Holland Far from Bone

By Patrick Thomas

Published on Jul 11, 2019


This is a fictional story in which sexual activity between consenting adult males is depicted; it is no way based on true events or the sexuality of any of the persons mentioned. If you are underage or it is otherwise illegal to read this story where you live, please stop reading now.

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---------------------------------------------------------- Holland Far From Bone - 01 - Tom & Jake Rehearse ----------------------------------------------------------

"Hey Jake - are you ready?"

Tom Holland stepped through the door separating his room with Jake Gyllenhaal's; the two had adjoining rooms at the hotel while filming the latest Spider-Man movie. With their bromance that had developed, they kept the room unlocked since they were always hanging out in one another's rooms anyway. After wrapping filming for the day, they had discussed the idea of rehearsing a couple of tomorrow's scenes before ordering dinner and finding a video game to play. Upon returning to the hotel, Tom had grabbed a quick shower, tossed on some clothes, and headed over to Jake's room.

Music was blaring away; looking towards the source, Tom froze as Jake walked into the living room area from the bedroom. His head and face were covered by a towel as he dried his hair and beard...and otherwise the rest of his body was completely uncovered, his skin still glistening with water from the shower he had just emerged from. Tom just stared at the sight of Jake's muscled form, his cock swinging between his legs, bouncing off of a pair of large balls. Finished drying his head, Jake moved the towel and finally saw Tom. "Oh shit!". Grabbing the towel with both hands, he thrust it down, covering his crotch.

"I... fuck, I'm sorry...I thought we were going to...". Tom's word trailed off with embarrassment as his face shifted to a bright red color.

"Rehearse...". Jake laughed, trying to ease the tension. Tom gulped, trying not to stare at Jake's body. "Sorry, I lost track of time. Let me go toss on some clothes - be right back.". Wrapping the towel around his waist, Jake returned to the bedroom, swinging the door mostly closed.

"Sorry!" Tom called out again, his voice still full of embarrassment and surprise.

Laughter rang out from the bedroom in response. "Don't worry about it!"

Sitting down on the couch, Tom pressed his hand flat against his forehead, still feeling embarrassed. Moments later, Jake reappeared. Seemingly in a hurry, he'd just tossed on a pair of cotton lounge shorts; his skin was still shining with the moisture of the shower, causing the material to cling to his legs just perfectly. Tom gulped again, wondering how he was going to make it through this rehearsal session. "Something to drink?"


Returning with a couple of beers, Jake stopped at a small desk and picked up copies of the script, setting everything down onto the coffee table. He tilted his beer bottle at the stack of pages, which had small tabs sticking out. "I marked the parts that we're supposed to film tomorrow morning.".

Tom took a swig and opened up the booklet. "Might as well go with the order of shooting tomorrow?". Nodding in agreement, Jake picked up his copy and they relaxed on the couch, reading over the scene and its lines. It called for a conversation between their characters, interrupted by a disaster unfolding nearby; Tom's character wanted to lunge towards the action but Jake's character held him back, apparently out of concern. The director was still trying to decide if he'd want it in the final cut but wanted to have it filmed, just in case. Tom was thankful that he was already familiar with the scene's lines because his eyes kept darting up, taking in the sight of Jake's body reclined in the corner of the couch.

"You ready buddy?" Tom looked up to see Jake smiling at him, waiting.

"Yeah, sure. The usual?" With Jake's nod, Tom bounced up off of the couch and helped clear the living room area, pushing the coffee table over against a wall while Jake moved a chair, creating an open space for the pair to move around.

"Alright, we'll put the danger over there..." Jake pointed towards the room's window "...this can be the railing and walkway." He dropped a book to mark the location of the imaginary railing.

Stepping over a few feet, Tom swung his hand through the air. "The walkway probably wouldn't be that large...so the wall would be about here?"

The duo ran through the scene's lines. "KABOOM!" Jake uttered the noise with gusto, pretending that there was a large explosion in the distance. Tom's head whipped towards the window, followed by a leap in that direction, ready to spring into action. Suddenly, he was yanked backwards, an arm wrapping around his chest. In the moment, all he could focus on was the feeling of Jake's muscular arm against his torso and the heat of the other man pressed against Tom's backside. "We have to..."


A chuckle rumbled out of the broad chest behind him as Jake's hand reached up, ruffling Tom's hair. "Your next line begins with 'We have to'...Spidey wants to head out to save the day." Tom stepped back to his original place.

"Sorry, forgot. Once more from the top?"

They ran through the scene a couple more times, making it through their lines with success. Each time, Jake tried a different holding maneuver, trying to figure out one that made the most sense. On take three, Jake had his hand on Tom's shoulder to pull him back with his other arm wrapped around his midsection to hold him in place. The move made sense...but the unintended effect was that their bodies were pressed together pretty tightly. With Jake only wearing thin cotton shorts and Tom in thin gym shirt and shorts...he could feel the contours of Jake's body from chest to groin. A gulp delayed his line, extending the contact for a moment. When Jake spun him around for the remainder of the scene's lines, he muddled his way through, his mind still focused on the feel of Jake's torso and groin while resisting the urge to look down from Jake's eyes.

"You okay?" They'd rehearsed the scene once more, Tom stumbling through both the words and action a little.

Tom exhaled, trying to think of an excuse. "I'm good."

"You sure - you seemed a little distracted on the last couple of run-throughs..."

His mind raced, trying to figure out a response. 'The best lie has a bit of truth to it.' Tom thought to himself. "I uh...yeah, a bit. I...it's gonna sound stupid."

A grin stretched from the corner of Jake's mouth. "Like that's not normal for the two of us."

Chuckling, Tom felt a little bolder and tested the waters with his misdirection. "I uh...well, I'm a bit jealous."

Jake's eyebrow went up, both curious and a little confused. "Jealous?"

"Yeah...I...it's not fair. I've been hitting the gym like crazy this year..." Scratching his head, Tom trailed his words off, rambling a little to give the appearance that he was reluctant to speak. "Lifting weights and training...and I'm nowhere near that." He stretched his hand out, gesturing at Jake's torso.

"Nowhere near what?"

"Dude, you're big. Chest and arms. And I know you don't work out as much. It's not fair."

Jake's laughter filled the room. "That's what you're worried about? Kiddo, you're still growing. I was about the same at your age - slim build, had a hard time gaining. Give yourself a couple more years and you'll start broadening out, shoulders and chest...then you'll see more of a difference. Besides, you've definitely made improvements in just the past couple of months, let alone the last year." He knew that being called 'kiddo' might get a rise out of his friend.

Tom's mind worked on the last part of Jake's comment; they'd been hanging out for months...but why would his friend know what he looked like a year ago?

"That's all you were worked up about?" A hand on his hip and a raised eyebrow indicated that Jake didn't completely buy Tom's story.

"Well..." his ears lit up red in embarrassment.

Closing the space between them, Jake took hold of Tom's shoulder to look him in the eyes. "Kiddo...buddy...nothing you say is going to make me think you're goofier than I already do." He ruffled Tom's hair before resting his hand back on Tom's shoulder.

The younger guy gave a mock glare and stuck out his tongue before proceeding. "I kinda wish I had some chest hair." His volume was low, the words barely audible.


"I...I'm like completely smooth." Tom's palm ran over his own chest, highlighting his point before turning his wrist so that his hand pointed towards Jake. "And I kinda wonder what it'd be like... It looks more... I dunno, manly?"

"I mean...I guess. It's can be a pain in the ass with acting though." Jake noticed Tom's confusion. "You get the hair & make-up person in some jobs where they're all 'do we shave his chest?' or 'do we shave part of it?' and they're all, ya know..." His hands moved towards his own chest, circling above it to illustrate. "...trying to figure out a design, which sounds weird. This one time they shaved my chest but the style person was adamant about leaving this." His hand waved over his stomach. "So you don't have to worry about that. And it's faster for you to dry off." He winked and patted Tom on the chest, cutting the nervous energy in the room. "Besides...that might come with time too. Be patient, padawan. Want to try another run through?"

"Yeah, sure."

The pair got back in their original positions. "KABOOM!" Both guys yelled out the noise at once, starting the scene. Jake revisited the earlier hold, with his hand on Tom's shoulder and his arm around his waist, figuring that it accomplished the movement best. Tom missed the beat of his line and was opening mouth to utter it when Jake happened to speak instead. "Well, now it's just awkward." Both of them laughed, the movement causing Jake's pecs to press further into Tom's back...not that he was complaining. "Hey, I have an idea... Do you trust me?"

"Okay." Jake's hands dropped to Tom's waist and curled under the fabric of his shirt and began rising, lifting the material.

"What're you...?"

"Trust me." Jake quietly spoke against Tom's ear. His hands continued their ascent, pulling Tom's shirt up and off, dropping it on the floor next to them. "I think this will give you an idea of what chest hair feels like." One hand rested against Tom's chest, the other back on his hip where he pulled Tom closer, Jake's chest pushing up against the other man's back.

"Oh...I get it now." Tom inhaled as Jake twisted his own torso a little, his pecs lightly grinding against Tom's shoulder blades. The dusting of hair tickled against his back; Jake's movements had the unintended side effect of softly digging Jake's hips against the flesh of Tom's rear. Tom took a deep breath - his friend's meat was soft but he could still feel it wedged in between the globes of his ass, causing his own pulse to quicken.

"Have a notion of what chest hair feels like now?"

"Um...kinda?" Tom chuckled as he wiggled his own back against Jake, moving everything from his shoulders down to his hips. "It lets me know what chest hair feels like". His chuckle became a laugh as Jake let out an exasperated sigh and pulled away, smacking Tom on the shoulder.

"Okay then..." Jake used his grip to spin Tom around; once they were facing each other, he moved forward again. His hand at Tom's hip moved around to the small of his back and tugged forward, pressing their bodies together once more. Now that they were face to face, Jake leaned forward, taking a deep breath so that his chest swelled against Tom's own. "How about that?"

Tom swallowed, every inch of his body very aware of the contact being made with his friend's. Jake's face was next to his so that their chests could be pushed together...but in this stance, their groins and legs were also touching and he was very cognizant of Jake's hands - one against his lower back and the other on his hip. Following Jake's lead from earlier, he slowly shifted his upper body left to right. The hairs along Jake's torso bristled as they moved along his own smooth skin. He continued rocking back and forth, taking in the sensations playing along his body. The two friends often taunted and dared each other, but this was a new level for the pair. "That uh..." Tom looked up at Jake before looking back down at their torsos. "...feels like...chest hair."

"Well there you go then."

Tom pushed up a little with his toes so that his body rose, until his chest was more-even with the taller man. He shifted back and forth again before dropping back down.

"What it...?" The words came out of his mouth before he'd really thought about them, causing Tom to bite the sentence off.

"What's it what?"

He realized that Jake probably wasn't going to let him get off of the hook easily, so Tom decided to go ahead with the rest of his question. "What it...feel like to um...like run your...fingers through it?" Having gotten the words out, he blurted out his next thought. "I know, that's stupid."

Jake pulled back so that he could look at Tom. "Kiddo, you're not stupid." He smiled as Tom's features screwed slightly with feigned annoyance, the old routine they'd been playing for some time now. Taking both of Tom's hands, Jake placed them flat against his chest before resting his own hands on Tom's hips, his fingers reaching around to his friend's lower back, Jake leaned back a couple of inches further to provide some space to move around. "Want to find out?"

Blinking in surprise, Tom didn't move for a moment. Cautiously, as if he weren't sure if Jake were joking or not, he slowly moved the tips of his fingers. The feel of the short curly hairs bristled under his own skin, stoking his curiosity. Gradually his movements became larger, until his hands were slowly roaming over Jake's chest muscles, exploring the hairs covering both pecs. His index finger spread out further from the rest of his hand and traced down the center of Jake's chest, right between the two pectoral mounds where the hair was a little denser. The motion elicited a gulp from Jake, who began feeling a stirring in his groin. Tom was lost in a world of his own, not really noticing his own manhood begin to swell slightly; his left hand was gently circling around Jake's chest, palm flat against the skin. Meanwhile, his right hand was moving up and down, running through the thicker patch of hair in the center, from the top of Jake's chest to a couple of inches below his pecs. His reverie was broken when he felt Jake's fingers flex involuntarily, softly digging into the top of Tom's ass. He could feel Jake's half-hard cock pressing against his own crotch. Smirking just a little, he looked up to meet Jake's eyes again. "Is that your usual reaction when you rub your chest?" Tom pressed his finger a little more firmly as he ran it up the center of Jake's chest; at the same time, he wiggled his hips slightly to make his meaning more clear.

"When I rub my chest? No. But when someone cute does it...yeah, maybe." Jake's fingers moved in small circles against the skin of Tom's lower back, his bottom two fingers bumping against the waistband of Tom's shorts.

"Ohh...you think I'm cute?" Tom grinned, a mixture of amusement and teasing.

"A little."

Tom wrinkled his nose at Jake in annoyance again, causing the other man to chuckle. He pushed his hips forward just a little. "Well, someone thinks you're more than a little cute..." Jake leaned in until his lips met Tom's, brushing them lightly. Tom pushed forward, his tongue reaching out to lick the edge of Jake's upper lip as his hand, trapped between their bodies, dug into the skin of Jake's chest.

To Be Continued...

Thanks for reading. If you enjoyed the story, have feedback, or want to share ideas, it would be great to hear from you. red.cheshire@yahoo.com

If you're interested in other stories I've written:

"Suckered by a Jonas Brother" (sexual adventures of Nick & Joe Jonas)


"More Than Once Upon A Time" series (series based on the "Once Upon A Time" television series)


"On The Set of Neighbors" (Zac Efron & Dave Franco have fun - based on the 2014 films "Neighbors" and "Neighbors 2")


"Exploring Kirk's Frontiers" (based on the 2009 "Star Trek" universe)


"The College Bet"


Next: Chapter 2

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