Holiday in Heaven

By moc.oohay@onegabmik

Published on Jul 25, 2016


Subject:Holiday in Heaven chapter 3

Here we have a story although from my over active imagination, wishful thinking, perhaps both, it was originally inspired by a correspondent who told a story of some fun he had while on holiday.

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Author's Note: This story is copyrighted by the author, and no part of it may be copied, linked to, downloaded, stored in any electronic device, or used in any way without the express written permission of the author. This is a work of pure fiction, places, events mentioned, may exist in real life but are used in this story for effect and realism, it is just that and not intended to be real. Any resemblance to real persons, places or events is totally unintentional other than for effect.

All names but mine have been changed and any resemblance to anyone alive, deceased on in the houses of Parliament is purely co incidental. Places named have been used as we have had personal experiences of them, that does not mean they are involved in or have any specific connection with the gay community in anyway whatsoever.

HOLIDAY IN HEAVEN Chapter 3 (Meeting Friends) By Kimbageno. Copyright 2014-2016. All rights reserved

We left chapter 2:

Very gently he started to push, he obviously had worked out that he did not have to worry about the size anymore as I had already taken it full length, before long he was deep into my ass, he left it in as far as he could and then just occasionally gave a little push, just enough to keep it hard, which it was, the hardest it had been all day.

Breakfast was an absolute delight this morning; Mark had found a glass topped table in the garden store which he had replaced the old one with. It was very difficult to concentrate on your food when you can see such gorgeous guys sitting opposite you, both bollock naked, with their young cocks rigid, standing to attention, Andy's was almost touching the underside of the table, he commented it had never been so hard in his life, even Tony commented as he reached out to take hold of his brother's shaft, yep that's hard alright pity to let it go to waste.

Oh for pity's sake Tony, I'm supposed to be the randy one here, let these poor guys have their breakfast first at least, it must be hard enough for them now, plenty of time later,

Somehow we all managed to, almost, behave ourselves during and after breakfast, I cleared the table and loaded the dishwasher, the two boys took off for the pool and Mark off to tidy the villa after the night before and to remake a very dis shevelled bed. Over breakfast we had discussed maybe going out for lunch, we would also have to revisit the local shop for some more supplies. Tony had the brilliant idea of after going to the shop, carry on back to their villa so that the boys could get some respectable clothing to wear for lunch. We all piled into the car, we had managed to hire a Merc S 500 AMG convertible, they did not have my favourite, the V12 S65, not really surprised, just a tad thirsty. We soon got to the shop, the owner, Sebastian was on duty, Sebastian was "family" we had met him previously in one of the gay clubs on the Costa. Sebastian did not have much English which was not a problem for us as Mark and as it happened, both boys were fluent Spanish. Mark introduced the boys and Seb gave us a knowing smile, he said (in Spanish) "so this is why you were laughing so much yesterday" he grinned, Mark replied, grinning you don't know the half of it. We loaded up with our stores, got back into the car and followed Tony's directions to their villa. I was driving and had Andy in the front, somehow, it was nothing sexual but he had put his hand on my thigh and just gently squeezed. Mark was in the back with Tony, all I could see in the rear view mirror was the look of ecstasy on Mark face, as I could not see Tony I guessed he was doing Mark a "favour". We arrived at the villa, parked and all went in, as Tony had said, it was a bit older than the one we had rented but all the same it looked very nice. The boys took us through, out onto the patio and showed us the pool. It was at least twice the size of ours but almost dry and full of all kinds of junk and debris. That's one of the jobs we've got to get done said Tony. That's quite a job I replied, don't you have a cover, no Dad keeps saying he'll get one fitted but it never happens. This will take you a couple of days to get right and another couple to get it filled, yeh I know, think we might not have much time to spend with you two after today. I looked over at Mark, he, being the practical type could see exactly how much was involved, Dave did you bring your phone? Yeh, it's in the car, what are you thinking. Remember last year we met those two guys Matias and Diego in the club, yes, are you thinking what I am, probably, I'll go and get the phone. Tony asked, what are you two up to? I replied, Tony, there is no way in hell you can get this done with just the two of you in time for the weekend. If they can fit you in, these two guys run their own pool company, they might be able to help.

But that will cost a fortune Andy said and we would not be able to ever repay you, don't you think so Mark replied grinning at the pair of them. Who said anything about you paying for it, at least with money, there are other ways of settling a debt, both boys looked at each other as the penny dropped. Apart from that, these two guys owe us a favour, more importantly, it will free the two of you up so you have a bit more time to spend with us, so it helps you and from a selfish point of view helps us at the same time, both boys jaws had dropped, I returned with my phone. As Mark made the call he went off to the end of the pool speaking to Diego, are you sure about this Dave its very good of you to even offer but I doubt if the two of us could ever repay you, don't you believe it lad, you have no idea how much you two have done for us so far, it's been, by far the very best holiday we have ever had. Now go off and get your clothes before I start taking payment right now, they looked at each other, and left the patio and disappeared into the villa. As the boys came back out both with a small case, both suitably dressed in decent shorts and tasteful short sleeved shirts with sneakers, somehow looking even more sexy than when they were nude. Mark returned saying, wow who have we got here? Smiling at the boys, you two look stunning, good enough to eat, they both blushed, thanks Mark, my pleasure he replied, just one problem, oh said Tony, yeh, it's going to be even harder to keep "things" under control and we all fell about laughing. Was Diego able to help Mark, I asked, yes, he will come to our villa later this afternoon, said he will have a look and if necessary throw the whole team at it, does not think it will take them more than two days. Wow said Tony, what do you mean, throw the whole team at it, well said Mark, it's their company, last count they had ten guys working for them. God, are you sure about this Mark, that will cost an absolute fortune, Mark looked over at me and I just said, worth every penny, both boys just ran towards us and gave us both a big hug saying thank you, over and over again, we will try and repay you both, this has relieved a big worry for us both, they added, enough, put your cases in the boot and get yourselves back into the car before I start taking payment here and now, we all laughed, got into the car and went off to the restaurant for our lunch.

Our lunch had been booked at the La Hotel Montelirio, owned and run by an old friend of mine, a lovely hotel with its restaurant half way down the gorge in Ronda, from the terrace you could look up at the amazing bridge and across the gorge out into the spectacular Andalusian countryside beyond. I'll leave it there or you will think you've got onto a travel site. Needless to say we had a fabulous lunch. We were greeted by my old pal, Leonardo, we were at school together back in the UK and had kept in touch over the years, we did have a little fling back then but he now has a gorgeous wife Isabella, three kids and owns the hotel. He gave Mark and I a big hug as we arrived, Mark introduced the boys and Leonardo looked over at me and just smiled, managing to say in English, having a good holiday then and grinned at us all as he led us towards our table. It was quite spooky, as we walked through the restaurant with both the boys following Leonardo, it went very quiet, I noticed, following from behind, that nearly everyone was watching the boys as they walked past to our table. As I have said, they were really spectacular to look at, whether you were gay or straight, both tall, both blond, one with shoulder length locks, both incredibly good looking, with very good taste in dress. Then, even before we had the chance to sit down, Isabella came running through the restaurant to greet us, another hug and yet more stares from the other diners, never happened to me before or since, to top it off, Leonardo had sat us at his best table, with a truly magnificent view. Three courses later, with wine and coffee we departed, with all the necessary goodbyes, the boys were a real credit to their parents, obviously used to eating out as neither of them were in any fazed by the experience. We got back to our villa in time to get "comfortable" sort out some beer just as the buzzer sounded. Ah, that will be Diego, Tony was the first to ask do we have to get our shorts Dave, what and spoil it for Diego, no, you'll like him, he and he's whole team are gay and all very good looking, just TRY and keep your bits under control you two, Tony looked across at Andy, I laughed as Mark left to open the gates. Mark and I had known Diego and his partner Matias for a couple of years, they would both be in their early thirties by now, Diego has been weight training for years, bit too heavy for me but a really nice guy. Matias is so sweet, very camp, he's more into the office side of the business, a lot smaller in stature. The boys looked a bit apprehensive as Diego arrived on the patio, he is a very big man, he must be at least 220lbs of solid muscle, just under six-foot-tall with close cropped jet black hair, I swear I heard both of them exhale sharply as he came over to give me a great big hug and kiss, hi Dave, it's been a long time, he's English was almost perfect. Lovely to see you Diego, thank you so much for offering to help out these two lads. Diego walked across to where the boys where sitting, they both stood up as he approached, as I introduced them they both held out their hands. He then sat down and proceeded to remove his jeans, I'm not being the only one here with clothes on, anyone mind, be our guest I said, just don't be too surprised if the temperature rises a degree of two, he looked at the boys and just started laughing. Yours or theirs, we all looked at each other and started to laugh again, now said Diego, what's the score with these guy's pool, Mark gave me the outline on the phone. Well I said I'd better leave that to Tony, Diego looked over at Tony and smiled, so you need some help, yes please stammered Tony, it's our pool, it's not been covered, its got all sorts of bits in it and our Dad wants it sorted, full and ready for use by the weekend. OK said Diego, how big is it, Tony looked at ours and said almost twice that size, OK said Diego, another small one, we all looked at each other, another "small" one, what does he call a big one? What sort of filter has it got and how do you fill it asked Diego, at which point Andy, Mark and I lost interest and went off for a swim leaving the two of them discussing the problem.

I was the first to spot Diego on his phone, we all quickly got out of the pool and went to join Tony, the Spanish always seem to talk so quickly, as far as we could understand, Diego was rescheduling the diary with Matias. We were all sat around this hulk with none of us any thoughts of anything but this dam pool. Diego finished his call saying to Mark and I that Matias sends his love and hopes to see you both before you go home. Then he turned back to Tony, looking quickly across to me, guess these two guys will be staying the night here, hope so I replied grinning at Andy, OK my lad, this is the plan, I'll come up here early in the morning, collect you, take you back to your villa where you can show me the setup, once I'm happy ill drop you back here, I've got all my guys in on this one, we will have it done by Thursday, wow, that's quick said Tony, just how many guys do you have. I'm putting all 12 on this one, it's a big job, thank you so much said Tony, Diego had spotted the look on Andy's face, don't worry young man, your brother will be quite safe, I'm spoken for and so are all my guys, they are all partners so I've got six couples working on this and laughed, Andy shyly acknowledged the comment and smiled, Tony, finding a bit more confidence just said oh, that's a pity, we all howled. Beer, snacks and a swim followed before Diego said he would have to leave, busy couple of days ahead, he said his goodbyes, shook us all by the hand, giving both Mark and I another kiss, he dressed and left. We all settled on the patio, partly to let dinner go down, partly just because we could, it was so peaceful. Mark was the first to move, he stood up and announced that he was not doing a big dinner tonight as we had such a big lunch, I'm off to the kitchen, to see what I can rustle up, you guys OK with something Spanish, yeh said Andy, as you know Mums Spanish, we've grown up on Spanish food, we both love it, oh yes, I had forgotten, good news Mark replied as he disappeared into the villa. The boys both looked at each other and simultaneously stood up and came over to sit on my lounger. To what do I owe this pleasure I asked as both lads started playing with my now rapidly growing semi. Andy was the first to answer as by then his brother had his mouth full, well we've got a big bill to settle and then snugged in close running his hand up and down my chest. It was not long before Andy had taken over from Tony, he was learning the art of cock sucking very quickly, Tony had stood up next to me so that I could give his stiff cock some attention. Andy pulled off and asked if I thought Mark would mind if I fucked him, silly boy, why should he, it's not as if it would be the first time, no, I know he replied but he's not here, he's busy in the kitchen. Tony came to Andy's rescue, OK Andy, you two go off to the bedroom and have some MORE fun, I'll go and keep Mark company, maybe even learn something about cooking he said grinning. I need a pee before we do anything I said as I stood up, by the time I got to the bedroom Andy had already got the necessary bits from the draw and was laying spread eagled, face down on the bed with a pillow under his hips. My God, your keen I said as I climbed onto the bed, he just looked up at me and smiled saying, time to start paying off that bill. Not wanting to be too hasty, I just laid on top of him at first with my stiff cock between the crack of his ass, he was writhing around underneath me and groaning. Andy, do you mind if I move you to the corner, oh, no, sorry, I forgot that was your favourite position, he was soon laying across a corner of the bed with his legs wide apart, he had even lubed himself ready for what was to be, by far, one of the best fucks I have ever had. Gently at first I pushed until the head of my throbbing cock entered his hole, he squealed as I slowly, more forcefully stated to push it home. Before long he was taking the whole length at full stroke and so obviously enjoying every inch. I had to stop and just lay on top of him several times, gently kissing his neck and back or I would have shot within a dozen strokes it was that warm and tight. Eventually, seeing this slim young body laying beneath me together with the incredible sensation's I was feeling in my cock I shot my load deep into the depths of his ass. I collapsed onto his back, kissed his neck, then rolled off and we both just laid there panting. As we both recovered Andy suddenly said sorry Dave, what for I asked, looking puzzled, he rolled over and I could then see that the lad had cum with the excitement, all over the duvet cover. Oh God, is that all I joked, we can always change the cover, that's no problem. For a while there I could not see what you had to be sorry for, that was one of, if not the best fuck I had had in my life, thank you so much, I would even say as far as I'm concerned, debt paid is paid in full but I suspect Tony might have other ideas. Too bloody right Tony said, standing in the doorway, well done kid, good show but if you think you're getting all the glory you can forget it, I want a bit of the action as well. Andy looked up at his brother and just grinned, thought you would bro, ok you two don't fight over it, just let this old man recover a bit before you start off again, I need a pee, I said. Oh by the way added Tony as he turned, the reason I came through was to say Mark says dinner in about 15 mins, thanks I replied and went off to the loo. As happened before, as I stood in front of the loo a hand came round from behind and gently grabbed my cock, he did not squeeze or rub, just gently held it till I had finished. Again, I made another mental note to ask Tony about this odd behaviour. From the loo we both headed over to the wet area and had a lovely shower together, no more sex, just washing each other down. By the time we got back to the dining room Tony was helping Mark bring our dinners to the table, perfect timing gentleman he said as we both sat down. Mark and Tony joined us and we had a lovely, traditional Spanish evening meal. Dinner over Mark and the boys left for the lounge, I cleared the table, kitchen and loaded the dishwasher. By the time I got into the lounge my eyes were treated to wonderful sight, Mark was sat on the settee with Tony bouncing up and down on his cock with Andy giving his brother a blow job with his "snake" bobbing up and down in time with Tony's bouncing. I was beginning to suffer from all this sexual activity and opted just to sit on one of the chairs directly opposite and enjoy the view, needless to say still with another stiff cock to gently stroke. Tony came first which brought on a spontaneous eruption from the "snake", it was the first time I had seen Andy cum out in the open air, it looked like a good seven strong spurts, all over Marks legs, the settee and the floor which thankfully was tiled. When Mark eventually came he let out a deep grown, I could see Tony wince a little as Mark pulled him down real hard. With all the activity, the three of them were exhausted, they all disappeared to have another shower, I took myself off out onto the patio and sat on a lounger enjoying the cool of the evening, taking stock of what a fantastic holiday it had been so far and wondered how much longer it would last and indeed how much longer I could keep the pace up, I'd had more sex in the last two days than Mark and I had all the previous year. Tony was the first to emerge from the lounge, still damp from his shower, glistening in the evening sun which made him look even sexier than he already was, if that was possible. He noticed me and came over and sat down beside me putting a strong arm around my shoulder, penny for your thoughts Dave he said looking deep into my eyes. Oh Tony, you will never know how much meeting you two has meant to both of us, we have really had a fantastic time, ditto was his response together with a lovely smile as he tightened his arm. I know for a fact that Andy is dead taken with you, he does not miss a chance to mention something he likes about you and it's not all sexual either he said. Tell me something I said, remembering my mental note, twice now, I've been having a pee, Tony interrupted, finishing what I was asking, I know, he's told me. What's that all about Tony, I did not think he was kinky, no he's not, said Tony, it all goes back a long time. When we were about seven or eight we had a teacher, oh no not another molestation I said, no, no, he just had a very strong crush on this guy, he was a very nice guy and taught us both a hell of a lot. Was it sexual, no no, we were far too young to have any of those feelings it was purely plutonic. OK so what's the connection with me, I'm intrigued. I can't quite see it but Andy's convinced you look just like Mr Thompson, oh my God I exclaimed, that would explain it. He does know that your Mr Thompson and I are not the same person, yes I think he's managing to convince himself, just play along with it for him would you, sure, it's no skin off my nose, thanks Dave, did not think you would mind. We were then joined by Andy being led as usual by his erect "snake" and a rather ragged looking Mark. Need I ask what you two have been up too, Andy grinned and replied ask if you must and sat down on another lounger with Mark taking another. Tony stood up and asked if anyone wanted a beer, I gave his cock a quick squeeze and replied, not for me, I'll have a Scotch and ginger though. Mark asked for a gin and tonic with ice. Tony looked down at me then my hand, later big boy as he pulled away, he came back with a tray of drinks as requested and some snacks and put it down on the patio table just in front of where I was sitting, giving me a wonderful view of his great looking ass. I can sense you looking at my ass old man but you could not afford it, you're a cheeky little bugger, I retorted, its already paid for in full with interest, he bent down even further and looked at me through his legs, flashed those bloody eyes again and we all fell about laughing again. Since the boys became part of our lives we had never laughed so much, it seemed as though nearly everything we did or said produced laughter, it was a truly wonderful way to spend your life.

By the time we had finished our drinks and chatted some more it was gone 11 in the evening, time for bed guys said Tony winking at me, do you mean bed or more action, your nothing but a randy little sod I replied smiling at him, that's up to you, if you can take it he grinned back, think I'll pass on it tonight, I'm bushed. Andy quickly said that's ok Dave so am I, why don't we use the spare room tonight, leave these two sex machines to do their own thing, oie said Tony, you're a fine one to talk, I broke up the dialog by siding with Andy, saying I was really tired and could do with a good nights sleep not for one second realizing what Andy's motives were, he looked at me and smiled.

We parted company as Mark and Tony went off to bed with Tony's cock already beginning to swell, I caught Marks eye and winced at him, he just smiled and shrugged his shoulders. I went straight into the ensuite loo and was very soon again joined by Andy, who again, this time without asking just gently took hold of my cock and guided the flow letting go when I had finished, at least now I knew why. He was already in bed, as I approached, he had again lifted back the duvet, as I got in he again snuggled up close and cuddled me, it was very comforting. I was already drifting off to sleep as again, I became aware of the "snake" rising up the back of my thigh. As the night before he got his cock inside me as far as it would go and just held it there, just the occasional little push to keep it nice and hard, which it was, it was like a solid pole.

To be continued.......

My usual suffix, sorry but this is important to me.

AIDS has taken all but a few of my circle of friends from my time on the gay scene, it is still a fact of life, it will KILL you eventually, even though they now have some very good meds which may prolong the inevitable.

Prevent the need,

ALWAYS PRACTICE SAFE SEX. USE A CONDOM. Enjoy sex without the hassle.


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