Holiday in Heaven

By moc.oohay@onegabmik

Published on Jul 25, 2016


Here we have a story although from my over active imagination, wishful thinking perhaps both, it was originally inspired by a correspondent who told a story of some fun he had while on holiday.

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Author's Note: This story is copyrighted by the author, and no part of it may be copied, linked to, downloaded, stored in any electronic device, or used in any way without the express written permission of the author. This is a work of pure fiction, places, events mentioned, may exist but are used in this story, it is just that and not real. They exist only in the mind of the author. Any resemblance to real persons, places or events is unintentional.

All names have been changed and any resemblance to anyone alive, deceased on in the houses of Parliament is purely co incidental. Places named have been used as we have had personal experiences of them, that does not mean they are involved in or have any specific connection with the gay community in anyway whatsoever.

Holiday in Heaven

Chapter 2

Day Two

(Introduction to "The Snake")

By Kimbageno.

Copyright 2014-2016. All rights reserved.

We left chapter 1:

We watched him disappear down the hill and finally went indoors, it was well time for dinner, after a lovely meal we had a session with just us, Mark gave me one of his best blow jobs, we then moved into the bedroom and I fucked him to within an inch of his life. We both collapsed into bed and both drifted off to sleep with our minds full of the day's events and the anticipation of what lie ahead.

We awoke around 8 am to typical Spanish sunny morning, it was going to be another really hot day, I could tell, breakfast on the patio, in the nude, wonderful. We had been back to the local shop and brought in a lot more beer not that it seemed as though we would need it to get the boys "in the mood" but it would help to keep us all hydrated, I know, you need water for that but water is so boring.

Lots of cold meats and various Tapas for lunch, another couple of cases of wine, white for lunch and a case of a nice local red for dinners. Mark, being the cook had decided to do the boys steak with all the trimmings, to keep their strength up, I said in the shop, not needed with those two and we both burst into laughter but could not explain to the Seb, the store's owner why we were laughing so much, he gave us a knowing smile as we left the shop.

A quick check around the villa to make sure everything was clean and tidy and that certain supplies, towels, and KY were located in various strategic places. Just time for a coffee before the boys were due to arrive, we were both sitting on the patio enjoying it, with our shorts on under the shade, it was already too hot to be out in direct sun, then my phone rang. I've set it to automatically switch to speaker mode, Hi Dave its Tony, hi, we are at the bottom of the hill, be with you in about five minutes is that OK, sure see you both soon, someone can't wait and it's not just me, he laughed, bye for now, bye.

We then heard the warning buzzer that the gates were opened, we made our way out onto the porch to watch the Bema pull up with the top down and welcomed our two Gods (sorry, I know its corny, but how else to you describe shear perfection). Tony parked the car, almost before it had stopped the passenger door was flung open and Andy got out, at that point I wished I had taken my walking stick to lean on, he was wearing speedos and trainers, nothing else, try to imagine an Anaconda stuffed into a normal pair of speedos, it left absolutely nothing to the imagination. Tony got out and locked the car, he at least was wearing his cut downs, which did not hide much but those speedos....

Mark said what I was thinking, as the boys approached the porch, ah, good to see you've dressed for dinner, Andy looked a little perplexed, Tony roared with laughter saying yes he has but his or yours, flashing those bloody eyes again. I said will you kindly keep those eyes of yours under control. He replied, you mean like you've got your bits under control, again laughing, he was of course quite right, I had a good semi going and it showed.

Well young man said Mark, you must be Andrew, we've heard a lot about you, he looked over to Tony quickly then back to Mark, its Andy, friends call me Randy, Mark quickly flashed a glance at Tony as he replied so I've heard. Again Tony roared with laughter, saying to he's brother, take no notice, its only in fun, their such nice guys really, as you will soon find out, by the way. This is Dave, the one I told you about, welcome Andy, all good I hope, yeh, interesting at least he stammered his reply, this is Mark, come on in the pair of you out of this heat and make yourselves comfortable looking directly at Tony who returned a knowing smile.

Mark and I led the way through the lobby, the lounge and out onto the patio, I had not noticed but Tony had stopped in the lobby and removed his cut downs and trainers, as we showed Andy to the table and had offered him a chair I noticed a look of horror come across the kids face, I looked behind me to see Tony coming out onto the patio stark bollock naked with that cock of his, thankfully only at semi status, leading the way, a real sight for very sore eyes. He looked at the array of faces all looking at him and grinned, saying, well Dave did say make ourselves comfortable. Yes, Tony I did say it but we thought we would at least get the introductions out of the way first, seeing the glint in Tony's eye I knew he had a good reply lined up for me.

OK, here we go, Andy, this is Dave, he's got the long cock, this is Mark, he licks ass like nothing I've ever had, they both know me, so, this is Andy, my brother, he's got the cock that hangs almost too he's knees, is that, enough introduction for you Dave? he grinned.

Well, what could I say, well thank you for that Tony, you've managed to make your brother blush but, introductions over, it's far too hot for clothes so those that feel happy about it can join Tony in the buff. Andy's face was a picture, he looked over at Tony, then towards Mark who was already removing his shorts, then towards me, I had sat down and was taking off my slippers, come on Andy, don't be shy said Tony, and gave him a wink.

My shorts came off to reveal a large semi which Tony spotted and pointed it out to Andy, see, as I told you, come on kid, get those things off there not hiding much anyway and laughed. Reluctantly Tony started to remove his speedos something that is apparently impossible while sitting down, he had to stand, as they fell away all was revelled in its glory, by this time Tony was rock hard, Mark was not far behind, to my delight Tony suddenly said come over here Andy and show these good guys what that thing of yours can do. Andy walked over to where Tony was sitting and stood beside him facing all of us. It was as if they had practised the move at their villa Tony took hold of his brothers still flaccid cock (as it turned out through nerves) and proceeded to suck it, putting one hand under his ass and giving it a good feel for good measure.

Needless to say, by this time both Mark and I were oozing precum with throbbing hard on's along with Tony. Not what I had expected but it certainly broke the ice very quickly, we could see Tony was having the desired effect on Andy's great looking cock.

After about a minuet Tony pulled off and held up his brother's cock for all of us to admire, it was certainly impressive, as Tony had said, not thick but mind blowingley long. I made the first move, Andy can I have a feel, yeh he stuttered, I moved over to within reach and wow, it was as impressive as it looked from a distance. Not rock hard but at least 11 inch with another nice set of balls hanging low beneath this "snake". Mark was the next to explore this little treasure not forgetting Tony as he passed by, a quick rub of his cock which made it twitch with anticipation.

Well young man, said Mark, now the introductions are complete would you both like a beer or do you want to have a swim first, oh stammered Andy, thinking he had done something wrong as he had not been pounced on. No problem Andy, the fun bit can wait a while, let's all get to know each other a bit first, get used to all this "equipment" out on open display. Yeh, spose it's a lot of cock to take in at one time, Tony, again burst into laughter, do you realise what you just said Bro, oh God, and again Andy went bright red. Bit of a waste isn't it said Tony, no lad, it'll wait, let's get to know each other a bit better first as I said.

Don't worry about him I said to Andy, he has no idea what you're doing to Mark and I, what do you mean he asked innocently, not now, go and have a swim, cool off a bit, with that both the boys jumped into the pool and were soon having fun with each other, making full use of the slide, quite a sight, seeing a flag pole at full mast coming down the slide into the water, the two old pervs, sat on chairs watching from pool side. Mark and I soon moved back to the shelter of the shade on the patio, it must have been 26 c and still not mid-day. The boys soon got out of the pool and both came over and joined us under the shade, anyone ready for another beer I asked, yes please said all three so I went to the kitchen to get a tray ready. When I returned to the patio I could see Andy laying on a lounger with Mark giving him a blow job and Tony underneath Mark giving him one at the same time.

Sorry to break up the party guys but here are your beers and some snacks, Tony was the first to break away grabbing a beer and coming over to sit with me on my lounger, he's cock was rock hard as to be expected and it was demanding some attention, I was not going to disappoint its owner and promptly went down and gave him the full works as is apparently my speciality.

Mark then pulled off Andy to revel "the snake" in all its glory, it really was at least 11 inches, still not quite rock hard but hard enough to do its work. Andy stood up allowing Mark to recline back to his lounger, Andy then called over, Dave, can I come and have a feel of yours please, I pulled off Tony long enough to say be my guest, you don't ever have to ask that silly question, with which he stood and came over, the "snake" waging from side to side as he walked over, he knelt down and took my cock in his hand and gently squeezed it. God, it is hard isn't it Tony, told you so, give him a suck.

Tony was standing next to me, so I took his cock in my mouth and tried my best to perform a deep throat for him, which he sounded as though he was enjoying, I did not realize just how much. Sadly, Tony announced that he was not far off and that he did not want to cum just yet so I had to let my prize go, it did not stop Andy though, he kept on until I too had to stop him saying how close I was and that I also did not want to come so soon. Andy pulled off looking quite dejected, don't worry lad, the day is still young, we have all day and all night to play if you want to. Tony heard my comment and said looking at the pair of us, saying that is if you're up to an all-nighter at your age. You're a cheeky little upstart I replied grinning, Mark here will leave even you standing and laughed looking over at Mark who was also grinning, he replied, well you did ask for that one Dave.

We all decided to let things go down a bit and sat talking mostly about the boys, their family and their antics which very soon got the temperature rising again, so much so that Tony said Dave, you said yesterday that you enjoyed our fuck, would you fuck me again so that Andy can watch.

You two are impossible, another stupid question, you know I will, given a chance as you well know, do you think Andy is ready for such an exhibition? Before Tony got chance to answer Andy pipped up, yes please I'd love to watch him get what he's been talking about all night.

Then I suggest we all go indoors, it's getting a far too hot for that sort of activity out here, with that we all got up and followed our cocks into our master bedroom. Good job we had a super king size bed, more than enough room for all four of us and it's a water bed as well so nice and comfortable. I went straight into the ensuite for a pee, when I went back to the bedroom there was Mark on his side of the bed, Tony next to him and Andy on my side. Tony was giving Mark another blow job and Andy was fingering Tony's ass, he had found one of the tubes of KY and was making sure his brothers ass was nice and ready for the coming onslaught. Tony certainly sounded as though he was enjoying the attention.

As I got close to the bed Andy looked over his shoulder saying, he's ready for you, give him a good one Dave, anything I can do to help. Another silly question Andy, I said and smiled. Andy got off the bed and I got myself into position, before I could even ask Andy was leaning over me with a hand full of KY and he lubed up my cock ready to do its work.

I slid closer to Tony as he continued to service Mark who was looking over at me smiling, here goes big boy, you ready for this, he pulled off long enough to say give it a go, be gentle at first it is bloody thick. I very quickly found the opening and my cock head was very soon making its way into this hole of pleasure, just as I got the head passed the outer rim he groaned, God that thing is so thick, seconds later I was home to the hilt. Andy had climbed onto the bed and was watching with great interest, bloody hell Tony that looks fantastic, does it hurt. Yeh, a bit but not a bad as when you get really hard, you should have a go at it, it certainly fills the hole. Mark had again got hold of the "snake" and was giving it a good wank, which was defiantly making it much harder, probably the attention together with the view of my shaft sinking deep into his brother's ass must have been having more of an effect than any of us realised, even Andy. Almost without warning a stream of spunk started to shoot out of Andy's cock, Mark got most of it in his face but he had been wanking so hard that some of it ended up on all of us. When he had shaken off the last drop he sat back onto the bed, panting, still fixated by my cock sliding in and out of Tony's tight little ass.

Andy then said, sorry Tony but can I ask you not to cum just yet Dave, I would just love to at least try your cock for myself. Andy, you've only just shot your load, yeh I know but that does not stop me wanting that shoved up my ass, please Tony, do you mind?

Not really my shout, I don't mind, there's plenty of time for me to have another go, it's up to Dave. Well guys, do you really think I mind which of these two delectable asses I fuck, be my guest Andy if you really want to have a go. Andy face burst into a lovely smile as he started to manoeuvre himself to take Tony's place. I pulled out of Tony's ass gently as I was so close and that can sometimes tips me over the edge.

Andy was watching closely as I stood up at the side of the bed, my cook sticking out at full mast, I must be bloody mad he said to Tony who by now had moved closer to Mark, who was watching the whole performance while gently stroking his own cock. You'll love it bro, just remember to relax, he then laid on the bed offering me his ass which he had just slightly raised as if an extra invitation.

Right Andy, obviously you're ready for this, I can tell, everyone seems to be waiting for something, I said looking at both Mark and Tony, Tony looked at me and said with a glint in his eye, come on, get on with it before you go soft, no chance of that happening with you two around I replied with a smile. Andy, can you slide down the bed and lay across the corner, it's one of my favourite positions, gives me a lot more control, oh, yeh, you're the boss, never had it this way, sounds fun, just be gentle with me, I can manage Tony's but you are a lot longer.

I very nearly came on the spot as I came in from behind, this fantastic looking body laying prostate ready for me to plunder the little ass, God I was so turned on. Tony checked the lube and stuck a couple of fingers into Andy's ass just to open it up a bit for me, which was again, almost enough to tip me over, I really was that close, I hoped I could at least get it in before I shot my load again. Gently I lowered myself down till my head hit Andy's hole, I felt him shiver, the same electrical charge surged through my body, this was going to be spectacular.

As I stated to enter this love tube, my cock head suddenly popped through the outer ring, it felt so soft and warm, as I gently sank lower Andy yelled, ouch that's hurting, sorry Dave it's just too big. Come on Andy said Tony, don't be a baby, just relax like you had to the first time I fucked you. with that Andy did relax, before I knew it I was in, not all the way but in far enough to tell it would not take much for me to blow my load. There is something very special about fucking a young tight ass, I had no pangs of guilt either, both boys were old enough and were there because they wanted what we were offering. It's not just the ass, it's the whole package, youthful good looks, smooth tight skin, good muscles and youthful enthusiasm.

Suddenly, I was aware that Tony had moved around behind me and had started to apply KY to my ass, Mark had already spotted what Tony was up to and he was grinning at me. Not that I would have done anyway but before I could protest he had got the head of his cock already pushing on my outer hole, as I pushed to get full length into Andy, Tony did the same and pushed all of his 9 inches to full depth. Both Andy and I let out a gasp as both cocks hit home, for someone so young Tony had it down to a tee. Oh God Tony, you realise this will defiantly curtail your brothers fuck, I can't stand this amount pleasure at both ends at the same time. Oh sorry Dave, I did not know you were that close and he gently withdrew his cock and returned to watch Andy being skewered. Sorry Tony, maybe later I said, he just smiled, no prob, you bet, I replied, at this rate I would be coming very soon. Tony, after a quick clean up went back around the bed to Mark to give him another blow job.

Andy very soon got into the rhythm and really sounded as though he was enjoying himself he was really going for gold, making all the right noises as I pounded away for all I was worth, Mark and Tony had been the only other people to take me at full power, here was thus young lad now up on his knees taking my 10 inches and enjoying every inch.

Tony had moved back to watch the spectacle and Mark got down under Andy and started to suck his "snake", Tony spotted Marks ass in the air and moved around behind him, lubed him up and began giving Mark a good screw. It was not long before the spunk started to flow, I don't know who was the first or last but I filled Andy's ass with a good seven spurts, I've not done that for many a year. Then, as I settled onto Andy's back, I felt the spasms as he shot his load into Marks mouth., then cry's came from Tony as he gave Mark an ass full of boy juice, we all unplugged and collapsed on the bed painting.

We all drifted off to sleep, not for long, I think it was the intensity of the orgy that did it, I was woken by Andy snuggling up and giving me a kiss, hi big boy I said, did you enjoy that? So now it's your turn to ask silly questions he replied and we both laughed. Time for a shower, good idea said Mark and we all made our way into the on suite.

Andy was fascinated by the double wet room layout saying how cool is this? With the water running we all washed each other with the inevitable result, more hard on's, another chance to get my hands on Andy "snake" it was huge, I tried to give him one of my speciality deep throat blow jobs but could not get the last inch to go no matter what I tried, he still enjoyed though. The other two had finished and had left us to it as we were busy. As Andy and I continued he suddenly asked if he could fuck me. Was I likely to refuse such an offer, I turned off the water, pulled out the shower chair, got a tube of KY out of the cupboard and lubed him up. You will be gentle, it's a long time since I took anything that size, yeh I will, promise. Well he was too, he got down behind me once I had got down and laid across the chair, he spread my legs, came in close and found my hole. He placed the head of his tool on my hole and I felt another charge of electricity surge through my body as he gently pushed the head in, what was it about this young lad, it seemed to happen every time we touched. He let it sit for a second then again very gently continued to push, let me know how much I've got will you Andy, yeh sure, it's about a third, he kept pushing, it was starting to hurt, it's about half way now, you still OK? Yeh fine just take it easy, he was good to his word, he kept pushing till he announced I had it all, he then really gave it one last, hard push which took my breath away at first, it meant he had the whole thing and some of his balls as well or so it felt, deep in my ass, that alone was almost enough to take me to that special place, again.

He left it fully inserted for a while which I was grateful for, gave me change to get used to the invasion, soon he was building up a good rhythm, getting very close to full stroke, God it felt so good, now I was starting to feel a bit guilty, not so much for what we were doing but that the others could not share the experience, it was then that I became aware of Mark and Tony standing at the door with an arm around each other, both grinning like cats that had found the cream jug, both with rock hard cocks sticking out like flag poles.

Tony spoke first, saying to his brother, go for it big boy, even I can't take it all, enjoy it while you can. Andy had not noticed we had an audience and turned to see the two hard cocks looking on. Are you coming to join us he said to Tony, who looked at Mark and they both came back into the room, Tony, can you screw me while I'm up Dave, that would be fantastic, I'll give it a try mate, you'll have to stop a second while I locate, Mark, not to be outdone got down to give me one of his special blow jobs Tony had managed to get into his brother and we all got back into the swing of yet another orgy. This time it was young Andy who came first, I felt every spurt, it was so deep too, next was Tony, again deep in his brother's ass, that caused spasms in Andy's cock still buried deep in my ass, enough to send me over the edge and I filled Marks mouth with another good load. I had watched Mark shoot as I came, so once again we were all fulfilled, some of us literally.

Another shower, again with all of us helping each other clean off, all of us trying hard to avoid contact with any sensitive bits. Back out onto the patio to dry off, both boys opted for loungers, Mark and I sat at the table admiring the view. It was soon time for lunch, both the boys opted for the full works and we opened a bottle of the white wine to calibrate a very enjoyable morning.

After lunch we were all whacked and we all had a little snooze under the shade, it must have been a sight for anyone on a hand glider as they passed overhead, two old wringleys and two tall, blond Greek gods laying side by side.

Mark was the first to stir, he gently touched my cock, it jumped, he gently rubbed my chest, as I came too, I looked at him and smiled, what a holiday he said, yes not bad. Not bad, said a voice the other side of the table, is that all we get, not bad, it was Tony. OK Tony I said, would you prefer fucking fantastic and I don't usually use such words, close, I would say brilliant, certainly from my point of view, I think Andy's having fun as well. To which Andy replied, I should say so, not had this much fun before, ever.

I thought it would be Tony to get things going again but it was Andy, Dave, yes Andy, did Tony tell you one of the things I would love to have done to me? Oh you mean three cocks at the same time, yes he did mention it. He sat up and looked over at us all, can we have a go at it now I'm really in the mood, I've been thinking about it all afternoon. Yeh, don't see why not but can you wait a little while, let some of us recover, were not going to complain and I doubt if Tony will either, maybe after dinner, its well past 5 now, time Marks cooked and we've eaten and let the dinner go down, we'll all be ready for some more action, sound OK snake man? Yeh spose so, he did not sound too happy about it but even Tony said, come on mate give us a bit of a break, were not all sex machines and giggled, Andy went bright red again and agreed it might be better after dinner.

Mark disappeared into the kitchen, I got some more beers for the boys and a wine for myself and we sat under the shade chatting. It was not long before some very nice smells started to waft out onto the patio, what's for dinner asked Tony. Mark's doing us steaks, gosh that sounds good said Andy, who stood up saying he needed a pee, his "snake" again, wagging for side to side as he walked towards the lounge.

Bet Andy was the envy of the whole school back at home, I said to Tony, hardly Dave, we didn't go to school as such, Dad had teachers come to the house. Oh that's interesting, I said, I would never have guessed, you both have such good general social skills. Thanks Dave, Dad is a bit of a stickler on these things. Did you have a good education I asked, yeh, it was good, Dad picked some very good teachers, we both loved the guy who did chemistry, he really was good, made every lesson fun, you learn so much more when you're enjoying it. The pair of you had no problem with being taught at home then I asked, no not really, we had a couple of rooms set aside in the house and the teachers were live in with a separate flat built on the side of the house. The only thing I did miss a bit later was having school mates my own age around, that was hard for a while, I think that's when Andy and I developed our special relationship. Did you start your sexual relationship at that point I asked, don't really know when that started, somehow it was always there, we were always bathed together to save the water is spose, we slept in the same room, though with separate beds, bunk style. And who had the top bunk? Oh that was me, so that I could have a wank without Andy knowing, at first anyway.

He once found out that one of our previous teachers was taking Andy aside and getting him to do "things", what the teacher did not know was that Andy and I have a "special" relationship, he told me what was going on. Dad went through the roof when I told him, fired the guy on the spot, made sure he never got another teaching job too. Interesting, what would your Dad think of what we've been up to today? Well, he won't learn about it from either of us but probably not much as long as we haven't been hurt. We are both old enough now to make our own choices, he really is a good Dad in that way, we can and have asked his advice on many subjects including sex, he has always been upfront and given us good advice

Andy then returned and stood on the patio and shook his hips making his "snake" flop from side to side, Tony just looked over at me, smiled, then turned back to his brother and said, for God's sake, you are such a whore, keep that thing under control till after dinner, Andy looked a bit shocked at first, then noticed that we were both grinning, anyone for a swim he asked, you to go and have fun I said I'm whacked. Not too whacked to perform alter dinner I hope Andy said as he passed me towards the pool, I still want that cock of yours in my ass again at least once, at which point Tony pushed his brother into the pool, turned and said sorry Dave, this is what he is like at home, he never stops and jumped in after his brother.

It was a good thirty minutes later, I had dosed off again, when Mark came out onto the patio and announced that dinner would be on the table in five. The boys got out of the pool and started to dry each other off. Don't you two get carried away and start things off again, I said, I know what your like you little buggers, they both looked over and grinned.

We sat at the table and had a great meal, we learned a lot more of the family and both boys, after desert of strawberries and cream we sat in the lounge still chatting, I had gone back to clear the table and load the dishwasher.

When I returned to the lounge there was no one in sight, I did not have to look far, I found the three of them in our bedroom already with three hard cocks being looked after. You lot are like nothing I've ever known I said as I entered the room, Mark looked up at me smiling, saying it was not his fault, he was dragged in here by these two, under protest I replied which got the three of them laughing.

So where's our star performer I said looking at Andy who was sat in the middle of the bed with a cock in each hand, oh there you are, could not see you for all the cock around you, we all laughed again. So young man, you want to try the impossible, love to try at least he replied, and how would you like to try this great feat I asked.?

Well judging by the size of your cock Dave, that might take bit of practice, patience and stretching first but if Mark and Tony can fuck me at the same time first, to open me up a bit, I'll give you a good sucking, Dave, maybe if we can all last out and my ass can take it, I would just love to take you and Tony at the same time, you are both a lot thicker, sorry Mark, do you mind, no problem lad, I'll be quite happy just to watch the show, OK replied Andy, how does that sound guys? Fine by us, this is your show, you take the lead and well do as asked, hopefully to the enjoyment of all here. Then we all stood up at the same time to reveal, as you might expect, three rock hard cocks, I said, does this answer your question Andy, no, I'm going to start calling you Randy because that's what you are, a randy little bugger., he was grinning from ear to ear.

I went off and found the supplies and Andy laid in the middle of the bed on his back, his "snake" almost solid with anticipation.

Tony told Andy to move over a bit as he would need to be in the centre if it was going to work, he then laid on his back and told Andy to get astride him and to sit on his cock, facing him, it took Andy a couple of goes but he eventually got Tony's cock buried, he then laid forwards and laid on his brother's chest. OK Mark, your turn, can you see your target, yes, here I come kid, Mark got into position and got the head of his cock on target and started to push. He was absolutely rock solid, the hardest have ever seen him, I was guiding him into position, he gave another good push and Andy let out a yell, BLOODY HELL THAT HURTS, easy bro said Tony as he held off for a second. Don't think I can do this said Andy, yes you can Andy just relax, as we did before, relax. Before long Mark was in as far as he could get with Andy in the way. I moved around to let Andy get at my cock for the blow job as promised, which to be fair he could not give his best, he did try. The look on the kids face said it all, he was loving every inch, asking both guys to push as hard as they could.

This action went on for a while when suddenly Andy said, OK think I'm ready to try Dave and Tony now if you guys don't mind. We changed over with Mark on the bed so that he could watch this lads face as he took two quite large cocks it also meant that he got to massage the "snake" which was the hardest we had seen it.

Tony got his cock back into his brother's ass much easier the second time, I got into position saying here we go lad, let me know if you want me to stop. Mark guided my pulsating cock towards its target, this time I was ready for the tingle, God, what was it about his lad, once on target I pushed, gently at first but was having trouble getting beyond the entrance due to the size of Tony's cock already in residence. With a little expert support from Mark I was finally able to gain entry and very soon was sinking into a haven of delight, so warm and with the other occupant so tight, it was almost enough to take me to that special place again, all far too soon.

Andy gave a little squeal as I descended to the depths of his ass, God it was good, you OK Andy I asked, he did not get the chance to answer, Tony replied, he's loving it, I can tell from the expression on his face, yeh Dave thanks, go for gold, I'm ready, I think. With that I sank all the way in and pushed hard, another squeal but this time Andy was pushing back towards my pressure, he really was something special, before long both Andy and I were giving his little ass a good work out, both giving as long a stroke as we could without being pushed out by the other occupant, there is a special skill needed to make this act work, it was quite evident that Andy was in his element, he was writhing around, groaning like a thing possessed.

Mark had again gained access to the "snake" sandwiched between the two boys, he commented how hard it was, don't do much with that said Andy, I'm not far off but before Mark could let go he let rip and flooded Tony's chest with according to Mark, another seven good spurts of thick spunk.

The spasms caused by Andy coming was all it took to send both Tony and I over the edge and we both shot our loads, both deep into Andy's ass, then Mark stood up and shot all over Andy's back, another good spurt landed on my chin. We were all totally whacked and all collapsed on the bed, painting but smiling at each other.

Another shower, all of us taking turns to get the full attention of the others three, we all particularly enjoyed taking care of Andy's "snake" as there was enough of it for all of us to have a hand full at the same time. Inevitably this again led to four hard throbbing cocks, though mine was beginning to throb through over use, the glands were getting a little sore. No more actual sex ensued, I think we all had had enough, even "Randy" was looking a bit worn out, bless him.

We all returned to the lounge for another drink, each of us going off to the loos for a pee, Andy was the last to leave the wet room, by the time he got to the last loo, he came into the one I was using, sorry Dave, can I watch you have a pee? I span around and Andy came in closer, well, Mark and I are not into anything kinky but this lad was apparently just fascinated by my cock, he just stood there and held it while I took my much needed pee.

When I had finished he knelt down and gently took it into his mouth and just held it there, I still cannot quite understand it, I'm not particularly well hung, it's about 10 inch and I suppose quite thick but I've seen many much longer and thicker indeed Andy's is at least 11 inch, so why the fascination with mine? Made a mental not to quiz Tony later, after a couple of minutes, just long enough for me to start getting hard again, Andy pulled off and stood up, he stood in front of me, came in close and gave me a big strong hug, thanks Dave, todays been fantastic, thank you so much, no problem son, I think we have all had a day to remember, he smiled and we walked back to the lounge arms around each other.

Mark had gone to the kitchen for some more drinks, Tony was sitting on one of the big settees, he looked around as we entered the room both of us giggling like school boys. Oh my God, you too are not at it again are you? Dave your as much of a sex machine as my brother. Don't blame me for this one, pointing to my semi, this is his fault, totally un provoked. Yeh, sorry bro, he's right, I started it but he did not complain too much, we both laughed and sat down on the settee.

I sat one side of Tony and Andy the other, as I got comfortable Tony put his hand on my semi, gave it a gentle squeeze and then just held it. Don't think he can take much more I said, Tony replied, know what you mean, it's all his fault looking at Andy. Why is it always my fault, you brought me here replied Andy, yeh, are you complaining? No way bro, had such a great time, I can't help it if I'm staved of sex at home, Tony just looked at his brother and replied, yeh right, no more for you, ever, I interjected, now, now boys, neither of you mean that I'm sure.

Andy was, by now gently massaging my now stiff, sore cock, Mark walked in with a tray loaded with beers and some more snacks, you two still at it he said with a grin. Don't want to complain but he won't let it go, what can I do? Take full advantage of it while you've got it Dave, you will never get this sort of attention again. Andy was the first to respond, we will see you two again wont we? Tony then added, I hope so, I replied we'll have to see, we don't own this villa its only rented. Oh, that sucks said Tony, Andy then asked his brother a question that took both Mark and I by complete surprise, could these guys not come and stay with us at our villa, do you think Dad would mind. Wow bro, don't get too ambitious, things could get a bit complicated, nice thought though. Just what had we done to get these two lads so attached to us in such a short time, we were both, after all nearly old enough to be their father? I had to ask the question, Andy was the one to answer, no big deal really, you have both been so kind, gentle and generous to us, your such nice genuine people, at which point I just turned around and took Andy into my arms, I was crying, hey bro, my turn, with that I felt Tony wrap his strong arms around the pair of us and hold us in a big hug. Mark was watching from one of the arm chairs, he also had a tear in his eyes, Andy suddenly broke away and went over to Mark and knelt down and gave him a big hug as well.

We spent the rest of the evening chatting about all things, us, our life at home in England, work, travels, the boys sat enthralled. We had by now finished our beers and Andy was starting to look tired. You look fit for bed young man, he looked up at me and said, yeh might be a good idea. OK lads, how do you want to play this, we have two bedrooms if you want your own room, over my dead body replied Tony, you ok to share the big bed Andy, too right, would not have it any other way.

With that we all walked through to the bedroom, OK guys the only rule is that we have the outsides I said, no problems Dave and with that the two lads jumped in to the centre of the bed. As it happened Tony had taken Marks side which left me with Andy. It did not take Mark long to drift off, followed by Tony, I actually thought we had managed to wear the two of them out and that we would get a good night as Andy was gently snoring. I had to go to the loo again before bed, the next thing I knew I had Andy stood beside me again, sorry Dave, can I hold your cock again while you pee, be my quest. He just stood there with my soft cock in his hand as he directed the flow towards the pan it was an un conscious action somehow, I just reached down and took hold of the "snake" and also, just held it. When I had finished he just looked up at me, smiled and let go, and heading for the bedroom.

By the time I got to bed he was laying facing the edge with the duvet open for me, I climbed in and got settled, his arm came over my shoulder and he hugged my chest, gently kissing my back. I'm only human, a bit weird some might say but this had one result, an almost instant hard on. It was then that I became aware of something brushing my thigh, yep, it was that "snake" it was rising further and further up towards its obvious goal. Nothing was said, he hardly moved, just enough to reach under the pillow for the KY. He deftly managed to lube both himself and my ass before losing the tube and getting the head in place.

Very gently he started to push, he obviously had worked out that he did not have to worry about the size anymore as I had already taken it full length, before long he was deep into my ass, he left it in as far as he could and then just occasionally gave a little push, just enough to keep it hard, which it was, the hardest it had been all day.

To be continued.......

My usual suffix, sorry but this is important to me.

AIDS has taken all but a few of my circle of friends from my time on the gay scene, it is still a fact of life, it will KILL you eventually, even though they now have some very good meds which may prolong the inevitable.

Prevent the need,

ALWAYS PRACTICE SAFE SEX. USE A CONDOM. Enjoy sex without the hassle.


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