Holiday Job

By Robbie Calverley

Published on Jan 25, 2007


lads-r-us reserves all copyright to this story, and the story or any parts thereof may only be reproduced with my express permission and not reproduced at all on any site which is not free to view. It has been written purely for entertainment and not for profit.

The story takes place where AIDS and other sexually transmitted diseases do not exist so condoms are not used, nor are they necessary, unlike in this wicked world of ours. So when you have casual sex PLEASE make sure you are adequately protected. I don't want to lose any readers!!

This story is escapist fantasy. Anybody looking for reality is advised to look elsewhere, but nothing herein is beyond the realms of possibility, especially in my own imagination.

That said, I hope you enjoy the story and whether you do or not please feel free to contact me at the Email address at the end.


Vinnie woke and immediately wondered whether there had been a gas explosion. The air was rank and the bed was shaking as though there was an earthquake. He turned on to his back and looked beside him to see Warren facing away from him and shaking, which was causing the bed to shake.

"What is it, what's the matter?" asked Vinnie, "Has there been an earthquake?"

Warren shook harder and Vinnie suddenly realised he was laughing uncontrollably. What's more as he laughed some strange noises were emanating from beneath the bedclothes. It was then that Vinnie remembered what Warren's mum had said about the behaviour of his stomach and he realised that the awful smell and the strange noises were part and parcel Of the same problem; Warren was farting, and farting catastrophically.

"You filthy sod, you foul-smelling bugger!" Said Vinnie, causing Warren to laugh even harder.

"I'm sorry ha ha (fart) I just can't he he (fart) help it (fart)" said Warren.

Vinnie lifted the bedcovers, releasing even more of the foul-smelling gas, and gave Warren a hefty swipe on the bum. "Make sure you open the bloody window when you get up," he said. As Warren laughed and farted again Vinnie decided that discretion was the better part of valour and left Vinnie in bed with his own emissions, going downstairs to make some coffee and get a breath of fresh air.

When Warren woke again, about an hour later, he went to the window to open it and saw that Vinnie was in the garden, kneeling by the flower border and pulling handfuls of weeds from the soil. He opened the window and shouted down to Vinnie to ask what he was doing. Vinnie looked up and said, "I love gardening. I have a garden at the flat and I spend a lot of time out there keeping it tidy, so I thought I'd have a go at yours. I hope your mum won't mind."

"Mind?" answered Warren "She'll be delighted!"

"Anyway," said Vinnie, "I had to get some fresh air after your performance earlier. There's fresh coffee in the kitchen."

"I'll come straight down," said Warren, and true to his word, he appeared at the back door naked, carrying a mug of coffee, "Sorry about earlier, but mum did warn you what I was like." He said.

"Wonks, NOTHING could have prepared me for that ... ... ... that awful stench. Is it always that bad?"

"No," said Warren, "it almost got too much, even for me, this time."

Vinnie took off his gloves, wrapped his arms around his naked boyfriend and kissed him lovingly, Warren's coffee spilling over Vinnie's shirt.

"Look what you've done," said Vinnie, "I'll have to take it off now."

"Mmmmmm," said Warren, "why don't you let me do that for you."

Vinnie lifted his arms and Warren pulled off his t-shirt, revealing Vinnie's hot and sweaty body.

"I'll just run upstairs and have a shower," he said.

"No you won't," said Warren, "I like you the way you are." And so saying he draped himself around Vinnie's sweaty torso and kissed him deeply. "I love your smell, Vinnie, not the smell of your deodorant. You have that wonderful, natural, earthy smell," he said. "It really gets me hard," he added as he rubbed his naked cock against Vinnie's shorts, feeling Vinnie's hardening cock against his own.

After Vinnie had removed his shorts, the boys staggered into the sitting room and lay on the carpet hugging one another as tightly as they could, rubbing themselves together until they both experienced amazingly strong orgasms, shooting copious amounts of cum between their tightly entwined bodies.

As they lay there afterwards just looking into one another's eyes and occasionally kissing, they heard Vinnie's mobile phone ringing.

Vinnie just managed to reach his shorts without moving his body away from Warren and one-handedly extricated the phone from his pocket. He looked at the message on the screen and then pressed the `answer' button, saying "Yes, mum, what is it?" Warren saw the look on Vinnie's face change from annoyance to fury as he shouted down the phone "No, mum, you promised ... ... ... ... but I can't, I'm not at home. You said ... ... ... NO I CAN'T ... ... ... Yes, but." Vinnie looked at Warren and put the phone down. "The BITCH." He said.

"What is it, what's the matter?" Asked Warren

"She promised me faithfully that she would be at home for Benjy this weekend and that I could have the weekend to myself. She knew that I was staying with a friend and now she says that she is going out tonight so I will have to have Benjy at my place. This is typical of her. She always tries to scupper my plans. She knew that this weekend was important to me, and now she wants to go out on the piss with her latest boyfriend and I'm the one who has to suffer."

"But she can't do that if she promised you," said Warren.

"Oh, she can ... and she has," said Vinnie. "I don't mind having Benjy. He's a great kid and I love him but this weekend was supposed to be just us."

Warren took Vinnie into his arms and hugged him, and then a thought occurred to him. "Vinnie, why don't you get Benjy to come here? He could sleep in mum's room, I'm sure mum won't mind when she knows what's happened and then we can still be together. Do you think Benjy would be up for it?"

Vinnie looked at Warren and shook his head. I don't think ... ... ... no, you wouldn't want Benjy here."

"Vinnie, what's wrong with Benjy?"

"Oh, there's nothing wrong with him that a good scrubbing down and a wash of clothes wouldn't cure, but I don't really want him to come between us. He knows I'm gay, of course, and he knows I have a new interest in my life. It's just that he can be very annoying and possessive of me sometimes and I don't know how he would react with you. He knows about us and he seems OK about it, but the last thing I want him to think is that you are going to come between him and me; we have a very special, close relationship."

Warren thought for a while and said "Well, the only way we're going to find out is to try it and see what happens. Believe me, Vinnie, I have no intention whatsoever of coming between you and your brother and I'll make every effort to prove that to him. As to whether he can come between the two of us only time will tell. After all, we will have to meet eventually, so it may as well be sooner rather than later."

Vinnie looked at Warren, smiled and put his arms around him saying, "You're absolutely right, of course. Let's have the little bugger here and we'll see what happens. I'll ring him on his mobile and give him the address, then I'll pop out and buy him some new clothes. The ones he's been wearing he's had on for weeks. You see, mum never thinks to wash any of Benjy's things. She's so wrapped up in her own importance half of the time and she's either stoned or pissed the other half. Benjy used to take pride in himself but he lost heart after a while, so when he gets here I'll make him take a good, long shower and he can dress in something clean and new."

"What about school?" asked Warren. "Do they put up with his lack of personal hygiene?"

"Oh, they tried talking to him but he just played truant, and that's the last thing they want. You see, Benjy is an exceptionally gifted boy. He has a photographic memory and a brain like a sponge. He remembers everything he sees and everything he hears. He has never scored less than 95% in any test or exam and a lot of the other kids try to better him, which means that the achievements in his tutor group are amazingly high. If he's not in school the other kids have nothing to aim at so they want him there at all costs, even his smelly B.O."

"Wow," said Warren, "I'm quite looking forward to meeting him."

"I should also warn you that he is a very, very beautiful boy and you will fall in love with him as soon as you see him. Just make sure that you save some of your affections for me."

"Vinnie," retorted Warren "even if he rivals Michelangelo's statue of David, you'll still be the one for me."

The boys kissed and Vinnie make the phone call, then left to go and buy some clothes for his kid brother while Warren showered and dressed.

An hour later Vinnie returned with a couple of complete outfits for Benjy and a few essentials like a toothbrush and some of Benjy's favourite chocolate.

The boys had a snack, both of them having missed breakfast, and waited for Benjy to arrive.

The doorbell rang about twenty minutes later while the boys were cuddling on the sofa. "I'll get it," said Warren and went to the front door while Vinnie came and waited in the hall.

When he opened the door Warren saw a dark-haired, tanned Adonis standing there, his piercing blue eyes staring back at him. He looked Warren over from head to toe and walked straight past him and into Vinnie's arms. The brothers hugged for a few seconds before Benjy turned back to Warren and said, "So this is the new boyfriend. Well, he's cute, I'll give you that."

Vinnie answered, "Yes, Benjy, this is Warren, and yes, he is cute, but not as cute as you."

Benjy seemed pleased with his brother's reply and smiled at him, while treating Warren with complete indifference. Warren had noticed the smell as Benjy had walked past him at the front door. It was vaguely like the earthy smell that he found so sexy in Vinnie, but intensified to the point of unpleasantness.

Vinnie, all too aware of what Warren must be thinking said "OK, bro, the first thing we have to do is get you stripped and showered. I have some new clothes for you so we can dump the old ones. Warren, have you got a rubbish sack we can use for his old clothes?"

Warren went to the kitchen and he took a black plastic bag from the cupboard under the sink. When he returned to the hall, Benjy, much to his surprise, had stripped to his underpants. He certainly had a fine-looking tanned body and Warren was looking admiringly at him. When Benjy turned to face Warren, the yellow stain on the front of his once-white underpants showed how long he had been wearing them; and then to Warren's utter delight Benjy lowered his underpants and stepped out of them, standing naked and unashamed in front of him.

Warren could only stare open-mouthed at the perfectly proportioned young man in front of him, and young man he certainly was for he had more than his fair share of black pubic hair over his young-man sized cock beneath. "What are you gawking at?" Asked Benjy curtly, "I haven't got anything you haven't got," he added.

Warren collected his thoughts and closed his mouth. "No," he said, "But everything you've got is so beautifully put together."

Benjy gave him a hard stare and then smiled at him, saying, "Warren, I think I'm going to like you."

Vinnie's face lit up when he heard this and he put his arm around his naked brother's shoulders and took him upstairs to the bathroom.

Warren began putting Benjy's old clothes into the plastic bag until only the socks, trainers and underpants were left. He steeled himself and picked up the underpants with his fingertips. He knew he would regret it, but he couldn't resist inhaling the smell from them. Just as he'd expected, the smell was overpowering, but his cock grew hard inside his shorts. He dropped the underpants into the sack then looked down at the footwear. He bent to pick up the socks, but chickened out. As he stood looking at them Vinnie came down the stairs and said "Yes, I don't blame you not wanting to touch them." And he picked them up with disdain and dropped them into the sack saying "Greater love hath no man but that he pick up his brother's smelly shoes and socks." Then he hugged Warren and said, "He meant it, you know, he likes you, and that's half the battle with Benjy."

After dumping the rubbish sack in the bin the boys sat on the sofa and cuddled while they had the chance to be alone. Benjy could be heard singing in the shower and then there was silence as the water was turned off. A few minutes later they heard footsteps padding down the stairs and Benjy entered the living room wearing Warren's towelling bathrobe. "You didn't bring up my new clothes," said Benjy accusingly to his brother.

"Oh, I'm sorry, my lord and master," said Vinnie, smiling.

"As long as you know your place," Benjy joked, then squeezed himself down on the sofa between them, then he swivelled himself so that his head rested on Vinnie's lap and his feet on Warren's.

"Wow, you smell better," said Vinnie.

"Yea, that shower gel is gorgeous and there's some wicked body spray as well."

Vinnie tousled his brother's wet hair and Warren subconsciously put his hands on Benjy's feet. Benjy drew them away quickly, then when he realised that Warren was not going to tickle them he placed them gently back, his heels strategically placed directly on Warren's cock, which started to react in the only way it knew. Hoping to distract Benjy's attention from this obvious reaction he began gently massaging Benjy's toes and then worked his way along the rest of his feet.

Warren noticed that this seemed to be having the same sort of effect on Benjy as the bathrobe seemed to be twitching just below Benjy's waist. Benjy spotted that Warren was looking towards his cock and smiled saying, "It's just doing the same as yours."

Warren smiled back, saying that he had hoped Benjy wouldn't notice. "Of course I bloody noticed, just like this hard lump underneath my head." He looked up at Vinnie and the three boys laughed together. "Well, much as I'd love to lie here all afternoon, I've got some new clothes to try on." Said Benjy and stood up, his cock poking out of the bathrobe as he did so. Once again Warren's eyes were glued to him and then Benjy shrugged his shoulders and let the robe fall to the floor revealing about 4½ inches of uncut, hard cock.

Warren's jaw dropped as Vinnie slid along the sofa towards him saying "Yea, he's quite something, isn't he?"

"He certainly is." Said Warren, but then added "But he'll never take your place, Vinnie," as the two boys kissed gently.

"I'm so pleased to hear you say that, Warren," said Benjy. "Vinnie is the best brother in the world to me and he's had a tough time lately, but you seem to make him happier than I've seen him in ages. He deserves some good luck, and maybe you are it."

Benjy began to dress in his new clothes. When he was wearing the first outfit, Warren decided that he looked as gorgeous dressed as he did naked. Benjy looked in the full length mirror just inside the front door and was heard to observe, "Fuck me, I look like a million dollars. Vinnie, can you lend me the money for a haircut? Then I'll really knock `em dead!"

Vinnie laughed, dug deep into his pocket and handed over a few pounds to Benjy.

"What was that noise?" asked Benjy.

"What noise?" They asked together.

"Well, it sounded like laughter. But Vinnie doesn't laugh, unless ... ... ..."

"What?" They asked together again.

Benjy gave Warren a wicked grin then turned to Vinnie and said, "It must be love!"

"Gertcha!" said Vinnie, chasing Benjy from the room, then Warren heard laughter from them both in the hall as Vinnie directed Benjy to the barber's shop.

"I like him," said Warren as Vinnie came back into the sitting room, "I like him a lot."

"I can't get over it," said Vinnie, "he normally goes out of his way to be awkward, but he says he likes you and you really should count that as an honour, it doesn't happen very often."

Vinnie took Warren in his arms and hugged him, saying, "Thank you for letting him come here. I do appreciate it, and it does mean that we can still be together to ... ... ... well, to ... ... ..."

"To what?" Asked Warren.

"Come upstairs and let me show you," replied Vinnie.



Author's note: Well, the boys, especially Warren, have come a long way in four chapters and there could be a lot more in this story if you would like me to continue writing. Please let me know if you would like me to carry on.

Once again my grateful thanks to A.S. for all his hard work in editing my ramblings and turning them into something readable.

Next: Chapter 5

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