Holiday in Heaven

By moc.oohay@onegabmik

Published on Nov 2, 2017


Holiday in Heaven 22

Chapter 22

New Friends

Author's Note: This story is copyrighted by the author, and no part of it may be copied, linked to, downloaded, stored in an electronic device, or used in any way without the express written permission of the author. This is a work of pure fiction, places, events mentioned, may exist but are used in this story for effect, it is just that and not real. They exist only in the mind of the author. Any resemblance to real persons, places or events is unintentional.

All names have been changed and any resemblance to anyone alive, deceased on in the houses of Parliament is purely coincidental. Some places named have been used as we have had personal experiences of them, that does not mean they are involved in or have any specific connection with the gay community in anyway whatsoever.

We left the guys heading off to bed after quite an eventful day.

"OK" said Mark, "that's settled, the forecast is good for tomorrow so if we take the Merc, we can, if it's nice enough, take the top off, we won't need Will, Tony can show us what he's made of", "what do you mean"? he questioned, "well, we can see what you can do on a motorway and in London". "Wow, thanks, Dad took me into London the afternoon I passed my test, he said, if you can drive there you can drive anywhere", "good man, he's right," said, Mark.

"Do you still want to have a swim in the morning"? "yes please", "ok; I was not planning on leaving much before 10, which should give you enough time", "fine thank you".

I was the one to call time, "hey, guys, do you realise its gone 12"? Mark looked at his watch, "good God, where did that go"? The boys had been looking a bit tired for some time; we all agreed it was time for bed. We made our way upstairs, Mark went to the kitchen to let Birtie know we had gone up, "good night sir, have a pleasant night".

I was first in bed, Andy got in and snuggled in close, Tony was the next, he got in behind me, snuggled in close and put his arm around and gently massaged my nipples, Mark was last and got in next to Andy, I don't even remember the light being turned off.

·         * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Mark had set his alarm; he had had his shower and was getting dressed when the rest of us came too. "Good afternoon gents" was his comment, "haha", said Tony, we all slowly got ourselves moving, the usual display of various stages of erection,

We all met up in the breakfast room, where Mark was already getting stuck into a full English, the rest of us were happy with toast and marmalade, Nick was in attendance, apparently Birtie, was not too well, Tony asked Nick "if he would still be available for a swim", "yes, should be ok, as long as I catch up with the chores, it's not fair to leave them for Birtie", Mark said, "good lad, leave him a note, so he knows where you are", "ok sir". Mark finished, saying "he was going to his office to get some paperwork sorted for later".

Tony said to Nick; "see you at the pool later as he left", "ok Tony, did you find your trunks"? "no mate, going to be skinny again", he smiled, "could be fun" replied Nick. The lads and I went out to the pool, Tony opened the cover as Andy and I went and sat at the table.

Tony came up to us to have a sip of his coffee as Nick came in, he went over to the corner and started to undress, Andy said, "still shy then", "well, it's Dave's fault" Tony replied grinning. He dropped his trousers and undies and then put a pair of trunks on, Tony shouted up, "spoilsport", Nick spun around and flashed a look of terror at Tony as he made his way to the pool and dived in. Tony disrobed and dived in the deep end, he swam directly to Nick.

When they made contact Tony gently rubbed Nicks cock under the water, Nick whispered "don't do that for God's sake, I've only just got it under control now", "what the hell" Tony replied as he grabbed Nicks hand and pulled it onto his own semi-hard cock, "bloody hell" Nick said, "your impossible, let's have our swim".

I don't think Dave noticed the action at the far end of the pool, his eyesight is not as good as he would like but I gave bro a nod and a grin as he came storming up towards us, it was the first length of six and Tony was already a quarter of a length in front.

Dave's phone rang; it was Richard, asking if he could locate and bring in a document needed in the office, Dave went off to his office to find it, leaving me to enjoy the spectacle of the two hunks in the pool, bit pervy perhaps as one of them was my brother but they really were both very sexy guys. By the fifth length Tony was ahead but not quite as far as the first race, he pulled himself up out of the water and came over for a sip of his coffee. As Nick approached he stood up, still naked and went to help Nick out of the pool. Somehow, Nick looked even sexier with trunks on, he smiled as he approached, and he sat with me while Tony went to retrieve his robe.

As Tony bent down to pick up his robe, I heard Nick take a deep breath, "a nice ass isn't it" I said, he looked at me and said, "that's nice as well", Tony was now walking back to us with his robe open, "yep, sure is" I replied. When he reached us I said "he was a tease", he just smiled and said, "I know, I'm off to get changed see you guys later", he turned and made his way back to the house. I could see Nick had a problem. "Don't worry about that on my behalf?" I said smiling, "it's all so new to me" he replied, "I've never had feelings like this before. I'm not sure what's happening but even Will asked me if he could sleep with me last night, we only had a wank, which we have done many times but it's all a bit too much". "Enjoy it, no harm done", I said, he smiled, "when do you get off duty today"? I asked, "well, after I've done the chores in the kitchen why"? "just wondered if you wanted to hang out for a while, what's Will doing"? "Oh, he's taking Birtie and Mrs Wilson into Ringwood to do some shopping for the weekend. What did you have in mind"? "Well, I've got some pretty good films on my iPod, we could go down to the cinema room and watch one", "love to, I'll come and find you when I've finished", "ok mate". As we stood up I could see Nick really had a problem, "we can even see if we can do something for that" I laughed, "yeah right he replied", smiling.

I left Nick at the kitchen door and went to find the others, first stop was our bathroom, sure enough, Tony was having his shower, "need your back scrubbed bro", "not a very good idea" he replied as he turned around to reveal his rock hard cock, "you might get more than you bargained for". I started to strip but he stopped me, "seriously bro, not enough time to do it justice Marks leaving in five", "shit" I replied, "that's just what I need". "Well, get to work on Nick, he looked randy this morning". "Already working on it bro, we're going to watch a movie downstairs later". "You don't waste any time do you", "no", "well enjoy, and let me have all the gory details later". He got out of the shower and grabbed a towel and started to dry his back, I got a small hand towel and started to dry his cock and balls, God, it was so hard, "thanks, Andy but I'm trying to get it down so it fits in, my trousers", "good luck, I'll leave you, have a good day", "and you, see you later".

I picked up my I-pod from my bedside table and went back down to the study where I found Dave, on his I-pad; he was catching up on world events as he did most mornings. I found one of the books I had spotted and sat down by the fireplace.

Tony was the first to join us, "hi guys", we both looked up, "hi Tony", I said, "see you managed it then" and smiled, he just grinned, Dave looked quizzical, "nothing serious Dave, just one of man's morning problems", and he started to laugh just as Mark arrived. "Have I missed something"? "Tell you later," said, Dave. "Tony, want to get the car for us"? "ok Mark", Tony left giving me a nudge on the shoulder as he passed, "see you later bro, have a good day", "you too". A couple of minutes later Tony was stood in the doorway, "ok guys", the three of them stood, said their goodbyes' and they were off.

I must have got lost in my book as the next person I heard was Birtie, stood in the doorway with Will and Mrs Wilson behind him, "sorry to disturb you young sir but we are off to Ringwood, will you be alright here?, "yes thank you Birtie, I'm quite safe with these two", both the dogs had curled up at my feet. "Right you are sir, we shouldn't be much more than a couple of hours, it depends on the traffic", "Ok" I replied and he turned and left, I caught sight of Will, he stopped briefly, smiled and nodded.

Having just got back into my book when I felt the dogs move, I looked up and Nick was stood in the doorway, he had changed into casual gear, he had a tee shirt and jogging bottoms on, "hi" he said, Max went to get a bit of fuss, I could not help but noticed as Nick turned to face Max, he looked as he still had a problem. "You still suffering"? I said smiling, "yeah, bloody thing; I was alright till I saw you and then thought of this film of yours". "What sort of film do you think it is"? I asked him with a straight face. "Oh, well, I was hoping it might be something interesting", "?like", I asked, "well porn of course", "well we will have to see won't we", he looked at me a bit perplexed but he was definitely losing control. I stood up and Nick immediately noticed the problems I was having, "let's make the most of the time we have" and led the way to the basement. The cinema room is a classy area; it seats twenty in deep, wide comfy reclining seats. I went to the console and plugged in my iPod.

We sat in the middle of the front row, where the remote controls are, "oh God, forgot, did you want a beer, before we start"? "Yes please" he replied, I went to the bar at the back and returned with two beers. I sat and pressed menu, a list of films came up on the screen, and I chose a bi film that I watch quite often. I made my selection and pushed play, this film has quite a good storyline, it introduces the three characters then it gets going quite quickly, which is why I like it. It opened in the garden of a nice house somewhere sunny, there a lad lying on a lounger naked. His phone rings and he starts speaking to a mate who gets invited round. I noticed that even at this early stage Nick was obviously rock hard and stroking his cock under his jogging bottoms. We are then treated to his mate arriving; he's standing in front of his mate on the lounger and he does one of the most erotic strips I think I have ever seen. As he takes his shirt off, Nick let out a gasp and was obviously struggling to get the best out of his stroking. "You can get those off if you want you know", I said, "would you mind"?, "next silly question" as I stood up and dropped my own slacks.

He did not know where to look, the hunk on the screen or "the snake", I sat down again and started to stroke my own now semi-hard cock. The guy on the screen was now just about to drop his pants, which revealed a massive appendage.

I had noticed Nick had not taken his gaze of mine, I just said, "no charge", he looked up at me and then tentatively reached out and took hold of it. It twitched, he took a slightly better grip and started to gently wank it. By this time I had reached out and taken hold of Nick's proud shaft. Remembering what Tony had said, I felt underneath and sure enough, it was lubed. After a couple of minutes he asked me "if Tony had told him what had happened in the garage the previous evening", "yes, he said he thought you enjoyed it". "Yeh, it was the first time, don't know why I even asked him, I just felt I needed him to fuck me. You're so much bigger", "would you like to try," I asked him, "I'd love to try but I think it will take far too long, I'll need lots of lubrication". "Let's give it a try," I said, "I'll be gentle" "please", he stood up, took off his bottoms and knelt down in front of his chair. I got into position, found the entrance and gently pushed the end onto the target, he squealed, I held firm, a little more pressure and the head started to push its way in. He let out a gasp as the head found its way inside. I held there for a second and then pushed a bit harder, the first inch, "God that's so big". I managed to get about three inches but it was obvious I would not get any more in without a lot more time and lubrication. I reached around and took hold of his cock; it was throbbing, and gently wanking it I asked: "what he wanted to do"?.

I'd love you to fuck me hard like your brother did but that's not going to happen without a lot of time and lots of lube I've never done it the other way either could I fuck you"? "Sure, you will have to use a bit of spit, as I'm dry, give it a try though, we switched positions, he licked my ass which I did not expect, not had it done for many years, I heard him spit on his cock, then I felt the head find its target he gently pushed and he was in, he continued to push until he was fully inside my ass. He held it while he reached around, grabbed mine and started to wank it as he picked up a good rhythm. I had to stop him otherwise, I would have shot my load, he is not a big lad, not a thick lad either but he has a technique that I have never experienced anything like it, he was fantastic. I detected he was getting a bit faster than he let out a cry and pushed as hard as he could, I could feel the spurts. He collapsed across my back and reached around and cupped my balls and shaft. Eventually, he pulled out and sat back on a chair. I stood up and stood over him, "will you wank off over my chest"?, he cupped my balls as he took hold of my cock and started to give me a very sexy wank, so sexy it took a minute before I was shooting all over his chest, he was soaked. I fell back into a chair. I looked over and smiled, he was looking back at me, almost in disbelief that was something special he said, "I screwed my ex-girlfriend some time ago but that really was special", "thanks, mate, I'll get you some tissues", "thanks". By the time I got back, he was watching the movie, the two guys were going for it with the girl sucking the guy on the top, he took the tissues and cleaned himself up. We finished our beers while talking about being gay, I shut the system down and we made our way back to the study.

Nick thanked me again, "can we try that again sometime"? "see what we can do", I replied, he said "he would get back to his flat before Birtie arrived", I said, "good luck with Will he's a good man", "thanks, bye".

I made my way back to the study, the dogs followed and sat beside me; I got back into my book. The next thing I heard was a car door, the dogs had already gone to investigate, Birtie, Mrs Wilson and Will went passed the door towards the kitchen carrying two bags each. Then I was aware of someone standing in the doorway, I looked up, it was Will, "Hello Andy, Birtie has asked if you would like a coffee"? "oh, thank you, Will, yes please, how did the shopping go"? he rolled his eyes, turned and left.

Tony followed Marks direction and they arrived at the office, Tony pulled up at the barrier and pushed the button, a voice came over the intercom, "good morning Mr Pritchard", then the barrier raised, Mark said "go to the main entrance", as they approached Tony saw a sign on a space C.E.O ONLY, "guess that's it then" he smiled, "might be" replied Mark. Going through the swing doors towards reception Tony spotted a familiar face and made a track with hand extended. "Hi Simon", "hello Mr Tony", they shook hands.

Simon came forward to greet Mark and Dave, "good morning gentleman, pleasant trip"? "Yes thank you, Simon, can you come and see me in my office about 12:00"? "Of course sir, anything wrong"? "no lad don't worry". Mark asked reception to let Richard know he was in the building, the young lady replied, "I think he already knows sir", she nodded towards the staircase. Richard was coming towards us with his hand out. "Good morning gentleman", he looked at Tony and added, "welcome to I.H.I.C House". "Dave gave him a folder, "ah, thank you, Mr Dave. Can we have five minutes, of course, come up to my office"; we all filled into the elevator.

As we emerged we were greeted by a middle-aged lady, good morning sir, good morning Avis, would you like coffees, yes please, she turned and headed along the corridor. We turned the other way and in through a doorway, Mark said to Tony, "this is Avis, s office, she is my PA," we continued through another doorway into a very nicely appointed office. Floor to ceiling windows on two sides, a large conference table, at least a fifteen seater, in one corner surrounded by glass was Marks desk. Two monitors, two phones and an intercom were sat to one side. "Great view," I said, "yes, not bad, it's much better in summer".

"Tony", "yes Mark", "would you like to sit at the table while I have a chat with Richard", "no problem", Richard took one of the two chairs in front of Marks deck, Dave took the other. Just then Avis returned with four cups of coffee, a pot of sugar and an assortment of biscuits. "Thank you, Avis, Simon will be up about 12:00, would you show him straight in", "yes sir", any messages for me"? "yes sir but nothing urgent", "ok", she turned and shut the door behind her.

About three-quarters of an hour later there was a knock on the door and Simon came in, "oh sorry gentleman, I'll come back, Avis said to go straight in", Richard replied, "its ok Simon, I'm finished, he's all yours" as he stood, saying goodbye to Dave and I before leaving. Dave also stood up saying "he would be next door, see you later Tony", "ok Dave", he left through a second door. "Right, you two, take a seat", we both sat looking at each other.

Simon, I have a job for you, this young man has just driven us up from the house, "did I do anything wrong"? was my immediate response, "no lad; to the contrary, you were very good. So good in fact that I want Simon here to put you through our Anti-terrorism driving course", "wow, that would be awesome". "When would you like him to start"? asked Simon, "how soon do you have a slot"? replied Mark? "Well as it happens one of my guys has just finished, we could start right now", "perfect, off you go with Simon young man, enjoy". We both stood and made our way to the door, "oh", "yes Tony", "what time will you be heading back tonight"? "Ah, probably about 17:30", "ok, see you later", "thanks, Mark, bye".

The dogs again stirred, I looked up to see Will stood in the doorway, "sorry to interrupt", "no problem, what can I do for you as if I need to ask"?, I smiled. "Is it that obvious"? he started to blush, "afraid so. What did you have in mind"? "Well, Will and I have decided to share", "great news" I said, "yeah, hope so, wondered if you could come up and help us move some furniture around, sorry to ask, it's just that some of it needs three people", "no prob, when's this happening"? "Well, now, I'm off duty till the masters come home", "ok"; I put my book down, stood up and walked towards him. As he turned I could clearly see a large bulge in his trousers, as I got close I reached out and made a grab for it, he stopped dead, faced me and pulled me close and planted a kiss on my cheek, he looked confused, "let's go before things get out of control as I pulled his hand into touch the snake". I followed him out into the pool room and out the other side, across to the steps up to his side of the flats.

He opened the door and we walked in to find Nick moving a corner cupboard into place, "Hi Nick", "Hello Andy, thanks for your help". Will said, "yeah thanks but I don't know how much we are going to get done as he grabbed his cock through his trousers". Nick said. "I've had this since I knew you might be coming up to help" as he did the same. Will had been to the fridge and brought out three beers, Nick had moved and was heading for a doorway, "like to see the bedroom"?, he asked "if I must", I replied, we all laughed.

It took us all of seconds to get our kit off, Nick was lying on the bed with his cock pointing skywards, Will was stood behind me as I bent over to take my trousers off, he came in close and put his cock between my thighs and grabbed my chest, I closed my legs to give some resistance for his fucking action. Nick said, "don't you cum yet, I want some of that" as he came towards me. He lifted the snake and put the head into his mouth, I thought, obviously these guys have been practising. I know the snake is special, you do need a good deal of expertise to handle it but he was certainly game to try, he was gagging on half of it.

Will pulled back and let me move onto the bed, where Nick continued to play with "the snake", Will joined us on the bed and climbed over Nick and I and settled behind Nick. It was not long before Nick was winning and moving his ass to get the best angle.

Tony had followed Simon down through the building, past reception, along a corridor when suddenly Richard came out of an office, "oh hi Tony, Simon, can I borrow this young man for five minutes"? "yes, of course", Richard took me back into the office and I immediately started to see familiar faces. He stopped behind a desk, someone here you might know, the young lady sat at the desk turned, looked up at Richard then turned towards me and the penny dropped, she stood up and grabbed my neck and burst into tears. Everyone else in the office stopped working to see what was happening; I started to see several faces I knew, they all waved, smiling. Alice had, by now pulled back a little, she was drying her eyes, as she said, "sorry about that Tony, it's so nice to see you again", "how are you doing after your little adventure"? I asked, "very well now thanks to all my friends here and the help and support of the company", everyone started to applaud. "Glad to hear that, you take care, maybe see you again". Richard thanked me and led me back to Simon who was also smiling.

More corridors and doors until we were in a large garage, lots of trucks, vans and cars in various stages of repair. "Right young man; wait here a moment while I get some keys". He returned and he took me outside and towards an oldish Audi 80, as we got closer Simon gave me the keys, as I was about to open the car I noticed the O/S front tyre. "Simon", "yes Tony", "did you know this tyres bald"? "yes lad, they all are, get in. "Ok", "see the double gates at the end of the yard"? "yes" I replied, "head for those for now". It was a manual, we got to the gate before I got into third, Simon said, "stop at that post just passed the gate", he got out, opened a metal box and felt inside. I then noticed the whole area in front of us was being sprayed with a fine mist of water. "Right said Simon, now the fun starts, is your belt tight"? "yeah", "ok, using second, I want you to head directly for that cone", the cone was about three / four hundred yards away, "as we get close, I will tell you to stop, avoid the cone if you can".

By the time Simon said stop, we were doing 30mph, I hit the brakes, we slid towards the cone and he said: "avoid it if you can". I went into Kaydence braking mode, brakes off, steer, brakes on, repeating this till we stopped with the cone level with Simon. He looked at me; I just smiled and said: "Dad took me to Truxton airport just after I had passed my test". Simon just smiled, "ok smart ass. My fault I should have asked if you have had any previous experience", we both laughed. "Is there anything else I should know"? "Sorry, yes, he also took me on a four-wheel drive course in Dorset, on the army range at Blandford Forum", "um, how did you do"? "Not too bad I don't think, only had to get pulled out once, got stuck in four foot of water", "well then, perhaps a little rethink".

Nick said, "he was hoping Will would loosen him up a bit as he wanted to have another go with my monster". Will said, "yeah; don't think I could but I'd love to watch you try". Will was going for it, I said, "don't you cum yet, the afternoon is still young". "Can I have a go a sucking you Andy"? "yeah sure", Nick and Will changed places so that Will could get his hands and lips on "my monster" Nick was well into his stroke, Will was not too happy but he was trying.

I said, "don't you cum yet either until I've had another go at your ass", Will looked up as if to say thank you, Nick pulled out, he needs to learn a little finesse, he climbed over Will and laid out on the bed. I asked him "if he had any KY"? "oh, yeah, sorry it's on the side". I reached over and applied a good load to his hole and then to "the snake" which was, by now, quite hard in anticipation.

I got into position, located his hole and gently lowered myself, the head located and I kept up the pressure, suddenly Nick let out a howl as the head entered, I maintained, steady pressure and I was already halfway, Nick was protesting but he had not said stop. Will was watching every inch enter as he wanked himself furiously. I pulled out, stood up and pulled Nick to the corner of the bed, I laid out his legs across the corner and then re-inserted and went straight back to halfway, he let out a shriek of pain but again did not say stop, I continued to push, Will put his hand on my cock, he could still get it around the shaft, he told Nick, who just said "go for it", I pushed against some back pressure, slowly he let me in,. Will looked again and told Nick "he had at least three-quarters of it", "God it hurts, for heaven's sake get it over with", I let him have the lot, pushing really hard, my balls were pushing up against his ass. Will got a bit concerned, "he's crying" he said. "Are you alright Nick"? I asked, "what do you think", he replied, "it's fucking painful but at the same time incredible, leave it there for a while; let me get used to it".

"Ok, let's see how much you have remembered about skid control", he got me to turn around and head back across the pan at 30mph, "ok, throw it into a right-hand skid and then correct it", which we did, "good, same again but this time left hand", again I managed to correct it "well young man, there's not much I can teach you about skid control. We can't do it now there's not time, I'll set it up and get you to come back up". "What did you have in mind"? just our terrorism avoidance program, when we get back to the office, well go via my office, I'll give you a book to study", "thanks, Simon".

We got back to the main building and made our way to Simon's office, he swiped his card and the door clicked open, inside there were four guys sat in front of a ceiling to desktop bank of monitors, "wow, Simon this is some setup". "Yeh, it's almost as good as Bangkok airport, he laughed, our cameras cover just over 95% of the building and full uninterrupted coverage of the perimeter. Not to mention the same coverage of all our offices worldwide". "Did you say worldwide"? Yep, sadly no sound though".We walked to an office in the far corner, "take a seat, Tony", "thanks, Simon", "would you like a coffee"? "yes please, I'm a bit dry", "me too". He called out to Mike, Mike came to the door, "yes boss", "ah Mike, could you get us two coffees please three sugars each", "ok boss", "thanks, Mike". Simon was stood in front of a bookcase; he suddenly found what he was looking for, took the book and handed it to me. "Here Tony, take this home and have a read if you're going to take this course seriously you will need all the information in this book". I took the book, opened it, just as Mike returned with our coffees, "thanks, Mike" said, Simon. A phone rang, Simon answered it, "hi, yeah, ok, on my way. Got a problem up on the fourth floor, will you be alright here"? "yeah fine", "see you before you go", "ok".

Nick was starting to gyrate again so I continued my onslaught on his ass, he was tight, probably a virgin. "I'm not far off; you'd better decide which of you is getting it"? Nick looked up at Will, who said "you have it, you've earned this load, hopefully, there will be another opportunity for me", "to right" I said. "Will", "yes Andy", "do me a favour, grab my balls", he came round behind me, "took my balls in his hand and started to squeeze", "perfect, are you ready Nick"? "as I'll ever be", the first load of spunk.

I speeded up a notch and was very soon making all the right noises, Nick said, "God, that thing of yours is getting even bigger" as I let him have the first of six spurts. I laid across his back until things had subsided, then gently pulled out with the usual plop, I rolled over and laid on the bed.

"Thanks, Andy, that was fantastic". "Now, what are we going to do for poor Will, would you like to finish off fucking me"? "yeah, would be fun". I rolled over and he got into position, lubed up and found his target, pushed and sank in almost all the way in the first stroke. I let out a squeal, just for effect, he was soon in his stride, when he really pushed it was quite special. Nick asked, "if I could give him a deep throat"? he got into position and I sank it right down in one. "Bloody hell, that's great Andy, I'm not far off", "good said Will, nor am I, let's try and give it to him from both ends at once", "great I said, I could feel Nicks cock starting to throb, then he let go, at the same time Will had been going hell for leather then he fell on top of me, sending his load right to the deep depths of my ass.

When Simon came back he had a chap with him, he was a middle-aged Scot, he was introduced as Bruce, "Bruce is our firearms instructor, have you used a gun before", "no, never even seen one up close" I replied, Simon, said, smiling, "just checking. I want you to go with Bruce, he will take you down to our firing range in the basement and put you through a couple of exercises", "great, sounds like fun", I said. Bruce said, "it is fun but it could save your life". Bruce lead the way, more corridors back to the reception area, we made our way to one of the elevators, Bruce called one, we got in and he used his swipe card and we started to descend. The doors opened into another corridor, about a hundred yards later we stopped at a door, another swipe and we were in a huge long room, it must have been at least three hundred yards, I could see three targets at the far end. There were three cubicles with a table in each, Bruce, went to another door, I noticed it had three keyholes, Bruce unlocked all three locks and then swiped his card and the door opened. I had gone closer to have a look, inside were racks along all three walls full of weapons, I'm no expert, but there looked to be every possible type, machine guns, shotguns, rifles' and handguns. Bruce took a handgun off the shelf and handed it to me. "This is a Walther PPK, S you might have heard of it, its James Bonds gun of choice", he laughed, "Hitler also had one, and they say he used it to kill himself in his bunker at the end of WW11". He then went to a set of draws and picked up a box and led me over to one of the cubicles. He opened the box and showed me how to load the gun; "with this gun, you get seven shots from one magazine". He then took the bullets out again and got me to do it for myself.

OK, now your armed, he showed me the safety catch and how the double action worked then he reached down and pushed a button, I could see my target moving towards us; it stopped at about 100 yards. "Ok, Tony here is a pair of ear protectors, I put them on", I was surprised I could still hear Bruce quite clearly. "This is how you hold the gun, when your ready aim and fire", I took hold of the gun, raised it as shown, pointed it towards the target, aimed and pulled the trigger. Well, the bang and the recoil took me by complete surprise. Bruce, laughed, "ok, can you see the target"? "yes" I replied, "well if you look up at the ceiling directly above your target you might see a mark, which was where your bullet hit". "What did I do wrong"? "Three things" Bruce replied, your stance was wrong, put one foot slightly in front of the other, both pointing towards your target, incorrect aim and far too heavy on the trigger, you need to look down the barrel with the bottom of your target at the end and squeeze the trigger, almost stroke it, have another go". I raised the gun, aimed and fired; this time I was ready for both the noise and the recoil. "That's better," said Bruce, "have another go".

Seven shots later, Bruce again pushed the button and my target came right up close, we both studied it, "well young man that is not bad, five hits with one in the centre circle". We moved to the second cubicle and he brought the target forward, maybe two hundred yards. "Ok, all seven, off you go", I shot all seven, Bruce again brought the target forward, "even better Tony, all seven on target with four in the centre circle. Have a go here" as he moved me to the third cubicle. I reloaded, aimed and fired, "very well done" said Bruce, "nice tight firing sequence", he brought the target forward, "Tony, I have to let you know that I have not had a student do this before so quickly, you can keep this as a souvenir", "wow" I said as he handed me my target, I had shot all seven inside the inner circle and three bullseyes. "Now for the boring bits, we now have to account for all the used bullet's and then enter the session into the log", "ok", "then I'll show you how to clean the gun, it is most important that your using a clean well maintained gun, your life may depend on it firing the first time". "OK all bullets present and correct, good, let's put the gun back and I'll do the log", he sat at a small desk and filled out a page in the log on the desk, he got me to sign it and then he locked the door and then escorted me back to the fifth floor. I thanked him; he said "I'll be seeing you again, we'll get you up on the big stuff", "thanks, Bruce".

We all collapsed on the bed, after about five minutes Will was the first to speak, "would anyone like a coffee, sorry, were out of beer", Nick and I replied, "thanks", Will stood up, he was still sporting a semi, he went off to the kitchenette. Nick sat up, leant towards me and drew me into a hug, "thanks, Andy that was fantastic". Will returned with our drinks, we then got ourselves dressed and proceeded to get on with the official reason for my visit, moving furniture.

I knocked on the door, a voice said "come", I opened it and saw Avis smiling, "Hello young man, I hear you have been having fun", "I sure have, it's been a great day", "can I see your target"? The office grapevine was obviously working very well. I handed it to her, she unrolled it, studied it, "well, that is impressive, had you shot before"? "No, it's my first time", "well done", she rolled it back up and handed it back. "You can go in, Mark is expecting you", "thanks, Avis, see you before we go", "ok". I knocked the door and walked in, "Hello young man, have fun"? "Fantastic thanks got good reviews from both Simon and Bruce", I commented on the office grapevine, "well to be fair, people had instruction to report back directly to me", ah, that explains it" I replied.

"Are you ready to head home"? "You're the boss Mark", he laughed, "pop in and see if Dave's ready would you", "sure". I knocked on the door, "come", Dave's office was the other corner of the building, and a mirror image of Marks only Dave had a lot more books. "Hi, Dave", "had a good day"? he asked. "Been incredible", I handed him my target, he opened it, "well, well, not bad for your first time behind a gun, well-done lad, proud of you". "Mark asked if you're ready to head home". "Yes, need five to finish this off", "ok"; I returned to Marks office, he was putting some papers away in his safe. "Ah, there you are, before I forget, here is your security pass, don't lose it, you have the same clearance as Dave and I", "wow, are you sure"? "Young man, as I have said before if I was not 100% sure you would not be getting it", he grinned, he shut his safe just as Dave came in. "OK, guys let's go home," he said, we all made our way out through Avis's office, she said good night to each of us and added, "I hope to see you again young man" and smiled, "same here, goodbye".

The return trip to the house went without incident, I managed to remember where to turn for the house, as we approached the gates Mark said "the remote is on the shelf under your wheel", I fumbled for it, found it and pressed open and behold the gates started to swing open. "Do they close automatically"? I asked, "yes" Dave replied, as we approached the house we could see Birtie waiting with the dogs, both tales wagging?

Birtie greeted us with his customary smile, "drinks in the study gentlemen, dinner at eight"; "thank you Birtie" said, Mark, as he made a fuss of Kimba. We all made our way to the study "I'll do the drinks, you two make yourselves comfortable", Dave said "thanks, Tony". As I took my seat on one of the settees Max came and put his head on my knee looking for a bit of fuss, "I think someone really likes you" said Dave. Birtie came in and asked "if anyone wanted a snack before dinner", "no thank you" said Dave, just as Birtie was about turn Mark asked him "if he knew where Andy was"?, "yes sir I think he is over at the flat helping Nick and Will, I can ring if you want to see him", we all looked at each other, Dave replied, "no thank you Birtie as long as he is back in time for dinner", "thank you, sir,,". After Birtie had gone, they both looked at me, "well, do you know what's going on"? asked Dave. "All I know is that Will and Nick have decided to share", "ah" said, Mark, "that's interesting, so we were not far wrong", "no, I also know that Andy was hoping for a bit of fun with Nick this morning while Will and Birtie were out shopping but I don't have any more detail". "Well, well, well," said Mark, "things are heating up at Charlton House", "so it would seem," said Dave, smiling. I was just getting our second round of drinks when Andy came in, both dogs went to greet him, "hi guys", "hi stud" replied Mark, "been having fun we here", smiling. "I've just been helping the two of them move some furniture," he said while grinning and I said? "Well"? "we had a three-way session, it was fun", "I bet," said, Mark. "Can I have a beer please bro, while you're at it"? "sure, glass or can"? "glass please had enough of drinking from cans for the day", we all laughed. "Oh, before I forget, Nick asked if you're still up for your swim before dinner", "yeah, could use the exercise, is he coming over anyway". "Yeh said he would have to be fairly early to be ready for dinner". "Ok thanks, bro, I'll go a change now", "change," said Dave, "you still haven't found your trunks, you're going to need a pair before the family arrive, Dad might not mind but I'm sure Mum and the girls would have something to say". Andy chipped in, "doubt it, were all used to seeing each other naked, Mum and Dad made a point of it as we grew up, saying there is nothing wrong with our body's so why hide them", "Quite a family," said Mark, grinning.

I'd got back into my book when Tony came back down in his robe, "you coming out to watch bro"? "Yeh ok", and I followed Tony out to the pool. Nick had already retracted the cover and was just putting on his trunks as we arrived. He turned and said, "hi guys, the same shit different day," he said as he turned to face us, clearly showing a good semi. "You randy bugger," I said, "thought that would have been sorted by this afternoon's activities", grinning. Tony then said something which shook me, "um, yes, I hear the three of you have been having fun, I've no problem with that and would even join in if invited but you ever hurt Andy and you'll have me to deal with". "Wow, bro, that's a bit heavy", "not really, just laying down the ground rules", "thanks, bro, nice to know you've got my back", "always bro", he replied, with a grin.Nick just stood there looking at me, then Tony. Tony then said time for a swim as he disrobed and jumped in, closely followed by Nick. I collected Tony's robe and Nick's towel and walked up to the table and sat with my beer as the two of them made their way towards me. Tony was still much faster but it seemed as though Nick was speeding up with the practice, COME ON BRO I yelled as Tony reached his first turn. He must have taken it to heart because he visibly started to move faster, on his second turn Nick was still at the other end. As Tony approached my end for his last time he was a good length and a half ahead, he pulled himself up, grabbed his robe and took a swig out of my beer. As Nick approached Tony went up and offered his hand, he pulled him up, he came over and I handed him his towel, thanks, Andy.

"You're getting faster Tony", "yeah I might be but I still don't think I can beat Dad", "what do you think Andy"? "Well bro, if you keep up the progress it's going to be close", "you really think so", "yeah you're getting bloody quick", "maybe but this is Dad was talking about, and you know how competitive he is". "I heard your Dad was on the Olympic team said" Nick, "yeah" replied Tony "and he never lets me forget it". "Did he win any medals"? asked Nick, "Oh yes," said Andy, "there up on the wall in the hallway at home, two gold, three silver and two bronze", "wow" said Nick "that's impressive", Tony added, "not in the same games, though, and he was on the team for two years"? "Are you hoping to swim with him while he's here", "you try and stop Dad getting in here", Tony replied with a laugh.

"Ok Nick, time to go, will we see you at dinner later", "yes I'll be serving with Birtie", "OK, see you later", "ok guys". Tony and I made our way back to the house where we joined the others in the study. Mark asked how Tony's swim went, "great thanks, Mark, getting a bit quicker", "quick enough to give Dad a run for his money"? "doubt it but we'll give it a good go", "good lad". "Anyone know what Mrs Wilson has done for dinner," Andy asked? "Yes" replied Mark, "I heard some mention of a Salmon and Anchovy carbonara with Penne pasta", "wow, that sounds grand", "it is lad, Mrs Wilson is quite a gourmet, I'm looking forward to what she decides to do for the family on Saturday". We all had another round of drinks, Dave was asking Tony what he thought of his day at the office, I was back into my book. Mark, out of the blue asked "what I was reading", "Oh it's one I spotted, Underworld, Flooded Kingdoms of the ice age, thought it looked interesting", "and, is it"? he replied. "So far, not sure I'll read the whole book, though; it's beginning to look like the writer is a bit of a crackpot, we'll see", "good luck," said Dave, "I got half way and gave up same reason", and he laughed.

Max alerted me, that we had company, I looked around to see Birtie stood in the doorway, "hi Birtie" I said, "good evening Andy, gentleman, Mrs Wilson has timed dinner for 20:00 is that going to be Ok"? "Sounds perfect" replied Dave, "thank you", "ok Mr David". Tony said, "this lifestyle is going to just kill Mum", I laughed, "not half bro, it's going to be great to see them all, even the girls, it's been a long time". Mark stood up saying "he was going to change", they were both still in business shirts, Dave said "he would go as well" "OK guys, see you a bit later".

After they had both gone I asked Andy for all the gory details of his encounter with Will and Nick earlier, which, I must say got me quite randy, something that Andy spotted. We moved to one of the other settees in front of the French windows at the far end of the room and we sucked each other off.

We finished just in time as Mark returned and looked over at us and smiled, "hope there are no stains on the carpet"? Tony turned and said, almost, indignantly "no, should there be", we all burst into laughter. Dave then arrived, "what have I missed, anything earthshattering"? Mark replied, "not really, it's just these two dirty little buggers fornicating in our study", "oh, is that all" he replied laughing.

The conversation was aborted as Birtie came in, "Mr Mark, we need to have a meeting to sort the meals for the weekend", "yes indeed Birtie, and our guests arrive tomorrow". "Mrs Wilson asked can we get the caterers in and will you be eating in both evenings"?. "What do you think guys"? Mark asked the boys Tony replied, "Well Mark, as, I've heard Richard say, you're the boss, in this case, the host, anything you decide will go down so well with Mum and Dad, the girls won't mind whatever happens as long as they have a charge for their ipads".

"Well, Birtie, there's your answer, I think we need the caterers to help Mrs Wilson anyway, my thoughts are we take them out for lunch Saturday, a nice evening meal Friday and the full works on Saturday and then lunch on Sunday before they leave". "That sounds fantastic" said Andy, "Mum will be so happy not to have to cook, they will love it", "ok Birtie, we'll leave the menu up to Mrs Wilson, she has not let us down in twenty years", "thank you, Mr Mark, I'll pass your wishes on", he turned and left.

Tony stood and asked "if anyone wanted a drink", we all said yes please and placed our orders, Tony went off to the kitchen. Andy asked Mark, "did I hear you say Mrs Wilson has been with you for twenty years"?. "Yes, lad, she's part of the family, like Birtie", "hope you don't mind the question but are they a couple"? "yes lad, very astute of you notice, they try and hide as much as possible, don't ask why just old school". "Now, what are your guests likely to want to do while they're here"? Tony looked at Andy, "Dads going to want to see the cars and use the pool, Mum, will just love the house, maybe a walk in the forest if the weather is up for it. The girls will love the ponies, other than that they are both fairly capable of keeping themselves entertained, Rossana is another bookworm and we will probably lose her when she sees the books in here".

Birtie broke the conversation, "dinner is served Gentleman", we all stood and followed him to the dining room. The smells coming from the kitchen were wonderful. We all sat and Nick brought in the wine and served with a smile to both the boys. "Someone looks happy, young man," said Dave, "can't complain, sir", he replied grinning. A lovely rich Terrine for a starter, before he left Birtie asked "how we would like our steaks? Mrs Wilson has changed her plan for tonight". "Oh wow" replied Andy, "Tony will have his blue, I'd prefer rare if that's ok Birtie", "no problem young sirs, you also have a choice of sauces, Béarnaise, Blue cheese, Salsa Verde or Peppercorn"?, "well, for me the Blue Cheese" please said Tony, I went for Peppercorn, "no problem sirs", he turned and left. Tony asked, "does Mrs Wilson make her own sauces", "yes lad and you will have nothing like hers I'll guarantee it". The Pate was excellent followed by superbly cooked fillet steaks, with apple pie and custard to finish. We adjourned to the lounge after dinner. Mark said, "he fancied a film, he'd seen advertised on Netflix, as he said a bit of blood and thunder". We settled down to watch Kingsman, The Secret Service, I had heard of it but knew nothing about it other than it starred Colin Firth. Dave suggested we both sat on the big settee facing the door, Mark and Dave had their own chairs. Andy asked, "so where's screen"? Mark pushed a button on his remote and one whole panel of books slid up to reveal a 40-inch flat screen TV. "Wow", said Andy, "don't show the girls that little toy, there'll be on it all day with cartoons".

We got ourselves sorted with drinks and Mark started the film, within the first five minutes it had me hooked, Andy and I are very similar, if a film can't get us within the first fifteen minutes it's not going to, we both sat there spellbound. We paused the film halfway for some more drinks. As Tony did the honours, Mark and Dave discussed their plans for the following day. Mark asked, "do you need to go in tomorrow"? "Not really, anything I do need to do I can do from here, what about you"? "Well, I did pre-warn Richard that I might not be in and it is Friday which we often have off, so, we can have a lie in, good news". Tony had returned and dispensed our drinks and we continued with the film. Brilliant film, a good twist at the very end. And so to bed, we opted to share as it would be the last time for the foreseeable future. Andy was the first in bed with Dave a close second, Tony slid in behind me and Mark settled in on his side. It did not take long before hands were wandering, I rolled over to find Tony's semi, he reached behind his back to find mine, he threw back the duvet so that he could see "the snake" which was not far off solid. Mark was obviously getting ready to give Andy a length judging by the groans. Tony was by now gyrating his ass clearly indicating it was what he wanted as well, not wanting to disappoint, I found my target and pushed. It did not take much for me to be into the hilt at which point Tony let out a squeal, I pushed a little harder just for the fun of it, he squirmed and pulled away just a fraction.

By this time Mark was in his swing and making the most of Andy's lovely ass, it was Andy who suggested a change around. Tony asked his brother what he had in mind, well it's a long time since I had yours all to myself, fair enough bro and they both pulled off their respective posts and it did not take Tony long to get Andy into position and get himself buried to the maximum depth possible to which Andy screamed, "God, I'd forgotten how big you are bro, slacken off a bit can you till I get used to it again". Well, this action left the two old farts to amuse themselves, Mark came around the bed and soon found his target, it was not one of the reasons for us getting together but he is a bloody good fucker if you'll excuse the expression. It was not long before Tony was making all the right noises, he soon shot his load deep into Andy's tight little ass. Seeing this was too much for Mark, he let me have a good load very soon after. Andy asked "if I could give him a deep throat job"?, as I got into position, Tony got into position to give me the same treatment. Andy was the first to start the sounds of satisfaction, Tony knew that I would be far behind and he was soon getting his tonsils soaked with spunk. A good, satisfied night's sleep was in prospect; we all settled into the normal spoons and drifted off, with no alarms set for the morning.

To be continued...


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