Holiday in Heaven

By moc.oohay@onegabmik

Published on Dec 6, 2016


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Author's Note: This story is copyrighted by the author, and no part of it may be copied, linked to, downloaded, stored in any electronic device, or used in any way without the express written permission of the author. This is a work of pure fiction, places, events mentioned, may exist but are used in this story, it is just that and not real. They exist only in the mind of the author. Any resemblance to real persons, places or events is unintentional. All names but mine have been changed and any resemblance to anyone alive, deceased on in the houses of Parliament is purely co incidental. Places named have been used as we have had personal experiences of them, that does not mean they are involved in or have any specific connection with the gay community in anyway whatsoever.

Holiday in Heaven

Chapter 16 Book Two

Leading up to the trial of Alice.

This may be the last episode for Nifty, I have decided to try my hand at eBooks', but had to finish this story for you first. The full version of book one will be available as an eBook shortly with book two to follow. If it does not work I'll come back, thanks to you all for your support since this story started. I hope some of you will follow me to eBooks.

We left Chapter 15

The shower very soon produced four stiff cocks which were all too soon put to good use once we all eventually made it to bed. After the usual four way antics, we finished exhausted as so often, must be the humidity here in Bangkok, we fell asleep in two spoons, I just love Tony's strong arm around my chest and Mark was snuggled in close and personal with Andy

Mark had set his alarm for 06:30, he had to be in the "office" before 8, when the rest of us came to it was 7:30, Tony was the first awake, he reached around and found my semi, which he started playing with. I was wide awake within seconds and enjoying the attention. My groans must have woken Andy as it was not long before he had come around the bed and put his head under the duvet, found my now very hard cock and sank it into his mouth to the hilt.

As he did so he had to move Tony's hands, which provoked the comment, oi, I got that first, Andy came up for air and replied, OK bro there enough here for the both of us. It was not long before I was fucking Andy while sucking Tony. We then switched around and I got a good seeing to from Tony until Andy's "snake" shot all over the pair of us, that was enough to drive Tony over the edge and I came all over the sheet.

A shared shower followed, which did produce three more stiff cocks but nothing else happened, we dressed and went down to the restaurant for breakfast. We sat next to Alan and Fiona. During conversation, it became quite clear that they were worried, we did our best to assure them that Mark will not let go easily and just to keep everything crossed. We learned that as arranged Steve had gone to the "office" with Alice to give her some moral support. I started to make some plans for our trip to the Grand Palace, the boys were very keen but I could sense that Fiona was not so keen. I suggested that, there was nothing she or Alan could do for Alice and that the trip might be a welcome distraction.

Mark walked into the "office" to greetings from all there, Richard called him over to the table to talk with the Barrister, they discussed what progress had been made to date. They decided it was time to talk with Alice and Mark, Richard, the Barrister, Steve and a legal secretary disappeared in what had been assigned as Marks office. The office had one desk with a PC and phone and in one corner was a small conference table with six chairs, right Ladies and Gentleman please sit and make yourselves as comfortable as possible. Before we start would anyone like anything, tea, coffee, water, this might be a long session, we have a lot of ground to cover. Once the drinks had been sorted Mark asked Alice the $500000 question, in your own words, tell us in as much detail as you can, just what happed.

Alice held onto Steve's hand as she started her tail. It was on the flight out from London, the plane was almost full, a young girl sat next to me and we soon got talking. The Barrister interrupted her, sorry Alice, do we have a name, sorry Ann. Carry on, we were talking girl stuff, boyfriend's life style, home life, all the usual stuff, sorry Alice interrupted the barrister again, was there ever any mention of drugs, think carefully, it might be important. No, nothing so serious, it was all small talk. This continued for the whole flight, we chatted through our meals and I thought we had become good friends.

Mark asked if Alice could describe this girl, Alice sat and thought for a moment, well, she was about my height, maybe a little heavier, brunette, shoulder length, I was struck by her eyes, they were bright green, I thought at the time very unusual. Brilliant Alice that is a very good description, well done, Alice smiled sheepishly. Richard asked to be excused and he went to use the phone on the desk. Mark asked Alice if she could remember anything else.

By this time Richard had returned to the table, he glanced across at Mark and smiled, Mark asked if the arresting officer said what had been found and where, no, she replied The barrister was frantically taking notes, can you be certain that no one mentioned anything about your makeup bag, no, certain replied Alice, it was not until I had a meeting with Nigel that they told me why I had been arrested in the first place, fantastic said the barrister. Anything else you can remember? any little thing might be significant, Alice sat still holding on to Steve's hand, she looked at him then replied. Not much else happened during the rest of the flight, we both fell asleep for a good part of it. We landed and disembarked and made our way to baggage claim.

They advised a delay for our bags, I found a seat quickly but she said she was going off to duty free to pass a little time. She returned just as our bags began to come up onto the carrousel, we sat talking. I opened my handbag and got out my lipstick to touch up, she commented did I not have a makeup bag. No I replied as I don't use much, I keep it lose in my handbag. Alice continued, she went into her hand bag and pulled out a nice looking make up bag and offered it to me saying she had brought a new one in duty-free which she showed me, it was crammed with all sorts of things. I asked if she was sure as it was such a nice little bag. Alice, did you accept the new bag, asked Mark, yes, it was so pretty, I put what I had in it while sitting there, just a mirror, powder puff, lipstick and eye liner, why? Mark said can you describe the bag she gave you? Gosh, about six inches long, four wide with a lovely floral pattern on both sides, he continued, was it padded, yes, most good quality makeup bags are why she replied. The three of them, Mark, Richard and the barrister said BINGO in unison, what do you mean asked Steve, the first time he had spoken That's the switch replied Mark, you did say the bag was padded, yes replied Alice, that's it, the drugs were inside the padding. Mark looked across the table at Richard, where there any notes in the paperwork saying what was found, yes sir, 250 grams of class A heroin, worth £2700-£3000. Can you cross check to see if they noted where the drug was found, on it now sir and he left the room.

Ok people, progress, time for a well eared break Mark said, could we get in some refreshments please to the secretary, of course sir and she also left the room.

We all met in the lobby of the hotel, I had to send Alan back to put on a long sleeved shirt, in this heat he protested, I replied, you won't be allowed into at least one of the Temple in a short sleeved shirt, sorry but they are very strict with the dress code, he returned with a plain white shirt. Simon had decided that he would be our escort for the trip to the Palace, the comms system our IT people had kitted the security team out with was top notch top of the market gear, he felt confident he could keep in touch with the rest of his crew and get the chance to see the Palace at the same time. We were picked up from the hotel in a stretched Rolls Royce, white with a green coach line and white leather interior it was one of the hotels own cars.

Now that we were out in the hustle and bustle of the Bangkok traffic both Alan and Fiona were getting a bit more interested in what was going on. Alan asked how on earth do they drive here, its madness, Fiona was fascinated and scared stiff by the whole families on one Honda 50 moped. Dad driving, one little one in the handlebar basket, Mum on the back, side saddle with another little on her lap and sometimes another one on the rack at the back.

It took our driver an hour to reach the entrance to the Grand Palace, they have a special vehicle entrance for VIPs, being in one of the most prestigious Hotels of Bangkok's own cars we qualified without question, great because we were able to avoid the que which was already outside the main gate at 11:00 in the morning.

Once we were inside the main compound Simon called us all together, Ladies and Gentleman, sorry but I must remind you that we must stay in a tight group, I cannot protect you if you stray too far apart. Mr. David, yes Simon, you have been before, any hints, tips for us before we get involved in the maelstrom.

Well, keep your eyes open, look up, there are some fantastic roofs to see, when we go to see the Golden Buddha remember to remove your shoes before going in, once in do not at any time point your feet directly towards the Buddha and absolutely no photos inside. I'll answer the question now, everything you see this morning that looks like Gold is Gold, maybe not solid but at the least Gold leaf. Wow said Andy, how do they pay for it must cost a fortune? It does Andy, every seven years they have a restoration program financed by local Thai people, really, said Tony, that's amazing.

Mr. David, yes Simon, as you have been before can you lead and I'll stay close at the back of the group, certainly Simon and we started towards the Grand Palace.

The secretary came back with a trolley loaded with flasks of tea and coffee with a stack of plates, there were sandwiches, samosas and other Thai favorites. Tuck in people while we can said Mark as he went to sit behind his desk. Richard returned with a pleased look on his face, yes Mr. Mark, they noted a patterned vanity bag had been found which contained the drugs in question, well done Richard, now where getting somewhere. Can you get all the CCTV footage from the day, general views, the carousel, Passport control would be a good start, anything you think might be useful. Already in hand sir, I anticipated this, it should be with us shortly, good man Richard. Steve asked, how will that help we don't know what this girl looks like except for Alice's description. Well lad replied Mark as he stood up, do you see the bank of monitors along the wall, yes replied Steve. When we have the tapes, we are all going to scan every inch for this girl, we will find her, she will be on the system somewhere. The airport has more CCTV coverage than Heathrow due to the Government's crackdown on the drug trade, I've been told that even the common areas of the toiles are covered, there is nowhere to hide here.

Almost as Mark finished there was a knock on the door and a guy came in pushing another trolley, this one laden down with boxes of tapes, thank you very much young man said Richard as he took the trolley over towards the bank of players at the far end of the table, the guy turned and left, everyone made their way to a monitor and sat down.

Mark sat at one and said now the fun starts, we must find her, she will be here, it's just going to be a case of keeping a sharp eye, it may just be a fleeting shot so try and stay focused guys, good luck. It took Richard and one of the IT guys a couple of minutes to set it all up and we were off, good hunting people called out Mark as he pushed play.

Looking at the front facade of the Royal Reception Halls inside the Grand Palace should be one of the wonders of the world, the proportions, the colours, the roof, it is all just spectacular. I told the group the lamp standards in front of the palace were given to the Thais by Queen Victoria, they had been on the Embankment in London, she had them shipped over and installed as a gift to the Thai people, Tony said, you're a fountain of knowledge aren't you Dave, not really Tony I replied, I've just had the good fortune to have traveled with people who now these things.

Our next stop was the central kitchen, a fully equipped kitchen with stoves and boiling pots it is said it is catering for the needs of the Gods. On to the Temple of the Emerald Buddha, as we approached we could see guys being either offered tops to cover up with or being declined entry. Once inside Andy said, is that all really, real gold leaf, its huge, every square inch I replied. As we all stood in orr at the sight of this huge Buddha, it must be twenty-five feet high, maybe more we heard a scuffle off to one side. An American visitor had taken a photo of the Buddha despite all the signs saying it was not allowed. He was pounced on by security who demanded he deleted the photo, he was protesting and saying no why should he, the next thing the guards ripped the camera from him, took out the memory card and broke it in two.

Wow said Tony quietly, can they do that, oh yes, I replied it happens several times a day, God that's scary, well you have been warned, spose so but when you actually see it, yep, makes you think, it pays to check before you take a picture indoors and it was off to the next stop.

Marks office was stony silent as everyone stayed focused on their monitor, suddenly Steve yelled THERE, we all pushed our pause buttons and went to have a look. It was her, she was going into the ladies, Great work Steve said Richard, now we have our first-time reference point. He dashed outside and called in one of the IT guys, OK she is here he started to explain, can you work out from this what time references we should be looking at, yeh, give me a couple of minutes he replied, he sat down and started going over the tape again and again. Ok he said, this was shot at 09:54:21, she's going into the ladies so you can all go forward to that point in time, thanks lad said Richard. Ok people, fast forward till you get to 09:54:21 and continue, now that we have her we should be able to progressively track her movements through the airport.

It was not long before everyone started saying they had her on screen, we had coming out of the loo, walking back to the carousel, the all-important actual hand over of the vanity bag. Shortly after we had her waiting in the queue for immigration control and then in the queue for a customs check. Steve found her outside the airport waiting for Alice to arrive then getting into a cab, he even zoomed in and got the cab registration number. Richard was running between the screens taking details of the times, the IT guys were taking copies of the coverage.

Mark came out of his office, called Richard over and asked, how are we doing, very well Mark, we've got her from the loo right through to getting into a cab, Steve even got the registration number of the cab. Mark called out to the room, well done guys, looks as though we are getting somewhere. Richard turned back to Mark and said he was getting onto the Embassy to see it they can get in further information from the UK passport records office, name address, can they do that asked Mark, yes, these days it's all electronic thank God, should not be long before we have all the info we need. I'll get that in motion now and well see where the trail leads, he spoke to the room saying, thanks guys, take a break, you've all earned it, I'll get some lunch brought it for you a bit latter, thanks to you all, great work, Mark repeated the comment, from me, well done guys, thank you.

After a visit to the reclining Buddha we were all "palaced out", we decided to pick up a prepacked lunch package from a local trader and sat in the garden and enjoyed the atmosphere. Alan & Fiona came over to me and asked if they could go back to the hotel, they apologized for cutting the trip short but we all said we had seen all there was to see and it would be nice to get back for a rest. We all found our way back to the car and were whisked back to the hotel in record time, as luck would have it we just missed the afternoon rush hour. as the car pulled into the hotel layby a doorman came out to open the door and we were escorted into the foyer where we went our separate ways. I know I was glad to get back, as for the boys, even they were looking a little worse for wear. Simon escorted us to the apartment, he left us at the door and waited till it was looked behind us. We all went straight out onto the patio and collapsed on the loungers, after about a quarter of an hour Tony asked if anyone wanted a drink, we all settled for a beer which he brought out for us. We spent an hour talking over the morning visit and all the wonderful sights we had seen.

Mark was sitting at his desk reviewing all the footage we had traced when Richard approached, hi Richard what do you have for me, very good news Mark, we have a name and an address, great news, what's next, well, I've been onto a pal in the Foreign Office, told him the story. He has been onto the Police Commissioner, armed him with the story, we have send copies of the videos to back up our side of events. He in turn has also briefed the Foreign Office who are looking at getting an extradition warrant to return this woman to Thailand so she can stand trial in place of Alice. Fantastic news Richard, maybe all the hard work will pay off after all, let's hope so he replied. Just one thing we still have to establish, that she has in fact gone home, I've got the guys in immigration going through their files to see if she has left Thai soil, we may have to go through some more footage, see if we can find her leaving, their working on it now.

Just then a young lad came into the office pushing another trolley with some more tapes piled high. he asked for Mr. Thomlinson, Richard went over to him and thanked him for the films, he smiled and left. Right guys, sorry but we are off again, same system, this time we are looking for her leaving Thailand, let's hope if she has left that she left from here otherwise it will be a waste of time. We have a lot of data to check as we do not know when, if at all she has left. Everyone went back to their screens and began the job of looking for a needle in a hugh hay stack. I called to Richard, he came over, yes boss. What do you think our chances are? He replied 50/50, if she left from Suvarnabhumi we have a better chance but if she traveled up country and left via Mae Fah Luang which is in Chiang Rai province we will have to rely on the British immigration records. Could that be a problem, maybe not as long as she flies to Heathrow, they have just upgraded their video surveillance system. It all depends how cleaver she is at covering her tracks, she could fly to say Paris then entre the UK through Gatwick for example and we are up the river without a paddle. OK Richard, thanks, let's just hope she plays into our hands.

It was a good hour, people had just restarted after another coffee break when Alice suddenly yelled "she's here", we all ran over to Alice's screen, she rewound, then played, yes it was defiantly our lady getting out of a cab. Well done Alice I said, Richard and the IT guy took the data from the frame, Richard then called out for everyone else to reset for 09:00 and gave the date.

Richard then said, OK guys, go for it, that's find this person, everyone were heads down, it was not long before we had a trail from the cab rank through immigration all the way to departure gate, we knew the flight number which Richard immediately rang through to his mate in London, after his call he came in to tell me that his mate was going to check the immigration records and let us know, great work guys I said to the group, time to go back to the hotel, we can't do any more know, thanks to you all, we'll meet up later.

Everyone looked drained as they left the office, Richard and I stayed to review the footage we had located. Richard mentioned that at some point we would have to inform Mr. Chaprasit that we have made some progress, we agreed that was one of the first job for the morning.

It must have been the heat and humidity, all three of us had passed out on separate loungers, we were woken by Mark coming out onto the patio saying, what's all this then, sleeping on the job? As we all came back to consciousness he added, it's all right for some, some of us have been working all day.

Tony broke the slightly awkward moment by asking Mark if he would like a stiff scotch, he replied quickly, wondered what was on offer there for a moment, Andy quickly joined in, you can have the other stiffie as well if you like, looking at Mark smiling, Mark sat down as Tony went for his drink.

How are you getting on I asked? very well I think, we have got some very compelling video evidence and established that she has gone home. Tony returned with Marks scotch and three beers. Did I hear you say you have evidence she has returned home Mark as he sat down? Yes, lad, Richard has been in contact with an old friend in the home office who are working on getting her back to Thailand, wow, that's good news. How is Alice taking it, she's fine, it was her who spotted her twice on the videos we had to check. How are you I asked, to be honest, knackered, I'm sure, are you up for a bit more sightseeing this evening? I'll be OK once I've had a shower and some food, what did you have in mind?

Thought Pap Pong market might be fun for the boys, the boys or you, you're a dirty old man Dave, who me I replied? Both the lads were looking at us both with dropped jaws. It was Andy who asked first, Pap Pong market, wont it be closed by the time we have eaten? No Andy, it won't have even started, more quizzical looks from them.

Mark stood up and said he was going for a shower, I'll let you explain, he said to me as he passed me smiling. Andy asked, is Mark OK Dave? yes he's just tired, he has had a very long busy day, he'll be OK after his shower, why don't you go and offer to wash his back for him? Do you think he's in the mood he replied? go and find out I said smiling, Andy left and followed Mark.

Tony came over and sat on my lounger, what's so special about this market, never been too keen on shopping? This is no ordinary market I replied, yes you can buy all the normal tourist tat, if you're lucky maybe a second-rate silk tie but it's all the bars and clubs. Tony's eyes were beginning to sparkle, what sort of clubs he asked, you really don't know do you I replied, should I was his answer. Well, you've got full blown strip clubs, straight and gay then you've got the specialist boy bars, by now I could see my description was having an effect, there was definitely a large bulge in his shorts. The excitement was now very visible, boy bars? We might have to give those a miss, his face dropped, why? We might lose the pair of you, it took a second for the penny to drop, that good, no Tony, better. You go to the better ones and you get a full sex show, live on stage, young lads having fun almost within your reach. They have rooms upstairs where you can take a boy of your choice for a private show, you can even take a boy back to your hotel to stay the night. WOW are you joking? no, I've done it in the past, its costs a fortune, it was expensive thirty years ago, God knows what it would cost now


Then Tony said something that made me so proud of him, do you think it's a good idea to take Andy? Come here I replied as he slid into my arms, what's up Dave, he asked as he noticed I was crying, nothing lad, it's just that sometime you say such incredible things given your age. You're always thinking of others; you can see the problems taking Andy to such a place and are prepared to go without yourselves as a result. He just snuggled in a bit closer and mumbled, it's just me

We laid there, both with our own thoughts for a while when I became aware that Mark and Andy had not returned so decided to investigate. Creeping up to the bedroom, I rounded the door expecting to see bums going up and down, instead I saw Mark lying in bed fast asleep with his arm around Andy who was awake. He smiled and mouthed, I think he's tired and smiled.

I left them to sleep and returned to Tony who was on my IPad looking up Pap Pong, would you like a drink young man, yes please Dave, can I have a beer please? I returned with a beer and a large scotch. You won't find much about the market on there I said. No, it's just market stalls he replied, nothing else for it, we are going to have to take you but I'm a bit concerned about Andy. Is it really that bad he asked, no it's that good I replied, live shows, young boys, naked but for a very small throng, who do come into the audience and have been known to grope members of the audience. Imagine the uproar when one of them discovers "The Snake". You will be an instant hit with those eyes of yours, you're kidding he replied, no I'm not, you are a bloody attractive young man, its why Mark and I keep saying how lucky we are to have your company, you will be fighting them off without a doubt, bloody hell he said, your serious, oh yes, very.

We were then joined by Mark with an arm on Andy's shoulder, "The Snake" leading the way, they sat on another lounger, drink gentleman? yes please Dave, my usual and a beer for Andy As I returned, Tony was relaying my concerns to them both, Andy's face was a picture, Mark could understand my concerns, he said, If we do this I think we should see what Simon thinks first, good idea, I picked up my phone to call him and the doorbell rang.

As tony still had his shorts on he jumped up to get it, he returned with Simon in toe, he was beaming, as he came out onto the patio I asked him, are you telepathic Simon, he just touched his right ear and smiled. Oh God, I'd forgotten were on your surveillance system, sorry boss but you never know, it might come in useful.

Can I just say that I have always wanted to see one of these shows, not that I'm Gay, just to say I've seen one? Do you think it's a good idea for these two I asked, well, I would prefer a second set of trained eyes with me if you don't mind, no problem said Mark, whatever you think is necessary. When did you want to go, I'll arrange a car for us. Well, we need to eat first I chipped in, Mark do you fancy French for a change, what did you have in mind? Well, I've had good reports about La Normandie in the Mandarin Oriental, OK with me he replied. Ok Simon if you can get Concierge to book a table for us all at say eight, all of us sir, of course man unless you would rather a Mac Donald's, Simon blushed, sorry sir, I've never had French food before, well then it's well passed time you tried it, check with your second set of eyes as well, OK sir, see you all at seven thirty, he turned and left us all slightly shaken.

Mark asked first, very quietly, how old do you think Simon is? Tony got it spot on when he replied thirty's, early, spot on I added, well done lad, Mark added, and he's never had French food, how lucky are we, we all laughed.

We spend the late afternoon reviewing the news from the office from Mark and where we go from here, Tony asked what will happen when she arrives, Mark replied, well she will be met by the police, escorted off the plane and taken straight to Bang Quang, gosh, that quick, yep, the Thais are really serious about the drugs problem. Mark then said, that reminds me, I need to see Mr. Chaprasit in the morning, tell him that we have a case to match theirs, see how he wants to play it from here. Andy asked, what do you expect Mark, well I'm hoping that as long as he has someone to face the charge he will not care who it is, in which case Alice is free, if not, then we might have to fight another battle for her, let's all keep our fingers crossed, on that note, time to change, smart for dinner which will go well in the club as well, we all dispersed to change.

We had just come down from the bedroom and got out onto the patio when there was a knock on the door, Andy was the last down so he was nearest and went to open it, he came back to the patio with Simon. Are you all ready gentlemen, right then said Mark, I'm hungry let's go and eat. We all made our way the elevator. Let me go first gents, there's not room for us all, I'm too big, I'll see you in the lobby, he left us pondering the situation.

We met up in the lobby and Simon introduced his second set of eyes, a nice-looking lad, tall stocky, about 25 with a lovely smile, he's name was James. Andy was in love instantly, Tony whispered in his ear and Andy's face said it all, he had been told. We were escorted to our car and taken to the restaurant. This was the first time the boys had been out in Bangkok after dark, the traffic, noise, people and the bright lights had them spellbound. The Mandarin hotel is on the banks of the Chao Phraya River and with the restaurant being on the 10th floor it offers excellent views across the river.

The car pulled into the driveway and the doors were opened by a couple of young lads in traditional dress, we were ushered into the foyer, we waited a second before a gentleman who was so camp it was almost painful. Good evening, ah, sorry it's Mr. Mark and David, welcome back gentleman it's been a long time. My name is Dusit, he smiled at the boys and added it means Forth Land of heaven but you two put me back to sixth place, he winked at Mark and I as he turned saying follow me gentleman. We let the boys go first, just for show, as we walked to the table Simon asked Mark are we sitting with you sir, of course you are silly, what good are you if you on the other side of the room? Simon just smiled. Dusit led us to a huge table at the center of the main dining room, we were next to the wall and had uninterrupted views across the river.

The boys were blown away with the opulence of the restaurant and the magnificence of the views, James added he had never been anywhere like this, we had eaten there on a couple of other occasions so we could be a little flippant, Mark said, don't know what all the fuss is about, smiling. It was not long before Dusit returned with another young man, also dressed in traditional costume, he was introduced as Kulup our waiter for the evening. We all ordered drinks after I had told Simon and James not to worry about the prices, have whatever you fancy.

Our drinks arrived, Andy was too busy looking out at the view or the young staff. Kalup returned with the menus but before he gave them out he stopped in front of Mark and clasped his hands together and bowed to his knees. He then gave us our menus and again bowed as he left. Wow said Tony, enjoy your meal guys, I for one am staving.

After a quarter of an hour Mark and I had translated the menu for Simon and James, the boys had already decided being both able to both read and speak French. Some more drinks and a lot of conversation around the table, mostly about the entertainment planned for later.

Andy spotted it first, what on earth he exclaimed as what looked like an army of staff were making their way towards our table, led by Kalup, silver service said Mark, watch and enjoy. Seven of them with four trolleys came around the table, they all stood back and simultaneously gave the same respectful bow. Then proceeded to place silver dishes in front of us all and when they were all in place the all, again simultaneously lifted their cover to reveal our food. After they had all taken their lids off they gathered and faced the table and bowed before leaving us to enjoy our meals. They were fabulous, cooked to perfection, they had a five-star rating and it was well earned.

It was getting on for 10 o'clock by the time we had finished, so it was time to head for Pap Pong, Simon and James knew what was install for them, not sure about Simon but I thought James was quite looking forward to the experience. We settled the bill and were escorted back to the foyer where our car was waiting. Bangkok traffic is busy 24 hours a day, with two rush hours twice a day at which time the center becomes gridlocked, nothing goes anywhere for half an hour. It took our driver forty-five minutes to reach the market, Simon had already arranged pick up arrangements. We were off, Andy and Tony's eyes were out on stalks, just the atmosphere is enough to get people excited. So many stalls selling so much merchandise, tourist tat through to shirts, silk ties, tee shirts almost anything you could ask for. Put that together with the number of food vendors, the aromas of all this cooking adding to the heat and humidity of the capital in the late evening is quite intoxicating.

We passed several bars with scantily clad young ladies out on the pavement to encourage punters in, we carried on, following Mark when he turned left down a narrow road, after a hundred yards he turned again and we were in The Green Lamp Bar.

Once inside the boy's mouths were open, we were approached by a group of young lads with nothing on but a thong with a number on it, all smiling, all hoping one of us would be taking them out for some fun. We made our way to the bar and ordered some drinks, then made our way to one of the cubicles around the main floor of the club. Simon and James had made it quite clear at the start that they were not interested and we sat them right in the corner to protect them from the lad's advances. However, they descended on the rest of us, chatting, flirting, ever hopeful, then one of them discovered the "Snake", all hell broke out, the word went around like wild fire, the lads were lined up to have a feel. Obviously, with all the attention it was not long before it was rock hard and very difficult for Andy to keep covered up.

He looked over at me looking helpless, I said better let it out, with which he stood up and undid his zip and managed to pull it out before sitting back down, that did it, we had the whole gang around our table, fortunately, we were the only customers in otherwise we could have caused a mini riot. To be fair, the club boys were very well behaved, almost standing in line and waiting for their turn to feel this thing, none of us got a look in, Andy of course was on cloud nine with all the attention. I said to him, whatever you do don't cum in here, you will cause a riot, he laughed, we all sat back and enjoyed the show. Needless to say, all the club lads were getting excited and their thongs did not do much to cover things up.

We enjoyed our drinks and made our move to leave, those boys who spoke English pleaded with us to take them back, they were desperate to sample the "Snake" in all its glory. We did eventually get out and Mark led us to the next stop. It was only a couple of hundred yards, Mark was stopped by a big guy on the door, Simon was at his side in a second. Mark asked to speak with the owner and the doorman let us all into the inner entrance way. A guy came out, saw Mark, came over, glowing smile and pulled him into a big hug. The doorman then backed off, we were escorted into the club, it was set out like a mini theater with several rows of seats with loads of space and a central raised stage, all very dimly lit. There was a bar off to one side, we all sat in the same row again with Simon and James at the far end, protected.

A couple of lads came over to take our drinks orders, again dressed only in thongs but this time without a number, some of them were as good to look at as Tony or Andy. Mark was sat at the end with Tony beside him, me next and we put Andy between me and Simon in the hope that we did not have another mass attack. Andy asked why don't these guys have numbers on? Not the same type of club I said, here we are due to see a live show.

Our drinks arrived and we sat back to watch a couple of lads doing some very erotic dancing on stage, they did not keep their thongs on for long and their physical contact became more and more personal, a quick rub or swipe of an ass with tools getting harder and harder. More and more lads came on to the stage until there was twenty, all naked and having fun with each other's equipment, I have not seen so many cocks in one place for many a year.

This lasted for about fifteen minutes then suddenly the lights dimmed and the whole place was in darkness except for the bar area. Then the lights slowly came back up, still very low but we could clearly see there where two much taller lads in the center of the group. The first lads were still playing with each other but they slowly backed away as these two taller lads came forward to center stage. When I saw one of them clearly I looked to my left to make sure Andy was still sat there, this lad was as hung as Andy if not even more. He was being brought up to full mast by the other lads who had formed a line and were taking it in turns to give him a suck. This also lasted for about fifteen minutes when, still center stage he turned side on to the audience and gently wanked his monster for all to admire. Then the other lads reformed, as they did so a padded table came into view and made its way to front center stage. The other lads then took turns to bend over this table and we watched as the big lad proceeded to fuck them one by one.

Being so close to us we could see the whole thing being sunk deep into each lad much to the recipient's delight. We then became aware of a group of lads making their way down our isle, they got to Andy and knelt in front of us all, looked up, smiling, with the right response they proceeded to remove our cocks and give us all a good sucking. Andy's guy took it all down first time, obviously well used to the big cock on stage, needless to say it was not long before we were all coming, good timing because just then the big guy pulled out and stood back side on as he shot a huge load over several of the other lads. Quite a show, our young partners pulled out from under our seats tissues to help us all clean up. I had previously drawn out a wad of 1000 Baht notes worth just under £25.00 each and passed these down to the others who gave them to their helper.

The lights came up and we all made our way towards the door, Mark went up to the bar and was speaking with his pal, he paid the bar and show bill, Simon had already contacted our driver so by the time we walked back to the pickup spot he was there with the doors open ready for us, we were back in the hotel within ten minutes.

Back in the apartment the conversation was obviously all about the show, the boys were blown away by the experience, I for one was expecting a real full on session before bed as both boys seemed so fired up, as we all sat on the patio with our drinks, Mark suddenly said sorry guys but it should be time for bed, for me at least, I for one have another busy day ahead of me. We all looked at each other and Tony said it's not fair to disturb Mark so we all went to bed totally whacked and slept, Mark spooned Andy and I had Tony's strong arm around my shoulder.

By the time Mark got to the "office" Richard had already set up a meeting with Mr. Chaprasit and the Minister of Justice. The group sat around the table checking their case and all the details ready for the big meeting. Richard confirmed that the Home Office had tracked our fugitive, she had been formally cautioned and was in the air as we spoke. I have spoken to Mr. Chaprasit who has arranged a reception committee to meet the plane and take her off to where she belongs. Good work Richard said Mark as he got the attention of the secretary, could you get me a coffee please, I'm so dry, no problem sir she replied as she stood up and left for his coffee. Busy night last night asked Richard, well, you know what those two boys are like, I can only imagine he replied smiling. They all had an hour before the all-important meeting, would the Justice Ministry accept the new suspect? would they let Alice go free? They collected all the evidence and the group left for the car, Mark with Richard at his side followed by the secretary, the Barrister and a member of the IT team.

This time the staff at Bang Quang were on the ball, the gates were open as we arrived, we drove straight in to the courtyard, we then saw the outline of Mr. Chaprasit standing on the decking outside his office. As we pulled up he was looking genuinely pleased to see us, he greeted Mark and Richard like old friends, shook hands with the others and we followed him into the cool of his office. He had a table set up with a gentleman sat at the head who stood as we entered, we were introduced to the Justice Minister, Mr. Jaru, we all shook hands as we sat at the table.

Mr. Chaprasit started the meeting by introducing me, I stood and told the Minister what we had found, explaining we have all the evidence and that the suspect is enroute as we speak. He listened with obvious interest. Very impressive Mr. Pritchard, I'm just a little puzzled, why, you have obviously put a lot of resources into this project with no guarantee of the outcome, why for just one employee. I stood again, looking directly at him I replied, Mr. Jaru, firstly, the outcome has never been in doubt. We are prepared to go to the highest authority if necessary to get Alice home but to answer your question, Alice is one of us, we have a One for All and All for One policy within our organization. You are certainly very forceful and seem as though you would spend as much as it takes to achieve you goal, very much sir I replied, he smiled as he looked over at Mr. Chaprasit.

Well Mr. Pritchard we will obviously have to check your evidence but if everything is as I suspect is in fact in order I will have no problem in issuing orders for Miss Alice to be cleared and allowed to go free. Thank you, Mr., Jaru, just what we were hoping for, your people are free to have free access to all our details, will Miss Alice have to go to court? No Mr. Pritchard, we will arrange for that to be waived, your employee will be free to go. Thank you very much Mr. Jaru, just one thing to resolve for Mr. Chaprisat, the little matter of the bail left for Alice. Mr. Chaprisat picked up his phone and was soon speaking to his people, after a couple of minutes he put the receiver down, stood up, looked at me and said, Mr. Prichard, it is done, your money will be returned to your account with interest courtesy of the Thai Government. We all stood, I said, thank you gentleman it has been a pleasure dealing with you both, we bid you fair well. We turned and left the office and made our way to our car.

Why do they have such long prop shafts on these boats asked Tony, we were with Alice, Alan, Fiona and Steve on a long boat visiting the floating market. I don't know, sorry Tony but these boats can get up quite a turn of speed, though not through this chaos, the market was packed solid with hundreds of boats plying their wares to passing tourist boats. My phone rang just as were getting off at the end of our trip, hello Mark, how's it going? Great news Dave, Alice is free, we have just the formalities to sort out, that is great news, I'll pass it on, we are going back to the hotel now so will see you later, OK bye for now.

We made our way to a market stall for coffees, after we had all sat down I made the announcement, Alice burst into tears, Steve tried to console her without much luck, Fiona was not much better and Alan was doing his best to comfort her. Both boys said what great news, yes, I replied, it makes all the hard work worthwhile. Our coffees arrived, even then Alice and Fiona could not stop thanking me for what the organization had done for them. After coffees, we made our way back to the hotel, I said to Alan, knowing Mark he will arrange a party celebration for later and promised to keep them posted. We parted and made our way to the penthouse. I went straight up to the bedroom, I needed to change, the boys went out onto the patio. By the time, I returned one of them had got three beers and we all sat and discussed the good news.

Andy asked, so what happens now? well I said, as far as Alice is concerned its job done, I guess Mark will send the team back home. And us? well I said, I for one need some more suits, slacks, shirts and shoes, I think Mark is a bit short as well so we may stay on a bit longer. Tony asked how will we get back if the plane takes the team home? Two options I replied, one we go back by scheduled airline, unlikely as Mark hates commercial flying or second, we get the Lear brought back to collect us, we will have to see what Mark wants to do.

Just a thought lads, when did you last speak to your parents? both boys looked at each other and hung their heads low, as I thought, what's the time now? Tony replied 15.35, OK, that means it's about 08.00 in the morning in Spain, better give them a ring, let them know your still alive at least, here, use my phone, Tony took it and they both sat on one of the loungers and made the call.

I must have dosed off as I was woken by the sound of Marks voice, on his phone as he walked out onto the patio. Both lads jumped up and ran to great him, giving him a big hug. Hi guys, what have I done to deserve this he asked, well said Andy, we have not seen you for a while and by way of congratulations on the success of the mission, greeting accepted he replied as he sat down next to me. He leaned over and gave me a good hug, kissing my neck as he did so, hi Dave how are you coping he asked as he pulled away. Coping I replied, one of you lads get me a beer please I'm parched, Andy jumped up and disappeared, returning with four beers.

Well said Mark after a good mouthful, glad that's over, before he got chance to finish his phone rang. Hi Richard how are plans? OK so far Mark, we cannot get into the Meridian, the party is too big at such short notice but they could fit us in on Wednesday, OK book it Richard, the team has earned a little time off, book for the whole team and the family, OK boss, on it now, bye, speak later, thanks Richard, and he hung up. Well, that settles it we have a bit of time in Bangkok.

Good, I said, we need to get to Mikes and I remember Charles asking if he could come as well, we could make a day of it, good idea, have you got his number on your phone? yes, good, could you set it up for the morning, will do. Tony asked, who's Mike, ah replied Mark, he's our tailor here in Bangkok, we get all our clothes from him whenever were in the area, what's so special about Mikes asked Andy, you wait till the morning. Excuse me a second, I need to talk to Simon, Hi Simon, Mr. Mark, what can I do for you sir, just so you can plan, Dave, I, the boys and Charles and Julian will be going to our tailor in the morning, if we use the hotel cars, two will give you some room for your guys if you think it's necessary, OK sir I'll get planning, where is it you're going again? Mikes, reception will have the address, OK sir, thanks Simon.

Done, just have to let Charles and Julian know, how did you get on Dave? Mikes expecting us by 10.00, perfect, another beer gentleman, yes please came the replies, he went to get the supplies. So, lads, how are the folks I asked, they both told how they had taken their news, Dad seemed impressed, Mum, being Mum was a little concerned but both seemed happy and very relieved to have been called, Tony said his Dad had told him off for leaving it so long. Mark returned with the beers and a tray of snacks, which we all tucked into, I for one was hungry.

Andy suddenly said he was getting a bit concerned Oh we all said, about what, well said Andy, smiling, our debt must be accruing interest by now it's been such a long time since we paid anything off. We all started laughing, first time for a while, Mark said well then let's see if we can put that matter to rest shall we, he said grinning. We all made our way up to the bedroom, the boys made for the shower as Mark and I undressed and Mark put his suit away. The boys came into the bedroom, obviously, things had already started as the "snake" was already at least half mast. Mark and I went off to shower. Before we had the chance to get ourselves wet we were joined by the boys, Andy asked do you to guys need a hand to wash your backs? They did not wait or any reply but came in and started on the bits they were interested in. Tony knelt and took my rapidly hardening cock in his mouth and Andy did much the same for Mark.

Needless to say, it was not long before there were four rock hard cocks in the room. They did eventually help us to soap up and scrub the bits you can't do yourself, we all rinsed off and went for the towels. Once we were all dry we moved into the bedroom, Andy jumped onto the bed and took the center slot, the three of us made ourselves comfortable, each of us with a cock in our hands that was not our own. The "snake" was as hard as I have ever known it to be, who wants to sit on this asked Andy as he pushed it till pointing skywards, I've not had it for a while said Tony as he stood up and got into position to lowered himself onto this monster of a dick. Mark and I watched as he settled down on the tip and then watched as it disappeared inside his ass in one graceful stroke, he groaned as it reached full depth. Wow that's good he said eventually as he started to gyrate on his brother's cock. Mark had got Tony's cock in his mouth and was working it well, I had gone around the other side of the bed and was getting into position to fuck Mark, something I have not done for far too long. After getting a good rhythm going, I could hear Mark groaning with each thrust. Mark then pulled off Tony saying it was my turn, we swapped places and I enjoyed Marks cock deep in my ass for the first time in ages, he still had the knack. The boys then swapped places as well and we were all at it hammer and tongs when the "snake" started spurting, that sent us all over the edge and we all came. As we all collapsed exhausted on the bed I said, so much for paying your debt, the boys just laughed and Andy said later, later. Another shower and we were ready for dinner, we all dressed smart casual and went back to the patio for another drink.

While having his drink, Mark got back onto Richard, hi Richard, hi boss, just one more thing, yes, can you arrange for the plane to get the main party back to the UK, probably Thursday morning would be a good time, get them back for mid-day, OK boss, that's our crew plus the family, yes, we will keep Charles and Julian here with us, maybe see if we can charter a crew to get the Lear out to pick us up later, will do, let you know, thanks Richard, see you later, OK, bye. We must have all dozed off in the heat, I was woken by Simon stood at the entrance to the patio saying our car was ready, thanks Simon, you go down, we'll see you shortly, Ok Mr. David. We had chosen a famous Sushi restaurant for the evening, Isao, it is on one of the main arterial roads out of the center of Bangkok, 5 Sukumvit 31, could be an interesting drive for the driver given the evening rush hour.

I have not had sushi for a long time, as we all got into the car I asked if Simon had ever had it, he looked blank, ah, raw fish. Yuk was the response, no problem Simon, they do steaks as well, thank God for that he replied or I would have been going back hungry, maybe I can have a taste, I have heard it is good stuff, it's just the thought.

The drive was dramatic, traffic, cycles, mopeds, taxis and cars, all pushing to get home as soon as possible, typical Bangkok rush hour, it took just over an hour to cover five miles. As we pulled up we were greeted by the doorman who showed us into the foyer. The decor was spectacular, with dragons and lots of gold everywhere. We had a nice table by the window looking out over Bangkok with the river in the distance, I think we were on the tenth floor so it was an extensive view.

Lovely food as we had hoped, Simon did have a sample and decided he might cultivate the taste back home. All to soon the meal was over and it was time to get back to the hotel, the drive back took a quarter of an hour. Back in the penthouse it was drinks out on the patio too cool off, the temperature had been a stifling 40 degrees all day with humidity up in the 90s.

The conversation soon turned to the plans for the immediate future, I think both the boys were getting just a little home sick. Mark was doing most of the arranging so I let him take the floor, well he said, we are all off in the morning to see Mikes tailors that will lose a good half a day. We have the final meal in the evening and we will see the crew off back home on Thursday. I'm hoping that we will be able to collect our clothes on Saturday in time for us to start the trip home on Sunday.

Tony asked, how will we be getting home if your sending the crew back with the big jet? well, it's just a thought, we will have Charles and Julian with us, if Richard can set it up we should be able to get the Lear out here to pick us all up at the latest Monday. Once we have the transport it's really up to you two guys, we can head straight home, we will have to stop for fuel, maybe Dubai, just twenty-four hours or we could do the Asia triangle and go via Hong Kong and Singapore before heading home. What do you thing lads?

I thought it was a little unfair, you could see both lads thinking about the proposals, neither was saying anything, just looking at each other then at us. I said if you want to discuss it between yourselves we can go inside. No said Tony, looking across at Andy, it's just that we don't want to seem ungrateful, being able to see so many new places and things, I think I speak for Andy as well, carry on bro said Andy. It would be a pity not to do the triangle as we are in the area but at the same time I think we would both like to get home, not least to see the family again, it's been some time now. Fair enough said Mark, whichever way you decide it will be OK with us, why don't you think about it overnight, another drink anyone I asked.

Beer for me please said Tony and me said Andy, can you do me a Gin and Tonic with ice asked Mark not had one for a while, OK back shortly, want a hand asked Tony, if your offering I replied, thanks and we both left for the kitchen.

Tony was obviously having trouble with the conflict of choice, Dave, what would you do in our shoes he asked as we prepared the drinks. Well Tony, it's a difficult one I'll grant you that I replied, you want to see the triangle and yet home has a draw as well. You could between you, toss for it as long as you both want the same thing of course, we don't mind which way you go, we can always bring you both back sometime in the future, I'm afraid it is something you will have to decide yourselves, thanks Dave he said as he picked up his tray.

Back on the patio we joined in a discussion about the delights of Hong Kong and Singapore, Mark was telling Andy about our visit the previous year, describing where we stayed and describing some of the things to see and do. Tony asked what the gay scene was like in both cities, I could answer that one, Hong Kong used to be under British rule, it is there but nothing like Pap Pong, Singapore, on the other hand has a thriving gay community with lots of bars and clubs but again nothing quite like what you can see in Pap Pong that place is really special. One of the best things to do in Hong Kong is to take the tram up to the Peak, it is high up on one of the hills, a tram ride takes you to the summit where the 360 degree views are breathtaking, that is a must, we do it every visit.

Well lads, there's some food for thought for you, I for one am whacked, bed is calling anyone else tired? Good God I replied, just noticed it's gone 12, yes Mark, I'm not far behind you. Dave, yes Tony, would you mind if we used to second bedroom tonight, we need to talk a bit before the morning, I looked at Mark, he just smiled, no, no problem, lads, don't stay up all night "talking" I smirked, very funny replied Andy as we went up the stairs. Good night lads, see you in the morning, be leaving about 9 for Mikes, Ok good night Dave.

For once, I was up first, I even managed to get a coffee to Mark before he woke, wow, luxury, coffee in bed, thanks Dave this is a real treat. I sat on the bed and we talked, mostly about the dinner later, Mark would have to compose a speech of some sort, not too long I hinted, he smiled. Mikes was next, we discussed what we wanted and or needed, we both decided a new suit, some more shirts and a couple of ties, Mark said he needed a couple of new pairs of slakes and that he wanted to go to the shoe shop as well as he needed a couple of new pairs for work.

Suddenly the two boys bounded into the room and jumped up onto the bed, they were of course naked and both snuggled up to us, looking up at us both with lustful eyes. It was not long before we were both being sucked off, Mark had a good view of Andy's ass in the air and he could reach over and loose two fingers without any lube. Andy could not take much of that and pulled of me, turned around and sat on my, now rigid cock, it sank all the way to the hilt without stopping, the look of sheer pleasure on Andy's face was spectacularly sexy, he just loved being fucked, the bigger and harder the better, before long he was bouncing up and down at full length enjoying every inch to the full. It was not long before Mark lifted Tony off his cock, turned him around and sank it in his willing ass, they were doggy style so Mark had Tony's cock in his hands giving him a good wank as he fucked him for all he was worth, the groans Tony was making seemed to say he was enjoying the duel attention. Andy was the first to cum, the spasms sent me over the edge and I let rip with a good five spurts deep in his little ass. Tony was the next, he shot all over both Andy and I covering us both before Mark let Tony have his load. Andy and I used tissues to clean up best possible before joining the other two recovering on the bed, I joked to Tony that he should keep his cock under control it was a dangerous weapon in disguise, we all laughed, we all fell back onto the bed.

Well Tony I said, did you decide what you want to do with the trip home? Yes Dave, can we go home, thanks so much for the offer to do the triangle but we would both like to get home to family. OK, no problem said Mark, we will adjust the itinerary to comply. Now, if you'll excuse me, I've got a speech to write, he got up and left the bedroom. Andy asked, is Mark Mad? good God no, he understands your need to get home, I suspect he also misses home. We finished our drinks and went for a shower, apart from helping with backs, nothing else happened apart from three slightly enlarged cocks perhaps.

We dressed and went down to join the others for breakfast, the family were obviously in a jubilant mood Fiona was beaming, Alice and Steve were locked in a cuddle, Alan stood as we arrived and again thanked David for what they had done.

After breakfast, we went out to the foyer to wait for Charles, Julian and Simon for the trip to Mikes. Simon was the first to appear, morning guys, all ready for your shopping spree, yes, when the others arrive, just then Charles and Julian came around the corner closely followed by Mark. OK, all present and correct said Simon and we were off to the cars, the hotel had laid on two of their white Rolls Royce's for us. The boys, Mark and I got into one and Simon let Charles and Julien get in then joined them. The journey was uneventful if you discount the traffic, we were right in the middle of the second morning rush hour, it took just over an hour.

As we pulled up outside the unimposing shop front of Mikes we were greeted by a couple of young lads who had come out to open the doors for us, all smiles and a nice bow as we got out of the cars. You go in through a double door and down three or four steps into a large room with racks of fabric from floor to ceiling along one whole side. There were two large glass topped tables with big heavy settees set around with several other smaller tables scattered around.

Mike came up to greet Mark and I with a big hug and we were all introduced, offered a seat and tea, coffee or something stronger, we all opted for coffees. The young lads disappeared and then returned with two trays of coffees and some cakes.

Well gentleman, what can we do for you all today asked Mike, he was a jovial man, in his late fifties, overweight with a large beer gut but a lovely smile. Mark went first and listed off what he had in mind, then my turn. Charles was next, then Julian with the two lads last. Mike had a pad and he was listing of everything we had mentioned. No problem gentlemen, at that point four slightly older lads came forward and Mike said they would help us with choosing our fabrics. It was quite an experience, I've never seen so many different colours and patterns of fabric in one place, Andy was shell shocked I think. Next was the fitting, Mike looked after Mark and Dave and the other four looked after the rest of us, they took so many measurements', I noticed the guy dealing with Andy, when doing the length of leg, gently put his tape up into Andy's crotch, stop, look up at Andy and smile, Andy just looked across at me and grinned.

When all the measurements had been taken the four lads disappeared back in to the back of the shop taking Mikes notes with them, Mike then came over to us and said right gentleman, ties, if you would like to follow me you can chose five silk ties each on the house. We all climbed to the second level and stood in front of a large chest of draws, the draws were at least four-foot- wide, once open, were full of every colour silk tie you could ever imagine. Our choices made we were shown back to the lounge area and offered more coffee.

Then something happened that shook everyone but Mark and I, six lads appeared with a shirt shaped piece of cloth each, no sleeves, just the body. Mike returned and took charge, OK gentleman, first fitting, these rough shirts will ensure we have the basic measurements correct, please go to your server showing your name. It took about three quarters of an hour for them to make any adjustments, then they disappeared back into the depths of the shop. Mike came forward again and went to Mark. Mr. Mark, we understand you are staying at the Meridian Apartments is this correct, yes Mike replied Mark, OK we will deliver the goods tomorrow afternoon, or latest early evening, if you can make sure you are available for a final check to make sure all is well, thank you Mike, can you send the bill to the office as usually, no problem Mr. Mike. He turned to face us all and thanked us for our custom and bad us farewell till the next meeting.

The boys could not believe how quick the whole process had been, Mark replied, no its good, this time tomorrow we will all have several suits, slakes and shirts that all fit perfectly, and laughed. Right guys, next stop, shoes, driver, yes sir, The Conrad Hotel, Wireless Road, do you know it, yes sir, thankyou replied Mark, we all settled back for the ride, taking in the sights, sounds and smells of the city.

We arrived at the Hotel, the doorman opened the car doors and we were usurered into the huge multi-level foyer, the shoe shop was on the first floor, as we all walked in, the owner came running out to greet Dave and I, we both got a big hug. We introduced the others and we were taken to a lounge area where two young ladies in traditional dress offered drinks. Well gentlemen, what can we do for you? I was first to respond, well Marko, I need a couple of pairs, my usual, one of each, OK and for Mark, the same please Marko but make the brown a little lighter than the last ones please. No problem, excuse me for a second, he got onto the phone, a brief conversation later he came back to us. Right gentleman, let me just confirm no size or shape change and I can get those underway. He proceeded to measure our feet, again a quick call and they were apparently being made as we a spoke. That's done, have any of you other gentleman been to us before? No was the reply, no problem, I will need to take some sizes from you all and an idea of what you are looking for.

Marko proceeded to do each of them in turn, Charles asked for a pair of black brogues, Julian asked for two pairs, black and light tan, Tony a pair of black town shoes, Andy asked if they could do boots. Of course, young man, follow me and he led Andy off to look at some styles.

An hour later, we were all done, Marko checked were we were all staying and confirmed they would be ready by the following evening, we will of course deliver them to your hotel. Thank you as always said Mark as we left for the car. The conversation in the car during the trip back to the hotel was centered on how on earth do both establishments manage to get the orders done so fast. They will be working all night and continue until it's all done. Wow said both boys, I think both Charles and Julian had some clue from previous visits to the area.

Tonight, was the night of the last celebratory meal for the crew and we had been a bit longer shopping than planed so it was a case of back to the apartment, showers, change and back down the the foyer ready for the coach.

We joined Alice, Steve, Fiona and Alan at the bar, we had no sooner ordered our drinks than Richard and Judy arrived, we all sat and chatted. Charles and Julian were the next, then Simon popped his head around the bar to say the coach had arrived, Mark was first to respond, thanks Simon, would you like a drink, no thank you sir not while I'm on duty, Mark replied, I hope you're not on duty all night then and laughed.

The coach pulled into the other hotel where the crew had been staying, Richard went to organize the transfer. Very soon the coach was filling up with all the IT guys, the legal team and the secretaries all sounding in a happy mood, not like the day we all arrived. It would take another hour to reach the Meridian, the coach pulled into the slipway and Richard was the first off, we all stayed onboard till everyone had got off and then followed.

The hotel had cordoned of the whole of the riverside area for us, it was one long table along the wall with an ten seat table at 90 degrees in the center. Richard had done his thing, every place had a name tag, very soon everyone was seated, obviously, Mark and I were at the head of the small table with the boys and Richard and Judy, Alan, Fiona and of course Alice and Steve. We were all very soon given a glass of Champagne and orders had been taken for pre-dinner drinks. Every one really seemed to be in a good mood, all chatting amongst themselves Richard had worked his magic with the seating plan. The staff came back with the drinks and then took orders for the meal. Once they had finished Mark stood up, I've seen it before but the boys jaws dropped, within three seconds all conversations had stopped and every eye was on Mark, he has this presence somehow, he manages to command attention no matter where is.

Ladies and Gentleman, good evening, welcome to what I hope will be a good celebratory meal for us all, I will keep this short and sweet, you have not come here to listen to me for an hour, gentle laughter. First thing I must do is trop thank every single one of you for your efforts during this job, you have all worked above and beyond the call of duty, thank you to you all, give yourselves a round of applause. I also have two pieces of very good news, firstly, let's get the lesser of the two out of the way. After tonight's meal, we have arranged a traditional Thai evening for you all, the coach will take you and return you to your hotel, enjoy, spontaneous applause. He waited for it to subside, raised his hand again, very soon you could have heard a pin drop. Jane, the guilty party in all this, is as we speak starting her life sentence in Bang Quang, cheers started but Mark held up his hands and it stopped as quickly as it had started. More importantly I received a phone call this afternoon from the Thai Justice minister to say that Alice Is free to go and that her record has been erased. Well, the room went mad, Alice bused into tears again closely followed by Mum. Mark let the jubilation fade a little before raising his arms again. As if that is not enough good news the Thai Government has said that Alice and her immediate family are welcome to return for an all-expenses paid, first class two-week holiday. Well, there was total up raw, Mark sat back down and smiled at me and the boys. Then he stood again, not much more, I just want to say we hope you have a great evening and a pleasant trouble free return to England tomorrow, thank you all again, we will be at the airport to see you off, in the meantime, a toast, to Alice and as he sat everyone else stood with glasses in hand and cheered.

A great evening insured, everyone look happy and as if they were really enjoying the evening, we certainly had a good meal and the atmosphere made it extra special. Alan came up to the top of the table to speak to Mark, thanks for everything of course but would you mind if we did not go the show. Not at all Alan, we can get you back to the hotel if you prefer, sorry, its Alice and her Mum, they are very emotional the moment and I think they need a little quiet time together, no problem, I'll get Richard to organize a car for you whenever you're ready, thanks Mark.

The meal over, Richard took control and got everyone back onto the coach, off to the show, we stayed behind having a last drink before making our way back to the apartment. Simon escorted us to the top floor and left us at the door. It was clothes off and out onto the patio, it was so hot and humid. More drinks followed and we all sat discussing what had been a very busy, hectic day, tailors, shoe shop and the meal. Andy had sat with me, Mark had Tony's arm around him as they talked. Andy was laying against my shoulder with a hand on my thigh, it was nothing sexual but incredibly sexy somehow. We finished our drinks and Mark said, well guys, we've got to be up early to see the troops off so I suggest we head off to bed. The "Snake" led the way, obviously hoping for some action, followed by Mark, I was next and Tony was trying to get a finger up my ass as we climbed the stairs to the bedroom.

We had possibly, one of the best sessions we had since the very early days back in the villa in Spain. Arms, mouths, hands, tongs, cocks and fingers exploring and penetrating all and every available orifice. An hour later we were all covered in spunk from one source or another, all totally exhausted and really ready for some sleep, two spoons, again I had the strong arm of Tony around my shoulder.

Somehow the boys managed to get up without waking us, we awoke to the smell of a fresh coffee, we all sat and chatted about the previous evening. Both lads thanked us both for everything, Tony in particular was saying how grateful he was to have such an opportunity to travel so much. It was soon time to get into the shower, just the usual semi hard cocks and gentle fondling, we had a plane to catch. We met Charles and Julian at breakfast and discussed the possibilities for our own return. They were both happy to wait for the Lear to be brought out for us, they then started planning a route. We were enjoying our second coffee when Simon came into the room and said to Mark that the car had arrived, OK Simon, thanks, be out shortly. Charles said he and Julian would stay at the hotel, maybe go into town for the day so we all left and piled into another of the hotels stretched Rolls,s and were soon off to the airport. The driver managed to find the coach and was just able to park behind it, the crew were all waiting on the sidewalk for the staff to offload their luggage. Richard was, as usual making things happen. Eventually it all sorted itself out and we all made our way into the terminal building. Being a private flight they did not have to check in, we made our way to the customs and immigration desk. Once everyone had passed through they all congregated in a corner. Mark got their attention and wished them a good flight home and once again thanked them for all the hard work. We could not go airside so watched as they all filled away towards the aircraft. Mark turned to me and said, well, that's another job done.

My usual suffix, sorry but this is important to me.

AIDS has taken all but a few of my circle of friends from my time on the gay scene, it is still a fact of life, it will KILL you eventually, even though they now have some very good meds which may prolong the inevitable.

Prevent the need,

ALWAYS PRACTICE SAFE SEX. USE A CONDOM. Enjoy sex without the hassle.


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