Holland Far from Bone

By Patrick Thomas

Published on Jul 1, 2021


This is a fictional story in which sexual activity between consenting adult males is depicted; it is no way based on true events or the sexuality of any of the persons mentioned. If you are underage or it is otherwise illegal to read this story where you live, please stop reading now.

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-------------------------------------------------------------------- Holland Far From Bone - "Bunny on a Boat" Chapter 14 - Into The Mystic --------------------------------------------------------------------

Author's Note: This story takes place in June 2018, after the Avengers: Infinity War premiere.

Shoutouts to Dan D, Mdawg225, and drillpscyhe for advocating that the boat story come next. breakingthrough for asking for a Tom + Sebastian story. Edger_Allen_hoe for inspiring more flirtation between Seb and Tom...curious to see where that might lead.

JSmith for the body worship idea and champagne celebration.

theshieldass for having Tom try something new, to JSmith for some body worship, to Tulsaodesign for wanting to see Seb tearing up Tom's ass...some more Evans and Seb action (Stucky_2020, drillpsyche). A little armpit action for ms2011 and Mitch should enjoy the underwear parts. ;)

Thanks as always to Patrick for helping with proof-reading.


Tom drifted out of sleep, slowly waking up. It was still night, moon light making Seb's skin glow in the dark. His fingers curled against the man's broad chest, Tom looked up at his friend's face - the stubbled cheek was wearing a small smile as he slumbered, causing Tom's own mouth to pull into a contented grin. Becoming more aware of his surroundings, he felt Chris' large form pressed against his back...and something large and hard resting against his rear, throbbing with Evans' heart beat. He tried going back to sleep but that throbbing rod kept grabbing his attention. He squeezed his cheeks, clenching the hard meat.

"Go sleep..." The words came out as a mumble near the back of his neck.

His smile grew a bit larger as he clenched his glutes a couple more times. "You go to sleep. All of you."

"Has..." A large yawn blasted warm air through Tom's hair. "...a mind of his own."

Carefully, so as not to disturb Seb's sleeping, Tom rolled over so that he was facing Chris. "Well maybe I should go have a chat with him." Chris' eyebrows pushed together, confused and not yet awake enough to process the joke...and then rose up as he felt Tom's tongue on his chest, trailing down until reaching his nipple, where the younger man began suckling hard. He sucked air through his teeth. "I mean, I can go back to sleep if you..." Tom's words were cut off as a hand grabbed the back of his head and jammed his face back into the furry pec.

He went to work, going back and forth between teasing Chris' nipple and worshipping the rest of the broad pec muscle with his tongue, savoring the taste and feel of his host's flesh.

"Watch those teeth..."

Tom looked up, catching Chris' gaze and holding it as he worked his lips at the tender nub. "Yes sir." Winking, he gently pushed Chris' shoulder so that the larger man wound up on his back. Rolling on top, Tom latched his mouth onto the other nipple and went back to work. Several minutes later, Chris' chest was shiny with spit from Tom's efforts.

"Wasn't expecting to get a tongue bath in the middle of the night."

He watched as that cute little tongue slowly slid up the center of his chest. "Complaining?"

That large hand palmed Tom's head again, gently nudging him down. "Not really, no...ohhhhh." He sighed as lips surrounded his meat and began swallowing down the length, that tongue lashing at the parts that were engulfed in Tom's mouth. "Damn, son - didn't you get enough dick today?"

Tom pulled off, lapping up the thick rod. "No, big daddy Chris," His tongue swirled around the large bulbous head. "Never." His mouth closed around Chris' girth once more and went all the way down until every last bit of Chris' cock was buried in his throat. He began bobbing up and down with a hungry vengeance, moaning around the hard tool as he felt fingers dig into his wavy brown locks.

If he was expecting a gentle midnight blowjob, he was mistaken. The kid was hungry and determined to suck a load out of him as fast as he could. Before too long, he felt his balls begin to boil. "Buddy - I'm...about..." His eyes opened and looked back down as he suddenly felt Tom's mouth disappear. He found Tom laying between his legs, staring into Chris' eyes with his mouth wide open, tongue pressed flat against the angry-looking cockhead. Fingers were wrapped around the base of his shaft, tugging at it fervently. "Aww, fuuuuuuuuck..." He struggled to keep his eyes open, watching as his dick began firing, each shot streaking across Tom's tongue to land against the back of his throat. His chest rose with heavy breaths, trying not to make too much noise. A small groan rolled out of his throat as he saw that Tom wasn't swallowing, the white juices pooling in his mouth. The other man tilted his head back slightly so that not even one drop would spill out, pulling Chris' hose forward so that it could continue spraying into his mouth. When the last shot fired, Chris pursed his lips and let out a long slow breath, shuddering as his release ebbed. He looked at the ceiling as he worked to slow his breathing back down...and then his breath caught as he glanced down to find Tom still laying there, mouth open, waiting. He growled lightly, realizing just how much fun that Boston bar could be with Tom's sweet-but-depraved attitude. Grinning, he ruffled his guest's hair. "Swallow." The word was an order, given gently but firmly. Dammit if the kid wasn't smiling as he brought his lips together and made a show of working his throat, swallowing the ample load. Finished, he opened his mouth and began suckling on the tip of Chris' rod, pulling out the last few drops. He finally let it fall out of his mouth, making his way back up and planting his lips against Chris in a deep hungry kiss, letting the larger man taste his own seed on the inside of Tom's mouth.

Chris pulled Tom's head back with one hand, tugging him by his hair, pointing the finger of his other hand at Tom's mouth. "Suck."

"Yes sir." Tom took the digit in, making a slutty show of tending to the thick pointer finger.

"Open." That cute mouth hung open, waiting as Chris removed his finger, now slick with a thick layer of spit. Reaching down, he pressed into Tom's hole, watching as those sexy brown eyes rolled back in his head, grinning as he heard Tom moan lightly. "Good boys get a reward." Tom's mouth closed and he took a deep breath through his nose as Chris pulled back his finger just a little before plunging it all the way in. Normally he'd go slower to work a hole open but not right now...not with a hole that had already been plundered several times that day. He worked back and forth, enjoying the exploration of Tom's insides as his other hand clenched the well-defined glute muscles.

"You like that?"

"Yes big daddy Chris."

"There's more." He pulled his hand back up, tapping his middle finger against Tom's bottom lip, amused as it didn't move, waiting. "Open." The lips parted slightly and he slid his finger in, all the way to the knuckle. "Suck." Tom held his gaze as he obeyed, jaw working as he produced more saliva. "Good boy." He squeezed Tom's ass, earning a little whimper. "Such a good boy. Open." He withdrew his hand again and reached down, pushing two fingers inside. He slid them in deeper until he found what he wanted and pressed down, causing Tom to gasp and shudder. Tom's cock was sticking straight up, looking painfully hard as it leaked profusely, clear drops of fluid landing on Chris' stomach. Tom went to reach for his cock and was stopped with a firm look and shake of Chris' head. Instead, he brought his hands up to Chris' chest, his fingers digging into the furry muscle.

His wrist twisted as he kept working over Tom's prostate, feeling toes curling against his legs as waves of pleasure wracked Tom's body. After a few minutes, the Spider-man actor's body was covered in a light sheen of sweat, his teeth gritted as he stared up at the ceiling, trying to will his release into existence.

Suddenly, his rear was empty again. "Open." Chris' ring finger slid in this time. "Suck." Tom's tongue went wild, hungry with desire as he worked the digit. "Open." This time, Chris held his three fingers out flat below Tom's mouth. "Spit." He watched as the lips pursed, clear fluid spilling down to pool against his fingers. "More." Satisfied, his hand disappeared again. Tom gasped again as three fingers rammed into his hole, spreading it open. The other hand slid up his back and grabbed his hair, pulling him down. Chris attacked him from both ends, working Tom's guts with his fingers while ravaging his mouth with his own. Needy, hungry moans were stifled as they escaped into Chris' mouth instead of the night air. Tom's hips began bucking, both to encourage Chris' hand as well as rub his hard dick against the other man's stomach.

His face moved away from Chris, making its way over to the beefy arm. As Chris' hand continued working inside Tom, the younger man held Chris' gaze while he lapped up and down the large bicep, praising the muscles with his tongue. As his mouth neared Chris' shoulder, he felt a hand tap the top of his head. "No biting, young man." He grinned as he licked his way across the large mound, trailing down and running his tongue around the edge of Chris' armpit, teasing him. The arm pulled back, resting behind Chris' head. "Lick." Tom took in the sight for a moment - the large bicep bulging at the angle, the short-trimmed hairs exposed. He pressed his tongue flat against Chris' upper ribs and slowly slid up until he reached the bulge of muscle and then back down. Reaching the center, he stopped, his mouth pressed into Chris' pit, working his mouth to savor it. Down below, he felt Chris' cock thickening - not hard, but definitely reacting to Tom's body worship.

Chris' arm moved, nudging Tom's head back to the center of his chest. Fingers wrapped into his hair, tugging his face up. "Who's daddy's good boy?"

"I am." Tom was panting as his balls began to ache.

"And...who's daddy's bad boy."

"I am..." Tom whimpered, rutting his cock against Chris' body and grinding his ass back on those deliciously thick fingers.

"Cum." The word was muttered into Tom's mouth as the bearded lips closed back down on Tom's face, those fingers jamming down against a certain spot inside Tom's ass. His whole body went rigid as his balls emptied out onto Chris' body below, his ring clamping down on the thick digits, his mouth sucking on Chris' chin. Several moments went by as his body clenched again and again until finally going limp, collapsing down against the other man's broad body. The fingers away and he was vaguely aware of Chris wiping them on his own hairy thigh before wrapping his arms around Tom's slim form.

His mouth worked against Chris' shoulder, trying to form words.

"Shhhh. Sleep, little guy." A big palm slid up and down his back. "Go to sleep."

~ ~ ~

Tom shook his head, scrunching his face at the feeling of something tapping the tip of his nose.

"Wakey wakey."

His eyebrows scrunched together, irritated that his sleep was being distrubed. "Sleepy."

"I bet. Midnight workout will do that to you." He opened one eye and saw Seb looking back at him, eyes twinkling as he tried not to laugh. "Evans, when did you become a human mattress?" Tom closed his eye, unable to help himself from grinning as he realized he'd passed out on top of Chris and was still there, sleeping on top of the other man.

"You're just jealous." Tom didn't need his eyes open to know that Chris had a big shit-eating grin.

"No, amused actually."

"You're jealous. It's okay to admit it."

Tom heard Seb laughing, hard enough to make the bed shake. "No. I like being able to breathe in my sleep."

"Aww. Well, keep drinking your milk and you'll be big enough to be a human mattress someday."

"That...was bad. Even for you."

"Bunny." Tom moved his head left and right, burying his face against Chris' shoulder, reluctant to finish waking up. "Bunny..." A finger tapped at the back of his head.

"Whaaaat?" He lifted his face and opened his eyes, blinking as he reacted to the morning light.

"I think Sebby's jealous." The mischievous light spread from Chris' blue eyes to Tom's as they both began grinning. "It's not a good look on him."

"It really isn't." Tom's grin grew, joining in on Chris' teasing of their friend.

"You two are something else."

"Hear that? He's about to start talking shit. Because he's jealous."

"I'm not jealous. I was making a joke."

"Go..." Seb couldn't hear the rest because Chris leaned closer, whispering into Tom's ear. His forehead furrowed as he watched Tom's eyebrow rise up, the corner of his mouth curling devilishly. The eyes that were staring ahead slid over, capturing Seb's gaze.

"Seb..." Tom's grin grew even wider as he spoke.

"You two are dangerous."

"Seeeebbbbbbbbb..." Tom shifted his weight, sliding off of Chris. "Sebbbbyyyyyy..."

"Dammit Chris, you know I hate that name."

Tom was now on top of him, one hand planted on either side of Seb's shoulders, looking down. "Sebbbbbbbyyyyyy..."

"No, do not pick up his bad...oh fuck." Tom's tongue was at Seb's ear, and then his teeth. And then working along his neck, down the side and then up the front. Light nibbling on his chin as those hands slid down to caress his chest.

"Sebbbbbyyyyy..." Muffled now, with Tom's mouth pressed against Seb's chin, the stubble scraping the smaller man's lips. The teasing worked as Seb pulled Tom up, mashing their lips together as he began making out with Tom, their hands all over each other.

"Look who's awake." Seb moaned into Tom's mouth as he felt a hand wrap around his cock. Tom's hands were busy sliding around on his chest - what was Chris up to? He moaned again as his friend began stroking his cock...and then swallowed him whole. Tom's body was pushed forward, making room for Chris' head. He kept moving forward on his own, lining up his manhood with Seb's mouth.

"Wakey wakey." The tip of Tom's length tapped at Seb's bottom lip - but not for long as Seb leaned forward and began sucking on the head, delighted as Tom shifted forward and began sliding in and out. They settled into a happy rhythm with Chris bobbing up and down between Seb's legs as Tom rode his face.

A hand tapped against Tom's rump, prompting him to swing his leg over and settle next to Seb's side. Tom watched as Chris stood up, taking hold of Seb's thighs and pulling the man down towards the foot of the bed. Reaching over, he grabbed the bottle of lube and tossed it over. Seb was leaned over and sucking on Tom's cock as the younger man went back and forth, watching Seb's mouth at work and Chris slicking up his fuck stick. Lifting the other man's legs into the air, Chris leaned forward and began burying himself inside.

"Wakey wakey, Sebby." He grinned as he kept sliding forward, unrelenting as he worked all eight inches in, knowing that Seb could handle it, until his balls were pressed against his friend's ass. Pulling back, he pumped forward again, filling his buddy up again and again with man meat.

Tom had taken control at the other end, his hands cradling Seb's head as he pumped his own hips. Chris watched as Tom's length sawed in and out of Seb's mouth, occasionally changing the angle and making Seb's cheek stretch as Tom pushed against it from the inside.

"It was my turn to make breakfast, right?"

Chris looked up at Tom's question, wondering how the hell he was thinking about food right now. "Yeah, I think so." He shook his head, continuing to plow Seb's insides.

Tom looked back down. "Sebby - how're you liking your breakfast? Taste good?" He pulled out, smacking his cock against Seb's mouth. Off to his right, he saw Chris' body shake with laughter out of the corner of his eye.

"Oh my go..." Seb's eyrolling protest was cut off, turning into a `gluck' sound as Tom began humping his face again. Grabbing a couple of pillows, Tom pulled his dick away and slid the pillows under Seb's shoulders so that his head was hanging back. Shuffling around so that he was on the opposite end from Chris, Tom gripped his meat and slid it back into Seb's mouth - with the changed angle, he was able to go in all the way, impaling his friend's throat, his balls bouncing against Seb's nose. He began leaning down but was stopped with a tap to the forehead.

"Uh uh - you worry about that end." Tom pulled back up, holding Seb's jaw with both hands as he began face-fucking the man's throat in earnest. He watched as Chris reached down and began stroking Seb's rod again, matching the tempo of his own thrusts, his thumb flicking over the tip.

He couldn't hold out long - between a cock shoved into both ends of his body and his tool being teased, Seb went over the edge after several minutes. He groaned as he began shooting, spraying cum, the first shots landing on his neck. Chris' hand kept stroking and squeezing, coaxing out more of his juices.

"Clean." Chris' blue eyes drilled into Tom's brown orbs, watching as the other man's smile widened, licking his lips as he descended downward. Tom's hips kept working as he pumped in and out of Seb's mouth, his own mouth working to clean off Seb's body. His back curled as he made his way up, stopping when he couldn't bend any further. Looking down, he found streaks of cum remaining on Seb's chest and neck. He reached down, swiping it up with his fingers...then leaned forward and shoved his fingers into Chris' mouth, watching as the other man sucked greedily. A tongue lashed out, swiping up and down the sides of Tom's fingers and cleaning his palm.

It was Chris' turn to reach out, taking hold of Tom's hair and pulling him forward. The pair met above Seb's body, making out and sharing the taste of their friend. The three men's bodies formed a triangle - Seb laying on the bed as his buddies worked him over from each end, continuing to make out up above.

It was Tom who came next, turned on by the tightness of Seb's throat, the forcefulness of Chris' tongue, and the taste of cum on their lips. Crying out, he pulled back and began shooting into Seb's open mouth. After a couple of shots, the lips closed down around his shaft and began sucking and swallowing the rest of Tom's load. Spent, Tom sat back on his haunches, leaning against the headboard. He watched as Chris pushed Seb's legs down, pressing them against the other man's torso before climbing up onto the end of the mattress. His hips began moving faster and harder, the sound of his balls slapping against Seb's ass - quicker and quicker, drilling the other man's hole. Chris finally stopped his pounding, pulling out and pointing his cock at Seb's crotch, painting it with his cum. Shot after shot splattered against Seb's cock and thighs - when he was finally done, Chris wrapped his fingers around his shaft and slowly slid them up, a few more drops squeezing out to land on Seb's stomach.

"Clean." He nodded towards Tom as he crawled back to his spot on the bed, watching as Tom draped his body down on top of Seb's, slowly and lazily lapping his tongue along Seb's flesh. Spit replaced cum until most of Chris' juices were gone, disappearing down Tom's throat. Sighing with satisfaction, he rolled over, laying down next to Seb, hip to head.

"If it's his turn to make breakfast...why is he the only one who's eaten so far?" Chris looked over at Seb, groaning at the bad joke.

"I think you got fed too. Hell, I'm the only one who's still running on empty here." He watched as Seb began laughing, his hands resting on his chest as he closed his eyes, relaxing. "I don't know why you're laughing. I'm hungry. You two can really drain a guy." Now both of the other two were laughing, making the bed shake. Tugging a pillow out from under Seb's shoulders, Chris began smacking both of his friends with it. "Time to eat. Real food - not protein shakes." He shook his head, grinning, as the pair clambered off of the bed and disappeared down the hall into the kitchen, escaping the pillow onslaught.

Seb helped Tom out with breakfast, evading questions about Hawaii and the bar in Boston the entire time, amused as Tom pressed his lips together with frustration every time Seb dodged a question. Heading to the bedroom to get shorts for each of them, he made his way up to the deck, tossing a pair over to Seb as he sat down to enjoy real food.

"Someone's hungry..." Tom looked up to find both men staring at him. Swallowing, he realized that he'd been inhaling his food.

"I'm starving." He shrugged, making an effort to eat at a more normal pace.

"I bet. You've worked up quite the appetite." Chris popped a strawberry into his mouth, grinning as he chewed.

"Not my fault you're finding it hard to keep up, old man." Chris stopped chewing, his jaw dropping slightly at the unexpected taunt. His gaze slid to the left, glaring at Seb who was hiding his mouth behind a napkin, his shoulders quaking.

"What the hell are you laughing at? You're only two years younger than me."

"Still younger." Seb winked, chuckling as he took another bite.

"You two are...I should push both of you overboard and enjoy my vacation. In peace and quiet."

"Awww." Seb leaned back, sipping on his coffee.

"You love us." He looked over to see Tom grinning as he took another bite of food. "A lot."

"Not really."

"Aww, don't be a cranky old man." Seb chuckled as Tom kept taunting Chris, staying out of it.

"You know - I like it better when you have a dick in your mouth. You don't talk as much."

Seb's chuckled grew as he watched the wheels of Tom's mind work on a retort.

"Maybe we'll try plugging two cocks into that hole today." Chris speared another strawberry with his fork as he watched Tom's jaw drop. To his left, Seb's chuckle turned into a roar of laughter.

The guys enjoyed the rest of breakfast without taking any more joking pot shots at each other. Chris cleared and cleaned the dishes - by the time he made it back to the bedroom, the other two had already brushed their teeth and were standing there, looking at an open dresser drawer. He was a little surprised that they hadn't fooled around in his absence, until he saw Tom let out a little yawn and realized that the hot little twink was still a little sleepy from not getting a full night's rest.

"Guys - the swimsuits don't crawl out of the drawer and climb up your legs themselves. I mean, they might if Tom designed them, but...hey!" He laughed as he dodged a hand flying at his side. "Oh look, you're not worn out after all." His wink got a fake glare from the smaller man. "Alright, alright. How about just picking out for each other again. That was fun." Two mouths curling up into small grins gave away the thoughts running through his two friends' minds as they remembered the previous day. "Okay...so I'll pick out Tom's this time, Tom can pick out Seb's, and Seb picks out mine. Switch it up from last time."

Tom handed Seb a pale green suit while Seb tossed a patch of pale red fabric over to Chris. After pretending to sift through the drawer, Chris reached for a familiar piece of cotton and passed it over to Tom. Chris smiled as he noticed that Seb's pair had a drawstring lacing up the front of the pouch and wondered if Tom was trying to be cute or mischievous. `Probably a bit of both,' he thought as he rolled the material of his swimsuit between his thumb and fingers.


"Hmmm?" He looked over at Seb, eyebrows up, trying to look innocent.

"That...is not a swimsuit."

He glanced over at Tom and back over at Seb. "If he swims in it...that makes it a swimsuit." A light laugh rolled out of his chest as Seb's eyebrows furrowed - his mouth opened and then closed, his lips pressed together as he realized that he wasn't going to win a debate on the matter.

"I mean, he has a point." Tom turned, the orange pouch of the jockstrap disappearing out of view and showed off his ass, the round globes framed by bold blue bands. "You don't think it looks good?" Tom grinned as Seb opened and closed his mouth again as his mind went back and forth between a serious response and a witty joke. He gave up with a small exhale through his nose.

"When your ass gets sunburned, don't come crying to me."

"Oh, I think he'll be okay. You wouldn't leave him hanging, would you?" Chris clapped Seb on the shoulder and wandered into the bathroom to brush his teeth. Finished, he pulled on his suit and went up to the deck, where the other two had already finished putting on sunscreen. Taking the tube, he lotioned up his front side and then tossed it over to Seb to work on his back. "Not the young one - he's frisky today."

"Complaining?" Tom winked at Chris, looking a little cocky.

"Two dicks - one mouth. Second warning." Tom's surprised blinking brought out another laugh.

Chris went with yoga for the morning's exercises, working the guys through an intense routine that left them panting. With Tom moving through the poses in a jockstrap, it wasn't long before Chris felt blood rushing down to his crotch, thinking of a different type of exercise. He made sure to include lots of movements to get a good view - downward dog, chair, forward fold...cobra was his favorite, with Tom's ass cheeks clenched together and making a wonderful little bubble he just wanted to dive into. Seb's distracted staring at Tom as they worked back and forth through cow and cat poses caused Chris to bite the insides of his cheeks to keep from laughing out loud. Afterward, Tom disappeared down below to get bottles of water.

"You know, if you take a picture it might last longer."

Another eye roll from his old friend. "That is not a swimsuit."

"Dude. And what is this?" Chris' hand pointed down to his manhood which was visible through the sheer red fabric that Seb had chosen.

"Hmm. It looked thicker in the room."

Chris' head tilted to the side, not believing Seb's words. "What looked thicker - the swimsuit or my dick?"

"I said `thick,' so I was definitely talking about the swimsuit."

"You motherf..."

"Hope you don't get a sunburn. That's not exactly the most protective material."

"I hate you." Seb pretended to ignore the comment, laughing as he jumped off the deck and into the water. Swimming around, he soon heard a splash behind him and then another as Chris and Tom dove into the sea as well.

Chris didn't bring up any new competitions to see who could swim faster or do more pull-ups. While he joked that the guys looked worn out from their own antics, he was feeling more laid-back as well. When Tom started making another `old man' joke, Chris stuck his fingers in the corners of his mouth and pulled, gesturing another warning to the younger man. Tom stopped in the middle of his taunt and blushed, causing Chris to splash water towards him and laugh as he began swimming around some more. Sensing that the other two were starting to lag on energy, Chris made his way to the ladder and pulled himself back up to the deck. By the time the other two made their ascent, he was lounging face down in one of the deck chairs, pulling the last drops of water from one of the bottles.

"Seb - you came up second to make sure that kiddo here made it up the ladder safely...or just enjoying the view?" He laughed as Seb lifted a middle finger in his direction and laughed even harder when he saw Tom sticking his tongue out.

"Hey, find a better use for that thing. Maybe Seb will teach you some of his tricks." Chuckling, he crossed his arms and laid his head down, closing his eyes and enjoying the feeling of the boat bobbing in the waves.

And then he felt a finger trail down his lower back, catching at the waistband of his swimsuit...and another finger sliding up the inside of his thigh.

"Not sure which one of you that is, but don't start something you can't finish."

"Tom, do you want to learn some new tricks?"

"I would love to."

"Huh?" Chris turned his head to find out what they were doing...and felt a strong pair of hands pulling at his hips. His upper body slid along the lounger and he found himself on his hands and knees, face down on the lounger. "Seb, what are you up to?"

"You'll see." Fingers tucked under the waistband of his suit and slid it down his thighs, a hand lifting up one knee and then the other, the red fabric discarded onto the deck. The hands rested on the cheeks of his ass and pulled them apart, exposing him. "So, lesson time. Good idea, Chris." One of the hands patted his rear. "Most of the time, you don't want to just dive in - you want to do a good tease and build-up."

"He's already good at that - ow!"

"Hush. The CPR dummy doesn't talk back and neither should you." Seb turned his attention back to Tom. "You've done this before?" Tom nodded. "Okay, might show you some new tricks then. So you want to get your tongue around everything in the area except this." His finger tapped at Chris' entrance. "Watch." Seb spread Chris' rear wide apart and moved his face in...but not as close as he normally would, allowing Tom to see the movements of his tongue. Slowly, he made his way down from the cleft of Chris' crack, coming oh so close to his hole but not-quite-grazing it, until his mouth was down between the thick legs. Turning slightly, he began making his way up, mirroring his movements on the other side of Chris' ass, until he was back where he started. "Now - your turn."

"Oh my god - what kind of torture is...ow!" His ass got swatted again. "Okay, okay, CPR dummy, I get it. Damn." He heard shuffling behind him and then felt a soft puff of breath against his skin, followed by a tongue that tentatively reached out and flicked at his flesh. Slowly it moved down, copying what Seb had done before. Chris let out a happy sigh as Tom reached the stopping point below, his tongue tickling at the skin between his legs and then moving back up. When Tom returned to the starting point, he pressed his lips to Chris' skin and sucked lightly at the spot where his lower back met the muscles of his butt.

"Nice. Okay, next step - the hole." The tip of his finger tapped at Chris' puckered knot again. "Tease the hell out of it but don't go too far. I usually do the alphabet or numbers, seeing how far I can get until the guy is worked up." Winking, he moved in and began tickling Chris' hole with the tip of his tongue, flicking it up and down for a few moments before he began moving it around. Now that Seb had pointed it out, Tom noticed the slow but determined motions, making out an "E" and "F" as Seb began working his way through the alphabet. By the time he'd reached "Z", Chris' breathing was getting deeper, his chest expanding as small sounds escaped his throat. "Your turn."

Shuffling again and the feeling of wet warmth pressing at his entrance. "Aw fuck..."

"Silence, dummy."

"Hey, who are you calling a...ohhh." Tom's tongue was making letters but at a faster pace than Seb, his tongue swiping with harder strokes. "Damn - he's a quick...fuck...learner." Chris rested his forehead against his forearms, a long sigh rattling out of his throat. Tom made it to "Z" and kept going, his fingers pressing into Chris' flesh as he began knocking out numbers. By the time he'd made it into the 40s, Chris was rocking backward. Tom pulled away with a satisfied smirk; looking over at Seb, he got an approving pat on his shoulder. "Nice. And now...you tear up what Chris likes to call `that man pussy' until your victim is a quivering mess." Grinning, he traded places with Tom and tugged at Chris' cheeks again, spreading them far apart so that Tom could get a good view. His tongue flattened as he pushed it against the bottom of Chris' crack and slid up. Reaching the hole, he swiped up and down several times with broad flat strokes before pulling away to blow air. Tom saw Chris' knot twitch a few times in response to the stimulation before it was covered up by Seb's tongue again, taking more swipes at Chris' entrance before moving up. Reaching the top, Seb pressed his face, mashing his lips to the hot flesh as he sucked at it - his mouth open so that his tongue could play at Chris' skin in between sucking motions. Slowly he shifted down, continuing the firm sucking and licking, until he was back down between Chris' meaty legs. Moving back upward, he stopped when he reached Chris' hole again, ramming his mouth against it and working at it like he was a starving man eating a meal. Chris was panting by now, the sun not the only reason he was breaking out into a sweat.

"Your turn."

"Oh fuck me..." Chris groaned at the torture.

"Maybe later." Shuffling again and another tongue. Tom copied Seb's movements - by the time he went into ass-eating mode, Chris was clawing at the end of the lounger, squeezing it in his fists. Tom upped the ante, his hands sliding around to grope at Chris' back, thighs, and rear. As he feasted on Chris' hole, he slid a hand in between the other man's legs and began gently tugging on his balls.

"Okay, now stiffen your tongue and..." Seb heard Chris moan loudly and started laughing. "...I think you got it. Really work in there and loosen him up a bit."

"Fuck. Fuck. Fuuuuuuuck." Chris pushed back in an attempt to ride Tom's face but was held in place by the twink's firm grip. Tom grunted, wet sloppy sounds punctuated by little growls as he got more and more into it, squeezing at Chris' muscles. Pulling away, he dove down and took one of Chris' balls in his mouth, sucking on it while he worked a finger into Chris' hole. He pushed the tip of his middle finger at Chris' entrance, slowly sliding it in and began spreading his fingers apart, opening his friend up.

"Damn. He is a fast learner."


"Enjoying this?" Seb looked back and forth between Tom's hungry motions and Chris' eager expression.

"No, I'm serious. Fuck. Just fuck me already. God daaaaaamn." His words trailed away as Tom rose back up and planted his face where his fingers had just been, his head twisting side to side as he ate Evans' ass out as the other man began whimpering with pleasure.

Finally pulling away, Tom wiped his mouth with the back of his hand. "How was that?"

"Pretty good."

"What? Just pretty...?" Tom stopped and started smiling, catching the humor in Seb's eyes. "Bastard." He blushed as Seb leaned in and gave him a quick kiss.

"That was excellent. Now, Chris has been very patient...which is unusual for him. So we'll be nice to him for once."

Tom moved out of the way as Seb peeled off his swimsuit and stepped up behind Chris - spitting into his hand several times, he stroked his cock and lined it up. Chris began moaning as Seb slowly pushed in a couple of inches, rocking back and forth as he worked his way in. He continued pursing his lips and dropping spit down on the space where his cock was piercing Evan's back entrance, easing the friction as more of his dick disappeared. Finally, his crotch was nestled up against Evan's rear, both men letting out a satisfied sigh. Rearing back, he plunged back in, impaling his friend. "How's America's ass like this?"

"Mmmmmmmm." Chris moaned, his head turning from side to side. Seb looked at Tom and nodded towards the other end of Evans' body. Tom scurried over, kneeling in front of the beefy stud. His thumb hooked into the waistband of the speedo and tugged it down below his balls. Running his fingers through the light brown hair, his hand curled into a grip and he wiggled his hips, causing his rock hard length to wave back and forth in front of Chris' face. Growling, Chris opened his mouth and swallowed Tom, slurping up and down his pole as Sebastian began ramming him from behind.

"Hungry?" Chris looked up to see Tom smirking as he pistoned his hips. In response, he reached both hands up and took hold of Tom's hips, pulling the other man forward and held on as he went to town on Tom's cock. The smirk evaporated as Tom rolled his head back, moaning. His head rolled back down as his fingers tightened their grip. "Fuck. That's it, big daddy Chris. Suck that dick." The dirty talk lit a fire in Chris and he redoubled his efforts, gobbling Tom's meat.

Seb was slamming into him hard enough to make his body rock forward, his forehead mashing against Tom's stomach with each smack of thigh against ass. Tom looked up, his eyes glazed over with lust and caught Seb's bold blue eyes, staring into them. Biting his lower lip, he began matching his movements with Seb's, their hips moving in tempo as they pummeled Chris from both ends. Whenever Seb slowed down or sped up, Tom adjusted his speed. They locked gazes, staring at one another, connecting through Chris' body.

Below, Chris was turning into a groaning mess as he felt their rods piston in unison, his throat and ass empty and then full at the same time, his two friends matching stroke for stroke. His hand worked its way between Tom's globes, his finger penetrating inside, slick with the sweat trickling down Tom's back. One finger and then two found their way in, sending Tom into overdrive as he face-fucked Chris' bearded mouth. Seb matched Tom's pace until Tom pushed forward, biting his lip with a loud grunt as he began unloading down Chris' throat. His hole spasmed around Chris' fingers which were wreaking havoc against his prostate. Shot after shot rocketed out, greedily swallowed down. Finished, he collapsed to the deck, watching as Seb began hammering Evans' hole, pulling back on the other man's hips as he thrust forward. Chris grit his teeth, enjoying the pain and pleasure of Seb pummeling his insides. Seb's hair was matted to his forehead, his body drenched in sweat. Suddenly he threw his head back and yelled out, pushing forward to empty his balls inside Evans' ass. Spent, he stepped back, wiping the sweat from his face.

Chris looked over at Tom...who glanced down to find an angry-looking throbbing cock hanging between the thick thighs. Climbing down from the lounge chair, within seconds he was on top of Tom who found his legs pushed up, his knees at his shoulders. The pouch of the jockstrap stretched between his thighs, the blue straps framing Chris' target. Spit splattered against his hole and then it was speared by the thick piece of meat - two days of fucking allowed Chris to get in easily but it was still a tight grip around his shaft as he pushed all the way in.

Tom looked up to see Chris' eyes blazing. "That's it, son. Take that big daddy dick." Tom moaned, both from the penetration and hearing his earlier words mirrored back. "Gonna tear that ass up." Chris leaned forward, supporting his weight with Tom's thighs, his knees pressing against the deck for leverage as he began pounding away. Sharp wet slapping sounds echoed across the deck as he pursued the heat boiling in his loins. "Like that?"

Tom moaned, his hands clinging to Chris' arms. "Fuck. Yes. Fuck me."

"Fucking hot piece of ass. Gonna...fucking...limp...off...this...fucking...boat." Sweat dripped off of his face and fell onto Tom's, his tongue reaching out to lick his lips clean, tasting the salty liquid.

"Fuck me..." The tone of Tom's voice went up, almost whining.

"I...am...fucking...you." Between each word, the sound of skin smacking into skin. Tom opened his eyes, staring into Chris'.

"Breed me."

"Yeah...that's what you want? My cum?"

"Please...pleeaaaase..." Tom pushed his eyebrows up, dialing up the needy little slut act, pushing Chris' buttons. "Please, I need it."

"Fuuuuuuuuck!" Chris pulled back and slammed in harder and harder a few more times before ramming in with one last thrust, his legs shaking as he exploded into Tom's guts. His breath whistled through gritted teeth, hearing Tom's plaintive moans beneath him. The glutes of his ass clenched as he kept trying to bury himself even further inside, his cock jerking and throbbing as it finally found release. With a long shudder he slumped down, covering Tom's body with his own, working to catch his breath. His dick slowly returned to normal, throbbing within the confines of Tom's tunnel until it was soft enough to fall out, cum leaking down to the boards on the deck. Tom's hands were still clenching his arms, gently pawing up and down, squeezing his shoulders.

And then they were pushing - softly at first and then more insistently.


"Hmmm?" His mind was in a post-orgasmic fog.


"Mmmhmm?" He nuzzled his beard against Tom's neck.

"Chris! You're heavy!" Tom managed to push the other man up an inch or so but that was about it - bent in half, he had no way to get out from beneath the massive weight. With a groan, Chris rolled off and onto his back, his chest still rising and falling with heavy breaths.

"You're right." Seb and Tom looked over, confused. "He is a fast learner. Toss me a water, will you?" Seb laughed, shaking his head as he grabbed another bottle of water and threw it through the air. Catching it, Evans uncapped it and quickly emptied its contents.

"Damn. Whose turn is it to make lunch - I'm fucking hungry."

"How? You weren't the one doing most of the work...ha!" Seb grinned as he dodged the empty water bottle flying through the air. "Alright, alright. Lunch." Still laughing, he picked up his swimsuit on his way to the steps, disappearing down below.

Swallowing, Chris let out another heavy breath. Turning his head towards Tom, he patted his chest - the younger man crawled over, snuggling up against the brawny stud, his fingers playing with the hair covering Chris' chest as a large arm wrapped around Tom's back. The motion of the sea and the warmth of the sun caused time to have no meaning, the pair peacefully cuddling until Seb reappeared with a tray of food.

The guys wolfed down the meal, having worked up a ravenous appetite from the day's shenanigans. Refreshed, they jumped back into the water, swimming in slow lazy circles around the boat. Climbing back up the ladder, Chris got a better appreciation for why Seb chose to let Tom go first earlier - the view was pretty nice, especially whenever one of Tom's legs would rise up and expose his hole. By the time he'd reached the top of the ladder, Chris' mouth was watering...and not for food. Stretching out on the lounge chair, he watched as Seb and Tom applied more sunscreen to one another. When they were finished, he saw Tom look over at him, eyebrows raised in a question. With the corner of his mouth curling up, Chris patted his chest and watched with amusement as Tom energetically crossed the deck.

Squeezing the tube, he began at Chris' ankles and worked his way up, admiring the large muscular legs. The sheer fabric of Chris' red speedo didn't do much to hide anything to begin with...and since it was still damp from swimming it was pretty much see-through. Tom licked his lips as he cleared Chris' hips and squeezed the sunscreen tube once more. As his hands neared Chris' abs, he heard a noise.

"Uh uh." A broad hand patted the furry stomach. With a small smile, Tom straddled Chris' waist and began working on his shoulders and arms, taking his time. Eventually his palms began crossing back and forth in large circles across the broad chest muscles...his fingernails grazing against nipples may or may not have been an accident, but he felt something right behind his rear responding. Scooting backward in order to provide protective lotion to Chris' stomach, that "something" began growing even more, firm and pressing up against his ass. Tom's own manhood began filling out as Chris' hands landed on his knees and began slowly stroking up the insides of his thighs.

A finger hooked into the orange pouch of Tom's jockstrap and slowly tugged forward and then to the left, freeing Tom's meat from the cotton confines. Tucking the pouch to the side, Chris' fingers began moving in slow gentle circles around his balls. Within seconds, Tom's rod was at full mast, bobbing up and down in the air. As Tom reached back behind, he heard the word again: "Uh uh." He looked back at Chris' face, half-confused and half-curious. "Turn around."

Swinging his leg to dismount, Tom turned and climbed back onto the stud, finding the red pouch straining upward, barely able to contain the mass of Evans' cock. Hands appeared on his hips and tugged him backward and then slid up and pushed him down. Getting the message, he reached down and pulled the speedo down, unleashing Chris' meat. Freed, it began filling out. Tom leaned down and even though he was already about to open his mouth, his jaw dropped with a gasp as he felt a tongue against his hole.

Uninterested in teasing, Chris buried his face between the two firm cheeks and went to town on Tom's hole. As he felt a mouth engulf his dick, he bucked his hips upward and heard a small gagging sound. Moments later, loud slurping sounds filled his ears as Tom got a grip on Chris' thighs and began sucking the thick tool in earnest. The slurps were interrupted with shudders as Chris' hands lifted Tom's hips up and his mouth wandered down, through the space between Tom's legs, his lips wrapping around one of Tom's nuts and then the other, licking and sucking on the two orbs. Taking hold of Tom's member, he pulled it down and swallowed it - he worked his jaw up and down for a few moments until Tom took over, his hips rolling as he thrusted in and out of Chris' mouth.

A shadow blocked the sun - looking up, Tom found his vision full of pale green, interrupted by white lines that draped either side of a heavy bulge. Grinning around a mouthful of meat, Tom pulled his mouth off and reached forward, grabbing Seb's hip and pulling him forward. His teeth took hold of one of the white laces and tugged - turning his head, he got the other lace and repeated the motion. Undoing the knot, Tom pushed his face forward and began tearing at the criss-crossed laces with his mouth, his spit turning the pouch of Seb's speedo a darker shade of green as he chewed and licked at the laces. Fingers found their way into Tom's hair, stroking his scalp and urging him on. Seb grinned at Chris - it wasn't really necessary to undo the laces to remove the speedo but he was enjoying Tom's little show. With a hungry growl, Tom finished his work and tilted his jaw upward, staring into Seb's eyes as he gripped the waistband in his teeth and pulled down. Seb's cock sprung out, smacking Tom in the face, both men grinning. A tongue began lapping its way up the hard pole, reaching the tip and licking up a dewey bead of precum before enveloping Seb's shaft and working back down.

Chris began going back and forth between Tom's hole and his cock, teasing his balls along the way of each trip. At the other end, Tom alternated between sucking the two tasty cocks before him. Not wanting to waste time between the tools, his grip on Seb's meat gradually pulled the other man's hips down, an inch at a time, until the two cocks were lined up near one another. Tom worked both of them with his tongue and lips, feeling the rods slide against each other in his grasp. Looking back up at Seb, Tom ran his tongue around and around the two heads and then stretched his mouth wide, taking in both of them.

"Fuuuuuck." Seb's fingers curled in Tom's hair as his dick throbbed within the hot wet tightness of Tom's mouth. Tom tilted forward, trying to take in the two cocks...but couldn't get very far between Chris' thick girth combined with Seb's slight upward curve. He settled on bobbing his head up and down over the two cock heads, licking around and around. Chris moaned as he felt his nuts become soaked with the drool escaping Tom's mouth and the sensation of Seb's slight thrusting back and forth, their shafts rubbing together as Tom feasted on both their bones at once like a starving puppy.

Feeling a fire in his nuts and not yet ready to end things, Chris reached down and pulled his meat from Tom's mouth before sliding out from under the horned-up twink. "Time for another lesson - my turn." He winked at Seb as he lightly gripped Tom's chin and pulled the eager mouth off of his friend's tool. "Up." Tom swallowed, wiping the spit from his face as he stood up. Chris pointed at Seb and then the lounger. "You...down. On all fours." He watched as Seb's head tilted with curiosity before complying, crawling onto the lounger on his hands and knees. "Alright - Seb showed you some tricks for tonguing a hole...now let's talk about dicks." Winking, he slid behind Tom and spat into his own hand, reaching down to stroke Tom's cock. With their height difference, he was easily able to lean over Tom's shoulder and continue working spit down to his hand as it slid up and down Tom's length, until he felt that it was sufficiently slicked up. Nudging the smaller man forward with his hips, he kept the movement going until the tip of Tom's cock was nestled against Seb's entrance.

"Now - go slow. Seb's been opened up a bit the past couple of days."


"Calm down. I said opened up, not loose." His face turned slightly back to the left, his beard nuzzling against Tom's cheek. "He's never loose. Amazing ass." His free hand reached around Tom to pat Seb's rear, like a jockey giving approval to a horse he was about to ride. "In general, you want to go slow. Ease into a guy's hole. For starters, most guys don't want you to just ram inside them from the get-go. We're not all Paul."

"Huh?" Tom turned to look at Chris but was stopped by a chin that bumped against his cheek, returning his attention to Seb's backside.

"Rudd. I'll tell you later."

"Um..like Hawaii?"

A chuckle rumbled against his back and into his ear. "Yeah."

"And the bar in Boston?"

"Yep. Later. Now pay attention. Eaaaaase in." He watched as Tom shifted forward, the head of his cock slowly disappearing as Seb's entrance stretched around it. "Atta boy." Pursing his lips, he pushed out more spit, hitting Tom's cock. "Rock back a little. Let the guy get used to you. That's it, back and forth. Now...slooowly sink about an inch in. Watch his back muscles - if he tenses up, stop and go back to rocking. Alright, that's about an inch, back and forth, back and forth..."

Tom sighed with pleasure, feeling Seb's ass squeezing his dick and Chris' caressing his chest. He opened his mouth to say something but stopped, grinning quietly instead.

"Another inch, then back and...you've got it. Alright, now spit - usually would recommend lube but don't feel like going downstairs...and worked him open for you this morning. Keep going." Tom followed Chris' directions, pushing and rocking, until he was pushed up against Seb's ass. "Thaaat's it." A hand patted his chest. "Now pull back all the way until just the tip is inside...there, and sink all the way back in. Now back and forth, just like that. He likes it when you long dick his hole. Shut up, Seb, lie to someone else or I'll tell him about Chicago."

"Chicago?!" Tom and Seb spoke at the same time.

"Nothing. Just keep sliding in and out of that hot hole. There you go." He felt Tom's back rumble with a moan. "We'll work on fucking him in a bit but first...how to drive him wild. Pull almost all the way out. Now tilt and angle down just a little. When I say `go', pop back and forth but just a couple of inches. Keep at it and you'll know when you're hitting his prostate. Go."

Tom's hips worked back and forth in little thrusts, his gaze alternating between his cock and Seb's upper body, watching.

"You might have to switch up the angle a little bit..." Seb's shoulders hunched a little as he clenched the lounge chair, a shuddering moan rolling out of his mouth. "Aaaaand that's it. Keep hitting that spot right there."

"Fuck. Fuck. Fuuuuck." Seb began breathing faster and heavier as Tom rabbit-punched his g-spot.

"Okay. Ease up on him. Don't want him firing off...yet. In and out with long strokes...that's it, all the way. In. And out. In. And out. Just like the burger place, except these buns are better."

"Oh my god."

"Hush, Seb. Trying to teach our young stud here something."

"I hate youuuuuuuu..." The last word stretched out as Tom adjusted the angle of his hips and dragged his cock back and forth over Seb's love nut.

"Whatever - you love me. And especially Tooooom here." He watched as Seb's backside tensed up for a brief moment. "Mouthy bottoms - gotta love `em. Okay, so you don't want to get boring. No one likes a boring top that just slides in and out. Change up the speed - there you go. Go gentle, go hard. Move your hips around. And the whole time, you want to watch the other guy - if he likes something, keep doing that. If they tense up or hiss or something, change what you're doing. Treat your bottom real good and they'll take care of you. Right Seb?" He patted his friend's rear again.

Seb shook his head, rolling his eyes. "I don't know why I...ohhhhh." His back arched as Tom began rolling his hips, his back moving in a wave motion, his hands sliding up and down Seb's lower back.

"Damn - the kid really is a quick learner."

"I uh...mmmm." Tom closed his eyes, enjoying Seb's insides as they tightened around his pole. "Just thinking about what I like. When a guy. Mmm. Is fucking me. Ohhhh." Chris smiled as both of his friends softly moaned, their bodies moving back and forth to meet one another. He watched for a few minutes until he couldn't ignore his own raging hard-on any longer.

"Alright kid - time for a new trick." His cock was already wedged into Tom's crack - with a slight shift, his head popped inside Tom, causing a shudder to run down Tom's spine. Chris pushed in all the way with one stroke and kept going, pinning Tom between his body and Seb's.

"Oh my god." Taking hold of Tom's hips, Chris pulled the other man back with him and then pushed forward, staying buried inside Tom's hole, using the movement of his body to guide Tom back and forth, fucking Seb together. Tom's head rolled back against Chris' shoulder, letting out long quiet moans. "Oh my god. Oh my god. Oh my god." Time slid by as Chris used him as a fuck-puppet. When fingers squeezed his nipples, it was too much. "Ohhhh...my...goodddddddd..." Tom bared his teeth as he began cumming. Chris was still pulling him back and forth as he fired away, coating Seb's insides along the way. He looked down, finding shiny streaks of cum along his shaft as it kept sliding in and out.

"And now...a spidey sandwich." A hand shoved Tom down, his chest pressed against Seb's back. Fingers gripped his shoulders as Evans began pounding away. He was still buried inside Seb as Evans began tearing up his guts, the thick cock ramming in and out relentlessly. "Need me to ease up?"

"Har..." Tom swallowed as he moaned. "Harder."

The strap of his jockstrap was yanked back and released, snapping against his thigh. "Yes sir." Fingers curled over his shoulders as Chris shifted his feet, getting a good grip against the deck boards as he put his leg muscles to work. Seb felt Tom's fingers clutching against his body, grabbing for purchase to hold on from the anal onslaught. A mouth worked between his shoulder blades, licking and sucking at the sweaty flesh, moans and hot breath blasting his skin.


"God damn, kid." Chris' upper lip curled into a snarl as he gave Tom what he asked for. "Gonna...tear...that...pussy...up."


The tight ass and the cocky attitude pushed Chris over the edge. His hips went from long powerful thrusts to a quick jackhammering motion as his balls blew their load, still fucking Tom's hole as he bred it. Spent, he continued pounding until his cock was too sensitive to keep going. "Fuck. Fuuuck." He pulled out and staggered back, sitting on the deck and watched as Tom went down to his knees. Squatting, his ass spread, exposing a hole that was red and puffy, the edges lined with cum. Pulling Seb's cock back, Tom took all of it in his mouth and began feverishly working his face up and down, his thighs flexing to maintain his balance - the effort caused his hole to wink open and shut. Chris whistled as he saw his juices escape, dripping down to the deck as Tom hoovered Seb's pole.

"Someone's a hungry pup." Tom growled, a sound muffled as his throat was filled with cock, his hands pawing at Seb's haunches. "Really fucking hungry." While Tom's left hand gripped the base of Seb's cock to hold it in place so he could devour it, his right hand slid over, two fingers disappearing as they sank into Seb's hole, his forearm flexing as he went to work.

"Oh fucking hell!" Seb's cock almost escaped from Tom's mouth as he arched his back, his thighs and ass clenching as he began shooting. Hungry whimpers escaped from Tom's throat...but that was it as he greedily and loudly swallowed, his Adam's apple bobbing up and down. Nostrils flaring with heavy breath, Tom's lips pulled at the end of Seb's pole as if he were trying to suck Seb's nuts down through his cock. "Fuck. Fuck. Fuck." His balls drained and still Tom kept sucking and sucking, his fingers diving in and out. "Fuck!" Seb saw flashes of white in his vision - his cock was getting sore and there was no sign of Tom letting up. Pulling away, his dick yanked out of Tom's mouth with a loud pop as he collapsed face down on the lounge chair, his arms dangling over the sides. A second later, Tom was on top of him, chest pressed against Seb's back, his lips working along Seb's jaw until he found Seb's mouth, latching onto it. A tongue rammed into Seb's mouth, hungry and needy, the taste of his own seed coating the inside of Tom's mouth. Their bodies writhed against each other as Tom's moans slowly became less intense. Breaking the kiss, Tom's head hung down next to Seb's, his chest still heaving, hot breath blasting Seb's cheek. One long exhale and Tom's body finally relaxed, melting into Seb's.

The sound of clapping came from behind them. "I think he likes topping." Neither man responded, still catching their breath. A hand gently patted Tom's side. "C'mon little bunny - hop off of ol' Seb. I think you wore him out. And yourself. Finally. Only took a few days." Tom pulled himself up with a little lift from Chris' hand, making it to another lounge chair and stretching out. A moment later, Chris returned with a can of beer, handing it over and then rearranging Tom's jockstrap to cover up his cock. "Don't want that getting sunburnt." With a wink he walked away, handing Seb a beer as well before settling down into his own chair, opening his can with a satisfied grin. "That's enough school for today. Not sure little Tom there can handle any more lessons." He laughed as Tom's nose wrinkled up, the tip of his tongue sticking out. "Looks like I can't use the two-dicks-one-mouth threat any more either." The tongue disappeared as Tom's mouth stretched into a big devilish grin.

The guys stretched out, relaxing in the warmth of the sun's rays, enjoying silence as they recovered. After a while, Chris disappeared to take a shower and a nap, saying he didn't want to fall asleep in the sun and wake up with a sunburn. Tom rose up and got a second beer for Seb and himself - instead of settling back into the lounger, he went to the deck rail and leaned over it, staring at the sun as it began slowly sinking towards the horizon. Seb watched for a moment, an orange glow outlining Tom's frame.

"Penny for your thoughts?" Hands wrapped around Tom's waist from behind.

"That's not a lot of money."

The head resting against his shook with a chuckle. "Fine, I'll go up to a dollar but that's it." A nose slid down behind Tom's ear, a mouth nestling into the crook where his shoulder met his neck, planting a small kiss.

"Sold. Just...relaxing. With the movies and the press and the interviews and everything, there's just..."

"A lot?"

"Yeah. A lot of it. Don't get me wrong - I love all of it. But this is...this is nice." The face pressed against Tom's neck slowly worked back and forth, stubble scraping his skin in a wonderful way.

"This is nice. You're right - all of it can be a lot. Just gotta make time and appreciate it."

"Mmmm." A murmur of agreement as Tom shifted his head, nuzzling against Seb's hair. "You're right."

"Well, I try not to be wrong. Especially around chuckle-butt." He felt Tom's chest shake with a small laugh. "Don't call him that though - you'll have to find your own nickname for him." Tom closed his eyes, feeling the movement of Seb's lips against his neck as the other man spoke. "You're smart - you'll come up with something."

"Maybe." A deep breath, feeling his torso expand against Seb's. The hands around his waist moved further in, the arms tightening.


"Well...it's kinda hard. You two are...distracting."

"Oh. We're distracting?" He could feel the lips stretching into a smile. "Really?" The slightest feeling of a tongue touching his neck.

"Mmhmm. Very distracting."

"Complaining?" More tongue against his neck, not so slight this time.

"Uh uh." Tom's toes curled against the deck as the tongue slid up to his ear. His foot slid back, over Seb's, shifting back and forth. "Not complaining."

"Good." Seb kept working at Tom's ear and neck, feeling Tom's hand move up, fingers curling into his hair. He felt his manhood stiffen, reacting to the touch and taste of the younger actor. The fingers disappeared from his hair, curling around his cock, pushing it down along Tom's crack and guiding it inside. They reappeared at his neck, caressing it as he sank all the way in.

"Haven't had enough yet?"

"Never." Tom moaned as Seb flexed his cock inside him.

"By the way, that was not your first time topping."

Tom chuckled, turning to glance back at Seb. "It wasn't?" He blinked his eyes, trying to look innocent.

"No. Unless you're a really really fast learner. Also, you can't pull the angel look anymore. Not after this trip."

Tom laughed and then hummed, both from pleasure and in thought. "No, it wasn't."

"And you didn't want to tell Chris that?" The hum turned into a little moan as he rolled his hips.

"Naw. He was enjoying the idea of teaching me something. Didn't want to ruin it for him."

"That is...very...sweet." Small kisses at Tom's neck between each word. "Wait - so the other lesson?"

"Got some new tricks out of that."

"Mmmm. Good."

"Have anything else to show me?"

Seb opened his mouth and paused before closing it, staring at the sun for a moment. "Maybe later."

"Oh my god - you and Chris and `maybe later.' You two are awful." Tom's laugh turned into another moan as Seb tweaked his nipple.

"Be patient."

"Fiiiiiine." Tom didn't say anything else as his mouth was covered by Seb's, the kiss deepening as he slowly slid in and out, neither one in a hurry. The sun kept dropping as their hips kept rolling back and forth. As the sun met the sea, Tom began nipping Seb's bottom lip with his teeth. He felt his hair gently pulled, tilting his head back, biting softly at Seb's chin before it was out of reach. A mouth was on his neck, up and down, as the other man sawed in and out, picking up the tempo. Tom kept murmuring Seb's name in between words of encouragement. Seb picked up the pace but not much, gently fucking Tom against the deck rail. Tom didn't understand anything Seb was saying as the other man switched to his native Romanian. The only words he recognized were his name and the two words he'd heard Seb say before - iubi' and motănel' - making a note to look them up later. The mental note evaporated as Seb's lips found his again and his tongue pressed into Tom's mouth. A hand took hold of his cock and began stroking it in time with Seb's tender thrusts. He moaned into Seb's mouth as he began cumming, his shots going over the side of the boat and falling into the ocean. His hand reached down to close over Seb's, keeping it in place as the other man kept pumping his hips.

"Don't stop." He mumbled the words as his lips kept moving in the kiss. "Don't stop. You know what I want." The kiss got just a little rougher, the thrusts just a little harder, as Seb began reaching the point of no return, hearing his name on Tom's lips again and again. He moaned into Tom's mouth as he pressed forward one last time, his cock pulsing as he fired another load into Tom's insides. Slowly they came to a stop, their faces nuzzled against each other, as they watched the last bit of the sun disappear.


Thanks for reading. If you enjoyed the story, have feedback or want to share ideas, would love to hear from you. red.cheshire.writer@gmail.com

Follow me on Instagram @redcheshire or Twitter @redcheshire_fic

RedCheshire Website: redcheshire.weebly.com

If you're interested in other stories I've written:

"Suckered by a Jonas Brother" (sexual adventures of Nick & Joe Jonas) https://www.nifty.org/nifty/gay/celebrity/suckered-by-a-jonas-brother/

"More Than Once Upon A Time" series (series based on the "Once Upon A Time" television series) http://www.nifty.org/nifty/gay/celebrity/more-than-once-upon-a-time/

"On The Set of Neighbors" (Zac Efron & Dave Franco have fun - based on the 2014 films "Neighbors" and "Neighbors 2") http://www.nifty.org/nifty/gay/celebrity/on-the-set-of-neighbors

"Exploring Kirk's Frontiers" (based on the 2009 "Star Trek" universe) https://www.nifty.org/nifty/gay/celebrity/exploring-kirks-frontiers

"The College Bet" http://www.nifty.org/nifty/gay/college/the-college-bet

Next: Chapter 15

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