Holiday in Heaven

By moc.oohay@onegabmik

Published on Nov 26, 2017


Holiday in Heaven Chatper 24

Holiday in Heaven
Chapter 24We left the four guys going off to bed

We were all beginning to feel the result of what had been quite a busy day, and we all decided bed might be the best answer, Andy also mentioned: "that it would be our last night together". Andy led the procession with Mark playing with his ass as he went; I was following and had Tony trying to force a finger through my trousers to find my ass. We did not bother with a shower and found ourselves in the bed with, predictably Tony lying on his back with his brother riding on his cock, Mark very soon got stuck in as well, much to Andy's delight, leaving me to suck on the one cock that was by far the best of the bunch. The usual result soon ensued, lots of spunk with a new home and four proud cocks slowly dying along with their owners, two spoons and sweet dreams followed.

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The morning came far too soon, we had all snuggled up into one big ball with all possible appendages intertwined, the dishevelled state of the duvet would indicate a restless night had been had by all.

Birtie did his usual and pulled the drapes aside and opened the doors to the balcony, we could feel the warm air circulate through the room as he returned from putting the tray on the table. "Good morning gentlemen, I see you had a good night", without even the slightest hint of a smirk or smile, "yes thank you" replied Mark with a sly grin. "Mrs Wilson will wait till everyone is down before doing breakfast", "ok Birtie, thank you"; he left and shut the door. We all had a pee, robed up and went out for our coffees in the sunshine, it was wonderful, the sun was so strong for so early in the morning, Mark commented: "on the fact it was looking good for Tony's swim later".

We heard a familiar voice squeal, we looked over and saw Sven and Sophia, he had picked her up and had carried her out onto the balcony. They turned, saw us and burst into laughter. "Good morning", we all called out, "you apparently had a good night", the look on Mums face told a good story. As they sat to enjoy the morning Mark called out, "good morning, sleep well"? Sophia answered, "wonderful thank you, best night for a long time", Sven turned and smiled, Tony looked at his Dad and mouthed "DAD" and smiled. Sophia went to wake the girls; they soon joined Mum and Dad on the balcony.

We all finished our drinks and went to shower, the usual four semi-stiff cocks, lots of horseplay but nothing serious, after dressing we all made our way down to the dining room where Mrs Wilson had laid the table for breakfast. We sat discussing the day's activities including the upcoming swimming contest. Suddenly Dave stood up, we turned and also stood as Sophia, the girls and Sven entered the room. "Oh gentleman, thank you, you really do know how to make a lady feel special," said Sophia, we all smiled and sat. At that moment Birtie arrived, "good morning ladies and gentlemen, breakfast"? He then proceeded to list what was on offer, from Mrs Wilsons full English to toast. The girls asked, "for scrambled egg on toast", Sophia opted for "the light English without the black pudding", the rest of us went for the full Monty.

We all had a glass of orange while we waited, Nick soon came in with the girl's plates, then Birtie arrived with two for Sophia and Sven, then they both came back with our four platters. Sophia looked at Sven's and said, "are you going to eat all that before your swim"? "I am and I'm going to need it", he looked over at Tony and smiled. "What do you think my chances are Son"? "Not a change Dad, prepare to be thrashed", he replied through a large grin.

Dave outlined the days plan for lunch out in the forest, Amelia asked, "is it really in the forest"? "Yes, ponies can come right up to the car park fence", "sounds wonderful" she replied. We continued to enjoy our sumptuous breakfast, Nick came in and offered more tea and coffee, as he turned to leave he stopped and asked Dave "if he could watch the race later"? Dave turned to Sven, "do you mind if some of the staff watch your competition later"? "no problem, the more the merrier to watch this upstart here get his just deserts", he smiled as he looked over at his son, who just grinned, Nick said "thank you, sir,,". Mark caught his eye as he was leaving, "Nick, could you take the cover off the big pool when you have finished in the kitchen"? "of course, sir", "thank you Nick" and he left.

Breakfast was enjoyed by all, Sophia was impressed that both girls ate all their scrambled eggs, Nick and Birtie came in to clear the table and offer a top up of coffee and tea, Mark suggested that we all filled up to help keep us all warm during the competition. Sophia suggested that the girls went to their room and got some warm clothes in case it got cold later and left to get her own. Sven said, "he was going up to change" and Tony followed his father. The rest of us made our way out to the big pool, Andy went to the pool house and brought out some chairs, the sun was up and quite strong over the pool area though there was a very slight breeze. We were soon joined by Nick and Will who stood behind Andy. Sophia and the girls were next to appear, all dressed to keep warm no matter what.

Then the two stars appeared and made their way to poolside, even with robes on they were a sight for sore eyes, both blond, tall, thick-set and when they got close, the eyes, those bloody eyes. Mark took charge of the show, as he often does, "Ok gentlemen, did you want me to give you guys a countdown", "yes please" replied Sven as he removed his robe. Mark and I were wondering how he was going to hide the "super snake" we were not disappointed you could see there was something special down there but the spectacle of the two Swedish Gods stood at the side of your pool was something to see, both Nick and Will both drew in a deep breath.

Dad and son both dived into the pool and then swam back to the shallow ends edge climbed up and got ready for the off. Mark called out, "right gentlemen, six lengths freestyle, on my mark, 3, 2, 1, GO" and they were off. They both hit the water at the same time, Sven, being slightly taller was just ahead but his lead did not last long as Tony started to pull ahead, he was a couple of seconds ahead on the first turn. Andy, Nick Will shouted out "COME ON TONY" this was immediately countered by the girls and Sophia, "COME ON DAD", Mark and I decided to stay neutral for this one.

By the fourth end Sven had pulled back, I would say it was even Stevens; more cheers went up for both men. On the final length Tony was just ahead but within the last couple of yards, experience took charge and Sven powered forward to win, just, I would say no more than two seconds. Nick ran down to the other end and retrieved their robes. Neither of the men had the strength to haul themselves up onto the side and made for the steps as being the better option. Tony let his Dad get out first, he was greeted by the girls and Tony was met by Andy and Nick. Dad turned to Tony and said, "well-done son, you've been training", he smiled. We all gave praise to both men saying, "it had been quite a show", Mark said "come on guys, time to get warm, come in and have a coffee", we all made our way back to the house. Mark had said "that Nick and Will should join us"; Nick said, "he would close the pool later".

Birtie had been watching from the kitchen window and had the coffees ready for us in the study, Nick and Will stood back till everyone else was sat, then pulled up a couple of chairs to join in the de-brief, Sven was full of praise for Tony saying, "he had really put the pressure on him for the whole race", Nick asked a couple of technical question which no one else understood, something to do with reserve power. Mum was so obviously proud of Tony for putting on such a good show. Nick and Will soon made their excuses and left, the rest of us returned to our plans for the rest of the day, with Sven asking, "what time lunch was as he was hungry, with a grin".

Dave said, "in that case, I suspect it might be time to prepare for our run out for lunch", the family went up to change, and we followed. Up in our room, Dave pressed Mark about the States, he was in the dressing room and did not want to shout, I went in to get my change of clothes, "now", "well, Richards only got the basics so far, sounds as though there has been some sort of accounting mix up which the State Prosecutor has decided needed to be investigated". "So, we wait for Richards report"? "no real choice really, don't want to go unless we are really needed". Tony came to the door and knocked on the frame, "you ready guys"? "Yes, I think we'll do", "what do you think"? Tony looked us both up and down, with a grin, "sexy", "get out of here you tease", we all laughed. As we got out into the bedroom, Andy asked "have I missed something", "not really bro, just these two old farts acting up", Mark lunged forward and scored a direct hit to Tony's ass, "ouch, that hurt", "good", replied Mark more laughter.

By the time we got down to the study, the family were already there, as we walked in Sven said, "sounds as though someone is having fun", looking at the four of us with a grin. I said, "it's the one thing I for one will miss the most when these two guys go home, the laughter", we all smiled; Sven looked at Sophia and grinned.

Will came into the room and announced, "your floating carpet is waiting outside ladies and gentlemen" with a smile, "thank you" replied Mark, "you know where we're going"? "yes sir, the Sir Walter Tyrrell, did you want me to go the country route"? "yes, please Will", "ok sir, I'll wait in the bus" and he left.

"Ok people, are we already", a chorus of "yes please", we made our way out to the front door to be greeted by Birtie, "have a good lunch ladies and gentlemen", "thank you Birtie" said Mark as he opened the door Tony and Andy said "goodbye" to the two dogs as they patted them, they sat by Birtie as we boarded the bus and Will shut the door. As we rounded the fountain Amelia asked Mark "if there were any fish in the pond", "yes, of course, a dozen or so Koi, have a look when we get back, they love being fed by hand", both girls were interested.

Will gave us a lovely drive through the forest, slowing down so the girls could see the ponies and sights of interest; we passed through Minstead, London Minstead, on towards Cadnam, Brook and onto the pub. As we left the bus, the girls spotted three ponies just along from where Will had parked, "can we go and see them, Mum, please", the three of them went to see the ponies up close, Mark called out a warning to Sophia, "be careful, they are wild animals and have been known to bite, don't feed them either", she nodded. Mark invited Will to join us, "thank you, sir, are you sure", "yes lad just watch the alcohol", "I don't drink if I'm driving", "wise lad". We waited by the entrance for the ladies to join us, Sophia said, "what a lovely looking pub", Dave said, "wait till you see inside, oh Sven and Tony, watch your heads, some of the beams are a bit low".

We were shown to a big round table in the front bay window; we had great views of the forest with the added extra, a herd of deer under the big Oak tree a hundred yards away including a magnificent stag with a good set of antlers.

Our waiter brought our menus, we ordered some drinks, the girls and poor Will opted for Cokes. It was a real traditional pub style menu, we all decided on variants of a roast with all the trimmings. Mark suddenly noted that Mrs Wilson was planning the same for our dinner later, "sorry guys, I did not give it a thought", Tony was quick to say, "oh he is human after all", yet more laughter although it was over the heads of Sophia and the girls, even Will smiled.

I leapt to Marks rescue by saying "he was working too hard and that he needs a holiday", Sven said, "you've just come back from Thailand was that not a holiday"? Tony put his father right with a firm, "no, not really, think what we all went through, that's not a holiday in my book", "well said" added Andy. "Wow, guys, I was only joking", Mark grinned, our meals arrived and we all tucked in.

We all decided not to have puddings and just had coffees, Sophia said "thank you" to Mark for lunch, "I'm full", "so are we" said both the girls. Dave said, "that if they needed to powder their noses the ladies were around the corner behind the fireplace", "thank you; I'll take the girls" she replied. Will asked, "if it was straight back to the house", "I think so" replied Mark, "I could do with a snooze", Sven asked "if he could have another swim"? "of course, you can, glad to see the pool used". Tony asked, "his father where he got the strength"? "it's not going to be easy but I'm taking advantage of the big pool", Mark said, "that he was more than welcome to use it if ever he's in the area".

Will noticed the ladies returning and said, "he would make for the bus and get it ready", Mark made his way to the bar to pay the bill and we all left for the bus. We took the quicker route back to the house and were greeted by Birtie and the dogs, ears up and tails wagging, waiting on the step. "Welcome back ladies and gentlemen, would anyone like tea or coffee"? "Yes, please Birtie, I think tea for the ladies and a large pot of coffee, in the lounge I think", "ok sir". Sophia asked, "if she could look at the books in the study", "yes, of course, you can" I replied, Amelia and Rossana joined her, "see you in the lounge", "thank you, Dave".

Mark had sat in his chair with Kimba at his feet having her head rubbed, Sven and the boys sat one side of the fireplace and I sat opposite them just as Birtie arrived with our drinks. The ladies came in with books in their hands and sat next to me. I asked, "did you lot find anything interesting you two", "yes thank you" replied Amelia, she had found one of my old-world atlases, Rossana had a picture atlas of ancient Egypt, "wow, very intellectual" I said rather condescendingly, "oh sorry, did not mean that as it came out", "no problem" replied Rossana. Sophia looked at me, "oops" she said, "that put me in my place" I replied, she smiled. "Dave do you think I could borrow this one, it's something I've been interested in for years and it looks as it covers the subject very well", she held the book up, Flower arranging in the royal palaces. "Yes of course," I said, "I think it is obvious that we are going to remain friends for a while", we all smiled, the boys added, "that they hoped so as there was still the debt to pay off". Both Mum and Dad swung round to look the boys in the face, "debt" said Dad, Andy said "don't worry Dad it's not money, just a private joke", Mum did not look convinced, but I thought Dad had cottoned on as he was grinning.

I looked over at Mark, he was gone to the world, even Kimba had given up and was lying on the floor by his feet. I asked Sven "when he wanted to have his swim as it was soon going to be getting dark", "oh thanks, Dave, better get going", he stood and asked Tony "if he wanted to join him, no completion just a swim", "yeah, ok Dad, would you mind if Nick joined us"? "no son, no problem". "I'll go and get him, see you in the pool", Sven went up to change. Tony ran across to the flat and ran up the stairs before he got a chance to knock the door Will was stood there naked as the day he was born with a good size semi looking worried, "where's the fire" he asked. "Oh sorry, Will, have I called at a bad moment"? then I noticed Nick coming up from behind, also naked but with a much harder appendage showing. "Come in", "ok but I can't stop, sadly", "what's up"? "Dad wants to have another swim before it gets too dark and I wondered if Nick would like to join us"?. "Not in this state" he joked "but yes, I'd love to, give me time to get rid of this and I'll see you out by the pool", "ok, great, sorry Will if I've spoilt anything", "no problem mate, we have loads of time for that now". By the time I got back to the house, changed and got out to the pool Dad was already in the water. As it happened both Nick and Will came down and we all had a good hour in the water. We used the pool house to dry ourselves and change, Nick was asking Dad all sorts of questions about his history and some technical stuff, Will and I just sat there looking at each other, I said laughing, "he's a bit of a geek isn't he"? Will just rolled his eyes.

The lads thanked Dad and went back to the flat, I gave them a wink and said, "have fun", they both nodded and grinned. On the way back to the house Dad said, "if I didn't know better I'd say you lot are taking over, have they been together long"? "You can tell", I replied, "of course, I can, not that you have to be Einstein, it's written all over the pair of them", he was smiling. Back in the study, Mark was still out to the world, the ladies were engrossed in their books, Dave was on his iPad. Dave asked, "how the swim went", "very well thank you" replied Sven, "your offer to use the pool whenever I'm in the area is very tempting".

Dave asked, "if anyone wanted a drink", Sven and the boys asked for "a beer", he went to get them. By the time he returned Sven and the boys were discussing the future, Tony's. Tony was saying that he would like to take advantage of Marks offer to work for the Corporation, "would you be based here or at home"? "Well if you don't mind, it would make sense to stay at home during the week and come back here perhaps for the weekends, if I have an invitation, of course", "you have silly," said Mark who had come back to us.

Birtie came in and caught Mark's eye, "Mrs Wilson says dinner will be 20:00 if that's ok with you", "that's fine thank you Birtie, thank her for me", "of course, sir". Andy had gone to get Mark a drink which he gave to him just as his phone rang. "Richard, what news,"? "hi Mark I've just had a long conversation with the director, he is quite concerned, seems it might go all the way to Congress", "what is your feeling Richard"? "well, to be honest, I don't think I'm getting the whole story, even from our own people. My first impression is we have a cover-up situation". "Ok, do we need to be worried"? "on the face of it yes, very but let me do a bit of work before we call in the troops, I've got a couple of guys out here who I trust, give me time to talk with them out of the office, I've booked lunch out with some of them, I'll keep you informed", "ok Richard" "24 hours", "ok Mark, will do, bye for now".

Even the ladies had taken notice of the conversation; Sven was the first, "what happens now Mark"? "Well, I need to let Richard get as much of the detail as he can but if Congress gets involved then Dave and I, as Directors will probably have to go over to testify in person".

Andy said "wow, could this be a real problem for you"? "again lad, can't really say till we have all the facts, but it looks as though we might be on our travels again", I noticed Tony raised his eyebrows. Sven said, "guess you will stay in your New York apartment, where did you say it was"? Dave replied, "half the 42nd floor of Trump Tower, I'm not looking forward to that at all". Andy asked, "why"?, "well we've heard the increased security due to Trump's wife staying there has caused total chaos on and around Fifth Avenue". Tony stood and asked if anyone wanted another drink, we all said: "yes please" and Dave said, "ring for Birtie", Tony pulled the cord and sat back down. He was looking at me, not saying anything and then it clicked, "would you like to join us now that you're on the staff"? Mum and Dad faces lit up, Tony's face was predictable, he was grinning, "could I"? he said, "I've not been to the States". Mark looked at me he was smiling, "what about the other one"? he said. Andy was sat next to his Dad, he looked over at Mark, "could I"? "well that really depends on Mum and Dad", he looked over at Mum, she was looking a bit concerned at Sven. Sven said, "haven't you two had enough of these two yet"? looking at Mark, "well, they do have their uses" he replied, smiling "it's not as though it's going to cost any more if they joined us". Just then Nick came in with a tray of drinks, he put the tray down on the coffee table saying, "I hope I've got these right sir, two beers, two Cokes, a Gin and tonic and two Scotch and ginger". "Sounds perfect Nick," said Mark, "thank you", "no problem sir" and he left.

"Well, guys", Sven was looking at both his lads "looks as though you might be going somewhere Mum and I have not been yet, even the girls have been to Disney". The girls looked up and smiled, saying, "we had a great time". Mark said, "he thought the lads should go back home, at least for a couple of days, time allowing, if for nothing else, some fresh clothes", Mum added "that it would be nice to have them home again". We were suddenly aware of Birtie stood in the room, "sorry to intrude ladies and gentlemen but I've been told the young ladies asked earlier about the fish in the fountain, it's their feeding time and I wondered if they would like to watch, maybe even take part"? "Oh, could we Mum"? "yes of course if Mark doesn't mind", "no feel free" replied Mark. The girls and the lads followed Birtie out to the fountain, he had a box of food, he told the girls to sit on the ledge, he gave them some of the food and he showed them how to hold a lump just in the water, one of the bigger fish came up and took the food from Amelia's finger. Rossana then had a go and very soon all the fish had come over to be fed; it kept the girls entertained for a quarter of an hour.

When they returned Sophia suggested it might be time to change for dinner, they disappeared upstairs. We all finished our drinks and went up as well, Sven led the way followed by Mark, Tony and Andy, I was last and was playing with Andy's bum, he turned and gave me a look which said later. Once in our room and I'd closed the door Andy caught me off guard and dragged me to the bed, as I fell onto the bed he jumped up on top of me and knelt astride my hips looking down at me. The others had stopped to see what the fuss was about, Tony's response was predictable, "you at it again bro"? To which Andy replied, "well, he started it, playing with my ass all the way up the stairs, what's a boy supposed to do"? Mark said, "I'd take a suitable revenge myself", with a grin, Tony was already stripping off to join in the fun, he asked "if we had time", "yes but it will have to be a quick one".

Andy got off me and we both stripped off, Andy said "as I had started it and he was the aggrieved party he should be the one to apply the punishment", he laid me on the bed and promptly began to get in position, the "snake" was already at full mast so was ready for entry which it did with no mercy, I let out a yell as he sank the whole length deep into my ass in one go. By this time Tony had got the better of Mark and was getting ready to apply pressure to a rock-hard cock placed at the entrance to Marks ass. Mark asked Tony "not to do what Andy had just done as it might spoil it"; Tony did as asked and lowered himself gently down till he too was deep inside a wet, warm ass.

It was not long before both lads had got themselves into a good rhythm, Andy really has got a good technique, he manages to scrape the sides as he plunges in and out. Mark was the first to actually speak, "can I have a go now"? We both swapped over, Andy remembered my favourite position and laid across the corner of the bed as I entered his hole with the same finesse as he had used with me, he also let out a squeal as it sank in deep. Mark had Tony on his back taking him from above; he was wanking himself frantically and making all the right noises. Andy said, "he wanted to cum" so I lifted him up, so he could kneel on the edge of the bed, I reached around and started to wank the "snake" God it was hard, within a minute all of us were getting close. Tony was the first, he covered his chest and spattered Marks' face, his spasms set Mark off and he let Tony have a good load deep in his ass. I could feel the "snake" beginning to throb and soon Andy was groaning as he shot his load all over the bed, as usual, the tightening of his ass as he comes is enough to set me off and I also let off a good load deep in the depths of Andy's lovely little ass.

We all helped to change the duvet cover and then went for a quick shower, Tony needed it, he was soaked and sticky. Good shower, then we dried and changed for dinner. We must have all looked like the cats that got the cream as we walked into the lounge, Sven noticed it first and nudged Sophia, they were both grinning as we all found somewhere to sit. He said, "I got you some drinks, hope they're OK, have a good shower"? "Thanks, yes, just what the doctor ordered, and yes to the second question," said Mark smiling.

Just then, Birtie came into the room, "sorry to interrupt ladies and gentlemen, Mrs Wilson asks if everyone is happy with a homemade chicken soup as a starter this evening"? Mark looked at Sven and Sophia, Sven said, "fine with me", Sophia looked at the girls, "yes please Mum", the two lads said "yes". Mark said, "well that's a yes around Birtie", "thank you sir" and he was gone. "Wow," said Sophia, "Mrs Wilson sounds a real gem, homemade soup", Mark replied, "that she is, we don't know what we would do without those two. To be fair, we have got a caterer into help with these meals but she would have done the soup herself, it's not fair to ask her to cope cooking for eight on her own", "fair enough" replied Sophia, "I'm just feeling so spoilt, I've not done a thing since we arrived, make a bed, cook a meal, load the dishwasher, I could get real used to this", she looked at Sven who in turn looked across at Mark and rolled his eyes.

Andy broke the spell, "anyone for another drink"? He rang the bell and shortly Nick appeared, "more drinks ladies and gentlemen", "yes please" replied Dave, "same as before sir"? "Please", "ok sir" and he was gone. Sven turned towards Mark and thanked him again for the hospitality, "I'm not looking forward to going back to work on Monday". Mark asked, "and what is it you do with your time if I may ask"? "Oh, I thought we had mentioned that I'm a partner in an architectural practice, we specialise in public spaces and buildings", "are you busy"? "yes, at the moment, we have several large projects on the go". Before Mark got a chance to ask any more questions, Nick arrived and announced: "dinner was served". We all made our way to the dining room with great expectations. The table looked spectacular; Birtie had decided to go the whole hog and use our best Edinborough Montrose crystal with the Royal Worchester Viceroy bone china dinner service as well as the solid silver cutlery, Sophia let out a gasp as she walked into the room, as did both the girls.

"Oh Dave, this looks fabulous", she said as she made her way to her seat, "not our doing", I replied, "this is our Birtie, he loves to go to town whenever he can", "I must thank him, this is going to be such a pleasure", we all sat and took in the whole table, even the fresh flowers centrepiece and the two candelabra both with three lit, classic white candles.

Both Birtie and Nick came in, dressed for the occasion in black trousers with a black waistcoat, white shirt with a black tie, pushing a trolley with our soup starter, they served with thanks coming from each recipient. Sophia was again the first to comment, "I must ask your Mrs Wilson for her recipe, this soup is something special". Tony finished first and asked if "there were any seconds", the next thing we knew Birtie came in with the terrene and Mrs Wilson, she went to Tony and served him a second portion, "thank you, young man, you're the first person to actually ask for some more". Sophia did not miss the opportunity to "ask her for the recipe and also thank her for all her efforts". "Thank you, I'll get Birtie to write it out for you to take home with you", "thank you" replied Sophia. "Would anyone else like anymore while we are here"? Both Andy and Sven said, "yes, please".

Nick came in with a decanter of wine, he asked: "would anyone prefer white"? we all replied, "no thank you". Then Birtie came in with a trolley and gave out hot plates, he then put three tureens with the vegetables on the table, then Nick arrived with a huge platter with the joint of beef on and placed it in front of Mark who always likes to carve. Mark had a little show off moment as he sharpened his knife on the steel, Sven looked suitably impressed. Once everyone had a plate full, we all set to and enjoyed our meal; everyone said, "it was way, way above the pub lunch", even the girls commented, "on how nice and pink the beef was".

Conversation flowed around the table covering the usual assortment of subjects, including the possibilities of travelling to the USA in the week. As if tempting fate, Marks phone rang, "Hi Richard, what's the news"? "Well, I've just got back from lunch with Toby, Tom and Rachael, my instinct was correct, it's worse than we originally thought. It's looking like Andrew's been cooking the books big time and it looks as though he's attempted to lay a very effective smoke screen to cover his tracks. He got greedy and someone in the federal tax office got the wind of his scam and blow the whistle". "God, what's the damage"? "If we don't act quickly, our reputation, it's already gone to the Senate Finance committee for consideration". "Bloody hell, so you need us over there"? "Don't see any other way out, sorry boss; we have got to be seen to act decisively and quickly". "Ok, Richard, are you in contact with your office"? "already done, Charles should be contacting you when he's got a timetable set", "thanks, Richard, see you soon", "ok Mark, bye for now".

Mark closed his phone, the room had gone silent, everyone was looking at him. He just looked at me and said, "well, looks as though we are off to the States sometime soon". Sven said, "it sounded bad", Mark replied, "well, it's not good when you have a trusted manager rock the boat badly enough to get the Senate of the USA involved". "Well, Tony and Andy, that's settled it, you go home with the family after breakfast, we'll collect you both on our way to the airport, just don't forget your passports, hopefully, Richards people have thought of visas for us all otherwise, we won't be getting in". Sophia said, "it all sounds so exciting, can I squeeze into your suitcase", smiling? Dave said, "it might be a good plan to check the visa question, I'll go and do that now", he got up and left for his office.

By the time Dave returned we had all been served with our homemade apple crumble with a choice of custard or cream, all the men asked for both much to Sophia's disgust, saying "it's all right for you lot, I'd put pounds on" as she started to laugh. Mark asked Dave" if the office had the visa's in hand"? he replied, "sort off, they did not know the boys would be going, Richard has also arranged for Simon to come with us, he said, just to be on the safe side".

"Well, ladies and gentlemen, coffee in the lounge"? Asked Mark as he stood up, we all left to regroup in the lounge, Nick joined us with a trolley with a flask of coffee and some cake. Sven was the first to speak saying "how much he had enjoyed the meal", thanking his hosts. Sophia and the girls went back to their books, you could see that both the lads were mulling over the next adventure. Dave asked if anyone would like a liqueur, "yes please" was the reply from the adults, Sven asked, "what we had"? Dave offered "it might be better to ask for what you fancy and see if we have it". "Ok" replied Sven, "Brandy for me please", Tony said "ditto" Andy looked at his Mum, waiting for her to say first, "oh, sorry son, miles away, Baileys"? And Andy said, "Grand Marnier". Dave rang the bell and gave the request to Nick when he arrived. Very soon we all had our drinks, Sven toasted the next adventure, "what will you do, fly direct"? Mark replied, "yes, probably to La Guardia, it's a bit closer to Manhattan, from there it's just a car ride, Manhattan is a very small place as far as big businesses are concerned, bit like London's Square Mile". Sven continued, "you say you have a place in Trump Tower, yes, on the 59th street side, overlooking Central Park, good views but such a tacky, gaudy place, don't know why we ever bought the lease, must have been a good investment at the time". Tony asked, "have you been many times"? "I've been three times, Dave came with me for two of those, we thought we had a good team there; we'll have to see how many have turned bad".

Dave took us off the subject by asking what Sven's plans were for Sunday, "ah, yes, well, we need to get back fairly early as the girls have school on Monday". Dave suggested they stayed for lunch before heading home, "if you can put up with us that would be ideal, also means I can have another swim". Mark then changed the subject again, "as its getting near to bedtime would you like another dip in the hot tub"? "that's a good idea" said Andy, "my backs been a bit odd all day". "Do you mind Sophia"? Sven asked, "no, of course not dear; you go and have fun" with a grin.

We all said goodnight to the girls and Sophia and we all made our way out to the tub, the lads went ahead to get the tub open and the sides back, Mark asked them to "get some towels from the pool store ready for afterwards". By the time we got there the lads had opened the tub and had just finished opening the sides. We all stood at the side of the tub, I think we were all feeling a bit awkward, Sven looked at us all, smiled and stripped off; he made no effort to hide anything, which would have been interesting to try and climbed in. "Come on in lads is lovely"; we all looked at each other, laughed, stripped off and climbed in. We were all just sat there in the hot water without any bubbles; Sven looked around at us all and just said, "you're not being bashful just because I'm here I hope" and he laughed. "I'll make no excuses if something comes alive, it's got a lot to look at", he had a big grin on his face. "Dad", both the boys said at the same time, "yes boys? There is nothing wrong in admiring the male form; I've told you both that many times, likewise, if we, as men see something that turns us on there is usually only one visible outcome". Well, you could have blown the boys over with a feather if they had not been up to their chests in water, both their jaws had dropped.

"Wow, Sven," said Mark, "I'd love to have had you as a father", Sven just grinned and replied, "life's too short to worry about such things, enjoy life while you can". Dave tried to reduce the temperature by asking "if anyone would like some bubbles"? Sven replied, "might be a good idea, things are getting a bit warm around here", we had all noticed that we were all getting a bit excited including the "super snake" which was definitely coming to life. The bubbles did relieve embarrassment for the boys Sven moved slightly saying he was sitting on a jet which was hitting a delicate spot which was not helping and smiled. He looked over towards the boys, "what's the matter you two; you've seen me naked before? Andy was lucky enough to inherit the big dick gene from me, "DAD" Andy shouted, he was beginning to blush. "What's the problem son, we are all adults here, we've all got the same bits, these two are well aware of what you two have got and I'm sure you all put them all to good use".

Mark intercepted, "well this beats all previous conversations we've ever had out here", "sure has" added Dave. Tony, who had not spoken since getting in just said, "I think it's the fact that your Dad to us two, it feels a bit odd to be talking so openly about as you put it "dick genes "he was trying to, at least laugh. "I remember you taking us to one side at home when you decided we were at that age and told us all about the birds and the bees, I seem to remember we were all naked, must have been after bath time and that you used your own penis as an example". Andy's face was almost white, Tony continued, "Andy was young enough that he had not yet grown to full adult size, you have always been open about all matters to do with sex, but we have company".

Mark said, "ah, we are here, after all, Sven said, "sorry guys, I just can't understand what the problem is with sex in England, back in Sweden we don't have all these hang-ups". Mark continued, "yes I can accept that but I'm sure you would not condone us all having sex now", Sven replied, "you have a point, it would not worry me in the slightest if you four got going but even I would have to draw the line with getting on with my own boys". Dave said, "well that might be interesting but I'm sure the boys would not partake", Andy was looking open-mouthed, Mark was just smiling, "well this is defiantly one for the record books".

Mark then raised himself up onto the upper shelf which revealed a good stiff erection, then Tony did the same, he also had a full hard-on, poor Andy did not know where to look when suddenly Sven did the same, Dave and I let out a gasp, Dave said, "my god man what the hell do you do with it? I have enough trouble coping with Andy". I have always had to be careful; Sophia does not have a problem anymore". Sven was quite happy, sat up on the ledge, gently stroking his huge cock, sometimes with two hands; he continued," I was quite popular during my youth when I was on the scene". Without warning Andy suddenly got up on the shelf as well, needless to say, the "snake" was performing to its usual standard. Sven just sat back down saying, "that's better, I still like to look at some eye candy when I can", he was still stroking, which we could see as the bubbles had stopped. Tony reached over and grabbed his brother, gently stroking it; Mark reached over and took hold of Dave's then moved to a position where he could give him a suck. Sven looked over at the boys and said, "now that's a good show, don't mind me, I'm going to have to go soon or I'll be making an awful mess in this water".

With that Tony also moved and took Andy deep down, Dad looked impressed and moved a little closer to make sure he could see it all disappear, in doing so he had to get back on the shelf. Mark then moved in closer and asked Sven "if he could have a feel"? "it's not on show just to look at" he replied, with which, Mark took hold and played with it using both hands. Dave then moved in, so he could have a feel as well at which point Dad reached over and took Tony's in hand. Tony recoiled when he realised it was Dad and lifted off Andy at which point Dad took Andy's in hand, "very impressive you two, hope you both get great pleasure from your genes". He made moves to stand up. Dave moved away, and Sven stood up in the middle of the tub with his cock almost at full mast which for its sheer size was quite an achievement, "before I get carried away" We all stopped to have a good look at this thing, "right guys, thanks for a very enjoyable hour but as you can see I'm not far off, I'd hate to spoil things", he was seeping some precum. "I'll leave you all to your pleasures though I do suggest you move it to the bedroom or you will all turn into prunes", he laughed and wrapped a towel around his waist, said" goodnight" and he was gone.

We all sat back down into the water, Tony asked, "what just happened, was I dreaming"? "No lad, that's some Dad you've got there, now, I suspect he was right about going to bed, come on, can you two close up for us", "yes of course" said Andy as we got out and made our way back to the house all with our stiff cocks leading the way.

After closing up the lads started to move towards the house, Tony suddenly stopped, turned around and took his brother into a big hug. Nothing was said, after a couple of minutes the softening cocks were again rampant, hands began to wonder. Tony said, "I'd love to take you here and now bro", "oh God bro; I'd love it but should we"? "No, not really but let me just put it in please; I won't cum, I just need to feel that special place". Andy moved over to one of the pool chairs and bent over it, Tony moved up and got the head of his throbbing cock into the hole of his desire and gently pushed. It slid into the hilt; Andy let out a grown and throw his arms back to wrap around his brother as he leant across his back. Tony just stood there, still connected; he kissed his brothers back then reached around, found "the snake" and gently stroked it. The two of them stood there for about five minutes with Tony just slowly withdrawing and reinserting his cock to the hilt. He gave one last hard push before withdrawing; they fell back into a hug with both their still rigid cocks sandwiched between them.

By the time Tony had locked up, set the alarm and the pair of them had made their way halfway up the stairs, Tony had put his hand between Andy's legs and grabbed hold of his balls, Andy stopped, turned around, Tony pulled him into another hug and kissed him on the lips, something he had never done before. By the time they got to the bedroom, Mark was on top of me and giving me a good seeing to, seeing this the two lads just carried on where they left off on the stairs. Tony got back into Andy's ass but this time he was not holding back, Andy was almost wailing with pain, so much that Mark nudged Tony who had his eyes closed as he performed. He came back to us, realised what was happening and said "sorry, bit carried away there", Andy said, "yeah bro, just a bit, that hurt", "sorry mate, your turn"? Andy took his place behind Tony and inserted his instrument of torture. Mark had cum by this time; we were both watching the show. Andy must have really been turned on as he came very quickly, sinking his load deep into his brothers accommodating ass.

As Andy pulled out Tony looked over at me, he flashed his eyes and I gave in, he laid across the corner of the bed and let me get into position, he just said, "go for gold Dave, I need a good seeing to, I've been naughty", he smiled and turned his head towards his brother as I sank my still rock-hard cock deep into the lad's ass. He let out a yell as I reached the hilt, as requested I was not holding anything back. Andy kneeled on the floor with his head just in front of his brother; he had a hand on Tony's shoulder. With everything that had happened earlier and the fact that I'd already had a good fuck, it was not long before I was coming. Tony asked, "if we could cum together" so I pulled out just in time, he turned over and started to wank himself with Andy helping us both by massaging our balls and ass, within a very short time I was spurting spunk all over Tony's chest, Andy's face and the duvet, then Tony let go with another good load that went everywhere.

We all went to clean up, Mark and I were back in bed before the lads returned, we learned later that they were at it again in the bathroom, if only another hug and grope. We had settled in together by the time they returned so they ended up together for the night, lucky Andy had Tony's strong arm over his body, the lights went out and we all fell into a deep sleep, so we thought.

Dave and I were woken by the motion of the bed, we both rolled over to see Andy's young face, eyes closed, obviously in heaven, it transpired that Tony had been plugged in most of the night, had woken and was taking advantage of the situation, Tony lifted his head and smiled at us as he continued to pound his brother's ass. Mark reached around and found my hard cock; he was stroking it in time with Tony's thrusts. I had to stop him, or I would have made a mess in the bed. Tony suddenly stopped as Birtie came in with his usual "good morning gentlemen, did you all have a good night", "yes thank you" replied Mark as Birtie continued to open the drapes, the windows and take our tray out onto the balcony. As he returned he said, "that Mrs Wilson will wait till everyone is down before starting breakfast", "thank you Birtie" and he was gone. Tony pulled out and said, "we'll finish this later" as he smiled at his brother, with that he got up and followed his still stiff cock into the bathroom, Andy just looked over at us and smiled, "he's not done that for ages".

We all managed to get out onto the balcony at the same time, suddenly we were aware of Sven standing on their balcony, he had not noticed us and was standing there with his gown untied and therefore open. All four of us were fixed by the sight that thing hung before us; we could clearly see the "super snake" again, almost at full mast, it was actually resting on the rail of the balcony. When he finally noticed us, all grinning at him, he just looked back into their room then turned back towards us with his gown pulled right back, he then wriggled his hips with the result that the "super snake" was being thrown from side to side, slapping on each thigh as it swung. He showed no embarrassment whatsoever, nor funnily enough did either of the boys, we all gave him the thumbs up sign as he pulled his gown closed just as Sophia and the girls came out onto the balcony.

We all met in the dining room for breakfast, grins from Sven as he entered first, greetings all round, Sophia looked radiant, as she sat down she asked, "how much the tub cost", she smiled, we all understood and looked over at Sven who was also grinning. Mark answered the question just for the benefit of the girls; we all knew why she wanted one. Another lovely breakfast followed by tea and coffee. Sven said, "that he would like to get his swim in, so he had time to help with the packing". Both Andy and Tony said they would join their father, Nick and Will had also asked during breakfast, so it would be five of us, both Dave and Mark had work to deal with in preparation for the trip to the States. We let the lads finish their work first then headed out to the pool, by the time we arrived Nick had taken the cover off. Sven greeted the two lads and then dived in and started to swim around; the rest of us just jumped in and joined him. We were in the pool for about three-quarters of an hour, we pulled up to an edge, it was Tony who suggested the hot tub, Sven raised his eyebrows at his son, then smiled, "Nick and Will asked if it would be ok for them as they were officially staff"? "yes, of course, you're at the invitation of guests". We all made our way through to the tub room, Tony suggested not to open the side to save time, Nick took the top off and then realised that Sven was taking off his trunks, as this was happening both Tony and Andy took theirs off, "come on you two, you don't want trunks on in here". By this time Sven had dropped his trunks and he was climbing in, Will had just come along from the loo when he saw Sven, "bloody hell, oh sorry sir". Sven saved the moment "come on lad it doesn't bite" to which Andy and I laughed at, Nick was in first followed by Will who was already showing distinct signs of excitement.

Sven had also noted that both his lads were now sporting semis, "Tony, think it might be time for some bubbles", he smiled. Both the lads started to apologise, "what for son" said Sven, "your all gay and I'm lucky enough to have something that most gay guys would give their eye teeth for". Will and Nick had never had someone be so upfront about being gay. Sven asked, "how long they had been together", Will told the story, including the episode in the garage and what followed. He told the story so well that it was obvious there was not a soft cock in the tub; there were too many hands in the water including Sven's. "Well, lads", he suddenly said "this is your lucky day as he stood up and sat on the upper shelf", the "super snake" on full view to all. Tony already had Andy's cock in hand under the water. Will and Nick let out a gasp, "sorry sir is that real?" asked Nick, "have a feel" replied Sven as he looked over at his boys and grinned, both boys just grinned back. Nick moved around the tub to sit next to Sven, reached out and took it in his hand, and gently started to stroke it. He looked over at Will saying, "this is solid", Andy stood up and moved to the other side of Tony and also sat on the top shelf. Will moved into the space and also took hold of the "super snake". By this time Tony was sucking Andy, Sven moved slightly and indicated that one of them suck him, Will was the first to try, he managed about half of it, after a while, Nick took over, he did a little better so much so that Sven had started to play with his ass. He looked over at his two lads and mouthed, "do you mind", with a grin, both lads just smiled, and Tony nodded, and then also moved up onto the top shelf to get a good view.

Nick realised what Sven was doing and looked over at the boys, they both nodded, Sven stood up and then knelt on the bottom, he grabbed Nicks' hips and spun him around and into position, he very quickly located the entrance and lowered Nick down onto his weapon. By the look on Nicks' face, he was getting quite a lot in when suddenly Tony asked if they could watch. Sven just lifted himself up off the floor and reapportioned himself so that everyone in the tub could see what was happening. Nick was doing very well, he was taking a good three-quarters of it before he said "enough", Sven had a look on his face which said he was having fun, Nick pulled off and Will got into position and the same thing happened. By this time Tony had taken Andy much to Dads delight. Will was making all sorts of contorted faces, but he had almost the whole thing buried, Andy had reached forward and grabbed Nicks cock. Tony suddenly remembered there were automatic screens on the windows; he found the button and all the screens began to fall to effectively blacking out all the windows. Sven immediately stood up and spun Will around, so he could support himself on the edge. Tony had done the same with Andy, but they were stood up, Nick took advantage of the spare cock and managed to back on to Andy's and it sank in deep.

Will and Sven were going hell for leather, how on earth he was taking the whole thing in and out full stroke, Tony suddenly announced that "he was a coming", "so am I son" said, Dad, they both shot at the same time, Andy could not have been far off as he soon shot deep into Nicks ass. As we all settled back into the tub, Tony put the bubbles on again, Will looked just like the cat that got the cream, "guess that was good" said Nick, "no comment" replied Will. Nick looked over at Sven "could you help me come please sir"? just let me feel it, if someone can toss me off", he leant forward and took full hold, gently stroking and sucking it as both Andy and Will proceeded to wank him off, it did not take long, he stood, and Andy was ready to take it deep down as he shot his load.

"Thank you, guys," he said as he sat back into the water. Sven was the first out of the tub; he grabbed his towel and looked over at Andy and Tony saying, "not a word to Mum" and grinned, they both nodded. Will said just as Sven was about to tie his towel, "do you have to hide that gorgeous thing, sir", Sven smiled, turned around and got as close to Will as he could, Will took hold of it with both hands, gently stroked it, "thank you, sir, I'll dream of that for weeks", Sven looked all around, smiled, did his towel up and made his way back to the house. Andy asked Will, "what was it like"? "God, it hurt like hell but what a feeling once it was in deep, incredible", Tony reminded Will," not a word outside this room, promise", "I promise" he replied, "ok guys time to get back". The four of us stepped out of the tub; we all still had semi-hard cocks. Will moved over to Andy, took hold of the "snake" and said, "I'd like to take this next time" and smiled. Andy grinned, "be careful what you wish for young man" and put his towel on. Tony and I made our way back to the house, Will and Nick put the top on and went back to their flat, no doubt to start all over again.

Going back through the house we passed Marks office, he was still working, we decided not to disturb him, as we went on our way he called out, "have a good swim"?, we went back and gave him a shortened version of what had happened, "well", he said, "you lucky lads, that must have been almost as good as the show in Thailand", "better" said Andy, we left and carried on up to change.

Again, going up the stairs Tony grabbed my balls, I turned, smiled and carried on to our room, as he closed the door Tony grabbed my towel and threw it onto the floor, he took hold of my cock and pulled me to the bed, he threw off his own towel and climbed up next to me and pulled me into another hug. Obviously, it was not long before we both had rock hard cocks sandwiched between us. He again kissed me then told me "to roll over", he pulled my ass up, got into position and sank his throbbing cock deep into my willing ass, this was like being in heaven. Unlike usual, he gave me probably the most sensual fuck I've ever had in my short life, he was gentle, kissing my back and holding onto my arms and chest. Eventually, far too soon his stroke changed, and he suddenly pushed all the way and let go another good load, I could feel each spurt, when he had finished he just laid there kissing my back and hugging my chest. Sadly, I could feel his cock flagging, it flopped out and he rolled over, I snuggled up close and cuddled him for what seemed like hours. We went for a shower, some horseplay, two more stiff cocks but nothing else, we dressed and made our way downstairs just in time to join the rest of the family for coffee in the lounge.

Mum and the girls were back into their books Dad was stood looking out of the window into the garden. Tony said, "a penny for your thoughts Dad", "their worth a lot more than that lad" he replied as he turned and came to sit down he smiled as he passed us. "Those two lads seem, nice guys," he said, "not been together long I hear", "yeah, love, at first sight", joked Andy, "don't knock it, lad, that's just what happened with Mum", she lifted her head and smiled. "One minute I was fancy-free, single and having a ball, then I got it, hook line and sinker", he grinned. "Yeh and your complaining right, pull the other one Dad it's got bells on", we all laughed. Then Dave arrived, "what have it missed"? "Oh, nothing much" replied Sven "just told these two not to belittle love at first sight. Can I ask how you two got together"? "gosh" replied Dave "that was a long time ago", "oh how long"? asked Andy. "Mark and I will be celebrating 38 years next month as it happens", "oh wow," said, Sven, "that's a long time. How did you meet"? "oh God" replied Dave, "we were in Egypt, we were both on the same cruise boat doing the Nile river, we were sat at the same table and things just happened". "There you go boys, what did I just say. Tell me to butt out if I'm asking the wrong questions please Dave", "no secrets between friends", "thanks. Presumably, you got together before the money arrived", "Oh yes; we had a two-roomed council house in Southampton". "Good God," said Sven; "I got a phone call one day, a law firm up in London said they needed to see me. I thought it was a scam at first they convinced me to go and the rest is history". "Wow, did you have any idea"? "not a clue; some Great Uncle on my dearly departed Mums side had left me the controlling share of the company"? "That was some surprise", "you could say that we spent the next year sorting it out, it was in one hell of a state, money all over the place, our legal team are still finding little bits scattered around the place".

"As they say, the rest is history", just then Mark walked in, "hi people, any coffee in that pot"? he asked Andy, Andy jumped up and poured a cup and took it over for him, he sat, and Kimba went to sit by his side. Dave asked, "how Mark got on with the trip", "think I've got most of it done, I've confirmed we have all got our visas, the flight is yet to be booked, that's down to Charles, he will ring me first thing". Nick popped his head into the room, "excuse me, ladies and gentlemen", we all looked up, he came into the room and announced that "lunch is served", Mark said "thank you, Nick", Nick left and we all stood up and started to make our way to the dining room.

Compared to last night the table was positively plain but the meal was just what we all needed, enough to keep the family going till they got home, yet not enough to spoil our meal later. Sven asked Sophia "if they had packed everything"? "yes dear, we checked the whole room, twice". Mark said, "I hope you left your bags upstairs", "yes," said Sven, "I was going to get them after lunch", "no need dear friend you will find them already in your car", "now I'm being spoilt," said Sven, yet more laughter.

Sophia asked, "does anyone need the loo before we go"? both the girls said, "yes please" and disappeared. Mark suggested that Tony went to get the car, Andy asked "if he could go home with him"? "fine with me, bro" replied Tony. Everyone stood as the girls returned and we all went to the kitchen as Sven had requested that they all thanked Mrs Wilson, Birtie and Nick in person for their weekend. That done we all made our way to the front door, Birtie stood there as one by one they thanked each of us in turn. They piled into Sven's car; I thought I saw a tear in Sophia's eye. Tony and Andy gave us both a hug then got into Tony's new car, they both waved as Tony said; "see you sometime tomorrow, bye "we all stood and watched as the car disappeared out of sight, they had gone.

Mark and I turned and went back into the hallway, Birtie closed the front door behind him, he turned to us and said, "the house is going to feel very empty" Mark turned and said "yes Birtie, very, thank you so much for all your hard work during the visit"" No problem, sir, it has been a pleasure, such a nice family," "indeed Birtie" "would either of you want a coffee in the study? "good idea" replied Mark and we made our way to the study.

The room did feel empty, it was the first time we had not had the company of the boys almost since Spain when we first met Tony. We both sat, either side of the fireplace with our dogs at our feet, even they seemed a bit despondent.

"So Mark, you said you think you have got everything in place for this trip", "I think so, as far as I can, Richard has set transport in motion at the other end, we have our first meeting with his trusted guys the morning after our arrival".

"I don't know about you but I would like an early night tonight, perhaps a quick cycle in the tub" "sounds good to me", Mark replied. "Not forgetting we still have to pack,"I said, think we need to pack for every eventuality as well, just in case" "good plan" Dave, "I'll go up and make a start after coffee", at which point birtie arrived with a flask of coffee, he set it down on the coffee table. "Would you be wanting breakfast in the morning gentleman"? "I think so Birtie" Mark replied, "I'm still waiting for Charles to let us know what his flight plan is, Mum always said that breakfast was the most important meal of the day", Birtie smiled, "so I have heard sir" he left us to our coffee.

We both enjoyed our coffees and made our way up to our room to pack, both of us with some trepidation of what laid in store for us on the other side of the pond. I nearly had my case packed when Marks phone rang, "hi Charles" good afternoon sir, I have our flight plan for you f that's ok"? "fine Charles, what have you planned for us"?

"Richard tells me that there will be five of you and that you need to be in New York early afternoon, preferably by lunchtime" "that would be good if you can Charles" Mark replied. "In that case sir, if you can be at Farnborough for a 09:00 departure, with an eight hour flight that will get you into la Guardia for 13:00" due to the time difference"sounds perfect as usual Charles, thank you, I'll let Will know, we will see you in the morning" "can you let Richard and Simon know our timings"?"ok sir, have a good night" " you too, bye".

"Dave, did you get all that"? "yes, think so, better ring and let Tony know, I'll do that while you finish packing" ok, thanks".I went back to the study to find my phone and dialled Tony. "Hi, Dave" "Tony, good to hear your voice," "are you missing us already"?"Well, actually, yes, sad isn't it"? "no. not really, Andy's already said he feels lost" "bless him" I replied. "Tony, we are going to have to be at Farnborough by 09:00 in the morning, can you make that happen"? "to bloody right I can Dave, what time will you need us ready by"? " I would say 08:00 at the very latest, cases packed and passports in hand" No problem Dave, looking forward to seeing you both again, we've both missed you two as well, see you in the morning" "ok bye" "bye, sleep well".

Mark came into the study to announce he was packed, "good man" I replied, shall we see whats on offer for dinner"? good idea" he rang the bell. Birtie soon arrived, "yes gentleman, dinner"? "yes please Birtie, what is on offer do you know"

"Yes sir Mrs Wilson has done a risotto for you just in case" "sounds perfect, can we have it in here on trays", "of course sir, ill bring it through when its ready, be another 15 minutes or so" "fine Birtie, thank you""would you like wine with it sir"? "yes Birtie, could you open one of the Tesco Tempranillo" of course sir", he turned and left us on our own.

Dave cracked first, "I don't like this," he said, "no, nor me, odd isn't it, we've been just the two of us for nearly thirty years, quite happy, now we are lost in the silence". I opened my iPad to check on the world news, Mark went for a drink, "did you want a Scotch Dave" "yes please love". We both sat and disappeared within our own thoughts until Birtie came into the room with our dinners on a trolley. We ate our dinners watching news catch-up on the TV in silence, Birtie returned to ask "if we wanted any coffee", "yes please Birtie, then I think its time for bed, being an early start in the morning," "ok sir". He returned with two cups of our favourite coffee and a glass of Brandy each, Mark said "Birtie, you're a star, thank you" "no problem sir, when you have finished you both go up, ill lock up" "thank you Birtie, what would we do without you"? "oh, sir, thank you but it's my job, goodnight" "goodnight Birtie, see you in the morning".

We drank our Brandys while discussing final plans for the morning. Dave finished by saying "ok, I'm done, time for bed, are you coming"?"yes, right behind you", we made our way up to bed, went to the loo, I was in bed first, it seemed so empty. Mark joined me, snuggled up close, kissed my neck, turned out the light and we both drifted off to sleep.

The End of this sequence

To be continued in Book Three.

Well, guys and girls, that's it for book two. I do hope you have enjoyed reading it, judging from the number of complimentary emails I have received I think you have. Stay with us for the next adventure, were off to the States for some legal intrigue, maybe danger but certainly some more good food, fun, sex and travel, maybe a very special occasion.


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Next: Chapter 25

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