Holiday in Heaven

By moc.oohay@onegabmik

Published on Aug 13, 2016


Here we have a story although from my over active imagination, wishful thinking perhaps both, it was originally inspired by a correspondent who told a story of some fun he had while on holiday.

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Author's Note: This story is copyrighted by the author, and no part of it may be copied, linked to, downloaded, stored in any electronic device, or used in any way without the express written permission of the author. This is a work of pure fiction, places, events mentioned, may exist but are used in this story, it is just that and not real. They exist only in the mind of the author. Any resemblance to real persons, places or events is unintentional.

All names have been changed and any resemblance to anyone alive, deceased on in the houses of Parliament is purely co incidental. Places named have been used as we have had personal experiences of them, that does not mean they are involved in or have any specific connection with the gay community in anyway whatsoever.

Hi people, I've tried to get this out before we go away, please forgive any lapses in proof reading. Will work on 15 in Italy.

Holiday in Heaven, or Hell Book Two. Chapter 14 Return to England and a new venture By Kimbageno. Copyright 2014-2016. All rights reserved

We left chapter 13:

By the time we both got back to the bedroom Tony was giving Mark a blow job, Andy said, and he says I'm 24/7, look at him, I am lad, that ass looks inviting, want to fight me for it? No you take it if you want it, go on lad, you have it, I could do with having a good show to watch, are you sure Dave, go for it, before I change my mind. Andy was up on the bed and licking his brother's ass, I had got the KY and was lubing up the "snake", a second later Andy had located the hole and was pushing his thing all the way home. I could not resist the sight of Andy's ass in the air, lubed up my cock and got into position, very soon also sunk in to the hilt, much to Andy's delight. We all pulled out and Andy asked if we could try a two in one again, no one complained so he got on top of Tony who got his cock in nice and deep then Mark got into position and was very soon splitting the hole as they say. An hour later we all fell back onto the bed in a mangled heap, all satisfied but also all exhausted. We sorted ourselves out; all got comfortable and fell off to sleep.

All alarms had been set, we needed to be away bright and early, busy day ahead, my alarm was the first to go off, as I reached out to stop it Tony's arm came over and grabbed mine and pulled it down to the duvet. Do we have to get up yet Dave, sorry Tony, yes, no time for any frolics this morning. What shall I do with this then? he asked as he drew back the duvet to reveal his rock hard cock, well, I replied, you could tell it to go away, which in your case would only make it worse or you could take a cold shower. You're a hard man David Walters, not quite but I'm getting there, we both laughed. Andy was the next to stir, what's all the noise, some of us are trying to sleep? Rise and shine, young man said Tony, hands off cocks on socks, busy day. I left the boys heading for the shower, in search of Mark. He was in the kitchen getting breakfast ready. It was going to be another wonderful Spanish hot sunny day, we all sat around the table enjoying breakfast and the view, the "snake" was remarkably well behaved considering it had not had sex for at least 6 hours, or had it?.

Breakfast over, Mark asked the boys to secure the villa ready for our departure, all the loungers and the table in the store please Tony, we don't want anything left out, ok Mark, they went off busy. I tidied around quickly, we had the cleaners under contract but it needs to be a bit tidy, its a queen thing. Mark sorted out what food we would have to bin, which was not very much; he had the idea of asking if the family could use the rest. Sven would be up a bit later to say goodbye and collect what we had put aside. He arrived as hoped, quickly, he came up to the patio, we had all but finished, he said his goodbyes to the boys, thanked Mark and I for giving them the opportunity to go, and thankfully he was gone. Sounds a bit harsh but we were fighting the clock it was already 08:15. We got to the hire company at the airport at 09:05, fortunately it was the friendly guy on duty and we persuading him to drive us the VIP lounge which is at the other end of the Concourse, it's a very long airport. We thanked him and ran into the lounge, Charles was waiting airside for us, we went through the rituals of Customs and Immigration and were finally allowed through to the plane. Charles walked us to the plane, he was carrying my case, he would not take no for an answer, Tony had Marks and Andy managed their two small ones, little did they know that they would need new suitcases for the return flight. We were on board and all strapped in by 09:25, Charles came on the intercom to say that we were well on schedule and should arrive at Farnborough before Lunch time, then he added that Julian would be back after takeoff for our drinks order. Tony remembered that you get a better view at takeoff from the starboard side so they were both sat opposite Dave and I, I thought to myself, Tony really does listen. Take off was smooth and uneventful except for the rate of climb, we were very soon up above the clouds. Julian came back, he greeted us all, we have lunch on board for you all later he said, it's a cold meat salad, hope that will be ok, it's all we could get at such short notice, sounds great said Andy, thanks. Your usual Mr. Mark, yes please Julian and mine I said, the boys opted for a couple of beers. We were discussing the logistics of our job in hand with Tony; he really was asking all the right questions and was obviously taking it all in. Charles came back with the tray, good morning gentleman, thought I'd come back and thank you for letting us both join this little intrepid band, no problem Charles, glad to have you both along, I replied, we don't see the pair of you anything like as often as we should. At least you two will have a bit more time to see the city and do some shopping. That's what I hoping sir, I need a couple of new suits, can you recommend any where? As it happens, we both need a new wardrobe and we were going to kit these two out as well, both boys turned to listen, perhaps when this is all over we can go out as a group, maybe get some group discount, can you do that? asked Tony. Dave, where did you go last time? I asked. Do you mean Mikes Tailors, that's the feller, he gave you a very good deal as I remember, ok, I replied, so I had a sore ass for a week, we all roared. Suddenly there was a familiar click, sorry to interrupt gentleman, I've got Richard asking for Mr. Mark, ok Julian, put him on, click, hi Richard, good morning sir, are you all well, we all replied in chorus, fine thank you Richard. Before I start the new episode let me end the last one, I've a message here for Mr. Tony. Andy face shot round, Dave looked at me, I just smiled, yes said Tony, oh bye the way, Rich, Tony is fine when it's just us, why thank you sir Richard replied, we all laughed, again. As I was saying, good news with regard to Paul, do tell Rich said Tony, I've been waiting for some good news on that one for days. Paul has been transferred to Southampton General and we are continuing to provide the specialist transport to get Mum to see her son. You could see the relief in Tony's face as he thanked Rich so much for that much needed piece of good news, thank you so much for everything you and your team have done for us both, no problem sir, it's been a pleasure. Tony looked across at me with a quizzical look on his face. Good news dealt with, back to the real world, we have had a message from the Embassy in Bangkok, it would appear that the authorities have indeed brought the execution forward a week, bloody hell Richard I said, is there nothing we can do? Sorry sir, not till we are on the ground in Thailand. The Embassy is aware that we are on route as we're speaking and they are doing everything they can. Ok Richard, there is no more we can do from here, as you know, we are on our way now and by tomorrow lunchtime all being well we will be in Thailand, ok sir, will keep you informed of any new developments, thank you Richard, see you soon, bye, bye sir. Click Charles said he should get back to the controls and left us, a very somber group. Mark, yes Tony, was Richard taking the mick with this Mr. Tony? Far from it lad, he only ever uses that for people he has a great deal of respect for. You have somehow managed to impress our Richard, wow said Andy, now we'll have to widen all the doors, you cheeky little shit bag, Tony made a lunge for his brother, now, now boys, don't go and spoil it, Dave said as he jumped in to keep them apart, settle down, all good things come to those who wait, looking at Andy.

Well said Mark, that seals it, no free time till this is settled one way or the other, Tony said, Mark, I heard you say this could go either way, is there nothing we can do? sadly no son, even less till we are actually there and can look the authorities in the eye, face to face. At the moment we do not even know what, if any evidence they have against Alice other than this Police officer. My God, that poor girl must be so scared, he replied, that's the half of it Tony, the conditions inside Bang Kwang are primitive to the extreme, it's not know as the Bangkok Hilton for fun. Andy was the first to try and lighten the mood, Dave, yes Andy, do you have any porn on this rust bucket of yours, smiling? I looked at Tony and said, he is a cheeky little shit bag isn't he? Do you think we should show him the door? What do you mean? he replied, well we open the door and push him out, without a shoot, nah, make too much mess when he hit the ground, At the end of the couch is a button, that will raise the TV, the remote is in the pocket, as I remember there are a couple of quite good films on there, just don't stain the carpet, you'll also find some tissues in the side pocket. Tony went off to sit with Andy, I think they were both suffering from lack of sex, Mark looked at me and rolled his eyes, then said quietly, good, now we can get on with some work, not long before we've got to address the troops. I turned my chair round so that I was facing Mark and we pulled out the table and we started to plan the trip in more detail. Julian came back about half an hour later with the first tray of lunch, he laid it on the end table top, caught my eye as he nodded towards the boys totally oblivious to his presence wanking like mad to the film, he smiled and went for the rest of the food. We soon heard the familiar groans when climax is reached, the boys cleaned up, folded everything away and came forward to rejoin us just as Julian came through with the wine to go with lunch, Thank you Julian was the response all round as we all settled in for lunch. Mark and I had got the base plan together by the time Julian came back to ask if anyone wanted any more to drink, we all declined, probably just as well as we are only about a quarter of an hour from Farnborough, watch for the seat belt lights gentleman, Thank you Julian Mark replied. Charles came back onto the intercom, were flying over Farnborough now, sorry gentleman you'll have to wait to see the 737, it must be in a hanger for preflight service, which I'm quite pleased about, it's a long way, bit too far to call out the AA, we all laughed, again. Another great landing, Charles taxied to within 100 yards of the car that we was waiting for us, Farnborough is a very good airport to fly into or from as it does not handle many large group flights, though ours later would be one of them. A porter put the bags into the boot of the car for us while we were seen by Customs and Immigration, they were quite good and soon let us go the car, we thanked George and Julian and said we would see them later. The drive to the house was uneventful, Mark sat in the front with the driver, William, one of our in house drivers, nice lad, we think he might be "family" but never had the opportunity to find out for sure. Both lads were enjoying the green trees and countryside again after Spain, is the house far asked Andy. No, in fact we will be leaving the M 27 soon, and then it's about another quarter of a mile. We left the M 27 as it became to A31, turned left onto the forest, wow said Andy this is fantastic, it's so open, oh look said Tony, there's some ponies over there, do they run free. Yes, Tony, it's part of the attraction of the forest, can be a problem though as people drive far too fast with the inevitable result, we lose so many through accidents. William stated to slow down and both lads were desperately looking for a house, Mark said, you won't see it till we are a hundred yards away from it lads, it's that well hidden by the forest. William turned left onto a gravel track towards a large bank of trees, the road twisted and turned; eventually coming to a high wall with a double wooden gate with big solid brick posts either side. Wow, said Andy as the gates slowly opened, once inside the grounds are landscaped with a stone drive which gently sweeps round to the right, as you see a clearing you finally see the house which is directly in front of you. It is a classical Georgian style house, three story, with big matching windows, all very symmetrical, there have been several extensions added but they have all maintained the classic look. The boy's eyes were on stalks as Willian drew around the central fountain that was playing, and stopped outside the front door. Bertram our "butler" was waiting with another of the house staff to greet us. Welcome Gentleman said Bertie, nice to see you, did you have a pleasant flight? Yes thank you Bertie I said, these two gentlemen are Tony and his brother Andy, friends of ours, this guy is the mainstay of the house, our trusty Bertie, pleasure to meet you gentleman, I hope you enjoy your stay. Sorry Bertie, did the office not tell you, we are not stopping, oh, no were off again later to fly to Bangkok. Ah, is this anything to do with that girl Alice I saw in the company magazine, yes Bertie, we've got a team assembled to go out and try and save her, God bless you sir, that poor girl must be so frightened all on her own and in that place, quite Bertie. Ok sir, you know where you are, all the rooms have been prepared but if there is anything any of you need please do not hesitate to ring for me, thank you Bertie, I replied, oh, yes, could we have four nice cold beers in the drawing room please, no problem sir and he waddled off, he looks a bit like an Emperor Penguin from the back. The house man asked if we wanted our cases taken up, yes please, these two the master and these two to the room next door please, no problem sir. Both the boys were admiring the marble statues in the hall, we have two life sized "David" and Zeus, both with natural sized bits, either side of the double width staircase. Right guys, this is what we call home Mark said as he led the group towards the drawing room, I need the loo Mark, why don't you give the lads a quick tour, so they can find their way round without getting lost. Good idea Dave, see you later in the drawing room if I can find it again, we parted company. With wide open eyed Tony and Andy in hot pursuit Mark went off on the grand tour, Ok guys, ground floor, reception rooms to your right and left, this is the formal dining room, he opened the door to a gasp from the boys, the table will seat twenty in comfort, double French windows lead out to the terrace and the garden. Next is the kitchen, not much to see in there, however, if we go along here and turn right, through this door, Bloody hell was the expression they both used on sight of the full size indoor pool with fully equipped gym at the far end. My God Mark, this is incredible, do you use it, of course when were here. Right, you can explore on you own later, back out, along the corridor and turn right you have our two studies, this is mine and next door is Dave's, they are linked. Further along we have one of the doors out to the garden. Oh Mark, this is just not fair, another full size pool, with pool house, sorry guys but I did say we have a few toys. If you ever get the chance, the pool house has changing rooms, toilets and a full size pool table. Bloody hell, said Andy, can I take some pics for Dad, he will not believe this otherwise, feel free son.

We walked around the outside back to the front door, it was Tony who spotted the group of out building s off to one side, built like a miniature version of the house without the two end extensions, what that for? he asked. Something for after I've had a cold beer, good idea said Andy, I'm parched. We found Dave back in the drawing room reading a paper, well guys, Mark, it's beautiful; I can't wait to see upstairs, we settled and enjoyed our beers. Dave, yes Mark, if I go and pack our two bags, we won't need that much if we're going to see Mike while we are in Bangkok, Tony spotted the stables, would you give them a tour? If I have to I replied smiling, both boys eyes were looking at me expectantly .Come on then as I stood up, can you do the alarm, yes OK, enjoy, don't be too long though we have to be back at Farnborough by five at the latest, it's a good three quarters of an hour drive and its five to three now, ok. As we went through the front door Andy asked what's so special about some stables, ah young man, that depends on what kind of horses you store in them, I replied as I winked at Tony, I'm not sure if he cottoned on. As we approached I pressed a button on the remote I was holding and the first door began to swing open. As we drew closer Tony saw just what horses I was taking about. They were both dumb struck as we walked in to the stable, remember I said we had a few toys; well here's a couple more. But that's a Bentley continental convertible, is it the V8? Is there any other I replied with a smile? Oh my God that's a Shelby Cobra 3000, spose that's an original as well, of course, I replied smiling. Andy said you realize you will never get him out of here now, he'll be kissing them soon, ah shut up, just coz you don't appreciate quality. No, surely not as he walked around the back to check, bugger, it's been de badged, is it he asked, you mean a AMG S 65 V 12, I replied. Oh my God you've got all my favorite cars here and what's that at the end as we walked passed something covered. Oh you mean the Range Rover as we drew closer, bet it's the Over Finch, bloody well is as well. What is this lot worth Dave asked Andy, Tony was still looking at the Range Rover, no idea son, several thou, he rolled his eyes at me, smiling. What's under the covers asked Andy, oh that's nothing I replied as Tony turned to look at me, it's a Morgan 4X4 plus eight, your kidding said Tony, no but we should go, come on Tony, time to get back to the house before you make a stain on your trousers. Walking back to the house Tony asked why did you make fun of me back there, sorry Tony, no malice meant, to be honest I'm very impressed with your knowledge, is this part of your interest in engineering? Sort of, it was part of my course but I concentrated on heavy industrial, thought there might be more jobs in that field. Have you been looking? Andy jumped in, he's had so many dismissals, some companies don't even reply. Bertie must have spotted us on the CCTV as we approached the door it opened and he came out to greet us, good walk gentleman, yes thank you we all replied, would you like afternoon tea before you go, what a good idea, good, that's what Mr. Mark said, its all set up in the drawing room, thank you Bertie. We had a real Hampshire afternoon tea, sandwiches, two cakes, and a couple of pots of tea. Tony had found a book on the Shelby, Tony was doing something on his phone, Mark and I had dozed off. We were woken by William standing in the doorway gently coughing; I came to first, sorry to disturb you Mr. David but if you need to get to Farnborough by five we need to be away in about ten minutes, the car is waiting, as it is such a nice day I've got the Bentley out is that ok, sir, any excuse William, he looked a bit concerned, don't worry lad, good choice, see you shortly, thank you sir. Ok guys, anyone need the loo, it's time to get this show on the road, we all decided the loo might be a good idea and met in the hallway. Our cases were already in the car and Bertie was on hand to wish us farewell and good luck, saying he would be praying for us, thank you Bertie, we might just be grateful for a bit of divine help with this one, good bye gentleman he said as we piled into the car. William got us to Farnborough spot on time despite driving a bit slower than normal as we had the top down, nice fresh air though except passed the sewerage farm in Farnborough, phew that stinks. He pulled up beside the coach which had just pulled into the car park with our team on board. Thank you William, timing is perfect, think I've just got time to do the prep talk In the coach. We left the boys in the car as Mark and I made our way to the coach, the driver opened the door as we approached, we climbed up into the coach. Good afternoon young man, I'm Mark Pritchard, good afternoon sir, would you like the microphone, not really bit it's got to be done. I stood on the top step and became aware of all the faces looking at me expectantly, two I was very glad to see. Good afternoon ladies and gentleman, I would say thank you for coming but apart from a few you have no choice. As you all know we are on a mission of Mercy for one of our own, Alice from logistics, who by some quirk of fate has managed to end up in probably the worst possible place for a young girl of Alice's nature. I could see Mum and Dad in tears. So that you all know why we have gone to so much trouble, A , Alice is one of us and we all fight for each other, B. Bang Kwang, sorry Mr. and Mrs. Thomlinson, but everyone needs to know, Dad nodded. two sex prison, no guards, no sanitation, no food, crime rampant and virtually unchecked. I could see all the ladies were in tears, most of the men weren't far off. The only reason most western prisoners survive is because of the sterling work the Embassy does to provide them money to at least buy some basic food and protection. I see we have Richard with us, welcome and glad to have you on the team, thank you sir, he replied, Richards team and the legal guys will have their work cut out, as you all now the execution has been brought forward a week . We need to hit the ground running on this one, enough from me, we hope that at the end of this we will have a little time to see the city, one final point before I go. The members of the security team are here for a reason, please do exactly what they ask at any time, your safety is there responsibility, please do not stray from a secure grope for any reason.

Enjoy the flight and we will regroup in the hotel in Bangkok, I got my first ever standing ovation, Richard smiled as I left the coach.

Charles was waiting for us in the lounge, we all found a seat and waited while the group came in in dribs and drabs, we were still ok for time but the clock was ticking I watched for Richard, I waved him over, yes sir, great rallying speech by the way, it's got everyone fired up, I hope so, now can we get these people on board as soon as possible, time is ticking, on it sir. I take it the family are with you, yes, I'll go and find them, on it sir. I walked over towards Mum, Dad and Steve, they all stood as I approached, good afternoon to you all as you my know I'm Mark Pritchard, welcome to Farnborough. It was Dad who spoke first, I don't think Mum was all there, Mr. Pritchard, it is an honor to meet you sir, Alice has spoken kindly of you so many times, my wife and I are forever in your debt whether or not we get Alice out, Mum broke down. Let's not think of that yet, there is always hope and we have a cracking team on our side, yes, so many, all for our little girl, your little girl is also one of us and we will fight tooth and claw for her, Thank you Mr. Pritchard. Now, can we get you on the plane as quickly as possible, Steve, yes sir, can you handle these pieces of hand luggage for Mum and Dad, I'm afraid we have to climb the steps to get on board, no problem sir, good man, follow me please, have your passports ready for inspection, Dad asked, we haven't got our boarding cards yet, don't worry, you don't need one. We progressed swiftly through and out onto the tarmac. Thankfully it was still a nice sunny day, must be a bit bleak in winter. Mum needed a bit of help with the stairs; both Andy and Tony were there without being asked. Very soon we had them seated, make yourselves comfortable, the staff will be round after takeoff with the drinks trolley, thankyou said Steve, this is so good of you to go to all this trouble for Alice, no problem lad, can you do me a favor, of course sir, keep an eye on Mum and Dad, they are really going through the mill, gladly sir, thank you Steve. I went off to find the boys, they had picked two window seats, one behind the other, Hi Mark, this is so cool said Andy, I'm so glad there's no coach on this flight, he grinned, wait till you see the bedroom, I replied, can't wait he grinned back. I went in search of Dave, I found him in the rear cabin talking with Richard and Judy, are there you are, hi Richard, hi Judy, Mr. Pritchard, oh please Judy, Mark please, thank you Mark. You do know you two are up front, are you sure sir, of course and you have a room, you're kidding, Richard, you of all people, sorry sir, it's just, enough, I stopped him. Come and find me when you have finished back here, yes sir. I went and joined Dave who was talking with the guy from IT. Hi guys, Mr. Pritchard, are you all geared up for this venture, yes sir we have a whole container of wizardry in the hold, good man, enjoy the flight. I moved to the front of the cabin and raised my arm, within seconds you could have heard a pin drop, it was a little scary. Ladies and gentleman, welcome on board, just for your information all food and drink is on the company, the one and only thing we ask is that each and every one of you are ready to hit the tarmac running when we land, we need to maximize all the time we have. We have arranged a couple of treats for you all at the end of this, whichever way it goes and just to make it a little better for you all you will all be paid double rate from the time you were picked up by the coach until we are back at base in London. There was total silence and the whole group were just looking up at me open mouthed. Richard broke the silence, ladies and gentleman, please, at least a thank you to the boss. The whole cabin erupted in cheers, clapping and cat calls, I left before my ears got damaged. I could still hear them in the forward cabin, Dave said, well that went down well, I hope they realize this is not going to be a nine till five operation, good point. Charles came over, good afternoon gentleman, welcome on board my big baby, why thank you Charles. We will be ting on the seat belt light soon so if you could get your selves comfortable, ok Charles, thank you. I went over to Mum and Dad, hi people, are you all comfortable, yes thankyou Mr. Pritchard, ok, I'll come back once we are air bourn, ok, I made my way back and sat next to Dave and strapped in, Bangkok here we come. Very soon we were at the end of the runway and then moving, accelerating quickly as the plane was under quarter loaded. The boys were glued to their windows, Mum was holding Dads hand, I discovered later it was their first flight. Seconds later we were aware of five stewardesses coming out into the cabin with a trolley each. I went back to sit with Mum and Dad, hi guys, how are you doing, fine thank you said Dad, quite a plane, yes, by the way, can we get the introductions out of the way, I'm Mark, Dad put out his hand, a good firm handshake, Alan and my long suffering wife of thirty years Fiona, pleased to meet you both, try not to worry too much just yet, Fiona just burst into tears, I smiled at Alan, before I go, anything you want from the trolley is on the company, we have dinner later and you two have a bedroom for later. Alan gave me a look, I wondered why your people said pack some night gear, thank you so much Mark, my pleasure, I stood, put out my hand , he stood and gave me a real bear hug. By the time I got back to my seat the trolley had gone but Dave had got me a triple Gin and tonic, which did not touch the sides, I was scared, Dave saw this and reached over and grabbed hold of my hand and squeezed, that applies to us as well you know, yes but I'm scared, I know, so am I. Tony spotted it first, he came over and knelt down between us, you two guys ok? Looking concerned, yes thankyou Tony, just hoping this all goes to plan, then he said something that put it into perspective, you along with every other person on this flight, he put his big hand over ours and squeezed as he smiled at us both. I went over to Richard, he went to stand as I approached, don't you dare, sit, he looked at me, I knelt down between them, everything ok guys, yes thankyou Mark, I smiled, you do know that you have been allocated a bedroom. , I had heard, thank you, no problem, we need you of all people fresh and ready for war in the morning, I'm ready sir, I'll give it my best shot, I know, see you later, I returned to my seat, reclined it and dozed off. I learned later that both the lads came over to check I was ok, Dave explained it was just the obvious high prize we were aiming for., a life. Dave woke me as the lunch was served, it was a full four course meal, all served without a piece of plastic in sight, a lovely red wine with coffee and liquors to finish.

When everyone had finished their meal and everything had been cleared I stood up and called for everyone's attention. Ladies and gentleman, let me allocate your bedrooms now then you can go whenever you wish, Mr. & Mrs. Thomlinson, you're in number four, Richard & Judy, number three, Charles and Julian in number 6, Steve, you're got number two all to yourself, for the outward flight at least, he smiled. Thank you all, have a good night and we will see you in the morning for breakfast. Alan & Fiona were the first to go, she looked completely wasted, Alan caught my eye as they passed, he winked and mouthed, thank you. Steve was the next, he waved as he entered his room, almost immediately, Richard, Judy, Charles and Julian came to join the boys and Mark and I in the lounge area. We called for some drinks and were all chatting. Richard was going over the plan with Mark, Judy was chatting with Charles and Julian, sounded like shopping in Bangkok, Tony was still quizzing me about the cars, did we drive them often, a silly question really, I replied, of course we do when we are there which is not as often as we would like. I said that next time we are at the house he can have a go, his face, you'd let me drive them, what about insurance, he asked. Don't need that on private land, oh, you can go out on the perimeter road, it goes all the round the estate, it's about three miles all the way around, wow. I can't wait, oh, hang on, what I questioned, that's even more to pay for he replied smiling, better get you on the staff them. It's going to take a life time to pay off now, before the car rides, he gave me a flash of those eyes, later lad, later, can't wait, he replied, we both smiled. We were interrupted by the pilot, excuse me ladies and gentleman, good afternoon to you, a little bird has told me that there might be two gentlemen who might like to come up to the flight deck before it gets too dark. Tony and Andy's faces light up, can we Mark, if the captain says, of course, they went off following the captain with huge grins on their faces. Our little group kept up the general chat until the boys came back, obviously full of the experience, they joined us and Charles asked them if they enjoyed it. Tony said, guess you were the little bird, thank you so much for setting that up for us, no problem young Tony, its nothing like the Lear is it. No, replied Charles, no were as near as much fun to fly either. Andy asked, how on earth do you remember what all the switches do, well, said Charles, its cheating really, almost all modern jet planes have a standard set up, so if you know one, the others are not going to be far off. Richard heard this and said that's cheating, so Andy just said he replied smiling. Mark asked Charles, do you know what time were expected to land? Well, sir, the flight plan is saying 10:00 AM local time, sounds perfect, Charles, how many hours are they ahead? 6 hours now that we're on BST. Andy said, pity we're not on Concorde, we'd be there by now, grinning, Tony added, well it would have saved quite a bit of time. Richard looked at his watch and announced it might be time for be Zebedee, that went over the heads of the boys but the other laughed, Richard and Judy said goodnight and made their way to their bedroom, Charles said he would go as well as he would have to be up in time to take over for landing. Good night gentleman, good night guys, thanks for everything said Mark, see you in the morning and the made there way off to bed. The boys looked as us, are we ready for bed yet guys? asked Andy, here he goes, said Tony, as he winked at Mark and I. Tony, yes Dave, you do know that these beds are only king size, well ours is anyway, the others are only standard doubles. So said Andy, well it's a lot less room for maneuverer for one thing and I'm not sure just how sound proof the rooms are either, I replied grinning. We ordered some more drinks, Tony was still asking questions about the cars, I looked over at Andy and thought he looked as though he was fighting to stay awake, it had been a busy day. We had our drinks and made our way to our room, it was a bit compact but then we were on a plane after all, it was the largest of the six. King size bed, two wardrobes, a dressing table and two chairs, the shower was defiantly for single use, at least we had a loo. Right lads I said, lets draw straws for the shower, I had four pre prepared in my hand, Mark drew first, then Tony, Andy, we all looked and I was first, then Tony Mark and poor Andy was last, just my luck he said as he sat on the foot of the bed. The shower is a standard first class timed affair, if you're not careful you run out of water before you've rinsed off. Being first meant that I could get into bed and watch the circus as the others fussed around in the limited space, it did make for a joyous atmosphere, with plenty of house play and laughter. Needless to say as soon as Tony joined me, hand started to wonder, it was not long before he was deep in my ass. Andy did not waste any time in coming up to give me a blow job while he waited for Mark. Mark joined us and it was Tony's turn to get skewered as Mark spun him round and gave him a good seeing to. When Andy joined us he wanted to know if were in the mood for a two in one, well he got all three of us before we all came, exhausted but fulfilled, we all settled in two spoons, I had Tony's strong arms around my shoulder and Mark was cuddling up to Andy.

To be continued.... My usual suffix, sorry but this is important to me.

AIDS has taken all but a few of my circle of friends from my time on the gay scene, it is still a fact of life, it will KILL you eventually, even though they now have some very good meds which may prolong the inevitable.

Prevent the need,

ALWAYS PRACTICE SAFE SEX. USE A CONDOM. Enjoy sex without the hassle.


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