Holland Far from Bone

By Patrick Thomas

Published on Apr 14, 2021


This is a fictional story in which sexual activity between consenting adult males is depicted; it is no way based on true events or the sexuality of any of the persons mentioned. If you are underage or it is otherwise illegal to read this story where you live, please stop reading now.

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-------------------------------------------------------------------- Holland Far From Bone - "Bunny on a Boat" Chapter 12 - Work the Middle --------------------------------------------------------------------

Author's Note: This story takes place in June 2018, after the Avengers: Infinity War premiere.

Shoutouts to Christopherrluu, Dan D, Mdawg225, and drillpscyhe for advocating that the boat story come next. breakingthrough for asking for a Tom + Sebastian story. Edger_Allen_hoe for inspiring more flirtation between Seb and Tom...curious to see where that might lead.

JSmith for the body worship idea - you can expect to see a little bit more of that.

theshieldass for having Tom try something new ;) drillpsyche & btyftumblr for asking about when DP will happen. Tulsaodesign - Seb tearing up Tom's ass. Stucky_2020, drillpsyche - wondering when Evans and Seb might get it on.

PatrickC and AndrewB for proofreading


Tom woke up, blinking his eyes open. `Mmmm,' he thought as he took in the close-up view of Sebastian's chest. Still waking up, he moved his arm which was flung over the other man's torso, tracing his fingertips over the smooth musculature, admiring the way the beam of morning sunlight was striking against his friend's skin. He felt a large presence behind him - Chris was leaned up against Tom's back, his arm curled over the smaller man's side, trapping Tom between the two men's bodies. Not that he was complaining. At all. A small smile pulled at his lips, his eyes closing as he imagined Evans' nude form, images flashing through his mind from the night before as the heavy breath of Chris' slumber hit the back of his neck. It wasn't the only item with a heavy presence - a large soft cock was nestled up against Tom's rear, the familiar feeling bringing a soft purring sound from Tom's throat.

"Morning, handsome." Reopening his eyelids, Tom tilted his head upward slightly to see Seb's bright blue eyes gazing warmly. The small smile on Tom's face grew broader, savoring the happy tingle that Seb's crooked grin sent down his spine. Purring again, he slid his leg up until he found what he was looking for - Seb's cock, half-hard...and now pinned beneath the weight of Tom's thigh. Dark brown eyebrows furled with mild curiosity, the crooked grin growing as Seb wondered what Tom was up to. Tom's toes curled as he watched Seb's cheek move as he smiled and spoke - he just wanted to crawl up and lick the other man's cheek and feel the stubbled beard scratch his tongue, then nip and kiss along that firm jawline.

Instead, he continued lazily sliding his fingers along Seb's chest. "Mmmm. Morning." Rock hard, his cock throbbed against Seb's hip. Under his leg, he felt an ample piece of manhood lengthen and thicken as it grew more rigid, pressing against his leg. Licking his lips and his eyes lighting up with mischief, Tom closed the short distance between his face and Seb's body, sticking his tongue out and slowly lapping up along Seb's ribs, the tip of his tongue flicking as it reached the end of its journey. The wet pink piece of flesh teased its way along in looping circular motions before wiggling against the hardened nub of Seb's nipple, his mouth latching down as his mouth worked to suck hard. Seb's back arched, a long soft moan rattling out of his throat.

"Well, looks like cutie-bug here found your weak spot already." Tom could hear the smile in Evans' voice from behind. "Bravo, kid." Chris' face dropped down into the crook of Tom's neck, nuzzling for a few moments before he began his own oral assault, leaving Tom alternating between gasping in pleasure and using his mouth to inflict sensual delight on Seb's chest. It seemed to take only seconds until the heavy soft piece of man meat became a hard rod poking against Tom's ass, the other man's hips gently rolling to tease him while still working on Tom's neck, ear, and shoulder. And then suddenly Chris was gone, the crisp morning air hitting Tom's now-exposed backside. The mattress creaked under the muscular man's weight as he crawled up along Seb's other side, eyes twinkling devilishly as he settled down and pressed his lips to Seb's other nipple.

Catching each other's gaze and holding it, Tom and Chris moved in unison, their lips and tongues teasing at Seb's chest. A meaty paw landed gently against the back of Tom's head, pushing down. "Suck." Tom stared at the intense lust in Chris' eyes as the other man watched him obey the one-word command. "That's it...suck harder...really work him up." Beneath them, Seb's body was beginning to writhe. Fingers curled in Tom's hair as Evans' mouth descended again, matching Tom's efforts. The grip gently tugged at Tom's scalp, bringing him up over Seb's pecs, still lined up with Chris' face on the other side. As they reached Seb's shoulder, Chris veered away, sucking at the meaty flesh of his friend's shoulder. Tom did the same, feeling the hand let go of his hair - he noticed that Chris' fingers were dancing down Seb's torso and quickly moved his right hand to do the same.

As their mouths worked down over the bulge of Seb's upper arm, their hands played at his abs, his hips, and his thighs. Further below, Tom could see the sheet shifting as Seb's toes curled in pleasure.

"Flex." Chris looked up, gently planting a kiss on Seb's bicep. "C'mon, don't be shy." Another soft pec on the muscle. "You worked hard on these babies. Show `em off. For us." The last word trailed off as Chris stuck his tongue out and lapped it against Seb's arm. Tom felt Seb comply, the muscles of his arms tensing, causing the shapely biceps to grow larger and harder. The pair attacked Seb with their mouths, worshipping the flexed muscle, causing Seb to groan even more, his hips rolling against the bed. His cock, left unattended by both of the other men, stuck up in the air, beads of precum steadily appearing and rolling down the shaft.

Chris and Tom began making their way back up to Seb's shoulders and then continued farther , both of them working their mouths against his neck at the same time. "Aww, fuck..." Seb's hands gripped the scalp of both men, fingers curling into two sets of hair, encouraging them on as his feet slid back and forth, kneading the mattress. His eyes squeezed tight when both of his ears were hit by teeth and tongues, nipping and licking at the hunk's earlobes. Tom got his earlier wish as his mouth travelled along the firm jawline, stubble scratching deliciously at his lips and tongue, causing the twink to moan gently against Seb's cheek. He arrived at last at Seb's chin, planting his lips against it and kissing softly as Chris did the same...then another pair of kisses right below Seb's lower lip...and then again, this time at the corners of his mouth. The synchronized act gave way as Chris parted his lips and his tongue snaked out, running against both Seb's and Tom's mouth, all three men opening up into a threeway kiss. Tom was breathing heavily with lust as he felt and tasted the other two men, his ears picking up on the sound of Seb's moans and Chris' gentle growling.

They pulled away again, moving south at a painfully slow pace. After once again teasing Seb's chest Tom and Chris made their way across his abs, licking and caressing them with their lips. As they cleared Seb's navel, Chris began veering to the right, planting kisses in a line until he was at Seb's hip, noting that Tom continued to mirror his own actions. Baring his teeth, he gently nipped at the meaty muscle of Seb's thighs. Reaching his friend's knee, Chris planted his tongue flat against Seb's thigh and tilted his head, moving it up very slowly. He could feel the thick legs flexing under his touch, knowing that this drove Seb crazy. He made sure to make loud slurping noises with his mouth as he continued the large licks up...up...up, until he and Tom had reached a new target. Turning slightly to the left, Chris nuzzled his nose against Seb's ample ball sack, taking in the musky smell of Seb's manhood before lapping his tongue over the large pair of balls. He and Tom moaned as they licked and sucked, driving Seb crazy as they ignored his cock completely. Their mouths were all over his groin except on his dick, dancing in the air above them.

Tom gave in first. His lips met the base of Seb's shaft and suckled on it. He meant to tease the other man but the sweet nectar that Seb had been producing nonstop hit Tom's tongue, causing him to ditch his self-control. Hungrily, his lips let go and latched onto the shaft again, a little farther up...and then again. Tom's tongue lashed out, greedily cleaning up all the precum that had been rolling down Seb's shaft. Fingers gripped his hair again, pulling Tom back slightly. Confused, he thought that Chris wanted a turn. Instead, Evans' other hand curled around the base of Seb's rock hard meat, lining it up with Tom's slightly open mouth.

"Suck." The hand pushed gently, as if Tom needed the encouragement. Lips wrapping around the lean head, Tom felt the edge of Seb's foreskin push back as his mouth descended, taking in a couple of inches. He paused, sucking as hard as he could, looking up into Seb's eyes. Fingers tugged gently again, pulling his mouth back to release all but Seb's tip. Now Tom's eyes were latched on to Chris' as the hand pushed down again, propelling Tom down Seb's pole. The pressure didn't let up until Tom's mouth was pressed into the short hair of Seb's groin, his throat stuffed full of cock. He worked his jaw and throat in an effort to please Seb while putting on a show for Chris. His cheeks flushed as his need for fresh air grew. When Chris began to let go, Tom clamped his hand down against it, pinning it in place against his scalp. One of Chris' eyebrows rose up and watched as Tom's cheeks darkened and his eyes began to water, his throat working for both pleasure and for air. He pulled off finally, heaving to fill his lungs with oxygen. Taking a few deep breaths, he plunged back down, Seb's cock disappearing as he swallowed it again. This time he bobbed up and down, savoring the taste and feel of Seb's pole.

Suddenly his movement was stopped, Chris' palm pressing against the back of his neck. His movement had been stopped up near Seb's cockhead. Evans leaned in close, his mouth meeting the throbbing shaft, caressing it with his lips. He nudged upward, causing Tom's lips to relent and give way. Instead of taking Tom's place, Chris pushed forward and brought his mouth against Tom's, the tip of Seb's cock wedged between them. He could feel Seb's legs move in agonizingly glorious pleasure as he watched Chris and Tom make out at the end of his dick. They broke slightly, moving down together and then back up again, working together to lick and suck along Seb's length. Each arrival at the tip resulted in another make-out session, their tongues swiping at each other and the meaty cockhead.

"Fuuu...uuuuuuu....uuuuck." Seb's hips bucked underneath, gently fucking up into the space between their mouths.

"Looks like you got him all worked up." Chris licked his lips, winking.

"Me?" Tom leaned down for a quick playful swipe of his tongue at Seb's balls before popping back up. "As if you didn't help."

"Didn't say that." Chris' mouth ducked down, inhaling Seb's entire cock for a moment before coming back up. "Speaking of help..." He scooted over, bringing his body in between Seb's legs. "...can you get the..." His head tilted towards the headboard. Tom reached over, keeping his eyes peeled on the sight of Chris' cock rubbing against Seb's, as he grabbed the bottle of lube and held it out to the beefy stud. Opening the bottle, Chris poured a generous amount into his palm and then reached down to grip his own rod, slathering its length, paying a good amount of attention to the tip. "Seb, baby..." He settled his weight onto his knees, pushing Seb's legs up towards the other man's chest, lining up his cock with his friend's now-exposed hole. "...open wide." He pushed forward, gently but firmly at the same time, working in about four inches of cock before stopping. Seb's eyes rolled back in his head, swallowing as his guts adjusted to the intrusion. Chris rolled his hips back and then forward again, working another two inches in on the next stroke. One more thrust and he was all the way in, grinding his hips against Seb's ass. Seb's toes curled against Chris' shoulders, a long shuddering moan rolling out. Chris began rocking back and forth, feeling Seb's ass relax and open up, his chest rising and falling with deep sighs.

Wrapping his fingers around the thick thighs, he suddenly pulled both their bodies down, away from the headboard. Groaning, he repeated the motion two more times, clearing a good amount of space between Seb's head and the end of the mattress. Leaning down, he slid his arms under Seb's shoulder blades and pulled, lifting Seb up slightly. "Tom - can you put the pillows under?"

"Uh, yeah." Tom followed the directions, wondering what Chris was getting up to. The large muscles of his arms relaxed, allowing Seb to drop back down. His shoulders were held up by two pillows, leaving his head hanging in the air. Chris slid his palm up Seb's torso, reaching his neck. Fingers splayed out and gently nudged forward, causing Seb's head to roll back, hanging over the pillows. Looking up at Tom, he grinned naughtily and winked. "Seb hasn't had breakfast yet, have you buddy?" Eyes lifting to meet Tom's again, the grin became wolfish. "Poor, hungry guy. Got anything you can feed him?" His intuition about Tom was right - you could almost see the devil horns grow out of the young stud's head as he scooted over on his knees until he was at the other end of Seb's body.

"I think so." He grasped the end of his cock and began leaning forward towards Seb's open mouth.

"Ahh...wait." Tom looked up, blinking in confusion. `Didn't Chris just ask me to...?' His thoughts were cut off as the other man spoke again. "You should ask before feeding someone. Don't be rude."

Tom bit his lip, trying not to laugh. Looking down, he flexed his thumb, causing his meat to bob up and down in the air, smacking Seb on the cheek.

"Mate, are you hungry? Er...Chris thinks you are."

Seb closed his eyes, amused and frustrated at the same time. . Playing it up, he opened his mouth more and tilted back as if trying to get to Tom's cock. "Uh huh."

"You sure? Chris thinks I'm being ru...oh fuck." Tom was taken by surprise as Seb's hands suddenly reached back and grabbed his ass, tugging him forward, causing Tom's dick to slide into Seb's mouth which quickly closed down around the hard pole.

"Well damn, I guess he was hungry." Chris chuckled as he continued thrusting into Seb, feeling the tight hole squeeze his cock.

"Um...yeah. Oh, fuck." Tom's head rolled back as he swallowed, his own toes curling now. Seb's fingers dug into the globes of his ass cheeks, not giving Tom any chance to pull away. As they flexed against the firm glutes, they seemed to move in small circles, massaging Tom's rear while tightly in Seb's grip. Fuck...' Tom was barely aware of his hips rocking back and forth, feeding Seb's hungry mouth. He'd had guys grab his ass before...and massage his rear...but not like this. Whatever he wants...' Tom's brain took awhile to complete the sentence, Seb's magic fingers obliterating his thoughts. "...whatever he wants...he can have it...if he just keeps doing this...forever..." Tom's eyes were rolling back in his head, unaware of the long loud moan that he was making. Chris watched in awe, not having seen anything quite like it before. His eyebrows knitted together, ideas and possibilities playing through his mind as he watched his two friends lose themselves in pleasure to each other. Looking down at Seb, Chris' mouth grew into a big warm smile...which he quickly hid as Tom's head rolled forward again.

"He's good, eh?"

"Oh man..." Tom shook his head, coming back to the world. "Yeah. Really good." A finger reached out and traced along Seb's jaw, the British actor's eyes going hazy and distant for a moment.

"Try this." Leaning forward, Chris gently pressed his palms into either side of Seb's neck, squeezing his throat.

"Oh...oh fuck." Tom groaned, feeling the muscles and tissue of Seb's throat close even tighter around his cock. Looking down, he could see the outline of his manhood as it pushed back and forth.

"Pretty hot, right?"

"Yeah. Fuck." Tom was mesmerized by the sight. Seb's moans were vibrating along his dick as it worked in and out. He watched as Chris leaned further down, still keeping his careful grip on Seb's throat as he moved his mouth to meet a space near Seb's Adam's apple. His head moved back and forth as he worked his lips along the stubbled throat. Tom moaned again, pretty certain that he could feel Chris' mouth through the flesh of Seb's neck. His thrusts picked up a bit in power and speed as he began fucking Seb's throat, encouraged by the fingers clawing at his ass and the sight of Seb's feet flexing in pleasure.

Chris broke away, using the back of his hand to wipe the spit from his mouth. He looked deep into Tom's eyes, full of lust and some other emotion that Tom couldn't place. "He's the best, Tom. The absolute best." Tom was spared from trying to think of a response as Chris pushed himself back and brought himself upright again, gripping Seb's hips as he began to rail the Romanian stud. The two worked together to bring pleasure to their friend from both ends, their hips rocking back and forth.

Knowing Seb's body like the back of his hand, Chris sensed his friend getting close. Reaching down, he wrapped his hand around Seb's shaft and tugged on it. It didn't take long before Seb's body went rigid. A gagged moan poured out of his stuffed throat as his cock erupted - the first shot landed right where Tom's pole was sliding between his lips. The next two slammed into his neck, followed by loud splatters against his chest. A few more ropes of cum came down on his abs, followed by a few gentle spurts as his balls finished releasing their heavy load.

"Oh damn - he made a mess." Chris looked at Tom, his eyes twinkled once more with that look of up-to-no-good.

Recognizing it, Tom grinned. "We should probably clean it up."

"Well..." Chris looked down at his thick shaft powering in and out of Seb's hole. "...I'm a little occupied at the moment." He looked back up, one eyebrow cocked. Tom shook his head with a chuckle at the bad joke, biting his lip before licking it.

"Good. More for me." Pulling back, his cock left Seb's lips with a wet slurping sound. Tom dropped down, his lips meeting Seb's in a deep kiss. Breaking free, Tom's tongue trailed away from Seb's mouth, staying pressed firmly against the man's skin as he cleared his friend's cheek clear of cum. Closing his mouth, he looked up at Chris and moaned as he swallowed. Keeping his eyes locked onto Chris, he leaned further and scooped away more of Seb's juices with his tongue, swallowing with loud smacking noises. He made small groans of pleasure as he continued cleaning off Seb's body. Chris' motions slowed slightly as he watched, mesmerized, his little jest taking an unexpected turn. His breathing quickened as Tom finished, resting back on his haunches. Seb's body shone where swaths of Tom's spit lay, every drop of cum seemingly cleared away. "Oh...damn." Tom made sure he had Chris' attention. "I missed a spot." Leaning back down, he pressed his finger down and slid it slowly against one of Seb's abs. Tom brought his finger up, coated in Seb's jizz, and very slowly lapped his tongue up from knuckle to tip, wrapping his lips around it. As he suckled, he closed his eyes halfway and purred in delight.

Tom's eyes went wide, lips still wrapped around his own digit, as Seb's hands yanked him forward, once again burying Tom's manhood in Seb's mouth. The broad hands slid up and pulled down again, forcing Tom downward. Confronted with Seb's half-hard cock right in front of his face, Tom opened up and took it in, sucking to get more drops of Seb's nectar. He stared ahead as Chris drove in and out of Seb's hole just inches away from his face...and those hands were doing their magic against his ass again, causing him to moan louder. Thumbs pressed against his forehead, causing his view to tilt up. Chris' eyes drilled into Toms with the same intensity as his thrusts, which were picking up in speed and power. His broad, fur-covered torso flexed as his body moved in waves to pound at Seb's entrance. His vision was full of Chris Evans' god-like form, his mouth stuffed with Sebastian Stan's cock, and Seb's throat and hands were sending chills up and down his spine. Tom lasted all of a minute before the assault on his senses was too much. His mouth dropped open, Seb's meat falling from between his lips, as he cried out in pleasure as his balls seemed to explode. Seb held onto Tom's body as it spasmed and his cock erupted. Tom's fingers dug into the sheets, his cries getting louder as Seb's lips worked around his shaft, swallowing every drop that Tom was shooting. Tom's squealing tapered off into gentle groans as he became spent, his body slumping down. Chris' fingers slid up, gripping Tom's hair and holding him in place, still looking up into Chris' eyes as the other man slammed back and forth before he bared his lips, eyes closing as he grunted loudly. His chest heaved as he grunted again - his hips were finally staying still as he deposited rope after rope of his seed into Seb's guts, a familiar home for his jizz. "Ahhhh....." His big chest gave a giant rise and fall one more time and was followed by a great sigh of relief. Breathing deeply one more time, Chris pressed his lips together, his hands sliding down Seb's legs. Patting the meaty haunch, he withdrew. "Guess it's my turn to make breakfast. That is, if you two are still hungry." He laughed while moving backward, avoiding Tom's attempt to swat at him. Reaching down, he grabbed a pair of shorts from the floor and pulled them on. The smaller man rolled off from laying on top of Seb, turning his body as he moved, so that he was curled up next to his co-star.

"I'm always hungry."

"I noticed. Hey!" Chris' chuckled turned into a loud laugh as a pillow flew through the air, narrowly missing his head. "Look here, young man. Break anything and you're the one paying..." The rest of Chris' sentence was lost as the next pillow caught him square in the face.

"Nice aim." Seb's smile broadly, ruffling Tom's hair.

Tom turned to look at Seb, nodding. "Thank you." He turned to look back at Chris, who was doubled over with laughter. "And yes, we're hungry."

Chris opened his mouth to make another joke and then closed it, noticing that there were still more pillows on the bed. Winking, he strode out of the room. His footsteps disappeared down the hallway as he made his way to the kitchen.

"Really. Nice aim." Seb's fingers brushed a lock of Tom's hair away from his forehead.

"Really...thank you." Tom's eyes flitted back and forth, looking into Seb's brilliant blue orbs.

"You're very welcome." The fingers slid along Tom's scalp, playing with the wavy hair and caressing the back of his neck. Their lips came together, slowly and tenderly, mouths and hands entangled in a gentle exploration of one another. Tom purred again as Seb's hands found and squeezed his rear once more.

Seb pulled away, rubbing his nose against Tom's. "I like when you make that sound."

"Well, I like when you...ohhhh....." Tom's eyes closed and he made Seb's favorite sound again the older man's fingers clenched gently. They reopened, brown eyes a little glazed over for the briefest moment. "...um, when you...ohhh...that..."

"Yeah, you like that?" Seb's fingers danced at Tom's rump again, earning another sound of pleasure.

"Mmhmmm." Tom's face was curled up against Seb's neck. Working his way back up to Seb's mouth, Tom began tilting his hips, wordlessly expressing his desires. Seb indulged him for awhile before stopping again.

"Breakfast is going to be done soon."

"Aww. But it's..." Tom planted soft kisses at Seb's jaw. "...going to take him..." More kisses, this time at the chin. "...some time."

"Not that much time." Seb chuckled.

"But...some time." Tom's lips brushed against Seb's. It was the tease of a not-quite-kiss. Tom suddenly found himself rolled onto his back, Seb's bigger form above him. A hand pulled his leg up, fingertips dancing down his smooth thigh.

"Good point." Seb's tongue lapped at Tom's neck. "Chris takes his time when he's cooking..." The tongue swirled around the edge of Tom's ear, causing his fingers to dig into Seb's shoulders. "Which should be enough time..." Seb's mouth began doing unspeakable things to Tom's neck again. "...to find out more ways to make you make that sound." His lips met Tom's in another kiss.

Tom pulled away slightly, looking into Seb's eyes. "What sound?" He blinked, eyes big, trying to look innocent for a moment. Seb's arm flexed as his fingers moved, down below Tom's hips. Those eyes fluttered and the purr rolled out from between Tom's lips before he could stop it.

"That sound." Seb's lips were against Tom's again, more firm this time, their tongues meeting as Seb's fingers seemed to go everywhere.

"Oh man, can you two get a room?"

Tom and Seb turned towards the door - Tom panting and Seb looking like a kid with his hand in the cookie jar. "Hey asshole. We are in a room."

"Your own room."

Seb's smile only grew broader as Tom made that noise again - his hand hadn't stopped moving just because Evans reappeared. "It's the only room, dipshit."

"Good point." Chris dropped the joke, sensing that Seb's mind was somewhere else. "Well, breakfast is ready. I'd recommend eating before it gets cold."

"Wait..." Tom's eyebrows curled up, confused. "What did you make? Toast?"

"Um, no, young man. I made eggs, sausage...your favorite, apparently...hashbrowns, and sliced up some fruit."

"All that? In..." Tom's eyes squinted, trying to gauge the time. "...in about five minutes."

"Um...Tom, I started making breakfast about twenty minutes ago." Chris bit his lip and nodded, trying not to laugh as Tom's eyes went wide. "I mean...they say time flies when you're having fun, but damn."

Tom's lip pouted and he opened his mouth to say something sarcastic. Instead, another soft moan came out, which trailed off into the purring sound that was music to Seb's ears. He'd found about seven ways to pull it out of Tom...so far.

He looked into Tom's eyes, nodding gently. "Be nice. He did make breakfast after all."

"I uh...ohhhhh..." Tom's eyes rolled back again.

"We'll be there in a second." The corner of Seb's mouth was curled up with amusement and wickedness.

"No problem. I'm just glad to see you found a way to get the kid to behave." Chris was chuckling as he left the room again[a][b]. He'd made it a couple of steps when he heard Tom's voice call out again.

"Fuck you, Chrisssssssssssssss.....ohhhhhhh....fuuuuuuuuuuuuck...." Chris ducked into the kitchen, his chuckle turning into a roar of laughter at Tom's predicament.


Chris had just finished setting the table and settled into the lounge chair, lifting his coffee mug when the other two made their way up the stairs and onto the deck. Seb looked pleased with himself...and it looked like Tom had been pleasing him, based on the bulge in his underwear. And Tom...poor Tom looked all kinds of flustered and out of sorts. The smaller man was trailing behind, his briefs looking like he'd haphazardly pulled them on, sporting a huge tent that pointed up towards his hip. Biting back a joke, Chris raised his mug towards the pair. "Good morning." He turned towards Seb. "Always a man of his word. Not quite `just a second' but close." Seb took an exaggerated bow. "You washed your hands, right?" Seb looked up, rolling his eyes.

"Fuck you, Chris." Standing, he settled into his own chair.

"Maybe later. I guess after this morning, it's only fair to give you a turn." He flashed Seb a big smile.

Seb pursed his lips, intrigued at the idea. "Deal. And yes, we washed our hands."

"I never doubted you - you're a good boy." His head turned, bringing his attention to Tom. "You though. Wow, Holland." His grin somehow got even wider before sliding his finger into his mouth, mimicking Tom's earlier move.

"Fuck you, Chris." Tom faked a scowl, his lips curling into a grin just as he brought the coffee mug up to his mouth.

"Maybe someday." Tom's eyes went huge right before he started choking on his coffee. Chris reached over, rubbing Tom's upper back. "So you do have a gag reflex."

"Ugh. I..." Tom coughed a little more. "...hate you."

"Aww, no you don't. You love me." Chris took his fork and poked at something on his plate. "Although not as much as you love Sebbbbbb." He brought a sausage up to his mouth, licking the tip before biting down on it. He caught an expression that flickered across Seb's features for just the briefest moment and decided to change course on the jokes. He held the forked sausage out to Seb. "Buddy, show me some of your tricks?" He felt better when Seb's grin returned.

"Fuck you, Chris."

The rest of the sausage popped into Chris' mouth as he lowered his sunglasses. "Seb..." He finished chewing and swallowed. "Look, I said later, okay. Give me at least an hour. We've got all day."

Tom and Seb just shook their heads.

"Breakfast tastes delicious."

Chris looked over at Tom, noting the change of subject. "Thank you. Not as good as..." He paused as a foot struck his ankle from Seb's side of the table, a grin peeking from around the edge of Seb's coffee mug. "...ahem. Not as good as Seb's cooking. But I try." He'd put a slight emphasis on the word `cooking' that Tom missed but he knew Seb had picked up on, as his friend pursed his lips, trying not to laugh, still hiding his mouth behind the mug.

Seb was pleasantly surprised as the rest of breakfast had regular conversation, Chris appearing to tuck the jokes away for the moment. After breakfast the guys headed back down to brush their teeth and splash some water on their faces to finish waking up, they rummaged through Chris' drawer of a thousand speedos to find something to wear for the day. Chris settled on a dark pink pair, contrasting nicely with his tanned skin. Seb opted for a subdued light grey color, while Tom chose a baby blue color.

"It's a boy?" Chris ran his finger along the curve of Tom's perky butt.

"It's a girl?" Tom wore a cheeky grin as he squeezed Evans' bulge, causing the other man to jump back.

"Hey, be careful with that thing." He wagged his finger at Tom, pretending to scold him. "That's valuable goods." He jumped back again when Tom feinted another grab towards his crotch. "Young man - I would hate to give you a spanking."

"Ooh - you promise?" His laughter rang out in the hallway as he ducked from the room. Chris looked over at Seb, who just raised his hands, shrugging.

"We created a monster." Seb started laughing, raising his hands again as he left the room.

The three friends resumed their daily routine. It was Tom's turn to lead them through a brief workout - he went through some calisthenics followed by yoga that was more intense than Chris expected, leaving him further impressed by Tom's skills as well as some ideas for the next time he got the young stud's shorts off. As Tom cleared the dishes away, Chris picked up the tube of sunscreen, squirting the white lotion into the palm of his hand and began to spread it across Seb's chest.

"You have fun this morning?"

"Mmmhmm." Seb stared off into the ocean, a warm gentle smile appearing. Chris glanced up, Seb's expression prompting his own grin in return.

"I think they heard him howling back on land."

"He wasn't that loud." Chris knew Seb was rolling his eyes, even if the sunglasses were blocking him from seeing Seb's features.

"Close. It was cute." Seb's eyebrows knitted together, wondering what point his friend was trying to make but was met with silence instead as Chris worked his way down Seb's form, lathering on the lotion. Finishing with the calves that he'd been gripping just an hour before, he stood and moved behind to work on Seb's back. "I'll lotion up Tom this morning. See if I can get him to make that cute little sound again."

"What sound? Hey!" Seb giggled as Chris smacked him on the ass, which turned into a loud laugh as Chris mockingly emulated the purring sounds that Tom had been moaning out all morning from Seb's touch. "Good luck." He didn't give Chris the satisfaction of a response as the other man smacked his ass again.

"I don't need luck. Oh look, he's back. Bye."

Giving Seb a gentle push, Chris gave Tom a big smile and handed the tube over. "Your turn, Spidey." He chuckled as Tom's nose wrinkled up. Hands worked down his broad back, a smirk appearing on his face as Tom's fingers dipped under the back of the speedo. No longer pretending to behave, he made sure to get a handful of Evans' ass before moving down the rest of the large hairy legs. By the time he reached Chris' ankles, he was nearly drooling and half-hard. Standing, he watched as Chris turned around, taking in the beautiful sight of his body. Tom took his time applying the sunscreen to his friend's upper body, paying attention to his chest, biceps, and teasing his nipples before kneading his abs. Dropping down to his knees, he looked up with a cheeky grin as he slowly worked his hands down Chris' legs. With his face just a couple of inches from Chris' groin, he knew exactly what the position looked like from the other man's point of view...and still licked his lips a couple of times, just to drive home the point.

"All done."

"Mmmm. Your turn." Chris got a generous amount of lotion in his hands and then stepped behind Tom, bringing his body right up against the smaller man's backside, his bulge resting against that cute round butt. The pressure of his hands pulled Tom back against him and he noted the small flex of Tom's glutes in response. Noticing Seb reclined in a lounger, he decided to put on a show and ran his hands in circles across Tom's chest. His crotch pushed forward, plumped up from having Tom's hands on his body...and was pleased when Tom pushed back. They ground against each other, Chris' cock thickening as his thumbs grazed across Tom's nipples, both actions causing a small moan to rattle out of the twink's throat. Chris' hands slid achingly slowly down Tom's midsection until finally reaching the waistband of the speedo, which he pushed beneath, his palms grasping Tom's upper thighs. He used the grip as leverage to pull Tom back even more, their bodies wedged closely together. With the intense movement of their hips, Chris probably would have pushed inside the tight hole if the speedos weren't in the way. His fingers dug up and down between Tom's hips and thighs...getting teasingly close to his crotch but not quite touching it. Tom's shoulder blades pushed against his chest, his breathing picking up as his pulse began racing. Withdrawing his hands, Chris turned Tom around and retrieved the sunscreen tube from the small table nearby, getting more onto his hands that were soon pressed to Tom's shoulders as he worked slowly downward. Their hard cocks were wedged together, still grinding, Tom whimpering as Chris' hands slid below his speedo again. He felt strong hands gripping his ass at the same time that the bearded mouth met his, parting his lips and a tongue pushing into his mouth. He moaned as Chris squeezed again, harder this time...and then an even louder moan as the kiss deepened while the tip of Chris' index finger grazed his entrance. His own fingertips dug into Chris' chest, his other hand gripping at the taller man's light brown hair, pinning their faces together. His tongue lashed against Chris' as the finger pushed in, penetrating him, not stopping until the knuckle was wedged against his hole. Tom was grasping at Chris' body as he moaned again and again, the digit sliding back and forth as Chris fingered his hole. In Tom's mind, it became two fingers and then Chris spreading his legs and pushing his cock deep inside.

Instead, he felt his hair gently pulled back, Chris staring into his eyes as he continued working his index finger back and forth. Tom bit his lip, whimpering. Chris blinked, grinning slightly as he withdrew his finger and gave Tom a light swat on the butt. "Alright, time to swim."

"Fuck..." The word rolled out in a heavy whisper.

"Later. Right now..." Chris picked up his sunglasses and put them on, then pointed at the side of the boat. "...swimming." He watched as Tom blinked a few times, shaking his head to get back to normal. The slim form skipped across the deck and then he was gone, diving down into the waves. His head turned at the sound of clapping.

"Well, that was a good show."

"Thank you."

"Did he purr?"

Chris glanced over. Lifting a bottle of water to his lips, he chugged half of it down. "Time to swim, Seb."

"That's a no." Seb found himself suddenly pushed up against a pole, Chris' mouth smashed against his own. One hand reached down and found Seb's half-hard cock, quickly massaging it to full mast. `Oh no you don't,' he thought to himself as Evans sought the upper-hand. Reaching around, he grasped at the broad shoulders and raked his fingers south, tugging down on the back of the dark pink speedo. His fingers slid inward - instead of teasing he immediately pushed the index finger of his right hand in, opening up Chris' hole. He was rewarded with a gasp followed by a moan, Chris' kissing intensifying. Wiping some sweat and lotion from his friend's backside with his left hand, Seb's left index finger found itself inside as well, both of his hands squeezing the cheeks of Evans' muscular ass as both fingers worked inside at once, sliding up and down instead of in and out, spreading the tight hole open. Chris' head rolled back with a long guttural moan which deepened as the fingers continued their circular motions while pushing further inside. His cock was throbbing against Seb's...and then his entire body was throbbing as Seb's mouth found his shoulder and began sucking on it as hard as he could.

And then suddenly it all disappeared, Chris untangling his body from Seb's before his balls went over the edge. He squinted and swallowed hard, willing his breath and heart rate to slow down.


"Maybe later. It is my turn, after all."

"Ugh. I hate you." The familiar phrase was clearly a friendly taunt as Chris began grinning.

"No, you don't." Seb took a couple of steps forward, reaching Chris' body again. His mouth opened, tongue landing at Chris' collarbone and lapping upward, nipping at the earlobe and jaw before kissing Chris once more. Pulling away, he tweaked one of Evans' nipples, getting a half-yelp, half-moaning sound. "You love me."

"Not as much as Tom does," Evans teased, earning a very large eye roll. Seb flicked him off, his middle finger remaining raised in the air as he walked over to the side of the boat...and it was the last thing that disappeared over the deck as he jumped down into the water. Laughing, Chris trotted over and dove down, meeting the two friends below. The guys splashed around for a good long time, enjoying the sun, water, and each other's company. Chris managed to talk Seb into a competition, seeing who could swim around the boat the fastest. The winner got to kiss Tom...and Evans made sure to repeat the finger movement again when claiming his prize, knowing that Tom's moans would make Seb jealous.

Later, Chris went under the surface and snatched Seb's speedo, swimming away with the light grey fabric held up in the air. As Seb lunged at him, the swimsuit got tossed over to Tom for safe-keeping. Just as the hunk came near, Tom's wrist flicked and sent them flying back over to Evans. Scowling, Seb moved towards his old friend and then began grinning as the speedo got tossed back to Tom. Turning to face Tom, he stayed in place, one eyebrow raised.

"Tooommmm..." The younger man's eyes squinted, wondering what Seb was up to. Slowly, Seb began closing the distance between them. "Tom..." The grin grew into a big wicked smirk. "...if you give me back my speedo..." He was now just a couple of feet away, with Tom's curiosity getting the better of him, still holding the speedo. "...I'll give you something else."

"Something else?" Tom's eyebrows furled - what could Seb be offering...and where the hell was he keeping it since he was naked?

"Mmhmm. Something you'll really like." He winked, now just a foot away. When he licked his lips, he got the reaction he'd expected - a certain gleam shining in Tom's light brown eyes.

"Well...what makes you so sure it's something I'd like?"

"Oh, I'm pretty sure." Only inches separated their bodies and he could see Tom's chest rising with heavier breaths from anticipation. "And you can actually hold onto that until you're certain." Before Tom could respond, Seb's mouth was on his, a beefy arm wrapping around Tom's waist and bringing their bodies together. Seb's tongue seemed to be everywhere in his mouth at once, a hungry kiss threatening to devour the other man. Tom's nostrils flared, his breathing hitting Seb's cheek as he moaned, closing his mouth further to suck on the other man's tongue which began diving in and out of the small o-shape made by Tom's lips. Seb's legs kicked in the water, slowly but with strength, keeping them both afloat...and the effort caused their groins to rub together, both of them already fully hard. Reaching down, he grabbed a handful of Holland-ass, giving it a good firm squeeze like before...and then even harder, earning a squeal of pleasure. Tearing his mouth away, he brought it to Tom's cheek, speaking loudly enough so Chris could hear. "A good boy would give me my speedo back...are you a good boy?"

"It...ohh...it depends. What do good boys get as a reward?"

"They get..."

In the distance, Chris cocked his head, trying to hear but unable to make out whatever Seb was saying. His friend's mouth was nuzzled up against Tom's ear, whispering something...and whatever it was certainly was getting a reaction. That and whatever his hand was doing - Chris could make out the flexing of Seb's arm as it moved under the water. Chris managed not to laugh as Tom's eyes popped wide open, the pupils crossed. "Ahhhhh!" His cry of pleasure echoed out across the water, twisting into a loud moan as Seb's fingers twisted inside his hole, turning right against his prostate. Seb's teeth closed on Tom's chin, nipping at it as he fluttered his fingers against Tom's love-nut. "Ahhh ahhh ahhh ahhhhhhhhhh." The fingers withdrew and Seb was suddenly a couple of feet away, his hand held out, his eyes twinkling with amusement.

"Now, can I have my speedo back."

"Yeah!" Tom plopped it into Seb's palm, panting.

Seb's head tilted forward in an exaggerated gesture. "Thank you." Turning to look over his shoulder, he stuck his tongue out at Evans. "Actually..." Reaching out, he laid the strip of cloth over Tom's shoulder. "...you can keep hold of it. Give it back later."

The last thing he saw was Tom's jaw drop wide open as he began doing backstrokes and returned to the boat, the sound of Chris roaring with laughter. He swore he could feel both sets of eyes on his rear end as he pulled himself up the ladder, purposefully over-flexing his haunches with each step.

"Lunch?" Tom turned towards Chris, still trying to get himself back together, incredulous that Chris was thinking of food right now. "I mean...I'm kinda hungry. You?" Winking, Chris began swimming towards the boat and then stopped. "Oh. Here, you can have these too." A bright pink blob flew through the air, landing on top of the water right in front of Tom. Lifting Chris' swimsuit, Tom looked up to see the stud ascending the ladder as well. Shaking his head to clear it, Tom followed.

Pulling himself onto the deck, he found both men reclining in lounge chairs, looking quite satisfied with their antics. Glancing back and forth between them, Tom decided to flip the script. He casually walked by Evans' lounger, dropping the pink speedo on the ground next to it...and then cleared Seb's chair, the grey fabric making a wet plopping sound as it landed on the deck. Pulling himself down onto his own lounger, Tom's lip curled up in a devilish grin.

"Seb - you said something about a reward?"

"Hmm...oh. Ohhhh." Seb blinked, his mouth opening a little in surprise. Tom was laying down on the lounger but it didn't look restful. At all. His feet hung off the end, his body weight supported by his knees, torso tilted down and arms stretched out, draped at the other end of the lounge chair, his baby blue speedo dangling off the end of his finger. `Downward dog.' The name of the yoga position flashed through his mind as he licked his lips. Rising up, he stepped over to Tom's nude form and ran his hand appreciatively over the finely-muscled rump.

"I did say something about a reward, didn't I?" His palm had come to a rest on Tom's globe, his thumb dragging up the divide between Tom's cheeks.

"Yep. And I returned your speedo. Because I was a good boy." Tom's voice had dropped into a husky range, sending a throb through Seb's manhood. He slowly sank down to his knees, taking hold of Tom's ass with both of his hands.

"How good?" The breath of his words hit Tom's rear, sending a noticeable shiver down the other man's spine. Tom curved his back, lowering his shoulders down towards the chair - the movement pushed his rear up further into the air.

"Very. Very good."

"Oh. Two `very's'. Well. That deserves a very...very good reward then." Seb's tongue landed at Tom's hole, pressing firmly as he traced a circle around the tight knot. He felt the glute muscles flex under his fingers, squeezing a little as he spread Tom's rear a little further open, sinking his face between the round ass. Tom's fingers grabbed at the chair's straps as he groaned - and as loud as that groan was, the sound of Seb's tongue was even louder, working up and down Tom's crack.

Chris went and got a beer, settling back down to enjoy the show. From first-hand experience, he knew that Sebastian Stan didn't rim. He didn't eat ass. No. Sebastian Stan made out with your hole, devouring it like a juicy peach. His own heavy cock lurched, fond memories of being at the receiving end of Seb's tongue. He watched as the muscles of Seb's arms bunched, working to grip Tom's ass, kneading the cheeks as he spread them open. There was no sign of his face, being firmly buried in the twink's rear. The top of his head bobbed up and down, then swiveled in a circle, loud slurping sounds interspersed with Tom's hitching mewls of delight. The smaller man's hips were bucking slightly, as much as they could under Seb's tight grip, in an effort to ride Seb's face. Chris tilted his beer, finding it suddenly empty. Confused, he looked at his watch and realized that half an hour had drifted by while he'd been mesmerized by the Seb and Tom Show.

Getting another beer, he'd just opened it and settled back down when Tom's mouth dropped and a stuttered groan rolled out, the tongue lapping at his hole suddenly having gone rigid and punching its way in - loosened up from the morning tryst, Tom's entrance gave way at the oral assault, the wet pink member wiggling as it penetrated inside. Tom's head snapped back, mouth wide open.


Seb finally pulled away, a lustful leer curling his lip. Wiping his chin, he smacked Tom on the ass as he lifted himself up. "Okay."

"Huh...oh." Tom's body was gently pushed forward and down against the lounge chair as Seb crawled up, planting loud smacking kisses along Tom's spine and neck until he was resting on top, his body covering Tom's. Nuzzling Tom's neck, Seb shifted his hips, feeling his way towards his goal. Finding it, he used his body weight to press down, his hard pole sinking into Tom's rear - between the rimming and Seb's precum, he slid in easily, sighing at the tight velvet grip of Tom's insides as they clenched around his member. With a lap of his tongue along the back of Tom's neck, Seb lifted himself halfway up into a push-up position, hovering over Tom's back, rolling his hips up and down. One of Tom's hands rose up to grip Seb's arm - the other grasped the frame of the chair. Somewhere down below, his feet were sliding back and forth, toes curling nonstop. Seb took his time, casually and slowly plowing Tom's hole. Occasionally he would stop and rotate his hips, feeling the head of his cock rock back and forth over Tom's gland, milking pleasure out of it before going back to gentle thrusts at the point that Tom's moans hit a certain high pitch. Chris found his can empty again and quietly chuckled - looking down at his wrist, he saw that another half hour had nearly gone by again.

He watched as Seb leaned down and whispered something in Tom's ear - whatever it was, it got a cute little whimper. Seb pulled out and slid backward, resting on his calves as he wrapped his fingers around his cock and stroked the shaft. The muscles of his chest and arm tightened as he grunted with his release - Chris swore that he could hear the powerful shots make soft splattering sounds as they landed against Tom's ass. Seb held his dick tight, pointing it straight at Tom's hole as it throbbed and jerked in his fist, coating it and Tom's crack with a thick coat of jizz. With a big sigh, his eyes closed, coming down from the high of his orgasm. Releasing his grip on his meat, Seb reached down and caressed Tom's spunk-covered ass, his gaze both focused on the perfect peach and distant at the same time. The corner of his lip curled up as he curled all but two fingers, which he swiped slowly down the tight crevice before him, scooping up a small puddle of cum as his digits slid down. Reaching Tom's entrance, he swirled his fingers and pressed down, pushing his seed inside. Pulling back, he repeated the motion a few more times, greasing up Tom's hole with DNA and then sliding both of his fingers in until his knuckles rested against Tom's cheeks. His arm flexed as he worked his hand, fingers fluttering and scissoring inside.

Tom began wriggling, every movement of Seb's fingers sending shockwaves through his body. The Romanian stud's arm began to piston up and down slowly, deliberately, his fingers still moving in what felt like a thousand directions at once, igniting every nerve inside Tom's tunnel.

"Aaaarrghhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!" Tom's eyes screwed shut tight, his teeth bared as his entire body went as rigid as his cock. His over-stimulated hole spasmed around Seb's fingers, his hips bucking up as cum rocketed out of his body. Both sets of cheeks flushed pink as his knuckles went white from grasping onto the chair. It felt like his balls were trying to crawl up out of his dick and turn inside out in an attempt to unleash every single drop of man-nectar that they contained.

Chris' eyebrows rose up high, impressed, as a huge puddle appeared under Tom's chair, his cock firing between the plastic slats. Eventually the slim-toned body came to rest, Tom's ribs rising and falling with huge breaths as he recovered from what felt like the most intense orgasm of his life, until he finally let out a long shudder. "You okay?"

Tom turned...well no, he lazily rolled his head, his forehead still mashed against the chair as if his skull were too heavy to lift. Finally turned in Chris' direction, the muscles of his neck relaxed, a big goofy grin stretching across his face. "...m goo." He swallowed and tried again. "I'm good." His lips turned into a small o-shape as he let out a long exhaled breath.

"I see that. Well, looks like you're wiped out. I'll just take care of this myself." Chris looked down at his cock which was so hard it nearly hurt, clear juices sliding down the thick veiny shaft.

"Clearly, you enjoyed the show." Chris looked back up to see Seb wearing nothing but a half-grin, his body covered in a sheen of sweat and his cock only half-deflated.

"Is that what that was? I thought you were just knocking out some more exercise. The kid did say he wanted to get in shape. Although right now he'd be better off playing Elastic Man instead of Spider-Man." He chuckled as Seb rolled his eyes. "Dude, your fucking turned him into a pile of goo. Speaking of which..." Chris made an exaggerated movement to turn and look under Tom's chair. "YOU two are cleaning ALL of that up. Might need...mmm, looks like two towels. Maybe three."

Seb closed his eyes and shook his head, still grinning. He felt too good and too tired to respond to Chris' bad jokes.

"Anyway, lil' mouse over there is worn out now. Thank YOU..." He pointed at Seb, then turned his hand so his middle finger was sticking up. "...and now he's worn out. Bravo by the way. But I'm still..." He waved down at his crotch, the head of his cock dark pink as it throbbed and pulsed.

"I'm not worn out." Both men looked at Tom and chuckled at the same time.

"Ahh, the stubbornness of youth. You remember being young, right Seb?" Chris looked away as Seb glared at him.

"I." Tom took hold of the frame of the chair, gripping it as he pulled his legs forward, sliding out from underneath Seb. "Am." Reaching down, he palmed the deck and his body followed, curling down to the deck. "Not." Both Seb and Chris were biting their cheeks, trying very hard not to laugh. Tom crawled over, crossing the meter and a half between the two chairs, settling himself down between Chris' splayed feet. "Worn." He squared his jaw, his face the picture perfect look of determination. Leaning forward, he lifted his torso and ran his tongue along the bottom of Chris' calf, then looked back up at Chris with a wolfish smile, one eyebrow raised defiantly. "Out."

"Damn. Apparently not." Chris returned the smile, holding his dick between his thumb and index finger, wagging it in Tom's direction. "Here boy, come and get it."

Tom felt something brush his left arm and looked over, finding Sebastian resting on the deck next to him. Winking, he turned and licked Chris' calf, echoing Tom's earlier act. Tom leaned forward again to match Seb's movement. Keeping his eyes on the other man, he copied Seb's actions, realizing that he knew all of Chris' weak points - where to lick, where to suck, where to nip with the teeth, and where to tickle. By the time they'd reached the top of Chris' thighs, his cock was rocking on its own, the veins that lined the shaft prominent as his pulse raced. They kept going, moving past it, driving Evans crazy as they worked together to explore his body. He watched as Tom and Seb stayed where they were, both of them lazily running their tongues up and down his Adonis belt, savoring the taste and feel of the deep grooves that cut from his hip down to his groin.

They moved on, sucking at his abs. Tom detoured a bit - while he mirrored Seb's path, he stuck his tongue out more, lapping at the bounty of body hair that graced Chris' torso. Chris groaned involuntarily when Tom rested his cheek against the broad pec, rubbing his face against the fur covering Chris' chest. The groan turned into a moan as Tom's mouth pulled to the right, finding and catching the nipple between his lips. Glancing over, he saw that Seb's lips were pulled slightly apart, the nub stuck between his teeth - Tom copied the movement and the pair gently gnawed away, feeling the nubs go hard...and then get even harder. Chris' fingers were entwined in both their hair, pinning them in place as his body rocked with pleasure. Tom saw movement and looked over again, following Seb as they continued their journey up, both of them licking up and down Chris' neck. They kept getting a little closer to his ears on each lap up, only to pull away again, tasting his scruff again and again. He felt Seb flick his ear with the tip of his tongue, knowing that it felt nice but it wasn't a big pleasure center. Instead, the dark brown scalp moved down again, faster this time, planting big sloppy kisses along the way. Tom gave chase, until they were back down at Chris' legs, resting their chins on his hips.

Reaching over, Seb took hold of Chris' hand and slowly curled down the pinky, ring finger, and middle finger...leaving only the pointer finger sticking straight up. His tongue stuck out and began traveling up and down the digit. Over to the right, Tom was doing the same. Chris watched as they simultaneously wrapped their lips around the tips of his fingers and both sucked hard, their cheeks pulling in as the length of his fingers disappeared from view. Tom's eyes were glued to Chris' cock and watched as a pearl of clear fluid appeared, growing larger and heavier, until it broke away and rolled away, over the head, down the shaft, disappearing as it struck his balls. Chris' eyes were half-closed, his breathing shallow as the pair continued their teasing efforts, now with two fingers in their mouths.


Seb pulled away, grinning. His face moved forward and Tom thought he was about to take Chris into his mouth. Instead, he buried his face into the space where Chris' leg met his thigh, just left of the furry balls. Tom did the same...and when he heard wet sounds, he began working his jaw as well, two sets of loud slurping sounds hitting Chris' ears as the pair sucked at his flesh, making out with his groin.

"Oh fuck..." Tom felt a hand push down on the back of his head. At first he thought it was Chris, but the angle was all wrong...and then he realized it was Seb. Reaching over, he did the same, shoving his friend's face harder against Chris' crotch. All three men were moaning now, mixed with the wet sounds of Seb and Tom's oral efforts.

The grip on Tom's head changed, gently tilting his face and nudging him forward. His mouth kept working, now on Chris' large nuts. He tasted sea salt, sweat, and Chris' manly musk...he abandoned Seb's mentorship and leaned forward, wildly lapping up the thick pole, making out with every veiny inch on the way up, until he'd reached the apex. Just as his lips wrapped around the large plum-shaped head, he felt Seb pull down, burying half the length in Tom's mouth. Seb's tongue met his lips as he lapped at Evan's rod. Tom pulled back up, getting the shaft slick with spit before going back down. He began bobbing up and down, staring into Chris' eyes, his own eyes on fire with hunger for Chris' load.

Tom pulled off, putting gentle pressure on Seb's neck, sharing their treat. He watched as the scruff-covered cheeks stretched to accommodate the thick member, those puffy pink lips gliding up and down the pole. Moving down, Tom began licking Chris' balls again. Back and forth they went, taking turns...and sometimes both abandoning the tower of flesh to tease their friend by only paying attention to his balls.

"He's getting close." Seb whispered lightly and conspiratorially in Tom's ear. Locking their gazes with Chris, they slid their tongues up his dick, reaching the head at the same time, kissing and making out with the large knob wedged between their lips and tongues. Tom stroked the base of Chris' cock while Seb tickled his nuts. His balls boiling, Chris held both men's heads in his broad paws, not allowing them any movement as the thick flesh pipe began firing. A thick rope of white fluid traced across the bridge of Tom's nose, making a line along his forehead that disappeared into his hair. The next shot slammed against Seb's cheek. More followed, splashing against their lips. The two made a show of it as Chris' fluids coated the bottom half of their faces. The last of it oozed out of the tip of cock, dribbling down to his balls.

"Whew. Daaaaamn. You two are...definitely not worn out."

"I told you I wasn't." Tom made a face, sticking his tongue out. When he pulled it back in, he got another dose of Chris' juices.

"You are...a little bit of a mess though. Here..." Seb leaned forward, wiping off the streak on Tom's forehead...and then bringing his cum-covered thumb up to Tom's lips, which suckled it clean.

"Well, so are you." Tom moved in, licking in a long line along Sebastian's jaw, smacking his lips.

"We should..." Seb leaned forward again, licking Tom's chin. "...share." He nodded over towards Chris. They crawled forward until they were laying across the broad chest, coming back together in a big three-way kiss, tongues lapping everywhere until every drop was gone. Tom reached down to retrieve the lost drops that glazed Chris' cock, bringing his finger up to Chris' mouth and sliding it in. They settled down, both nestling their heads against Chris' shoulders, soaking in the warmth of the sun and each other for a few minutes.

"Okay..." Tom smiled a bit at the feeling of Chris' chest rumbling beneath his cheek. "...you two had a snack, but I'm hungry. Whose turn is it to make lunch today?" He laughed as both Seb and Tom shook their heads, their eyes still closed. "Um, I'm serious."

"It's Tom's turn. Unless he's worn out."

Tom pulled himself upright, glaring at the two older studs. "Fuck you. I'm not worn out."

"Maybe later." The words came out of Chris' and Seb's mouths at the same time. Tom looked back and forth before erupting into a fit of laughter, rolling off of the lounger and onto the deck where he began giggling. Picking himself up, he picked up one of the speedos and made his way, bare-assed, down the steps, the sound of his laughter disappearing into the kitchen.

Chris and Seb looked at each other, silent for a moment.

"Did you giggle like that when you were that age?"

Seb's eyebrows came closer, knitting together as he tried to look serious and dapper...despite the fact that he was laying naked across Chris' body. "I...don't giggle."

"You...`I don't giggle.' Bullshit."

Seb blinked, eyes wide and innocent. "I don't. I do not giggle. Hey!" One of Chris' arms held him in place while thick fingers danced along his rib cage. Sharp barks of laughter rang out, which quickly descended into giggles. "Oh look, I don't giggle. What's that?" Chris' fingers redoubled their assault, with Seb working to wiggle away. He finally succeeded in breaking free from Chris' hold, still smiling as he brought the other lounger closer and sat down.

"I'll go see if he wants help making lunch."

"Um, I would like to eat today." Chris grinned as Seb looked over, confused. "If you go down there and `help' him, we'll be lucky to eat before sunset." Chris chuckled as Seb glared at him. "Well, okay. YOU might eat...something...but it won't be lunch and I'll still be up here starving, wasting away."

"I hate you. So much." Seb watched as Chris simply grabbed his glasses. Instead of the usual retort, he just lay there, smirking. "I said I hate you."

"I know." He watched as his friend's head tilted, wondering what game or joke Chris was up to. "You're cute."

"I'm a little too old for cute'." Seb lifted his head up, as if posing. "I'll take handsome' though. What?" Chris was just looking at him, with the same mysterious grin.


"No, what are you up to."

"Me? I'M up to nothing. You, on the other hand..." His grin broadened into a big warm smile. "You're cute when you're..." Chris cut his sentence off.

"When I'm what."

Chris' opened his mouth slightly, then closed it before opening it to speak again. "You're cute when you're angry." He watched as Seb stared at him, swearing he could see the gears turning as Seb tried to figure out what was going on in Chris' mind. Instead of responding, he found his own glasses and settled down into the lounger. "Thought you were going to go help Skippy in the kitchen."

"He's pretty capable."

"Uh huh."


Chris bit the inside of his lip, shaking his head slightly as he grinned again. "Nothing."

Tom reappeared soon, balancing a tray of food. After setting the dishes on the table, he looked over at the two nude hunks, watching as they lazily pulled themselves up and sauntered over. They took their time, feeling extremely relaxed from the view of the ocean and their morning frolicking. Chris' suggestion of jumping back in the water was turned down in favor of just laying out and relaxing. Seb smirked as Tom picked up the sunscreen lotion and slathered it over the taller man's still-nude body, appearing to be very thorough in his application. He returned the favor, making sure that every inch and fold of Tom's skin was protected.

"You want to take care of goofball, or should I?"

Tom opened his mouth, eager to get his hands all over Evans again...and then closed it as an idea popped into his mind. He grinned, settling down onto his lounger. "He's your problem today."

"You hear that, Evans? You're a problem."

"Whatever. Skippy didn't seem to have any problems earlier." Chris emphasized his comment by grabbing his crotch, only earning a shrug from Tom. He turned back to look at Seb, who was rubbing lotion onto his palms. "Alright buddy, I'm all yours."

"Oh, lucky me."

"Uh huh." Chris spread his legs and put his hands behind his head. Seb worked up from Chris' feet to his hips, getting the lotion over the front and back of his legs. Getting more sunscreen, he started at the shoulders and worked down, reaching under to get Chris' back. Reaching the hips again, the only spot that was still uncovered was Chris' rear.

"Lift up." As Chris complied, Seb reached under and placed his palms on Chris' rump, kneading the muscles to make sure they were covered as well. With Chris' crotch raised a few inches into the air, it was now closer to his face. Smirking, he reached out and licked the tip of the thick cock with his tongue.

"Hey, don't start something you can't finish." The taunt was returned with a raised eyebrow as Seb opened his mouth and took in Chris' meat. It wasn't soft for long, quickly growing and hardening as he sucked softly. Chris lowered his hips back down, running one hand back and forth over Seb's head as it bobbed up and down. Several feet away, Tom watched, slowly jerking his own stiff member.

Seb paid more attention to the head, sucking and swiveling, occasionally sinking to take Chris down to the root. After several minutes, he pulled off, a thin string of spit shining as it hung, connecting Chris' cock to his bottom lip. "Wait - where are you doing?"

Seb hopped away, returning to his lounger. "Couldn't finish. Tastes off - your beef doesn't pair well with the chicken Tom made for lunch."

"Doesn't...what?" Chris stared at Seb - this was a new level of teasing which he would appreciate more if it didn't threaten to leave him with blue balls. "Are you serious?"

"Yeah. How often do you see beef and chicken served together?"

"I...ughhhhh." He began to reach down to jerk himself off and then stopped, returning his hands back behind his head. `I'm not giving him the satisfaction of making me take care of it myself,' he thought. Pretending to be completely chill, Chris reclined in his chair, focusing on laying out under the sun.

Tom looked back and forth, biting back laughter. He lifted himself up, making his way to the stairs. "Getting a beer - do you two want anything?"

"See - Someone is helpful around here. Yes, thank you, Tom." He pretended not to notice Tom's lips press together, the slim shoulders jostling with silent laughter.

"Yes, please." Tom gave Seb a thumbs up and disappeared, both men staring as the perky butt bounced with each step until he was out of view.

When he reappeared, Tom came over and handed Chris his beer, popping the tab to open the can first. Making his way to Seb, he did the same, holding out the opened can. Instead of reaching for it, Seb's lips curled into a grin before opening up, waiting. Tom got the hint and brought the can down to Seb's mouth, tilting it slightly, watching as the scruffy neck worked to swallow.

"More?" A silent nod, with another devilish grin. Tom swung one leg over Seb's waist and settled down, sitting on Seb's lap as he tilted the can once again. Some of the liquid escaped, trailing over Seb's chin, down his neck, a thin clear line snaking down his chest. "More?" Seb parted his lips again, with Tom once more serving him the beer.

"Damn. Someone's well trained." Tom stuck out a middle finger with his left hand, a small giggle escaping as he leaned down and pressed his lips to Seb's. The taste was salt, beer, sun, and sexiness. His right hand lowered, feeling for the small table nearby, resting the can down. Both hands moved to hold Seb's jaw, the kiss deepening. Something began poking up, prompting Tom to shift his weight. Seb's manhood, unencumbered, grew to full length, jutting against Tom's rear. Reaching back, Tom took hold of it and leaned back, impaling himself on the first few inches. His eyes closed with a satisfied sigh as he rose up a bit and then sank back down, taking most of Seb inside himself. Another rise and fall and he felt muscular thighs pressing against his rear. Running his hands up and down Seb's torso, Tom began grinding his hips, smiling as the other man let out a soft moan. The pair rocked their bodies, savoring one another with slow, gentle thrusts.

Tom leaned down, pressing his lips to Seb's for another kiss. A firm squeeze of his butt pulled out a low growl, resulting in another squeeze. Tom's tongue slid against Seb's with more intensity as fingers ran up and down between his cheeks - when they found his hole and played with it, prodding the entrance as Seb's cock slid in and out, he growled again while biting on the other man's lower lip.

"Mmm...you like that?" Fingers teased again as Tom swallowed.

"Yes...mmm...yes sir."

"Sir?" Seb grinned as he pushed firmly, the tips of his index fingers making their way inside as he continued thrusting up. He bit his lip, both in ecstasy and amusement, as Tom's eyes crossed, a loud panting sound rolling out of his throat. Taking the hint, he flicked his wrists and sent another inch of finger in and pulled slightly, gently prying the tight hole open a little further.

"Ohhhh....." Tom opened his eyes, still moaning, as his eyelids darkened. Chris stood there, his broad frame blocking the sun, his meat dangling just an inch away from Tom's open mouth. He leaned forward, trying to take it...and was stopped with a thumb pressing against his forehead.

"You're not one of those `beef doesn't go with chicken' guys are you?"

Tom turned his attention up, a brief flash of annoyance quickly replaced by a look of mischief. "Nope." His head twisted, removing the thumb holding it in place. Freed, he leaned forward and licked around the thick head. "I love beef." His lips wrapped the bulb and then released it with a loud popping sound. "The more beef the better." Holding Chris' gaze, he returned the cock head to his mouth and leaned a little further, gliding his lips down a few inches of his friend's tool. Taking hold of Chris' hand, he lifted it and placed it at the back of his own head as he began to bob up and down. Chris shuffled forward, sinking a few more inches of dick down the tight throat.

Tom began rocking again, his body moving in a slow wave from shoulder to hip, his mouth and ass riding two cocks at once. Happy moans rumbled in his throat again and again, the sound muffled with his mouth stuffed full. Chris' fingers were wrapped tight in his hair, Seb's hands clenching his ass cheeks. The sun on his back, the smell of the ocean, getting fucked from both ends...this was the ultimate vacation. He made a mental note to write a very nice, very sweet, very dirty thank you card to Chris for inviting him along.

Spurts of precum kept hitting his tongue, each one hungrily gulped down, causing the motion of his body to pick up speed a little more.

"You like that?" Tom opened his eyes again, raising one eyebrow in a silent question. Chris caressed the back of his head as he spoke again. "Bunny likes a good spitroast?"

"Mmhmm." The sound was smothered with Tom's jaw stretching wide open to take in Evans' ample manhood. He pulled off, making a wet sloppy sound as he released the thick member. "It's the best."

"Mmm. Why's that? Not that I'm complaining, just curious." Chris sighed as Tom's tongue made circle after circle around the tip of his dick.

"I like..." The tongue drove its way down, lapping at Chris' balls. "...having both of you in me..." The tongue slid back up, tracing its way along the veins lacing the shaft. "...at once..." Lips suckled at the ridge where Evans' cockhead met his shaft. "...is..." Another suck on the head, finished with a loud pop. "...amazing. I love it."

"Mmmmm..." Chris trailed off, pulling down on Tom's head as he pushed forward, impaling the throat once more. His own head rolled back, his pecs rising and falling with large breaths as he enjoyed Tom's oral skills. Thick fingers ran through brown wavy locks, tracing down the jaw, and brushing back against the younger man's cheek, expressing both satisfaction and encouragement.

Pulling back a foot, Chris bent down, tilting Tom's face up for a long kiss. His lips kept going, placing long smooches along Tom's chin, cheeks, and then his ear. Evans stepped to his right, continuing to use his tongue to caress Tom's ear and now his neck. His hands took hold of Tom's shoulder blades and began gently massaging them, his mouth journeying down the back of Tom's neck. Down the palms went, kneading along the way, his lips paying attention to the muscles of Tom's back, beard brushing and tickling his skin. When his mouth found the area right above Tom's cleft, he sucked on it, earning a moan. Another long kiss in the same spot caused Tom to arch his back, shivers running up his spine.

He expected Chris' mouth to keep moving, wondering if he was going to get rimmed and fucked at the same time. Instead, he felt something warm and wet hit the crack of his ass and realized that Chris was spitting on his hole. The liquid provided extra lubrication, allowing Seb's cock to glide in and out more easily. Another batch of spit hit the same spot, and then another. Friction gave way as the rod buried inside moved back and forth with less effort.

Something else hit his hole next - rough instead of wet. Evans' lips were back on the small of his back, hands splayed out to squeeze the bubble butt, his thumbs meeting in the middle. The tips of the thick rough digits traced the skin right where Seb's cock met Tom's hole, teasing it. Then one slid inside, wiggling to massage both Seb's shaft and the inner ring of Tom's hole. Tom sucked in a sharp breath as his toes curled - the extra stretch and rubbing caused his breath to come out in spurts, his hands digging into Seb's chest.

The other thumb followed, both now inside but on opposite sides of Seb's cock which continued to piston up and down. A long groan rolled out of Tom's mouth, growing deeper as the thumbs pushed inward. They began sliding back and forth, in opposing directions from Seb's cock - as it pulled out, Chris pushed his thumbs in. He pressed outward, feeling the tight hot inside of Tom's tunnel, which squeezed around his digits as he began stretching the hole open. His lips pressed against Tom's lower back as he spoke. "How's that feel?"

"Good. Really...oh god...good."

Chris lifted himself up, his thumbs staying inside - the movement caused them to pull a little further apart, getting another moan. "You said something..." His teeth nibbled at Tom's earlobe. "...about..." His mouth moved down, sucking lightly at the nape of Tom's neck. "...having both of us..." Tom felt something large slide press against his rear, lined up between the two thumbs. "...at once." Chris pulled his thumbs back as his hips nudged forward, the tip of his cock finding purchase inside of Tom's ring. "How's this feel?" He nudged again, the head gently pressing inside.

Tom's eyes and mouth both went wide, one hand clenched at Seb's shoulder while the other scraped down his chest, causing Seb to growl. Chris pushed in a little further - one inch caused Tom to whimper...two and his eyes were fluttering. Evans rocked back and forth. By the fourth inch, Tom's chest was heaving as his body struggled to open up.

"You okay?" He glanced down to find Seb staring at him, forehead furrowed and lips pressed together with concern.

"I'm...oooohhh...I'm...yeah. I've just never...oh god." His head dropped down, rolling loosely as two more inches sank inside. His mind brought up the image of Chris' cock, detailing the length and girth, realizing that all that was going in, along with Seb's well-endowed piece of meat. "Oh fuuuuck."

"You sure?" The back of Seb's fingers brushed against Tom's cheek.

Tom grasped the wrist and pulled, bringing the hand down. His mouth latched onto Seb's index and middle finger, sucking hard. He sucked again, nodding as a muffled "uh huh" sound came out around Seb's knuckles. Seb groaned as Tom sucked again and again, using the two digits as a distraction from the intense stretching his ass was experiencing. Chris had finally made it all the way in and was now gently sliding back and forth. It felt like Tom's guts were being sucked out and pushed back in, all in slow motion.

At last, the burning not-quite-pain of being stretched so wide diminished. It turned into a heat that radiated outward from his hole, waves of pleasure rolling through his body with every rocking of Chris' hips.

"Frrk mrr." Seb blinked, trying to make out Tom's words, his mouth crammed full as he kept sucking. Fuck, his jaw was so strong...Seb felt like he might pull his hand away with parts of it missing.

"Huh?" Tom wouldn't release him from between his lips. Instead, his palm pushed against Seb's chest as Tom nudged his hips back in the slightest movement, as much as he dared to move while stuffed with two cocks. Seb got the message and pushed his butt down against the chair, his pole dragging down about an inch. Tom groaned, sucking hard again, his grip tightening around Seb's wrist. "Want me to stop?" Tom shook his head no, so Seb pushed back up. Another groan. "Want me to keep going?" Tom's eyes snapped open, staring intensely into Seb's blue eyes as he nodded, just a little at first but then with more vigor. Seb rolled his hips, his free hand petting Tom's chest.

"If it's too much, you let us know." Chris' beard tickled Tom's neck as he spoke. "Understood?" Tom nodded again. The two men went to work, their cocks working at a rhythm - sometimes moving in and out together, at other times going in opposite directions. The whole time, Tom moaned, groaned, and whimpered, working to keep his body relaxed as the most intense pleasure of his life wracked his guts.

"Tom. Tom...ow." Seb's arm flexed, working to release his hand from the iron grip of Tom's mouth. "Motănel, fuck, I need my hand back while...ohhh...while it's still in one piece." The lips came apart just slightly, enough to free Seb's fingers. He flexed them, regaining feeling, moving down to hold Tom's hips.

"Uh...uhhhh...ohhhhh....fuuuuuuck...uhhhh." Tom's head rolled back, eyes squeezed tight, the double-fucking knocking nonsense sounds out of his throat. "C...C...Chrrrrrisssss..."

The tall stud had one hand on Tom's hip and the other on his shoulder as he thrust forward. "What is it, bunny?" He felt Tom's hand clawing at his own and realized what the kid wanted. He slid his palm up, over Tom's neck and chin, fingers prodding at his lip. "That what you need?" He gasped as Tom's head tilted forward, quickly enveloping three of the thick fingers with his lips. Chris wrapped his thumb and pinky around Tom's jaw, gripping it as he began thrusting hard. "You good?" A big head shake up and down as Tom moaned something unintelligible around his digits. Chris began pummeling Tom's ass, slowly but surely, testing where the twink's limits were.

Seb watched as Tom's eyes went hazy, glazed over with lust, as his shoulders shook. Tom's hands dug harder against Seb's chest...and then the ring wrapped around their two cocks tightened down as Tom's body gave way to the overstimulation.

Tom's vision went white, every nerve in his body seeming to fire at once. His rock hard cock throbbed as cum shot out, again and again, the two cocks seeming to push more and more cum out of his balls. A giant puddle covered Seb's belly as Tom slumped forward, going limp. His chest heaved against Seb's trying to catch his breath. At that moment, Tom couldn't have told anyone his own name if he tried - his mind was wrecked. Instinctively, he sought comfort as he nestled his face against Seb's neck, moaning while his hands clutched at Seb's sides, right below his arms, the feeling of Seb's heartbeat and breathing hitting his palms and somehow grounding him.

Chris put his palm down against the small of Tom's back and began pounding. Between the tight confines of Tom's rear, the feeling of Seb's hard dick next to his own, and the vibrations of Tom's orgasm squeezing his cock...he got a half dozen pumps in before ramming all the way forward, his dick firing deep inside. "Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh."

Seb moaned, feeling Chris' rod going off right next to his - he could feel it throbbing so damn hard, along with the sensation of cum splashing against his own pole.

"Fuuuuuuuck. Fuck Fuuuuck." Chris pulled out and took one stumbling step backward, catching his balance and lowering himself to sit down on the deck, feeling dizzy. "Daaaamn." His torso was a sweaty mess, chest hair matted down against his skin.

He watched as the two other men lay still. Tom murmured something that he couldn't make out from this distance. Whatever it was, Seb slowly began pushing his hips up again, resuming his fucking of Tom's hole.

"Seb...don't stop. Please." Seb barely heard the words, whispered against his neck, fingertips curling against his ribs as he rocked his hips. "More..." Something else that was too mumbled to make sense, but turned into a gentle cooing noise as Seb picked up speed. "So good... Seb...Seb..." One of his hands slid up, cradling the back of Tom's head. The other slid down, grabbing a handful of ass and using it to hold the hungry twink in place as Seb began thrusting in and out harder and harder. Tom kept saying Seb's name over and over, along with gibberish that would probably make more sense if Tom's brain was working with all cylinders, his mouth not pressed up against Seb's neck. Seb began muttering himself, slipping into Romanian as he went into autopilot.

"Iubi..." He blinked, working to switch back to English. "Tom...I'm...I'm getting..."

"Don't...mmmmmmmm...don't stop...Seb, don't..."

"You want...?"

"Need it. Need your..." Tom's words were cut off as Seb cried out loudly, nearly a yell, as he began unloading in Tom's guts. The sound suddenly went quieter as his mouth latched onto Tom's shoulder, teeth bared as he muffled his cry of pleasure. He felt Tom's toes curl against his legs, digging into the muscle as Tom's ass flexed around his pulsing pole, milking him for every drop of seed. He finally pulled away, head landing hard against the lounge chair, breathing heavily. He stayed inside, not in a rush to more or go anywhere, until his cock softened and slid out of Tom's rear on its own.

Tom's body weight suddenly disappeared. Opening his eyes, Seb saw Chris lift the small man up and away. Making his way over to a spot in the shade under the deck awning, Chris lowered Tom down onto a makeshift bed made out of a couple of blankets, a few towels turned into pillows. Returning, he held out a hand and helped Seb up to his feet.

"Nap time. But not downstairs...not without a shower." He sniffed at Seb as they crossed the deck. "You stink."

"Yeah, and you smell like flowers right now."

Chris lifted his arm and took a whiff. "Um, some kind of flower. Don't want to know what kind." The pair chuckled. Arriving at the blankets, Seb lowered himself down.

"This is...sweet." Curling up against Tom's body, he rubbed his head against the towel, getting comfortable.

"I have my moments."

"You do." Seb grinned. Chris tilted his head, smiling at the honest compliment.

"Well, look at you, being nice. We'll have to bring Tom on more vacations." He didn't get a response and figured Seb had dozed off. He curled up on the other side of their guest, looking down and tracing the deep teeth marks in the pale shoulder. "We'll have to talk about you marking your prey though. Not cute."

"Not my prey." Seb mumbled, slumber overtaking his mind.

"I mean, it's kinda cute. But damn."

"I hate..." Seb yawned. "...you, Evans."

Chris watched his friend drift off, his arm draped over Tom's waist, hand curled up against the smooth chest. Evans' own hand rested against Tom's lower back, absentmindedly rubbing the tips of his fingers over the smooth skin. Watching Seb sleep, he looked over at Tom, those puffy cheeks stretching a little with an exhausted smile. Glancing back down at his friend's shoulder, he shook his head, closing his eyes and smiling, a warm peaceful feeling of contentment filling his chest as Chris gave way to sleep as well.


This chapter is ending with a nap, so Day Five of the guys' vacation will resume with the next chapter.

Thanks for reading. If you enjoyed the story, have feedback or want to share ideas, would love to hear from you. red.cheshire.writer@gmail.com

Follow me on Instagram @redcheshire

Website: bit.ly/red_cheshire

If you're interested in other stories I've written:

"Suckered by a Jonas Brother" (sexual adventures of Nick & Joe Jonas) https://www.nifty.org/nifty/gay/celebrity/suckered-by-a-jonas-brother/

"More Than Once Upon A Time" series (series based on the "Once Upon A Time" television series) http://www.nifty.org/nifty/gay/celebrity/more-than-once-upon-a-time/

"On The Set of Neighbors" (Zac Efron & Dave Franco have fun - based on the 2014 films "Neighbors" and "Neighbors 2") http://www.nifty.org/nifty/gay/celebrity/on-the-set-of-neighbors

"Exploring Kirk's Frontiers" (based on the 2009 "Star Trek" universe) https://www.nifty.org/nifty/gay/celebrity/exploring-kirks-frontiers

"The College Bet" http://www.nifty.org/nifty/gay/college/the-college-bet

[a]Is Chris still naked here? I kind of feel like that should be explicit.

[b]No - that's another wardrobe malfunction, lol. He'll be pulling on a pair of shorts on his way out the door to the kitchen. And Seb & Tom will be tugging on shorts/briefs as they come up the stairs for breakfast.

Next: Chapter 13

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