Holiday in Heaven

By moc.oohay@onegabmik

Published on Jul 27, 2016


Here we have a story although from my over active imagination, wishful thinking perhaps both, it was originally inspired by a correspondent who told a story of some fun he had while on holiday.

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Most names have been changed and any resemblance to anyone alive, deceased on in the houses of Parliament or anywhere else is purely co incidental and is added purely for dramatic effect. Places named have been used as we have had personal experiences of them, that does not mean they or any named person are involved in or have ever been involved with any aspect of the gay community.

Holiday in Heaven Chapter 5 (A visit to a club)

By Kimbageno. Copyright 2014-2016. All rights reserved

We left chapter 4:

As we approached the bedrooms the boys carried on and went into the spare, Tony stopped at the door and just smiled as he shut the door, Mark and I carried on to the master, we were both asleep as soon as our heads hit our pillows.

We were both woken in the morning by the two boys, who had crept into our room quietly, they had each gone to one side, slid their hands gently under the duvet, finding their targets simultaneously, gently beginning to massage our cocks. I was the first to stir with Mark a second later. Once we had come too, we were looking at the two boys grinning at us saying good morning guys, did you both sleep well. Almost before we could answer, they pulled the duvet back and both jumped up onto the bed and sank their mouths on their respective cocks.

This time I had Tony doing the honours, he had me hard within seconds, he really was a good cock sucker. As soon as it was hard he climbed up and proceeded to sit on it, he was already lubed and it slid in to the hilt, he was groaning as it sank in.

Andy did much the same with Mark and before long we had both turned the boys over and were taking them from behind, as we both pounded away we looked at each other, both saying, what a way to wake up. Several position changes later and we had both cum deep in our respective ass's much to the recipient's delight. Then both the boys said to us, OK roll over, our turn and they both proceeded to give us both a good seeing to before coming themselves. We all fell back onto the bed, exhausted, but satisfied, I was the first to speak, wow guys, that was some awakening, thank you both, Andy was the first to answer, no problem big man, just another instalment of payback, he looked over at Tony and grinned, Tony then said there's a lot more where that came from boss as he got up, knelt on the edge of the bed and shook his still semi hard cock at me and flashed those bloody eyes again.

Mark asked if they had a good night, Andy said not bad I spose, we could only manage once each though, Tony looked at me rolled he eyes and said, see what I mean, I just grinned and said, serves you both right. How come boss said Andy, well your wasting too much energy on us two, Tony looked me straight in the eye and said are you really going to complain, we all howled.

A shower followed with us all managing to behave for once, then out onto the patio where both boys jumped straight into the pool, leaving us to prepare breakfast.

I laid the table and Mark very soon came through with some trays of meats and rolls and cups of coffee. Come on you two, grub up I called to the boys who were very soon, still dripping, sat at the table looking expectant, for once, both of them with flaccid cocks, I wonder how long that's going to last I thought to myself as I too sat down to admire the view. Mark had his phone with him at the table which was un-usual, are you expecting a call I asked, well he replied, Diego said he might call, no sooner had he picked up his coffee than he's phone rang, like mine, it also goes directly to speaker. Hola, hola signor, is that signor Walters the voice continued in Spanish, si, this is Happy Home here, your cleaners, oh yes, the agents said you would ring. Are you home this morning, si, can we come around to do your villa, no problem, good we will be with you in about half an hour, ok thank you. Mark hung up. Right guys, you heard, that was the cleaners, better get some cloths on, it'll probably be girls. The boys disappeared and returned with their shorts on, I had mine on anyway, forget why, Mark went in for his. Back at the table, I thought to myself how funny it was that the boys somehow looked even sexier with shorts on, must be getting old.

Then the buzzer sounded and I went to open the gate, I stood on the porch and watched as a small M.P.V pulled up. The driver got out first, she was in her early twenties, followed by three young girls and a young lad, they were all carrying bags with the company logo on, as they approached the steps the eldest, obviously the supervisor greeted me in Spanish, Good morning signor, we are here to do your villa, come in, I managed, I do have some, very limited Spanish.

They all filled into the lobby where the supervisor barked out some instructions and the whole team split up and disappeared in all direction.

By the time I got back to the table, the boys were sat, Tony with Marks IPad and Andy with his electronic game, where's Mark I asked, oh, he's in the kitchen replied Tony. I sat down to finish my coffee, the young lad from the cleaning company came around the side of the villa pushing a lawn mower and started to cut the grass around the pool. Andy looked up as the mower started, wow, he's going to turn a few heads when he gets older, behave yourself Andy snapped Tony, spoil sport Andy replied and went back to he's game. I must admit, the lad was quite a looker but far too young for me, he could not have been much more than sixteen, nice ass though as he bent down to take the collection box off the mower.

Mark returned to the table just as his phone rang again, hola, hi Mark its Diego, hi, how's it going, good, just been to check the pool, it's about half full, so we are well on target, thanks Diego, see you later, oh, before you go, what are you two doing later, not much why he replied. Want to meet up later, I thought Mikonos might be fun, that place is always fun replied Diego, what time, well it opens at eleven, say half past, great, that fits in. I've given the crew Friday off as they all worked so hard, so we we'll not be working either, see you there, great, see you later, We'll send a car to pick you up about 10:30, oh, ok, thanks, even better said Diego, means I can have a drink, that's the plan replied Mark, see you later, ok bye. As he laid his phone on the table he noticed both the boys looking at him expectantly. Yes, said Mark, teasing them, sorry but we could not help overhearing your call, we're just wondering where or what Mikonos is, I know it's a Greek Island but. Ah said Mark as he looked over at me and winked, that's a surprise, it does mean a late night though so don't wear yourselves out during the day. Might be a good idea to have a day at home today I said, a chance to recoup our strength. Oh said Andy, that sounds a bit boring, for God's sake Andy said Tony, contrary to your belief, life does not revolve around sex, Andy shot back, ah piss off and stormed of back into the villa. I looked across at Mark, he just grinned, Tony had also looked up from the IPad and said to both of us, don't worry about him, he'll come around.

Then Marks phone rang again, busy morning I commented, yes he said as he picked it up, hola, hola signor Pritchard? Si, Bromley Estates here, can we talk? Yes, certainly Mark replied as he switched to phone, stood up and walked across to the grass area the other side of the pool. Tony looked at me and shrugged his shoulders, what's going on today, he's phone has not stopped, no, he's talking to the letting agents we hired this villa through, I replied. Oh., nothing wrong I hope, no, I doubt it, they are probably just checking everything it OK for us, they are one of the biggest and best agents out here and they like to look after their important clients.

I was then aware of someone standing behind me, I turned around, it was the cleaning supervisor, thank you signor she said, we have finished and hope that everything is to your liking, I'm sure it will be, thank you I replied and stood up to see them off the premises. Before going back to the patio, I went in search of Andy, he was not far away, I heard the sobs first, he was in the spare room, lying face down on the bed gently sobbing. As I sat on the edge of the bed he turned and immediately crabbed and hugged me really hard still sobbing.

What's this all about I asked, oh sorry Dave, it's just Tony, he does not understand, it gets me so upset sometimes. Understand what lad? Oh, my love of sex, he just can't or won't accept that I need it. Andy, your young, you've got things going on in your body at the moment, things that you don't understand, you will just have to try and accept that Tony's been thorough this stage and he obviously does not have the same interests. Andy had pulled away and was watching me as I spoke, he had stopped crying and just looked me in the eye and whimpered thanks Dave, you're such a kind man. No Andy, I'm an old man who has seen a lot of life and I understand how your feeling, he smiled and put his hand into my crutch, found my semi and squeezed.

He laid back, took off his shorts revelling his "snake" which was not far off fully erect, he rolled over, fuck me Dave, please. I was not going to say no, I stripped off my shorts, got the KY and proceeded to give the lad what he craved. I had shut the door as I entered the room and to my great surprise we were not disturbed. After I had cum and pulled off he rolled over and said can I fuck you now? This lad really did not seem to ever get enough, yes but be gently with that monster of yours which was absolutely rock hard. We had another session, he came deep inside me as he kissed the back of my neck. Following a shower, we went back to the patio, as we walked over to the loungers both Mark and Tony looked up, Mark winked at me, Tony just smiled and stood up and came over to he's brother and took him into a big hug, sorry bro, I just flipped, ok bro, no problem was Andy's reply, they parted the embrace and went to sit on the same lounger at the far end of the patio, both with an arm around the other chatting, Mark and I just grinned, Mark said quietly, brotherly love, yes, great to see isn't it I replied.

What did the agent want I asked, oh, they got back to me with an answer to a question I set them earlier, oh, which was, I asked, oh only whether it would be possible to rent this place on a permeant basis. I looked at him puzzled, he had not mentioned this to me before. Well, he started to explain, we both seem to like it here so I asked the question, turns out that they have worked out what seems to be an ideal solution. Which is, I asked with interest, well, we buy this place, then leave it for them to look after and maintain and let for short term holiday lets for us when we don't need it, sounded a good plan but I'll run it past our financial people first, it will need a good specialist solicitor as well to oversee the contracts, maybe even get our legal team involved. Sounds just great I said as we both noticed both the lads had come over to the table and were listening to our conversation. Sorry to eavesdrop said Tony, you're getting good at that aren't you replied Mark. Tony continued, saying somewhat excitedly, does that mean that we will be able to see more of you both, sounds fantastic said Andy as he came over and put his arms around my shoulders from behind, I could feel the "snake" gently pushing into my back.

Wow, hang on you two, it's still just a plan, anyway you will be bored with us before long, no way said both lads in unison, both smiling and looking really excited.

They both joined us on our loungers, Dave, yes Tony, do you mind if I ask you something? No lad, of course not, only we've both been wondering where you two call home? That's a good question I replied looking over at Mark. Where do I start Mark? How about work down in size, yes, or might be a bit more dramatic going the other way, might be a bit more fun too Mark replied, the boy's eyes were like a ping pong balls, looking from side to side. Well, this place, the latest is the smallest, this is small, said Andy, Mark, say if I get these two the wrong way around, the chalet in Chamonix in Switzerland, the villa in San Marino in Italy, the flat in Venice, hang on Dave, put those two the other way around, the boys looked at us both with open mouths, well you did ask I said, where was I, ah yes, so its Venice, then San Marino the apartment in Paris, the apartment in Trump Tower and the house in the forest, that's about right Dave, well done. Wow said both boys, you own all those places, well technically yes, it's the trust really but yes we have a bolt hole in most areas. Tony picked up on the forest, where is that, ah yes, this is the real home, home, its where we spend the most time, a modest little pile, a ten- bedroom house set in fifty acers of the New Forest in Hampshire, gosh said Andy, you call that a modest little pile? how often do you get to them all? Not as often as we would like, we do have work to do, yes you can do a lot with the internet these days but occasionally you still have to see people face to face, wow, what a life. Tony asked where's the apartment in Paris? Avenue Kieber, in the 8th arrondissment, it's one of the roads that run away from The Arc de Triomphe. How many bedrooms do you have there asked Andy, five but we turned one into an office, God you two really are something special, so are you two Mark replied, smiling. I broke it up with, time for a beer and a swim I think, to which the lads took off for the pool with Mark in hot pursuit. Half an hour later we were all back on the patio drying off. Mark had gone for some more beer; Andy had gone for a pee. Tony came over and sat on my lounger, thank you he said, for what young man, for giving Andy some slack he replied. What do you mean, he's told me what you said, you two really don't have any secrets do you, no, he replied, he's never had anything like this happen to him before, it's always been just the two of us with the family, he's enjoying you and Marks company and "interest" so much, he's finding it all a bit overpowering

He's a good lad I replied, and, replied Tony, with a wicked glint in his eye, ok, yes, he's a bloody good fuck and that cock of his is really something special, isn't it replied Tony with another wink.

We spent the rest of the day, eating, drinking, swimming and just chilling, a really nice relaxing day with some spectacular things to watch. At one point Tony had Andy at the side of the pool, the little buggers had made dam sure that we could see exactly what they were doing which got Mark and I going to the point that we had sex on a lounger much to the lad's delight. Dinner followed then it was off to Marbella. We had told the lads to make a special effort and look their very best for the evening, as naturally, we wanted to show them both off, they still did not know where we were going. When it was time to leave they came out into the lobby where Mark and I were waiting, not surprisingly they both looked absolutely spectacular. Tony was wearing a white open necked short sleeved shirt which showed of his chest hair and just cleared his nipples, tight light grey slacks which did not leave much to the imagination and a light pair of summer shoes. Andy had gone for a cream tee shirt with black slacks, thankfully, they were loose fitting so hid the "snake" at least to the casual observer.

We piled into the car and headed off towards Marbella, we had been to this club many times so had no problem finding our way around all the little back lanes of the old town, you could see and hear the club from a good hundred yards away. As we approached and pulled up outside, one of the doorman came up to the car, opened the door and said, ah good evening Mr Walters, we were expecting you sir, we will park the car for you, thank you replied Mark as we all made our way towards the door. The pavement was packed with revellers and there were two queues either side of the entrance, another doorman came out through the central set of doors and greeted us, taking us back through the central doorway into the lobby and up the stairs. The staff at the club are all between 21 and 25, all over six foot, all wearing skin tight black slacks which hide nothing, white shirts with a black tie. I noticed both the lads looking around in disbelief with their mouths open, you two alright I shouted, yeh fine thanks. Our escort turned to Mark and said your friends are already in your booth, good replied Mark, thank you. The boys looked at each other wondering what on earth was going on, we followed our escort till he stopped and opened a door, inside were Diego, Matias and six other lads I did not know but guessed they were part of Diego's crew. We filled in and the escort asked if we wanted a drink, well give you a call a bit later replied Mark as we went over to greet the assembled "crew".

Matias came straight over and gave both Mark and I a big hug and a kiss, so nice to see you both again, thanks for letting us use your booth. At that point the lads realised just where they were, above the dance floor, in a circle, the club has several large, glass fronted, almost sound proof booths set out with tables, loungers and chairs and of course seductive lighting.

Diego was the next to give the two of us a hug and kiss, Matias then asked Mark and who do we have here? Looking open eyed at the lads, you can put your eyes back in off those stalks, your spoken for said Diego laughing. We all then went through the introductions, every one of Diego's "crew" were stunners, all looking so, oh so sexy, I asked Diego in English, how on earth do you concentrate on working with these guys around you, with difficulty, my friend, sometimes with great difficulty, he grinned.

We eventually settled down in various chairs chatting, the boys were sat on one of the loungers directly overlooking the dance floor surveying the scene around them in ore. Mark had by now picked up the phone was ordering a round of drinks, when they arrived I asked the lad to bring a bottle of Scotch and Gin with mixers and a couple of trays of beer and load up the little fridge in the corner of the booth.

I walked over to the boys, well, I said, wow this place is fantastic replied Andy, Tony agreed, I said to Andy you need to thank Mark, oh what for said Andy, anything in particular, well, yes, he arranged for you to be able to come tonight, you're not supposed to be here, it's over 21s only, oh God he replied and shot strait over to Mark and gave him a big hug. Everyone was watching this performance, in fact, I had noticed a couple of the "crew" had not taken their eyes off Tony since he arrived. Mark looked over at me as if to say, what's this for as Andy reached up and kissed his cheek. I just smiled and mouthed back "later".

Discos are not really my thing, I like to see the youngsters enjoying themselves but Mark and I have been coming here for a couple of years as more of a place to meet friends. Diego suddenly stood up and asked for quiet, once everyone had stopped talking he drew everyone's attention to the table by the door, right lads he started in Spanish, you are all free to go down to the party floor and have fun but take a wrist band before you go or security will not let you back up here. Off you go, have fun, with that all but two of the "crew" took their bands and left the room. Turning to me he asked and what are we to do with these two, looking at Tony and Andy who were still ore struck by the experience so far. I asked Tony, would you and Andy like to go downstairs? yes please Dave, the lighting looks fab, might even see me have a dance or two, what about you Andy. Yeh, I'll go but it's not really my scene, really I replied, I'm enjoying the experience but I don't dance, much to Tony's disgust. About the only thing you don't do together then I replied, you could see him go red as Diego looked at me then Andy and them smiled at us both, ah, like that is it, yes Diego, very much like that. No problem boys, these two lads of mine, he brought forward Mateo and Nicolas, they smiled and shook hands with Tony and Andy. I've asked these two to look after your two while they are here, they both speak English, you think of everything I said to Diego, we try he replied, the four lads were already chatting, funnily enough in Spanish before they left the room. All of them were very soon back in the room, they had all forgotten their armbands, take good care of your charges Diego said in Spanish as they left for the second time, yes boss came back the reply.

With the "crew gone it left the booth looking a bit empty, we all took chairs and sat by the window looking down at the hordes of gyrating youngsters on the floor, we very soon spotted the "crew" and then our lads with their escorts, all up and dancing like mad things including Andy.

Several hours and a good few drinks later Diego, Matias, Mark and I had caught up with all our news. Members of the crew returned periodically during the evening for a drink and then went back to the party. The other four did not come back up, they had been told that they could get drinks at the bar if they showed their armbands and it would be put onto our tab, where do these youngsters get their energy, they were nonstop.

They called last orders about 3 30 in the morning, I must admit, I was beginning to flag, the "crew" started to drift back into the booth, sitting down as soon as they could to ease their aching joints. Very soon they were all back including Tony and Andy who each entered the booth with one of their escorts arms wrapped around them. We all looked over as Tony gave me a thumbs up sign and another one of his big smiles.

Diego started to say goodbye to his "crew" and they started to drift off, giving Matias a kiss as they filled passed him. Well gentlemen Mark said to the boys, are we ready to go home, I think so thank you, it's been a fantastic evening replied Tony. Andy then said, just one problem though, what's that young man I questioned, well it means there's now even more to pay off the debt, he looked at me, turned and ran for the door as I chased him, he did not manage to get the door open in time and I caught him. With my hands around his throat, all be it gently, I said, if you think this is on the bill forget it sunshine, this one on us and started to laugh, he did not know whether to laugh or cry, Tony quickly came over and took his brother off down the stairs. Mark had by this time made the call to have the car brought to the door so by the time we had said our goodbyes to Diego and Matias in the lobby, our cars drew up. We all piled in and made our way back to our respective homes.

We were very soon back in the lobby of the villa, the boys again thanked us both for a fantastic evening and made their way down the corridor to the bedrooms. Mark and I both watched as they both turned into the master bedroom. By the time we got there, both boys were under the duvet, in the centre, both fast asleep. I noticed, that this time I had Tony and Andy was on Marks side, I thought to myself, well, a change is as good as a rest and settled in as gently as I could to avoid waking the lads.

As my head hit the pillow I realised I had not been as successful as I had hoped, as Tony's strong arm came over my shoulder and started to hug me close. Thank you so much Dave he whispered, that was a really fabulous night, do I pay for it now or wait till morning? I turned over, we were eye to eye, and you complain that Andy's the randy one smiling, he grinned and I turned back so my back was facing him, within a very short time I could feel the head of his cock locating my ass, once found, it was gently but firmly pushed all the way home which made me exhale as the very last inch made its target. Very gently, to avoid waking the others he proceeded to give me one of the most sensuous fucks I have ever had, it was so very gently.

To be continued.......

My usual suffix, sorry but this is important to me.

AIDS has taken all but a few of my circle of friends from my time on the gay scene, it is still a fact of life, it will KILL you eventually, even though they now have some very good meds which may prolong the inevitable.

Prevent the need,

ALWAYS PRACTICE SAFE SEX. USE A CONDOM. Enjoy sex without the hassle.


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Next: Chapter 6

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