Holiday in Heaven

By moc.oohay@onegabmik

Published on Dec 9, 2017


Holiday in Heaven Chapter 27

Holiday in Heaven


Chapter Twenty-Seven

Saving the Corporation

Here we have another book in the series Holiday in Heaven, a story although, from my overactive imagination, wishful thinking, perhaps both, it was originally inspired by a correspondent who told a story of some fun he had while on holiday.

Disclaimer: This story does contain references and scenes of graphic male/male sex, so if your country or state does not allow such material to be read or you have come across this site by accident, please leave now.

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Author's Note: This story is copyrighted by the author, and no part of it may be copied, linked to, downloaded, stored in an electronic device, or used in any way without the express written permission of the author. This is a work of pure fiction, places, events mentioned, may exist but are used in this story purely for effect, it is just that and not real. They exist only in the mind of the author. Any resemblance to real persons, places or events is unintentional.

All names but mine have been changed and any resemblance to anyone alive, deceased on in the houses of Parliament is purely coincidental. Places named have been used as we have had personal experiences of them, that does not mean they are involved in or have any specific connection with the gay community in anyway whatsoever

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We left the group:

We all made our way to the bedroom and all went for a pee, we all fell into the bed, Andy was the only one looking excited, Tony gave him a quick suck, which inevitably lead to another stiffy, with Mark taking Tony's in hand. Dave had put his head down and gone, so we all continued as quietly as we could. Tony lubed Andy's ass and was soon into the hilt, with Mark playing with his ball's it was not long before he shot his load deep into Andy's ass. Mark leaned over Tony and sucked Andy off while Tony did the same for Mark. We eventually settled in, Mark set his alarm, he turned out the light and we were all off very quickly.

·         * * * * * * * * *

As usual, Mark was up with his alarm, he went straight to the bathroom for a pee, we were all moving by the time he came back in, he asked "could one of you lads put a pot of coffee on please I've got to have a shower before I go into the office". Andy got out of bed and went towards the door, Tony was quick to remind him that "we have company, he should put a robe on, we don't want to give Simon a heart attack", he just laughed.

We all met in the kitchen, Simon was already enjoying his toast, Mark and Dave both said they would get something in at the office, Andy and I also decided to get something later in the park. Mark did say "Tony, don't go spending any money in the Apple shop either, he gave him a smile. It was all too soon, time for the three of us to get ready, Ramsey would be downstairs in five. We said our goodbyes to the boys, Mark said "behave yourselves, if you can't be good, be fantastic," they both smiled and wished us a good day. Ramsey was inside the cordon, stood by the door as we emerged from the lobby, we got in and one of the guards wished us a good day. Ramsey was cursing under his breath due to the morning traffic. He managed to get us to the Woolworth Building in ample time, we were there a good half an hour before the planned meeting. We walked in and were greeted by the lobby manager, took the lift and were met by Richard, "Good morning Gentleman, good night"? Dave replied, "don't remember anything of it, I just crashed out" and laughed. Mark asked, "if we could get anything in for breakfast"? He replied, "yeh sure, Honey bagels and coffee do"? "Sounds perfect, thanks", "ok gents, you go ahead to the big board room at the end of the corridor, I'll arrange your breakfast" "Thanks, Richard"

Tony had been online since Mark and Dave left, eventually, he said:" ok bro, all booked". "What are we doing then " I replied. "Well. I looked at all the tours available and there are eight in total," "good God" I replied, "so many" "yeh, we're doing the Iconic Views of Central Park Tour first, we've got time to walk to the start point, we go to the Dairy Centre and go into the park at the 60th Street and 5th Avenue entrance." The tour is 90 minutes, time for a bit of lunch before the second tour." "Wow, two tours, you're getting too clever for your boots bro." He just gave me one of those looks and smiled. "Tour two is the Northern Forts Tour, thought you might enjoy this one, it's also 90 minutes which should leave us time to walk back to the tower before Mark and Dave get back. It will be quite a walk but hopefully, with the stop for lunch it won't be too much." "Sounds ok to me bro, thanks for that, I'll thank you properly later", he just looked at me, rolled his eyes and said "don't you ever stop thinking about sex", "no", we both laughed.

Mark was sat reading a copy of The Wall Street Journal, I was catching up on the news on my iPad when Richard came in with a tray of bagels and coffee, he put it down on the table and sat next to Mark. "Thanks, Richard," said Mark as he took a bagel and a cup of coffee. Five minutes later there was a knock on the door, Mark said "come" the door opened, it was Rachael and Tom, "come in guys, make yourselves comfortable, when is the victim due"? He's in the building, he's waiting in a spare office with security until we are ready for him replied Tom".

Richard asked Mark "if he was ready"? he replied "only if we are all ok with how we handle this, I want us all to be singing from the same song sheet," Dave added "quite agree, we have to be sure that we all know what we want out of this meeting, before we start otherwise we will lose the plot and flounder at the first hurdle",

Mark said "As far as I am concerned we need Andrew to acknowledge what he has done and accept the damage it could do the corporation if not dealt with and for him to put forward his plan to get the funds put back where they belong. If he can do all these things and accept the constraints we will have to put on him if he decide's to remain with us then we can move forward to the next stage, do you all agree"? He was looking around the table, his gaze stopped at each member and he paused, Rachael said " as far as I am concerned he is guilty and should suffer the consequences of his actions, that said, I am happy to listen to his plan, evaluate it and decide once he has made his case. As to his future, that is beyond my pay grade, I will, however, accept the management's decision." "Thank you, Rachael, reservations noted". He moved his gaze to Tom, I'm with Rachael accept I feel he has a future with us if controlled, we need his financial wizardry to help us progress." "Thank you, Tom," said Mark, He then turned his gaze towards Simon, "well sir, as far as I am concerned, until I have met this guy and listened to what he has to say I cannot judge him, sorry." "No problem Simon, a very good point but I will be coming back to you after the interview,""ok sir". Then Mark swung round to Richard, "well sir, as far as I'm concerned this is not something I would normally be involved with, however, by all accounts this guy is very good at his job, as long as his plan is above board and does what it says on the tin, I'm happy to continue working with him just as long as suitable controls are in place.""Thank you, Rich". Then Mark turned to me, "Dave, I think I know where you stand on this," "probably Mark, I will support whatever you decide," " sorry Dave, not good enough, how do you feel about Andrew staying on with us"? "Well, that depends on how he means to get the funds back, as long as we have the right controls and restrictions firmly in place I have no problem with him staying with us, as Tom said, his financial expertise is very valuable"

Mark looked around the table smiling., "thank you, Ladies and Gentleman, for your input, let's bring the lamb to the slaughter. Richard stood and went to the main desk, picked up the phone and asked if Andrew could be brought to the boardroom, "oh and could we have some coffees, please", he returned to his seat.

We had made our way out of the Tower onto 5th Avenue, we set out on our stroll towards 60th Street, we managed to walk past the Apple store, some of the young girls on the sidewalk were stopping to take a second look at Tony, I'm used to playing second fiddle little, do they know, He did look something special though, he had his figure-hugging short sleeve white shirt and cream slacks which were elastic so showed off his ass to perfection. We found the entrance to the park and followed the signs for the Dairy Farm, which we found just in time to join the group before it set off.

There was a knock on the door, Mark said "come", the door opened and in walked Andrew, he looked at everyone around the table and smiled meekly. "Sit down Andrew," said, Mark, he sat at the other end to Mark and the others, just as he had sat there was another knock on the door. Mark again said "come" the door opened, it was one of the girls from the office with a trolley, cups saucers and flasks of coffee, Mark said "thank you, could you ask Michelle to come in for me please"? "certainly sir", "Ask her to bring her tablet", "yes sir", she left and shut the door.

Right Ladies and Gentlemen, help yourselves to coffee, we all stood took a cup and filled it from the flask, all that is but for Andrew, Mark said "that includes you, Andrew", he looked up, smiled and went to the trolley, took a coffee and returned to his seat. There was another knock at the door, it was Michelle, Mark said, "Hi Michelle, thank you for coming, would you take minutes for us"? "certainly sir", she sat halfway down one side of the table opposite Tom and Racheal.

We were coming to the end of our first tour, it had been fascinating, our guide had been so enthusiastic, she had made it very interesting. We had just gone past the Dancing Crane Café, Tony suggested we went back there for our lunch. We were greeted in the customary New York Style and shown to a table, the food was acceptable but not really worth going out of your way to, pity because the venue was excellent.

Mark took a sip of his coffee, cleared his throat and began his gambit, "well Andrew, seems you've got yourself and the Corporation well and truly into some serious trouble. We had our chat yesterday so we know the why's and wherefore's of the situation, what we need from you at first is to know what if anything you intend to do and then how".

Andrew looked around the table, everyone was looking at him with expectant expressions on their faces. "Well guys, the first thing to say is how sorry I am to have caused so much trouble for you all, I thought it was going to be so manageable and simple. He again looked around the table, he saw no reaction whatsoever from anyone, "as I told Mark yesterday, I do have a plan that hopefully will work, like most things with high finance there is never any guarantee".

He opened his briefcase and took out a notepad and laid it, open on the table in front of him, "if I can give you the basic outline first and if you want further details I'll try and explain later, is that ok"? Mark nodded. "We start with my $180000 savings, add to this another $300000 I have secured from friends and family, so we start with $480000".

He shifted his position slightly in his chair as he continued, "Bitcoin Ladies and Gentleman," he again looked around the table, this time he saw some interest and some scepticism. Mark said "carry on Andrew, we are all ears"

"Well, my plan will take a minimum of five weeks to come to fruition and is based on the Bitcoins current rate of interest which is 9%, the forecast is that it will rise later this week to 10% and is then expected to carry on going up, yes, it is a gamble but on my prediction based on this projected growth we are looking at" he referred to his notepad.

"So, with a base sum of 480000, 9% in the first week makes $523000, 10% in the second week makes $575000, 10% in the third week makes $623000, the fourth week with the projected 11% makes $702000, the fifth week 12% $786240 with a total in the sixth week of $880500". He again looked around the table, he had everyone's interest. He continued " these figures are based on projected interest rates which we are all used to dealing with, as with any investment there is never any cast iron guarantee. It is totally legal, above board and I.R.S. approved, I've checked its just the six-week timescale".

"If the plan does fail for any reason I do have a plan B for your consideration" Mark stood up and stopped him, "Ok Andrew that is enough for us to be getting on with, thank you for sharing your plan, we now need to discuss how we deal with it, so if you could go back to the office you were in, we will have a chat between ourselves and maybe call you back later,"He sat as Andrew stood, he thanked everyone and left the room.

We left the group and wandered towards 5th Avenue again, Tony had suggested that we try the Metro as we had the whole length of the park to get to the second tour. We found the stop we needed on 77th Street, neither of us had used the Metro before, so we were a little apprehensive at first, we worked out which way we needed to go and waited for the train. We were only going to 110th, it was five stops according to the maps. Our train arrived, we got on and counted the stops, 110th we got off and looked for the right exit. We entered the park, Andy spotted him first, typical, a lad was stood to one side of the path in front of a heavily wooded area, something about him just said sex. As we walked passed he smiled at Tony, Tony nodded but carried on walking. About a hundred yards further, we stopped as if we were getting our bearings, we turned, he was still there, he nodded his head sideways towards the wooded area and again smiled. Tony said, "are you thinking what I am"? "probably," I replied, "do we have time"? Tony checked his watch, "if you want to give it a go, we have half an hour". We started walking towards him, he looked about 20, six foot, quite well built, jeans and a tee shirt, as we got close we could see the hand in his jeans pocket was obviously nudging something interesting.

We were about twenty yards away when he turned and disappeared into the trees, we carried on walking towards the spot and as we got close turned and followed through the gap he had used. Once inside the tree line it very quickly became quite dense with lots of thick bushes, we stopped as we had lost him, a second later we saw him emerge from a bush about ten yards ahead of us. We looked at each other and slowly walked towards where he had been. Pushing through the bush we found an area of about five square feet which was completely enclosed, it looked as though the bush cover went all the way to the ground. The lad was standing with his back to us at the other side of the clearing. We could see his right arm was moving in a familiar manner so we approached. Getting up next to him we could see he had his cock out and was stroking it gently. He turned and smiled and made a grab for Tony's crutch.

We were all sat around the table with our own thoughts, Mark stood and poured himself another coffee, he returned to his seat, "Well Ladies and Gentlemen"? he was looking at Richard, "well that was some presentation, the sums added up, I was checking them, it is a gamble but that's what we do every day, I would like to confirm that it is all legal though." "Tom" " same as Richard, I was sceptical at first but he sums added up, if he can pull it off it might work." "Racheal," "sounded almost too good to be true, good plan for getting the money but my concern is how is he planning to repay the loans and still pay for his partner's treatment. "Dave," " along with Richard, good plan, if it works, if its legal so much the better but I was also concerned with Racheal's question." "Simon," "well sir, what the hell is Bitcoin"? The others smiled, Mark replied, "don't concern yourself with that, your input is more psychological, would you trust the guy on what you have seen and heard"? " "yes, I was watching him closely all during his presentation, he did not falter once, whether that is just big headed confidence I can't be certain but as far as I'm concerned I would trust him", "Thank you, Simon".

"Thank you all, any questions"? everyone looked around the table at each other, Richard was the first to break the silence, "Just one thing, if he manages to pull this off what do we do with the man, how do we handle the I.R.S and the congressman who raised it in the first place," that started another round of discussions which went on for another hour.

It did not take the lad long to extricate Tony's, now stiff cock out of his jeans, he then decided to undo Tony's belt and his jeans fell to the ground revealing it in all its glory. He knelt down and sank it down his throat, a good half way. I had decided not to steal Tony's thunder, I let him have a good suck before I undid my jeans and pulled out the snake, I was gently stroking when he looked up and spotted it. He pulled off Tony saying "fucking hell, what is that"? Tony looked down at him and said "we call it the snake," he smiled, the lad moved over and tentatively took the snake into his hand and gave it a squeeze, "God its hard," he looked up at Andy and said, "do you manage to fuck many with that"? Andy replied "yeh, with patience and lots of lube" he replied, "I've got both here, would you fuck me, please"? "Yeh," said Andy "as long as you've got a condom I can have". The lad bent down, went into one of his pockets and produced a tube of KY and a condom. He stood up, applied some KY on his ass, then opened the condom and just managed to get it onto the snake securely. As he bent over Tony moved to stand in front of him and he again took Tony's into his mouth. In the meantime, Andy had positioned himself and found the target. The lad pulled off Tony and asked Andy "to go easy" he returned toTony's as Andy pushed, it went in quite easily till about halfway, the lad then put his hands on Andy's thighs to stop Andys further entry. Andy left it for a second then started to push again, then suddenly the lad started to push back onto Andy. He had pulled off Tony as he was having to take some deep breaths, it was not long before he had the whole thing. He then said, "fuck me hard please". I looked over at Tony, smiled and started to oblige, I was giving this lad the full stroke, he was whimpering but coping remarkably well. It was probably the situation, the risk of being caught but it was not long before Andy was coming, he shot a good load deep into this lads ass, he squealed as he really pushed it to the hilt as he came.

He pulled out, and the lad stood up, he asked: "can I feel it while I toss myself off"?"Sure," replied Andy, he stood close, the lad was wanking himself, Tony was also wanking and playing with the lad's balls, he then asked "if he could take Tony's shot"? "sure". The lad was the first to cum, he shot five good shots over the ground, he then bent down and took Tony just in time to get the whole load. We all started to dress ourselves, he asked: "how long are you in New York for"? Tony replied "not sure yet, why," "I'd love to take that again in a better place and try yours as well, can I give you my number, call me if you want, I've got a condo about a mile away." "Ok" Tony replied, "my names Tony and this is my bro Andy," "I'm Mike," he said, we all shook hands and made our way out of the enclosure separately to avoid suspicion from passers-by. We carried on to the start point of our second tour, we only just made it as they were starting to move off.

The discussions got to a point when Mark called time, "time for some lunch, Richard can you see if you can book where we were yesterday, add one", Tom looked over and was about to question Mark. Mark anticipated the question, "Its ok, I've not lost it, I want to give Simon the chance to see this guy when the pressure is off, when he is off duty, as it were" Then he turned to Simon, "would you do that for me, Simon"? "Certainly, sir, I'll do my best", "good man". Richard opened his phone, we heard a brief discussion, then he hung up. "Bloody hell," he said, "it's been closed", Mark asked "any idea why"? "no, something sudden, hope it's nothing serious, any other ideas for lunch". "Oh yes, that's not a problem, just a little further to walk, I'll make the booking", he opened his phone again and went to the end of the room. He came back saying, "ok, all booked, the same chain, it's the Downtown restaurant, very popular with the financial WizKids".

We all met at reception and walked to the restaurant chatting to each other, Mark had stipulated no work talk throughout lunch. Lunch was a very convivial affair, everyone went out of their way to try and draw Andrew out of his self-imposed protective cocoon so that Simon could get under his skin and see the real man.

We had another table by a window, we sat Andrew and Simon at opposite ends to give Simon space to read his man. We all studied the menu, much to the waiter's dismay, it took us some time to decide. Simon picked the Squid Pasta which for Simon was very brave, Rachael chose Shiitake Mushroom Salad, she said it would be lighter. Tom and Dave had finally decided on Black Cod with Miso on Butter Lettuce as being not too heavy for lunch, Mark and Richard had Beef Toban Yaki, both saying they were hungry, Mark also ordered a couple of bottles of Chardonnay.

I think Andrew was surprised by the conversations around the table, in line with Marks instruction, everyone was discussing hobbies, recent vacations, children and future plans. Simon did try and avoid deep conversations as he had a job to do. Our food arrived and the conversations continued, with the inevitable breaks while people ate.

Lunch took over two hours, Mark was in no hurry to resume the matter in hand, more interested to make sure they had the measure of their man, eventually, he caught Simon's eye, Simon nodded, and Mark called time, he got and paid the check and we made our way back to the office. When we got back we all made our way to the bathroom and then to the boardroom, Mark had asked: "Simon to go to the other office and wait for him". Mark walked in, Simon was sat at the desk reading something on his phone, he stood up, "sit" said Mark, "you don't have to stand for me", he smiled. He sat behind the desk. "Well"? "As you know, I was studying him for most of the meal, the only slight flutter was when the talk turned to family and kids. Even that was not defensive, you really managed to get his guard down, I could not detect anything detrimental at all." "Thank you, Simon, good job, I just hope your right," So do I, believe me, so do I" Mark laughed, "don't worry, I won't hold you to your decision", he smiled. Ok, Simon "let's go and see what our man has to offer".

Our second tour was fascinating, loads of history which involved the English and the civil war, our guide was quite good but not quite as enthusiastic as the first, still well worth the money. We again used the Metro to get back to the tower. It so happens that the Apple store was on the other corner as we came up to street level. We went in only to find the same young lad, who made a beeline for Tony, eyelashes still fluttering. Tony led him a right dance, bitch, we passed a good hour going through all the phones, tablets iPads and complete systems. Tony went as far as saying that our sugar daddies would pay for whatever we wanted, the lad was looking at a substantial commission, poor lad, we left after thanking him, saying we would bring them back later and would seek him out, little did we know that that's exactly what Mark would be doing.

Mark and Simon walked into the boardroom, all the others were sat in the same positions, Michele was ready, poised with her tablet. Andrew was looking relaxed, that was until Racheal asked her question, "Andrew, tell us just how you plan to repay these loans that you are hoping to use to make the capital to repay the corporation." He stood and gave another detailed presentation, which involved yet more Bitcoin transactions and credit transfers. Mark was watching the table, Tom was on his calculator and Simon was watching Andrew very carefully. Andrews answer seemed to satisfy both Tom and Racheal. Mark asked Andrew to leave and wait in the spare office, he stood, smiled at the table and left. Mark again stood, stretched, saying, "oh my bloody back", we all heard it crack, Dave said "too much sitting around in a poor posture," he replied, "yep, right guys, the next question, who do we have on our side in I.R.S."?

Tom came up with a name, but Racheal questioned it, "Macalister sorry Tom are you sure, he's been a bit of a sod in the past". Tom qualified his answer and she agreed, Mark said" ok, do we get him in here, go to his office or take him out for lunch"? Simon, surprisingly said "not lunch, that could be used against us", "good point," said Tom, "he's that type, I would say his office, so he feels secure, it puts us on the defensive, he would like that". Mark then asked, "what about the congressman who had got wind of it"? Racheal said "leave Michael to me, he's got a crush on me, I'll send him an email saying that we have sorted it internally, he'll be fine" she smiled. Mark again stood, he walked to the window, I'm going to trust you on this Racheal, you know the guy, I would be happier with something a bit more concrete. Don't worry Mark, he'll be fine. He then continued "ok guys action time, the sooner we start it the sooner it will finish, let get Andrew back and get this show on the road.

We got back to the tower, fought our way through the lobby to the elevators, the doors opened, and we were soon on our way, suddenly we were aware that it was slowing down on the 28th floor, the doors opened, and we saw a young bellboy stood there with a luggage trolley. "Oh, sorry, gentlemen. You carry on, I'll wait for it to return." "Nonsense" replied Andy, he looked over at me and winked. I thought, oh God, he's off again and smiled, we both stood aside so the lad could get the trolley in, it meant he had to stand very close to him. I could see what Andy was doing as I could see the lads face. Andy had pushed his hips forward, I could see the lads face register the protrusion, as he leant forward to push his floor Andy gave a little twitch. As the lad stood up again he turned and smiled, "is that dangerous sir"? Andy smiled and said, " depends on what you do with it." The elevator stopped on our floor. The lad had to get out and pull his trolley out so that Tony could get out, as he was about to get back in he turned to Andy, looked down and then asked: "is it real"? Andy replied, " got time to find out"? smiling. The lad left the trolley and followed Andy to our door, we had only just shut it when he made a grab for the snake, "God, it is to," he said as he started to undo Andy's trousers. "I haven't got long," he said as he felt inside Andy's shorts and pulled it out, he sank down to his knees and tried to give him a suck. Tony had come in close and was stroking the lad's hair, the lad pulled off saying, can you fuck with that it's so huge," (the telepathic link was still working, I had got my trousers down and was turning around), as Andy got into position, he found my ass and pushed. By this time the lad had dropped his own trousers and was wanking his cock like there was no tomorrow, Andy sank it into the hilt, it hurt a bit without any lube but at least I was used to it. The kid's face was incredulous, he suddenly said "he was cumming", I managed to twist enough to get it in my mouth just in time to save staining the carpet, the poor lad's knees went and Andy had to support him as he pulled out. He stood up, with his trousers in his hands, dressed and said, "he had to leave" and he was gone.

We both looked at each other, "well, that's a first," said Andy, "even for me", we both laughed, he then asked, "what do I do with this," looking at the snake at half-mast. As I still had my trousers around my ankles I said, "better take it into the bedroom and finish the job," smiling. In the bedroom Andy stripped off and laid on the bed stroking the snake, I also stripped off and lowered myself down onto it, we had a good half hour session.

Andrew returned and sat down, Mark started by asking "if anyone wanted coffee", "yes please was the consensus", Richard got on the phone and set them up. "Right guys, Andrew, we have decided to let you go with your plan, you will be based here in the office throughout with restricted access both physical and within the systems" Andrew looked up, smiled and said "understandable". "You are to keep me personally fully in the picture, I will be expecting a full and detailed daily email as to the progress. During this period, you will remain on full salary and all your previous expenses allowance, fail to perform and things will change dramatically." He again looked around the table and said, "understood". A knock at the door and in came our coffees, the door was closed, and Mark continued, "Tom, can I leave you to set up this meeting with this Macalister character, will you need us"? "should not think so but don't leave town till its finalised" he smiled "ok Tom". "Racheal, your sure you can deal with your guy"? "yes Mark, No problem," "again, can you both keep me up to date with progress"? they both agreed. "Ok, I'm going to wind this meeting up, Michele can you get those minutes written up and filed, copy to each of us except Andrew here"? "of course sir, first thing in the morning," "thank you all for coming, have a good evening", Dave, Simon, Richard and I all stood and left the room. We made our way back to the M.D.s office where Mark asked Simon, "what do you think"? "well, Mark, I think he will pull it off, just have someone you trust keeping an eye on whatever he does," "problem" asked Mark, "just something, can't put my finger on it, it's just a gut feeling, he is a crafty bugger," "point taken Simon, thanks for your input," "no problem sir".

"Right Rich, it's gone 1800, food is calling," Mark said, "good idea", replied Dave adding, "remember that Indian place we went to the last time we came, it's a couple of blocks from the tower"? Rich said, "do you mean Indian Accent," "yes that's the place, I enjoyed that and I'm in the mood for a good curry." "Well said, Rich, they have shot up the list in New York, their now number 9 of over 2500". "Good enough for me," said Mark, "want to join us, Richard"? "yes please Mark," "ok, I'll book it later, can you make your own way to us, we'll see you home afterwards"?, "no prob looking forward, see you later, I need the loo", "ok, till later, bye." Mark rang Ramsey, "hi boss, just about to ring you, I've been downstairs for half an hour," oh, sorry lad, on our way down now, "no prob sir". Back at the tower we were again shown straight into the cordon, the door opened by a guard, "good evening sir, welcome home," Mark replied with a smile, "this is not home, thank God", the guard laughed and replied "have a good evening sir" "thank you. We got into the apartment, Simon took off to his room, just as well as we found the two lads sat on the settee both naked, Andy said, "hi guys, two drinks on the side for you". We got our drinks and went to the lounge and sat down, "now that's a sight for very sore eyes" said Dave smiling.

"So, how was your day?" asked Mark, Andy gave him the gist of it, including our visit to the Apple store and what we told the lad, Mark just said to Dave smiling, "see I told you, these cheeky little bastards are in this just for the money." Both Andy and Tony put on little puppy faces as if butter would not melt, we all tried to keep it going but soon fell into spontaneous laughter. Dave asked "if we both like Indian", "yes please, have not had a decent Indian for a long time" replied Andy grinning, Tony said "he's off again" and laughed. "Good, I'll go and get it booked", he got up and went into the bedroom. Mark had put his head down, he looked totally whacked, the pair of us just sat there looking out of the window as the sun set over Central Park, it took on a new character as all the lights came on, magical.

Mark came back to us after about half an hour, he can do that, catnap, we went for showers and changed, another drink, Simon joined us before we set off for dinner. As we went through the lobby we spotted the young lad we had earlier, he looked a bit flushed seeing us and turned away. As we walked along 56th Street Andy noticed Uncle Jacks, another block and we found it, Inside we saw Richard sitting at the bar, he turned and stood as we approached, dinner for six sir he joked, just then one of the staff arrived and took our details and showed us to our table. Menus arrived and we studied them with expectations. Mark spotted the wine list, "good God" he said, "have you seen this wine list"? "Bloody hell" replied Richard, Mark said "I'm sticking to the beer for a curry, everyone happy with that"? "fine " was the consensus. Mark chose six bottles of Helles, Aecht Schlenkerla. After some consideration, we all decided it might be better to go with the Chefs Tasting menu. Richard asked what the boys had done during the day, they gave him a blow by blow of the two tours around Central Park, they did not elaborate on the goings on in the trees till we were back in the apartment.

Another great meal, lively conversation and lots of laughter much to the dismay of one nearby table, we had coffees and Mark then rang for a car for Richard rather than disturb Ramsey, We decided to walk back and said "goodbye" to Richard, he said "he would be in touch with Mark in the morning," "have a good night guys", "will do, you too". New York at night is really something special, the people, cars, lights, sounds and the incredible skyline make it memorable. We got back to the tower, through the lobby without the usual fight, no sign of our little friend. Into the apartment, shut the door, Simon again went off to his bed, we just stripped off, despite the A/C it was somehow close, maybe the walk. Mark commented that "it was gone 12:30, time for bed", Dave said "no wonder I'm feeling tired", we made our way to the bedroom. We all went for a pee, Mark was in bed first, Andy and Tony got themselves settled and I slipped in, usual place, usual arm, ...sleep.

To be continued...


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Next: Chapter 28

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