Holiday in Heaven

By moc.oohay@onegabmik

Published on Jul 29, 2016


Here we have a story although from my over active imagination, wishful thinking perhaps both, it was originally inspired by a correspondent who told a story of some fun he had while on holiday.

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Author's Note: This story is copyrighted by the author, and no part of it may be copied, linked to, downloaded, stored in any electronic device, or used in any way without the express written permission of the author. This is a work of pure fiction, places, events mentioned, may exist but are used in this story for effect, it is just that and not real. They exist only in the mind of the author. Any resemblance to real persons, places or events is unintentional.

All names have been changed and any resemblance to anyone alive, deceased on in the houses of Parliament is purely co incidental. Some places named have been used as we have had personal experiences of them, that does not mean they are involved in or have any specific connection with the gay community in anyway whatsoever.

Holiday in Heaven Chapter 7

Mystifying call from Dad By Kimbageno. Copyright 2014-2016. All rights reserved

We left chapter 6:

Now I said, who's for bed, you two have got an early start in the morning to get to Malaga before 11, oh hell said Tony, I'd forgotten all about that, can we have our last night in your bed please asked Andy. As long as you let us get some sleep young man, he just grinned. We made our way to the master bedroom, the boys undressed and went to the loo first, by the time Mark and I returned they were already in the centre of the bed, both smiling, looking as though they would not melt butter.

I reached out to silence the alarm, it was 7 in the morning, we had had about three hours sleep. I noticed that Mark had again got up early, it was again, Andy who started things off again. Look what I've found he said as he threw back the duvet to reveal the "snake" in all its glory. Spose you want that dealt with, said Tony, would you mind bro, with which Tony got up on his knees and started to suck his brother. This left me with an unmissable target which I took full advantage of, we all came and fell back onto the bad with exhaustion after such a late night.

Getting out onto the patio after a shower, during which we all behaved, we found Mark already on his phone. He had laid out breakfast for us and we all tucked in as though we had not eaten for weeks. The boys were chatting while I checked my emails on Marks IPad, Mark soon finished his call. Morning Mark, morning Dave, anyone interesting, oh, yes, the agents. Seems our people have been in contact, made an offer and the owners have accepted. Wow that's quick I replied, how long to complete, ah, now you're talking, Spanish law and Spanish contacts can be a nightmare. John at Coutts seems to think we might be looking at anything up to six months, good God, that long I said. Well it does depend a little on who and how we lubricate the system, you mean backhanders, well it happens all over the world.

Andy jumped up, came around the back of me and put his arms around my neck, does this mean you're by neighbours? Well that would be nice, more than nice said Tony, that would be perfect.

Hey I suddenly said, come on you two, time you were not here, Andy started to cry, Tony came over and gave him a hug, come on big boy it's not for ever, well work out a way to see them before long, come on now, get in the car, with which, he almost dragged his brother through the lounge, out onto the porch and dumped him in into the car.

Drive safely I shouted, see you both soon, yeh, thanks for everything, see you and he drove off down the hill. When we got back to the patio Mark said, what an incredible young man Tony is, he cares so much for his brother. Did I tell you, talking with Diego last night, he said he would give Tony a job anytime he needed one, said he had such a good grasp of mechanics that he would be very useful on their team. We both drifted back to the patio, laid out on loungers with a couple of drinks and the papers and lost ourselves in our thoughts.

The villa seemed empty, no laughter, no lithe young bodies to admire and lust over, no "snake" flopping around with gay abandon, it was horrible, we had both commentated on it, both of us almost asking the other where the boys where, silly really but they had had such an effect on us both.

Mark went into the kitchen to do something for lunch, partly, I think so that he had something to occupy his mind, something to take his mind of the boys not being around. We sat under the shade having lunch without speaking, something that has not happened for many a year, particularly the last three days when conversation flowed freely, regularly interspersed with bouts of hilarious laughter. After lunch, I cleared things away and loaded the dishwasher, went for a pee, even missed my companion, then made my way to the pool thinking I would have a swim, it was a very hot day and it might help to cool off and give me something to think about. Mark was not in the mood for a swim so had laid out on one of the loungers under the shade. I had gone for my swim and had done three lengths and was at the deep end when I thought I heard my phone ringing. I called to Mark, is that my phone, it's in the dining room. I made my way back the patio as Mark went to find the phone. I had sat on one of the other loungers as Mark came back onto the Patio, he's face was as white as a sheet, what the hells happened I asked him as he came and sat beside me. He was shacking, something serious had happed as Mark is usually a solid as a rock no matter what. What is it for God's sake man, tell me, that was Tony, oh God, what's happened are they OK. Wow, slow down, sorry, they are fine, it's us that I'm worried about, why, tell me what's happened. Well, that was Tony, yes so you said, I yelled.0k, don't snap please this is bad enough without us falling out as well, Tony said his father will be phoning after four as he wants to speak to us, What I said, I asked him what he had told his father and he said as little as possible but he thinks he suspects. SHIT I said, what the hell do we do now, calm down Dave, this could be a little embarrassing perhaps but thank God both boys are over the legal age, so we are safe on that score, ok but what do you think he wants, I've got no idea, we will just have to wait till four, its only five too now, so time to get a drink first. We got back to the patio with a stiff scotch each when my phone rang again. Oh God, here we go I said as I answered it, Dave Prichard here can I help you? Ah Mr Prichard, Sven Carlsson here, Tony and Andrews father, good afternoon Mr Carlsson, I understand you wanted to talk to us, how can we help?

Well you can start be accepting our invitation for Drinks and Canapes at our villa this afternoon shall we say 6 ish, dress casual, will you do that for me, certainly Mr Carlsson, oh please, its Sven please, we'll see you both about six, goodbye for now, I put the phone down and just looked over at Mark who had obviously heard the conversation as it was on speaker. Well well, that's a new one, wonder what he's after. Could be interesting whichever way it goes, don't suppose we can get hold of Tony on the phone, no I tried its switched off. Just as we were settling down to mull the situation over the buzzer sounded, who the blooded hell is this, now of all times I muttered as I went out see who was at the gate.

I yelled through to Mark, MARK its Tony, I heard Mark say, what the bloody hell, as he came running through to the lobby. Tony pulled up at the porch, got out and ran towards us smiling, hi guys, it's great to see you again, Tony dear boy, I replied, what on earths going on, oh, sorry about Dad, he just being dramatic. What do you mean, dramatic asked Mark, he nearly gave us both a heart attack. What have you told him? I asked with a concerned look on my face, hang on Dave, let the lad get in first, come on through lad, I'll get you a beer, thanks Mark he replied and smiled at him, the smile we had become used to seeing.

By the time I had sat him down, Mark came out with three beers, now, please tell us what the FUCK is going on. Tony took a swig, I told Dad about the car breaking down and how you came to the rescue and also about the pond, he had already figured out that we had not done it, I had to tell him, thought better the truth than a make up a story, it was far too good to be a DIY job, then Mum questioned how clean the villa was, which made Dad think. So I told him how we had spent most of the days at your villa so had not had the time to do very much at ours, I also told him how you both entertained us, OH God, I do hope not in too much detail Tony, I'm not that daft no, lunches and meals out and the night at the club. So, what do you think he's wants, knowing Dad, he just wants to meet you both and to thank you for looking after us so well, I hope, he added with a slight smile.

Well lad, we will soon find out, does he know your here, he's probably guessed but I told him I was going to the shop, so better get back. You are coming later, Andy is so looking forward to seeing you both again, yes we will be there at six, now off you go, see you later, he stood up and came over and gently kissed us both on the cheek, turned and let himself out. We heard the car go back down the hill as we again settled on the patio and finished our beers.

We both dressed, smart but nothing too flash and set of for the Villa De Monte, both dreading what might be to come.

We pulled up in the drive of the villa, sat for a minuet looking at each other wondering just why the lads father wanted to see us. Then we noticed a very tall blond man coming through the villas front door, he was followed by the two boys all of them were smiling, which was somewhat of a relief for Mark and I. We both got out of the car and made our way towards the group, the farther was the first to speak, good evening gentleman, you must be Mark and David, I'm sorry but I don't yet know your surnames. I'm Sven Carlsson, we both returned the greeting, welcome to our villa. Please do come through, we can do the formal introduction on the patio, much more comfortable for all concerned. Both the boys were obviously pleased to see us, giving us both a nice smile, I could but help think it was a very retrained greeting. As we walked through their lobby, Tony, who was just in front of me, quickly turned and mouthed, don't worry, he's not mad, Mark also saw this and we both looked at each other and shrugged our shoulders.

Our little procession reached the patio where we were met by a lovely looking lady and two young girls, so obviously twins, Sven walked towards them, they were all smiling, which was another comforting sign. Sven turned and introduced his wife Sophia and the two girls, Rossana and Amelia, we all shook hands, the girls did a very graceful curtsy, much to Mums delight. Ok girls., off you go and watch some TV said Sophia, Daddy wants to talk with these good gentlemen in peace and they scuttled off back into the villa. Sophia was next to speak offering us a drink, they had gone to some trouble as there was a good selection on offer. We both opted for Pym's, saying we had not had it for far too long. Sven had a beer along with both the boys. Then Sven's said, right gentleman, we need to talk, come over to the gazebo, we can all sit in the shade. We both thought, oh God here it comes as we followed Sven and the boys to a large gazebo set up in the far corner of their garden. We all sat in the chairs which were set out in a circle with Sven flanked by his boys, firstly gentleman, I would like thank you both for coming, which must have been difficult for you both, secondly, I need to know both your names before we go much further, no problem offered Mark, David Walters and I'm Mark Pritchard. Ok mesers Pritchard and Walters, oh please said Mark, its Mark and David, ah, good man and I'm Sven to my friends, glad that's out of the way. Now, no doubt you are both wondering why I have asked to meet you both, well said Mark, it had crossed our minds, Sven smiled, don't worry gentleman, I suspect there has almost defiantly been some "extracurricular activity" to put it politely, between the four of you, I do know my two sons, particularly Andrew, oh DAD said Andy starting to blush, let me finish son. As I was saying, I do not want any details, all I do know is that these two have not stopped talking about how kind and generous both of you have been towards them since you first met. Tony told me about the initial contact and that you helped to recover the car, as soon as I and Sophia saw the state of the pool, garden and the villa, we both knew that the boys must have had some help, I mean professional help, we all smiled. Which brings me to the second reason for asking to see you both, what do we owe you both for the work that you must have very kindly paid for. He looked at us both expectantly and smiled, well I replied, firstly thank you for being so "understanding" we cannot deny there was a certain attraction but as far as the expense is concerned, as we have repeatedly told both Tony and Andy, they have given us far more than the monetary value of the work we instigated. That is not the answer I was hoping for, are you both sure about your offer? Yes, Sven I replied, 100 per cent, it has been well worth it from our point of view. Sven then turned to each of his sons and said, well lads, I don't know what you two have been up to and I don't ever want to know either but it certainly sounds as though you did a good job, well done. We all for the first time burst into laughter. Now gentleman, another drink before we go and raid the food table, we again opted for another Pym's and both the lads disappeared off to get them for their Dad. I caught Sven's eye and said how impressed we both were at the way both the boys had been brought up, thank you he replied, I've always put great store in the fact that manners maketh a man. Then Mark asked, do I detect a Scandinavian connection Sven? Well, yes, the name is the first clue, I'm Swedish, born in Stockholm, moved to the UK back in 1994 with two young boys, the girls were born in England so they have dual nationality, as you may already know, my wife, Sophia is Spanish. We met in Stockholm, she was on holiday, things just grew and here we are. The boys returned with trays of drinks and a selection of snacks including some exquisite looking Canapés seconds later Sophia came into view, we all stood as she came into the gazebo and sat down. I said, looking at Sophia, may I call you Sophia, please do she replied, did you make these Canapes yourself, she smiled, I cannot lie, no, I had them brought in, do you like them, yes thank you, very much. Sven then relayed to his wife that we had declined the offer of any payment for any of the work, are you both sure, that cannot have been cheap, not a problem we both confirmed, both boys were grinning at us as they sat slightly behind their farther, Mum spotted it but did not say anything. So, how long are you both here for Sven asked, we are due to go back to the UK at the weekend, it was only ever meant to be a short break. I think these two are going to miss you he replied, both boys said simultaneously, yes we will. Tony tells me that he thinks you are hoping to buy the villa you are currently staying in is that true? Yes, replied Mark, our legal people have already put in an offer which has been accepted, it is now just a matter of all the Spanish red tape to sort out now, sorry Sophia, don't apologise Mark, I know what it can be like, I do part time work for a legal company when we are here for an extended period. I'm told that it can be a nightmare replied Sven, I continued, ah, that depends on how much cash you can put into certain hands replied Mark, so I have heard both he and Sophia replied, they were both grinning.

Then Andy said out of the blue, Dad can Tony and I go for a swim now, of course you can son, pity to let all that hard work of yours to go to waste he replied, smiling, go off and have some fun, we all watched as they both took off towards the pool and sat on two pool side chairs, both Mark and I held our breath as they both proceeded to take off the slacks, to reveal, to our relief, swimming trunks, they then both jumped into the pool, some of the spray hit us under the gazebo, Sven shouted, BOYS and then smiled. Gentleman, another thing Tony has mentioned, we both held our breath, oh, sorry, as I have said before, I know that both my boys are gay, we guess you are as well, so, whatever has happed between the four of you is none of our business, they are both old enough now to make their own decisions on such matters. It is not a problem for either Sophia or myself, all that matters to us both is that they have not been hurt and are happy. Which, is something we both noticed as soon as we landed, we have not seen them as happy for a very long time for which we both thank you both. At which point Sophia added, I was astonished to find the villa so clean and tidy, the first thing I said to Sven was this is not the boys work, she looked across at Sven and smiled, thank you for that, I was dreading having to arrive and have to start cleaning the whole place, it was a great relief for me. Well, I said, all I can add to that is that we have both really enjoyed your boys company, apart from anything else, they are both so polite, courteous and thoughtful, with excellent social skills, they are both a real credit to you both, I doubt if our vacation would have been anywhere near as much fun as its been having the boys for company, we will both miss them when we go home. They both looked at each other and Sven said, are we talking about the same boys and they both burst into laughter, that's the other thing I added, we have not laughed so much for a very long time. As I was about to say said Sven, Tony also told me that he thought the pair off you were, as he put it "quite well off" please say if it something you would rather not talk about, I will understand, I would just like to know, just who it is that my boys are mixing with. It was Mark who took over at this point, he is after all, the one who deals with most of the financial matters having had a financial background. Well sir, where do I start, he thought for a second or two, both Sven and Sophia looked on expectantly. Ok, he continued, to keep it simple, as Tony said, yes, we are as he put it "quite well off". We have very roughly speaking, a total portfolio probably now in excess of 20 billion, you could have heard a pin drop, even out in the garden, both Sven and Sophia's jaws dropped.

As if timing were everything, at that moment both boys returned, they both looked at Mum and Dad, then looked at the pair of us with a worried look on their faces. You two Ok asked Tony, sorry son, Sven replied, yes, fine, I think, Mark here has just dropped an unexpected bombshell, Mum added, that's not exactly what I would have called it, and sat back in her chair to recover her breath. The boys sat down and Sven asked, sorry Mark, you did say in excess of 20 he emphasized the BILLION and looked over towards us. I'm afraid so, he replied with a slightly sheepish grin on his face, wow, I would never have thought it, multi billionaires, wow, you would never know said Sven. Yes, replied Mark and that's just how we like it, we don't flaunt it, yes we live comfortably and have a few quite expensive toys but we try and do as many good works with the money as we can. Forgive me added Sven, again, tell me if its private but what do you both mean, doing good? It was my turn now, well I replied, we have an organisation at home that looks for and funds worthy projects, it can be anything from local healthcare projects to funding for special needs schools to individuals with specific needs, wheel chairs, special beds anything really, all the way down to a pools that needs a bit of TLC or a villa that's in need of a spring clean, as long as it's a real need not just a want, I smiled. They were all sat with a glazed expression on their faces, Sophia was the first to speak, that's incredible she said, more than that added Sven, I would say spectacular, Tony added, see Dad, we told you they were good people, good is not the half of it son, these two are very special, I for one feel privileged to have met them, me to added Sophia and with that, they both stood up and held out their hands, we stood up to reciprocate.

It was getting close to 7 o clock, I asked the question, what are you doing for your evening meal, Sophia looked at me with a look of horror, Oh God she exclaimed, I'd completely forgotten that, I've been so pre occupied with this afternoon, she looked across at Sven and shrugged her shoulder's, sorry dear. I looked over at Mark who nodded, OK, let me see what I can muster, to which they both started to protest, Mark managed to stop the onslaught by saying it was the very least we could do after taking such advantage of their boys and grinned, Sven replied, well, as I said earlier, I don't hear the boys complaining too much, looking at them in turn, both of them were grinning, so, ok but you will let me at least share the bill, we'll see said Mark as I started speaking on my phone.

Ah, good evening, my name is Walters, could I speak with Nicholas please, good evening Mr Walters, Nicholas speaking, can we help, well now, would you be able to put a table together for eight a bit later this evening? Of course Mr Walters, your normal table is available, what time did you have in mind, shall we say eight thirty, Sven nodded, we look forward to seeing you later, good evening till later sir, goodbye for now. Now for transport, as I opened my phone again, Sven looked over at Mark, Tony said, don't worry Dad, you'll love it, Sven looked down at his son with a puzzled look.

Ah good evening, could you tell me if Marcos is available this evening, is that Mr Walters, yes, ah, good, Marcos has said he is always available for you and Mr Pritchard, what can we do for you, I'll contact him after we have finished with the details, thank you, will the car we had last night take eight, no sir but we have a vehicle that will, would that be a pick up at your villa? yes please, what time sir, shall we say 7 30, Marcos will be there, thank you for your custom, Marcos will see you later, goodbye.

Ok guys, sorted, we will drop by to pick you all up about 7 45, are you sure about this asked Sven, of course, as I said, it will be our way of saying thank you for the pleasure we have had in the company of your two boys this last week, if you're sure, yes, now I suggest you all go and get ready, we'll be back later. Tony and Andy volunteered to escort us to the front door, Sven gave us all a knowing glance and took Sophia off to change, as he went he called out, oh, dress, I replied, smart casual, fine and thank you again. As soon as Dad had gone both the boys made a grab for us both, hugs and kisses, steady on boys I said, or we'll be up to no good here in your Dads lobby, they both started to laugh, yes please, NO maybe later, now off you go or we we'll all be late, see you later, ok. We left and returned to our villa, neither of us said much during the drive, we were both lost in our own thoughts. As usual, spot on 7.30 the doorbell rang, we were ready, waiting in the lobby and opened the door to an impeccably dressed Marcos. Good evening gentleman, where are we off to this evening, nice to see you again Marcos, I replied, we'll direct you to the first destination, then we will be going onto Alcazba for eight thirty, we will be picking up a party of six, no problem Mr Walters he replied, nice car Marcos, yes, we call her the beast, she's a specially extended Mercedes S class V12. Mark replied, yes, I can see why she's called the beast, as he climbed in, must be a bit of bugger around some of these roads, we manage Mr Pritchard Marcos replied, as I climbed into the back, he silently closed the door, got in himself and we were off. Marcos got to the other villa spot on 7 45, everyone was waiting on the step as Marcos deftly maneuvererd the beast into the drive. He opened both doors, then suggested that the three ladies took the front row, Mark, Sven and Tony climbed in to the middle row of seats and Andy joined me and we had the whole back seat to ourselves. What do you think Dad, spectacular son, beats our Espace any day Sven replied, is everyone comfortable asked Marcos, yes thankyou came a multi reply, he closed the doors got into the driving seat and we were off. Sven turned around to ask where we were eating, I just replied, now that's a surprise, he turned around again and started chatting with Mark. Tony turned around, looked at us both and just mouthed as he saw where my hand was, BEHAVE YOU TWO, he grinned and looked forward again. Obviously we had to be careful but Andy got me rock hard within seconds, I could feel the "snake" growing as well, he just sat there looking at me with those fantastic blue eyes. As I noticed we were about five minutes away I announced nearly there folks, hope you are all hungry, the general reply came back, famished, reluctantly I removed Andy's hand, he was not happy but realized we both needed a bit of time too cool off, bless him, Tony turned again just to check, he grinned and mouthed LATER to us both, what was he planning?

Marcos pulled the beast up to the door and the doorman came out to open both doors, as we congregated in the courtyard, Mark said to Marcos, usual arrangements, no problem Mr Pritchard, have a good evening, thank you, see you later.

The doorman took us through the lobby and we were met by Nicholas, Good evening ladies and gentleman, welcome to Alcasba please follow me to your table, we all filled into the restaurant, again with the boys leading, followed by Sven, then Mum, the girls and the two of us bringing up the rear. At this point we should say that Sven is a typical Swede, tall, he is well over six foot, I would say more like 6 ft. 8, even thicker set than his son, maybe 200-220 lbs, another blond and another set of blue eyes, quite a catch himself, we both wondered if Andy inherited his "snake" from his father, then there was Sophia, she had the appearance of an actress, with her long flowing, jet black hair and dark seductive Spanish eyes. The two girls will turn heads when they are a little older. Put it all together, we must have looked an impressive group as the whole place literally, just stopped and fell silent as we walked through to the terrace. Once we were all seated, Nicholas took our drinks order and we were all very soon all involved in assorted conversations around the table, even the girls were holding their own on most subjects, amazing what a good education can achieve I thought. Another fabulous evening ensued, eventually we all came to the conclusion it was maybe time to go home, partly due to the fact the girls had dozed off to sleep at the table. Mark caught Nicholas's eye, he came straight over, yes sir is everything OK, yes thank you, could you call our car for us please, no need sir, Marcos is waiting for you in the lobby, I hope you have been looking after him, of course sir. Will you pass on our thanks to your Chef and his team, as always, another great meal, no problem sir, bill on account as usual? yes please Nicholas OK sir. Sven caught Marks attention saying that he wanted to see the bill so he could pay his share, oh sorry Sven, we don't get a bill here he replied, smiling, it goes directly to our account, but you said he started to protest, it was Tony who intervened saying Dad, let it go, please, ok son, just this once and smiled.

We were the last to leave, we made our way back to the lobby where Marcos was waiting to greet us, he escorted us out to the beast which was waiting in the courtyard with both doors already open, he really was good at his job. We all piled in, the ladies in the front, Mark, Sven and this time Andy, so that I had Tony for the return trip, he gave me one of his lovely smiles as he snugged up close, needless to say hands already wondering. Marcos turned to ask Mark which order to do the return trip, our villa first please Marcos then if you could drop these other good folk at their villa, no problem Mr Pritchard, we were off, as Marcos pulled into our drive Tony gave me a wink, Dad, yes son, Andy and I will be stopping here tonight do you mind, no son, will we see you in the morning, probably if Mark and Dave throw us both out, he laughed, Dad looked around and winked at me. Andy's face was a picture, obviously Tony had kept his plan secret, we got out and waved as the beast turned and went back down the hill. Well, they could not get their kit of quick enough, almost before I had shut the door Tony is standing in the lobby with a semi closely followed by Andy, with the "snake" suitable enlarged. They virtually dragged Mark and I into the bedroom, stripped us both and had their wicked way with us both, in various positions, several times.

To be continued.......

My usual suffix, sorry but this is important to me.

AIDS has taken all but a few of my circle of friends from my time on the gay scene, it is still a fact of life, it will KILL you eventually, even though they now have some very good meds which may prolong the inevitable.

Prevent the need,

ALWAYS PRACTICE SAFE SEX. USE A CONDOM. Enjoy sex without the hassle.


Just for some clarification and history. I have had a reader chastise me for the above message saying "I should do my research" giving me details of his own experiences with AIDS, saying how good the "meds" are these days, well let me put this into my perspective.

My GAY life started in late 1967-8, AIDS did not exist in the western world at least, not as we all know it now. After a couple of years, I had accumulated a circle of 30 "close" friends. We would go to orgys together and all of them, including me, would have multiple partners.

Between then and 2004 I have lost them ALL, ok, not all by AIDS, two with old age problems, one to bowel cancer and one to testicular cancer, they had not contracted AIDS.

That's TWENTY-SIX GUYS in 47 years, how and or why I escaped only God knows. Those guys did not even know what had hit them in the early days, they had no "MEDS" and they all SUFFERED LINGERING AND VERY PAINFUL DEATHS.

That's why this message is so important to me.

Is it worth the risk even with these fantastic new Meds? I don't think so.

Comments always accepted, good, bad or otherwise send to:

Next: Chapter 8

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