Holiday in Heaven

By moc.oohay@onegabmik

Published on Jul 30, 2016


Here we have a story although from my over active imagination, wishful thinking, perhaps both, it was originally inspired by a correspondent who told a story of some fun he had while on holiday.

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Author's Note: This story is copyrighted by the author, and no part of it may be copied, linked to, downloaded, stored in any electronic device, or used in any way without the express written permission of the author. This is a work of pure fiction, places, events mentioned, may exist but are used in this story, it is just that and not real. They exist only in the mind of the author. Any resemblance to real persons, places or events is unintentional.

All names but mine have been changed and any resemblance to anyone alive, deceased on in the houses of Parliament is purely co incidental. Places named have been used as we have had personal experiences of them, that does not mean they are involved in or have any specific connection with the gay community in anyway whatsoever.

Holiday in Heaven Chapter 9 Dad drops a bombshell By Kimbageno. Copyright 2014-2016. All rights reserved

We left chapter 8:

Well, they could not get their kit of quick enough, almost before I had shut the door Tony is standing in the lobby with a semi closely followed by Andy, with the "snake" suitable enlarged. They virtually dragged Mark and I into the bedroom, stripped us both and had their wicked way with us both, in various positions, several times.

We did not set any alarms, I thought, we would all be quite happy to have a lie in after the exertion of the previous evening and early morning. I thought I was the first to wake, both the boys were out sparko, but no sign of Mark, I gently slid out of bed and went for a pee and almost walked into Mark as he came around the corner. Morning sexy, ha, what you after he replied and gave me a peck on the cheek, you're up bright and early, yes had a text during the evening, the agents want to see me, are they working on Sunday, not normally but apparently, it is something that needs sorting fairly quickly. We went the long way around to the kitchen to avoid waking the boys, I put the coffee machine on and prepared a couple of slices of toast. How do you feel this morning I asked, ass is a bit sore Mark replied, otherwise OK, yes mines not too good either, they were rampant weren't they, joys of youth Mark said smiling. We sat and had our toast and coffee, Mark checked his emails and I opened my IPad to catch up on the world news. Mark finished his breakfast and got his jacket, saying he would see me later he left for the agents giving me another peck as he went past. I finished my coffee, poured two glasses of orange juice and took them into the bedroom for the boys. They were still both fast asleep as I walked in, Tony had rolled over and was spooning his brother, it looked so tender I just had to take a picture. I slid my hand under the duvet to find as I suspected a half size "snake" which I gently massaged. Tony stirred first, he looked over and smiled, he said, I can guess what you've found, with that he rolled back the duvet. Andy woke, rolled onto his back and his "snake" flopped up onto his belly. Still half asleep he muttered morning guys, did we sleep well? We both replied, yeh not bad considering the battering we all took, smiling. Tony was gently stroking his, now rock hard cock. Well guys, what's on the agenda for today then I asked, I'm easy replied Tony, yeh we know snapped back Andy, you're a fine one to call the kettle black retorted Tony smiling at us both. Andy asked where Mark was, I said he's had to go into Marbella to see the agents, he'll be back later, that's a pity he replied, oh said Tony, yeh, I was going to ask if we could try three in one again that's all he grinned. Tony said, well you could not really handle the full three-way onslaught last time so it only needs two and it would be a pity to waste this as he proudly held his stiff cock in the air waving it around. I'm game if you want another go I said with which Andy sat up and moved over so that Tony could take centre stage. By the time I had taken off my robe Andy was sitting on his brother's cock, gently bouncing up and down on it. I climbed up on the bed and got into position, found my target and gently pushed, it went in much easier this time and before long both of us were going almost full stroke, Andy was writhing around and groaning quite loudly for him, he was obviously really enjoying it this time. Andy must have been particularly keyed up as he shot first, another full load, all over Tony's chest and face, one spurt went over Tony's head and hit the headboard. Andy's cumming spasms were enough to send both of us over the edge and we both shot our loads deep into Andy little ass. I gently pulled out followed by Tony and we all laid back on the bed panting, Andy had his eyes closed and a big grin on his face. You really enjoyed that didn't you bro, he opened his eyes, oh yeh, would do that as often as I could, oh you're such a Hoare replied Tony as he play punched his brothers arm. Ouch, you bully said Andy and returned the punch still grinning.

We eventually went for a shower, strangely, nothing else happened, three semis but no more action. We all went out on to the patio to dry off in the morning sun, it was going to be another hot day. I fancy a swim said Tony before he had even sat down and jumped into the pool, followed shortly by his brother who asked, you coming Dave as he jumped in. I declined and sat watching the two brothers fooling around and having fun together, they really were so very close. They were in the pool for a good half hour, then joined me under the shade, Tony took a lounger on his own but Andy came over to mine and asked if he could share. I moved over and he snuggled in close with his head on my chest, gently stroking my rapidly growing semi. Do you ever stop I asked, before he got chance to reply Tony said no, he's twenty-four hours, we all laughed? We all just chilled, it was so peaceful, suddenly the silence was shattered by the buzzer, ah that will be Mark, both boys got up and went to greet him at the door. The three of them walked back onto the patio arm in arm and sat down. How did the meeting go I asked, oh, waste of time really, could have been sorted by a couple of phone calls, all sorted now though, we should have another asset in the portfolio by the end of the week, that's quick I replied, well it was not cheap but it saves all the hanging around and the hassle. I'm off to change said Mark, it's far too hot to have all this stuff on as he disappeared into the villa adding does anyone fancy some lunch, yes please came the reply. The boys had gone to help Mark get something ready for lunch, they carried out trays of cold meats, rolls, a selection of Tapas and some glasses, a bottle of wine and set it all out on the table. We had a lovely lunch, admiring the view, chatting about everything that had happed the day before, then Tony asked a strange question, Dave, would you fancy Dad, Andy looked over, Mark looked at me and said where did that come from? What a question Tony, no, not really my type, why do you ask, oh, just wondered, do you? I asked, reading something in his face. No, not really but I have fantasied, Andy then asked Tony, have you and Dad ever had sex, no its never been something that's ever been on offer, but would you if it where he continued, no, don't think it would not feel right somehow, it's just sometimes I think to myself he's such a hunk, he is that both Mark and I added. We were jolted from this rather odd conversation by the buzzer, who can that be said Mark as he got up to find out. Thankfully he went via the bedroom and put on his robe before opening the screen, the rest of us were surprised when Sven walked out onto the patio, ah, sorry to interrupt guys he managed to say calmly, as he spotted that we were all naked, thankfully all on separate lounges and also soft. The boys sat up and did their best to cover up, stuttering oh, hi Dad, Sven sat on a spare lounger, looked at the boys and said, smiling, you don't have to cover up, I saw your bits before either of you did, it still felt a bit uncomfortable but he had managed to relive the situation a little. Can we get you anything Mark asked being the only one with anything on, have you got a stiff scotch he replied, Mark looked at him saying isn't it a bit early for that, laughing, not really he replied at which point the boys both asked is everything OK Dad, Mark had by this time gone for Sven's drink. Sven looked at Tony, we had a call this morning, sorry son, we think is might be Paul, Tony's face dropped, what's happed, Sven got up and went over and sat beside his son, Martin phoned this morning, he did not know you were here, he told me that there had been a report in their local paper about an unknown motorcyclist being involved in a very serious accident. Tony was looking very worried, Sven continued, Martin said that one of his pals had seen the accident but he did not know the lads surname just that his Christian name was as far as he knew Paul and that he was local. Andy moved over and put his arm around his brother's shoulder. Mark brought Sven's drink, I said we might need some more of those, what's happened asked Mark as Sven continued, according to the paper he's critically ill in hospital and apparently he's been asking for a Tony. Tony just collapsed on his Dads shoulder crying un-controllable, Sven was doing his best to console his son but was not having much success. Tony managed to ask if his Dad had any details of what happened. Do you really want to know son, it does not sound good, yes please Dad, anything you have, I need to know, well, Martin read the report to me this morning. Another witness at the scene saw a car pull out into the motor bikes path, the rider did try but could not avoid the collision, he hit the car side on and was then thrown over the top of the car and was then hit by another car coming the other way, oh God said all of us in unison. How bad is he, do we know I asked, according to the report he has multiple fractures, possible damage to his spine, they don't know how bad yet, but by the sound of it it's his left arm, it was almost pulled off the lad's torso, oh my God, the poor kid I said, by this time Tony was shaking. Mark and I looked at Andy questioning what was going on. Andy came over and explained that Paul was Tony's roommate at uni, they were very close, Andy said he thought they had been lovers at some point. Mark and I looked at each other and both said this is not good at which point Tony managed to ask his Dad if he could go home to see if it is Paul. Sorry Tony, I anticipated you asking, Mum and I have been on the phone most of the morning trying to find a seat for you already, none of the flights out of Southern Spain have a single seat, I even asked if they had anything free in first class, the earliest flight would be Tuesday, Tony completely lost it, saying how much he needed to be with his friend, he was almost hysterical. I had not noticed but Mark had gone to get his phone, he was already speaking when he came back out onto the Patio, I went over to Sven and Tony saying Mark has a plan don't lose hope, Tony calmed down a bit and we all watched and listened as Mark sat on the end lounger with his phone on speaker. Charles, yes, is that you Mr Pritchard, yes, are you having a good time sir, sorry Charles we don't have time for pleasantries, is everything OK sir, no Charles we need a flight back to the UK this afternoon can you arrange that for me? Charles started to reply but Mark stopped him asking him to hold, looking at Sven, do we know which hospital Paul was taken to? Yes, replied Sven, they flew him to Stoke Mandeville by air ambulance late last night, OK. Charles, yes sir, as near as you can get us to Stoke Mandeville, right sir that would either be Lyneham or Brize Norton. How soon could you leave, this is really urgent Charles, OK sir I understand, how many will be flying with you, hold on a second Charles, yes sir, Mark looked over at me, I said, you go I'll stay here, Mark then looked at Sven, could both the boys go? he asked, Andy could be a great support for Tony if it is Paul, Charles yes sir, three, OK sir, give me five, I'll come straight back to you, thank you Charles, speak soon, yes sir and Mark hang up.

Looking at the group there were three faces looking bewildered, wondering what on earth had just happed, Sven was the first to ask, Mark, who is Charles, Mark replied, forgetting what impact what he was about to say would have on the group, our pilot, your pilot? replied Sven, Andy's jaw dropped, poor Tony was still out of it, he did not know what was happening and was still sobbing, looking very forlorn, I just wanted to go and hug him but thought better of it right now. Before either Sven or Andy could question Mark further his phone rang again, hello, hi Charles here sir, that was quick, good man, what have you got for me, right sir, Julian is on the other line as we speak sorting a direct transfer from the villa to the airport, I have filled a flight plan direct to Brize Norton, we can notify them once airborne, the time is now 12.46 we have a slot for departure at 14.00 with a flight time of 3 hours and 10 is that ok for you sir, sounds perfect Charles, thank you very much, no problem sir, Julian has just said that the chopper will bring you direct to the plane, we'll see you shortly, thank you again Charles and he hang up. Tony had calmed down enough to have heard the conversation but by the looks on all their faces none of them had really taken in exactly what had just happened. Sven was again the first to speak, Dave, please explain, what just happened? In a nutshell Sven, Tony and Andy will be at the lad's bedside, doctors permitting by 18.00 this afternoon but how he asked with both boys now listening intently to my fuller explanation. Ok, Mark, correct me if I get anything wrong, ok, you two need to go back to your villa, pack a bag each and get back here as soon as you can. The three of you will be picked up here by helicopter and flown to Malaga airport where you will transfer to the plane for the flight direct to Brize Norton which is the closest airport to Stoke Mandeville, there will be a car waiting at Brize to take you all directly to the hospital, how did I do Mark, spot on Dave, now have your drink.

Sven again was first to speak, but how have you managed to do it, I could not even get a first class seat for one, ah, think about it Sven, we are talking executive class, pardon he replied, we are not talking about scheduled airlines, more puzzled expressions, suddenly Andy said, do you mean a private plane, bingo young man, spot on, cool he replied, OK said Sven, I was not thinking straight, so you are saying you have put your private plane at our disposal to take Tony direct to Pauls bedside. Yes, but how did you get in to Brize Norton, I thought that was a military airfield, it is, but it also handles some special private flights, OK he said, it took us nearly five hours to get to Malaga from Gatwick, you're saying the boys will be at the lad's bedside inside four, what about customs at each end, the Spanish are so slow. Ah, that's the beauty of private flight, customs and immigration come to the plane, you very often don't even go into the terminal, not to mention you'll be flying in a Lear jet 60EX which is a considerably faster than most commercial short haul airplanes, wow said Andy, this is going to be so cool. What can I say Mark, this is so kind of you both to do this for us, he had a tear in his eye as he spoke. Tony stood up and ran towards me and gave me the hardest hug he has ever given me, hang on Tony I yelled, I'd like to keep my ribs intact if you don't mind. He slackened off a little then pulled away and gave me a big kiss, mouth to mouth. I could see Sven watching from his lounger, he was smiling at us both. It was not long before Andy was also in the little hugging group. Sven turned to Mark saying how on earth can we ever pay you back for this? No problem, really, as it happens I would have had to have gone back before the weekend anyway, business, we have just brought the flight forward a bit. Now come on you two, scoot, go and get your shorts on and pick up your bags and get back here before the chopper arrives or we'll miss the flight slot. They all stood up and made their way to the door when suddenly Tony collapsed in the lobby, falling to the floor in a heap. OK you two, we'll look after Tony, go, NOW, Andy can you pack a bag for your brother, yeh sure, is he going to be alright, yes Andy, GO, it's just delayed shock, go quickly, Charles has not left much room for delays. Sven and Tony ran towards their car, I shouted as they drove off, go with care, we don't want another accident, Sven raised his hand and waived as they sped down the hill leaving a cloud of dust.

Mark had managed to carry Tony to the bedroom and laid him on the bed, we both looked at him lying there so helpless, have we got any smelling salts I asked Mark, yes I think I've seen some in the cupboard.

Both of us managed to lift him up to put a tee shirt on for him and some shorts, the salts soon did their work, he came to in my arms asking what had happened, you fainted son that's all, oh sorry, that's so wimpish, rubbish Tony, you've just had a heck of a shock. How do you feel now? A bit better thank, do you think you can stand up? I'll give it a bloody good shot was his typical response and he swung his legs off the bed and tried to stand, he was still a little wobbly but with a bit of support from both of us, we all walked out onto the patio. Mark had the foresight to leave me looking after Tony, so that he could move anything that could cause a problem when the chopper arrived, anything not fixed or tied down was taken indoors. Mark said I'll go and pack a bag quickly, give me a call when you hear the chopper, OK, we both sat on the same lounger and I put my arm around him hoping to, at least offer the lad some comfort. I think I can hear a chopper, Tony, you will keep us informed won't you, of course Dave and thank you, yet more to pay off, he managed a very week smile, keep it together lad enjoy the flight at least, try not to dwell on what your flying into, I'll try Dave. We could now quite clearly hear a helicopter getting close, come on Sven, Mark, yes Dave, stay here with Tony, I'm going to open the gates and wait for Sven and Andy, OK, As I got to the door I could see a cloud of dust coming up the road, Sven swung the car into the drive far too fast but just managed to stop, throwing up a huge cloud of dust which was then picked up by the downdraft of the helicopter and blown for some distance making us all couch and splutter. Sven had brought Sophia and the girls, presumable to say goodbye to the boys, they all pilled out of the car and ran into the villa and out onto the patio as the helicopter began its decent into the garden. We all closed our eyes against the dust being thrown up by the blades, the noise was horrendous, strictly speaking, it was attempting to land far too close the villa but he was a good pilot. When the chopper finally settled and the pilot shut off the engine we could all hear ourselves think again, OK guys go for it, say your goodbyes but don't take too long time is short. I hugged Mark, saying see you soon, take care, keep me posted, OK Dave, make the most of the peace and quiet, he laughed but I was sorry to see him go. Tears all round as the boys parted and made their way towards the chopper, Mark followed saying good bye to both Sven and Sophia who also said how grateful she was for our help. As soon as we were all strapped in the pilot started the engine and before very long we were airborne and quickly soaring above the villa, Mark said later that they waved but he doubted if us guys on the ground could see them with the heavily tinted glass in the rear windows. Sven again thanked me for what we had done and invited me to have dinner with them as I was now on my own, thank you I replied, that would be nice, great said Sven, see you about eight, OK and they got into the car and went back home. Andy was in heaven, it was his first time in a helicopter, he was watching the pilot and taking in all the dials, switches and screens. Tony was still very quiet but he too was able to comment on how cool this was. Within five minutes we were coming in low towards Malaga airport, the pilot pointed out our Lear, she did stand out being ice white with a metallic gold flash down the sides of the fuselage, she was off to one side at the far end of the airfield, there she is sir as he turned and headed straight for her. Two minutes later he had touched down and the blades were slowing down, don't leave the craft till the blades have stopped gentleman, OK, thank you for a good flight, no problem sir glad to be of service. As the blades stopped we saw Charles come towards the chopper, at the same time an airport worker came to the rear locker to retrieve our baggage such as it was, we each had one flight size bag, talk about traveling light. Charles greeted me, good afternoon Mr Pritchard, everything is ready for departure, Julian is already on board along with Spanish immigration, if you and your guests would like to embark he will introduce you and welcome you once you're finished with immigration and all in your seats, I'll be with you shortly, thank you Charles I replied, adding, thank you for setting this up for me so quickly, no problem sir that's what you're paying me for and smiled.

I let the lads go first, we climbed the six steps into the cabin, Andy looked around at Tony saying, this is so cool bro smiling, trying desperately to keep his brothers mind of what might lay at the end of this journey, yeh, do you think we'll be able to get up into the cockpit later? Tony asked. Of course you can I said from behind, wow was the response. Stood in the isle, we were confronted by two Spanish immigration officers, Julian came forward to introduce me, I gave them my passport and the boys names and they showed their passports. Thank you Mr Pritchard said the senior officer we understand you are flying direct into Brize Norton in England, that is correct, OK sir, thank you, have a pleasant flight, thank you gentleman and they left the aircraft. Julian came forward, good afternoon Mr Pritchard, glad to have you on board again, can I ask who we have here looking at the two boys, yes of course, this is Julian, our co-pilot, Tony and Andy, they shook hands and smiled at each other. Right gentleman while Charles does the final external checks, let's get the three of you comfortable, pick a seat guys he said to the boys, they both went for port side seats, I said you might prefer starboard, you get a much better view as we take off, thanks Mark and they swopped over. Julian smiled at me, OK, are we sure now smiling, yeh, OK I won't bore you with all the safety stuff but make sure you have your seat belts fastened when these lights are on and he pointed to a set of lights in the celling. I'll come back after take-off with some drinks if that's OK Mr Pritchard, fine Julian, thank you. With that he disappeared through a curtain towards the front of the aircraft and we soon heard the engines coming to life. We then saw Charles climbing up into the cabin, he stopped at the top, looked in, smiled at me and proceeded to pull the stairs up which form the cabin door, Andy was watching everything, wow, how cool is that bro, he got no answer, Tony was looking out of the window, still sobbing. Charles came towards me, OK sir, we will begin our taxi to the runway in about five, we are on schedule as planned, in fact, we may be a bit quicker than anticipated as we are expecting a good tail wind at 40000ft over the bay, thank you Charles, he turned and also disappeared behind the curtain. I asked Tony how he was, he turned, his bloodshot eyes looking so forlorn, not too bad thanks Mark but I'm not looking forward to getting to the hospital, I'm sure but at least you'll have young Andy here for support, I'm sure he can find a way to distract you, I smiled, Andy said, yes I expect so and grinned. Tony managed a smile saying, thanks bro, for once I might not complain too much and he turned back towards the window, Andy looked over at me and shrugged his shoulders, I mouthed JUST BE THERE FOR HIM SON, HE NEEDS YOU NOW. We then heard and felt the engines increase in power, we slowly started to move forward, Andy was also now glued to the window watching everything that was going on, wow he said, this is so much better that normal flights, quickly turning to smile at me. We were soon at the end of the runway, we heard Charles's voice come over the intercom, OK gentleman hold tight, I've just received clearance for take-off, with that we were all suddenly pushed into the backs of our seats as the Lear accelerated down the runway and very quickly, we were soaring over the airport climbing quickly, both boys were still glued to the windows.

I had gone to the loo as soon as the seatbelt light went out, when I returned to the cabin I saw Julian taking drink orders for the boys, he saw me, your usual sir, yes please Julian but can you make it a triple, no problem sir. Charles's voice came on the intercom again, hope you had a good take of gentleman, we are currently at our cruising altitude of 40000ft our air speed is 640 mph and we will be leaving Spanish airspace in about twenty minutes.

Julian came back with our drinks and a tray of snacks, is there anything else I can get for you gentleman, we all said no thank you, I caught his eye and winked, he smiled and went back to the cockpit. Not much to see anymore is there guys, were a bit too high to see much with the cloud cover, yeh said Andy, Tony was still very quiet. Mark yes Andy, can I go and sit on one of the loungers during flight, of course you can lad, I might even join you, these seats are not all there cracked up to be for an old back like mine, he laughed, stood up and went aft and sat on one of the two opposing loungers set at the rear of the cabin. As I joined him, he snuggled up close, looking up at me smiling. These are a lot more comfortable he commented, yes I replied and even cooler, they fold out to make a bed for long haul flights, you're kidding me he replied, get up a second and watch. We both stood up, I opened a small panel at the end of the lounger, pushed a button and the whole thing glided down till it was flat, wow that's fantastic Mark, have you ever slept on board? Many times son, we went to Australia earlier this year, we had to refuel en route so we were on board for 18 hours. Wow, was that a business meeting or something he asked as we both sat back on the bed. No, I replied laughing, we decided to go and see an Opera at the Sydney Opera House, wow, all that way just to see an Opera, yeh, and yes it was worth it, one day you might learn to appreciate opera. Tony stood up and came over to join us, he also snuggled up close, he had put his hand on my thigh, he was gently squeezing. Andy spotted this and said better be careful Tony, we don't want Julian or Charles to barge in on anything. Don't worry about those two guys, we won't be disturbed till I ring the bell. Both boys looked at me with a glint in their eyes, it was nice to see Tony coming around a little, he said, does that mean we can become members of the mile-high club, smiling? What asked Andy? looking at us both, then the penny dropped, oh God, bit slow there, can we Mark, do you think I'm going to complain, I replied, best inflight entertainment I can think of, too right they both said as they stood and started to take of their slacks and tee shirts. They were both lying on the bed with their cocks both hard standing to attention before I had got my gear off. OK I said, who's first, Tony grinned and said better do him first or he'll sulk all night and smiled, who, me bro, as if I would he said grinning as I took the "snake" in my mouth. Tony was not slow, he moved around and positioned himself behind me, lined up and lunged forward, he found his target and went to full hilt in one gentle movement. It was not long before we were all coming, I felt Tony deposit a good six spurts deep in my ass and shortly after Andy let go deep in my throat with another six if not seven. Tony pulled off grinning, that's one off the list he said laughing, we all collapsed onto the bed. Thanks guys Tony said to us both, that's helped, will we have time for seconds, wow, slow down a bit there Rambo I laughed. At that moment we heard a CLICK, Then Charles's voice came over the intercom, sorry to disturb you gentleman but we are receiving a call for Mr Pritchard, put it through on ambient will you please Charles, certainly sir, there was another set of clicks and I heard Dave's voice. Hi guys, how are you all doing, Tony looked around the cabin, this plane is something else he said, hi Dave, great thanks, just joined the club, OH you haven't, Mark, fraid so, still naked, just finished. You wait till I get my hands on you, hope none of you have stained the upholstery I said laughing, I could hear the hoots of laughter from the plane. Good job your parents aren't in on this call Tony, oh God, forgot about that, there not with you are they? he asked sounding suddenly concerned. No, you're OK, just me, they send their love to you both and ask if you will call them when you land and also let them know how Paul is. Thanks Dave, tell them yes of course. Mark, yes Dave, are you still on schedule? Yes, think so, I'll keep you informed, thanks Mark, love you, ditto. CLICK. Oh I hate that, good film but if you mean it say it, I always say, even though I know Mark does. CLICK Charles came back on, Mr Pritchard, just a quick update for you, we are now 10 minutes ahead off our schedule, we are currently over the bay, thank you Charles, could you ask Julian to give us five and then bring in some more drinks please, no problem sir CLICK. OK Tony there's your answer, sadly no time for round two, now, better get our kit back on before Julian comes back with those drinks. Andy then said, Mark, surely, if you told him to Charles could fly around for half an hour, smiling. Yes, he could but he is not going to, don't forget why we are up here in the first place, sorry Mark, only joking. He flashed Tony a lovely smile and they both embraced before getting dressed.

No sooner had we put the bed back to lounger and sat down than Julian came back with another tray of drinks and snacks as requested. Are we having a comfortable flight gentleman, yes thank you very much said both boys in turn. Julian looked back at me and said Charles had asked if our young visitors would like to visit the flight deck before we land. Both their faces lit up, they both looked at me grinning, could we Mark, please, of course you can, though I suspect you will only be able to go one at a time, that cockpit's a bit cramped, Thanks Mark this is just fantastic said Andy, almost throthing at the mouth with excitement, you go first bro; I need a word with Mark. without being asked twice Andy was up and following Julian towards the cockpit.

Tony came and sat down beside me and just burst into tears, I took him into my arms and hugged him as tightly as I could, now, now lad, try and keep it together, I know how difficult it is going to be for you but you will not be any good to the lad in the hospital if it is Paul, if you're in this state. Oh Mark, it's not me though, what do you mean lad, tell me. It's just come home to me, what lad, its Pauls Mum, what about Pauls Mum, you're talking in riddles lad. Sorry Mark, it's just that you've already done so much for us. What are you talking about lad, I was getting a bit short with him, Sorry Mark, I'll start again, Its Pauls Mum, she is a widow, Paul is her only son, they are very close, and, I interjected, suspecting there was another bombshell about to explode. She is badly disable to the point of needing constant oxygen and being bed bound, she has people come in every day to do things for her that Paul can't do but she will never be able to get all that way to see Paul if it is him, he fell on my shoulder sobbing.

OK lad, firstly where is Mums home, she's in a specially adapted flat in Southampton, Highfield somewhere I think, OK do we have any contact details for her, no said Tony braking down again, she may not even know Paul might be in hospital. God that's bad I said, surly Paul had some form of ID on him, unlikely, he was a bit of a rebel and did not like big brother knowing where and what he was doing all the time, drove me mad at Uni, God lad, this gets worse and worse. I reached up and pushed a button in the ceiling, CLICK, yes Mr Pritchard, Julian, can you set up a conference call as soon as you can, yes sir and the recipients, yes, David and the Chief of Police or his assistant at Southampton Central Police Headquarters, certainly sir, it might take a minute or two but I'll be a quick as I can, thank you Julian, oh before you go, yes sir, can you get Dave on the blower first and when you've connected the whole call I think I'm going to need another large drink, yes sir. CLICK Tony was just looking at me like a little lost child totally out of his depth, don't worry Tony, we'll sort out this mess, somehow, before I could continue, CLICK, Hi Mark, what's up, ah Dave, we've got another problem, oh, I gave the outline of Tony's story. Oh my God, the poor lad, on top of thinking it might be Paul, he must be distraught, he is but he's going to get through this, did Julian say this will be a conference call, yes, with the Police, good, before they come on line can you get our people on standby, we may need to call on their services, ok Mark, on it now, I'll hang on this line till the call starts, ok. Andy came back to the cabin looking like he had just won the first prize the fair, he looked at Tony and came straight over, knelt down and hugged him, he looked over at me and asked what's happened? long story Andy, can you do something for me, of course Mark, anything. Keep an eye on your brother, we've got some more work to do, sure... CLICK Mr Pritchard yes Julian, I've got a Chief Inspector Thompson on the line as requested, thank you Julian put him through on ambient please, yes sir, CLICK good afternoon Chief Inspector, my name is Mark Pritchard, I'm currently calling from 40000 feet above the Bay of Biscay, good afternoon Mr Pritchard, so my telecoms guys tell me, did my co-pilot tell you this is a conference call, yes sir, can I just ask who Mr Walters is, of course Chief Inspector, my partner, forgive me asking Mr Pritchard but is that Civil or business, both Chief Inspector, fair enough, what can we do for you sir. I relayed the whole story in a short a time as possible. OK sir, sad story, can I put you on hold for a second sir, I need to bring in some of my team on this, no problem, we don't land for half an hour or so, OK sir. Dave are you still there, yes Mark, any news for me, yes Richard is on standby with the transport section, Angie has spoken to the specialist transport services at the hospital, they've got a vehicle ready and on standby for our signal to go, great work Dave, stay on the line, OK Mark. Julian came back with another tray of drinks and some more snacks, he put my drink down and I drained the glass, another one sir, please Julian, he went off just as we heard CLICK Mr Pritchard, yes Chief Inspector, right I have another conference call set up here linked in to ours with members of my team here in Southampton, good man, based on the sketchy details you gave me of the accident, the location and the injuries sustained we think we have identified the incident in question and it would appear as though you may be able to solve a problem for us, let me guess Chief Inspector, the injured party had no ID, correct Mr Pritchard how did you know, long story Chief Inspector that will wait for now. I can give you the injured party's possible name but we need to confirm this with an address, go for it Mr Pritchard, hold just a second Chief Inspector, Tony, what's Pauls surname and did you ever go to his house, Barnes and no but it was somewhere as I said, an area called Highfield I think. Chief Inspector did you get that, we're already working on it Mr Pritchard, lastly, do you know of any distinguishing marks, anything like a tattoo for example, yes Chief Inspector said Tony, Paul has a Serpent on his left forearm, one second gentleman, ok, that has just confirmed it, we have a Paul Barnes confirmed. At this point Tony just burst into uncontrollable fits of shaking and crying. what did you have in mind, what's the angle here, we may be able to help. Thank you Chief Inspector, now that the injured party is confirmed, it's Pauls Mum, she's apparently badly disabled and a widow to boot, she might not even know what's happened to her son, Oh my God, poor woman, precisely Chief Inspector. We have already got a specialist vehicle on standby with all the necessary people with the skills to make this happen, we are on route to Brize Norton and have a car organised to take us direct to the hospital but its finding where Mum lives, hang on a sec Mr Pritchard, I looked over at Tony he was still looking white and drained despite his tan, is he OK I asked Andy, think so Mark, he's not saying much, hang in there kid. Mr Pritchard, yes Chief Inspector, good news for you sir, we have been onto social services and have managed to track down an address for you my coms people are sending it to you as we speak, thank you Chief Inspector, great work, no problem sir, is there anything else we can do to help, well, actually yes, name it sir, if it's possible it will happen. As we have confirmed the address, by the way, my people are already on their way to the address you have given us, is there any way you could blue light our vehicle to Stoke Mandeville, I should think so sir but I will have to laisse with two other forces to confirm, thank you Chief Inspector, you have my contact details, yes sir, could you keep me informed, no problem sir, thank you again Chief Inspector, may speak again, until then goodbye for now, goodbye sir, good luck, thank you. Dave did you get that, yes, I've passed all the info onto Richard, I'm impressed, good job Mark, thanks Dave, It's what I enjoy, can you give Richard Carte Blanch to do whatever he feels is necessary, already done, OK, let's keep each other informed, will do, see you later...CLICK

I pushed the button again, CLICK yes Mr Pritchard, ah Julian could you tell me how long till we land, one second sir, Charles says he has just contacted the tower at Brize, they know why we are coming and have given us priority landing status, this means we can effectively go straight in to land, be about another ten minutes, great stuff guys thank you both, no problem sir, I'll come back again just before we land, OK Julian CLICK How's he doing Andy, not as bad Mark, that's good, now comes the really hard part, yeh, I'll do what I can, I'm sure you will lad, good work I replied and smiled. CLICK Mark, yes Dave, just to let you know, Richard and his team have made contact with Mrs Barnes they had to sedate her but she'll be OK she's in good hands, the Police have been in contact, a squad car is on route to the address as we speak and will escort our vehicle directly to the door at Stoke , great work, Dave, that's really good news, we will be landing in about five so no more calls till were on the ground, OK Mark, safe landing, I know it's not your favourite part of flying, thanks Dave, speak soon, bye, bye. CLICK

Julian came back to say that we were twenty miles out and that it was time to get seated and our belts on, Charles says don't worry about our approach, he knows you don't like landing but we have clearance to go straight in as I said, we are twenty miles out now and still have to lose 20000 feet in that time, it will be a rapid decent, thank you Julian, see you after we have landed, yes sir, thanks for your help, no problem sir.

The boys were already strapped in, I needed a quick pee so went back to the loo, almost before I had closed the door Julian came running back, please Mr Pritchard you should be in your seat, we are already on final approach, he looked so insistent that I returned to my seat without an argument, thank you sir and he returned to the cockpit.

The landing was fast, one minuet the cars on the ground looked like toys on the carpet, the next we heard the screech of the tyres as they made contact with the runway. We came to a smooth halt at the end of the runway, we could see lots of blue lights outside as we started to taxi to the terminal building. Charles maneuverered the aircraft towards a large hanger where we came to a halt and the engines died. Julian was first out, good landing sir, yes thank you Julian, got it out of the way quickly, have I time for a quick pee, yes sir, we're waiting for customs and immigration. They know we're on a mercy mission, should not be long. I disappeared for my long overdue pee, must have been all those triple scotch's. Charles was busy doing the post flight checks, Julian opened the door lowering the steps just as the Customs and Immigration officers came into view and they came straight on board. Julian stood to one side and introduced me to the officers, good evening Mr Pritchard, pleasant flight? yes thank you, can I see your passports please gentleman, we all put them forward for inspection. The other officer asked if we were carrying any duty free goods I replied no, nothing at all, OK sir, his colleague handed back our passports and said, thank you gentleman, your free to go, they wished us a safe onward trip, thank you gentleman. Andy how's Tony doing, I'm fine thank you Mark, great landing, if you say so, can see you're a bit better, he grinned and put his arm around Andy's shoulder as they walked towards the steps with me following. Thank you Julian, will you thank Charles for me, certainly sir, apologies that I could not thank him in person, time is of the essence, no problem sir have a good evening, thank you we'll try, bye.

As we left the aircraft we were greeted by the sight of the flashing glow of blue lights, our car was waiting twenty yards away from the plane and sat directly in front of it was a police squad car with its lights flashing. Our bags had already been put into the boot of the car, another Mercedes S class but this was a standard extended limo, again shiny black with security grade black windows, we all climbed in and strapped ourselves in. Good evening Mr Pritchard, my name is Carl said the driver, welcome to Brize Norton, I understand we are going to Stoke Mandeville with this escort, that's correct Carl, if you can avoid it, please don't lose the escort, oh, I won't sir we have had special training for this sort of run and we will be in constant radio contact, sit back and enjoy the ride sir. We all looked at each other, this could be fun I said, yeh was the response from both boys. My phone rang, Hi Dave, have you landed yet, just, Tony said it was a great landing, oh so he's a bit better than, getting there, any news, yes, just heard from Richard, Mrs Barnes is safely on board our ambulance vehicle, along with two specialist nurse's and with their escort their ETA at Stoke Mandeville is 20.30. Great news, we are on the move know as you can probably hear, yes bit of a racket, if it does the job, well yes. Did you think to sort out interim transport for the lads and accommodation for Mrs Barnes, all sorted, well done Dave, details? All on your email, but the boys have a suite at the Gloucestershire Hilton, five miles away from the hospital with a car and driver at their disposal 24 hours and a room at the Gloucestershire BUPA hospital for Mrs Barnes and another for her two nurse's, the vehicle and its driver are also on 24 hour notice and will stay with the job till completion, he's got a room at the local IBIS, sounds fantastic Dave, thanks for your help, oh hang on Tony wants a word, Dave, hi Tony, how are you doing, I'm OK for now, don't know how I'll be when I see Paul but just wanted to thank you for everything you've done for me and Paul, I really appreciate it. OK Tony, keep it together for Pauls sake, see you soon, bye, bye for now. Tony, yes Mark, one thing we have all forgotten, what's that he looked at me worried, you have not rung your parents yet, use my phone Dads number is stored, thanks Mark. The boys spend the next 15 minutes telling their Dad all about the aircraft and everything that has been going on. By the time they had finished I had dosed of despite the racket from the sirens, Mark, Tony tapped my hand gently, oh, sorry, what is it Tony, Carl says we will be at the hospital in about a quarter of an hour, thanks Carl, no problem sir.

I palmed my phone and dialled Richard, Hi Richard Thomlinson here how can I help, hi Richard, its Mark Pritchard here, hello sir how are you, on our way to Stoke Mandeville, yes, so I hear, driver tells us we are about 15 mins away, do you know how Mrs Barnes is doing, just a minuet sir let me find out, they have a tracker on board, ah yes, they are on the M4, Google maps says about another hour, perfect Richard, thank you for your help, no problem sir bye for now, bye.

As we drew up towards the hospital we noticed a Police officer waving at us to stop, Carl pulled over to where he had been standing and wound down his window, good evening sir, are you Mr Pritchard's driver, yes officer, ah good, I have been instructed to tell you to drive directly up to the emergency ambulance entrance, they are expecting your party, thank you officer, and he sped off following the red emergency signs. As we drew up at the door we noticed a couple of young men in hospital uniforms coming towards the car, as we got out one of them asked Mr Pritchard? yes young man I'm he, welcome to Stoke Mandeville sir, will you all follow me please and he went off towards the main entrance, we all followed in hot pursuit and noticed that we had a rear guard as well to make sure we did not get lost on the way I suppose. I would never have found the ward, I hate hospitals, endless corridors, we were shown to a side room and offered tea or coffee, we all asked for coffee, Matron will be with you shortly sir, thank you, and our escort left the room. Tony was again looking worried as well he might, he had hold of Andy's hand, just sitting there as if looking into space. Andy caught my eye and mouthed, HE'S OK. As Matron, a lady in her late forties perhaps entered the room we all stood, good evening gentleman she said, I'm Matron Simmonds, you must be Mr Pritchard, I am, pleased to meet you sir I've heard a lot about you and the good work you do, it's a pleasure to meet you at last, mutual I'm sure, was all I could think of, she smiled. Please sit gentleman, and these two gentleman, oh , sorry, yes, Tony and his brother Andy, Tony is a close friend of your no longer unknown patient, ah I see, do you have a name for me Mr Pritchard? Yes, Matron, Paul Barnes, thank you Mr Pritchard, have you come far to see this poor lad Tony? ah, sort of, we were in Malaga five hours ago, really, Malaga in Spain, yes Matron, we flew into Brize Norton 45 minutes ago I interjected, interesting. Can I ask the relationship between you Tony and this young lad? Yes, Matron, we have been lovers, oh, I see, well that's a new one on me, in that case I'd better get the Doctor in to have a chat with you all. Thank you Matron, have you been told that this lads mother is currently on route to the hospital as well, no Mr Pritchard I had not. The last I heard from the Police was that they could not fully identify the lad, who found her may I ask, my organisation with the help of Southampton Police and social services, we are now certain it is Paul, well, ok, wait here please, I'll go and get the Doctor dealing with the lad's case. Our coffees arrived and we all sat in silence waiting for the Doctor. A couple of minutes later an Indian gentleman in his fifties came into the room, good evening gentleman he said, I'm Doctor Ranjif, I'm the senior registrar dealing with this young lad's case, we all stood and shook hands, sit gentleman, please sit, he moved to the other side of the room and also sat down. Matron tells me that you have a confirmed name for me, yes Doctor, I replied, Paul Barnes, that's better, it is always much nicer to have a name for a patient, thank you. Now, which one of you gentleman is Tony, I am sir, ah Tony, ok, do you know the extent of Pauls injuries, only what the Police told us from their accident records. OK, let me summarize for you, Paul has a fractured spine, we don't yet know how much damage if any has been done to the spinal cord. Fractures to both legs and he's right arm. On top of this he has multiple rib fractures and some extensive internal bleeding, which we are getting under control. But by far the most serious of his injuries is his left arm, it has almost been torn from the shoulder, at this point Tony fell forward in his chair, if it had not been for the quick actions of Andy, he would have landed face first on the floor. OK Doctor, I interjected, as you can see, this is a very traumatic experience for Tony, do you have anywhere he could lie down for a while, let him recover a bit, of course Mr Pritchard follow me, he took us to a private side ward and we all laid Tony on the bed. Andy, will you stay with your brother, the Doctor and I will carry on in the rest room, OK Mark,

The Doctor and I returned to the rest room, sorry about that Doctor, he's had a rough day, no problem Mr Pritchard it is to be expected. Now, where were we, ah yes, young Pauls shoulder, our specialist team has already examined him, they are hopeful that they will not have to amputate the arm but are doubtful if Paul will ever have the full use of it again, poor lad I said, he's very, very lucky to be alive. If it had not been for the air ambulance, we would have lost him before he even arrived. Thank you Doctor for everything you're doing for Paul. Did you know his Mother is arriving soon, yes Matron told me just now, if you'll excuse me I'll go and make sure Paul is in as clean and tidy as possible for his Mothers visit, thank you Doctor. I went back to sit with Tony and Andy, we all sat in silence, Tony still had his eyes closed, he needed rest.

Andy was sat on the bed, holding his brothers hand, my phone rang, I left the room quickly to avoid waking Tony. Hello, hello, Mr Pritchard? its Richard, hi Richard, any news for me, yes sir, I'm ringing to let you know that our vehicle is about five minutes away from Stoke Mandeville, although the nurses are a bit concerned, oh what's the matter. Its Mrs Barnes, she is still under sedation and they don't think it will be very productive to subject her to the trauma of seeing her son at this time. Good point Richard, can you get them to divert to the BUPA hospital, we can take the next step in the morning after she has had a night's rest, will do sir, I'll ring to confirm later, ok Richard, thank you, ok sir bye, bye Richard. I went to find the Doctor, he was in his office when I found him, come in Mr Pritchard, sit, please, I have seen Paul, he is as respectable as can be expected under the circumstances, ok Doctor, thank you. We have had a development, oh, yes, its Mrs Barnes, she will not be coming this evening, we have diverted her to the BUPA hospital in Gloucester where she'll be spending the night, she is not up to seeing her son this evening, ok Mr Pritchard, thank you for letting me know, I will inform Matron. I have just spoken to one of my surgical team, they are anxious to begin the operation to see what, if anything they can do for Pauls arm. Is your young man ready to see his friend tonight, it would be good if he can, we have no idea how long the operation might take. I'll go and see him now Doctor, can you give me five minutes and then come for us, present a fait accompli, good plan Mr Pritchard, in five then.

I went back to the room Tony's was temporally occupying, Andy was still holding his brothers hand, how's he doing Andy, he has not stirred, I'm worried Mark, he'll be ok Andy, it's just shock. The team want to start Pauls operation as soon as they can and the Doctor has asked if we think Tony is up seeing Paul yet, I suggested giving him no choice, get it out of the way, what do you think. Well, he will never speak to us again if, God forbid, Paul does not pull through the opp, so yes, good idea. At that moment there was a knock on the door, I opened it, come in Doctor, ok, we'll wake him now, Andy, will you, yes Mark. Tony, Tony, wake up bro, he gently nudged him several times and Tony's eyes opened, those lovely bright blue eyes had somehow lost some of their sparkle, poor lad. Ah Tony, welcome back I said, how do you feel lad, not brilliant Mark, what's happening? The Doctor here has come to take you to see Paul, are you ready for it? Not really but it's got to be done and he swung his legs off the bed and gently stood up with Andy's support.

Tony, yes Doctor, you do understand that Paul is heavily sedated due to the severity of his injuries, yes Doctor, will he know it's me, we can't be sure, he is conscious so it is possible, let's hope so for both your sakes. If your ready will you follow me, thank you Doctor and while I still can, could I thank you for everything you've done for Paul so far, thank you young man, it's no problem, it's my job and we followed the Doctor out into the corridor.

It felt as though we had walked a mile, along this corridor, up a flight of stairs, another corridor, left, right, right again until we eventually came to a set of double doors with a security keypad on the wall and some slowly flashing yellow lights on the ceiling. The Doctor turned to us, gentleman, we will now be entering the ultra-high intensive care ward, can I ask you to turn your mobile phones off before we go in, certainly Doctor, we both obliged, thank you, we will be turning left through this door to get you kitted out with some sterile protective clothing, you will also need to leave your shoes in the room as well, ok Doctor, we all looked at each other as the Doctor entered a code into the pad, a buzzer sounded, the lights flashed faster and the doors slowly swung open, follow me gentleman.

Plastic boots, full gown with over trousers, hair net, mask and gloves later the Doctor led us out and along another corridor, there was an eri quiet except for a very low hum. The doctor stopped at a door and turned to Tony, are you ready young man, Tony looked very fragile, he was shaking and fighting the tears, as I'll ever be he replied. As I told you, Paul may or may not recognise you, on no account go to his left hand side, not that you could get close anyway, try not to disturb any of the equipment he is attached to. All I can say is, try and be strong, it is not a pretty sight., thank you Doctor he managed to stutter, he grabbed hold of Andy's hand and they both went into the room. My work has taken me into many hospital wards and I have seen some pretty spectacular equipment set ups but what awaited us as we entered Pauls double sized side ward was incredible impressive. He had two staff at his bed side, one was monitoring a screen, the other was changing a bottle, one of four hanging from stands on both side of his bed. He had an oxygen mask on, a drain in his nose, a patch on one eye, his left arm was completely covered by a thick plastic case with cables, tubes and pipes attached at various points leading off to yet more machines. He had a full neck brace fitted, both his legs were covered in bandages and had splints on them both, his right arm was also covered in bandage and I could see he was laid on a spine board. The lad himself looked relatively at peace with his eyes closed, it was evident that he was in a very serious condition. As the boys approached the bed the operator moved the screen off to one side slightly to give them room to get a bit closer, Tony was visibly shaking, he turned and looked at his brother and shrugged his shoulders. Go for it bro said Andy, Tony let go of Andy's hand and took hold of Pauls hand, he just stood there. The Doctor moved in to put a chair as close as he could for Tony to sit on, we all thought any moment now he's going to collapses but he kept it together. Andy stayed close to his brother, the Doctor and I left the room, when in the corridor, I asked the $50000 question, well Doctor, what are the lads chances. At the moment Mr Pritchard less than 50-50 until we can guarantee the internal bleeding has been stopped. He has already had four hours of surgery and many pints of blood. As I mentioned, we will not know if we can save the arm till my team can start work, at the moment they think they can re attach it but whether they will get all the connection back again is very doubtful, however Mr Pritchard, rest assured that they will do everything they can for the lad. I'm sure they will Doctor, please let me know immediately if there is anything you or the hospital need, my organisation has some very good connections worldwide, thank you Mr Pritchard, the offer is much appreciated. Suddenly Andy come out of the room, Pauls come around Mark, we all went back into the room. Tony was sat as close to the edge of the bed as he could gently holding his pals hand, he was talking to him and Paul was responding. I heard Paul ask Tony if he could somehow let his Mum know what's happed, I saw the lad break down in tears as Tony explained what we had done and that he would, hopefully be able to see his Mum the next day, God willing. The last thing I heard Tony say was, you will be carrying ID in future right mate, he even managed a weak smile as Paul said too bloody right mate, he watched as Tony got up and left his bedside, saying, thanks for coming Tony, I knew you would, he turned and said, see you tomorrow pal, ok was the response, we all left the room. We all walked back to the kit room in silence, once inside Tony again thanked the Doctor, no problem my lad, we will do what we can for him. Mr Pritchard tells me you are staying local and will be back in the morning, yes please Doctor, if that ok, no problem, I'll leave a message at the reception to give me a ring when you arrive, either I or one of my staff will come and collect you, we have to keep this area secure for obvious reasons, thank you Doctor, Tony went over to Andy in the corner and gave him a hug. The Doctor left us to finish our dis-robing, once we had got all the gear off Tony came over to give me a hug, what's this for young man, just to say thank you, this could not have happened without you and Dave, thank you so much. Well, that's another bit too pay for, Andy smiled, Tony gave me one of his scowling looks, then smiled and said, lead the way.

As soon as I switched my phone back on it bleeped, missed call, it was Richard, hi Richard, you rang, sorry we were in I.C, no problem sir, just to confirm Mrs Barns is safe and sound in the BUPA, just wondered if there was anything else I could do for you? Actually there is Richard, name it sir, how do we contact our car here at the hospital, oh sorry did I not explain. It will be outside the main entrance waiting for you, it will have a company logo on the front screen and one of our registration numbers MPDW it could be any number from 001-0010. Thank you Richard, for everything you've done for us today, no problem sir, have a good evening, and you, speak in the morning, ok sir, bye, bye. As we walked following the signs for the main entrance I phoned Dave, hi Dave, hi Mark, how's it going, I'll hand you over to Tony, here Tony, tell Dave what's happened, oh ok Mark, thanks. The three of us carried on, these corridors go on for ever I said to Andy, he was looking tired and drawn, just like Tony, yeh, my feet are already killing me, where are we staying tonight? They've booked us into the Gloucester Hilton I think, is it far, I'm told five miles, good, I need a shower, I think we all do, are you staying with us Mark.

That was not the original plan but it's too late to get to London now, we'll see what the hotel can do for us, you could always share our bed, it would not be the first time, and have the local constabulary knocking on the door, I don't think so I replied, spoil sport. Tony finished the call to Dave and handed back my phone, how is he, ok, he asked if you could ring him a bit later, did he saw why, no, think he just misses you, ah shucks I replied, both boys grinned, which was nice to see, Tony was much brighter. Then we saw the main door, at last I said as we went through, standing on the courtyard outside the hospital, I was scanning the area for our car, suddenly as if from nowhere another black Mercedes MPDW 004 pulled up right in front of us. Before we could react a young man got out of the passenger seat, reached back and opened the back door, he stood back and saluted, Mr Pritchard, yes, good evening sir, your car, thank you young man. We all climbed in and he closed the door and got back into the passenger seat. Can I just confirm sir, it's the Gloucester Hilton, that is correct and you are? Carl sir and your driver is Leo, if there is anything either of us can do please do not hesitate to ask, thank you gentleman, just a speedy, legal drive to the hotel will do fine for now, no problem sir, he closed the privacy screen behind the front seats and Leo set off for the hotel. Tony said, I could get VERY used to this, Andy said, I like him, Tony said, oh God, here he goes, anything in trousers you, Andy swung for him but Tony blocked the arm, now now boys, the place for rough stuff is in the bedroom, later, they both looked at me grinning. It seemed no sooner had we set off than Leo was pulling into the drive of the hotel, an old, Art Deco style, impressive looking building, as the car pulled up one of the doorman came towards the car but he was beaten to the door, Carl opened it as he indicated there was luggage in the boot to the doorman, Carl stood back, saluted again, have a pleasant evening sir, do you know what time you will require us in the morning? Thank you Carl, shall we say 10, no problem sir, we will be here, you have got a room, yes sir, we are booked in half a mile away at the IBIS, ok Carl, thank you again, good night sir. The three of us walled towards the big double full height front doors, Art Deco really was something special, the foyer was quite spectacular, marble floor, two huge chandeliers hung from the high ceiling and there were marble columns everywhere and matching wall lights all around the area and the focal point was the reception desk, again marble and at least twenty-foot-long, with floor to ceiling, cut glass mirrors behind. The receptionist had seen us arrive and was smiling, as she waited for us to reach the desk, good evening sir, would you by any chance be Mr Pritchard, that's me young lady, welcome to the Hilton Mr Pritchard, I have the penthouse suite for one night provisionally, is that correct sir. Probably, is sounds suitable extravagant to have been booked by my assistant, he does like to spoil me, well sir I hope he has succeeded, it is a nice suite, I'm sure. However, is a slight problem, oh, nothing serious I hope, no, no, it's just that the suite is for these two young gentleman, I was not supposed to be staying but it's too late to travel on to London now, is there anything you can do for me, there's no problem sir, the penthouse suite has three bedrooms, ah, perfect, thank you very much young lady, that is excellent news. The boys were grinning, Tony came up and whispered in my ear, you can't escape that easily you know, I replied apparently not. The young lady smiled, Mr Pritchard, there is no need for you to sign in, your credentials have been confirmed, here are your three door cards and a pass for the lift operator, I looked quizzical, oh sorry sir, the penthouse is on the top floor which cannot be accessed without a special pass card, ah, first rate, thank you, have a good stay at the Hilton, if there is anything we can do please do not hesitate to contact reception, thank you, our bell boy will follow you with your luggage. The bell boy led the way to the lifts, it was like an old move, they had a half clock face indicator above each of the three lifts, how quaint, I thought how much Matias would love it, I made a mental note to bring them one day. The bell boy opened the suite door and stood to one side, your suite sir, we all walked in to the lobby, the bell boy followed, where would you like your bags sir, oh leave them here young man, here you are and give him a fiver, thank you sir, have a pleasant stay at the Hilton, good night, he shut the door and we were on our own at last.

It took them 15 seconds and they were both bollock naked, they collected their clothes and deposited them on one of the chairs in the lounge. Andy was the first to comment on "the suite" hey Tony, have you seen this place, God, it's incredibly luxurious, look at it, its huge, he then started to run from room to room, getting more and more excited the further he got around. Tony had sat down and was just looking up at me, I'm totally whacked, I feel as though I've been through a ringer twice, he grinned. I sat beside him and started to take my kit off. A couple of times he rested his hand on my shoulder. As I sat back in the chair Tony leaned over and laid across my thighs, it was nothing sexual, he just needed comforting which I tried my best to provide. Andy came back into the room with a tray with some glasses on, what have you got there Andy I asked. He brought it over and set it down on the side table, two beers and a large scotch and ginger. Thank you young man, where did you find these, there a fully stocked fridge in the kitchen. Any food asked Tony, I'm famished. Good point Tony, we haven't eaten since breakfast apart from the snacks on the plane. Andy, yes Mark, could you bring the phone over for me please as your standing, sure, he passed it to me, Good evening, Mark Pritchard, penthouse, yes sir how can I help? It's probably too late for your kitchens now, yes sir, sorry they closed 15 mins ago, the chef has not gone yet if you would like me to speak to him, no, no, let him go home. Can you recommend a good take away that could deliver, let me see sir, we've never been asked that before, no, I'm sure but we are too tied to go out traipsing around, just a second sir, let me see, yes, did you have anything in mind, hold on a second, ok so, lads what do you fancy, Andy's response was predictable, cock and ass please, Andy! said Tony, sorry Mark, something Italian? Good choice, I'll try, hello, yes sir, can you do anything Italian, as it happens that would have been my first recommendation, I've used them before on my way home late in the evening. Ok could you see if they can deliver Lasagne with garlic bread for three and then could you get your bar to send up a bottle of Chianti, a good one and three glasses and a bottle of sparking water also with glasses, no problem sir, I'll give you a ring as the order arrives in the lobby, our bell boy will bring it to your door, will there be anything else sir, no thank you very much, no problem sir, speak later, bye, bye. Ok guys, that's the food sorted, now I suggest you two go and have a SHOWER, no funny business, we don't want to frighten the poor bell boy. Andy, yes Mark, did you spot any robes in your exploration, yes Mark, I'll get one for you, thank you lad. Oh, before I forget, you need to ring Mum and Dad after your shower, oh yeh, forgot that, thought you probably had.

Hello, Mark Pritchard, hello sir its Richard, how's your accommodation sir, very suitable thank you Richard, how's Mrs Barns, the last report from the nurses was that she is recovering nicely from the trip and they say she is looking forward to seeing her son in the morning, ouch, let's hope he pulls through then, he's in surgery as we speak, ah, I'll let them know, thank you Richard, no problem sir, have a good night and you, speak in the morning ok sir bye, bye.

Hi Dave, hi Mark, how's it going, quite well really, Tony's picked up, he's almost back to his old self, Andy says he could quite get used to this life style, he loves the Penthouse, Penthouse, that's posh even for you. It's incredible, really, Matias would just love it, its Art Deco, we've got three bedrooms, three bathrooms, lounge, kitchen, dining area and a lobby and its secure on the top floor, we must get them over some time. How things in Spain, just got back from dinner with the family, turns out Sven is a very good cook. Only downside, oh, yes the villa, it's so quiet and being without you as well, so much for the holiday, you even took away the entertainment. I could hear the laughter in Dave voice otherwise I would have been a lot more concerned. We'll make up for it once this is all over Dave, I'll put my thinking cap on and come up with something special to make up, ok, yes ok, love you Mark, ditto, bye for now, speak tomorrow, bye.

The lads came out from the bedroom both dressed in the hotel white robes looking like models, come and keep a tired old man company before the meal arrives, they both came and sat either side of me and both snuggled up close. Apart from the fact we were expecting to be disturbed, there was no attempt at anything sexual, it somehow felt wrong, odd, considering Andy in particular had not had sex for several hours.

The phone shattered the silence, hello, good evening sir, reception here to let you know your meal is on its way up to as we speak, thank you very much for your help, no problem sir, that's what were here for, enjoy your meal, good night sir, bye. Right lads, the meal is on its way, Andy can you set the table for me please, yes Mark and he went off to the dining area. The meal was acceptable, nothing special but we were all so tired anything else would have been a waste. We all shared the clearing away, and raided the fridge again for a nightcap which we enjoyed in the lounge all sat on the one settee. Ok you guys, I'm bushed, who's going to decide which room were going to use? Andy suggested the front one as it had a balcony for our breakfast in the morning, good thinking young man I said, no problem sir he replied and gave me a nudge on the shoulder. We all climbed into bed, me in the middle, we all cuddled up and fell asleep, I could understand Tony's state, he had a very emotional day but even Andy fell fast asleep.

To be continued.......

My usual suffix, sorry but this is important to me.

AIDS has taken all but a few of my circle of friends from my time on the gay scene, it is still a fact of life, it will KILL you eventually, even though they now have some very good meds which may prolong the inevitable.

Prevent the need,

ALWAYS PRACTICE SAFE SEX. USE A CONDOM. Enjoy sex without the hassle.



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