Holiday in Heaven

By moc.oohay@onegabmik

Published on Nov 12, 2017


Holiday in Heaven Chapter 23

Chapter 23

The arrival of family

We left the four guys in bed...

By this time Mark was in his swing and making the most of Andy's lovely ass, it was Andy who suggested a change around. Tony asked his brother what he had in mind, well it's a long time since I had yours all to myself, fair enough bro and they both pulled off their respective posts and it did not take Tony long to get Andy into position and get himself buried to the maximum depth possible to which Andy screamed, God, I'd forgotten how big you are bro, slacken off a bit can you till I get used to it again. Well, this action left the two old farts to amuse themselves, Mark came around the bed and soon found his target, it was not one of the reasons for us getting together but he is a bloody good fucker if you'll excuse the expression. It was not long before Tony was making all the right noises, he soon shot his load deep into Andy's tight little ass. Seeing this was too much for Mark, he let me have a good load very soon after. Andy asked if I could give him a deep throat job, as I got into position, Tony got into position to give me the same treatment. Andy was the first to start the sounds of satisfaction, Tony knew that I would be far behind and he was soon getting his tonsils soaked with spunk. A good, satisfied night's sleep was in prospect; we all settled into the normal spoons and drifted off, with no alarms set for the morning.

·         * * * * * * *

We were awoken by Birtie as he brought our morning coffees in; he drew back the drapes to a spectacular sunrise, "coffee on the balcony gentlemen"? "Thank you, Birtie" replied Mark. "Did you have a good night"? "Yes, thank you" replied Dave as he swung his legs out of the bed and sat up. "I'll let Mrs Wilson know you're all up, she will do breakfast for you when you come down", "wonderful Birtie" Mark replied as he also got out of bed and made for the bathroom. Andy and I made for our bathroom and joined the others on the balcony which was being bathed in bright sunlight, a real pleasure to see and feel. "Dave", "yes Andy", "does the guest room have a balcony"? "yes lad it's the one next door to your room", "good, cos this will knock Mums socks off, just hope it stays fine for their visit", "well lad" replied Mark, "the forecasts good for the whole weekend".

Dave asked Mark, "did you book the MPV"? "yes, Richard did his usual, it will be here later today and we have it for the weekend for a day's hire", "he is good", "oh yes, that he is" replied, Mark. Andy asked, "what do you need an MPV for with all your vehicles"? "come on lad, wake the brain up, you can do better than that, how many of us are there"? He added us up in his head, "I make it eight", "correct and did you add a driver"? "No", "well then that nine. If we are taking the family out for a pub lunch on Saturday there's no way any of us are driving", Andy replied with an expression he has not used for years, "Ah Soo, damn clever these Chinese", grinning. We finished our coffees and went for showers, it was effectively our last group shower but nothing much happened, yes, there were, of course, four semi-stiff cocks and a bit of horseplay but also, lots of laughter.

We took our gowns down for breakfast as it was Tony's last chance for some practice before Dad arrived. Mrs Wilson was in the kitchen when we arrived, she was setting out some toast. "Good morning gentlemen", we all replied and thanked her in advance for dinner, "och, that's no problem gentlemen, it's going to be nice to have a house full for a change", she smiled and excused herself back to the main kitchen. Andy said "she is a little gem", "that she is" replied, Mark. "This will just kill Mum, Butler, housekeeper, staff, I can't wait to see her face, wish I could be in the car as they arrive", "yeh that would be good," said, Tony. We all opted for Mrs Wilsons light English as she calls it, one pork sausage, one slice of black pudding, one egg, tomatoes, beans and mushrooms. Put that with as much toast as you can manage it's enough to keep anyone going for a while.

We were tucking into our light English when Birtie came in and asked Mark "if we were expecting guests this early"/ "oh, sorry Birtie, it's probably the hire car, can you let them in and get Will to deal with it"? "certainly sir" and he had gone. "Tony", "yes Mark", "are you having your swim this morning"? "Yes, if I may, it's my last chance before the inevitable challenge" he replied grinning. "Do you mind if we all watch"? "Not at all, any encouragement is gratefully appreciated". "Did you ever find your trunks bro"? "No, I'm hoping Nick has a spare pair, I'll ask him later". We finished our breakfast just as Tony's phone rang, "hi Dad, ok, you've got the postcode and the local directions, great, we're all looking forward to seeing you, what's your ETA 11:45, perfect, see you then, if you get lost give me a ring and well come and find you, take care, love you, bye". At that moment Birtie came through, "ah, Birtie" said Mark, "we have just had confirmation, our guests will be arriving about 11:45, all hands to the pumps", "of course, sir, the rooms are all prepared and I'll have the lads to help with the luggage", "thank you Birtie". "Right gentlemen shall we go off and spur this young man on in his quest"; we all stood and made our way out to the pool. Nick was already there, he had already taken the cover off. He looked over as we all filled into the pool room, he came over towards Tony and offered his hand, they shook."Good morning gentlemen, come to watch the show"? he said smiling. Mark replied, "partly, mainly to cheer this young man on", Tony asked him "if he had a spare pair of trunks", "yes", he replied, "I've put them in the locker in the corner", "thanks, mate", he went off to find them. We, by this time, had made our way to the table; we sat with our coffees, waiting for the show to start. Tony had found the trunks and was walking towards us. Being a bro, I'm allowed but all the others let out a silent gasp as he came into focus, the trunks hid absolutely nothing, his physic and those eyes, what a package.

As Tony approached, Nick let his robe fall and headed for the water, looking a little anxious, I think to get things cooled off a bit. Tony did likewise and slid in next to Nick. "Ok boss, what's your plan," Nick asked? "Same as usual, five lengths", he called over to me, "bro", "yes Tony", "can you time these with your watch for me"? "sure bro" and I moved my chair closer to poolside. "Ok, Nick, you ready"?, "yeah", "over to you Andy, three please", I gave them the countdown and they were off. Tony was away and rapidly taking the lead when he returned he was spot on 20 seconds. "Come on Tony" we all shouted, we all thought we could see him find another gear as poor Nick fell even further behind. By the time he got back to us he was doing a time of 39seconds, he started to wind down on the last lap. They both swam back to our end and lifted themselves up onto the side, I had both their robes ready for them, and they came over to the table where we had some coffee for them. Tony asked, "how did I do"? "Your fastest lap was 39 seconds", "oh well, that's as much as I can do, it's not going to be enough to get past Dad", "come on bro, all you can do it try, he won't comment, much", Andy replied with a grin.

"Thanks" mate, that really helps the ego, Nick said, "Tony, at least we both got some exercise out of it", "no problem" replied Nick, "would your family mind if I came to watch when you and your Dad have your swim"? "I don't mind, Either of you mind", he looked at Dave and Mark, "no lad, hope we can watch as well", he replied laughing. Nick said "goodbye for now" and left us, we all made our way back to the house. Having all dressed we all met up in the study for coffee. Dave was already there when Andy and I arrived; "Good show," Dave said to Tony, "thanks, Dave, Dad will hopefully, at least accept that I have been trying". Mark arrived; "I was just about to open the gate but remembered that we have animals out there that will play havoc if they ever got inside", Andy said, "is that a real problem"? "Yes, lad, we had it happen a couple of years ago; we had a dozen Boars get in. By the time we noticed it they had trashed the front lawn and flattened the vegetable garden much to Mrs Wilson's displeasure", "gosh".

Tony's phone rang, "hi Dad, oh, where are you, hang on a sec. Mark", "yes lad, what's he done"? "Sounds as though he's gone passed the track, he says he at crossroads", "ok, tell him to turn around and return towards the A31, ours is the fifth track on their right". Tony passed the info on and hung up. Mark rang for Birtie as we all made our way to the front door, Birtie was soon there with Will and Nick, both dogs were getting excited, they know when something is happening. We were all out on the step as the car pulled around the playing fountain, the dogs were sat beside us as we all waived. Sven pulled up to the step, Tony and I moved forward as he and Mum opened their doors. Andy went to Mum and fell into a hug, Dad came round the car and I went forward and we also fell into a hug. By this time both the girls had got out of the car and they came forward to greet their brothers.

Mark and Dave came forward and shook Dads' hand, then kissed Mum, "welcome to Charlton House," said, Mark. Dad replied, "this is someplace", Mark stood aside and brought Birtie forward, "this young man is the mainstay of the house, Mr Sven Carlsson and his wife Sophia, Bertram our Butler", "good morning to you both, welcome to Charlton House, if there is anything you need please do not hesitate to ring for me", "Thankyou Bertram" replied Sven.

"Do you have luggage"? Birtie asked, "yes, four bags, let me get them", "please sir leave that to me as Will and Nick came forward and followed Birtie to the rear of the car, Mums face was a picture, Tony introduced both the dogs, the girls were a little apprehensive at first, they are both quite big dogs, "don't worry, they will get used to you". Mark took charge, "come on people, come into the house". We all stood in the hallway, the girls spotted the two statues at the bottom of the stairs and were giggling, Nick and Will discreetly managed to get passed us all and took the luggage up to the rooms. Birtie said, "there was a loo second door along the side of the staircase with a second at the end of the corridor". "Good idea," said Mum "I'm bursting"; Dad went to the other one. Andy was stood with the girls; they were stroking the dogs who were lapping up the attention. Mum checked if the girls needed the loo and showed them where it was.

Mark asked, "if anyone would like tea or coffee"? Birtie took the order and we all went into the study, Sven said: "he needed something from his bag" and went upstairs; "Sophia, please, make yourselves comfortable said Dave as he went for his favorite chair, we all found a seat as Birtie and Nick arrived with a trolley loaded with jugs of coffee and sandwiches. Mum, Tony and Rossana sat one side of the fireplace Dad returned and sat with, Andy and Amelia opposite them, the dogs had settled at the feet of Andy and Tony, Mark and I had pulled or two armchairs in closer.

Sophia was the first to speak, "Dave", "yes Sophia", "what did your man say as he greeted us, something about calling for him I don't understand"? Andy jumped in, "Dave sorry to interrupt but can I explain"? Dave was grinning, "of course, you predicted this", and they all looked at Andy. "Mum, you see that silk cord on both sides of the fireplace", "yes son", "well if you were to pull that cord either Birtie or Nick would come in to find out what you needed". She looked stunned, I continued, "you will find one alongside your bed", Mums face was as I predicted, amazement. "Dave, please tell me he is pulling my leg", except for Sven and the girls, we all laughed, "sorry, Sophia, you taught him, to tell the truth". Sven then said, "ok, that is one thing, please explain how all our clothes have been put away and hung in the wardrobes", he was grinning as he spotted Sophia's expression. Andy said, "Sorry, Dad, I'll leave that one to Dave". All eyes swung towards Dave who was sitting back enjoying the situation, "well, there is nothing special, our two lads Will our driver and Nick our house man took your cases to your room, we have two young housemaids who come in to help when we have guests, it's a custom of the house to make our guests feel special". "Well, Dave, it does, thank you so much, is there anything else we should know to save the questions later"? He was looking at Tony, "well Dad there's the 60 foot heated outdoor pool, the ¼ size heated indoor pool, the ten-man hot tub, the stables were the ten main vehicles are stored, two full-size tennis courts". Sven's and Mums jaws were dropping further at each statement, Dave and Mark were almost laughing. "Then indoors there's the table tennis table, full-size snooker table, two-lane bowling lane and then there's the twenty-seat cinema room. Dad, are you still with us"? asked, Tony with a smile.

"Please, Mark", Sven said, "I appeal to you to stop Tony's vivid imagination", Mark replied, "Tony, why don't you two take the family on a tour"? "would you mind"? replied Andy, "of course not lad, just don't get lost" he replied laughing. They all stood up and followed the lads out of the door, Mark called out, "Tony, don't forget the stable fob", we heard him reply "ok Mark".

Mark and I sat back and finished our sandwiches and coffees, I said, "it must be strange for someone from the outside, we do live a rare lifestyle for these days", he replied, "and long may it continue". We both must have dozed off, Max woke me, he growled which is very rare for him, Sven was walking towards us to get to his seat, he stopped dead, looking at Max who had sat up and was watching his every move. I said quickly, "MAX settle", he turned looked up at me then turned back again and went back to lying on my feet. "Sorry about that Sven, he will get used to you, might have been better to let one of the lads come in first", "sorry Dave, didn't think", "do sit, make yourselves comfy". Tony came in next, I said "Tony could you offer Mum and Dad another sandwich and a top up"? "of course, Dave" he replied. "Well"? I said looking at Sven, "what is the usual response"? he replied, "it's quite a place, I would love to test your pools at some time", "good, we have been practising for it for a week", he looked at his son and smiled, "good lad, I'll be kind to you", Tony looked back at his Dad and grinned. "We have been using the indoor pool, Mark suggested that they used that as, although the outdoor one is heated it will still be bloody cold this time of year". Sven said that "he would prefer to use the outdoor one for any competition; the indoor one might be too warm and could cause hypothermia", Tony said, "oh God, I'd forgotten that, no wonder I felt a bit odd afterwards". Sophia was the next to speak, "who does your decorating, it's so subtle", Mark replied, "do you like it"? "I love what I've seen so far, our room is so welcoming", "thank you".

"We have used a company called, Country Living, though we have not had anyone in for years now". She continued, "this is a super room, would you mind if I studied the books at some time? Amelia is a bit of a bookworm as well". "Sophia, please, while you are here treat it like home", "thank you, Dave, I'm beginning to understand why the boys are so taken with the pair of you", we both smiled, Sven turned and gave us a wink, Mark said, "the one thing we will miss when they go home", Sven spun round, "laughter", he looked puzzled, "right from the first meeting with Tony in Spain, we have hardly stopped", Sven settled back into his chair, he looked content. I asked, "where's Andy and the girls"? "Oh sorry Dave" replied Tony, "hope it's alright I set up the bowling alley for them", "no problem, can't do much harm down there", we all smiled

The room fell silent as Marks phone rang, he opened it as usual on speaker, "Hello Richard, to what do we owe this pleasure"? "sorry to disturb your weekend Mark but I think we have a situation looming in the States", "oh should I be worried"? "well it's the New York office, the state prosecutor has filed a suit for misappropriation of funds", "ah, just a second Richard". Mark stood, nodded to me and left the room. Sven was the first to speak, "did I hear Mark say the States", "yes Sven, we have an office in New York", "so you really are International, how many offices do you have"? he asked. "Well, we can start with our main Head Office in Guildford; our other main offices are in the States, Australia, Switzerland and Hong Kong, then there are the sub-offices in Copenhagen, Ontario, and Bali". Tony was just going to ask another question when Mark returned with a worried look on his face. "Sorry about that people", I asked, "anything serious"? "Could develop, Richards going over on the first flight in the morning, he will keep us posted, we'll talk later".

Mark suddenly said, "oh before I forget what do you both like to drink in the morning and what time would you like a call"? Sophia looked at Sven, he replied, "I like coffee but Sophia prefers tea first thing, is that a problem"? "no not at all". "It's just so Birtie knows, he will bring it up to your room at your allotted time", Sophia did not miss the chance, "oh, I could get very used to tea in bed" looking at Sven grinning. "Now, look what you've done," Sven said to Mark, "sorry mate it's the way we live here. We had ours this morning out on the balcony in the sun", "oh that sounds wonderful" said Sophia, "it was" Mark replied, "you'll find robes in your room, feel free to use them". She added, looking at Sven, "I really could get very used to this lifestyle", Dave defused the situation slightly by saying, "it does have its downsides", "oh" replied Sophia, "yes, sadly, upkeep", "of course, bet it's not cheap", laughing.

We heard them before we saw them, the girls were giggling as they came into the room followed by a worn out looking Andy. Sven was the first to speak, "hi guys, have fun"? "Yes thanks, Dad, can we have one of those at home"? "Sorry girls, no, we just don't have space", they accepted this but were obviously very disappointed.

Dave asked if "anyone would like a run out in the forest before it gets too dark"? "sounds a good idea" replied Sven, "we don't know this part of the country at all". "Ok, Tony", "yes Dave", "would you go and get the MPV we don't need to disturb Will for this one, the key fob is in the cage", "ok Dave". "Ok, guys, anyone needs the loo before we go", the girls and Sophia left, Sven said "he was ok", so we waited in the hallway. He looked at our two statues and asked: "where did you get these two guys, I've never seen them so anatomically correct"? Mark replied, "we have a close friend who is a very good sculptor, we did insist that they had to be correct in the original brief".

Tony came in through the door just as the girls arrived, as did Birtie, Mark said to Birtie "that we were just going out for an hour to see some of the local area", "ok sir, have a good trip". We made our way out to the MPV, Sven commented it looked a really cool van with its blacked windows, chrome trim and big alloy wheels; Tony had opened both doors and stood to help his sisters up the step. Sven and Sophia were at the back of the queue; I looked around and could see the look of pride on their faces. "Mum", he said as he put his hand out, she took his hand and got in, Andy asked "if he could sit in the front", "no problem lad," Mark said as he got in, then I followed leaving Tony stood beside the door. He looked in and asked "who's driving, is Will coming"?, Mark replied, "no lad, we don't need to disturb Will for this one, you are, of course", Sven shot Mark a look to say are you sure, Tony shut the door and walked around and climbed into the driver's seat. "Ok guys, everyone strapped in"? He turned to check, yeah we're good to go son said Sven, "hold tight then" as he inserted the fob and the van came to life. He slowly pulled away from the house, as we approached the gate it started to swing open and we were in the forest. "Ok, lad," said Mark, "turn left at the road", "ok Mark". We had not been on the road for long before Tony slowed down, "ponies to the left people", he stopped as we drew alongside a group of five, including a couple of young foals. The girls were over the moon, Mum was taking a photo as Tony pulled away, "is this where you noticed you went wrong earlier Dad"? as he approached the crossroads, "yes son". We continued into the village of Minsted, as we got close Dave said where we were, Tony had no choice but to slow down, it is very narrow and busy, "oh Dave, this is so beautiful" said Sophia "you are so lucky to live in such a nice area". Tony carried on and we were soon coming into Lyndhurst. "Turn left at the lights Tony, its one way anyway," said Mark, "yesum boss" was his reply, Sven was about to tell him off but I felt Mark tap his knee, Sven looked at us both, "private joke", I said which he accepted and smiled. Sophia and the girls were blown away, "oh this is so quaint". "Tony", "yes Mark", "pull into the car park, I guess the ladies would like to look at some of the shops, Sven, you might prefer the museum", "sounds good" they all replied.

We lost the girls, Andy volunteered to stay with them, bless him, Tony, Sven, Mark and I went off to the museum. The four of us wandered around for the half hour, there is a little local history but it is more of a glorified tourist shop full of the usual tourist tatt that you find throughout the world. The four of us soon got fed up and opted to return to the van, Sven asked Dave "how much it had cost to get Tony on the insurance for the van"?, Dave replied, "it's not the world your used to Sven, we have so many vehicles, not just the ones you saw in the stables but as a company, I've never done the math but it must run into thousands, they leave it to our judgement, friend, employee as long as they are over 21 it's fine, we don't even have to give a name", "God" said Sven, "that's awesome", "as I said, it's a different world". "Tony", "yes Dave", "do I detect that you have not had a chance to tell your Dad what happened when you came to work during the week"?. Sven looked at us both, Mark said, "something for the dinner table later perhaps", smiling.

At that point the girls arrived, Tony got out and helped them all on board and again checked that everyone was strapped in, and we were off, "ok Tony, out of the car park and turn right". "Did you enjoy your little look at some of the shops Sophia"? Mark asked, "yes thank you, such a nice place, everyone was so friendly" "Ok Tony, keep to the left and pull into the drive next to the pub, something for your Dad". "Oh wow," said Tony as we pulled into the Meridian dealership, as Tony pulled into a free space, I noticed a salesman approaching the van, he got to the driver's door just as Tony was getting out. "Excuse me, young man, these spaces are reserved", I had managed to get out before he could utter another word. He was about to continue when he saw me and the penny dropped, "oh, sorry, it's Mr Walters isn't it", "yes young man", "so sorry sir, we have to be so careful", he turned to Tony and again apologised. "We get so many use us as a car park for the pub, do feel free to have a look around", "thank you, Andrew, we will". I had noticed his name tag; he left with his tail between his legs. Sven said "that was a bit off", "yes" I replied, "they do tend to put people into pigeonholes", Sven added, "it's not as though we arrived in an old beat up old van this is brand new", "yes, I know, sorry about that, come and have a look round anyway", "and dream" replied Sven. Mark stayed with the ladies while the rest of us had a look at all the cars on display, Andrew was hovering, just in case one of us had several hundred thousand pounds burning a hole in our pockets.

We all got back into the van and Tony reversed out under the discreet gaze of Andrew, "well-done lad, turn left then next right" said, Mark. "Where are you heading for"? I asked him, "thought Hatchett Pond might be fun" he replied, "good idea" "Ok Tony, stay on this road, watch for the ponies and keep your speed below 40 please", "yesum boss", this time Sven just smiled. Tony slowed down when we were passing ponies for the girls, they loved it. As we got close to Beaulieu Mark said "turn left here then right on the apex of the bend, watch for nuts going too fast, this is Beaulieu hometown of the late Lord Montague and the Motor Museum, left at the top of the High Street Tony", "ok Mark". "Ok, cross the crossroads and take the first left, watch it it's a very rough track"; he turned and drove down towards the pond and parked. "Wow," said Sven, "this looks fabulous", we all got out, the girls were captivated by the nearby ponies and the birds, Mum and Dad were more taken by the views. We all went for a short walk but decided not to go too far as it was a little windy and it was getting colder as the light began to fail. Back in the van, we headed home. We were about halfway when Marks phone rang, he opened it on speaker as usual, "Hi Richard, what's up"? "This trouble in the States, seems there's been some financial funny business going on, I'm told it might go to Congress, I'm on my way over now so I'll keep you posted when I've got some facts, just thought you should know", "quite right Richard, thanks for that, hear from you later, have a good flight", "ok, bye for now".

Everyone was looking at Mark, hoping for a little explanation, "sorry guys, as you know, looks as though we have trouble at the USA office, still waiting for details but it's beginning to sound serious". We were back at the house within the hour, as Tony pulled up to the gates they drew open and we drove up to the house. Birtie and the dogs were waiting for us on the step. "Welcome back," he said, as we all got out of the van, "leave the key," he said "I'll get Will to park it", "thank you" replied Mark as we all went into the house. In the hall, Mark announced "dinner in an hour so if you ladies need to powder your noses, as they say", we all laughed, "the dress code is casual, we'll see you I the study for pre-dinner drinks". Sven again thanked Mark and they all went off to change. I looked at the others and said "I need a drink before changing", Mark grinned and both lads said "thank God", we made our way to the study and sat as we enjoyed our drinks.

We all went up to shower and change, we actually used our separate rooms so no hanky-panky, sadly, I was in the mood, Mark suggested it might not be a good idea. We all met up again in the study and had just sat down with our drinks as the family arrived. Tony was up and asked, "who wanted a drink"? Mums was a Gin and tonic, Dad, a Scotch and both girls opted for an orange juice. "So Tony" said Sven, "you have something to tell us", "oh, yes" said Tony, "it was my first visit to the office, it was a fantastic day, I was put through a driving course but the instructor was surprised when I knew what to do for skid control, thanks to you putting me through it just after my test". "So I did get something right," said Sven looking at Sophia, who was smiling. "Andy", "yes bro","could you pop up to our room and bring down my target for Dad"? "sure", he disappeared, "target"? said Dad, "yes, after the driving I was taken to their firing range", I caught a glimpse of Sophia's face, she did not look too happy. Andy returned and handed Tony's target to his Dad, "how many shots did you fire to get this score son"? "That was the third target with seven shots each target, the first one was untouched", he laughed. Sven looked over at Sophia and then turned to Mark, "sorry to ask but where is this going Mark"?

Mark looked a bit shocked, "it's no problem if you're not happy with it, Sven", "oh, sorry, it's not that, he's a big lad now, he does what he does, I was just wondering if you had a grand plan, knowing how you work". "Ok" Tony probably had planned to say something over dinner, Tony interrupted, "sorry Mark, can I take over here", "of course, lad". "Ok Dad, both Mark and Dave have asked me what my plans were when we get back home. I said that I was going to have to get a proper job and they both offered me a place with I.C.I.C. The training I've had so far, with the security driving course that they wanted me to do is just a fill in, they have a full mechanical workshop on site, and they could use me as well". Mum looked relieved, "that sounds a possibly good future for you Son, I had visions of you becoming a James Bond type with all the risks", we all laughed. Mark added "that might well happen in the future, look at what happened in Bangkok", Dave and Andy started to laugh. Mum again looked puzzled, "is there something else we should know"? asked Dad.

At that moment Birtie entered the room and announced dinner would in ten minutes, Tony looked as though he had been saved by the bell, the family disappeared for the loos, the lads dashed up to their room, Mark and I were Ok We both waited in the hallway, the first to show was Sven, followed by the two girls closely followed by Mum. We led the way to the dining room. To set the scene; it's a big, square room with two, floor to ceiling French doors out to the garden. Rich red, heavy drapes, matching wall covering, several pictures with pelmet lights, a tall standard lamp in each corner and a two-metre diameter round table with a large seven tier chandelier above. Sophia was first in with Sven second; we heard the intake of breath as they moved into the room. "What a fabulous room," Sophia said to Dave smiling, the boys directed people to their places, we all settled in as Nick and Birtie came in with a couple of trolleys with our starters, Mrs Wilson had set out a fantastic selection of Tapas.

Sophia asked the question, "who does your cooking Dave"?, "we have Mrs Wilson, she has been with us for many years" I replied, "she looks after us normally but we get caterers in for special occasions, it's not fair to expect her to deal with a big dinner party, she just supervises the proceedings". "She is good", said Sophia, "she has put a lot of thought into this selection", I replied, "I just hope you enjoy the main course as much", "I'm sure we will, it certainly smells good". "Now Tony" said Sven, "yes Dad", "Bangkok", "Oh yes", he then gave a quick blow by blow story of what happened on our last but one day in Bangkok, gasps from Mum and the girls as he described how Mark had been knocked unconscious and how, with the help of Andy and his knowledge of Morse code had, in effect saved the day. I looked over at Dad who was grinning with pride as the story unfolded. "Well, you two have certainly broadened these twos horizons since you all met".

Birtie popped his head through the door to check if we had all finished, shortly afterwards he and Nick came in and cleared away our plates. Sophia again said "that she could get very used to this life", this time Sven's response was perfect, "on my salary, dream on love, sorry", we all laughed. Birtie and Nick returned with our main course's, it took both of them to get the huge dish onto the table, once in place, Nick lifted the lid to reveal a fish Paella. "Wow" was the general comment, "a real Spanish meal", even the girls were excited, "we have not had one of these for such a long time, Mum". Birtie came to the table offering wine, he asked the girls and they asked if they could have orange juice, Nick went and returned with two glasses for them. We all tucked into the Paella, "this is delicious" said both Sven and Sophia, both the boys and girls were far too busy eating to comment.

Discussions continued on the Thailand trip and Tony's day at the office, Mum asked a good question, "would you live with us if you start with Mark and Dave or be based here"? Tony replied, laughing, "that depends if you're going to make me make my own bed", we all laughed. Tony brought up a good point, "I'm going to have to find myself a set of wheels", Mark stepped in, "that's not such a problem", Tony was looking at him as he continued, "we already have a set in the stable earmarked for you". "What do you mean"? asked Tony, Dad was now also looking at Mark, "it's not new, it's an Audi A3". "Gosh," said Andy, "sounds great, yeah that would be great, I'll have a look at it in the morning, thanks, Mark, guess this means I'm now another employee", everyone burst into laughter.

Finally, all the Paella disappeared, "that will please Mrs Wilson" said, Dave, Andy said, "do you think there's any more", "no change there then" said Sophia, "still always hungry", "Mum", "it's a wonder he not the size of a tank" said, Tony, "you didn't do bad yourself, I saw you go back for thirds", "now, now children" said Mark in his schoolmaster voice, we all started to laugh. Birtie and Nick returned to clear our plates, Mark asked him "to thank Mrs Wilson for a superb meal", "thank you, sir, I will. We have a choice for puddings for you tonight, Apple Soufflé or an assortment of ice cream", the girls chose the ice cream, and the rest of us went for the Soufflé which was as good as expected.

We opted for coffees in the lounge, Sophia asked "if she could help with the clean-up", it was Tony who said "that it was not expected and would not be appreciated", she looked at Sven who just smiled and said "enjoy it while it lasts", she grinned. In the lounge the girls were looking quite tired and asked if they could go to bed, Sophia took them off after they said thank you to Mark and I and gave the boys a kiss each. Sven thanked us both for the hospitality so far," you live well! "we do, we are very lucky, not only to have all this but our health without which it would all be pointless", Sven did make the point that if you're going to be poorly it would be better to at least be comfortable. Sophia returned and sat next to Sven, she also thanked us for a fantastic evening. "Are the girls happy with their room"? asked Mark, "yes thank you they love the view" "Birtie will leave you to wake them in the morning", "Oh, Ok", at that moment Nick came in. "Ladies and Gentlemen, would anyone like coffee or tea"? Sophia asked "if she could have a tea", "no problem Mam, and liqueurs for anyone"?. Sven asked "if he could have a Brandy", "same for Dave and I please Nick", the boys asked for a "Grand Marnier and Chartreuse", "thank you", Nick, replied and he turned and left.

Sven asked Tony "if he could have a sip of his Chartreuse as he had never had it, what's it like"?. "It's quite strong and slightly bitter Dad". Our drinks arrived and we settled down to an evening of catching up, so much had happened since Sven and Sophia last saw the boys. We had lost the dogs again, Max was sat with Andy and Kimba with Tony, Sven was stroking Kimba's head. Sven asked, "if we had anything planned for Saturday"? Tony said "they had their swim after breakfast, after that as far as he knew it was up to the family", Sven looked over at Dave and I, "Tony's correct, we have left it open to suggestions, we have the transport for mass transit. We are booked for lunch at a local country pub but otherwise its open house".

I looked at my watch, just as Sophia said "that she might go off to bed as she was feeling a bit tired", she stood, bent down to kiss Sven, "I won't be long" he said as she made for the door. Sven then asked, "if the hot tub was working"?. Dave said "yes, would be nice to finish the evening with a nice soak", Tony and Andy looked at each other. "Might be an idea to get our robes first", "ok", we all went upstairs to change. We met up in the hallway, then Birtie came around the corner, "ah Birtie we're off to the tub, you go to bed, I'll lock up", "Ok sir, see you all in the morning".

The boys went out first and opened the tub and also the sides, we left the top in place as it had started to rain. They got in first as the rest of us disrobed, Sven was the last and we all got a good look at the "super snake", it really was not fair that one man had so much, lucky Sophia. Mark turned on the pumps as soon as we were all settled partly to hide any reactions.

Sven said "that he would love one of these", Tony said "that he could install one in the corner of the conservatory", "we could" he replied. Conversations went back to what Tony was going to do with his future; Sven seemed pleased that we had found a position for him. I caught Andy looking over at me a bit concerned, he gently nodded and I did not have to be a mind reader to grasp that he was having a problem under the water, I smiled, which did not help. Tony was lucky; he was being distracted by his father's conversation. How time flies when you're having fun, the pump stopped after the timed half hour. As the water settled I noticed Sven smiling, "guys, I've told you before, don't worry about me, I understand the problems" with which he stood up, we all realised he also had a good semi going. He looked down, looked at all of us and just said "it's the bubbles", started to laugh and climbed out and started to put his robe on. Mark was the next to stand up, and then I thought, in for a penny, in for a pound and left the two lads sitting awkwardly in the water. Tony was the first, he smiled as he climbed out, "as Dad said it's the bubbles", and then Andy stood up, Dad looked over and asked him, "what's your excuse for that son"? Andy was so quick with his reply, "this is your fault", and we all burst into laughter, moment over.

The lads closed up the tub room and we all made our way back to the house, in the hallway Sven said goodnight to the lads, shook our hands as he again thanked us for our hospitality. "See you in the morning", "hope you have a good night", "thank you, goodnight"; he turned and walked up to bed.

We all decided one last drink before bed and went back to the study, where we all had a liqueur. Tony said "he was hoping for good weather in the morning", Dave asked, "why they wanted to use big pool saying it was going to be bloody cold". "Tony explained that was why, if you are under competition conditions and the water is too warm you can very quickly get into potentially, a life-threatening state of hypothermia, while the water will feel cold as you get in, once you get going your be glad of it to keep you in top condition". Andy said, "that he remembered Dad mentioned that years ago".

We were all beginning to feel the result of what had been quite a busy day, and we all decided bed might be the best answer, Andy also mentioned: "that it would be our last night together". Andy led the procession with Mark playing with his ass as he went; I was following and had Tony trying to force a finger through my trousers to find my ass. We did not bother with a shower and found ourselves in the bed with, predictably Tony lying on his back with his brother riding on his cock, Mark very soon got stuck in as well, much to Andy's delight, leaving me to suck on the one cock that I used to call my own till the lads arrived. The usual result soon ensued, lots of spunk with a new home and four proud cocks slowly dying along with their owners, two spoons and sweet dreams followed.

To be continued...


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