Holiday in Heaven

By moc.oohay@onegabmik

Published on Aug 20, 2017


Well guys and girls, I tried my luck out in the big world of publishing and now I'm back with Nifty, I should never have left.

The story continues, as always, any comments, good, bad or otherwise much appreciated

We left Mark, David, Tony and Andy in Bangkok Thailand having got Alice off the charge of drug smuggling and impending potential execution.

The meal over, Richard took control and got everyone back onto the coach, off to the show, we stayed behind having a last drink before making our way back to the apartment by car. Simon escorted us to the top floor and left us at the door. It was clothes off and out onto the patio, it was so hot and humid. More drinks followed and we all sat discussing what had been a very busy, hectic day, tailors, shoe shop and the meal. Andy had sat with me, Mark had Tony's arm around him as they talked. Andy was lying against my shoulder with a hand on my thigh; it was nothing sexual but incredibly sexy somehow. We finished our drinks and Mark said, well guys, we've got to be up early to see the troops off so I suggest we head off to bed. The "Snake" led the way, obviously hoping for some action, followed by Mark, I as next and Tony was trying to get a finger up my ass as we climbed the stairs to the bedroom.

We had possibly, one of the best sessions we had since the very early days back in the villa in Spain. Arms, mouths, hands, tongues, cocks and fingers exploring and penetrating all and every available orifice. An hour later we were all covered in spunk from one source or another, all totally exhausted and really ready for some sleep, two spoons, again I had the strong arm of Tony around my shoulder.

Here we have the continuing story although from my over active imagination, wishful thinking, perhaps both, it was originally inspired by a correspondent who told a story of some fun he had while on holiday.

Thanks "K" you know who you are, more ideas please, I have really enjoyed writing this one.

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Author's Note: This story is copyrighted by the author, and no part of it may be copied, linked to, downloaded, stored in any electronic device, or used in any way without the express written permission of the author. This is a work of fiction, places, events mentioned, may exist but are used in this story, it is just that and not real. They exist only in the mind of the author. Any resemblance to real persons, places or events is unintentional.

All names have been changed and any resemblance to anyone alive, deceased on in the houses of Parliament is purely co incidental. Places named have been used as we have had personal experiences of them, that does not mean they are involved in or have any specific connection with the gay community in anyway whatsoever.

Chapter Seventeen (Book Two)

Security compromised

Somehow the boys managed to get up without waking us, we awoke to the smell of two fresh coffees sat on our side stands, and we all sat and chatted about the previous evening. Both lads thanked us both for everything, Tony, in particular, was saying how grateful he was to have such an opportunity to travel so much. It was soon time to get into the shower, just the usual semi-hard cocks and gentle fondling; we had a plane to catch. We met Charles and Julian at breakfast and discussed the possibilities for our own return. They were both happy to wait for the Lear to be brought out for us; they then started planning a route. We were enjoying our second coffee of the morning when Simon came into the room and said to Mark that the car had arrived, OK Simon, thanks, be out shortly.

Charles said he and Julian would like to stay at the hotel, maybe go into town for the day so we all left and piled into another of the hotels stretched Rolls and were soon off to the airport. The driver managed to find the coach and was just able to park behind it; the crew was waiting on the sidewalk for the staff to offload their luggage. Richard was, as usual making things happen. Eventually, it all sorted itself out and we all made our way into the terminal building.

Being a private flight they did not have to check-in, we made our way to the customs and immigration desk. Once everyone had passed through they all congregated in a corner. Mark got their attention and wished them a good flight home and once again thanked them for all the hard work. We could not go airside so watched as they all filed away towards the aircraft. Mark turned to me and said, well, that's another job done and over with.

We waited till the plane pushed back and watched as it made its way to the runway. Back in the car, we discussed what to do next, Mark asked Simon if he minded if we went off to explore, his reply was a classic. You're the boss, sir, you say, I do, no problem, good man, Mark then suggested it was not really worth going back to the hotel as we were now out of central Bangkok. The boys were at a loss and said whatever you two can think up, I just mentioned the Kwai bridge, Mark got out his phone saying brilliant Dave, good thinking, we can do the museum and maybe the cemetery if the boys are interested.

His phone came to life, good morning, Meridian Appartments reception, how can we help? Good morning, Mark Pritchard here can I have a word with Concierge please, certainly sir, one second, please. Good morning Mr Pritchard, Sandy here, how can we help you this morning? Good morning Sandy, could you see if the Kwai steam train is running today? Certainly, can you hold? No problem, be with you shortly. Hello Mr. Pritchard, yes, yes sir, a train leaves Noi station to Kanchanburi where you can change to the steam train which will take you up to and over the bridge, it should be leaving at 12.00, thank you very much, Sandy, no problem sir, have a good day, thank you.

Driver, yes sir, can you go to Noi station, of course, sir, we were off on another adventure, the boys were open-eyed and expectant of some sort of explanation. Just at that moment Marks, phone rang, just as I had started to explain, he turned the speaker off so that I could continue.

I gave the boys a very brief history of the bridge and what to expect, Tony was very keen to see the steam engine. I warned them that if we do get to visit the museum it is very grim. Mark finished his call, that was Richard, what did he want I asked, he's just being Richard, oh why? Well, he's been doing some research, says he can get us a Lear direct from Bangkok without having to have ours flown out, says it will save thousands, I told him to set it up and keep us posted. That man is worth his weight in gold I replied.

Our driver announced that we were approaching the station, he managed to pull up right outside the main entrance, he got out and open the door for us, Mark thanked him and we made our way into the station. Fortunately for us, the Thais have put up signs in English so we were able to find the main ticket office without too much trouble, it was so busy, thousands of people both local and tourists milling around.

Tickets purchased we were off to find platform 8, we were only just in time and managed to get onboard just as the train pulled out of the station. Simon did not look too happy being in third class surrounded by locals rather than tourists. He asked Mark, can I ask why you booked third rather than first, sorry Simon, thought it might be a bit more fun, see life as it is, sorry if it gives you a problem, not really sir, just asking.

The boys were looking out of the window, we had managed to get a complete compartment to ourselves but they were open above seat back height so you still got the atmosphere of the whole carriage. It did not take long to get out of the built up cityscape and out into the countryside, paddy fields, little tin shacks and farmers going about their work, Andy commentated on having to work in this heat, it was midday, we had no AC, it was 38 degrees, the humidity must have been at least 90%.

It took an hour to get to Kanchanburi, we all got off the train and again, thankfully, the steam train was waiting for us on the adjacent platform. Tony immediately made his way to have a look at the loco closely followed by Andy and I, seems we are all steam fans, Mark and Simon followed less enthusiastically.

Tony was busy taking photos with his phone, Andy was asking him questions about the engine, we joined them just as the signal went off to get on board, there was a bit of a scramble but Simon again, managed to keep us all close and even a set of seats together, we let the lads have the window seats as we were on the right side of the carriage, (as the train follows the river our side would be looking over the river) The train suddenly left the jungle and we could see the river getting closer, we tracked closer and closer as the train slowed down to a crawl, I told the boys to lean out of the window to look down at the actual bridge. I heard Andy say "wow, that's scary, you can hear the bridge creaking".

We arrived at the bridge station and got swept off the train with the flow of tourists, the train was full to capacity We spent an hour walking around the area, the boys crossed the bridge on foot, taking the obligatory photos, both Mark, I and Simon found a seat on the station, we were all suffering from the heat it was now 44 degrees with the gauge on a station wall saying 98% humidity. When the boys returned we all headed off to the museum, as we walked in I again warned anyone who is squeamish better not go in as it's a bit horrific. Dues paid, we all entered into another world, some of the displays are really quite gruesome, to think that the Japs could do some of these things to another human being is almost beyond belief.

Our next stop was to visit the cemetery, a short bus ride away, it is where many of the British and allied soldiers who died building the bridge are buried. (The first time I visited, I was 19, I stood by the central memorial and openly wept, a middle-aged lady stopped and grasped my arm asking if I was alright? did I have anyone buried here? Thank you, no, I'm fine, its just such a waste of young lives, most of the guys there were under twenty.)

Mark had also been before, Simon and the boys were at first less than enthusiastic but as we began to walk between the immaculately maintained headstones they began to notice the ages of the deceased, nearly all below 20 yrs of age.

It was soon time to make our way back to the train for the return to Bangkok, again Simon was able to find us a set of seats together, I watched it, something to do with his size! Once we were moving Mark was on his phone to Concierge to arrange a car to collect us at the station. We spend the whole return trip within our own thoughts, a visit to this complex is a real thought provoker.

Sure enough, as we left the station concourse we were approached by our driver who took us to the car. It took him best part of an hour to cover the three miles back to the hotel due to the traffic but the AC in the car was sheer bliss. He pulled the car into the layby, got out, open the doors and bade us a good evening as we left for the foyer. We made straight for the elevator as the one thing on all or minds was to be able to strip off and have a nice cool shower, not to mention a drink with ice.

We left Simon at the door, said see you later for dinner, shut the door, Andy was naked before he got to the patio, Tony at least waited till he got out there, Mark and I went straight up to the bedroom and then the shower, oh, it was good. It was not long till we were joined by the boys, there was no hankie pankie, just four guys enjoying the rush of cool water. Shower over we all dried off and made our way back down to the patio for drinks, Tony and Andy went to the kitchen and brought us our drinks of choice.

The conversation revolved around the museum and cemetery, it obviously had a dramatic effect on them both. Marks phone broke the atmosphere, hi Richard, how are you doing? OK, thanks, we are just off to bed, thought I'd fill you in on your return trip, thanks, Rich, what have you managed to do for us? Well, there is nothing for charter till Monday, sorry guys, another day in paradise, we all laughed. You will need to be at the airport for 11-00 to meet your plane, sorry but it's not the same as ours but it will get you home. You will have to refuel, I have checked and you could get to Ataturk airport in Istanbul, I have taken the liberty of booking you a penthouse suite at Raffles for two nights, to give the boys a chance to see the area. Then return directly to Farnborough, I've set up all the transfers including a car back to the house. We all sat there looking at Mark, I've never seen it before, he was speechless. Are you still there Mr Mark?

Yes dear boy, just stunned, sounds as though you have really earned your pay rise, well done, it sounds perfect, many thanks from all of us, we all yelled here, here, no problem, glad to be of service, you have a good night, will do sir, thanks, bye.

Well that's a new one I said to Mark, he looked puzzled, you speechless, he grinned, that man is good, very, said Tony, I'd love to know how he does it, yeh said Andy, sort of job I think I could be quite good at, Mark and I looked at each other and smiled. Tony spotted us and said don't be fooled guys, ah shut up bro you always run me down.Now now, what's all this I asked, Andy looked at me with tears in his eyes, sorry Dave, he is always running me down, Tony, I said looking straight at him, sorry bro, don't really mean it, sorry guys, I love him to bits really, he came over, sat beside his brother and gave him a big hug.

We had an hour to lose, Mark set his alarm and we all dozed off. The next thing we heard was Mark shouting "who the hell are you? What the hell's going on here", we all woke to find four guys, dressed from head to toe in black, all with black face masks, all carrying an assortment of weapons.One guy, obviously, their leader stepped forward and said in broken English, just stay quiet, do as you're told and no one will get hurt. Mark started to ask but the leader hit him over the head saying shut up, no one speak.

Little did anyone on the patio realise what that first outbreak of Marks had already set in motion, Simon, who was based in the security office in the basement of the hotel had heard it and realised that something serious was going on. From the start of this operation, he had made contact with both the local Police and the regional Special Forces team. Within minutes, the police had a cordon cutting off a block around the hotel, the chief of the Special Forces was in the office discussing the situation with Simon.

So what do we have here the Special Forces officer asked Simon, well, to date no demands, my take on it is it's a ransom, probably connected to a drug case we have been involved with. OK, and who is the target, my boss Mr Mark Pritchard and who is your boss, I've never heard of him, chairman of the Initiative International Help Corporation. Simon added he won't pay, do you know that for a fact asked the officer, yes, without a doubt, there's just one snag, he's not on his own. Oh, shit replied the officer, who's up there with him then.

His partner and co-director Mr David Walters and two young friends, Tony and Andy, I don't know their surnames, bloody hell replied the officer. That's going to complicate things, could do. What I don't understand is how the hell they got in said Simon, it's a two story penthouse on top of a twenty story detached building with a dedicated, security controlled lift, fully sealed glass around the perimeter, there are no windows and no roof access. How did you learn of the problem? asked the Police Chief, when we arrived I just had a bad feeling and installed a sound system throughout the apartment, I told Mr Prtichard that it would be monitored 24/7 by my security team who have now all gone home back to the UK.

The Police Chiefs phone rang, yes, good, can you patch it through to the hotel, thank you. Gentlemen, I've just been told we have visual from an adjacent building, the pictures are coming through now. We all watched the screen, then up it came, we could see all four bad guys and Dave, Mark and the boys. OK bring me up to speed here, who's who asked the Special Forces guy, well, replied Simon as he pointed to the good guys giving them each their name. At that point, there was a knock at the door, in came another officer who was specially trained as a negotiator.

The Special Forces officer stood up and said, right guys, let's get this show on the road, can you get a call through to the apartment? Here you are, sir, said the hotel security guy as he passed the phone to the negotiator who began a basic conversation with the leader of the gang. In the meantime Simon was on the phone to Charles, he told him what had happened and told them to stay in their room with the door locked and the chain on and not open the door to anyone accept him.

Simon came back to the main control room in time to hear the ransom figure, they wanted 20,000,000 Tbht, then we all heard in a load crisp voice DNN followed by a sharp crack, we learned from our visual observer that Mark had been hit across the head again and was now laying on the lounger. What was that asked the Special Forces guy, Simon replied, my guess, as I suspected Do Not Negotiate. He asked for the tape to be rewound and played again, it was crystal clear DNN. The negotiator was starting the classic stall protocol, in the meantime, the head of the hotel security team, the head of housekeeping, the Police Chief and Simon were having a conversation in a side room. Simon asked housekeeping who had serviced the apartment that day, he was still trying to find out how the hell they got into such a supposed secure area. He replied I did it myself, I always do when we have such high profile customers in that apartment, bugger replied Simon, anyone any ideas?

Just one said the Police Chief, let me make a call, he left the room. Simon checked with hotel security, the service lift is secure right, yes sir, the code is changed every day and is only given to top personnel. OK, so who would have known the code for today, let's have a look at the log, he took a log book off a shelf in the main office, the log showed just one signature, that of the housekeeping guy, Simon questioned the lone signature, well sir as it was the guests last night with us there was no need for anyone else to have it, damm it, another blank said Simon. The Police Chief returned saying he had just set up a fly-by of one of his choppers, I have instructed them to stay far enough away as not to be seen but to check the perimeter for any damage, good thinking said Simon, how long before we here from them? Should be minutes, we will have visual from here, good man. The chief then asked hotel security, I suppose there are only two ways into that apartment, the front door, and the service elevator and that the front door is a secure fire door, correct sir, thank you. There was then someone talking over the radio, sadly in Thai so Simon could not understand it, he waited for a translation.Just then the screen flashed to a view of the outside of the apartment.

All present looked at the screen, Simon said thank God, at last, an entry point, my next question for hotel security what the hell happened to your sophisticated alarm system? The poor head of security could not answer, it was quite obvious Simon was not impressed, he made it quite clear that heads would roll after this is all over. The Special Forces guy said OK time to formulate a plan, what do have in mind asked Simon, well sir, we do have another problem, good God, what now asked Simon. The Police chopper must have been close enough to spook the bad guys, our visual says one has left the patio, my guess is to watch the entry point, bloody hell said Simon, what now guys, we need to get this sorted quickly. Just then, another guy entered the room, ah, gentleman, can I introduce my second in Command, Major Anton, hi replied Simon, what can you bring to the party? Well, gentleman, I specialise in siege situations, hopefully, we can settle this matter without it taking too long and with minimal damage, minimal damage, questioned Simon, sorry, who are you? The head of the hotel security stepped in and explained that Simon was, in fact, the customer in this situation. Sorry sir, I mean minimal damage to property and of course safe extradition of those involved. Turning back to the security guy, is the air conditioning to the apartment separate from the rest of the hotel? yes, sir, it can be completely isolated if necessary.

OK, good news, turning to the Police Cheif he asked if he had anyone who knew Morse code, the Police Cheif looked a bit puzzled by the request, not as far as I know but I will find out thank you. Now, Simon, do you know if any of your party know anything of Morse code? Sorry no, what did you have in mind? Well, it would be nice to be able to communicate directly with your party somehow, this seems the only way, let me explain my thinking, If we can get a powerful torch at our external visual point with someone who can send Morse and one of your party can read it, get them all inside the apartment with the patio doors closed. Isolate the AC and pump in a powerful, quick acting sleeping agent, hopefully, problem solved. Good idea replied Simon, if it works, do you have a backup if anything goes wrong? At that point a police officer entered the room and spoke to the Chief, thank you he replied, turning to the head of hotel security he announced he now had a guy at the visual station with a torch awaiting instructions, good news, thank you, OK it's up to you guys now, looking at the S F chief

The Special Forces officer, said, some more good news, I have just been informed we have already formulated a route, two teams, one is already assembled on the 18th, the apartment is empty, we use ropes up to the 20th on the south side of the building which is shielded completely from the penthouse. The other will be outside the front door with a steel cutting plastic charge to shoot the bolt, Once all is in position, from the roof we can either gas or stun the area and go in the same way they did, while simultaneously going through the front door, not ideal but an alternative.

Sounds as good as we are going to get with this one, how quickly can you give the go ahead asked Simon? My guys are on the 18th now waiting for the go and I have a team in reception waiting as well, we are now dependent on getting in direct touch with your guys, shall we give it a try. Simon suggested maybe Tony might be the best as he seemed to be into lots of technical things, OK said the Police Cheif, what do we send, God, I hope this works replied Simon. Start with his name, just keep sending and see if we get any response, tell your guys to concentrate on him, just a thought, they do know who is who, yes replied the chief, OK go for it, TONY Just keep sending that and hope we get something.

Just as everyone was about to give up the observers noticed Andy suddenly start looking around. STOP sending. New message ANDY IF YOU CAN READ THIS BLINK TWICE. We're in luck guys he has blinked twice, well done Andy. Ok, send SOMEHOW GET EVERYONE INSIDE WITH DOORS CLOSED. Ok, he's blinked twice, now we watch to see if he can do it. We have more luck it seems, they are all moving into the apartment, Tony is helping Dave to carry Mark through, great was the response in the control room, can you see if the doors are closed? Yes they are and Andy has sat in clear line of sight, good lad said Simon. OK, guys, the show is all yours now he said to the SF chief. Right, can we isolate the AC I'll get the gas we use, can you come with me and show my guys where your equipment is, no problem sir follow me, they left the room. Simon then suggested they send one more message to Andy, Ok HOLD IN THERE WE ARE ON THE CASE KEEP STUM This lad is good, we have two blinks, good lad, now we wait for the fireworks. Simon caught the attention of the negotiator who was in a side room, keep them talking, we may need some sort of diversion later, see what you can think of, OK sir.

Simon suddenly said better let Andy know what might happen, can you send this? ANDY. WILL FEEL SLEEPY SOON, LET IT FLOW. Anything asked Simon, yes, he looks a bit worried but he blinked twice, Ok it's down to the experts now, let's see what happens. The SF Chief came back into the control room and started giving orders over his radio. Ok, Simon he said, we will have my two teams in a position very soon, I have a man in the equipment room to turn on the gas, the apartment has been isolated so its all in place. How quickly will your gas take to take effect asked the police Chief, the SF Chief replied, well, it's quite a large apartment, it has never been used in this type of situation before but once we achieve 10000 parts per million we should have everyone unconscious within seconds.

Then came the message we were all waiting for, both teams in position, charge in place and ready to go, Ok Simon here we go, it's your call replied Simon, good luck to all, please God this works. Can we get the observers to keep a close watch and keep us fully in the picture, done said the head of security? Ranji said the SF chief, open the valve full power Ok sir, done. Here we go guys, outside teams standby gas going in now be ready to go in fast if necessary, Ok understood came back.

We then got a message from the observers, Andy has just raised both hands up to one side of his face, some kind of signal? Yes replied Simon he just let us know he is feeling sleepy, keep your eyes peeled guys this is the critical period. We have three, no all four bad guys on the ground, GO GO GO we heard the explosion in the basement. In, confirm all four bad guys down all secure repeat ALL SECURE.

There was jubilation in the control room, thank God for that said Simon, job well-done guys thank you all for your help, now for the cleanup. Do we have medical assistance here? Yes, two ambulances waiting outside, good, we need to get the good guys down and checked out, I'll deal with that said the hotel security guy, thanks replied Simon. Guys your guys can deal with the bad guys, Oh yes with pleasure replied the SF Chief, we'll get them down and off to jail no problem.

A phone rang, a call for Mr Simon, yes I'm here, its concierge, Ok I'll take it, hello, yes, Ok thank you very much, could you get some porters to collect their belongings and get them to the new apartment, thank you. The SF Chief looked on quizzically, only the hotel, letting me know that they have relocated the good guys to the 18th. How long before your gas will clear, oh that's already gone its quick acting and quick to disperse, sounds good stuff, well, I did not say before but it's the first time we have used it under war type conditions, thanks for not saying earlier replied Simon.

Hello Charles, Simon, what's happened asked? Charles, we heard and felt a loud bang, it's Ok they are all Ok I'll be up to see you in a second, just a few things to sort down here first, will fill you in later, thanks, Simon, we were so worried, me too, see you soon, Ok bye.

Simon made his way up to reception just in time to see David, Tony and Andy come out of the lift, they met and fell into a group hug, they stayed in contact until the stretcher came out of the elevator with Mark on with his head in a bandage. They all crowded around it, Mark was conscious he looked a bit puzzled and dazed. Will he be alright? Dave asked one of the doctors, sorry sir who are you? I'm his partner Dave Walters, sorry sir we have to ask, he's going to be fine, just a bump on his head, we'll take him out to the ambulance just to make sure but he should be walking very soon. They all watched as he was wheeled out to the ambulance, are you guys Ok asked Simon, Dave replied thanks to you it seems, it all happened so quickly. Simon then asked Andy, where did you learn morse code, the others looked puzzled. Simon explained how they had been able to communicate with Andy via morse code from an adjoining building. Wow said Tony, we had no idea, he went over and gave his brother a big hug. Simon, are Charles and Julian Ok asked Dave, yes they are both Ok, they were not involved at all, we should all go up and let then know you are all Ok, they all made their way up to the the12th floor.

Simon knocked on the door and declared who it was, we all heard the chain being lifted, then the door opened, we all filed in and hugged each other. Simon broke away saying he was going back down to see how Mark was, see you all shortly.

By the time he got back to reception Mark was being helped into a chair by the elevator, Ok guys he said to the doctors I can take him from here and helped Mark into the elevator and took him up the meet the others. Everyone stood as Mark and Simon entered the apartment, they helped Mark to a settee where they all started to talk about what had happened. Twice, Mark thanked Simon for having the forethought to install the sound system, just doing my job replied Simon.

Just to let you know guys know, the hotel has moved all your gear down to the apartment on the 18th as they cannot get the door fixed till the morning. I have to go back down to the office to settle a few things, did you still want to eat guys? We all looked at each other, the boys said they were hungry, I was as well, Mark said Ok I'll come as well but might not eat much, bit of a shock to the system. Can you see what the hotel can do, don't want to go too far, will do sir, leave it with me, see you shortly, he left, Tony noticed the armed police officer outside as Simon closed the door.

By the time Simon got back to the security office the others were packing up and ready to leave, he said goodbye to both the SF officer and the Police chief thanking them both for all their help saying a good job guys. He thanked the Police chief for leaving a guard, he replied that there would be three on site till we all left the next morning, one in reception, the one outside the apartment and one based on the roof, just in case. Did you learn anything about the bad guys asked Simon, yes, they are part of the gang who were involved in your drug case as you suspected, they will be inside for several years now, thank you again, after they had left he made his way to reception

Good evening sir what can we do for you? Can the restaurant seat seven for tonight? Would that be the group involved in the incident earlier? Yes, let me make a quick call. Yes, of course, we have reopened the kitchen for you, take your time, you will have the restaurant to yourselves, thank you, could you ring the 12th and let them know, no problem sir, will do it now, thank you, Simon made his way outside for some fresh air and a walk.

We all met up in the restaurant and had a nice simple meal discussing the events of the day, even Mark managed a full meal in the end. The boys were still a bit subdued, Tony said he had never been so scared in his life but kept on praising Andy's role in the whole saga, not to forget Simons thoughts to install the extra security. We had run through the whole thing for the benefit of Charles and Julian who said they were grateful not to have been directly involved. Charles asked if we were still fit to leave in the morning? We all looked at Mark, yes, of course, said, Mark, unless anyone wants to stay, we all said we would like to head home. Ok then, can I suggest its time for bed, we need to be up fairly early to get to the airport by 11. Mark thanked the staff for staying open for us and we made our way back to our apartments. Simon said he would be staying in the control room for the night and reminded us to put the chain on the door, will do replied Tony, good night and thanks, again, no problem, have a good night, see you all in the morning.

We left Charles and Julian on the12th and continued to the 18th, said good night to our policeman, shut and locked the door.

After such a hectic day we decided to make use of both rooms, wished each other a good night, both Mark and I went off as soon as our heads hit our pillows, fortunately, Mark remembered to set his alarm.

To be continued.............

My usual suffix, sorry but this is important to me.

AIDS has taken all but a few of my circle of friends from my time on the gay scene, it is still a fact of life, it will KILL you eventually, even though they now have some very good meds which may prolong the inevitable.

Prevent the need,

ALWAYS PRACTICE SAFE SEX. USE A CONDOM. Enjoy sex without the hassle.


Thanks Guys and Girls.

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Next: Chapter 18

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