Holiday in Heaven

By moc.oohay@onegabmik

Published on Aug 1, 2016


Here we have a story although from my over active imagination, wishful thinking, perhaps both, it was originally inspired by a correspondent who told a story of some fun he had while on holiday.

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Author's Note: This story is copyrighted by the author, and no part of it may be copied, linked to, downloaded, stored in any electronic device, or used in any way without the express written permission of the author. This is a work of pure fiction, places, events mentioned, may exist in real life but are used in this story for effect and realism, it is just that and not intended to be real.

Any resemblance to real persons, places or events is totally unintentional other than for effect. All names but mine have been changed and any resemblance to anyone alive, deceased on in the houses of Parliament is purely co incidental. Places named have been used as we have had personal experiences of them, that does not mean they are involved in or have any specific connection with the gay community in anyway whatsoever.

Holiday in Heaven Chapter 11 Arrival in Paris By Kimbageno. Copyright 2014-2016. All rights reserved

We left chapter 10:

We said our goodbyes to Richard and Judy and were shown to the lift, we waited for our car, when it arrived the driver did not even get out of the car, I had to open the door for the boys, must speak to Richard in the morning. He did manage to get us back to the apartment. Once in, we had all stripped naked before we even reached the lounge and as usual it was not long before sex reared its lovely head. We had a threesome on the settee then moved up to the master bedroom and did it all again, this time Andy asked for another two in one. Both Tony and obliged and after we had all come for the second time, we all collapsed on the bed and fell fast asleep.

I had purposely not set an alarm, it was just past seven thirty when I was woken by a nice warm feeling around my cock, I had thrown back the duvet to see Tony giving me some much appreciated attention, moving the duvet woke Andy, oh God, you two at it already, you dirty little buggers, and just what would you be saying if you had woken first, young man, oh that's different, I'm the youngest, I should always get it first, he grinned. He sidled up close and put the head of his "snake" into the crack of my ass, it did not take long before he had got a good rhythm going. He was really going for gold this morning; it was not long before I was warning Tony of the impending explosion, my spasm's set Andy off and he pumped another good load deep into my ass. We all fell back onto the bed panting, what a nice way to wake up, thank you lads, was good wasn't it said Tony, yeh pity Dave's not here to share it as well, I miss him, have you made any plans yet to go back to Spain Mark? Well Tony, as you ask, yes, I did have a thought during the night, gosh said Andy, do you ever turn off, no not very often, comes with the work. So Tony continued, what did you think of? well, how about we head off back to Spain this morning but stop off in Paris overnight in the apartment. Wow, could we said Andy, I've never been to Paris, well then, that settles it, we'll stay for two nights, right lads, up, up. Andy said with a grin, you want it again? No Rambo, up, up, we have lots to do, many calls to make, go and have your showers, I'll start the ball rolling. God Mark, you are just incredible said Tony, oh, why young man, it's the way so are so matter of fact, comes with the money lad I replied and smiled, now go, go. George had brought in the necessary supplies for a simple breakfast which we enjoyed out on the terrace, Andy was a little nervous at first, it is 32 floors up and has glass sides, not for the faint hearted. I did not feel much like breakfast this morning, I had juice and a cup of coffee and busied myself with some phone calls. Good morning Richard? Ah good morning Mr oh Mark sorry, better lad, did you have a good night last night, yes thankyou sir very pleasant, Judy could not get over it, being our tenth as well, thank you so much sir. Out of interest dear boy, what did you think of the boys? Oh, I thought they were very nice young lads, came over very genuine, glad you approve Richard, now to business, yes sir, we are heading back towards Spain this morning, if you can work your magic for us, I will do what I can sir. What did you have in mind, well, ideally, if Charles can get in at short notice, a pickup from London City, if not we will have to go out to Farnborough, flying to Le Bouget with a car to get us to the flat, get onto Marie to open it up for our arrival. And, if you can,a table at Ll'Cureie say for nine o'clock, we will in Paris for two days so another pickup from Le Bourget direct to Malaga, I'm sure Charles can work something out, I'm not too bothered about timings. That should not be a problem sir, I'll be in touch when everything is in place, thank you Richard, oh by the way, yes sir, can you track down our driver last evening, yes it will be on the system, anything wrong sir. Yes, I think he might need some more training, ah, ok sir Ill sort it, thank you Richard, speak later, ok sir bye. Good morning, Mavis? good morning Mr Mark, did you all have a good night, yes thank you, I'm phoning just to let you both know that we are not stopping, ah, that's a shame, I've not seen you for such a long time, yes, sorry but we are off to Paris this morning, if you could deal with the master suite for me sometime, no problem Mr Mark, sorry not to see you this time, have a pleasant flight, maybe next visit, thank you Mavis, could you thank George for me, yes Mr Mark, bye, bye for now.

Dave? Hi Mark, what's happening, well, last minute, oh, as usual with you then, we are coming back to the villa via Paris, via Paris? yes well, the boys have not been so Richard is trying to sort an overnight stop with a meal at Il' Curie, you lucky bugger, I love that place, have a great time. Any idea what time you'll be back, I'll come and pick you all up, not yet but I'll keep you posted, ok, look forward to seeing you, you old goat, oi, who the oldest? we laughed, love you, ditto, bye, bye. The boys came into the lounge and sat beside me, how did your calls go Mark? Asked Tony, before I could answer him my phone rang, Mark? yes Richard, news, yes sir, Charles has managed to get the last morning slot at London City airport says he'll be landing at 10:45 with a take-off slot at 11:15, flight time to Le Bourget just under a hour. There will be a car waiting for you outside the VIP arrivals lobby, Marie is looking forward to seeing you, says it's been far too long, sorry but the restaurant is still closed, I'll get on to them and let you know, is that ok for you sir? Well, Richard you have surpassed yourself, all that within 10 mins, remarkable, thank you very much, no problem sir, got to earn my pay rise somehow, thank you Richard, speak later, ok sir, we hung up. Wow said Andy, Richard is some guy, how on earth did he organise all that in such a short time? Ah, well, he has a very good team working for him, so that's how it's done said Tony, I was thinking he would have to have made several simultaneous phone calls to get that sorted. So, it's going to be another day of firsts for us said Andy, oh I replied, well we've never been to LCY wherever that is nor LBG nor Paris nor where every we are going for dinner, well then I replied that should make the day that much more fun for you both, now off to change or well miss the flight, its 09:45 now, we need to be at the airport by 11:00. Good morning, is Frank on duty today, Frank speaking Mr Pritchard can I help you, yes please Frank, could you order a cab for us please, of course sir, may I ask where to sir, yes, London City Airport, need to be there by 11:00, ah that's going to be a bit tight, see what I can do sir, thank you Frank. I dashed up to the master to get dressed, on my way back down my phone rang, Richard, sir, just to confirm your meal, open time, thank you Richard, have a good flight sir, bye. We got down to the entrance lobby just as a black cab pulled into the layby, Frank was there to greet us, good timing sir, he helped to get our bags, all three of them, into the cab. I got you a black cab as they are very often quicker, no problem Frank, thank you again, no problem sir, have a good flight, see you next time, ok, bye, bye sir. The cabby did not waste any time; we were moving even before I had shut my door. As it happened, with the skill of our driver we pulled into the entrance for the VIP lounge at 10:55, I could not see what speed he was doing for most of the trip but we got there in one piece. We got out, Tony got the bags, I paid the driver and we went straight into the lounge. Behind the reception desk was a very handsome black lad, his smile was almost blinding, he's teeth were so white and such a wide friendly smile. Good morning gentleman, would you be Mr Pritchard? That's me I replied, pleased to meet you sir, please follow me, your plane is on final approach and will be landing in about five. He took us through to the VIP lounge, he stopped and turned towards us, sorry gentleman but I don't think you have time for a drink before you fly, he smiled. Could I just ask for your passports please and get one of you to fill out this form for me? We handed over our passport just as our Lear flashed past the window, Andy asked was that Charles, yes Andy, on time as always. The form was a simple ten question thing which is normal and took me seconds, I handed it back to the young man, thank you sir, your plane will be ready for you to board shortly, I'll come to escort you all onto the tarmac when its ready, thank you very much we all said as he turned and went through a door to the outside.

We barely had time to speak to each other before he re appeared and asked us to follow him out to the plane. Julian was standing at the foot of the steps, he saw us and started to smile, good morning sir, hope you are well, yes thank you Julian, the customs and immigration are on board if you could board and I'll introduce you, I went up to the cabin, Julian greeted the boys as they to climbed up the steps. Two officers were standing in the cabin, good morning sir, we'll be as brief as possible, may we see your passports please, we handed them over, one of the guys asked if we had any duty free with us, we all said no. Ok gentleman, everything is in order have a pleasant flight and they filed passed and left the aircraft, Julian did not waste any time, he quickly pulled up the steps, indicated for us to get seated and strap ourselves in as he went forward to the cockpit. No sooner were we in our seats than we heard CLICK Well gentleman, said Julian, we have just time to taxi to the end of the runway, this will be a full speed take off as the runway is bit shorter than were use to, I will come back once we are airborne to see about drinks. CLICK We were rolling and could hear the engines were not at their usual low tick over speed, Charles was fighting the clock on this one. Take off was absolutely spectacular, it has always been my favourite part of flying but this thing can really move when its pushed. Charles once explained it to me, you sit at the end of the runway with all your brakes full on, wind the engines to full power, let the brakes go and hang on tight. The force is so powerful that it is almost impossible to lean forward in your seat, not recommended for the first time flyer. We were off the ground in well under 3/4 of the runway and up and away, climbing so very steeply. Both boys were pointing out some of the buildings they had seen the day before and taking in the whole London scape that you don't get flying from Heathrow, not on take to the west anyway. Julian was soon back with us, Charles sends his greetings gentleman and extends a visit to the cockpit for the other young gentleman though he will have to be quick as it is such a short flight. Tony looked over at Andy, go on bro, don't waste time, I've been, this one is yours, enjoy, Tony un buckled and went forward beyond the curtain. Right sir, your usual, yes please Julian and for you Andy, could I have a beer please Julian, of course young man, coming right up. As this was such a short flight we would not be going anywhere near as high, Charles had said his flight plan was for 15000 ft., defiantly no time for any hanky panky this time. Andy, yes Mark, might it be an idea to ring Dad and let him know that you are on your way back to Spain, oh, spose so, can I use my phone while were airborne, no but if you push that button on the side you will get Julian, give him the number and he'll put the call through for you. How cool is that Andy replied? I could really get used to this, that's the quickest I've ever got into an airport, onto a plane and got airborne and now making calls from 15000 ft., its great he added grinning. While the boys were busy, Tony up front with Charles and Andy talking to Mum and Day, telling them all their news, I was busy catching up on my emails. It was not long before Tony joined us from his visit to the cockpit, did you enjoy that I asked as he sat down and buckled up, great thanks Mark, I'd love to fly one day, Charles makes it all look so simple, he's been doing it for a long time, I replied. Tony commented that he felt Charles would make a good teacher, probably I replied, he is a very patient man. Julian came back and asked if anyone would like a coffee, we all said yes please, as he turned to leave he turned back and announced that we would be landing in about fifteen minutes, thank you Julian I replied.

We only just had time to drink our coffees before Charles put the seatbelt lights on, Julian came back and took away the coffee things, it was another first rate, smooth landing, Charles was a good pilot. We taxied to the VIP carrousel and Julian opened the door to be greeted by a couple of French Customs and Immigration officers, I wondered why they always came in pairs. They came on board and examined our passports, asked the usual questions, thanked us and left. Julian wished us a pleasant stay in Paris, Richard has arranged a hotel for you two I asked him. Yes, thankyou Mr Pritchard, were staying at the Le Bourget IBIS, Charles does not like to be far from the plane, just in case, OK have a good day, we will see you two days, ok sir, thank you, bye for now, bye. It was a short walk to the VIP terminal, waiting outside was our car, driver stood waiting for us, as we approached, he came forward, Mr Pritchard? Good morning sir, my name is Louis welcome to Paris sir, thank you Louis. His English was very good, with that lovely French twang, he offered to take our bags, opened the door and then put the bags in the boot. He climbed in and slid the screen down, ok sir, the office told me you are staying at your apartment at Avenue Kieber, did you want to go there directly sir? No Louis, could you get us as near to Le BVH Martain on rue de lar Verrerie as you can, oh, you mean the gents fashion house, yes that's the one, we can walk to the apartment from there, ok sir if you're sure, I might wait for you though, just in case, thank you Louis, he set off for central Paris.

The boys were taking a great interest in the scenery going past, the run into Paris would be about half an hour, boys, you know how I've always complained about the traffic on the M25 at home, yeh, well, we will shortly be getting onto the peripherique, the French equivalent of the M25, it circles Paris, just watch how the traffic flows, its hectic, it's also fast but it very seldom grinds to a halt like the M 25. We survived the peripherique and Louis managed to find a space almost right outside the shop, why are we stopped here asked Tony. Well lad, we need to get you both some new clothes, we have been living out of a small suitcase for a couple of days now. I've got clothes in the apartment but we need to get you smart for tonight's dinner, oh said Andy, it is somewhere special? he asked. Well, if you call a Michelin five-star restaurant, one of the top restaurants in central Paris special, a suit is the required attire for gentleman. Gosh said Andy, I've never had a suit, mines so old now I doubt if it would even fit replied Tony. Well, let's get in and see what we can find for you shall we, they both looked excited as they got out of the car and walked towards the shop, Louis, yes sir, are you going to be ok parked here? Yes, sir, no problem, we have special parking dispensation here in Paris, there are no restrictions for our cars, good man, can you get a coffee somewhere? We might be a while, no problem sir, thank you Louis, see you later, ok sir.

The boys walked straight into the shop, as I caught up the manager was in the process of saying that he thought maybe they had gone into the wrong shop by mistake, then he saw me and stopped mid-sentence, moving passed the boys to greet me. Mr Pritchard, how nice to see you, how are you this morning, good morning Jean, much better once you have fitted out these two young men for me. Ah, of course Mr Pritchard, sorry about the misunderstanding gentleman, we have to be so careful these days, just what was it you need. Tony replied, a smart, casual suit each please with classic silk shirts, we won't need ties but some nice fashionable shoes please. Jean looked over at me, I just smiled, good choice gentleman. We are a bit pushed for time Jean, no problem Mr Pritchard. He called out to the back of the shop and in seconds there were four young lads fussing around the boys, taking measurements and making suggestions. Three quarters of an hour later and we were walking back to the car with five carrier bags, Louis saw us coming and had the boot open as we got to the car. Good job I waited sir, he smiled at me, yes Louis, thank you, we all piled into the car and he drove the quarter of a mile to the apartment, there is dedicated parking space so he was able to pull up almost outside the front door. It is an old, very impressive building, six stories and classic French baroque style with a huge double height front door, we all got out of the car, Louis opened the boot and said he would bring the bags up for us, so we made for the front door. I pressed the door bell, a female French voice came over the intercom, Bonjour, good morning Marie, ah Mr Mark, do come up, we heard a buzzing sound and the door clicked and opened. We walked through an arch into the courtyard which has trees and a fountain in the middle, around the fountain to the other side where the lift was situated. The boys were in ore, this is so classy and peaceful said Tony, yeh it is great added Andy. We all got into the lift, just, it's a very small one, max four very small people, Tony said, this is cosy as we ascended to the fifth floor, hands were already wondering. As the lift door creaked open we were greeted by Marie with a great big smile, hello Mr Mark, it is good to see you again, it has been far too long, are you well? thank you Marie, very thank you. And who do we have here? she said looking at the boys, my name is Tony and this is my younger brother Andy, pleased to meet you both, please do come in, you must be tired after your flight, not really said Andy, it was only an hour, oh, ok, still, come in and make yourselves comfortable she said to Tony with a very sexy smile. What would you gentleman like to drink? Can we have three nice cold beers please Marie, I replied as I sat down into my favourite chair in front of one of the floor to ceiling double French windows. I think you've scored there Tony, I said, smiling, he looked at me and said yeh, pity I'm not much use to her and smiled, Andy looked at us both a bit blank, tell you later bro. Marie came back with the beers and a tray of snacks and gave Tony he's first....... As she came over to give me mine she asked if Mr David's was with us, no, he's in Spain I replied, oh, that's a pity, it would have been nice to see him again, I like Mr David. Will you need anything else Mr Mark? she asked. No thankyou Marie, if we do we can ring you, no problem Mr Mark I'll see you in the morning, ok. Mark, yes Andy, does Marie live here, no lad, she has a flat two floors down with her Mum and Dad and brother, oh good, does that mean we can get these clothes off, I'm cooking, of course lad, just don't come too close to these windows as we are overlooked here. He got up and came over to the window, wow, Tony have you seen the view? You can see the Eiffel Tower, Tony came over and stood behind his brother, wow that is some view Mark, why do you think I like to sit here I replied. They both stripped off and sat down again to finish their beers, I went off to the bedroom to get my clothes off and use the loo, by the time I got back to the lounge they were at it, Andy was kneeling in front of Tony giving him a blow job, which gave me a good target for my rapidly hardening cock. It was soon sunk deep into Andys ass; he was groaning like a thing possessed as I pounded at full power. We ended up on the lounge floor with Tony inside me and Andy giving me a blow job.

The bathroom in the apartment is almost original, we have never got around to modifying it, it has a big old cast iron bath in the middle of the room and a huge wash basin but no shower, really must get the builders in. We all took five to recover, sorry guys but we don't have a shower, just a bath, no shower replied the boys, good God how old fashioned but, I added, the bath is big enough for the pair of you to share, we have not shared a bath since we were about 4 or 5, might be fun. They both went off down the corridor to find the bathroom, it was not long before I could hear hoots of laughter, guess they found it.

We had a couple more beers and a long chat about what we would do in the morning, I suggested that I took them on another whistle-stop tour, this time using the Metro. Andy asked, why use the Metro? Surely a car would be better. Not in Paris lad, the Metro is so good and so cheap, most of the stations are so well placed that you can get to most places of real interest without having to walk too far, above ground at least. Tony questioned the last comment, well, I explained, if you get it wrong you can walk miles underground between lignes, I'll do my best to keep those down to a minimum because we don't want to be too late leaving for Spain.

That reminds me, I must ring Charles and see what he recommends for our departure time, you two go off and get ready, you have both washed behind your ears? I asked smiling at them both, Tony was the first, only because he was the closest, to give me a mock clip around the ear, Dads not said that for years he said laughing, as they both disappeared.

Hello Charles, ah, yes Mr Mark, what can I do for you sir, just asking what time you would recommend for our departure tomorrow. Ah, well, I would anticipate you would like to be back at the villa before dark so, let me see.....well, it's about 2 hours forty flying time, so, yes, ok sir, as long as we can get a take-off slot I would think around 17:00. That sounds spot on Charles, thank you, can you make the necessary arrangements for me, of course sir, we'll see you between 16:30 and 17:00 ok Charles, thank you, bye sir.

I went off to change, the restaurant is a stickler for its dress code, it is really for show, it is not really worth the prices they charge for the food but the views from the VIP dining lounge and terrace on the top floor can be stunning. You can see the Eifel Tower, Arch de Triumph and the Champs Elysees, Sacra Coeur and on a clear evening, if its illuminated even Notre Dame is visible in the distance.

As I came back into the lounge, the boys had got themselves a beer, would you like one Mark asked Andy as he stood up, yes please lad I replied and sat in "my chair". Well, your both looking very dapper I must say, you'll be turning heads again tonight. Tony asked if the restaurant was Gay, no, no my boy, just typically French. Everything is for show with the so called jet set, the best clothes, the best jewellery and they score points off each other, it's a very cliché set as well, if you don't "belong" they will literally shun you. We've been before and a guy apparently came in and sat in the waiting area, one of the other diners thought this person did not fit in and that someone went and complained to the manager. Problem was, he was a friend of ours, the manager took him through to the terrace and sat him at a table, much to the embarrassment of the guy who complained, only to be made even worse when we both arrived with our other guests. Two of the wealthiest guys in Paris, who were defiantly in "the set". God, that's terrible, do we have to go? Id rather go to Mc Donald's, ha, well that's not happening either, never been in one and not starting now that's for sure, don't worry, just enjoy it, it's fun to see just how shallow some people can be. We must be off but before we go I must ring Richard and organise a car for the airport, Hello Richard, yes Mark, what can I do for you sir, well young man, we are leaving Paris tomorrow, I've already rung Charles, he has suggested, sorry sir, can I stop you there, Charles has rung me already, your car will be at the apartment for about 15:45, my God lad, your good, that's what you pay me for sir, no comment, thank you Richard, no problem sir, enjoy your meal, speak in the morning, I've an update for Tony, ok bye for now, bye sir.

Ok lads, let's go and turn some heads, Andy looked at both Tony and I, tell you later bro, we left the apartment and walked to the restaurant, it was about a quarter of a mile and it was a lovely evening to be out in Paris, the streets were buzzing with people going about their business. We were met at the steps by a porter who escorted us into the foyer, a very elaborate area with crystal chandeliers, wall lamps, full height, cut glass mirrors, almost Art Deco but somehow too camp even for that. Where, I was instantly recognised and greeted by the Matriarch, she was a big lady, in her fifties with a huge bust, she waddled over with a great big smile almost knocking one of her young lads over as he had not moved out of her way quick enough, Good evening Mr Mark It has been far too long, is Mr David with you? Good evening Margarete, no sadly, he is in Spain, pity, let me get you to your table, we've put you in your favourite corner, thank you Margarete, she asked for my ear, I bent down, she said, much to the annoyance of the Prince. Oh dear, hope he's not too upset I replied, she laughed, he's OK, he'll see you later, she called one of the lads over. Ahmed, yes madam, will you take Mr Mark and his party to the top table please, yes madam. Please follow me gentlemen and he scurried off towards the lift with us in hot pursuit.

The lift door opened onto another hi camp room, we followed Ahmed through the VIP lounge, as expected, as we entered all heads turned, some of the dinners recognised me and smiled, most of the others were watching the lads pass. We were taken to a table out on the terrace, at the far end, out on its own platform jutting out over the building. As we sat down Tony asked, is this safe? It's been here for as long as we've been coming here, guess so, I replied. Andy said, what a fantastic view, he was looking all round, not knowing which way to study in detail first.

The menus arrived and we ordered some drinks then concentrated on the food. Andy was the first to comment, Mark, is this really worth it? What do you mean lad, the experience or the food, both he replied adding these starters are €70-90 each? Wait till you see the mains I replied, as I have said before, don't decide by price, I think I can pay the bill at the end of the evening. Tony by this time had also looked at the prices and said, I do hope so or we are going to be doing a lot of washing up, he smiled, we all soon joined in.

We had a fabulous meal, the food is really good, hence the 5 stars, we were just finishing our puddings when a gentleman came towards our table, he was wearing a golden colour, eastern style Galabaya, a white keffiyeh with gold trim and rich embroidery and he was dripping in gold. I had seen him coming and had already stood up, hello your highness, oh Mark, you know better than that, can I join you for a minute, of course Albert, how are you? The Prince sat down, both the boy's jaws had dropped to the floor, let me introduce you to my guests, His Highness Prince Furoke of Abu Arish, Tony and Andy Coulsson, how do you do gentleman, they had stood up and all shook hands please don't stand on ceremony, gentleman, please sit, sit. So it was you who pinched my table Mark the Prince said laughing, sorry Albert, it's the boys first time in Paris and I wanted to show the city off at its best, there's no better place dear boy, are you over with David? Sadly, no he's in Spain, oh, working or holiday? holiday, we hired a little villa in Mijas, ah, nice part of the country, so I'm told, yes, very I replied. So young gentlemen, what do you think of our fair Paris? Oh stuttered Tony, we like what we have seen so far sir, Mark is taking us on a whistle-stop tour in the morning. Good, enjoy yourselves, thank you sir, we will certainly try. Ok Mark, sorry, must go, the car is down stairs, even I don't get free parking, bloody French, he said laughing, he stood up, we all stood and again shook hands and he left.

I glanced around the restaurant, all eyes were on our table, well lads I said, that's another first for you, wow, is he real, very much so lad, a very, very rich man, it's the oil, you know, sounded such a nice genuine man added Tony, that he is but also ruthless in business.

We stood up to leave and immediately one of the young lads came over, are you leaving sir? do you have a car waiting? We are leaving thankyou young man but we are walking back to our apartment. Let me escort you to the front door sir, thank you. We all got into the lift, just, why are old French lifts so small? I asked myself. As we exited from the lift we were confronted by Madam Margarete, so Mr Mark, you are leaving us so soon? Did you have a good evening, fantastic thank you Margarete, fabulous table and our special guest, ah the Price, he is such a hoot. When will we see you again? Not sure, we will have to save up first, she scowled and then roared so loud that everyone looked our way. We hugged and she insisted on kissing both the boys, yuck was the response afterwards when we were out of earshot. We started our walk back to the apartment, now guys, have either of you any idea of the things you would like me to include if I can? Andy was the first, well, we must see the Eifel Tower, ok, you do know you have to climb up, they both looked at me, climb up, why when there are elevators, believe me, you see so much more when you can stop on each of the crossover stages, anyway, its only 1710 steps. Tony said, are you sure, that's a lot of steps, yes but the whole point is that you can stop at many points on the way up, take in the view, catch your breath, soak in the incredible atmosphere and admire the engineering. Coffee in the restaurants and catch the elevator back down. Tony asked, are they still hydraulic? Yes, as far as I know I replied, why? I did a project on them while at uni, fascinating system, always wanted to see it, can you get real close? You couldn't as a normal tourist but we will see what we can do, I replied smiling. Looking at Andy, sorry mate, this might be a very short trip around Paris, if I can get Tony in to see the lift room. Can't we leave in there he said, thanks bro replied Tony, you might enjoy it as well you know, you always say you want to be an engineer. Anyway, anything else I asked, Andy said, I read about the Catacombs are they still open, they were last time we were here, bit macabre? Yeh but could be so spooky, oh that it is I replied. And I added, we must do both the cathedrals, Notre Dame and Sacre Coeur, ah said Tony, do we have to, no Tony, I stopped him, I think you should if you're interested in engineering, you'll see why, trust me. We arrived at the front door, I found the key and opened the door, all the courtyard lights came on, it really did look special.

Back in the apartment it was not long before we were all naked and sat in the lounge, drinks in hand. Now guys, we have an early start in the morning if we are going to get to see much so as soon as we have finished our drinks its bed, and, said Andy, grinning, don't forget me said Tony smiling.

Needless to say, by the time we had all cum twice in various positions and combinations we had lost another hour, how time fly's when you're having fun.

To be continued....

My usual suffix, sorry but this is important to me.

AIDS has taken all but a few of my circle of friends from my time on the gay scene, it is still a fact of life, it will KILL you eventually, even though they now have some very good meds which may prolong the inevitable.

Prevent the need,

ALWAYS PRACTICE SAFE SEX. USE A CONDOM. Enjoy sex without the hassle.



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