Holiday Self Pleasure

By Jerry Coole

Published on Feb 20, 2010



I reached 36 this year, and as I started masturbating when I was 12 I've now spent two thirds of my life giving self pleasure. Actually that's not completely true. Because, although I didn't have a real wank until shortly after my twelth birthday, I still got a lot of pleasure just playing with myself. Fiddling with my cock, making it hard, rolling the foreskin on and off. I just loved having my hand down my pants, and I remember being reprimanded for it by my mum. That, of course led to to being more discreet about it. I always liked the smell it left on my hand as well - still do.

Discovering masturbation aged 12 was amazing and also scary. The most scary was cumming for the first time. It just seemed to run out of my dick with me having no control. The second time of course the tissues were to hand. Those days, of course were full of quickies. In my teens I wanked at least four times a day and often more. These days, the sessions are longer where possible, often alone but also with others. In both cases, though, I like to be in charge of wanking my own dick so I can maximise pleasure.

There's something exciting about masturbating somewhere you shouldn't! I suppose it's the risk of being seen or caught and a bit of exhibitionism in me as well. Holidays in the sun are always a good time for some great outdoor pleasuring and my recent holiday was no exception. The appartment we stayed in was about 50 metres from the beach. We picked the fairly quiet location with the clothing optional beach nearby deliberately. Being naked outdoors is, in itself, a great natural pleasure, and something we try and do a lot of in the Summer.

It was 7.00 am when I got up and tipoed, naked, onto the balcony. A wonderful sunny day was in the making. I grabbed a towel and climbed over the balcony and into the field which was only a couple of feet below. No one was a round, but I had the towel just in case. I crossed the lane and walked down to the beach. It felt good being outdoors like this in the growing warmth of the morning. Much of the beach was still in the shade with just a few pools of sunlight at the edge of the sea. The beach, at first seemed deserted, but then I noticed almost at the far end two people who appeared to be laid on towels. They picked a spot in the surrounding trees where the sun was just poking through. I was immediately hesitant and walked tentatively towards the sea with my towel held over the side of me that they would see. But then, I realised, as my eyes adjusted to the glare that they too were enjoying the same natural pleasure as me!

I walked down to the shore and sat just far enough back to stop the sea lapping over me. I sat with my knees bent and started to play with my cock. I massaged some of the damp shore sand into it and around my balls. I started to feel excited and my dick hardened. I put more sand down my foreskin pulling it over my purple head, a big bulge of skin. And then I started. It felt so good openly masturbating on the sea shore. I started slow, but soon began to speed up. I can never control myself once I get going, sliding my hand up and down, almost a blur. I slowed a couple of times to make it last but it was less than five minutes before a good wad of jizz spunked out and landed on the sand in front of me. Relaxation overtook me and I lay there for a few minutes. Then, checking my cum had all soaked in, I headed into the sea. The coolness was wonderfully refreshing, and a great way to conclude my morning activities.

Over the course of the holiday, became more daring. On one morning, by the time I arrived at the beach I already had an erection and I strolled along the shore line masturbating. When I reached the far end I leaned against a rock and continued to stroke until I had a wonderful orgasm and spewed my cum all over the sand. As I did so I noticed a couple in the distance walking towards me. I wondered whether they'd seen me, and hoped they had!

The final occasion of note on that holiday was on a pedalo my friend and I hired. We hired the pedalo from another beach in the next cove so we had to keep our trunks on to start with. Once we'd pedalled out and round the rocks I stripped mine off and my friend soon followed. He's the shy type so I was pleased he was willing to bare all like me. However, he had one of his embarassed looks when I started masturbating. We weren't exactly a couple but we'd been friends a long time and he'd got used to me playing with my cock at any opportunity. He did masturbate with my sometimes, but only in the privacy of a bedroom. I then let my friend do the pedalling while I concentrated on my dick. The sides of the boat just about hid my actions from the eyes of the many others in similar boats. My friend had now deliberately started to pedal us further out which suited me. Once we were a reasonable distance away from others I pulled my self up on to the back of the boat then sat with my legs over the side. I then pumped my cock fast and squirted my cum into the sea.

Great memories!

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