Holiday Job

By Robbie Calverley

Published on Feb 21, 2007


lads-r-us reserves all copyright to this story, and the story or any parts thereof may only be reproduced with my express permission and not reproduced at all on any site which is not free to view. It has been written purely for entertainment and not for profit.

The story takes place where AIDS and other sexually transmitted diseases do not exist so condoms are not used, nor are they necessary, unlike in this wicked world of ours. So when you have casual sex PLEASE make sure you are adequately protected. I don't want to lose any readers!!

This story is escapist fantasy. Anybody looking for reality is advised to look elsewhere, but nothing herein is beyond the realms of possibility, especially in my own imagination.

That said, I hope you enjoy the story and whether you do or not please feel free to contact me at the Email address at the end.


An hour later the two lovers climbed the stairs and went to Warren's room, only to find that Benjy had transferred himself to their bed. The looked at one another, smiled and climbed into bed, one either side of him, draping their hands across the sleeping boy and holding hands.


Sunday morning dawned warm and sunny and Vinnie woke with his normal hard-on and needing to pee urgently. He slipped out of bed and plodded, naked, to the bathroom where he relieved himself, had his morning wash, and cleaned his teeth.

He shuffled back to the bedroom and smiled as he looked down at his lover and his brother spooned together. His cock began to grow hard again but he decided to leave the younger boys in bed. He slipped on the minimum of clothes and went downstairs, where he made coffee and toast. Then he unlocked the back door and went into the garden, where he proceeded with his tidying up.

Warren and Benjy continued to do what teenagers do best - sleep.

A couple of hours later, Warren became aware of Benjy's hard little cock poking in his back and knew that it was only a matter of minutes before his bedmate would have to get up and pee, so he slipped out from under the duvet and drifted off to the bathroom. As he stood relieving himself he felt a pair of arms encircling him from behind and again felt Benjy's cock, this time in his arse crack. It felt so good that Warren decided that today was the day he would lose his anal virginity and he decided there and then that Benjy was definitely the one to do it.

Benjy's right hand slipped from Warren's stomach down to his cock. When he finished peeing, Benjy shook it for him before moving Warren aside and taking his place at the toilet.

As always happens when your cock is hard, it took a little time for the flow to start. During this time, Warren took a good look at Benjy's body and then leaned forward and kissed him lightly on the cheek. The youth's aim strayed a little and sprayed the bottom of the raised toilet seat.

Warren took some toilet paper, cleaned off the spillage, and flushed before joining Benjy who was now at the sink, washing his hands. He took Benjy's hands in his own and shared the soap with him, then they rinsed and dried, cleaned their teeth and returned to bed.

Of course, there was a certain amount of touching and a little kissing but before long, both youths were asleep again.

The next time they woke it was to the smell of cooking. Benjy's stomach rumbled loudly and Warren licked his lips as both boys had missed breakfast and were now ravenous.

They slipped naked down the stairs and found Vinnie at the cooker wearing nothing but a muddy pair of shorts.

"Been playing rugby then?" asked Benjy facetiously.

"Ha, bloody, Ha," replied Vinnie, "while you two layabouts have been in the Land of Nod, I've been earning my bed and board by tidying up the garden."

Warren went to the back boor and looked out at the fairly large garden in amazement. "Good grief, Vinnie, have you done all this by yourself?" he asked when he looked at the immaculate scene.

Vinnie smiled, "Yup, it doesn't take long when you know what you're doing" he replied and transferred the stew pot from the top of the stove to the oven. "Now, boys, I'm going upstairs for a shower. If you want something to eat now you can make yourselves some toast, but dinner will be in about an hour."

Warren made a pot of coffee while Benjy found his way round the toaster. Within a couple of minutes, their hunger had been somewhat satisfied. Warren went to the back door and said, "Coming out to have a look around?"

"What, naked?" said Benjy.

"Of course, naked" said Warren. "Remember, this house is at the bottom of the cul-de-sac and the houses either side are on the slant so to see through the hedge into our garden they'd have to be right up against it. Besides, the Austins on the right are away on holiday and the Morrises on the left are an elderly couple and they usually go to their son's on a Sunday. You probably know their grandson, Anton, he goes to your school."

"What, posh Anton, the music man?" asked Benjy.

"That's him," laughed Warren, "I suppose he is quite well-spoken, and he does play the piano brilliantly."

"So it's OK to go out there naked then?" asked Benjy.

Warren took him by the hand, something he'd been doing a lot over the weekend, and led him out into the immaculate garden. They had a good look around and then took a couple of white plastic sun loungers from the shed and set them up on the grass close to the house and lay relaxing.

Vinnie joined them wearing a clean pair of shorts and carrying a glass of beer, saying, "Hey, boys, what if anyone sees you naked out here?" Warren went through his reasoning again and Vinnie was satisfied enough to remove his shorts and sat on the grass between them. He removed one hand from the icy glass and transferred it to Warren's cock, making him jerk with surprise.

"Evil bastard," Warren said, smiling, and leaned over to kiss his lover as he continued to play with his cock.

As Benjy lay and watched them making out he smiled to himself and felt not the least bit envious. He was so glad that his brother had found this lovely boy and that himself and Warren had become such firm friends in so short a time.

It was soon time for dinner. After pouring himself another beer, Vinnie served up the meal and the three of them ate hungrily while Vinnie opened his third bottle of the day. As the two younger boys cleared the table, Vinnie, after pouring yet another drink, announced that he was going to have a snooze and that the youngsters could load the dishwasher and tidy everything away. He disappeared into the garden where the boys found him ten minutes later, snoring on one of the sun loungers, his glass drained and on the grass beside him.

"Typical of Vinnie when he's had a drink," said Benjy, "he falls asleep and doesn't wake up until the beer works it's way through him. Then he suddenly gets a hard-on and wakes up and dashes to the loo. Not only that, but it makes him fart as well"

Warren thought for a moment and the said, with a wicked smile on his face, "What if he can't get to the loo?"

"What do you mean?" asked Benjy.

"Just a minute," said Warren as he disappeared into the house, reappearing a minute later holding a plastic bag from which he removed some of his mother's pop-socks. "What if he was tied to the lounger, hands and feet, and couldn't get up?" he said.

Warren's wicked smile spread to Benjy's face. "Let's do it," agreed Benjy.

Warren tied Vinnie's feet while Benjy tied his hands to the lounger with the stretchy pop-socks, both boys being very careful not to wake the sleeper.

"It's a shame he's not ticklish," said Warren.

"Who says he isn't?" asked Benjy.

"He told me he wasn't," replied Warren.

"Bullshit!" Said Benjy, "his ribs aren't ticklish, but the soles of his feet are. He was having you on."

"Oh, was he?" said Warren, "right, that settles it. When he wakes up and starts demanding to go to the toilet we'll tickle his feet, then we'll see how long he can go without pissing himself. He can't do any damage, we can hose down the lounger afterwards."

Benjy giggled and hugged Warren; "Brilliant idea, Wonks If he lied to you he deserves his comeuppance."

A few minutes later the boys' attention was attracted by a momentous fart from the lounger as a smile appeared on Vinnie's face. and then a few minutes lat Soon after, the predicted penal growth began. Before long Vinnie's cock was pointing to the sky and he began to stir.

After several grunts and groans he said, "What the fuck ^Å ^Å ^Å ^Å"

The boys grinned at one another and then looked back at Vinnie as he opened his eyes and said, "Oh, come on, boys, what do you think you're doing, come on, I need a pee."

The two conspirators just looked down on him and shook their heads.

"Please, boys, come on, I have to go, it's urgent."

The boys moved to Vinnie's feet and he said, "Thanks boys, quickly please, or I'll piss myself," thinking that the boys were about to untie him. Instead, of course, they began to tickle his feet.

"NO!" he screamed. "No, boys, don't, I'm going to piss." But instead of pissing, he farted, unable to control himself. "Please, stop, please," he pleaded, but to no avail. He tried and tried to pull his feet away from them but they were securely tied. The harder he struggled, the tighter his bonds became. He writhed on the lounger in agony and then a tell-tale trickle appeared from the end of his skyward-pointing cock.

The boys looked at one another and nodded just as the trickle became a stream and then a fountain. Vinnie put forth a valiant effort, thrashing about to try and hit the two boys with his piss stream, but the two lads were barely out of range. "Filthy buggers," Vinnie muttered to himself as the puddle of yellow liquid was quickly absorbed by the thirsty grass, "I'll bloody-well get you for this. Now untie me so I can go and get cleaned up."

But the two boys were conspiring again, and Warren disappeared indoors. He appeared a few minutes later with a couple of duvets which he spread on the ground close to Vinnie's lounger, being careful that they didn't make contact with any of Vinnie's pee.

"What are you doing now?" asked Vinnie, mystified, his cock shrinking fast.

"It's showtime!" proclaimed Benjy theatrically, lying on the duvet. Warren joined him and the two boys began to make out on the ground, their cocks growing harder as their tongues disappeared down each other's throats. Vinnie's jaw dropped and his cock quickly began to harden again. The boys transferred into a `69' position and they greedily engulfed one another's cocks, sucking furiously and enjoying every minute.

Warren eventually took his mouth from Benjy's cock and uttered just the one word, "Ready?" Benjy looked at him then at Vinnie, then back to Warren and nodded.

Warren got up on to his hands and knees and, raising one corner of the duvet produced a bottle of hand cream that he had secreted there. He handed it to Benjy who began to lubricate Warren's arse, looking at Vinnie from time to time, whose mouth was open and whose cock was oozing precum, then he squirted some of the cream on to his cock that was harder than either he or Vinnie had ever seen it before. He looked at Vinnie one last time with raised eyebrows and Vinnie nodded back to him.

"OK, Warren, ready now?" Benjy asked.

"As I'll ever be," replied Warren, and Benjy pressed the head of his cock to Warren's love chute. He pressed hard against him and, without warning and without too much effort the head of his cock slipped inside Warren's welcoming hole. Warren breathed in sharply and moaned a little, but he didn't feel as uncomfortable as he had expected. Warren waited a few seconds, then began to push backwards and felt Benjy's cock begin to slip further inside him. He looked over at his boyfriend, still tied to the lounger and saw that his cock was now dripping precum almost constantly. He knew that he really wanted that cock inside him but that it would have been too big for his first time, whereas he felt so good with Benjy inside him. Benjy, meanwhile, was in a world of his own. He had not expected this to feel so good. He had previously fucked one boy who was rather older and whose arse was pretty loose. He had also fucked a girl on one occasion but had been so put off by her constant moaning and groaning that he had had trouble reaching orgasm.

He would have no such trouble this time. Warren's arse felt like a velvet glove surrounding his iron-hard cock. He knew that it would not be long before he was shooting his load deep inside his brother's lover, his new-found friend.

With a gentle thrust Benjy was buried deep inside Warren to the hilt; he had never felt so good. He remained still for a few seconds and then began to withdraw, only to thrust deep inside time and time again.

To Warren, this was everything that he had hoped and more. To feel part of another boy actually inside his own body was amazing and he knew this was his true preference. He knew from this very moment that he would be the passive partner in any relationship, the receiver, the bottom.

Both boys felt their orgasm coming at around the same time and one look at Vinnie showed that he was pretty worked up himself. Although he couldn't touch himself, he still was close to his climax.

Benjy's was the first to hit as he sent rope after rope of hot cum deep inside Warren. Warren, on feeling his friend's hot secretion inside him, and the constant stimulation of his prostate, could hold back no longer and shot his load over the duvet beneath him. As the boys collapsed in a heap Vinnie was moaning anxiously, so close to orgasm but unable to finish himself off. His cock was so hard that it hurt and his passion so intense that it left him breathless.

As Benjy slowly came to his senses he looked towards Vinnie but spotted a movement in the bushes over Vinnie's shoulder in the next garden.

He whispered to Warren that he thought they might be being spied on and told Warren to attend to Vinnie while he, Benjy, tried to find the perpetrator.

Warren stood and walked the few paces to his lover and, piss soaked or not, leaned over him and kissed him, then took his hugely swollen cock in his hand and began to finish him off. Benjy, meanwhile, had worked his way around to the side of the house and to the end of the garden hedge. There he found a small gap that he managed to squeeze through into next door's garden. When he looked along the hedge he immediately saw the peeping tom, or more accurately the peeping Anton, his top bare, shorts around his ankles showing a trim bubble butt, and his cock in his hand, gazing through a particularly thin patch of hedge at what was going on next door.

Benjy crept up behind him and put his arms around him. Anton cried out in surprise, and then turned around to find Benjy behind him, naked and erect. Anton's eyes were fixed on Benjy's cock as he said, "This is not what it looks like!"

"Anton," replied Benjy, "this is exactly what it looks like. You were spying on us and you were getting off on it."

"No, no, that wasn't it." argued Anton.

"Look, Anton, I saw you through the hedge and when I came into this garden your eyes were glued to the hedge, and you were jerking yourself off. I don't blame you, Anton, I'd have done exactly the same."

"I wasn't ^Å ^Å well ^Å ^Å ^Å you'd have done the same?" Asked Anton.

"Yes, of course I would," replied Benjy, now come with me. He took Anton by the hand and led him next door where Warren had Vinnie at such a pitch now that he was begging to Warren to let him cum. All four boys were erect as Benjy and Anton walked across the grass towards the others.

Vinnie turned his head towards them and his eyes opened wide at the sight of Anton. "My God," he said "Young, gifted and black."

Anton was certainly young, just a few weeks older than Benjy. Vinnie's allusion to `gifted' referred to what he had between his legs, which was pretty substantial, and he was certainly very, very black.

Anton smiled at this comment and said, "You boys are pretty gifted yourself, and I have to say that the entertainment has been very, very hot."

"We didn't expect to have an audience," said Warren, "What are you doing at your grandparents' house?'

"I'm staying for the weekend while my parents are away on their own, but they've gone to bingo this afternoon, so I've been left to my own devices."

"Well," Said Benjy, "the entertainment, as you call it, is not over yet. We have a new member of the cast who is about to take a starring role.

"Wow, what part am I going to play?" asked Anton.

"You're going to be the Cherry Picker," said Benjy, "and the cherry you're going to pick is mine!" he declared. "What do you say to that, Bro?" he asked to Vinnie.

All this time, although listening to the conversation, Warren had continued stimulating Vinnie and this, combined with the sight of the erect young black boy had at last brought him to the very edge.

"Yes, ^Å ^Å ^Å YES, ^Å ^Å ^Å YES!!!" Said Vinnie, both in reply to his brother and as his huge load fired into Warren's waiting mouth.

"That's your brother?" asked Anton.

"Yup," said Benjy as he lay on his back and raised his legs, "now shut up and fuck me."

"But I don't know where to start," said Anton.

"Just do what comes naturally," said Benjy, "Warren will give you something to lube us up."

Anton took the hand cream from Warren and the two older lads looked on as the young black boy lubed up the white arse and then his own purple-headed cock. He laid the bottle aside and instinct took over as he leaned forward and entered his schoolmate. Benjy seemed to have no problem accommodating him and within seconds it was as if they had done this countless times before. "Can I kiss you, Benjy?" asked Anton as Benjy began to moan quietly.

"Of course," said Benjy as Anton lowered his head and matched the deed to the word. Benjy's moans grew louder and Anton soon joined him. The two older boys looked on, enjoying every moment of what they were watching, almost as much as the participators.

Benjy raised his butt off the ground as he shot the first rope of cum on to his stomach just seconds before Anton emptied himself inside the young white boy.

Their moans decreased as they came down from their climaxes and Anton collapsed on top of Benjy, the latter's cum being sandwiched between them.

As Anton regained the power of thought and speech he placed his lips on Benjy's and the younger boy opened his lips and touched Anton's with his tongue. Anton opened his mouth and enjoyed his first French kiss.

"Thank you, Benjy," he said "I've never done anything like this before. OK, I've jacked off with another boy, but that's all."

"I should thank you, Anton, I've always treated you indifferently in the past, but I really could not have had anyone better to take my virginity."

"You mean, you've never had sex before either?" asked Anton.

"Sure, I've had sex," said Benjy, "but I've never been fucked before."

"Well, maybe we can get in some more practice some time," said Anton, nervously.

"You bet!" said Benjy as he planted another kiss on the handsome black boy's lips. Then he turned to Warren and said, "Sorry, Wonks, I thought it would be you, but once I clapped eyes on Anton, I just knew it had to be him."

"And I wouldn't have had it any other way," said Warren, "I just hope that you two might be able to find something as good as Vinnie and I have got."

"Amen," said Vinnie as Warren untied him from the lounger.


Much of this chapter was the idea of my editor, A.S. and I thank him profusely for his ideas. He has made an old man (me) very happy ^Å ^Å ^Å and, at times, very horny.

A.S.'s reply: You're only as old as you think you are. According to your stories, I'd say you're about 19. Don't give yourself such a hard time, old man. =P. -A.S.

This might prove to be an ideal end to the story, but if you would like more I shall need some ideas. If you have any suggestions please don't hesitate to Email me.

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