chris' thick member before returning to Tom's sucking and Seb's licking. Sensing that Evans was getting close, Seb gave Tom's hair a gentle tug, pulling him off of the rock-hard cock and leaving it hanging in the wind as they moved outward, sucking and licking at his large hairy thighs. Reaching his knees, they began working their way back towards the middle, closer and closer to the rod that was bobbing up and down with Chris' pulse.

Tom felt a tapping on his ribs and glanced over, catching Seb's smirk and a wink as he began opening his mouth wider. Tom copied the move, both of them looking upward as they began pressing their bared teeth against Chris' flesh, right at the meatiest part of his thigh.

"Hey...hey!" Two broad hands came down, clutching the mischievous duo by the hair and pulling them away. "No biting. You..." He nodded towards Tom "...already got a warning, young man. And you..." His attention turned towards his old friend. "...are not too old to spank."

"You promise?" Seb's taunt earned an eyeroll as Chris palmed Seb's forehead and pushed him away.

"You're the reason this one is so badly behaved." Tom turned his attention up at Chris' comment and stuck his lower lip out in a pout.

"You think I'm badly behaved?" He pulled himself up to his feet, peeling off his speedo as he sat down on Chris' lap.

"Yes. You're..." Chris' nostrils flared as he took a breath, feeling Tom's firm ass rest against his dick. Clearing his throat, he tried to continue. "...ahem...yes."

"You really think..." Tom rocked back and forth, sliding his rear against the hard rod digging against his backside before rocking forward, sliding his own hard cock up along Chris' torso until his crotch was planted against the broad pecs. "...that I'm a bad boy?"

"Oh - you...are...mmmm..."

"Like, a bad bad boy?" Tom was struggling to maintain his pouting face, working hard to suppress a grin. He began rutting against Evans' chest, the fur tickling his cock as he dug his length into the crevice between the two muscles.

"You're...fuck...don't stop that."

"Oh - would that make me...a good boy, Daddy? Ow!" A hand swatted his ass, grinding him against the bigger man's body.

"You're still a bad boy. But you're very good at it." Both men grinned at each other as Tom continued rutting, teasing the stud.

"I can be...badder." Tom closed his eyes halfway, licking his lips. "If that's what Daddy likes." He licked up the side of Chris' neck. "Much, much badder."

"I believe it."

"Me too." Seb's voice disappeared as his mouth sank between Tom's globes, resulting in a long moan from the twunk pinned between two hot men. Coming back up for air, he teased Tom...both with his fingers and his words. "Such a tight hole...and so many damn loads in it this week." Tom groaned - Seb's fingers in his hole and Chris' hands clutching his rear and pulling it apart were breaking his little act. "Maybe if you're good...or bad...you'll get some more."

"Pro...prom...mmmm....promise?" Tom shuddered as Seb slid another digit inside, his teeth digging at the curve of Tom's ass.

"Speaking of promises..." Evans planted his hands on Tom's hips and began turning the smaller man around until he was stretched out over his lap. "...'Daddy' still owes you a spanking."

"What? Ack!" Tom's eyes went wide as the hand came down with a hearty smack - a bit harder than he'd expected. "Hey - that was...ahhh!" His mouth dropped open and his toes curled at the same time - Seb had returned his fingers inside Tom's entrance at the same time that Chris had landed another swat against his bottom. "That's...not...fair."

"Hey, kid, life isn't fair." swat "And you've been a pretty bad boy this week." swat

"What - how...ack!" His body jumped at another swat.

"Seb - tell the kid how he's been bad."

"He..." Seb shrugged. At the same time, his fingertips dragged over Tom's prostate, pulling a long moan out of their victim. "...I dunno. Things."

"You..ow! Ohhhhhh...." Tom's legs shifted along Chris' thighs.

"See - Seb can't even keep track of all the things you did this weekend. And me..." swat "...I mean, there's not a lot of blood flow going to the ol' brain right now." Evans ground his hips up, his cock digging into Tom's stomach to drive his point home. swat


"Maybe later." Both men responded at the same time, causing them to laugh.

swat "God dammit Chris...oh fuuuuuck...ow! Oh my goddddd..."

"Kid...you're confusing the hell out of me. Seb, why don't you find a way to shut your man up?"

"My...my what?" Seb's eyebrows furrowed, thrown off by Chris' comment. He didn't have much time to follow up. In alpha mode, Evans gripped Seb by the shoulder and moved him over. Still half-glaring at Evans, Seb took hold of his dick and lined it up with Tom's mouth, sighing as the lips slid down its length.

"See - you're a natural."



"Shut the fuck up."

Chuckling, Chris decided to follow Seb's earlier lead and began fingering Tom's hole. Soon the Spider-man actor was writhing in his lap, obviously eager for more than just a couple digits. Chris lifted the smaller man's body up, taking care to not dislodge Seb's rod from between his lips, and set Tom back down on all fours on the lounger. Spreading the muscular cheeks, Chris spat on the little knot a couple of times before placing his tip against it, quickly spearing the tight entrance and sinking half his meat inside. He felt Tom clench, the hot tunnel tightening even more around his shaft, squeezing it again and again.

"Fuck...yeah, that's my bad little boy." Biting his lip, he took hold of Tom's hips and began thrusting eagerly, his mind consumed with only one thought - using this hole to get off. Tom moaned, the sound muffled since his mouth was full, as Evans picked up speed and power, relentlessly drilling the tight ass. The sound of skin slapping against skin echoed out over the sea.

"My god..." Chris' head was rolled back, moaning. As he opened his eyes and looked forward again, he caught Seb's fiery gaze. "I swear - you could fuck this kid ten times a day and he'd still be...fuck...tight as hell."

"Ten times?!!" Tom's response was cut off as Seb pushed his mouth back down onto his cock, holding him in place by the hair and fucking his throat. Tom was nearly purring as he was stuffed at both ends by the two hot studs.

"Fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck!!!!!!" Chris roared as he pulled out and parked the head of his cock at Tom's entrance, coating it with a heavy load of cum. When his balls were done emptying, he stepped back. "Hey Seb...care to clean up?" Half a moment later, Seb was on his knees behind Tom, his tongue at work to both tend to Chris' load and Tom's hole.

"Seb...Seb..." Tom reached back with both hands, clutching the dark brown hair and pulling Seb in further, grinding back against the hungry mouth. "Seb...please...pleeeeeaaaaaase..." The voice was whiny, full of naked need. Frustrated, Tom turned himself around and pushed Seb down to the ground. With the Winter Soldier flat on his back, Tom sat down and took in Seb's dick. He clutched the other man's chest as he began moving up and down, his hips nearly a blur as he rode Seb like a wildman. He was done with being teased and his world shrank down to two needs - a hard cock in his ass and the churning in his own balls.

A hand clutched at Tom's throat, giving it the squeeze that Seb knew he liked so much. "Yesssssss..." Somehow Tom's hips became even more fervent. "Seb...Seb...Seb...iubi...Seb...fuck...Seb..." Tom's hair was a wet mess, plastered against his forehead, his entire body drenched in sweat as he relentlessly fucked himself on Seb's pole. The other man's hips rose up to meet Tom's downstrokes, impaling the younger stud again and again.

Tom's eyes opened as he felt fingers brush gently through his wavy locks of hair. Evans had returned with the champagne bottle, pouring some into Seb's open mouth. Tom dove down, covering the lips with his own, his tongue hitting bubbles, tasting the sweetness of both the champagne and Seb. With one hand squeezing his throat, another clenching his ass, Seb's pummeling his hole, and the kiss...it was too much. With a loud groan, he began shooting all over Seb's stomach - his orgasm was so hard it nearly hurt, his moans both hungry and plaintive. When it was over, he slid his lips over to Seb's neck, continuing to moan as that deliciously hard cock continued driving in and out.

"Seb...Seb...fuck me...fuck me...don't stop..."

"Yeah, just like that?" Seb began thrusting harder.

"Fuck yeah...Seb...my god...fuck me...I need it...please..."

"Need...what...?" Seb was breathing hard, getting close.

"Need...your...breed me...fill me up...I want to have your babies...please, just fucking fuck me...give me your...ohhhhhh..." Tom moaned again, feeling Seb's shaft swell inside and then it began throbbing against the walls of his ass, Seb's juices filling him up as the dick continued drilling his guts. "Sebbbbbbbbbbbb..." He leaned down and bit Seb's shoulder, squeezing his ass to milk out more and more of his lover's load.

The world slowly came back into focus as both men came down from their orgasmic high...and then they heard a slow steady clap.

"Damn guys, you put on a really good show. We could sell tickets to THAT and never have to work again. What?" He laughed as both men rolled their eyes, ignoring him as they began making out again. Evans laughed, his finger trailing down Tom's spine. "You two are a mess though. Might want to stay out here and cool down for a bit. I'm going to catch a shower - see you in a bit." With a warm smile, he left the other two alone, giving them space as he disappeared down below. Time spun by as the pair continued kissing, long after their cocks were no longer hard and their breathing had returned to normal.

"So, my babies, eh?" Seb grinned as Tom blushed a deep red, looking a little embarrassed.

"Well...er...I don't think I can get pregnant, you know?" Seb's grin grew wider for a moment. He opened his mouth and then closed it, hesitant. Tom's eyebrow rose with curiosity.

"Well, we can keep trying. Practice makes perfect. America's ass is probably going to take his time in the shower - we should clean up out here." Seb noticed a flash of something cross over Tom's eyes, the cheeky grin faltering for just a half-second.

"Uh, yeah. Here..." Standing, Tom extended his hand, helping Seb back up. Rising to his feet, Seb's lips found Tom's again in a gentle kiss that left Tom's body melting against Seb's. The two cleared away the dishes, taking them down to the kitchen. Washing everything took longer than normal with the little touches and kisses that kept interrupting their workflow. Hearing Evans walk by in the hallway, they moved to the shower, squeezing in together in the small space and cleaning each other now.

"Hey, guys - you're going to run out of hot water. Just saying." Chris was amused as both men's cheeks went red, realizing how long they'd been distracted by each other. Drying off, they threw on shorts and headed upstairs, finding Chris stretched out and staring up at the stars. "You don't get a view like this back in L.A." Seb tilted his head, surprised at Evans' dropping any taunting. The three laid out on the deck, chatting and stargazing, behaving as if they weren't just fucking each other's brains out. Tom's yawns became infectious and the trio returned downstairs. Shorts hit the floor as they crawled under the sheets, three bodies cuddled up together.

"Hey Tom." Chris yawned, his beard stretching as his jaw opened wide.

"Yeah Chris?"

"Try sleeping through the night for once." A chuckle in the dark coincided with a hand ruffling the smaller man's hair.

"Yes sir, I'll try. No promises."

"That's my little bad boy. Good night Seb."

"Nite Chris."

Chris waited for Seb to say good-night to Tom. Opening his eyes back up, he found the pair snuggled up, Tom's face burrowed against Seb's neck, Seb's hand wrapped around the slim backside. `Well, that's one way to say good-night,' he thought, yawning again. Smiling, he drifted off to sleep.


Thanks for reading. If you enjoyed the story, have feedback or want to share ideas, would love to hear from you. red.cheshire.writer@gmail.com

Follow me on Instagram @redcheshire or Twitter @redcheshire_fic

RedCheshire Website: redcheshire.weebly.com

If you're interested in other stories I've written:

"Suckered by a Jonas Brother" (sexual adventures of Nick & Joe Jonas) https://www.nifty.org/nifty/gay/celebrity/suckered-by-a-jonas-brother/

"More Than Once Upon A Time" series (series based on the "Once Upon A Time" television series) http://www.nifty.org/nifty/gay/celebrity/more-than-once-upon-a-time/

"On The Set of Neighbors" (Zac Efron & Dave Franco have fun - based on the 2014 films "Neighbors" and "Neighbors 2") http://www.nifty.org/nifty/gay/celebrity/on-the-set-of-neighbors

"Exploring Kirk's Frontiers" (based on the 2009 "Star Trek" universe) https://www.nifty.org/nifty/gay/celebrity/exploring-kirks-frontiers

"The College Bet" http://www.nifty.org/nifty/gay/college/the-college-bet

Next: Chapter 16

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