Holiday in Heaven

By moc.oohay@onegabmik

Published on Aug 3, 2016


Here we have a story although from my over active imagination, wishful thinking, perhaps both, it was originally inspired by a correspondent who told a story of some fun he had while on holiday.

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Author's Note: This story is copyrighted by the author, and no part of it may be copied, linked to, downloaded, stored in any electronic device, or used in any way without the express written permission of the author. This is a work of pure fiction, places, events mentioned, may exist in real life but are used in this story for effect and realism, it is just that and not intended to be real.

Any resemblance to real persons, places or events is totally unintentional other than for effect. All names but mine have been changed and any resemblance to anyone alive, deceased on in the houses of Parliament is purely co incidental. Places named have been used as we have had personal experiences of them, that does not mean they are involved in or have any specific connection with the gay community in anyway whatsoever.

Holiday in Heaven Chapter 12 Paris tour By Kimbageno. Copyright 2014-2016. All rights reserved

We left chapter 11:

Back in the apartment it was not long before we were all naked and sat in the lounge, drinks in hand. Now guys, we have an early start in the morning if we are going to get to see much so as soon as we have finished our drinks its bed, and said Andy, grinning, don't forget me said Tony smiling.

Needless to say, by the time we had all cum twice in various positions and combinations we had lost another hour, how time fly's when you're having fun.

I did remember to set an alarm, I thought 07:00 might be a bit early but as it happened it was just as well. I came to with something prodding my back, it was Tony. You awake yet he whispered, I turned my head and replied, I am now thanks to the actions of that thing of yours, he gently pushed the duvet back saying, you mean this, as he slapped his rock hard cock onto my ass cheeks. Needless to say, the commotion woke Andy, it was not long before we were well into a threesome. Tony was working up to a good workout on my poor ass while Andy was perfecting his skills sucking my, also, rock hard cock. We changed places three times before we all came in one orifice or the other. Laying back to recover, both boys were snuggled in close and gently stroking my chest, something I quite like, something Dave does not do very often.

The lads went off to have another bath while I sorted something for breakfast, at some point during the morning Marie had been in and left some fresh Croissants, there were also some jars of preservers and fresh milk in the fridge and some freshly ground coffee beans in the coffee maker.

We were soon all sat around the table enjoying breakfast; I was poring over a map of the Metro, working out our possible route for the day. Both boys were watching with great interest, Andy said, that looks so complicated, there are so many stations and lignes. Correct young man, that's why it's much easier to use the Metro than drive and drive around above ground. Once you know the basic navigation system it is so easy to get to where you want to go.

We spent a quarter of an hour going over my plan, we start this trip about 200 yards down the road at Miomesnil, I explained the system, that's on ligne 13, we want direction Chatillon Montrouge. We stay on this train for two stops getting off at Invalides where we change to the RER ligne C, two stops later we get off for the Eifel tower. As long as you remember to check you are going the right direction it's difficult to get really lost.

We then went through my proposed itinerary for the day, after the Eiffel tower we would aim for Notre-Dame then on the Sacra Coeur and if time allows on the Catacombs. Lots of questions followed which I had to put a stop to or we would not get all the way around, as it was, we were only going to see a small fraction of the treasures of the city.

Just as we had finished breakfast the doorbell rang, I opened the door to Marie smiling, good morning Mr. Mark, did you all have a good evening? Yes, thank you Marie, come in, thank you sir, thank you for the breakfast, oh, no problem sir, she came in and went straight to the kitchen where the lads were tiding away the breakfast things. Oh gentleman she exclaimed, you go off and enjoy your day, I'll do this and she took a pile of plates off Tony with a lust full look in her eye, even Andy noticed it, God bro he said as they left the room, she's got the hots for you mate and laughed.

A short walk out in the early morning sun does wonders for the soul; alas we were all too soon descending underground to the start point of our trip. I explained to the lads that one of the best ways to get around Paris by Metro was to buy either a carnet of tickets or a day pass, Andy questioned it, but why, well, a carnet is ten tickets, you need a new ticket every time you leave the system, leave the system? The pass ticket is multi use, yes, you can stay on the trains all day if you want to one ticket but get out anywhere and go above ground, you need another ticket to get back onto the system. Which he understood, sounds a good system, yes it works well, here's your carnets, don't lose them, watch me, I went up to the automatic barrier, inserted my ticket and walked through as the barrier folded back.

Tony was the first to comment on how clean the platforms were, yes they are looked after, then our first train arrived, Tony was fascinated by the design of the carriages with their coupling, it leaves the whole train effectively one compartment. Two stops and we were getting off, we then looked for the exit we needed to get to the next ligne. This was a bit more of a walk as we were getting onto the over ground system for the next leg to Champ de Mars.

The station is about three hundred yards from the tower, you emerge and there it is, a wonderful sight, both lads were taking photos like mad, trying to include me in some, I said you'll break your camera taking photos of me, they just laughed. It was a good job I had Richard work his magic, the queues were already horrendous, several hundred yards of them on both entrances, it was still before nine in the morning. We walked passed the end of the queue and headed towards the door, one of the security officers came up to me and asked where I was going, very surly I thought but he's got a job to do. My name is Mark Pritchard; your VIP reception is expecting me. I see sir he replied a bit more civilly, would you mind waiting a moment sir while I check, no problem officer. He trotted off to the office, we could see him talking to a young girl in the office, she looked over towards us and picked up a phone. She put the phone down and the guard came back towards us smiling, sorry to keep you Mr. Pritchard, would you like to follow me, the Director will see you now, I looked at Tony and smiled, I heard Andy say to Tony, Director, he doesn't muck about does he, nope bro, he's pure 18 carat gold and I love him to bits. We walked into the entrance to be met by a gentleman in he's late fifties, with a slight stoop and grey hair and a walking stick. Good morning Mr. Pritchard, welcome to Tower de Eifel, we have been expecting you, do come into my office. We followed him down a corridor and down a couple of flights of stairs and into his office. Please gentleman, take a seat, can I offer you coffee, thank you, that would be nice, he picked up a telephone on his desk spoke to his secretary. Now gentleman, I understand that one of your party would dearly like to get up close and personal with our lift equipment. Tony's face was another picture, yes please sir, may I ask to what purpose young man. Pure curiosity sir, I did a project on your equipment while I was at university and have always wanted to see it in person. An excellent reason he replied and smiled, let's see what we can do shall we; he really was a jovial chap. He picked up the other phone on his desk just as his secretary came in with a tray with four coffees, thank you Sophie. Gorge, yes sir, we have some visitors, can you come to my office as soon as you can please, certainly sir.

He looked at me and smiled, turning to Tony, ok young man, Gorge is my head of technical services here at Tower de Eifel, if there is anything he does not know about the technical aspects of the elevator system it's not worth knowing, ask whatever you want. Tony looked at me, smiled and said, I don't believe you have done this for me Mark, it's something I've wanted for years, thank you so much, no problem son, just a bit more to pay for I replied smiling, he just grinned as Gorge came into the Director's office. After introductions we all followed Gorge along another corridor and down into the underground cravens of the elevator system.

We emerged an hour later with Tony beaming like a schoolboy with a new toy; he was clutching a hard back limited edition book of Tower de Eifel, full history complete with photographs, technical drawings and copies of original plans. Gorge took us back to the Directors office; we expressed our gratitude to the Director and Gorge. Will you be ascending the tower today gentleman? The Director asked, it was in our plan yes Director I replied. So, are you doing it the right way? Of course, I replied, he smiled, good then please follow me, he walked out of his office, through the entrance lobby full of people queueing and straight through the entrance gates to the stair well. He escorted us all the way to the top, showing us all the very best views and stopping of at various points to take us "Off Piste" to see a particular part of the structure. At the first stage he took us into the restaurant, passed all the queues and over to an empty reserved table in one corner, coffee gentleman, yes please we all replied, that's some climb, us but worth every step do you not agree, he replied as he went off to get the coffees. Tony said, he so enthusiastic isn't he, yer bro but he knows his stuff too, then they both looked over at me, they both said, yet more to pay for, grinning.

After our coffee stop it was onwards and upwards for the next 756 steps, more detours, showing Tony the tracks and counter weights for the elevators and some of the lighting system. The second stage was the same, passed all the queues, a special reserved table away from the crowds, another coffee and a chance to have a much needed pee, I decided to let the boys go first, just in case.... The Director then went on to explain that we could not walk to the third stage without special safety equipment so we would have to go up in the vertical elevator. I don't think the people in the queues were very impressed when we were usurered into one of the elevators on our own. The views from the top are just spectacular, it's not so much the height, it is not that high by modern standards it's the scenery, Paris laid out beneath you. Both boys took more photos and spend time looking through the binoculars and asking even more question, what's that building with its center missing....... It took us over half an hour to get back to terra firma, Tony was watching the elevator mechanics as we descended, Andy was more interested in the view, he had spotted a young lad in the corner of the car which he quite fancied, much to Tony's disgust. Both boys were hungry so we stopped at one of the many hotdog stands and had a hot dog, it's the only fast food Dave and I will entertain.

Off to Notre-Dame, we decided not to go in, again the queues were several hundred yards long, even Richard holds no sway with the Catholic Church but we did walk all the way around the Basilica admiring the structure. I pointed out the balustrading of the arches supporting the whole structure, which interested Tony. Back to the Metro for the next leg, a much more complex journey with two ligne changes, during which I told Tony had had another treat in store, I had taken the route that would bring us back to ground level just off the funicular railway up to the top of the hill that Sacra Coeur is perched. Tony was made up, looking at how the funicular worked, once we got to the top, yet more queues, so another walk around the building, you cannot get all the way around in one go without a detour so we stopped at a little cafe for some lunch, we all opted for an omelet and a glass of house wine, which was enough to sustain us for the final leg, the Catacombs.

This would be the longest leg of our trip and would involve quite a walk at the other end, I just hopped I could remember where the Catacombs were. We were entertained by a guitarist on the Metro, he was not bad, I explained to the lads that it was not allowed and they have to keep changing trains and lignes to stay ahead of the transport police, who I understand can confiscate their instrument, bit harsh.....

I asked Andy where the interest in the Catacombs had originated, easy, he replied, one of our teachers was a blood thirty fellow, he would teach us all sorts of weird and wonderful things, like, do you know why swords have a grove down each side? I don't think I know that one Andy, so that when you pull the sword out of your victim the suction is relieved, allowing easier removal of the sword, lovely I said grinning. It was this guy, he showed us photos and told us that some of the bones go back way beyond 1786 which is when they consecrated the site. I said, you do know that the photos will not prepare you for the atmosphere down there, it's very intense, yeh, that's why I want to see and feel for myself, ok lad, enjoy, oh, I will.

Oh God, I suddenly exclaimed, what's up Mark, has no one noticed the time? Ah, time to make a call, hello Richard, yes Mark, slight problem, oh, nothing serious I hope sir, no just a bit awkward, we are on route to the Catacombs, always wanted to go, been told there fascinating, yes they are, the problem is, he interrupted me, time, precisely, Ok, I can get the car to pick you up at the Catacombs, that's great Richard but there's another fly in the ointment am afraid, oh. Yes, the boys both brought new suits for last night, there in the apartment, no problem, do you know where, hang on a sec, Tony had heard the conversation, yes in the wardrobe in their bags. Richard, yes Mark, they are in the wardrobe in their bags, ok sir, I'll get Marie to find them and take them down to the front door and get the driver, who, as it happens is sat outside anyway waiting for you, to collect them and then come for you. I'll ring Charles to let him know, thank you again Richard sorry to be such a bloody nuisance, no problem sir, keeps me on my toes, bye for now, bye Richard. Phew, that was close I said to the boys who were looking at me, how do you do that asked Tony, what lad, organize things so precisely, did not do a very good job with this visit did I, I replied smiling.

Sorry Andy, might be a bit of a quick visit, we still have just over an hour, the driver will ring me when he's outside and we are almost at our stop, I think it's about a stiff five-minute walk from the Metro. Tony, yes Mark, can you get a sat nav on your phone, yeh got a good app, see what you can do, we don't have time to waste getting lost, ok, Mark on it, thanks for the effort Mark, said Andy, it's not that important, yes, it is lad, we will at least get a preview, you can always come back at a later date, true, he replied. We got out of the Metro in record time, turns out it runs not far below the surface at that station, good fortune. We were at the entrance, the queue was strangely minimal, just two elderly couples, must have been the time, everyone had gone for lunch.

We entered full of anticipation, its fine for about the first 100 yards or so, then you hit one of the cravens, lined with skulls, from floor to ceiling, which takes most people's breath away the first time. We must have been about half way through when my phone rang, hello Mr. Pritchard? Yes. Louis here sir, hello young man, I'm about five minutes away, I'll wait for you at the exit gate, thank you Louis, see you later, ok sir, bye. Ok guys, sorry Andy, time to go, can you both pose in front of the display for me before we go, please, Andy asked. Ok, Tony got in real close with his strong arm over my back, resting on my far shoulder; it was starting to have an effect.

Outside, true to his word was Louis standing on the curb with the door open waiting for us, good man Louis I greeted him as we all piled into the car, he shut the door and ran around and got in, directly to the airport then sir, yes please Louis, any idea what the traffics like on the peripherique, yes sir, its busy but flowing, as always I replied, we all collapsed into a heap on the back seat.

We all very soon drifted off, the car was so smooth and Louis was such a good driver, nothing harsh, all nice and gentle. I come to with Louis calling Mr. Pritchard, sir, oh, yes, sorry Louis, just to let you know we will be plane side in five, thank you Louis. He swung the car into the airport and went directly to the VIP reception, they have a barrier with an office, the security officer lets you onto the tarmac so you can get right up to your plane. As we pulled up to the Lear, Julian was waiting for us, Louis got our bags from the boot and Julian stored them in the rear locker. Good afternoon Mr. Mark, good to see you, are you all well, yes thankyou I replied, the customs and immigration are onboard waiting for you sir, we climbed the steps and were very soon sat in our seats waiting for takeoff.

Charles came on the intercom, good afternoon gentleman we have the possibility of a head wind up at 40000ft today which may slow us up a little, we are looking at a flight time of about 2 hours 45 minutes, we have just been given clearance to taxi to the end of the runway so buckle up and enjoy a more leisurely takeoff. The takeoff was still very impressive; we were soon climbing away from Le Borchet on our way back to Dave, Mum, Dad and our own villa and beds.

Julian came back with a tray of two beers, a triple scotch and ginger and some snacks, you are a life saver Julian, Andy looked up and asked, how did you know, ah, it's my job young sir he replied looking at me for approval, well called Julian, just what the doctor ordered, it's been a long day. So much so that I might take a nap, would you like me to prepare the bed sir, thank you Julian, we can do it, ok sir, I'll leave you in peace and he went off back to the cockpit. Can I do the bed Mark asked Andy, yes of course if you know how, think I can manage it and he opened the flap and pushed the button. Tony, yes Mark, could you get the duvet and pillows out of the cupboard at the end there while I ring Dave, yeh sure. By the time I had rung Dave and let him now our ETA the boys had striped and were waiting for me in the bed. I thought I was going to have a little nap; someone had other ideas, as I pushed the button that closes all the window blinds and climbed into the bed I was set upon by another pair of Octopi. I got skewered twice and then gave Andy a good seeing too before I had had enough and said, sorry guys I need a snooze. I went off like a light, when I came too I was aware of some activity in the bed, Tony was giving his brother as it turned out, another seeing to, oh what it is to be young.

I had managed an hour's snooze and as we laid there Julian came in with another tray, thought you might like another drink after all your activity he said with a smile, thank you Julian I replied. Charles says we will be on final approach in about fifteen minutes; he will be putting the seat belt lights on in ten, thank you Julian. We got up and stowed the bedding, folded up the bed and returned to our seats for landing. My phone rang, Mark? Hi Dave, just seen you go over, Charles must have had to go around, I'm waiting in the lounge for you, ok Dave, thanks, bye. Another perfect landing, Charles pulled us up right outside the airside entrance to the lounge, we unbuckled, Julian came back to wish us a good day, thank you Julian, give my thanks to Charles for me please of course sir, thank you, see you soon I'm sure, bye for now, bye Julian. We walked the 100 yards to the lounge where we could see two customs and immigration officers waiting for us, here's the Gestapo said Tony, oh Tony, that's a bit unfair, we've not been hassled yet? Just joking Mark, I could see Dave waiting the other side of the glass screen. After the questions we were cleared and we walked through to the lounge, Dave had come forward and was stood with open arms, I was surprised when both lads held back and let me go to him first, they really were special. Dave and I had a big hug, he kissed me on the lips, not something we do very often, particularly in public but it was nice after so long apart. As we had finished he was immediately swamped by them both, hugs and kisses, Andy getting excited trying to tell Dave what had been happening. Wow, slow down, there plenty of time later, let's just get back to the villa. We all piled into the car, the boys in the back, Dave drove.

Dave told me that he had booked a table for dinner and arranged for Sven, Sophie and the girls to join us, at another favorite restaurant we have used many times, a lovely place right on the beach at El Faro Player. Dave, yes Mark, would you mind if we included Charles and Julian, they have been so very helpful over this whole issue, no, what a great idea., ill ring Charles now. We got to the villa and the first thing we all wanted was a good shower, which was to my great amazement conducted with no hanky panky what so ever, odd, I thought, then I realized that the boys were saving it all up for later, oh God, can I go back to Paris, on my own?

We congregated on the patio Dave had got the beers in; we all sat around on loungers telling Dave what we had done in such a short time. Tony was enthusing about his book, I'll show you later Dave if you're interested he said, yes please Tony, I've always had a fascination with those things as well, Andy had not got over meeting the Prince, quite a guy isn't he Dave said with a smile, you should see him when he's at his home in Hong Kong. Andy was saying how he would very much like to go back and see the Catacombs again, as we did not see half of the tunnels and cravens. I suddenly remembered the message I received from Richard to say how Paul was doing, Tony was so pleased, he got up, came over and planted a slobbery kiss on my lips, as he pulled off, he looked me in the eye and just said, thank you. Tony asked what's the dress code for tonight. Oh smart casual Mark replied, could I wear my new suit, show it off to Mum and Dad, Andy joined in, that's a good idea bro, can we? You can wear what you like as long as its clothes Mark replied with a smile. Tony jumped up and ran towards the pool, anyone for a swim? he yelled as he jumped in and sank, Andy was a second behind his brother but bombed it, setting up a huge wave. Mark and I declined so that we could catch up on news.

Our car came from the other direction this evening having picked up the family first, Marcos pulled into our drive and stopped at the porch, we all piled in to excited greetings from Mum Dad and the sisters. The boys spent to trip explaining what we had done and seen during our little gaunt. Tony was particularly taken by the windows in the apartment and was given his Dad all the details, at first even Sven looked skeptical.

The restaurant is literally on the beach at El Faro, great views of the beach and if you go at the right time of evening the sunset can be spectacular. Marcos pulled up at the front door and opened both doors and stood aside as we all got out. Mr. Mark, yes Marcos, usual arrangement, yes please Marcos, ok sir, see you all later, he saluted and closed the doors before driving off.

As we walked into the restaurant we were greeted by the head waiter, good evening, he asked Mark, do you have a reservation sir? Yes, young man, table for ten, name of Walters, ah yes, sorry sir, I did not recognize you, do follow me please, two of your party are already here, we have sat them at your table, hope that is ok, sir? Perfect, thank you. He led us to a big round table at the end of the dining room, surrounded by windows so a good all round view of the waves crashing into the shore. Charles and Julian both stood as we approached. Introductions followed all the men shook hands. We were soon all sat with drinks ordered, Sven asked how we knew of this restaurant, ah replied Mark, long story, a long time ago we became members of Diamond Resorts, the holiday company he replied, yes, ah, I have had several emails from them, are they any good? Another story for another time Sven, we used to come to their resort just up the hill here, it's called Los Amigos Beach Club we had a week and went exploring and found this place. As you will see when the menus arrive they specialize in fresh fish, it is very good too. The conversations flowed around the table, Sven was sat next to Charles and was asking all about the Lear, which was Charles's baby, he really was so very proud of it, he once admitted to me that he even dreams of her. Andy was next to Mum, she was asking about the Catacombs, much to the girl's disgust. Julian had Tony asking what it was like to work for us; I tried not to listen to his response, just in case. Mark and I were just catching up with each other, as couples often do when they've been apart for any length of time.

The waiter arrived, took our drinks order then another guy arrived to take our meal orders. Both the sisters were having a little moan at Mum saying but we don't like fish, Mums response was a classic, how do you know till you have tried it? Tony started to tell his Dad about the book he had been given and Andy, again, took great delight in scaring Mum and his sisters with over exaggerated tales about the Catacombs, making one of the girls scream, which pleased Andy no end, the little sod, which I think is roughly what Mum said. Our meals arrived and the conversation flowed, to be quite honest I would have rather had an evening at the villa, but you have to think of the greater good, so put on a good face and mustered on. My only hope was that the girls would again loose interest and fall asleep at the table, which might just lead to an early night, I had a feeling Dave and I were very unlikely to get one of those tonight, bless them.

A very nice meal was followed by deserts, coffees and a round of drinks for the men, I caught the waiters eye, he came over, yes sir, is our car outside? Yes, sir, he's been there for about ten minutes, thank you. Do you think the girls would drop off, not a bit of it, Mum had obviously had words but eventually I think Sven noticed how shattered I was looking and suggested it might be time to leave, he called the waiter over again and before either Dave or I could intervene he had asked for the bill, not a word gentleman, he said as he looked at the pair of us, if you're sure Sven I said, thank you. It's the very least I can do after everything the pair of you have done for my two lads. Private flight, fancy cars everywhere, posh hotels, fantastic food, trips in London and Paris and I understand good nighttime entertainment to top it all off, he smiled. Mark and I looked across at the boys who were both looking as though butter would not melt, both grinning at us. Sven broke the spell, it's alright gentleman, I have been spared the gory detail but it is more than evident that the pair of them have had a fantastic trip, it was really the very least we could do, thank you both for everything. We left the table and said our goodbyes to Charles and Julian; they had a separate car to take them back to their hotel near to the airport, where Charles prefers to be, near his baby. We were welcomed back to our car by Marcos. On our way back to the villa Sven turned to Tony and asked, will you two be staying the night? Tony looked across at me, shrugged his shoulders, I hope so if these two can stand it he replied. Mark looked round at me, I could see in his eyes that he would have said no but that he was resigned to his fate. Fine, if that's what the two of you would like, we are not going to complain, good man said Sven, I just thought how fantastic to have such understanding and supportive parents'. Marcos drove into our drive, pulled up to the porch and opened the doors. The boys were first out and they both gave Mum a kiss and shook Dads hand with a smile. We left having said goodbye to Sophia and the girls shook Sven's hand again with a knowing smile. We all stood on the porch and watched as the limo drove down to the other villa. Almost before the front door had been closed , both boys were taking off their clothes, I needed a pee so went straight to the master, Mark went into the kitchen for some drinks. I had hardly had time to unzip before I had company, Andy was as he had done many times, taking my cock in his hand and was guiding the flow, looking up at be with a little boy lost expression on his face.

By the time we got onto the patio, Mark had brought out two beers, a Scotch and ginger and his own Gin and tonic, Tony was sat on one of the loungers, I could see he had a good semi going on, not really surprising, he had not had any sex for at least twelve hours, not even time for a quick wank, no wonder, as it turned out, they were both rampant. Andy did us both a favor without realizing it; he ran over to his brother, knelt down beside him and gave him a good blow job. Mark and I just sat on another lounger and enjoyed the show. I could read Mark like a book, I knew how shattered he was, he puts on a good show with all his frantic organizing, he's very cleaver at not letting the strain show, know that this episode was drawing to a happy and satisfactory conclusion it was beginning to take its toll. It was not long before Tony wanted more than a willing mouth, Andy came up for air, Tony used that to stand up, Andy took the hint and laid out on the lounger. Tony climbed on top of his brother, located his target and lowered himself into position. We were far enough away not to interrupt the show but still close enough to see Tony's ass going up and down and at the top of each stroke, his cock, glistening with the lubrication in the moonlight. I like to think that Tony was perceptive enough to realize that we had had it for the night as once he had cum, they both laid out on the lounger, cuddling each other as though we were not there. We, obviously, both had rock hard cocks but sadly, little, if any energy to do anything with them, we moved quietly back to our bedroom, we climbed into bed, kissed, settled into a spoon and passed out.

To be continued.......

My usual suffix, sorry but this is important to me.

AIDS has taken all but a few of my circle of friends from my time on the gay scene, it is still a fact of life, it will KILL you eventually, even though they now have some very good meds which may prolong the inevitable.

Prevent the need,

ALWAYS PRACTICE SAFE SEX. USE A CONDOM. Enjoy sex without the hassle.


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