Holiday in Heaven

By moc.oohay@onegabmik

Published on Mar 8, 2022


Holiday in Heaven Chapter 37

Holiday in Heaven

Book Four. Chapter 37. Unwanted visitors.

Bertie entered the master bedroom carrying a tray with a flask of coffee, milk, sugar and four cups, he put it down on a table while he opened the balcony doors, then moved the tray out onto the table on the balcony. He then returned to the bedroom and woke Mark. A routine he has followed for many years in the summer months, Mark stirred and thanked Bertie, "no young masters this morning sir?" "No Bertie, they had a late night in the tub, might be best to leave them to recover in their own time this morning", Very well sir, I'll ask Mrs Wilson to delay breakfast for a while". "Thank you, Bertie, what would we do without you" and smiled; Bertie grinned and made his exit.

In the next room, both the boys were still fast asleep, both lying on their backs and both with rock hard morning woods on full display, just as well it was not Birtie who woke them. That pleasure fell to Dave, he had enjoyed his coffee in the sun and had a shower before knocking on the dividing door. He got no response so opened it and went in, what a sight for sore eyes. Two fit, well-proportioned and very well endowed young men lay sprawled out on the super king-size bed.

Dave just could not resist it, he carefully and gently climbed onto the bed between the two boys, when he was within reach he gently clasped both stiff cocks at the same time and gently started to wank them both. Andy was the first to respond, Dave could feel a pulse in Andys shaft, it was not long before he began to grown with obvious pleasure and he also started to gyrate his hips in time with Dave's actions. It was not long before he had them both humping his hands, very slowly they both began to come back to the land of the living, eyes opened and smiles grew. Andy said, "what was it Mark said to Nick the other morning"? Tony replied, "it's the early bird that catches the worm," they all began laughing.

"Right said Dave, "it seems a criminal waste but its time to rise and shine gentlemen, lots to do today", he got off the bed and left the two boys looking at each other. Andy asked: "what are we going to do with these,"? looking down at his own engorged, stiff and throbbing cock.

Tony said: "mines as bad, let's take them into the shower and see what happens," smiling.

When Dave joined Mark in the dining room Bertie was serving coffee, he asked: "if the young masters were up and about yet"? Dave replied, "yes Bertie, they will be down soon", "ok sir, I'll let Mrs Wilson know"; "thank you Bertie", he finished pouring Daves coffee and left the room. The boys arrived just as Bertie was bringing in the server with the eggs and bacon on, he left just as Nick came in with the toast and a tray of sausages and black pudding. He caught Tony's eye and mouthed that his ass was sore, Tony giggled and got Andys eye, nodded towards Nick and smiled. Dave had picked up the exchange and when Nick had left he asked Tony "what happened last night then?" "Oh, we had a little fun in the tub that's all," he replied smiling.

At that moment Marks phone rang, Tony gave a little sigh as if he had been saved by the bell, "hello, oh high Sven, to what do we owe this pleasure?, yes, of course, you can, we said your welcome anytime", actually, would you all like to come down for the weekend, we have all got some good news for you," yes, by all means, you can stay for dinner tonight, we'll arrange a lunch out on Sunday and you can swim to your hearts content; how does that sound? Great, so we will see you in about an hour and a half, take care, bye for now".

Mark looked around the table, guess you all got the gist of that, your families coming down for the weekend, Your dad wants a swim". "Great," said Andy, "be nice to see them," Tony just said: "Oh hell, that means he will want to race me again" and groaned. Bertie returned to serve breakfast, "Bertie," said Mark, "yes sir, " the boys family is coming to visit for the weekend, could you get Mrs Wilson to have the rooms made up please?" "of course sir, she will be so pleased, she loves it when we have a house full", "will you be eating in"? yes, I think so, for this evening at least, get the caterers in, it's not fair to spring this on Mrs Wilson, we will go out for Sunday lunch if the weather is nice", "ok sir I'll see that everything is in order for your guests" "thankyou Bertie" he carried on with the breakfast and left the room.

Dave just said to the table, "what would we do without those two?" Mark just smiled and carried on buttering his toast. Mark asked: "Tony, after breakfast, would you pop over and let Will know that we will need his services lunchtime please, we'll use the bus and you can drive the Range Rover, you like that don't you"? Tony finished his mouthful and replied, "yes of course, yes its probably my favourite of all your vehicles". Andy said: no, I can't wait till I can have a go in the Merc", he smiled at Mark and added "I know, just a bit more to the bill and they all laughed.

After breakfast, Andy said he would take the dogs for a run, Tony left the table saying he would go and find Will, Dave said he would take his coffee into the lounge and catch up on the news, Mark said he had some work to do and made his way to his office.

Tony got to the top of the stairs to the flat above the garage and knocked on the door, as he waited he thought he could hear some scrambling from inside, "it's only me ", he said in a loud voice. A second later the door opened and a bollock naked Nick was standing there with his cock standing to attention and a very red face. "God, you two are just like rabbits, at it at every opportunity", he smiled, "are you going to invite me in or are you too busy"? Nick had the perfect response, "yes, of course, your welcome, we learned it from you and your brother". Tony entered the flat and was confronted with Will laying out on the settee also bollock naked and also with a stiff cock on full display.

Nick shut the door and joined Will on the settee, crabbing Wills cock as he did so, "you can sit down" he said, gesturing towards an armchair, "there no charge for the floor show either," he smiled. Will had not taken hold of Nicks cock and was gently waking it, "to what do we owe this pleasure" he asked, "or is it a social call"?. "Sadly not purely social, I don't have very long, I'm expected back at the house soon, " I replied. "Mark asked me to let Will know that he will be required to drive the bus on Sunday to take them for lunch". Will replied, "oh, that's ok, ill make sure it's all clean and ready". "As I said, I don't have long so if you two could give me a performance and a tissue, I'll wank off while I watch the show". With that, Nick stood up and got me a box of tissues and went back to the settee and laid across one of the arms, Will by this time had stood up and was waiting to sink his cock into Nicks willing ass when he got into position. I had dropped my trousers and underpants by this time and was massaging my tight balls as Will made his entry. Nick squealed as Will went full thrust to the hilt, visible giving Nick some considerable trouble, not enough to prevent him calling out deeper, harder, faster, go on, more, give it all to be stud. It was quite a show, I had a grandstand view of Wills efforts to push his cock through Nicks body, it was so good that I was soon at the point of no return, just in time they both broke off and came down to try and catch what spunk they could, then sucking out anything that was left.

They both stood up, both their cocks were showing signs of dying down as I stood and put my trousers back on. "Well, thanks guys, that was a hell of a show, Andy will be so disappointed he missed it," I said. In unison, they both said that he would be welcome anytime, both of them smiling, did I detect a sudden revival of blood pressure to certain items, no surely not.

By the time I got back to the house, I found Dave and Andy in the lounge, Dave with his iPad and Andy reading a book on Australia, there's keen for you. Dave looked up, Is Will ok with the plan for Sunday"? "yeh" I said, they were both at it when I got there". Andy jumped up and said "hope you joined in bro", I replied looking at Dave smiling. "of course bro but only as a spectator". Andy looked at me, then read my thoughts and just smiled, saying "you letch, your getting worse," I replied, "oh, hark at the pot calling the kettle black," we all fell about laughing.

That's when Mark appeared in the doorway, "and just what is going on in here, you're making enough noise to wake the whole of Hampshire" with a grin on his face. Dave just said, "catching up on the missing laughter when the boys are not here and grinned.

Just as we all sat back down we heard the tell tail alarm that notified the gate bell push had been pushed, Mark said, "Ah that will be Sven, let's go out to greet them and we all made our way to the front door. Bertie had beaten us to it and by then already opened the gate by remote and the front door ready to accept our visitors, even both the dogs were sat on the step with their tails wagging in anticipation.

We watched as a newMerc 43 C class pulled up by the step, we could see Sven grinning behind the wheel, he got out and came over with his hand stretched out making for Mark. They shook hands, then it was Daves turn, he got a big hug as well. Next Tony, no handshake just a long hard hug, then Andy, another long hug. He stepped back as Sophia came forward to be greeted by Mark who took her hand and kissed the back of it gently, the big softy, a double cheek kiss for Dave and more hugs for both her boys. The girls smiled but were more interested in making a fuss of the dogs who were lapping up the extra attention.

Sven then gestured towards Bertie and smiled, "good afternoon sir, I trust you had a pleasant journey", "yes thank you Bertie", leave your luggage sir, I'll have Will and Nick take it to your rooms" "thankyou Bertie, such service, you're going to spoil us all again aren't you" said Sophia, smiling warmly, "we do try" replied Bertie also smiling.

By this time both the boys had drifted off towards this new car that dad had not spoken of, looking around it, it was a C43 AMG in a lovely bright red with slightly darker red leather seats. "This is nice," said Tony as he opened the driver's door for a closer look. At that point, Sven called out "Tony" Tony spun around just in time to catch the keys which his dad had thrown, "have a drive around the grounds son". Both boys did not wait in case Dad changed his mind, they were both in and starting to move away. Sven looked at Mark and Dave and just said "boys and their toys", with a smile, the innuendo was mot missed even by Sophia who almost laughed out loud.

Will and Nick stood aside and waited for the boys to bring the car and the baggage back while the others made their way to the lounge, on the way we heard the girls sniggering at the two "life-size" statues either side of the entrance to the stairway. Once in the lounge, the girls made straight for the bookshelves, looking back at Mark and asking "can we pick a book to read, please? Mark replied with an appreciative smile, "of course as long as it goes back where you found it. Sophia said "thankyou Mark, since they came last time we cannot stop them both reading" "That's good news" replied Mark, "now, I bet you would all like a drink, coffee, tea or something a little stronger"? as he made his way to the cord by the fireside and pulled it. As they all sat down Bertie came in, "you rang sir" he said looking at Mark. "yes Bertie, drinks all round please, we each gave our request and he tottered off.

It did not take long for the general conversation to start, each asking how the other had been, when the boys returned they had a number of question for their father about the car. Tony compared it to the C63 AMG, to which Sven replied, "that's not fair son, for a start the engine is twice the size and it cost three times as much".

Sven then brought up Marks comment about having some news, adding, "good I hope?

Mark took up the narrative and firstly said that both young men were now in the full-time employ of HICE, then both lads outlined to Mum and Dad what they were doing within the organisation. Mum was not too happy about the weapons training but once assured by Mark that he was not planning to send Tony to a war zone she seemed much happier. Then he dropped the bombshell, we will all be going to Australia every couple of months at least for the next four to six months, staying out there for a couple of weeks at a time. That kept the conversation going for some time. It was getting on for four in the afternoon when Andy stood up saying he was going to give the dogs a run, his sisters asked if they might come too but Andy wisely suggested that we have had so much rain recently, it is very boggy in the paddock, saying it might not be such a good idea, the girls excepted this explanation and returned to their books.

Sven asked if he might have a swim, mark said, of course, help yourself, he left to change and get his robe.

Andy left the house on the western side and walked around the house so he was furthest from the stable block, his plan was to go around the paddock clockwise and come back via the stable block, across the yard back to the house. Heading back to the house he noticed that one of the stable doors was open, he detoured to investigate as he knew the house rule that those doors are always to be securely locked and bolted. As he approached he could hear someone humming, he went into the stable and immediately saw an ass poking out of the bus. He crept up close and saw that it was Will hovering the carpets ready for the Sunday drive.

When Will is doing dirty work he wears jogging slacks, as he was kneeling down on the step of the bus he was showing a bit of "builders bum". The sound of the hoover hid the noise Andy made getting close behind Will and undoing his jeans and managing to get the now hard snake out of bondage. Because Will was kneeling on the step his ass was just high enough for Andy to get in close and slide the snake between Will's legs. Had Will been much older he would probably have had an instant heart attack, he jumped and twisted around to see Andy stood there with a manic grin on his face. "I heard you offered a service anytime, I've come to claim my prize, "he said still smiling. Without a single word, Andy pulled back about a foot, the length of the snake, Will let his slacks fall to the ground, Andy advanced, spot on target and sank almost the whole snake deep into Wills nice tight ass.

By the time Andy eventually came Will had changed position, he was now on his back with his legs resting on Andys shoulders. Just then Andy felt someone reach between his legs and start massaging his balls, he twisted around to see Nick smiling at him with a glint in his eye. The combined effect of Wills tight ass and Nicks gently stroking of his balls took him over and he shot a good load deep in Wills ass. As he pulled out he turned and asked Nick what he wanted to do with his throbbing cock. "Could I fuck you please Andy, I just love to watch your cock pulse as I push". Without a word, Will got out of the bus and Andy took his place, on his back with his legs in the air. Nick approached and inserted his cock into Andys ass and started to pump for all he was worth. This gave Andy no problem as he was well used to Tonys which was at least twice the size both in length and girth, it still brought the snake back to life. A point not missed by Will who knelt down beside Andy and took the snake into his mouth, as much as he could anyway and started to wank it as quickly as he could. It was not long before Andy announced that he was coming, the contractions were enough to make his ass tight enough to bring Nick well up to speed, both Will and Andy got a good dose of warm man juice. Andy let his legs down and Nick collapsed onto Andy's chest, Will gave Nick a kiss as he recovered. After a couple of minutes, the disentangled and started to get themselves back to respectability. Andy made his way back to the house via the pool, where he watched his day do a length.

Back in the lounge, Sophia and the girls had gone up to their rooms, Sven was discussing the Australia project with Mark. Dave looked up as Andy entered the room, "have a good walk, Andy?" "Thanks, do you know if any of the groundsmen have been working right down at the bottom of the paddock? Mark suddenly stopped talking with Sven and looked at Andy, "Why do you ask lad", " probably nothing but I spotted an awful lot of footprints in the mud".

For a moment, Mark was deep in thought, then he apologised to Sven, "sorry have a call to make, "he took out his phone opened it and pushed a speed dial. "Hello Simon, good thanks, well, remember what we were talking about Friday, Andy has just been walking at the bottom of the paddock, he said he saw a lot of footprints in the mud. No, our groundsmen have not been working down there for some time, its been too boggy. There was a long pause, we all noticed Marks expression getting more and more concerned, Ok Simon, thank you, is there anything you want us to do. Another pause, well, yes obviously, give the guy my number, tell him to ring when he's at the gate, we'll go out and escort them in, ok, thanks again Simon, we have a room here for you so you can stay over, see you later, bye. Mark stood up, turned to Andy, "could you go and let Mrs Wilson know that there will be at least six extra for dinner tonight, also that they will not need rooms, then get your Dad in from the pool, go quickly lad, where's Tony does anyone know?

We all said no, he picked up the house phone and dialled a number, "Hi Tony, sorry to disturb could you come down to the lounge as soon as you can please, thanks, explain later, quickly lad, bye. We heard the thumps as Tony came down the stairs three steps at once, he bounded into the lounge and looked at Mark. "What the hells going on"? he said, a little out of breath. "Listen very carefully lad I want you to go all around the perimeter of the house, all windows on all floors including both Daves and my office first, make sure that all the double locks and all the security bolts are secure and close all the shutters and lock them, do the house first then go around the pool and tub room, lock all the doors with the keys, bring the keys back to the house and put all the bolts across top, locking them all bottom and centre, literally batton down all the hatches, go, lad, take your mobile if you see anything at all ring me and get back inside the house; go, lad, as quick as you can, if you see Bertie on your rounds ask him to come and see me please, now go. Tony was looking white as he left the room, Mark turned to Sven, who had come in from the pool and was still in his robe, sorry, we may have a problem, could you go up and get the girls and Sophia down here, please.

Sven looked at Mark and with a concerned expression asked: what the hells going on Mark", I'll explain when all the measures are in place and we are all together, now as quick as you can, without causing panic, get your family in here. Sven took Mark at his word and went up to get the family. Bertie came into the lounge, "you asked for me, sir?" "ah, yes Bertie, do you remember the conversation we had last year after we came back from Thailand?" Bertie took a second to think, "do you mean about security, when we had all the contractors in doing all the doors and windows" ."Yes, Bertie, we are expecting a team from the office, they are on route now from Guildford, should be here within the hour, Tony is going around the perimeter now shutting everything up, can you let Mrs Wilson know for me, she already knows we are expecting at least six more for dinner but they will eat in the kitchen if that s all right with her", "that will be fine sir, is there anything I can do?" "Yes, Bertie can you make sure the safe room his habitable, it should be but better be safe than sorry"," certainly sir I'll do it now, thank you, Bertie."

Andy had been sat stum watching and listening to all that was going on, he knew instinctively not to ask questions now. Mark again lifted the house phone, "Hello Will, good, now listen, I want you to go through the top security action we spoke about last month with Simon, can you remember, good lad, do it now and make sure both your mobiles are fully charged we may lose the house phone, no lad, sadly this is not a drill, now go, report back to me when it's all done, let Nick know what's going on, I need everyone working from the same songsheet here, thankyou lad now go as quick as you can, bye, he hung up just as Sven, the girls, Sophia and Tony came back into the room. Tony went straight to the windows, drew back the curtains and checked all the locks then pulled the steel shutters down and set all three locks, he then went and did the same to the other window. He looked at Mark and asked, "did you want me to do the front door as well Mark?" No lad just double lock it all three bolts, "ok" and he left.

Mark was stood in the middle of the room, right, girls, would you like to go and see how Mrs Wilson prepares for our dinner"? yes please Uncle Mark, that would be fun"," ok off you go then," they scuttled off leaving the adults none the wiser.

"Right ladies and gentlemen, I suggest we all sit, lads would you do drinks for everyone please"? They both stood up, "yes of course Mark," "thank you". "Ok, you are all but one probably wondering what the hell is going on, let me explain. It all starts when we were in Thailand, if you remember we were kidnapped, the room nodded, "well, hopefully, it will turn out to be nothing but Andy was out walking the dogs earlier and he noticed a lot of footprints in the mud at the far end of our paddock. Our grounds people have not been working down there for some time it's far too boggy with all the rain we have been having."

"Simon, our head of security has had a team looking into our abduction and has recently seen a resurgence of activity by the group concerned. When we returned from Thailand Simon had a team of experts go through this house from top to bottom. Every window and door has at least three top security locks fitted as if that's not enough he had them install blast-proof shutters on all windows and doors. We are effectively now sat in a house stronger than Fort Knox." Sven looked over at Sophia, she understandably looked worried, he went and sat beside her and held her hand.

Mark then looked over at Tony, "did you check all the attic windows on your round?" Yes, Mark, they were already locked and had the shutters down and locked" "thanks lad".

Dave spoke for the first time in a long while, "so Mark, what happens now, we can't stay cooped up in here all weekend". No, Dave, you're quite right, that's why we have a group of professional armed security personnel on their way as we speak">

Mark stood up again, "ok guys, would you all follow me, please? We all stood up and followed Mark as he went down the side of the stairs that lead to their offices, he stopped at what looked like a normal panel on the wall of the stairs. He reached up and put his hand on what looked like a small glass window, there was a loud click. He pushed one side of the panel and it opened, a light came on and we followed Mark down to the basement, where the bowling alley and cinema were. He led us all to the far end, where we could all see a large steel door with a long handle on one side, Mark lifted the handle and gave a mighty pull, the door glided open to reveal another stairway going down a further fifteen to twenty feet. At the bottom, there was another steel door with another long lever. Mark lifted the lever and pulled the door open, a light came on and we saw a room about five foot square with yet another steel door on the opposite wall, another lever and this opened into a large room, probably as large as the lounge upstairs. Once we were all inside Mark closed and locked the door, "Ok, we are now in a bomb and waterproof shelter, they tell me we can withstand a nuclear bomb blast in here as long as it's not too close when it goes off. We are surrounded by fifteen foot of reinforced extra dense concrete, we have a water supply, filtered air supply, emergency oxygen and enough food for twenty people for six months, the last resort. Now let's get back upstairs, this place gives me the willies," everyone smiled and followed Mark back to the lounge.

We had not been in the lounge more than the time it takes to get everyone another drink when Marks phone rang. "ah Simon my boy, yes, ok, so they are at the gate now, ok and you're still a quarter of an hour away, ok, you did remember your pass signal for the gate, good man, on our way now, what's the lead guys name, Peter Knight and the passcode, rook takes bishop, oh very original, thanks Simon, see you soon.

Mark stood up, Sven can we use your car, ours are in the stable"? of course Mark, Tonys insured in it anyway," he looked over at his son who had a glow to his expression, "Gosh thanks Dad". "Tony", yes Mark, go to my office, open the gun safe, you remember the combination"? "Yes, Mark" bring two of the automatic handguns, the ones you trained on back at the office, don't forget the ammo, two boxes for both guns and don't forget to lock the safe, go lad as quick as you can", he turned to Dave, "can you get two vests from under the stairs please Dave, leave them by the front door, thanks" Dave scuttled off.

Mark looked around the room, Sophia was looking very worried now, the thought of her son with a live gun must have been a real problem for her, Tony came back with the guns, he gave one to Mark. "Ok, we are going out to escort our security team to the house, as we leave Bertie will lock and bolt the front door, do not open it for anyone but me, we will use the same code, Sven can you do that for me"? "sure Dave, rook takes bishop, " "good man. Ok, Tony off we go, oh, the keys would be a good idea, Sven throws them to Tony who promptly dropped them, he cursed bent down and picked them up. "Is the alarm on Dad,"? "its auto Son get close and it disarms," he went over and pointed to a button on the fob, "as you go out the door push this, it will start, good luck."

Bertie was stood by the front door waiting, as we approached he checked the CCTV screen and opened the door. Mark and Tony walked out to the car, all the floodlights were on, it was like daylight, Tony had pushed the button as instructed and the car started, they climbed in and made their way to the main gate. Even the driveway now had powerful floodlights. They got to the gate, Mark got out, checked another hidden CCTV screen, he saw a large black Transit minibus with a guy large enough to be a full back for the England rugby team. Speaking through the intercom they cleared and Mark opened the gate, Tony had by this time turned the car around and was waiting for Mark. They pulled forward enough for the bus to clear the sensor and they watch the gate close. The bus then followed Tony back to the house.

They parked close to the front door, Mark pushed the bell and waited by the intercom, he heard Sven say "yes", "Ok Sven it's Mark, rook takes bishop", the door opened, Sven and Bertie came out onto the step and watched as six huge guys got out of the minibus and stood waiting for their boss to get out. He walked towards the group at the door and introduced himself as Major Peter Knight of the 21st S.A.S. Regiment, Mark came forward and introduced him to Dave, Sven and Bertie. Mark suggested that the Major and his men came into the house", "thank you, sir, but we have some gear to offload first, can we leave it in the hallway for the time being? "Certainly Major, the house is yours", "thank you sir", he turned gave some orders and his men returned to their bus and brought in eight golf bag sized metal grates and stacked them in the hallway, closed the door and where they were taken into the kitchen.

As the group made their way back into the lounge they heard the tell tail gate alarm sound, "ah, that will be Simon" said Mark as he turned and went back to the front door where he waited for Simon to arrive. Mark opened the door and greeted Simon with a big hug, thank you lad for coming so quickly", "no problem sir that's what you're paying me for, he smiled as Mark shut and locked the front door. Mark led Simon into the lounge, "I think you know everyone here Simon", Sorry sir, could you refresh my memory? "of course lad but a drink first, Tony, could you do the honours please?" "of course Mark, what would you like Simon?". Could I have a large Scotch please, think I might need it, he smiled, nervously.

Introductions done Simon asked where the army guys were "follow me" said Mark, "I'll take you to them, guess you still have work to do," "yes sir, the first thing is to set up a control centre, do you have anywhere suitable?" "Come and have a look at our spare office, lots of power sockets and full satellite internet", sounds perfect, they left the lounge.

Tony was sat talking with his Mum, she was obviously upset at both the current situation but also that her son was handling guns. Don't worry Mum, I've had some fantastic training, I know what I'm doing, he smiled and gave her a kiss. Sven was sitting with the girls who were looking scared as well they might, they had come back to the lounge as the army guys descended on the kitchen. Sophia caught Mark's eye, he went over to her, "thank you for sparing the girls the tour earlier" no problem, don't think it would have helped, I just hope it does not come to us having to use it".

Simon came into the lounge and asked Andy to come and have a word with the Major, Andy stood up, looked over at Tony, smiled sheepishly, he was visibly scared, "don't worry bro, you did the right thing", he left the room.

After Andy had told the Major exactly what he had seen and drawn a rough map showing the location, the Major thanked him and he returned to the lounge. Dave was the first to ask, "what's going on lad, do we know yet"? Andy said, "they were going outside to try and find the area and see what they could find, I heard Simon telling the Major that his team back at the office had traced a cell of terrorists belonging to the same group that had flown into Heathrow two days ago." "Oh god," said Mark, that's all we need, anyone want another drink?. Everyone had settled down in little groups, even the dogs looked anxious. Simon and the Major then came in, "right ladies and gentlemen," said Simon, "we have a plan, the Majors guys are going out to see what they can find, they are all fully armed and we have powerful torches, Mark, what would your two dogs do if they found an intruder?. Mark replied:" well it has happened twice, the second time Max came back to the house with blood around his muzzle, we did not hear any more about it though.". "Good," said the Major, "can we take Max with us"? "Yes, of course, he is very obedient to an authoritative voice and much younger than Kimba". Simon looked at Mark "Ok sir, thanks, I'll keep you all posted in the meantime, I'm afraid I must insist that you all stay inside and away from doors and windows where possible, don't be worried, these guys know what they are doing", the Major asked Mark, "which is Max sir"? Mark stood up, moved closer to the Major and called Max, he had been watching Mark so was instantly up and walking towards him with his tail wagging. He sat at Marks feet, Major, this is Max and he then extended his hand to shake the Majors, they shook hands and the Major then spoke to Max, "come and patted his leg, Max looked up at Mark, then moved and sat in front of the Major looking up at him, "perfect said the Major" and they were all gone.

Bertie then came into the lounge, he stood in the doorway and looked over to Mark, who had spotted him, "yes Birtie", sorry sir, with all that's going on, when would you like dinner, Mrs Wilson decided not to get the caterers in after all so she has got something planned for you all". Mark replied, " oh, probably just as well, he laughed, thank her for us and whenever it suits her, we have no plans now". Before Birtie could turn around Sophia Said: "Birtie, would you please ask Mrs Wilson if there is anything the girls and I can do to help, it might help to keep our minds of what's going on", Birtie smiled, "why, thank you, madam, that is a very nice offer, would you like to follow me and ask her in person?. Sophia and the girls stood up and followed Birtie out of the room. Mark then suddenly stood up and ran out of the lounge, the others watched, wondering, what now. Shortly afterwards he returned, he looked at the faces in the room, "oh, sorry guys, nothing serious, just thought of our two lads over in the flat, they are hunkered in as well, I have just contacted the Major to collect them and escort them back to the house, Birtie is ringing now to let them know, they can use one of the attic bedrooms for the night if necessary".

A good hour had passed before Simon came back into the lounge with Max at his heels, Max immediately went straight to Mark and sat beside him, panting and looking up at him, Mark patted his head and he settled down on the floor. Tony spoke first: "drink Simon? Simon looked over at Mark quizzically, "I am officially still on duty but I'd love a whisky please if it's alright with Mr Mark". Tony had already started to pour one as Mark said of course lad, I think you've earnt at least one, "thank you sir" and he sat down opposite Sven. He took his drink and thanked Tony. "So," he said, "we have found a large hole in your boundary fence and we have had to clean Max off, he got a good bite out of someone, all we heard were the cries of pain, they were not on their own, we heard at least three distinct voices, we looked but whoever it was has gone. We have alerted the local hospitals and we wait to see if anyone goes in for treatment of a large bite. We all said in unison "good boy Max" he looked around the room a bit confused and then settled back down and went back to sleep. Simon then added: "We did take a D N A sample of the blood from Max's jaw and will have it sent off to see if there's a match on the national database, though I doubt it as we are pretty sure they are foreign." "Oh, by the way, your two lads are safely back in the kitchen getting under Mrs Wilsons feet by the sound of it," he grinned. Mark said, "thank you for that Simon, Tony, would you show Simon up to the room next to yours for me please?" "yes, of course, follow me Simon" and they left.

Dinner was a subdued affair, not much conversation, though the Major turned out to be very good at dispelling fear and getting people to laugh." Two of his men joined us while the other four were out on patrol, they both looked and acted like fishes out of water, being waited on by Bertie, Will and Nick. Mrs Wilson, with her helpers, had done us proud, it was one of her best efforts, everyone, even the girls came back for seconds.

Back in the lounge after dinner, Sven said: "he was going to bed, he did not like leaving Sophia alone". He did not know that he would be sharing his bed with both the girls who did not want to be on their own either.

Mark, Dave, Tony and Andy spent an hour talking over the day, at some point both Will and Nick came into the lounge and thanked Mark for letting them stay in the house. Dave invited them to stay for a drink before bed and the boys filled them in on what had happened.

It was not long before Mark announced that he was off to bed, he would find Simon first and make sure he was happy with the situation, "see you up there Dave", "ok, I won't be long replied Dave.

Dave asked Will and Nick if they were happy living together in the flat, they both blushed till Andy smiled and said: "yes, they are having a ball," laughing. Dave did not spare their blushes by asking Andy: "and just what does that mean young man," with a stern look on his face. "oh, nothing, they are just at it all the time like rabbits, just like Tony and I". Daves face burst into a big grin, "So glad to hear it, keep it up lads, enjoy it while you can," he then stud up, smiled at them all and said "right, that's me, I'm off to bed, don't you four stay up all night either, not in here anyway, the cinema might be a good spot, he winked at Tony and left.

Will and Nick, still blushing and looking like rabbits caught in headlights, Nick said, "wow, he really does not care does he" now both of them grinning. "No, of course not, "replied Andy, as long as you do not bring disrepute on the house he will support the pair of you, they are both good guys."

Tony said with a big grin, "Andy, I think we should escort these two up to their room and make sure they have everything they need before we tuck them in, what do you think?"

Andy stood up with a big smile on his face, "sounds like a good plan to me bro". Will said: "are you sure it's alright, they won't mind"? Andy said, "no, not as long as we still have something to give them both, if they are not already asleep that is," he laughed and they all left and made their way up to the attic.

Once in the room, it took seconds for the four of them to strip off, by then they all had stiff cocks, even the snake was nearly there. Andy took charge, "right guys I want to take two at once, whos game?" Tony said, I'll watch, give you a fighting chance, " Thanks bro" Andy replied, he got Will and Nick to lay on their backs on the bed with their cocks as close as they could manage, it took a bit of adjustment but they got the hang of it quite quickly. Andy got into position and lowered himself down on to the two cocks that Tony had smeared with lube, he sank down and after a couple of tries finally got them both in at once, once in, he sat as low as he could and got them both to raise their hips as far as they could, he groaned with pleasure. This was new to them both and with the added attention of Tonys, big stiff, cock to play with they were both soon coming. They climbed off the bed and watched as Tony and Andy gathered their clothes, they wished them a good night and thanked them. The two boys left and made their way back to the master bedroom, where they found Mark and Dave laying in a spoon both fast asleep. They quietly left and went to their room where Andy asked Tony to fuck him till he could not sit down for a month.

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