Holiday in Heaven

By moc.oohay@onegabmik

Published on Oct 31, 2017


Holiday in Heaven Chapter 21

Chapter 21

Home Sweet Home

Author's Note: This story is copyrighted by the author, and no part of it may be copied, linked to, downloaded, stored in an electronic device, or used in any way without the express written permission of the author. This is a work of pure fiction, places, events mentioned, may exist but are used in this story for effect, it is just that and not real. They exist only in the mind of the author. Any resemblance to real persons, places or events is unintentional.

All names have been changed and any resemblance to anyone alive, deceased on in the houses of Parliament is purely coincidental. Some places named have been used as we have had personal experiences of them, that does not mean they are involved in or have any specific connection with the gay community in anyway whatsoever.

We left the guys safely back in the UK, looking forward to a good night in their own bed.

Our super king bed did look particularly inviting after all the hotel beds, nothing quite matches up to a waterbed. "Right guys", said Mark," the bathroom, is that door in the corner, this is the connecting door if either of us snores too much and this one is our dressing room", "wow" said Tony, "no wonder you always go for suites when your in a hotel, sort of home from home", "why slum it" replied Mark with a smile.

We let the lads use the bathroom first, we both went into the dressing room to sort some clothes for the next day. By the time we emerged both the lads were already in bed, Tony asked, "is this a waterbed"? "Yes", I replied, "thought so, always wanted to try one", "enjoy" I replied as I followed Mark into the bathroom.

Probably, fortunately for us, by the time we came back they were both asleep, we said good night, Mark gave me a quick peck and we gently climbed in, as usual, Mark had Andy and I snuggled into Tony, it was not long after I turned out the light that I felt his arm come over my shoulder and he pulled me in close, he whispered "goodnight, Dave", "good night lad, sleep well", I replied.

·         * * * * * * * * * *

As we had decided that we were not going into work today, none of us had set an alarm, we were all off in the land of nod when we heard a voice. "Good morning gentlemen", Mark was the first to respond, "Birtie, good morning". By this time we had all surfaced, both the boys were somewhat surprised to see Birtie in the room, opening the curtains, they looked at us but saw nothing to worry about. "I've set out coffee for you on the balcony sir, it is a lovely morning and the sun is quite strong, even this early", "what time is it"? Asked Mark, "just gone eight sir. I'll have breakfast set out in the breakfast room by the time you have had your showers", "thank you Birtie" replied Mark as Birtie made his way to the door, he closed it and both boys started to breathe again.

"Is that guy real" asked Andy? "In what way" I replied, "well, theirs four of us in this bed", "that wouldn't faze Birtie, he's seen it before, he knows how we live our lives and basically, it is nothing to do with him anyway. We don't flaunt it; we would not walk around the house naked, that's not fair, besides we have Nick and Mrs Wilson around as well". Andy could see the reasoning but I think it would still take a while to get used to it.

Tony had found my stiff cock under the duvet some time ago and had been gently manipulating it, he suddenly threw back the duvet saying to Andy, "look what I've found", "ah, see you've got one too, making a grab for "the snake", not at full mast but not far off, even Mark was sporting a hard-on which Andy soon took in hand.

"Have we got time for a bit of fun before breakfast"? asked Andy before he had even finished, Tony had laid himself out flat, Andy could read his brother's mind and was soon sitting with his brother's big, stiff cock up his ass to the hilt. Mark did not waste any time getting into a position, where he could make a double entry, by this time I had got in a position to give "the snake" a good sucking.

Andy had not had a double entry for a week, and was obviously suffering due to the sounds he was making; however, he was not going to give in and was very soon riding around to get the best of both. Tony was in his element, he loved a good fuck and was giving his brother his money's worth. Mark was having to fight Tony for occupation rights, a couple of times he almost lost it. Me, I was as happy as a bug in a rug, I had Tony's heart beating in one ear while being tickled by his chest hair and a dream cock tickling my tonsils.

Andy suddenly asked if we "could have a change around"?. "What did you have in mind"? Asked Tony, "I'd like to fuck Dave if he wants to", "I'm happy" I said and we changed around, Tony asked "for Mark to screw him", Andy took me laying on my side, not my favourite position but a bit less aggressive if you haven't had it for some time, it gave me time to get used to it again. Tony had his legs in the air with Mark giving him what looked like full lengths with some real force. Andy asked if "we could follow them" so we changed and I soon had Andy sliding his thing slowly into my ass while he had a firm grip of my heals.

Mark was the first to make sounds, he was by now really going for it, I caught a slight sign that he was giving Tony some trouble but He did not have to suffer for long as Mark suddenly pulled out and dropped Tony's legs as he shot a huge load all over Tony chest.

Andy was the next; the "snake" was swelling in size he was starting to make the usual sounds and he asked "if I wanted it in or out", "in please lad, I love that", no sooner said than done, I could feel each shot, counted six, he laid across my chest for a moment then lifted himself up till there was a loud plop as "the snake" left my ass and fell onto his thigh. Tony then asked if "I wanted a second dose" as he got up from underneath Mark, he did not wait for my reply as he lifted my legs and found the entrance and pushed, being already well lubricated it slipped in with very little resistance until he reached the point where his balls would not let any more in. He used one of his better techniques; he pulls out and then goes back in but pushes along a side so that he's going in at an angle, the feeling is wonderful.

A couple of minutes and he was asking the same question, "in or out"? "in please lad", and he went into top gear, oh what it is to be young and fit, it felt like he was going at least two full strokes a second, another feeling of an expanding probe and then another load, another six good strong shots, everyone hit their target. Andy then said, "your turn Dave" as he positioned himself across a corner of the bed, Tony pulled out and let me go to his brothers waiting ass, I was that close, I warned him it would not take long as I got into position, he lifted up his ass for me, I located and pushed, also being previously lubricated I sank in in one smooth stroke. That was almost it, it felt so lovely and warm, he pushed back for all he was worth, as if desperate to get every available millimetre. "Sorry lad, you're just too much" as I pulled back and with one last, long, hard push, shot my load deep into his tight little ass.

We all lay back on the bed, for-filled, satisfied, probably sore but no one was in any mood to complain. I brought everyone back to reality by saying "I need to go to the toilet", "not really surprised" was Tony's reply, "I'm not far behind you, I'll go next door, meet back in your wet room for a shower", "sounds good to me" said, Mark. Both dogs had got used to having the lads around and paid them no more than lip service, they both laid outside the bathroom, while we had our shower.

Our group shower was like most we have had many times before, lots of contact, not necessarily sexual, yes, bits are washed, cocks are at least semi but we did nothing more specific. As we were all drying off, Mark asked Tony "if he would like a swim after breakfast"?, "that's a good idea", he replied, "not had a swim since the hotel in Bangkok". "Ok, remind me to get Nick to open up the pool, it should be a comfortable temperature", "sounds great, thanks".

Thankfully Birtie had put our morning coffee into a large flask; we all sat out on the balcony in the sun enjoying the first cup of the day, always the best. We all wore our robes down to breakfast; Birtie was already in the breakfast room as we arrived. "Good morning gentlemen, did you all enjoy your showers"?, "yes thank you Birtie", "I ask as we may have a problem with the boiler, I have called in the engineers but wanted to check you had enough hot water", "yes thank you Birtie, we were fine". "While I think about it, could you get Nick to open up the pool, we may have a swim after breakfast", "certainly sir, leave it with me".

"Would anyone like a cooked breakfast"? We all declined saying "toast and cereal will be fine", "ok, you will find everything you need on the sideboard, I'll put on a fresh pot of coffee", "thank you, Birtie" replied Mark. Lovely breakfast, both dogs were getting used to having the boys around, particularly as they were feeding them titbits from the table, despite complaints from us both. Andy and I took our second coffees out to watch Mark and Tony have their swim. We sat at the deep end, where we have a table and chairs set up, we had trouble trying to keep Max from jumping in to be with Mark. Nick was doing some poolside maintenance as both Mark and Tony disrobed and dived in, both bollock naked. Young Nick is used to seeing Mark and I naked but the sight of Tony was something he just had to watch.

Andy had also been watching Nick, not really surprising, he is a good looking 20-year-old lad, he's about six foot and quite thick set as he is also a swimmer, we have given him permission to use the pool whenever he wants and he is in there most evenings after his shift.

Mark went for a proper swim, he had done half a length while Tony was just playing, spinning around and doing cartwheels, which, of course, was giving any observer full view of his equipment, which even soft, put together with his physique is quite a sight, be you straight or gay. Andy asked, "if Nick was gay". "Not as far as we know, not that it would make any difference to us", "he does look cute", Andy replied. I noticed he had not taken his eyes off him all through the discussion, I thought to myself um, this might get interesting.

By the time Mark had reached us he stopped to see where Tony had gone, he was powering up toward him and was very soon beneath the water doing what he does very well. He surfaced for air and I heard Mark say, "we can't, did you not spot?, we have company" "Oh God, sorry, I had not noticed him, hope he's not been offended by my little display at the other end". "I shouldn't worry about it, he did not take his eyes off you," I said, "and this one was watching him the whole time as well", "Dave, are you stirring"? "who me"? we all laughed.

Mark said, "want a race, Tony"? "yeah, ok, give you a go", "the last one back here gets the coffees", "ok, go". They both took off, well, Mark did not stand a chance, I think Tony could have beaten him with one arm tied behind his back. Tony was just under halfway back as Mark turned, this performance did not go unnoticed, Nick was watching and timing Tony with his watch.

I was keeping a sly watch on Nick, as Tony reached the edge and powered himself straight out of the water, he had to turn back and walk back to the shallow end to pick up their robes. Tony greeted Nick with a lovely smile and a "good morning", "good morning sir" Nick replied, "a good time if you don't mind me saying", trying desperately to keep his gaze away from Tony's cock. As he put his robe on he said to Nick, "really, I was not even trying, do you swim"? "Yes, sir", "forget the sir bit, my name is Tony", and I could see Nick blush from where I was sitting. "Um, Nicks my name, yes, not as good as you though".

"Want to try"?, "Sorry, love to but I'm working", Tony turned and looked over at us, "can Nick and I have a timed length, he says he's working"?, "no problem for me I replied after seeing Marks smile, only if we can all watch" I replied. "But I don't have any trunks with me", "well nor do I" as he took his robe off again, "do you really think we mind"? "are you sure"? "get your kit off and get in the pool" was Tony's reply.

Tony ran Marks robe back to him and smiled as he handed it over, Andy gave his brother a knowing grin as he took off and dived in halfway back. We all watched as Nick stood in the corner taking off his kit with his back to us. Tony got to the edge and waited, bouncing up and down off the bottom. Nick had no choice but to turn and face us, we all let out a slight gasp as this lad swung round and made his way to the edge. He had a physique to match Tony and what looked like a very nice sized cock, it looked a lot harder than we were expecting as he jumped into the water alongside Tony. Mark looked at me, smiled and said, "well, maybe he is family, after all", Andy said, "he's quite a dish, isn't he"?.

Tony said, "ok Nick, you ready"? "yeah" and they were off, by halfway Nick was in the lead, not by much but still out front. Andy yelled, "come on bro", with that Tony engaged top gear and easily powered past Nick and raced ahead to finish a good fifteen seconds ahead. Tony powered himself up out of the pool as Nick reached the edge. He turned to Andy and asked him "to go back into the house and get Nick a robe", Andy was just about to go when Nick called out, "no need, I have a towel in the corner cupboard if you wouldn't mind", "no prob" said, Andy, as he went off to find it. Tony stood, moved in front of Nick and put his hand down to pull Nick out, Nick hesitated for a second then took Tony's hand, and there he was in all his youthful glory, almost Tony mark two except for the eyes and the cock, nice pair of balls, though. We all tried very hard not to stare, Tony noticed Nicks obvious discomfort, "sorry pal didn't think", "oh it's no real problem, it's just a bit funny standing here naked in front of your bosses". Mark was first to say it, "good God lad, don't worry about us, we've seen it all before", "thank you for allowing that sir, I enjoyed it", "so did we lad," I said smiling. Andy handed Nick his towel, which we all noticed, how slowly he seemed to put into place, giving Andy a good close up of the total package. He moved away saying "thank you again" to Mark as he turned. Tony asked, "when are you off duty"?. "I finish at 17.00 why"? "Well, I need a target to race if you want some company", "sounds good", "see you later", "ok", he turned and we all watched as he left the pool room. Mark had already left to get the coffees. We all sat around the table, "well, well, well", I said, "have we got competition"? I asked Tony.

Mark returned with a tray of coffees and sat down, Tony relayed to Mark what I had just said, Mark just smiled. "He is such a genuine lad, I really don't think he had any Altria motive", he looked at me quizzically, and then the penny dropped, "oh my God, is that what you're all thinking"? "Well"? replied Andy. "Andy, you would turn him down as well, of course", Tony replied, "as for you Dave, I'm disappointed", "there is no competition as far as you two are concerned, sorry lad, only joking", he smiled and added, "he is quite a dish, though", "he is that lad, just remember he is staff and he is working here".

"Well, that was fun," said Mark, "I've got some work to do, what did you two have planned for the rest of your day"? "Well, I would like to explore the estate", replied Tony if that's alright with you, "no problem" replied Mark, "take the Range Rover and go explore", "are you sure, what about insurance" replied Tony, "private land, just don't crunch it too much", he laughed as he left for his office. "Wow, I get to drive an Overfinch Range Rover," he said to Andy, who was less than impressed, bless him. I sometimes don't think Andy is interested in anything unless it has a cock or ass.

We all made our way back into the house, Andy dropped the cups off in the kitchen as we passed, up to our room, the three of us walked into the room removing our robes as we went only to be confronted by Nick coming out of the bathroom. "Oh so sorry sir, I did not expect you so soon, I'm just changing your bed", the poor lad looked mortified, I reassured him, "no harm done lad" but then, we all noticed, he had spotted "the snake "Andy had dropped his robe at the door as well, there was nothing for it but for him to carry on as though nothing had happened, Andy went straight for the connecting door and left us. Tony tried to help his new friend by saying, "Hey Nick", snapping the lad back to reality, "oh sorry sir, bit of a shock to see, sorry, I'll leave you and come back later", Tony went to the door with Nick, stood in the doorway Tony said "it's alright Nick, that's the usual reaction to Andy's equipment, we call it the "snake" and laughed, "it is real"? Asked Nick, "yes very much so", "good God, I've never seen anything like it", "few have, enjoy the memory", Tony replied he smiled, Nick thanked Tony, a slight smile, then he left, probably to go straight to his room and have a good wank.

In the meantime I had gone to the loo, Tony had dressed as Andy came back into the room, "God, that was awkward" he said, "yeah, gave Nick quite a shock", "did he say anything"? asked Andy, "of course, he did silly, it's not something most people see every day. Think he'll get over it, he's probably having a good wank as we speak", we all laughed, "poor lad", I said as we made our way back downstairs.

Mark met us at the bottom of the stairs holding a set of keys and the stable door fob "are you sure about this"? asked Tony, "if I wasn't do you think I would be giving you these" he replied, smiling. "Just one thing, no off-roading, we've got a Defender for that, at the end of the lane to the right you'll see a road that looks drivable, don't, it's very boggy, you will get stuck, I had to get pulled out two months ago, off you go and have fun".

Just as the lads were going out of the door, Birtie came into the hallway and asked if "we would be wanting lunch"?, we both looked at the boys, who nodded, "yes please"," "yes Birtie nothing special I'll be cooking tonight", "ok Mr Mark, did you want the table set"?, "yes please", "ok, I'll get Nick to do it later", "thank you Birtie". Mark went back to his office and I disappeared into mine, basically to catch up on world news.

Tony pushed the fob as they approached the stables, the doors began to open, the Range Rover was the first vehicle in the line so it would be easy to get it out. They both climbed up and got themselves comfortable, Tony adjusted the seat, put the fob in the dash, pushed the start button and the car rumbled into life. "Here we go," he said to Andy, "not done this for a while, drive, footbrake, handbrake, let off the foot brake, were off". Mark was watching from his office as Tony gently pulled the car out of the stable and turned to go off exploring.

Mark had been busy in his office for just over an hour when he came through into my office; "did you want a coffee"? he asked. "That's a good idea", we both wandered into the kitchen to find Birtie and Nick collecting up necessities for our dinner later. Nick nodded as we acknowledged them, he looked a little sheepish, "good show this morning lad", said Mark, Nick looked over as Mark continued, "Tony needs to get back into shape, he will appreciate any help you can give him". "I will be happy to help any way I can", Mark then turned to Birtie saying, "as long as you check with Bertram here first you can help as often as Tony needs you". "Thank you, sir, I would like that, can I ask what's so important", "ah, well, Tony's family are coming to visit at the weekend", "so I had heard" replied Nick. "Well, Tony's father was on the Swedish Olympic swimming team and he will almost, without fail, challenge Tony to a race", "wow, love to watch that", "we'll see what we can do", "thank you, sir".

I had by now poured two coffees and we took them to the table and sat watching Nick as he took through the crockery, cutlery and tableware to the dining room, "good lad", I said. "Yes", Mark replied, "don't be too surprised if those two team up", "um, funny, I had the same thought, wonder how Andy's going to take that", "could be interesting", "yes, very" I replied.

"Looks nice out there, fancy a quick game of tennis", "why not, get thrashed again" I replied, he just laughed. We went up to change. 30/40 to Mark in the second game we saw the Range Rover coming towards the house, Tony spotted us and diverted to park by the court. They both stood outside the court, making a fuss of the dogs and watched as Mark took the last point, he always wins, "hi guys, enjoy your tour of the estate"?. "Fantastic" replied Andy, "did you know you have a herd of deer down in the forest area"? "yes, of course, silly, did you see the stag"? Replied Mark, "very briefly," said Tony, "quite a sight", "yes he is a magnificent beast".

We all made our way back to the house, "see you two back in the kitchen for coffee before lunch", "ok". Mark and I went up for a quick shower, by the time we got back to the kitchen the lads were sat having their coffees and eating some sandwiches Birtie had prepared for us. Birtie then came in with a plate of cakes and biscuits, "thank you Birtie" I said, "did you win sir"? "No, never have, he's far too good for me", we all laughed.

Mark asked Tony "if he wanted a run out after lunch", "yeah, what did you have in mind"? asked Tony, "well I need some ingredients for dinner tonight, thought you might like to drive down to Ringwood", "love to, thanks." Tony asked Andy "if he wanted to join them, "no thanks, don't like shopping much do you think the dogs would like to play catch ball with me"? "one way to find out" replied Mark, "there are balls and a sling under the stairs". We finished lunch and Tony put the plates on the worktop just as Birtie came back in "oh sir you don't have to do that", "no problem Birtie", "thank you, sir". We left him to his work and made our way to the study. Mark suggested Tony went to get the Range Rover and meet him at the front door, Tony left looking as though he had been given the crown jewels. Andy went to find the balls and sling, he hardly made it back to the door before he was mobbed by the dogs, barking and wagging their tales in anticipation.

Mark went for a pee and, on returning asked "what I would do"?, "I said I was grateful for the peace and quiet, it meant I could have a little snooze", I settled into my chair, he gave me a peck and left to meet Tony, it was not long before I was in the land of Nod.

Andy had taken the dogs out to the field beside the stable, the dogs were having fun, suddenly Andy was aware of someone coming up behind him, he turned to see William walking towards him. "Hi William", "hello sir", "you can forget that right now, my name is Andy", "oh, ok Andy". "You look as though you're having fun", "well, the dogs are anyway" I replied, and laughed, "I saw your brother taking the RR earlier" "Oh yeah, don't worry, he not after your job, he's just taken Mark into Ringwood for some last minute shopping", "oh" replied William. "I was resting when I heard the car start and obviously looked out to make sure it was not being stolen". "Can you hear that well from the house"? replied Andy as he throw two more balls, "well, yeah, I'm right above the garage", he turned and pointed to the four windows above the garage doors, "oh" "Nick and I have flats up there", "oh" said Andy, "that's handy, do you two share"? "Oh no, we do have a connecting door but its two separate studio flats", "what do you call a studio"? asked Andy. "Want to have a look? it's a bit untidy", "yeah ok". Tony threw two more balls and the two of them turned and walked towards the far end of the garage.

Opening the door, William again apologised for the state of it but this is home as they both walked in. "Fancy a drink"? asked William, "think I've got a couple of beers in the fridge", "yeah, ok" "make yourself at home", Will went to the kitchenette, returning with two beers as Andy cleared away some magazines off the settee and sat down. "Do you have to pay for this"? asked Andy, "no, everything is found for me, I can eat in the house, heating, bedding Wi-Fi is all provided, I just have to make my own bed which sucks", "yeah, me too when I'm at home" replied Andy. "What's the speed like here"? asked Andy, "brill, its a special business fibre connection, they laid it in specially", replied William, without thinking, he picked up and opened his I pad, Andy had hold of it has it opened to a full-screen porn scene, "oops, sorry" uttered William as he made a grab to get it back. "Hang on" replied Andy; "she's got a good pair of tits". William, a bit sheepishly replied, "yeah, it's one of my favourites, helps to wind the watch up", "does it" replied Andy, they both laughed, "well you have to sometimes, you'd go mad without the occasional wank". Andy handed William back his I pad, William closed it and put it back on the side table.

Andy asked, "what do you do around here for fun, you're so far out"? "yeah", replied William, "it sucks sometimes, I'm officially on call for the house as well which makes it almost impossible to go anywhere unless I'm officially off duty", "wow that must really suck. Do you and Nick socialise"? Yeh, of course, we live next door, that's the connecting door in the corner, we hang out most evenings if we're both home free, the house has a Netflix account so we can get unlimited movies and, of course the internet is so fast we sometimes watch some fast streaming porn, together, don't tell the boss will you"?, "good God no" replied Andy.

My brother and I do as well but we have not had the need for a mutual wank for some time now, we have both been so busy". William looked quizzically at Andy, "did you just say mutual"? Andy turned and smiled at William, "yeah, why not, it's always better to have another hand on your cock other than your own", said Andy. "So, forgive me asking, but are you and your brother gay"? "Yes, as it happens but we were doing it together before we both realized", "wow", "you mean to tell me that you and William sit here wanking your own cocks", "well, yeah, I've never thought of doing it any other way other than when I had a girlfriend before I started working here".

"Nick looks like he's got quite a nice cock," said Andy, William sounded shocked, "how do you know"? he replied. "He went for a swim this morning with Tony, neither of them had any trunks with them so they were both naked", "wow, is your brother as big as he looks?, sorry but he's quite a hunk", I laughed. "Why are you laughing"? asked William beginning to blush, "sorry William" "oh, call me Will please, everyone else does", "well, Will, Tony is big, bigger than Nick for sure, what were you blessed with"? Will looked directly at me; "did you want to see it"?

"Well that would seem to be the next move" I replied smiling, Will stood up and undid his jeans and dropped them to the floor, I could already see a damp patch on Wills shorts which he slowly pulled down as if in a strip show, "are you sure about this Andy"? "Go for it, you're not hiding much now so might as well go the whole way" I replied. By this time something was getting much larger under the fabric of Will shorts, I suddenly reached out, took hold of his shorts and pulled. Up popped a very nice specimen, not fully erect yet, no were near to either Tony or Nick and slightly bent but maybe a good eight inches with some girth, nothing even close to mine.

"That's better," I said, "feel better out"? "Yeh, it does, been so randy all morning". Will sat back down and was gently stroking it, "suppose it's my turn now" I said, "better stay sat, you might be glad of the support", Will looked quizzical as I stood up, undid my jeans and dropped them, before they had fallen Will was looking at the outline of "the snake" within my shorts, it was actually showing below a leg of them. "Good God is that real"? said, Will, as I pulled down my shorts to reveal "the snake" in all its glory, far too heavy to pop up, it just hung there with a damp patch on the eye.

"Bloody hell," said Will, "that's fucking huge, is it really real"?, "have a feel" I replied, Will tentatively, gently took hold of it, it jumped at the attention, he gently squeezed and then began to gently wank it. I closed my eyes as I moved a little closer to Will, who was by now starting to properly wank his own now rock hard cock. Will must have been so transfixed by the sight and feel of this monster that he did not realise I had got close enough to be able to reach down and take hold of Wills hard cock, will shuddered and let it go, letting me work my magic.

I moved in closer, got down on my knees, opened Wills' legs and got into position, "what are you doing"? asked Will, "just keep hold of mine if you can reach and close your eyes", Will did as he had been told and I leant forward and gently licked the head of Wills cock, he shuddered again as I slowly sank it all the way down my throat. No problem for me, of course, being used to Tony and Dave. Will was shuddering as I pushed down and took as much of it I could in that position, I stuck my tongue out and licked Wills balls which was more than the poor lad could stand, he yelled "I'm coming", I did not move, I just kept my tongue working on Will's shaft, "Andy, I said I'm coming, ah oh bloody hell ah, ah ahh hh hh," he shot several large globs of cum which I dealt with like the old pro I am. I kept Will's cock in my mouth for a while until Will started to wank mine again, I gently pulled off and looked at Will smiling.

I sat back down on the settee, Will was still looking at " the snake" in awe as he started to thank me, I held up a finger to his lips, "just finish me off would you", "sorry Andy, I can't suck it", "no problem but I still need to cum". Will moved in closer, I again took hold of Wills still hard cock as Will started to do a double handed slow wank. I laid back, even Will could see the signs of an impending explosion, "the snake" got even harder and I started to shake then it happened I shot seven huge shots, way over my head and as the flow slowed they were landing on my chest, Will could hardly let go, he just kept stroking it. "Wow," I said "that was just awesome, thank you, one of the best wanks I've ever had, have to get my brother to use that technique", "you enjoyed it that much"? questioned Will, "yeah it was great, thanks, what about you"? "Well, it's the first time anyone has given me a deep throat job that is really something special".

"You'll find a clean towel down beside you", I reached out, found the towel and Will helped to clean me up, "sorry about the wall," I said, "wow, no problem, I've always wanted to be able to do that". We both laid back as our cocks slowly went limp, I spoke first, "well Will, thanks for that, I'm going to have to go before they send out a search party for me", I laughed. "You won't tell anyone will you"? asked Will, "no, only Nick, Tony Dave and Mark" grinning. "Seriously, no, no worries man it's our secret unless you really want to see Tony". "What do you mean"?, "well, you said he's quite a hunk, if you want to get up close and dirty with him he's going to have to know we already laid the ground rules", "wow would you do that for me"?, "yeah, see what I can do, doubt very much if he'll have any problem with it. Keep an eye on the pool in the morning you might get a glimpse". "Thanks, mate, did you want a shower", "no thanks I'm fine", as he got dressed?

As I stood to leave Will pulled me into a hug, "thanks for that, it was really awesome, maybe see you again", "hope so mate, maybe make it last a bit longer next time", Will smiled.

By the time I had got to the bottom of the stairs the dogs had already heard me and were waiting for some more fun, just then the Range Rover pulled into the courtyard, I walked away from the steps and made my way back to the field, I had given the dogs a couple of balls when Tony walked towards me, stopping to check the doors were closing. Another couple of balls. Tony greeted me, "hi bro having fun", "I have", I replied, the brotherly telepathic link was still strong, "oh yes and what have you been up to?, I wondered why you were so far from the field", "tell you later" I replied, we both walked back to the house with Tony's arm around my shoulder with the two dogs, tails wagging following close behind, neither of us noticed two sets of curtains twitching behind us and the set of eyes at one of the house windows.

We went back into the house through the back door to be greeted by Mark on his way to his office, "Hi Andy" said Mark, "did you enjoy your play session"? "yeah, the exercise was fun, think the dogs enjoyed it as well". We made our way to the study, Tony poured himself a Scotch and brought me a beer, and we sat. "How did you get on at the shops"? asked Andy, "oh, shopping was OK but the drive was great, it's a supercar to drive, it's so powerful and smooth", "did you manage to park it ok"? "yeah, lucky, spotted a double space", "that's cheating" replied Andy, grinning.

"So what have you been up to?, somethings up, I can tell, come on, open up to big bro", Andy moved to a chair closer to Tony and proceeded to relay the afternoon's action, Tony's response was only to be expected, "you're impossible, anything in trousers", they both laughed. Andy then mentioned that "Will had expressed a desire to, at least get a good look at the whole package", he also said "that he had given Will the heads up about his swim in the morning", "ok" replied Tony," I'll see if I can give him a good show".

I went into the study and joined the lads with a drink, sat and asked "how the walk had been"? "you mean with the dogs"? Andy replied, "yeah, ok, think the dogs enjoyed it". "Is Williams flat still a tip"? Andy looked quizzically at me, a quick glance towards Tony. "Not that bad really, how did you know I'd been"? "watched you leave, have a good time"? "Well, I promised I would not tell anyone, he's afraid of what you two might do". "Well", I persisted, "we had a wank, nothing else", "is he family"? "No, don't think so, could be bi though he was not interested in anything else and he mentioned that he has had a girlfriend before he came to work for you. You won't say anything will you Dave", "good God, no, he a big lad now he can do what he wants as long it does not jeopardise the house, other than that it is none of our business".

Mark popped his head through the door, "Andy", "yes Mark", "did you want to help me with dinner"? "Oh, yes please", he jumped up and followed Mark into the kitchen. "Dave", "yes Tony", "do you know what delights Mark is planning for us"? "he said something about doing a lasagne", "wow, sounds good", Dave added, "he makes his own pasta as well", "bet that's what he's got Andy doing", "sounds fantastic, what times he planning for, any idea"? "Prob about 19.30". Tony looked at his watch and asked: "if he could go and have a better look at the other cars in the garage". "Of course, you can lad, you know where the fob is and the key box are, just make sure they're all locked when you've finished", "ok, Dave thanks".

As before, as he approached the garage he pressed the fob and the doors began to open, by the time he was inside all the lights were on. Where to start, he thought, he went for the Merc, sitting at the wheel admiring the dashboard, he suddenly noticed a figure stood at the entrance, it was Nick. Tony opened the window and called out, "Hi Nick", Nick approached smiling as he got close. "How you doing"? asked Tony, "fine thanks, got a problem though", "oh what's that" replied Tony, "sorry to be so blunt but I've not been able to get you out of my mind since this morning".

Tony looked up at him quizzically, "what do you mean"? "It's this, he lifted his long shirt and made a grab for what was obviously a stiff cock, it won't go away". "Well, we'll have to do something about that" replied Tony as he put both arms out of the window, pulling Nick closer by his hips; he undid his zip and managed to release his rock hard cock. He pulled Nick even closer and buried it in his mouth, Nick let out a gasp as he pushed as close as he could get.

Tony had been able to reach into Nicks jeans, he was not wearing any shorts so he was able to cup his balls and give them a good massage. The sounds Nick was making led Tony to reach in a bit further; he soon found what he was looking for but was surprised to find it was lubricated. Tony slowly sank a single finger right into Nick's ass. Nicks cock was now throbbing as one became two and then two became three, then he heard the words he did not expect, "would you fuck me?, Tony, please, I need your cock inside me".

Tony pulled off, Nick stood back looking very sheepish, "sorry Tony, this is wrong, sorry, I should never have come down, forget I came, I'll go now", as he started to pull his jeans up, Tony got out of the car, stood in front of Nick, put both hands on Nicks' shoulders and looked him straight in the eyes. "It's ok, Nick, it's nothing to be ashamed of, if you really want it, we can work something out", "oh God" replied Nick as he fell onto Tony's shoulders sobbing like a baby, "its ok" repeated Tony, "come around to the back of the car", "are you sure Tony, I can go back", "stop it" replied Tony, "how do you know it's not something I might want to do"?. "Oh God Tony", "stop that and come over here". Nick was stood with his back to the Merc, Tony, knelt down and re-opened Nicks jeans, his cock had not been taken in by Nicks complaints, it was still rock hard. Tony again sank it deep in the throat, even managed a full deep throat at one stage, "oh God Tony that's so good, please fuck me", Tony pulled off, stood up and turned Nick around and bent him down over the boot of the Merc. He again knelt down and gently inserted, one, two three, even four fingers as far into Nick's ass as he could. He stood up, undid and dropped his jeans, needless to say, he was well and truly hard, he located the head at Nicks entrance but before he could do anything Nick was pushing back as hard as he could, the whole thing disappeared, Nick let out a grown that you could probably hear in the house.

Nick settled down and laid across the boot as Tony started his famed long strong stroke, Nick was getting the whole ten and a half inches from tip to base in one single stroke. Nick was squealing with delight when suddenly they both heard a voice asking "is everything alright in here"? Tony looked over at the entrance, it was Will. "Hi, Will" replied Tony, all's well, just a little servicing".

Being partly responsible for the vehicles that was never going to work, Will started to approach the car, at this point he had not noticed Nick stretched out across the boot lid. As he got a bit closer he stopped, realised what was happening, "oh, God, sorry guys, I'll leave you alone" before he had a chance to turn Tony said, "I thought you wanted to see what I'd got". Will stopped, "he promised", "well, he had to tell me" replied Tony, "now come over and watch".

Reluctantly at first, he started to get closer, and then he recognised Nick and came in close. Nick was the first to say anything, "hi mate, sorry about this, I just had to have it", Will sheepishly smiled and came in even closer. Close enough for Tony to grab Will crotch to find a very hard cock, "get that out, Will, it obviously needs a bit of fresh air" he said to Will smiling. Tony was still doing his thing with Nick's ass, Will pulled out his rock hard cock which Tony took hold of and started to wank, Wills' legs started to go; he grabbed the roof of the car for support.

He was watching Tony's cock, "doesn't it hurt"? he asked Nick, "yes at first but I wanted it so bad, the pain is secondary". Nick then reached out and cupped Wills balls, "oh God, Tony can I just have a quick feel before I cum"?, Tony gently pulled out, Will then gently got hold of Tony's throbbing cock, gave it a gentle squeeze, "bloody hell I'm coming," he said. Tony, not one to waste a good shot of spunk bent down and sank Will's cock into his mouth, just in time to get a good dose of boy cum. Will then lifted Tony's shirt and started to fondle his torso, he soon found hits tits, that was it, Tony said "I'm coming, he stood up, lunged back deep into Nicks ass and let go.

Will was still in limbo as Tony had hold of his still stiff cock, Tony gently pulled out of Nicks ass with a gentle plop, Nick did not move, enjoying the memory of Tony's cock deep inside his ass, Tony fell to his knees and took Will's cock back into his mouth, with hands massaging his balls, it was not long before he was making the right noises. Nick had by now stood up, he leant forward and put both hands under Wills shirt and started to tweak both nipples, that was it, Will said he was coming again, totally unexpected Nick said, "Tony, can I have this load, please?

They quickly swapped places and Nick, slowly and very deliberately took Will's cock in his mouth just as Will let go a nice second load deep into Nicks waiting mouth.

Nick, sucked it all in then gently let Wills still stiff, throbbing cock go, he stood up, looked directly at Will and smiled. Will was still not quite sure. Tony was cleaning himself up and putting his jeans back on as the others were still stood at the back of the car, two still stiff cocks but Tony noted that they were holding hands and just looking at each other. "Come on guys, I for one have got to go", he waited while the pair of them got dressed, managed to get their cocks safely installed back into their jeans and back to respectability.

Will was the first to say anything, "thanks, Tony, sorry for that", "what is there to be sorry for"? "did you enjoy it"? "very much thanks", "then that's all that counts", he was still very confused, he smiled at Tony, he thanked him again and turned to leave. Next to leave was Nick, he moved towards Tony, grabbed him into a hug and whispered into his ear, "thanks, mate that was fantastic", "will I see you again"? "Hopefully later for our swim, "oh God, I'd forgotten that", "not sure", "why"? asked Tony, "what do I do with this thing, pointing to his still hard cock"?, "believe me, no one will make any comment, I'd like your company", "see what I can do", "thanks, mate". He turned and made his way out leaving Tony alone with the cars. He cleaned up the floor and locked up and made his way back to the house.

As he approached the kitchen door he saw Max's head come through the flap, he backed off as Tony opened the door, "wow, that smells good" he said as both Mark and Andy looked to see who it was, "hope so" replied Mark, "if the pasta is rubbish blame your brother", "that's hardly fair Mark, I've never done it before", "we'll see what it's like at the table" said, Mark.

Tony asked Mark "if he had time for a swim before dinner"?, "why, yes lad, it's only just 17.00, not planning to sit down till 19.30", "ok I'll go up and try and find my trunks", "why bother" replied Mark, "it's only going to be the two of us", Andy said he might come and watch but I doubt it, might put Nick off". ."I don't mind" said Tony, "would you mind if I came out to watch"? "course, not bro, Nick might be a bit put off though, give it a try". With that, he disappeared to get his robe.

He soon returned and asked Mark "where the controls were for the pool cover"? "oh, yes, if Nick has not already done it they are in the cupboard in the corner where Nick changed this morning", "ok, thanks, see you later", "enjoy" they both said in chorus.

Nick was already in the pool house as Tony went in, "oh hi, Nick", he looked over and replied, "hi yeah. Just about to do the cover ok". "Great", "Mark said I did not have to bother, I don't have any trunks, do you mind"?, "mind, are you mad, candy for the eyes mate", "oh, thanks" replied Tony, "the cold water should deal with my problem, I hope" he said smiling. The cover slid back to the deep end they both had robes on and both removed them at the same time, Tony revealing his already semi, Nick watched and was smiling as he removed his trunks, he was also, maybe one stage above semi. He said "let's get in quick before this thing gets any ideas", "does not worry me" replied Tony but they dived in any way and started to swim around playing games with each other.

After about five minutes off fooling around Tony said "ok, I'm here to work, shall we set off"? "ok by me" replied Nick and they both made their way to the edge. "On three," said Tony and they were off. Again Nick was first of the mark, with a good turn of speed; it was not long however before Tony was level and motoring ahead. At the first turn, Tony was maybe two seconds ahead but he was already on his third length before Nick had made his second turn.

Tony did a straight five lengths by which time Nick was over a full length behind, Tony waited at the edge until Nick reached him. His breathing was very heavy and he was unable to speak, Tony reached out, touched his chest and "said, get your breath back before you try and speak". It was at that point Andy came into the pool room, "hi guys, mind if I watch"? he said as he made his way up to the shallow end. "I don't" replied Tony, "do you, Nick"? "No, no problem, I'm not much good though, your brother is, excuse the language, fucking quick". Andy replied, "wait till you see our Dad if you get the chance, he's even quicker".

"Another five"? asked Tony, "yeah, I'll be even slower, I'm way out of shape", "stop making excuses and go for it", and Nick took off closely followed by Tony. After the five lengths, Nick was nearly two behind. Tony asked Andy to "open up the tub room", "will Mark mind"?, "I doubt it" he replied. As Nick approached Tony pulled himself out of the pool and sat at the table.

When Nick had recovered Tony went to the edge and offered him a hand which Nick took without hesitation this time and he was up, "come and have a sit while Andy gets the tub open", "not been in that yet, think it's off limits to us". "Not while we're here surely", "don't think Mark will mind".

"Ok guys, ready said Andy, I'm just going for a quick pee", Nick asked "if he knew about the one in the corner, save going into the house", "thanks, mate, no I did not". Nick and Tony stood up and made their way to the tub, Nick was losing his battle so was glad to get into the water which at least distorted it slightly. Andy came back just as Tony was getting in, "still no trunks bro" he asked, "no mate were both skinnies", "oh ok", he started to take his gear off in full view of them both, not showing off; don't think he even thought about it. Tony noticed that Nick was watching with interest and also that things had progressed under water. He reached out and set stage one bubbles going, Nick span round, looked at Tony who was smiling, "oh God, thanks mate", as he returned to watch Andy climb into the tub, Nicks jaw dropped, Andy looked across at his bro and grinned, Tony said "you're a tease you are". Nick came back to life, looked at Tony, and did not quite know how to react.

"Don't worry about it?" said Andy, "just lucky enough to be second in the queue", Nick was still dumbstruck, Tony reached out and grabbed Nicks cock under the water which brought him right back with a bang. "Wow, sorry to be such a sloth, just this all new to me". Andy being Andy suddenly stood up and said he was just moving seat, we both knew that he could have moved under water but he just wanted to wind Nick up again by showing "the snake" off in its semi-hard mode. At last, Nick had cottoned on, he just said, "have you got a licence for that"? We all fell into laughter and fell into general conversation. "Anyone want some more bubbles," I asked, Andy said "yes please", Nick looked quizzically till they started, "wow this is fantastic, I've got bubbles going in some funny places", "me too," said, Andy. I rolled my eyes and said, "shall I leave the pair of you alone"?. Nick quickly replied, "don't you dare leave me with that thing I doubt I'd survive", Andy, smiled.

We sat in the tub for about half an hour, the bubbles had stopped, I think it was the fact that we were all talking that things had shrunk. Andy was the first out, just to make it difficult for Nick, who got out and grabbed his robe as quickly as he could, looking at me with a grin. They were both sat at the table as I got out and put the top on. I heard Andy say, "he's got a lovely bum don't you think"? I looked at Nick, rolled my eyes and replied sarcastically, "thanks, bro", he grinned.

"Ok, guys time to go, we've got dinner to change for, Thanks Nick for your help", "didn't do much but it was fun, same time tomorrow", "yeah ok, I'll do the cover", "thanks, mate", "enjoy your meal".

We went up to change, Mark and Dave were in the study when we came back down, "hi guys, enjoy your swim"? "yes thanks, Dave", "help yourselves to a drink", "thanks", we sat opposite them Max came over and sat next to Andy, Mark said, "well someone likes you, young man", grinning, "thanks Mark".

Tony asked "how dinner was doing"? "starters done, so is the pudding, the main course is still in the oven" replied Mark. "You timed your swim well, in fact here's Birtie", "Gentleman, dinner is served", "thank you Birtie," said, Dave. We all made our way to the dining room, "who's where"? asked Andy, it was an oval table, "Mark and I at each end, you two pick" replied Dave, we all sat and Nick came in with two starters and Birtie brought the other two.

Nick smiled at both lads as he served them, both lads thanked him with a grin, I thought at the time, there a bit of chemistry going on here but did not comment. We all tucked into our Terrine and Pate; "did you make the rolls Mark there gorgeous,"? "thanks, yes, a recipe I picked up in Italy many years ago".

Andy picked up on the thread, "obviously, you've been, what's Italy like"? "Well, lad, yes we have been, I like Venice and Pisa, not too keen on Rome", "oh," said Tony, "why"? "Oh the Forum and Colosseum are very interesting but other than that I find it so touristy, we did the Vatican Museum specifically to see the Cysteine Chaple, you walk for miles through ancient Catholic historical relics, to eventually get to the Chaple to find you can't take pictures, I was not impressed", Andy said, " think I can see why".

"Was the Tower at Pisa open when you went?, it's been closed for years now" asked Tony, "well, we went about twelve years ago, yes and we climbed to the top, quite an experience, very weird feeling, going up but you feel as though you're going down, the view from the top is fabulous".

Birtie came in to clear the table, he went round and we each thanked him, it was a while before he and Nick returned with four plates of Lasagne. Birtie returned with a bottle of wine, he went around the table pouring for each of us. As we tucked into our dinner, Tony noticed Nick standing in the corner of the room. He must have touched Andy's legs under the table, he then nodded in Nick's direction, Andy turned to see what Tony was concerned about, he smiled. The conversation turned to the other Italian cities and our experiences. Then Nick came towards the table and offered to pour more wine for us all, Andy and I thanked him with a smile, he nodded and we all noticed a slight blush. So far the meal had been superb. compliments were flying, Mark was trying to be humble but it was not working too well, we were all taking the mickey out of him something rotten. Nick was trying to keep a straight face, I saw the lads pain, 0"don't worry lad, we are just having a bit of fun", "no problem Mr David", he replied.

Birtie appeared again with a large pie dish, he placed it in the middle of the table and left saying "the custard was to follow". Mark dished up and both lads said they had not had apple crumble for years. The custard arrived and we all tucked in gusto, Nick approached and asked: "if we wanted more wine" which we all accepted. As Nick left us he asked, "if we would like coffee in the lounge"? Mark replied, yes please Nick, we all made our way to a room neither of the lads had seen yet.

A large room in one of the front corners of the house, it has two large windows on one wall and one in the end wall, a big fireplace with a ten foot high Mantle piece over it, two large chandeliers and matching wall lights and heavy braided, ruby red curtains, thick pile deep red patterned carpet made it a lovely warm feeling, welcoming room. Two four-seat settees set at 90 degrees to the fireplace, several other winged armchairs, tables and cabinets scattered around the room.

We sat on the two settees as Nick brought in our coffees, we thanked him, as he turned to leave he said "that Birtie would be in shortly to see if anyone would like a liqueur", we all thanked him as he left. We had all asked for a liqueur, which we enjoyed while discussing the dinner, the day's activities and our plans for the next day Mark said "he would have to go to the office in the morning", I said, "I should show my face as well after such a long break". Mark asked the lads "if they would like to join us"? Tony was very interested and replied, "very much", Andy was not so keen and asked, "if he could stay at the house"? "what would you do all day"? asked Tony, "I noticed several of the books in the library that looked interesting", "ok" replied Tony, "good to see your interest in reading coming back, you used to be a real bookworm".

"OK" said Mark, "that's settled, the forecast is good for tomorrow so if we take the Merc, we can, if it's nice enough, take the top off, we won't need Will, Tony can show us what he's made of", "what do you mean"? he questioned, "well, we can see what you can do on a motorway and in London". "Wow, thanks, Dad took me into London the afternoon I passed my test, he said, if you can drive there you can drive anywhere", "good man, he's right," said, Mark.

"Do you still want to have a swim in the morning"? "yes please", "ok; I was not planning on leaving much before 10, which should give you enough time", "fine thank you".

I was the one to call time, "hey, guys, do you realise its gone 12"? Mark looked at his watch, "good God, where did that go"? The boys had been looking a bit tired for some time; we all agreed it was time for bed. We made our way upstairs, Mark went to the kitchen to let Birtie know we had gone up, "good night sir, have a pleasant night".

I was first in bed, Andy got in and snuggled in close, Tony was the next, he got in behind me, snuggled in close and put his arm around and gently massaged my nipples, Mark was last and got in next to Andy, I don't even remember the light being turned off.

To be continued...


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