Holiday in Heaven

By moc.oohay@onegabmik

Published on Sep 12, 2016


Here we have a story although from my over active imagination, wishful thinking perhaps both, it was originally inspired by a correspondent who told a story of some fun he had while on holiday.

Thanks "K" you know who you are, this has now transpired Ks story by a long way,I have really enjoyed writing this one.

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Author's Note: This story is copyrighted by the author, and no part of it may be copied, linked to, downloaded, stored in any electronic device, or used in any way without the express written permission of the author. This is a work of fiction, places, events mentioned, may exist but are used in this story, it is just that and not real. They exist only in the mind of the author. Any resemblance to real persons, places or events is unintentional.

All names have been changed and any resemblance to anyone alive, deceased on in the houses of Parliament is purely co incidental. Places named have been used as we have had personal experiences of them, that does not mean they are involved in or have any specific connection with the gay community in anyway whatsoever.

Hi Guys, sorry this has been a long time coming, holiday and health issues put things back a bit, hope you all enjoy where the story has gone.

Holiday in Heaven Book Two Chapter 15 Bangkok and a new venture.

We left chapter 14:

Being first meant that I could get into bed and watch the circus as the others fussed around in the limited space, it did make for a joyous atmosphere, with plenty of horse play and laughter.

Needless to say as soon as Tony joined me, hands started to wander, it was not long before he was deep in my ass. Andy did not waste any time in coming up to give me a blow job while he waited for Mark. Mark joined us and it was Tony's turn to get skewered as Mark spun him round and gave him a good seeing to. When Andy joined us he wanted to know if we were in the mood for a two in one, well he got all three of us before we all came, exhausted but fulfilled, we all settled in two spoons, I had Tony's strong arms around my shoulder and Mark was cuddling up to Andy.

My bed side phone rang, good morning Mr. Walters, its captain Jones here, sorry to call you but Charles said that you would like a call as were are an hour away from Bangkok airport, thank you captain, I'll let Mr. Pritchard know, I looked at my watch it was 06:30.

Before I even got chance to speak, hands were wondering, morning guys, we are an hour out of Bangkok so no time for any hanky panky, rise and shine.

Mark was up like a shot and went to have his shower, he was the one running this show after all, by the time he came back into the bedroom both the boys were ready for their shower and opted to try and share to save time. As I went for mine Mark was out of the door.

Alan, Fiona and Steve were already sitting in the lounge area as I emerged from our room, Good morning people, did we all have a reasonable night? Yes, thank you said Alan with a smile, Fiona still looked drained, Steve just smiled and replied, sort off, can't get Alice out of my mind, that's love dear boy, don't knock it. Sorry to leave you but must go and fire up the troops, Steve asked if he could come, of course young man, be my guest, always nice to have someone on your side with you, thank you.

In the other cabin most were already awake, those that were not soon were, Richard was already there talking to the IT guys, Ladies and Gentleman, your Chairman, thank you Richard.

I took center stage, Ladies and Gentleman; I hope everyone had a comfortable night, we are about half an hour out of Bangkok, and there will be transport to get you all to the hotel where they have allocated a meeting room for us to work from. The IT guys will need to get in first to set up systems and comms so you will have a little respite.

Once set up it will be all hands to the pumps. Richard, yes sir, can we get someone straight to the Embassy and from there to Bang Kwang? Already sorted, I'm going with Angie, thought you would like to come and a member of security, good man, Angie, a lady in her late twenties stood up, yes sir, you do know this will not be a pleasant experience for you? Yes, sir, I've researched it during the flight, ok, thanks for helping, no problem sir, it's for Alice after all. Ok guys and girls, remember what I said about security, they are there for your safety, please do what they say, good luck, see you all at the end of the tunnel.

I made my way back to the front cabin and sat with Dave and the boys, Andy asked how it went, oh, nothing special I replied, usual rubbish, and they don't know what's in store. Tony asked what the first step was, well lad, we need to establish a good report with the Embassy, then get to see Alice, if for nothing else, just to try and reassure her that she is not on her own any more.

Charles appeared and came over to where we were sitting, good morning gentlemen, good morning Charles, did you have a good night, yes thank you sir, one of the best for a long time he replied with a little glint in his eye, say no more said Tony with a smile, oh sir, really, Charles blushed, bless him, old school.

I just came back to say that I shall be taking over the flight deck for landing and that I'll see you all in the hotel, thank you Charles, you're a good man, so Julian keeps saying sir. Both the boys had been busy looking at what Bangkok was all about, Tony asked if we could go see the Grand Palace if there is time, Dave replied, we will make time, whichever way this goes, no one should come to Bangkok without seeing the Grand Palace it is probably the top tourist site in the capital.

Richard came over, Mr. Mark, yes Richard, I have just received a phone call from the Embassy, they will have an envoy waiting for us at the airport, and we will be able to go straight to Bang Kwang from there. Good news I replied, As I said, not too many to start with, don't want to get them worried, I thought us two, Angie one of the interpreters and one from our security team, ok, Mark stood up and went back to the rear cabin, Hi Alan, hi Mr. Pritchard, just to let you know that we have got a team going directly to the prison from the airport, we will assess the situation and if appropriate will send for you to see Alice. Fiona replied, thank you Mark, for everything you have done for us, I'm not looking forward to going but guess I'm just going to have to be strong, don't worry till we know the score, we will do everything we can for Alice, thank you.

We were all back in our seats and talking when the seat belt light came on, I told Andy about the first time I visited Bangkok back in 1970, we had flown through a very bad thunder storm on final approach, as we flew around we went over some burning wreckage, we learned after landing that it was the aircraft in front of us in the stack. That's scary Dave, what did you do?

Nothing we could do, we got down ok but the whole airport and all the surrounding streets were full of emergency vehicles.

We had a very gentle touchdown, Charles taxied to the VIP area, such as it is, it is really just another doorway into the terminal but it is at one end. We were going to have to go through the normal channels for passports and immigration, why for such large international airport?

An hour later we were all waiting around a luggage carrousel, waiting for the first signs of our luggage. Richard had gone off to make sure that the crate in the hold had been offloaded and that it was on its way to the hotel. By the time he came back our luggage had started to arrive, I asked him if the crate was OK, yes it's in a lorry on its way along with three of the IT team, I'll get the others to look after their cases. I saw the lads stood a couple of yards away eyes agog taking in the sights and sounds of Thailand, Tony, Andy, yes Dave, could you go around to everyone reminding them to remain in one group close the carousel please, yes sure, off they both went, happy, I think to be doing something. Our security team was very good, they obviously had communication man to man, bit like the CIA, all very cloak and dagger, they had positioned themselves on each corner of the carousel with one extra at each end, and you could see their eyes scanning the airport. Eventually all bags had been claimed and as people moved away from the carousel and formed a small group to one side, the security guys fanned out and surrounded them. Richard approached us with Angie and a huge guy, he looked like a slightly slimmed down Sumo wrestler. Mark, yes Richard, this Simon, Mr. Sumo stepped forward and extended his hand, a bit reluctantly I offered mine, he grasp it and shook, ME, I was almost bouncing on the spot, lovely smile and bright white teeth, welcome to the team Simon, you have been briefed?

Oh yes sir, we will have no trouble, he smiled. OK guys, so it begins. I hugged Dave, shook both boys' hands and we were off, almost instantly lost in the throng which is Bangkok airport, through immigration which took a little longer than normal because Simon had to declare his firearm; our people had at least provided copy documents in both English and Thai which did help.

We were soon out in the main concourse of the airport and it's there that the heat hits you, the closer you get to one of the doors the hotter it gets, by the time you have emerged out onto the parking area you are soaked. Our car was just a couple of yards away, the driver stood with the back doors open, we all pilled in and he closed the door and shutout the heat. Already sat in the car was a gentleman in his late forties, smartly dressed in suit and tie. Once we were all seated Richard did the introductions, it was our envoy from the Embassy, Nigel Stokes. It was just turned 8 am and already showing 43 dec, it's the humidity that gets you, 96%, we were soon moving through the Bangkok traffic, we would not be going anywhere near the center just yet but it was still heavy. Simon had sat in the front with the driver, he turned and caught Richards eye, yes Simon, just to let you know sir, I was chosen for this part as I'm the most qualified at hand to hand combat. I looked at him, what do you mean Simon, I thought you were armed, In Bangkok, the hotel, here and now, yes, inside Bang Kwang no, wisely, the authorities will not allow any guns or weapons in under any circumstances. Richard intervened to explain; just one gun in that place could and probably would cause a severe riot with great loss of life. Even the guards in with the prisoners are not armed, just the guys in the towers and those outside the outer perimeter, Simon just smiled at Angie and I and said, don't worry, I'll look after you.

As Mark and the others left I was approached by a young man in suit and tie with the logo of the hotel on his blazer, he introduced himself as Kadir Meesang, excuse me sir, I'm looking for Mr.

David Walters, well young man you have found him, oh, so good to find you sir, so many people today, it is the Loi Krathrong festival. I am your representative from the hotel, we have a coach waiting for you outside if you and your party would like to follow me. Thank you Kadir, did I pronounce that right, yes sir, thank you, he had a lovely friendly smile. I caught the eye of one of our security team, he came straight over, yes sir, this young man is from the hotel and says he has a coach outside for us, ok sir, I'll let the other guys know and we will shepherd you all to the coach, thank you, no problem sir. As I turned back to Kadir I could hear him issuing orders, it took half an hour to get us all onto the coach together with all the luggage, little did we know it would take another hour to reach the hotel, the traffic in central Bangkok is just impossible.

We all saw it coming; we first saw the high, pale yellow stone walls with circular watchtowers every 100 yards, topped with barbed wire, then the two entrances, both bright yellow, heavy gauge iron gates. again with watch towers on each side and yet more barbed wire. It very quickly became obvious that one of these entrances was for foot visitors and the other for vehicles.

There was a courtyard directly in front of the vehicle entrance with yellow markings on the tarmac for about twenty foot in front of the doors, our driver stopped just outside the markings and we all, suddenly saw why. From the small windows and all around the roof of both towers appeared soldiers, all with sub machine guns. Richard got out his phone and dialed, good morning, can I speak to Mr. Chaiprasit please, Richard Thomlinson from IHO, thank you, we all waited, the atmosphere was electric, thank God for the AC or we would have all melted inside our metal box in the direct sun.

After what seemed an eternity Richard said Mr. Chaiprasit, Richard here, good morning to you, could you let us in before we dissolve please, we could here laughter from the other end, Richard canceled the call. Simon took out his hand gun, removed its holster and placed both in the glove box of the car, then produced two knives and what looked like a very sharp circular saw blade with extra-large teeth; he put those in the box as well and locked it. He smiled and turned back to watch as the gates slowly opened, out came ten heavily armed guards, they walked out to both sides of the yellow box area. We could see an inner enclosed courtyard and another set of equally large, gates, then four more guards emerged this time with an officer, he beckoned us forward, understandably our driver gently nudged the car towards the officer as he stood dead center of the outer door. He stopped when told and we waited, all the guns were trained on the car, I don't think even with the bullet proof protection we would have survived that amount of fire power.

The officer came around to the back of the car and signaled to lower a window. He peered in and asked for Mr. Richard, here sir, ah Mr. Richard why did you not let me know you were coming, I could have spared you all this drama he said laughing. He waived us into the inner courtyard and we heard the outer gates clang firmly shut. A minute later the inner gates were opened and we were told to drive to the admin block at the other side of the central square.

We all looked at each other but nothing was said, as we drew close to the door and elderly man, maybe 60, it can be difficult to tell with the Thais, they age very quickly after 30, came out and stood on the raised pavement. We all got out of the car and moved towards this chap who turned out to be Mr. Chaiprasit, the overseeing prison governor. Good morning Ladies and Gentleman he said in almost perfect Queens English, Richard took control, good morning sir thank you for seeing us so quickly. My apologies for the show of force at the gate, we have to maintain a show of high security as we are constantly being watched by criminal elements looking for the slightest weakness. Please, do come into my office out of this heat, we all followed him into quite an austere office, a large desk, on it, a couple of phones and some sort of intercom, a couple of filing cabinets a smaller table in one corner and four chairs, there was only one picture on the wall that of King Rama IX.

Please sit, Ladies and Gentleman, for what it is worth, welcome to Bang Kwang, who do we have here Richard? Oh sorry sir, how laps of me, Mr. Pritchard, our Chairman, Nigel Stokes who I believe you already know, in deed, nice to see you again Nigel, indeed replied Nigel, Angie our interpreter and Simon a member of or security detail. He sat back in his chair, studied all of us in turn, interesting, very interesting, you have obviously come prepared for the task in hand.

Richard replied, yes sir we hope so, we have another large team setting to work back at our hotel, so, you are expecting a lot of work with this case.

Richard continued, (I did not see that I could say much at this point and in any case Richard was by far more the diplomat than me, I tend to say what I think, which does not always help things along.) We hope we are prepared for any eventuality; Mr. Chaiprasit studied Richards face for some time, saying nothing, showing no emotion whatsoever. So Richard, what is your objective here? Well sir, to be blunt and to the point, to get Alice home safe, you do realize that will not happen he replied, that is our sincere hope, obviously we have no details of the case your prosecutors have against Alice, we understand you have a reliable police witness, that is correct Richard, I am afraid it would seem as though you have wasted your time, money and effort, we have a cut and dry case, hence the execution being brought forward, we have to show the world that the Thai government will not tolerate drug trafficking.

Mr. Chaiprasit may I say that I think your motives here are admirable and the principle should be upheld, thank you Mr. Pritchard, I have long wanted to meet you, your reputation precedes you, I hope we can get to the end of this matter and remain friends, in deed sir, so do I but we surely deserve the right to examine the case you claim to have, Richard shot me a glance, as if to say shut up, not too quickly.

Ah, so, it is true, a man who does not make small talk, how refreshing when you are used to dealing with diplomats who would not say boo to a goose. I looked at Richard, he just smiled.

He was playing with us, from his position of total power, now he knew we knew what he was doing, the whole atmosphere of the meeting changed. So Gentleman, what is it that you want from us? Richard answered, all the evidence you have, photographic, written, circumstantial, statements, basically everything you have so we can evaluate it for ourselves to see if we do indeed have a case to put up in defense. I wish you luck Richard but in Thai law there is no defense for smuggling drugs, understood sir and we all agree with that but the process has to be fair, certain and based within international law, I agree Richard. He lent forward and picked up one of the phones on his desk, after a couple of minutes' conversation which where even too fast for Angie, he put the phone down and sat back in his chair.

Well now, he finally said, have any of you been to Bang Kwang before? I was the first to answer as he was looking at me as he spoke, no, to be honest it is not top of the list for a tourist visit, in deed not Mr. Pritchard, would you like to see what facilities we have here? Thank you sir replied Richard, that could be very interesting but we have a limited amount of time on this case. Worry not Richard, I have asked for some of my people to assemble the information you asked for, it will be brought here as soon as possible, you do realize that nothing will be allowed to leave the confines of the prison, of course sir, would we be able to make copies? Or send back to our office via electronic means? I have no problem with that Richard, we all sighed, relief, that we might be getting somewhere. Will you excuse me if I make a call said Richard, carry on Richard.

At last we pulled into the car park of the Bangkok Hilton, thank God for the AC in the coach, Kadir was sat next to me, he asked if he could speak to the coach, of course dear boy it's your coach; he smiled as he stood up. Ladies and Gentleman welcome to the Bangkok Hilton, those of you who are staying here please follow me to reception and we will get you to your rooms as soon as possible so you can freshen up. I then stood and took the mike, Mr. and Mrs. Thomlinson and Steve, if you can follow the main group into reception, there will be transport to take you along with our two young friends and I to our Hotel which is another mile or so.

Hi its, me, Richard, are you set up yet, not quiet, bit of a problem with internet connection but we think we have it under control, good be ready to receive some documentation very soon, ok.

Mr. Chaiprasit stood up, your tour, he waited for us to stand and made his way to the door, he suddenly stopped, turned around and stood in front of Simon, and you're the security? Correct, yes sir, I trust you do not have any weapons on your person, no sir unless you count mind, hands and feet, ah, martial arts, very interesting, follow me Ladies and Gentleman.

We went back out to the main courtyard where we saw a group of twenty guards waiting for us, they were to be our escort for the visit. We walked maybe 150 yards till we came to another high fence topped with more barbed wire and with watch towers about every hundred yards which blocked our path. A couple of guards came forward and opened the outer door allowing us into one of the compounds, once the outer door was secure, more guards opened the inner door, Mr.

Chaiprasit stopped just passed the inner door and waited while it was locked, I did not know the prison had such a large area, we were walking through what looked like someone's back garden, lots of trees, shrubs and well-tended flowers.

We all walked towards a gate which lead into one of the prison buildings, with a guard on each side, as Mr. Chaiprasit approached they both started to unlock their side of the gate and it was opened as we got close, we all filled through and it was locked behind us. Once inside we were amongst the prisoners, the guards were worried but managed to maintain order long enough for us to see Alice in the far corner of the room.

As we drew closer we could all see Alice, she stood out like a sore thumb, pure white, if a bit dirty long hair which had not had any attention for weeks and the resemblance of a western style dress. Angie was standing next to me, she just said good God that poor girl. Mr. Chaiprasit spoke to one of his guards and they all moved towards the group, it turned out they were moving all the others away to leave Alice on her own.

Mr. Chaiprasit indicated that we could approach which we did, slowly, without asking, Angie took the lead, as she got to within hearing range she started to announce who we all were, you could see the effect on Alice, she dropped to the floor just as Angie got to her, Angie knelt down and just cuddled a sobbing, very frightened Alice.

The reception team at the hotel had obviously been briefed in advance of our arrival and had every one allocated and moved off with porters dealing with luggage very quickly, with everyone cleared within 10 minutes. Three of our security team stayed at the Hilton, the forth came to me to say our car was waiting to take us to our hotel, the porters collected all the luggage and had it stowed away in the car before we had even clicked our seat belts.

The drive to Sukhumvit Park took a quarter of an hour, within five minutes of arrival we were in our apartment on the top floor, the Thomlinson's and Steve were on the tenth, still nice views but nothing like ours, with the outdoor patio with hot tub, two levels, it was as close as we can get to heaven. Andy was the first to ask, can we use that hot tub, of course I replied, needless to say it took him seconds to strip and climb in, closely followed by Tony, I just could not resist their requests for me to join them.

After so long it was inevitable that hands would wander, as Andy was sat next to me I very soon found the "snake" roused by the bubbles and lack of activity, Tony quickly gave the impression of periscope up as he maneuvered his body so that his rock hard cock could break surface.

Needless to say, it was not long before I was skewered twice, in a hot tub, outdoors, without AC in 43 dec.

Once Alice had come to terms that we were indeed all friendly faces she calmed down, we let Angie take it from here; being female she was better placed. She asked all the usual questions, how are you, how do you manage for food, are you sleeping, how are they treating you. Richard was taking notes using his IPhone. The poor girl was in a very poor state, obviously not eating as she would in the free world, she looked terrible and Angie said afterwards that she stank, not having had a bath since she arrived. Although constantly thanking the Embassy for their help without which she herself said she would not have survived this far, this was in deed hell on earth. We all introduced ourselves to Alice once she had calmed down, she know Nigel, she gave him a big hug, I left it till last, as I approached she looked up and said Mr. Pritchard, thank you for coming I did not ever expect to see you face to face, your one of us Alice, we have a team of forty people here in Bangkok now, there only objective is to get you back home, she collapsed to the floor and sobbed. Angie did what she could to console her while the rest of us made our way back to the buggy; it had been made quite clear that visiting time was over.

The walk back to the office complex was done in complete silence; even Mr. Chaiprasit seemed to know better than to break it. Back in the relative comfort of his office tongues became a bit looser, Richard was the first to speak directly to Mr. Chaiprasit, sir, what would it take for us to be able to take Alice back to one of our hotels for the duration of the trial until the potential execution, assuming there will be a trial? Well now Richard, no longer the diplomat, taking a leaf out of your boss's book, he looked across at me, all the others were suddenly wide awake and focused on Mr. Chaiprasit.

You do understand this is way above my authority; I would need to speak with the interior minister and possibly the chief prosecutor. Richard seizing on the initiative pursued the question, and how soon could that be done? Now now Richard, don't get over enthusiastic, I understand your concerns and I will do everything I can to help, I like you and the way you do things, I have been watching your profile on the internet and have often wished you could work for me. At that moment there was a knock on the door, come, in came two workers, each carrying large files.

Ah, Richard, here are the files you requested, he thanked his staff and they left. Richard, you will find a photocopier linked to the internet in the top draw of that filing cabinet, thank you Mr.

Chaiprasit and he, Angie and Nigel started to pour over the paperwork. My turn to enter the arena, Mr. Chaiprasit, yes Mr. Pritchard, you are going to pursue Richards question, I was, let me make another phone call. Will you excuse me, of course, carry on, Nigel, Simon and I sat in silence.

The call seemed to go on forever, despite his apparent high rank it was obvious he was being put on hold at every stage. Finally he was obviously talking to someone who could pull strings, the tone changed, after several minuets he paused and looked at me and said Mr. Pritchard, purely by way of both you and your organizations reputation we will grant you custody of Miss Alice until her execution on the strict understanding that the Thai government keeps her Passport and puts into place a total travel ban, we must know where she is at all times and that the government is paid a bail fee of 50,000,000 Baht, returnable after the execution. Both Nigel and Richard took in a deep breath. Mr. Chaiprasit, done deal, I replied, how soon can the transfer be done? But Mr.

Pritchard you have not sort permission from your people back in England, no need to Mr.

Chaiprasit, I have all the authority I need, tell me where we are to wire the money and it will happen. You understand we cannot release Alice until we have the funds, quite understood, I would expect nothing less, ok, he lifted the phone and started talking, I turned and said Richard, yes sir, can you get Carl at Coutts for me, explain what's happening and put him on hold, on it sir.

Mr. Chaiprasit caught my eye, here are your details Mr. Pritchard, he handed me a piece of paper with some numbers on, thank you sir, I'll get my people to verify this is an official bank account of the Thai government, he stopped me, give me a second please, he smiled weakly and got back onto the phone. I turned and asked Ricard how the paperwork was looking, they had already started to email stuff over to the office, not looking too good at the moment but until the legal people get to see it we will not know. Ok sir, I spun around and looked him in the eye, sorry Mr Pritchard, we should know better, take these details, can I ask that you do not mention the other account, he handed me a second piece of paper. Richard, yes sir, can you relay these to Carl and ask him to stay on the line until he can confirm pickup of the transfer, yes sir.

Mr. Pritchard, I am impressed, you are indeed a man not to be toyed with and we both sat watching each other. Richard had handed me his phone and I had it on speaker. It was a couple of tense minutes before Carl's voice came over the speaker, Rich, hello Carl, Richards phone with Mark Pritchard speaking, good afternoon sir, hope you are well, yes thankyou Carl, what news for me, right sir all the buttons have been pressed, we are just waiting for the system to catch up and confirm transfer, good man, can you actually confirm collection of the funds from your end, yes of course as long as the receiver acknowledges the receipt, ok can you hold a second, of course sir. Mr. Chaiprasit, you heard that, all I need now is your people to confirm safe receipt and we have a deal, he picked up a phone, dilled, after a short conversation he said, please check, just as he finished Carl came back on, Mr. Pritchard, yes Carl, just confirmed, thank you Carl, bye for now, bye sir, I closed the call and looked at Mr. Chaiprasit, who was still looking a little sheepish having been caught out.

The boys had gone for a shower, I was sitting on the balcony recovering, my poor ass, was I one to complain, too much! Suddenly my phone rang, Tony came running out onto the balcony with it and handed it to me. Hello, Dave, Hi Mark, how's it going, better than we could ever have hoped for, we have got her out on bail, don't ask how much. Point is Richard is busy with all this paperwork, can you organize a car to collect her from here, main entrance and take her direct to the back entrance of our hotel and then strait to the spa, the full works, as soon as possible, on it now Mark, will keep you posted, thanks, see you soon, ok, bye, bye. Both boys were sat watching speechless. Tony started to say something I stopped him, sorry Tony, later, this is urgent. Opened my phone on to hotel security, yes Mr. Walters, can you have a car, full blackout to collect Miss Alice from the main gate at Bang Kwang, bring her straight back here and escort her directly to the spa, timings sir, asap please, certainly sir on it now, do you need collection confirmed, yes please, no problem sir, thank you, bye, bye sir.

Good afternoon, my name is David Walters could I speak with your Manager please, certainly sir, one second please, good afternoon Mr. Walters, Arum speaking Manager of the spa, can I help you? Ah, yes, I hope so, we have a young lady on her way to us very shortly, she is coming direct from Bang Kwang, ah, is this the young English girl they say they are going to execute next week? Yes, it is, oh my word, how can we help? Well we have a forty strong team from England here working now to save her, her parents are here and we would not like them to see her as she is likely to be, indeed not sir, we will do everything we can to help, thank you Arum, oh Mr. Pritchard, yes, would you like me to organize a dressmaker to come and see her, what a good idea, thank you very much, no problem sir, how long do we have? The car is leaving to collect her as we speak, ok, thank you, leave it with me, thank you, bye for now, bye.

Sorry Tony, just one more, Mark, hi Dave, right, car is on its way as we speak, spa is pre warned and know what's required, they are even bringing in a dressmaker to kit her out, wonderful, who's idea was that, love to say mine but it was Arum at the spa, great I'll get the transfer sorted this end, see you for dinner, want to book somewhere for all of us, ok Mark, will do bye, bye.

Ok Mr. Chaiprasit, we have a deal, how soon can you get Alice to the main gate? He picked up a phone and started speaking, will half an hour be OK sir, fine thank you. Now before we go much further, just some fine points to agree on, oh, I see you are now taking the high ground, that sir was your people's choice, with the wrong account details, point taken. Let's put on record now shall we, we have paid you 50,000,000 THB with at today's exchange rate equates to £, we will expect the same amount returned at the end of this but of course Mr.

Pritchard but we have nothing in writing, indeed no, but the whole conversation has been recorded and will be used under international law if necessary. Mr. Chaiprasit stood up, leant over his desk, put out his hand and we shook on the deal, you are indeed a man not to be underestimated, thank you Mr. Chaiprasit, just don't forget it, he smiled.

I helped Richard to copy all the relevant documents we could find, we had copied maybe 85% when Richard announced guys, that's enough for now, if we find we need more we can come back, yes Mr. Chaiprasit? no problem Richard, anything I can do to help, he looked at me and gave me a very sheepish grin. At that point one of his phones rang, ah, Mr. Pritchard, yes sir, I have just been told that Miss Alice is at the main gate and waiting for your car, thank you very much Mr. Chaiprasit, I hope we can remain friends after this incident is all done and dusted and become part of history.

I opened my phone and dialed Dave, hello Dave Walters, Mark, hi Mark, she's out and on her way, great news, how much? Later, ok see you later. I'm going back to the office first; I'll see you all later.

The boys and I were sat on the balcony, nude of course, sorry Tony, that was important, no problem, how does Mark do it, he's like a human dynamo, he loves a challenge. Sounds as though he's got a good result here, what happens if the court go the other way, well, young Tony, we will have to see on that one, one thing for sure, Mark will not let go easily now. Tony, yes Dave, would you do me a favor, of course, can you go down to Alan and Steve and let them know that we will be going for dinner later, it will probably be around 21:00, ok thanks Tony.

Just as he opened the door I yelled after him, not a word about Alice, ok Dave.

Richard, Angie and I waited for the car to arrive, Nigel went to wait in it for Alice and we all watched Alice getting into it before it drove away towards the main gate and civilization. We got into our car, waved our goodbyes to Mr. Chaiprasit as we drove off also heading for the main gate

I learned later that poor Alice was scared to death when the guards came for her, she must have thought the end had come till she saw the big posh western car with Nigel and Simon sitting in the back. She apparently cried all the way to the hotel. They took her to the back door and she was met by the girls from the spa, they had been pre warned, she stank, she had not had a shower or bath for three weeks, in the heat of central Bangkok, her hair was matted and covered in everything you could imagine and she had not had a good meal for a month.

She was treated like royalty, bathed three times, hair washed and conditioned each time and then put into the spa, where she was given a manicure, pedicure and had her hair restyled. While all this was going on there was a team of dressmakers measuring and discussing styles with her.

Turns out the team had come prepared with machines to actually make the first dress for her on the spot.

Back at the office work had already begun on the documents we had sent over, a lot of it was flannel, nothing that would stand up in an English court, but there was our problem. We had to find something that would discredit either their main witness of the so called evidence they claimed to have.

As I walked in to the office all heads looked up and there were some smiles, well guys, I said, now it's up to you guys, do what you can as quickly as you can, we do not have long. The hotel will be laying on food for you all a bit later, we do not expect anyone to work overnight but if you can put in as many hours as you can it will be much appreciated, particularly by Alice, who by the way, is by now sitting in a nice hot bath being pampered to death, not literally, we hope, the whole office erupted into cheers. I will see you all in the morning, if there is anything any of you need let Richard know and he will sort it if he can, thanks again guys, THREE CHEARS FOR MR MARK, HIP HIP HORAY, I had left before they got to the third line.

The car was waiting outside the main door for me with Simon sitting in the passenger seat Sukhumvit Park please, Simon added, and don't spare the horses, turned and grinned at me. Mr.

Pritchard, can I ask a question? I answered before he finished, just over a Million sterling, good God sir; you're willing to set that much aside for one of your employees? And more if the circumstances demand it but why sir, loyalty works both ways Simon. All our staff know that David Walters, myself and Richard and all the board will stand by a good employee whatever it takes, that's just incredible sir, when can I start, he laughed, speak to Richard when this is all over, your joking sir, no. At that point my phone rang, it was Dave, hi Dave, how's it going, dinner at Nami in the JW Marriott, its close and Simon said easy to secure, set for 7pm, great, I'm almost at the hotel now, get a large scotch out for me would you, sure see you soon, bye, bye.

I had just poured Marks drink when the phone rang, Tony picked it up, hello, penthouse, just one second please, Dave it's the spa, he handed me the phone with a grin, sorry about that, just had to do it, hello Arum, yes Mr. Walters, Miss Alice is ready to be collected, security said she was not to be left on her own, thank you very much Arum, one of our security team will be down directly. Ok Tony yes Dave, would you go down to Steve, he's in 1324, get him up here as quickly as possible but don't say why, ok Dave, he disappeared. Picking up my mobile I called Simon, yes Mr. David, is everything ok, fine, Miss Alice needs to be collected from the spa, could you arrange it and get her up here as soon as you can, on it sir, I'll do it, she knows me, good man, thanks, bye, bye sir.

I had just gone back out onto the balcony to sit with the lads when Mark arrived, he came out and joined us, both the boys jumped up, ran over and gave him a big hug, what's this for he asked, Andy who had not said much, what do you think, dynamo, with a grin on his face. Mark looked at me, what have I missed, nothing, tell you later. Before our guests arrive, how much?

Oh, 50 million, was that your first figure or did you have to haggle? first, but caught the bugger big time, tell you later. Both boys were sat with their mouths open, it was Andy who looked over at me and said is that pounds? With wide eyes, no son Thai Baht, what was the rate Mark, just over one sterling good rate I replied. Does that answer your question Andy? Sort of, you guys talk about money as if it's a phone number, I've heard that said before and laughed.

The door opened and in walked a confused looking Steve, followed by Tony, Hi Steve, come and join us out here, now the sun's going down its quite pleasant, would you like a drink asked Tony? Could I have beer please Tony, he went off to the bar, he had just given it to Steve when the doorbell rang, Andy got up to get it as he was the closest, Simon walked in with Alice close behind, Andy brought them to the patio, as we all stood. Steve turned to see why, jumped up and ran towards Alice, we all quietly left the patio and Tony slid the glass door closed. Mark thanked Simon and asked him if he would like to join us for dinner? that would be very nice sir, thank you if you're sure I won't be in the way, hardly in the way Simon, apparently we have something to talk over, thank you sir, I'd like that, ok see you in the lobby at 19-00, will do sir, bye for now and he left.

Alice looked wonderful, she was wearing a knee length floral dress with her hair up in a bun, we were all sat in the lounge talking when the pair of them came in from the patio, we all stood as they came over to join us, Alice had obviously been crying but she looked radiant and happy.

Mark was the first to speak, welcome back to civilization Alice, she smiled and thanked him. We have two people downstairs that are very anxious to see you, are you up to it? She looked at Mark quizzically; do you mean Mum and Dad she asked visibly shaking. Who else, replied Mark, with a big smile, you mean you have brought them all the way to Bangkok to see me and she burst into tears again, Steve worked hard to console her as Mark made a call. Simon, yes sir, sorry but can you come back up and escort Alice to see Mum and Dad, no problem sir, I anticipated this, I'm outside now, good man, let yourself in, thankyou sir. Simon came into the lounge, Alice and Steve stood up, Alice turned, looked at Mark, then went over to where he was sitting, as she approached he stood up and she gave him a big hug and said thank you for the umpteenth time, the three of them left and for the first time since the bedroom on the plane, the four of us were alone.

We all went back out onto the patio with fresh drinks and sat on the loungers, Mark got Andy and Tony sat with me. Phew, what a hectic day Tony said, Mark replied you've only seen the half of it lad. Don't even think of getting into drugs out here, Bang Kwang is not a nice place, how Alice survived as long as she did we have yet to find out but it could not have been easy.

Andy snuggled in close to Mark, was it really that bad? Much worse Andy, I've been to some pretty nasty places in my lifetime but that place almost defies description, Andy persisted, I think we were all morbidly interested. Mark relayed their mornings excursion as we all became more and more fixated by our own thoughts of what it must be like to be in there without the support of someone powerful from the outside.

I was the one to snap everyone back into the real world, come on guys, enough doom and gloom any one fancy a shower? We've got a dinner date looming, Andy jumped up and made a move saying race you, last one gets it first, he was gone. Tony just rolled those eyes saying that's him out then and laughed, we all made our way up to the master bedroom and started stripping off.

Just before we made our way to the shower Mark stopped in the middle of the bedroom and said in a nice crisp clear voice. Right Simon, this is when you might like to turn down the volume, we looked at him, he just smiled, sorry guys, should have told you, Simon has had the whole apartment wired, he tells me for his ears only but he says that if he hears anything out of character said by any of us he will know that we have been compromised and can act accordingly, made sense to me at the time. The three of them were looking back at me with open mouths, is that a good move asked Dave? Tony quickly asked, even the bedroom? By this time Andy emerged from the shower room wondering where we all were, he looked over at me like the others.

Well guys, while it is not ideal, he did put up a strong case, while we are fairly secure up here, being the penthouse, with dedicated, security controlled lifts and full C.C.T.V. in the outer hallways and around the perimeter, he said it was just an extra level as we could be dealing with some very powerful and influential people. Tony just said, I hope he's got a very broad mind, we all thought for a second and then bused into laughter as we all moved into the shower.

By the time the water was flowing Andy's "snake" had grown to full size and was receiving some attention from Dave, Tony and I were for the moment at least content with a hug, grope and some body massage. Mark stopped proceedings by turning of the water saying we should adjourn to the bedroom due to time, feeling a bit hard done by we all followed Mark to the big, comfortable, super-king size bed. Andy asked his usual question so Tony laid out and Andy sat on his brother, getting it in nice and deep, I got into positions and sank my shaft to the hilt which produced a squeal from Andy. Mark stood on the bed so that I could give him a good blow job.

It was not long before I could hear Tony making some familiar noises, which tipped me over, at that point Andy shot right over Tony's head and hit the headboard which was enough to tip Mark over the edge. All exhausted we fell onto the bed and just lay in a heap.

Another shower, this time without any funny business and we all dressed for dinner, I for one was staving. Andy asked where we were going for dinner, I replied, a place called Nami's, it's in the Marriot Hotel just fifty yards along the road. Dave, what's the food like Tony asked, I replied, very good, Chinese, can we use chop sticks again? no problem, I said.

We met on the patio, we all had a drink, the doorbell rang, Andy went to open the door to Simon, come in Simon, would you like a drink, thank you Mr. Pritchard but not while I'm working, oh yes, sorry, no problem sir. Are you all ready? I've commandeered a couple of extra guys to escort you to the restaurant, Mr. & Mrs. Thomlinson, Alice and Steve are being taken down to the foyer as we speak. Thank you Simon, lead the way. We all traipsed out of the apartment following this hunk of a man to the lift. It was a bit of a tight fit but we made the ground floor to be greeted by the Tomlinson's, Alice and Steve, Richard and Judy and Charles and Julian were also in the group. OK said Mark as he made his way to the front of the group, are we all here?

yep replied Richard, thanks, right guys, as I have said before, please keep in a nice tight close group and follow any instruction given by our security team, onward to food as he made for the outer doorway.

We had not been to this place before, something told me we were more than expected, as we got close we could see a reception committee forming in the street, by the time Mark reached the front door there was at least ten suited gentlemen and another dozen waiters in a well formed line. We were all individually escorted to our private room off to one side of the main restaurant area, which was busy, always a good sign, lots of locals.

Mark and I were center of the top table, Simon was next to Mark, the boys were next to me the others sorted themselves onto the other table, we noticed we had four black suited security guys in the room with a couple either side of the door. I kept meaning to ask Simon just what he thought the risks were.

Conversations were flowing long before the menus arrived, I spotted Alan and Fiona looking at the menu with a look of horror on their faces, Charles and Julian had sat next to them so Alice and Steve could not help. Tony, yes Dave, are you OK with the menu? Yes, why? would you go and give Alan and Fiona a bit of help, love to he replied as he got up and moved down to them. I saw Alan look up towards the top table, he caught my eye and gave a thumbs up and smiled. It was super meal, the service was beyond belief, we were at one point surrounded by waiting staff, a great evening followed as once we had all finished they cleared the tables and reset the room as a lounge while we had coffees and after dinner drinks, none of us were driving anywhere so the alcohol flowed. I saw Mark had sat with the Thomlinson's and was talking with Alice. The boys had latched onto Charles and Julian, they were obviously having great fun as they were all laughing and smiling. Richard was taking with Simon, that looked a bit more serious, probably forward planning, Richard is a bit like Mark, he rarely stops working.

Mark stood up and walked to the middle of the group, within a couple of seconds the room had gone dead quiet, you could have heard a pin drop. Ladies and Gentleman, we hope you have all enjoyed this evening but for some of us this is where the fun stops and the hard work begins.

We do not have the luxury of time on our side, the clock is ticking, he looked at Alice, she had a tight hold of Steve's hand, all other eyes were fixed on Mark. Richard, yes sir, we need to set up a meeting with Alice in the office first thing in the morning, shall we say eight AM, Steve, your welcome to join us but this is a serious business, I hope you can understand Alan, no problem, we totally accept whatever you need to do, we are just so grateful for what you have done so far, thank you Alan. He looked around for Simon, ah, there you are, yes sir, he stood up, for goodness sake, sit down lad, Simon sat and looked a bit awkward but managed a sheepish smile.

Mark continued, before I say any more let me make this announcement, Simon is now officially Head of Corporate Security. Every one stood and gave him a round of applause, poor Simon went bright red. As I was saying, suddenly silence in the room, Mark really has a presence that you ignore at your peril, Richard, yes sir, so it's the senior member of the legal team, Alice, Steve, you and I, let's get to the bottom of this problem and work out a way to solve it, OK sir.

Well people, its 11.00, I'm tired, guess a lot of you are it's been a very busy day, so as we have to go back as a group can I suggest we start to make a move so we can get a good night ready for the morning. Our security detail split up, some went out into the street while the others stayed with us till we were all out of the restaurant. We were headed back to the safety of the apartments lobby, two of the detail stood guard at the doorway. We all said our goodnights and went our separate ways back to our apartments, Simon stayed with us as we all squeezed into our special lift, he swiped his card, the door closed and within a very short time we were safe up in the penthouse. As we left the lift Mark stopped and turned to Simon, who was smiling, might need to reduce your volume again later, still smiling Simon replied, no problem sir you four just have fun, life should not be all work, you need to play sometimes, good man, see you in the morning, guess you will arrange transport, already done sir, Mark just smiled and turned to follow us into the apartment and he shut the door behind him.

Who wants a drink before bed I asked, yes please, my usually said Mark, the boys asked for a beer, OK guys, Tony, yes Dave, could you give me a hand, sure. We joined Mark and Andy, both already stripped naked, did likewise and sat and discussed the next day. Mark suggested that I took the boys and the Thomlinson's on a trip to the Grand Palace, that's a good idea I replied, you don't need us in the office and we can contact each other if necessary any way, you've been several time anyway, that sound ok you two, looking at the boys. Andy piped up, sounds great thanks Dave, just one problem, oh, Yeh, more to pay for as he flashed a semi "snake" at me. Tony looked at me, rolled his eyes and just said, that's just typical, he's got sex on his mind twenty-four seven. Mark said well that's settled, I guess Simon is already getting the transport sorted as he put his finger to his lips and looked around the ceiling. As it is now very nearly morning anyway I suggest we head for bed, Andy replied, payment time, smiled and stood up, the "snake" flopping from side to side ahead of him, we all followed him to the bedroom.

The shower very soon produced four stiff cocks which were all too soon put to good use once we all eventually made it to bed. After the usual four way antics we finished exhausted as so often, must be the humidity here in Bangkok, we fell asleep in two spoons, I just love Tony's strong arm around my chest and Mark was snuggled in close and personal with Andy.

To be continued....

My usual suffix, sorry but this is important to me.

AIDS has taken all but a few of my circle of friends from my time on the gay scene, it is still a fact of life, it will KILL you eventually, even though they now have some very good meds which may prolong the inevitable.

Prevent the need,

ALWAYS PRACTICE SAFE SEX. USE A CONDOM. Enjoy sex without the hassle.


Comments always accepted, good, bad or otherwise send to:

I will try and answer all emails.

Next: Chapter 16

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