Holiday in Heaven

By moc.oohay@onegabmik

Published on Mar 8, 2019


Holiday in Heaven Chapter 36

Holiday in Heaven


Chapter Thirty – Six

What do we do with Andy

Here we have another chapter in the series Holiday in Heaven, a story although, from my overactive imagination, wishful thinking, perhaps both, it was originally inspired by a correspondent who told a story of some fun he had while on holiday.

Disclaimer: This story does contain references and scenes of graphic male/male sex, so if your country or state does not allow such material to be read or you have come across this site by accident, or if you are of a nervous disposition, leave now.

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Author's Note: This story is copyrighted by the author, and no part of it may be copied, linked to, downloaded, stored in an electronic device, or used in any way without the express written permission of the author. This is a work of pure fiction, places, events mentioned, may exist but are used in this story, it is just that and not real. They exist only in the mind of the author. Any resemblance to real persons, places or events is unintentional.

All names but mine have been changed and any resemblance to anyone alive, deceased on in the houses of Parliament is purely coincidental. Places named have been used as we have had personal experiences of them, that does not mean they are involved in or have any specific connection with the gay community in any way whatsoever.

We left the guys in Chapter 35:

By the time I got up to the bedroom, the lights were still on but both Mark and Dave were out for the count, I turned the lights off and shut the door just as Andy was coming up the stairs. "What's up, bro?" "there both out for the count, looks like we're on our own tonight," he smiled, and we made our way to our room and shut the door. We both stripped off, I went for a pee, when I got back to the bedroom, he was laying on the bed with his ass in the air, grinning at me, back to normal life.

·        * * *

Mark was already up and about when Bertie brought the coffee in, as Mark had already opened the doors to the balcony so he put it out on the table. "Are the young gentlemen not with you sir?" " No Bertie, they spent last night next door,"  "ah, shall I go and wake them and say their coffee is here sir? " would you Bertie, thank you,"  " no problem sir" he left. 

We were both still fast asleep when Bertie came in, he announced his presence at the door but got no response, he came to my side and gently rocked my shoulder saying, "good morning young sir," even that did not wake me, but Andy jumped up and looked around to see Bertie smiling at him. "Good morning young sir, sorry to wake you but it has gone 07:30, I've left your coffees next door with the masters," Andy managed to thank him through the sleepy haze, he left us and Andy threw the duvet off us both to reveal my stiff cock, he sank it down his throat to the hilt which was enough to wake me.

"Good morning bro, you slept well," he smiled, I just looked at him, smiled and said, "after what you had me doing last night, are you really surprised.?"  "Ah, bit raunchy was I," he said,  "might be why my ass is a bit sore this morning," he smiled, "our coffees are next door." We both got out of bed, the snake was at half-mast, we knocked on the dividing door and heard, "if your handsome come in," we both looked at each other, smiled and walked in.  "Will we do sir?" Tony asked, Mark, looked over and said, " if we had a bit more time that would do nicely, looking straight at Tony's, now throbbing cock.  

As we walked towards the balcony Mark grabbed Tony's cock and squeezed it, "bloody hell Mark, I'm trying to keep it under control," he smiled, and Mark let go. "Shall I pour your coffees, gents?" "yes, please lad, be out in a minute," Tony continued out on to the balcony, he was pouring four coffees as I joined him. I looked down at the tennis courts below to see Nick putting the nets up, I coughed, he looked up, his face was a picture, he did not know which way to look. Tony turned around and gave him the full Monty. He just stood there, made it look as though he was looking through some binoculars while wanking with the other hand. He stopped just as Dave came out onto the balcony in his dressing gown, Dave asked: "what are you two smiling at?" Andy pointed towards the tennis court, "oh, I see," he laughed and called down to Nick, who looked up at Dave, smiled a bit sheepishly, saying "did you call sir?" Dave just replied with a smile, "they say the early bird catches the worm." We could see it from the balcony, the lad went bright red, he stuttered something turned and left the court. Mark was stood behind us, he said to Dave "that was a rotten trick," we all sat and enjoyed our first coffee of the day.

Dave said, "Tony, mind you don't get sunburn on that," he looked down at his now soft cock and said, "no, I should have put my gown on," he stood up and went back inside, closely followed by Andy, Tony called out as we left, see you guys downstairs," Dave replied, "ok." We went back to our room to get dressed for the day ahead and then made our way down for breakfast. Nick greeted us with a smile and said, "that was a dirty trick you two, you know what the mere sight of you two does to me," he smiled and pressed his trousers to reveal a nice bulge. Just then Bertie came along the corridor and asked: "if we would like breakfast?" Dave arrived just in time to reply, "yes please Bertie, four of your finest," "thank you, sir," he turned and went into the kitchen.

Over breakfast, we discussed what we were all going to do, I said that my day was taken care of with this project, Mark said "he had some more high-level meetings, something about a new Government contract," he added that he would also be tied up for most of the day as we (the company) were expected to take the Minister for Overseas Development and his cronies out for lunch." Dave asked if he needed him for this?" "no Dave, unless you want to join us for lunch, might be good if you keep yourself available, just in case." Then we all looked over at Andy, Mark asked him "what he had planned?" Andy looked down at his plate and replied, "don't know really, the cars are all done and I'm a bit sore from last night," both Mark and Dave looked over at me, "don't blame me "I said, it was Andy who kept asking for more," we all laughed. Mark then looked at Andy and said, "you can type can't you, Andy," Andy replied. "yeh, I used to be able to do at least 65 words a minute, but I'm a bit rusty now, why? We all sat there almost afraid to breathe, we could all see the cogs going in Marks mind. We waited for what seemed minutes when suddenly he said: "Um, better get your self-dressed young lad, nice and smart but not a suit, go quickly, we have to be away soon." Andy looked across the table at me for some help, I just said: "NOW Andy, Go."

Mark had obviously pre-planned this morning because when Bertie opened the front door, Will was waiting for us in his full uniform including his cap and gloves, looking very dapper, out on the drive was the new minibus, we could also see on the drive, the Merc 6.3 AMG, with its top-down. Andy came down the stairs so fast he nearly fell, I yelled "steady on bro, no need to kill yourself," he stopped just before bumping into Dave who had turned and we both managed to steady him. Mark set out through the door, stroking Max as he passed, saying goodbye to Bertie, he turned to us and said, "that he would go in on his own today as he did not know what time he would be getting back and it would be quicker," he looked over at Will and smiled. "No criticism of your driving lad, it just is" and he smiled again, Will smiled and said, "Just don't get stopped for speeding sir." "Thank you, Will, for your concern," he smiled and made his way to the Merc. Tony said see you guys in the office and he went off to get his own car. The Merc purred into life and was gone before Dave and I had got into this new vehicle, Dave asked if I minded sitting up front with Will, saying he had some important work to do en route, sure Dave.

Will set off, I asked him "what's it like to drive mate?" "So far so good, this is the first time," it was certainly nice to be in, very quiet and smooth on the rough forest roads. Camel leather with loads of real wood trim and lots of chrome, fancy wheels and a lovely metallic electric blue with a gold coach line. "What is it I asked Will," "oh, it's an extended Mercedes Sprinter van with a full customisation by Bentley Coachworks, apparently it took seven months to complete," "gosh, glad I'm not paying for it I replied, "yeh, not cheap," said Will.

As usual, I was as randy as hell and was massaging my cock through my trousers, Will had obviously spotted this as he suddenly said that the dividing screen was not see-through, he then reached across and was massaging my stiff cock that I had just released from my trousers, eventually, I had to stop him or I would be making a mess on the new seats. It was a double seat on the passenger side, so I was able to slide over and get Wills cock out and then go down on it while he was driving. It was not long before he announced he would come soon, I lifted off and just said "go for it" and got back down and finished the job much to Wills delight, "God Tony, that was fantastic Nick still won't do that for me, thanks, mate, I owe you one," he smiled at me and we fist-bumped. 

The rest of the trip to the office was uneventful, Will pulled into Dave's space as the Merc was already there in Marks. As we walked towards the entrance hall, Susan caught Dave's eye, we went over and she said "that Mark wanted to see them both as soon as they arrived" Dave thanked Susan and we made our way to the lift, just as we're getting in we heard Simon call out "hold that lift," he came around the corner and thanked Dave, "Sorry guys, Mark wants to see me urgently," he looked concerned.

When we all got to Marks outer office, the door was open, Avis looked up and said "good morning gentlemen, go straight in he's expecting you, would you all like coffees, Dave replied, "yes please Avis," she said "go in, I'll bring them in for you, she smiled and we all went into Marks office. He was sitting at the head of the conference table in the corner, he greeted us and said "sit gentlemen," we all sat down, thought I'd be better at the opposite end to Mark, protocol and all that. Mark looked around the table and said "thank you for coming, we are just waiting for Richard and we can start, "just then the door opened, it was Avis with our coffees followed by Richard who came over to the table and sat down, "sorry I'm late Mark, had a problem with the computer system, think IT is onto it now as we speak."

Dave spoke first "Mark, can I just ask what you have in mind for Andy?" Mark replied, "well you know he was going to do Business Management Studies and Logistical Management at uni." "yes," said Dave, "are you thinking what I think you're thinking?" "Well Dave, you've known me long enough" "you crafty bugger is there nothing you won't do for it," he smiled at all around the table, Richard and Simon caught the connection and smiled, Mark looked at me and just smiled, saying "Oh, that's a bit harsh" and grinned."

I sat there for a second, then said, "Sorry guys, could you let me into this cypher, at the moment it's not making much sense?" Mark looked over at me, "Oh, so sorry lad, talking as if you're not here, very rude of me," "Ok Mark, that's not the problem, just what the **** are you two talking about?" Dave looked over and said, "no need for that language either young man," Sorry Dave it's just," Mark interrupted, "you want to do Business studies and Logistics Management, correct?" Andy replied, "that's the grand plan, yes." Well" said, Mark, "Richard here has already asked me if you wanted to join us, you could do perhaps a correspondence course to get the actual paperwork but in the meantime, you would be working, getting valuable experience and perhaps more important some money. "Sorry guys" interrupted Andy, "I'm not much the wiser." "Well, lad, I've brought you along with us this morning because, as I said, I've got this really important meeting later this morning, everyone who is anyone in the organisation will be there, Simon, Richard, Martin from accounts and a couple more high flyers, We will need someone I can trust to take notes, you can sit in and use my iPad if you don't have yours," what do you think?" " Wow," said Andy, "are you sure, I've got no experience of this sort of thing, I'd hate to let you down." "you won't lad, I've got every faith in you or I would not have even suggested it, " "gosh, thanks Mark, I'll do my best," "I know lad" Mark replied with a smile. Dave smiled at Mark then looked over at Andy and said, "good luck in your new career lad," Andy looked a bit like a rabbit caught in headlights, "oh, yeh, spose it will be," thanks Dave, he smiled.

Richard looked over at me and said: "morning Andy, nice to see you again, it's also great to hear you are here for work, not just fun." "Hi Richard, Mark has told me I'm working, I'm scared stiff," "don't be, you will be working with me, I'll keep an eye on you, just do your best, he smiled, Andy managed a mild smile and replied, "thanks, Richard.

Mark took control again, "right gentlemen, this meeting, very important for the organisation, its to discuss one of a number of contracts that we have been asked to tender for, we are talking in the region of four-point eight for just the first one and that's the smallest. The bigwig is Sir Thomas Tachbury, he's the Governments Overseas Development Minister, basically, what he says goes, I'll go through the projects in a bit more detail later, I just wanted to make sure we are going to be singing from the same song sheet, any questions so far guys," he looked around the table. He then looked directly at me and said, "what's troubling you Andy?" They all looked at me, I could feel my face going red, "sorry guys, this is all very new to me, you mentioned four point eight, four-point eight what?" Mark smiled, good question Andy, don't ever feel you should know something, if you're not 100 per cent sure ask, no one will tell you off unless you ask the same question more than once, he then just threw in, Billion Pounds and smiled as he watched it sink in, all the others were by now also smiling.

There was a knock at the door, Mark called out "enter", it was Avis, she came in and said," good morning gentlemen, the canteen trolly is here, would anyone like anything?" We all requested a bacon roll and Avis brought in some more coffees.

Will had found Tony and joined him in the office where he watched as Tony continued to build up the project, layer by layer, Will was spellbound, he asked: "how many layers are there Tony?" Tony pressed a couple of keys and the screen went blank, he turned to Will and said "watch and count" as he pressed one more key, the screen came back to life and Will started counting as line after line and shape after shape appeared on the screen until finally, it stopped. "I counted 110 said Will" "spot on mate," Tony pointed to a counter on the top toolbar, 110. Tony said, " that is good timing, its coffee time, want to join me in the canteen?" Will replied, love to mate but I'm on call to take some big wig and Mark to lunch, I might have to drop and run at any moment.

Mark had had a thorough briefing from his technical team and had been given copies of all the plans for the works to be tendered for and he had made sure that Richard, Simon, Dave and Martin were all happy to proceed with the proposals on the table. "Ok, guys, let's get this show on the road, Sir Thomas is due in the next five, Dave and I will go and meet them and escort them up here, we'll use the main boardroom, Richard, could you ask Avis to check it for me please, I'm sure she would have done but this is important we get this right," "Sure thing" Richard replied as they both left.

As Sir Thomas's three-car cavalcade pulled up, the drivers got out, opened the doors and the party got out to be met by Dave and Mark on the steps, almost like a military exercise things started to happen, the entrance hall was locked down, from all internal doors and corridors, Susan went to the lifts and called them both to the ground floor and locked them to "off duty" by the key, the double doors had already been locked open.

The main initial introductions made, the principal members of the group made their way through the hallway directly to the lifts where they split into two groups for the ride to the top floor. Andy had been previously asked to escort the minor members to the staff canteen where they were offered teas and coffees before the main meeting. The canteen had been made out of bounds during the visit so Andy had no queues to tend with on arrival. The main group went directly to the main boardroom and the door was closed behind them. More detailed introductions followed: and they eventually all sat down. Avis had organised a group of secretaries to assist in serving teas and coffees for the guests to give both sides time to get to know each other.

After coffee time Andy rounded up all the extras and escorted them back up to the main boardroom where they joined the visiting team around the table, Andy got the nod from Mark and set himself up on a small table in a corner with his iPad, a notepad and pen.

Mark called the meeting to order and the business of the meeting proceeded as planned, requirements were set out, proposals put forward, questions brought forward and solutions proposed. During one discussion, one of the minions brought up a particular potential problem, which everyone around the table latched on to and began to discuss as a potential pitfall for the whole plan. Suddenly Andy stood up and coughed, Mark saw this and asked, "is there a problem young man? Andy replied, "Sorry to interrupt sir but the point just raised by the gentleman in the blue suit is false." All the top brass spun round to look at Andy, Mark said " how so? Please explain your comment, "well, sir, while we were in the canteen I overheard the same gentleman saying that he would inject this problem to throw the decision against I.H.I.C in favour of one of the other contenders." There was a gasp from around the table. Mark stood up and asked Andy " Are you sure young man, this is a serious accusation? Andy also stood and looked at Mark and said: "yes sir, I am positive, I have the conversation recorded on my phone." You could have heard a pin drop in the room, the guilty party was sitting very still and staring at his pad on the table. Sir Thomas then looked at Mark, and said "may I," Mark replied, "be my guest". Sir Thomas stood up, turned and looked at Andy. Young man, are you prepared to replay your recording for the benefit of all around this table? Andy looked over at Mark, Mark nodded, Andy took his phone out of his pocket and replayed the recording.

After it had finished, Sir Thomas turned back to Mark and asked: "if he could have a minute with his team in private". Mark replied "of course sir, we will wait in my office along the corridor and all the I.H.I.C staff including Andy stood up and left the room. They all went to Marks office and waited, nothing was said, Andy did not know what to do, he was still not sure if he had done the right thing.

It was five minutes before one of the other minions came and knocked on Marks door, Mark called "enter" the guy came in and said that Sir Thomas had requested he and his team returned. As they all filed back into the room they all noticed that one chair was vacant, they all sat down in their original places, Sir Thomas looked at Mark, smiled and said: " thank you for the privacy Mark, please accept my personal sincere apologies for this episode, we normally pride ourselves in being above board and beyond corruption, which is why we have a vacant chair, he will not work in this industry again." He then turned and looked at Andy, " Thank you, young man, to show such initiative and loyalty to your employer shows great promise, if ever you need a job please contact me, he smiled and sat back down. Mark acknowledged his speech and returned the meeting to order.

Will and Tony had been back in the office for half an hour when Wills phone pinged, he opened it, it was Mark, "ok mate" he said to Tony, "that's it, I'm off, see you later," "ok Will, enjoy" replied Tony. Will was outside the main entrance before the Top man and his P.A had even got to the entrance hall. Mark, Dave, Sir Thomas and his P.A got aboard the bus, Simon joined Will upfront as security the others of his party that had been invited got into two of the groups own cars. Mark had told Simon where we were going and he had let the other drivers know in case we got separated, they were under orders to stay in convoy if at all possible, he relayed that to Will adding, do you remember your training lad, your driving for three vehicles, headlights on and stay in convoy. Will replied, "yes sir", he waited until he got a flash signal from both the other drivers and we were off. Will asked Simon "is there parking at Positano?" Simon smiled, "Oh yes, I made sure of that, we have three reserved spaces right outside the side door which leads directly to our private room, it's why Mark always uses this place for work." The restaurant was about a ten-minute drive from the office, the other cars managed to stay in convoy, partly due to Will successfully judging the traffic lights and his early, concise signals, he swung into the car park and soon spotted the three spaces, as per Simons request, the restaurant had a member of staff on hand to remove the cones as we approached so that all three cars could glide right into place. Will and Simon got out and opened the rear doors, Mark and his guests got out and went into the restaurant followed by the other guests. Simon, Will and the two other drivers were taken into the restaurant and shown to a corner table where they had their own lunch, all be it from the lunch menu, not the Ala cart and as Simon commented, no wine or alcoholic drinks.

Mark got a message to Simon to say that they were coming out, the other two drivers went back to their cars, Simon and Will opened up the bus and stood by both doors, it was the same process to get back to the office which was smooth and incident-free, much to Simons relief. The visitors declined Marks invitation to go back inside, instead transferring back to their own cars and departed. Mark and Dave stood and watched as the cars left the car park, Mark turned to Dave and said: "thank God that's over, I do hate these things". They both went back inside and up to Marks office where the others had congregated. Mark and Dave went to their chairs, Dave sat but Mark looked around the table, smiled and said: "thanks guys, a job well done, it looks like the first one is in the bag, Sir Thomas told me that as far as he was concerned we would get all four." Richard said, "really, so that means we will be spread a bit thin on the ground for a while?"

Mark sat down and was deep in thought for a couple of minutes, the others were sat watching him, he looked up and scanned the table, "yes gentleman, I would like you all to prepare a summary of the implications of all four contracts coming at once on your particular area of responsibility please." You could have heard a pin drop in that room, Richard asked: "how soon do you need it Mark?" "Well Richard, with the first one scheduled to start planning within the month, how about this time next week?" They all checked the date on their watches and made notes and agreed. Mark stood up "right gentlemen, thank you all again, I suggest we all go home now, see you all on Monday, have a good weekend, they all said there goodbyes and left the office. There was a knock on the door, Mark called "enter," the door opened, it was Avis, "how did it go sir?" well Avis, let's just say that we've all got a job for at least the next four years and he smiled at her, she grinned and said, "young Andy is outside, did either of you want coffee?" "Oh, send him in would you, no thank you, Avis, I'm raiding the cupboard," Avis smiled and said "don't forget your driving home tonight with a smile, she turned and left. Andy joined then just in time to hear Mark say to Dave, "I don't know what I would do without Avis."

"Come, sit lad, would you like a drink? Andy sat, looked over at Dave, smiled and said tentatively, "could I have a scotch please?" Mark looked at Dave and said, "what do you think, has he earned one?" Dave looked at Andy, smiled and said: "one, he's earned the bloody bottle, that intervention was spot on." Mark got up and went to a cupboard and produced three glasses and a decanter of scotch, poured three drinks and then went to his fridge in the corner and got some ice for each glass. He went back to his chair and sat down, he then raised his glass and said "to Andy," they all drank to Andy.

As we all sat savouring their drinks Andy asked Mark "what is all this about Mark,? I got the gist of it during the meeting but I was so concentrating on what was being said by whom that a lot of it did not really sink in".

Mark looked at Andy and smiled, "it means two things young man, one, the groups future is secure and two, we will be going to Australia." "Australia" replied Andy looking at Mark for reassurance, "yes lad, Australia". "Wow," said Andy, which part"? Dave now replied "come on Andy, you know Mark, by the time he's finished we will have covered the whole continent" smiling.

Mark took over again, "Dave, I'm not sure I like what you're insinuating here," he said with a big smile. Andy obviously had a million questions but thought briefly before asking "what exactly are we going for?

Mark reached out and picked up his phone, "Avis, could you get the mapping office to send up a map of Australia for me please" pause, "as soon as possible, thank you," he put the phone back on its cradle. "Anyone like another drink while we wait"? He topped up all three glasses just as there was a knock at the door, "come", it was Avis, she came in carrying a large roll of parchment which she laid out on Marks big meeting table, "thank you, Avis, shut the door would you, you might like to stay and see this"; she closed the door and joined us all stood around the table looking at a large map of Australia.

"Well guys, these four contracts that we are bidding for are to draw water from the Great Australian Aquifer, also known as The Great Artesian Basin". He then continued while marking out on the map the area he was talking about.

"The Great Artesian Basin, located in Australia, is the largest and deepest artesian basin in the world, stretching over 660,000 sq mi, with measured water temperatures ranging from 86–212 °F. The basin provides the only source of fresh water through much of inland Australia. The Basin underlies 22% of the continent, including the states and territories of Queensland (most of), the Northern Territory (the south-east corner of), South Australia (the north-east part of), and New South Wales northern part of. The basin is 9,800 ft deep in places and is estimated to contain 15,600 cub mi of groundwater."

There was silence till Dave said, "someones been doing their homework" looking at Mark. Andy, still looking at the map, just said "wow". Avis, also still looking at the map said," and I'll be stuck here in the office, I've always dreamed of going to Australia" she then looked up at Mark and asked, "don't suppose for a second your going to need a PA are you"?

Mark looked at her and said, "well, I would have probably looked at getting a temp from the area to cover but if your serious I'm sure something could be arranged, at least you know how I work and are used to all my bad ways, he smiled, Avis nearly fainted, Andy steadied her down into a chair asking "are you OK Avis? "Yes thank you, Master Andy, just a little shocked".

Having assured himself that Avis was indeed OK, he asked: " so how many access points are we contracted to create in total"? "Well," said Mark, eight initially, one to supply Cairns, Aires Rock, Brisbane, Canberra, Sydney, Adelaide and the difficult one for Hobart."

Andy and Avis just stared at the map, "gosh" said Andy, how long will it take do you think"?

Mark replied, " if all goes to the original plan, which these things seldom do, we should be on-site for a minimum of four years, were contracted to get these sites up and running in two stages, the northern ones, then the southern, Hobart will be the difficult one because it will also involve a pipeline to the Island."

Avis had now recovered and was again standing to look at the map, "how long would you be needed out there, sir" "Good question Avis, obviously at the start of works just to oversee the appointment of contractors and to sort the supply train. Other than that, I would hope to be able to set a little time aside for recreation and some site seeing, it's been a long time since Dave and I were out there". "Depending of course how it all goes, I would think a month would see the initial details sorted, leaving some time for pleasure". "While I'm thinking about it Avis, would you see that Richard makes contact with the Australian office in the morning, we will obviously have to pay them a visit during both stages". "Yes, of course, sir, first thing". "Thank you, Avis, better make sure you have a valid passport," he smiled, "right ladies and gentlemen, that's it, home," he returned to his desk and Avis left the office saying goodnight to us all in turn.

As if by magic, there was another knock on the door, "enter", the door opened, it was Tony, he came in and looked at the map on the table, "someone planning another trip" he asked the room in general. Dave replied, "tell you all about it back at the house". Tony looked over at me and grinned, "sorry bro you're going to have to wait till we get back".

Mark had in the meantime rung Will for the bus, we all made our way out to the car park, parting with Tony as he went to the staff car park at the back of the building. Mark made his way to the Merc while Dave and I got into the bus for our ride back to the house.

The journey back to the house was very quiet, no one spoke, Will had not been party to the info from the meeting and Dave and I were deep within our own thought, there were big events on the horizon and I for one was a bit apprehensive. As will pulled up to the house we could see Bertie on the step with both the dogs, as usual with their tails wagging.

Bertie greeted us and informed Dave that both Mark and master Tony were in the lounge, we made a fuss of the dogs and made our way into the lounge. As we made our way to sit down I asked Tony "how the hell he got home before us,"? adding "don't expect any sympathy if you get stopped for speeding." He just laughed, saying "no bro, speed limit all the way, don't forget Will is charged with keeping the bus nice and smooth for its passengers".

Bertie came in and asked what time we would like dinner, Mark replied "oh, the usual please Bertie" "thank you sir" and he turned and left. Tony asked if anyone would like a drink? We all gave our preference and he went to the drinks cabinet and poured four Whiskies with ice and gave one to each of us.

Andy was the first to bring up the meeting, to which Tony said: "ah, yes, I was about to ask what's all the mystery"? Andy replied, " well bro, looks as though we may be going to Australia if our daddies say we can". He then looked over at Mark and said "just a bit more to add to the bill" smiling.

Australia said Tony, "how come"? Mark then looked over at Dave and said: "Well Dave, do we take these two scallywags with us or leave them here to earn their keep"? Dave looked at both the boys who had, obviously by now got their butter would not melt expressions on their faces and looking as sexy as they possibly could. "Well Mark, that's a tough decision, think we should wait till after tonight's performance don't you"? "Good point Dave, I agree". At that point, both the boys made their way to sit by Mark and Dave and started making up to them as only they can. Mark just said "enough of this, later will do, we have plans to discuss, he laughed and winked at Dave, not missed by either of the boys.

Tony said, "well Andy, you did say you would let me know what was going down when we got home, so guess it's time to spill the beans bro". Andy replied "well, might get a better picture if we let Mark do the explaining", over to you Mark".

Mark stood up and went to the cupboard for another drink, "anyone else want one"? They all said yes please; when he had finished and sat back down, he said" well, if everyone is sitting comfortably then I'll begin, he cleared his throat. Nothing is planned in any detail yet but I suspect we will be starting in Cairnes with the next site being Cuber Pede followed by Brisbane. Will will responsible for laying the infrastructure for the drilling for and supplying groundwater from the Great Aquafir. We will be working with Tompson Cranbury the national groundworks provider for the area. It will be our job to ensure all the necessary systems are in place and working to the specified standard.

If we let you two come as well" he was smiling as he said it, " The four of us will not be needed beyond the first week I am hoping so that should give us some time to do a bit of site seeing.

"Wow", said Tony, "that sounds fascinating, when do you think we could be leaving, providing we get the go-ahead to join you" he added, smiling. Mark looked over at Dave and smiled, "well, that depends on how initial plans go but I'm expecting within the next month, make sure you have both got your passports", that is providing you are joining us of course, he added with a wink to Dave.

Andy then asked Dave, "have you been to anywhere we might be going, if we go" smiling, "yes lad, some time ago now, we went to Cairns and Adelaide on our first round the world trip". "We also stayed in an underground hotel in Coober Pedy on our way to see Ularu". Tony looked across at Dave and said: "Uluru, that's the Aboriginal name for Aires Rock isn't it?" "Yes lad" replied Dave, just then there were all aware of Bertie standing in the doorway," gentlemen, sorry to interrupt but dinner is ready". Mark stood saying "oh good I'm famished, thankyou Bertie", we all stood and made our way to the dining room.

During dinner, there were many questions about all three places, things to see and do and some primitive descriptions of some of the things the lads might experience, providing, of course, they were allowed to go at all, though everyone knew that was a foregone conclusion.

After dinner, Tony said he was going out to the tub for a soak, "anyone coming to join me?" To his surprise the other three declined saying not so soon after dinner, so Tony took off to undress and get his robe.

As he walked by the pool to get to the tub he noticed someone at the window of the garage flat, from this distance he could not quite make out which of the guys it was. He opened the tub, disrobed and climbed in. Ah, bliss, what a lovely way to relax and let the stresses of the day drift away. The next thing he became aware of was a pair of hands giving his shoulders and neck a soft massage, he did not open his eyes and played asleep. After a couple of minutes, he stirred and looked up expecting to see Andy, "oh, hi Will, don't stop, that's just what the doctor ordered". "Hope you don't mind the intrusion" Will replied, "good God no" replied Tony, "keep it up for much longer and you will have something else to massage".

Will moved to one side and separated his robe, "would it be something like this I wonder", smiling, Tony leant forward and twisted around to see Wills solid cock standing to attention, "the same shape just a little longer and thicker" he replied. Can I join you? Asked Will, "oh come on Will, after what we've been through together, there's no need to ask"; "ah but there is, the masters don't like us using the tub without permission, so we have to either ask or be invited". Tony just sat back, slid a little forward and said, "fair enough, get that ass of yours in this water, just be mindful of where you sit", he was grinning like the cat that had just been given a saucer of cream. Will took off his robe and climbed in, he made his way to where Tony was sitting, stood in front of him, turned around and backed towards him; when in range he lowered himself down on his target which slid gently into his ass as he lowered himself down till he had the whole length.

After several minutes will stood up, turned around and laid over the edge of the tub, could you take me here please", as deep as you can its soooo good"? Ever eager to please Tony stood up and got himself into position, just as he was about to enter Wills cavern he noticed Andy coming towards the tub room, he aimed and pushed, full length to the hilt in one go, Will let out a whimper then said: "harder, please." As Tony got into his stride, he motioned to Andy to be quiet and to come around and approach from behind. The telepathy between the two brothers still worked and Andy knew exactly what Tony had in mind, he entered the tub room as quietly as he could, took off his robe and gently climbed into the tub behind Tony.

Needless to say, with the sight of Tonys ass-pounding into Will, the snake was at full mast, he moved in closer just to one side of Tony, the brothers smiled at each other as Tony gently pulled out. It was a seamless change, Tony sidestepped as Andy took over and also sank the snake full length almost to the hilt before Will let out a cry of pain, Will turned around to see Andy smiling at him as he gave another thrust, this time getting a little more in. "God, that's incredible said Will between breaths, can you get it all in?

By this time Tony had got out of the tub and had walked around to stand in front of Will, Will instantly took advantage and crabbed Tony stiff cock and sank it into his mouth. Andy was now in his stride, all eleven inches of his thick man meat was disappearing into Wills tight ass. Tony suddenly said "ah, I'm not far off, this is so sexy, I'm coming, this was enough to tip Andy over the edge and both brothers came at the same time, to Wills credit, he did not let a drop go. As Andy gave his last thrust he collapsed onto Wills back and reached around and took hold of his cock. They both managed to stand up with Andy still firmly plugged in; Tony took hold of Wills now throbbing cock and sucked it dry. The three of them climbed back into the tub and Tony switched on the jets, all three cocks disappeared under the foam.

None of them had noticed the time, they were all enjoying the warm water with eyes closed when suddenly they came to with the sound of one of the tub room doors being opened. They looked up expecting to see either Dave or Mark or even both of them but saw Nick standing fully clothed smiling at them all in turn. "Well, now I know where you disappeared to," he said looking at Will. "I was doing my night time rounds and saw the lights on, is there room in there for one more"? They all said yes, of course, they watched Nick strip off, as he dropped his slacks his stiff cock sprung to attention, he looked over at them and said "spose you have all spent your energy", he looked a bit sad as he added, "what am I going to do with this?" as he pointed to his cock as he slid beneath the foam.

Andy, true to form, stood up, the snake was only just at half-mast, he walked over to where Nick was sitting and got himself into position and lowered himself down onto Nicks now rock hard cock, saying "I need a good shafting, Tonys used up so do your thing" as Nicks sank to the hilt. This was too much for the other two who also stood up, both cocks coming back to life very quickly, they moved over to stand in front of Andy who took both cocks in turn, reviving them both within seconds. Such was the erotic nature of the scene that poor Nick could not last long, he announced he was coming as Will announced he was too. Tony moved so that he could suck will and Andy could reach his ready to burst cock and all three almost came at the same instant, not a drop wasted. They all returned to sitting in the foam while things cooled off.

Good job it was Friday, it was eleven-thirty, "well guys," Tony said, "think it might be time for bed," as he stood up and climbed out of the tub. The others climbed out and started to dry themselves off, all four cocks showing signs of life again. Will and Nick offered to close up the tub and wished the brothers a good night as they made their way back to the house.

Andy was in front going up the stairs, Tony reached out and took hold of the snake from behind, Andy stopped and turned around, "need I ask what you're after?" he smiled. It did not take long for Andy to lay across the top step and for Tony to get between his legs and sink his now hard cock into his brothers more than willing ass. A couple of strokes and Tony said: "come on, let's take these two things to bed". It took a second from closing their bedroom door to Tony being buried back into his brother still tight ass, they moved to the bed and another two fucks and another sucking before sleep claimed them both, the problem was, they both passed out on top off the duvet.

To be continued...


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Next: Chapter 37

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