Holiday in Heaven

By moc.oohay@onegabmik

Published on Jul 31, 2016


Here we have a story although from my over active imagination, wishful thinking perhaps both, it was originally inspired by a correspondent who told a story of some fun he had while on holiday.

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Author's Note: This story is copyrighted by the author, and no part of it may be copied, linked to, downloaded, stored in any electronic device, or used in any way without the express written permission of the author. This is a work of pure fiction, places, events mentioned, may exist but are used in this story for effect, it is just that and not real. They exist only in the mind of the author. Any resemblance to real persons, places or events is unintentional.

All names have been changed and any resemblance to anyone alive, deceased on in the houses of Parliament is purely co incidental. Some places named have been used as we have had personal experiences of them, that does not mean they are involved in or have any specific connection with the gay community in anyway whatsoever.

Holiday in Heaven Chapter 10 Off to London

By Kimbageno. Copyright 2014-2016. All rights reserved



We left chapter 9:

We all climbed into bed, me in the middle, we all cuddled up and fell asleep, I could understand Tony's state, he had a very emotional day but even Andy fell fast asleep.

I was the first to stir, both the boys where facing me, I reached under the duvet and found what I was hoping for, a stiff cock on both sides. As Tony was behind me he was going to be first, I gently positioned my ass to take his cock and as I gently pushed back towards him I felt some pressure coming the other way, it was not long before it had sunk all the way in. Good morning Mark, morning stud, I replied, nice way to wake up, that's what I thought. Andy stirred as we spoke, are you to at it already he asked, almost in disgust. Tony replied, well, you know the old saying, the early bird catches the worm, Mark was first awake so he went hunting and found one.

Andy threw back the duvet saying and what's wrong with this worm then, proudly wagging his "snake" at me. Nothing at all I replied and bent forward to take it in my mouth. Tony was by now into a good rhythm, Andy was groaning away, obviously enjoying my attentions. Oh God Mark, I'm cumming shouted Tony as he thrust his cock as deep as he could get it and let go, I felt at least six spasms'. The excitement was too much for Andy and he announced he was coming as well and let me have more than a mouthful to deal with, we did not want to stain these sheets.

We all laid back and the boys snuggled up close, both gently rubbing my chest, time for a shower guys, then breakfast, we have to be ready for the car at ten. The showers were not really large enough for multiple occupancy so we opted for a separate one each. I finished first and went to the phone. Good morning, reception here, Mark Pritchard, penthouse, good morning sir did you have a good night sir? Yes, thank you, what can I do for you sir. Can we have breakfast for three brought up? of course sir, three full English, tea or coffee with that sir, coffee please, no problem sir, be with you in about 15 mins, thank you.

Hello, Richard? good morning sir, did you have a good night, yes thank you, very nice hotel.

Have you any news on Mrs Barnes, yes sir, I was just about to ring you, she is up and about and apparently quite keen to see her son. The nurses have told her the extent of Pauls injuries but she does not seem to worried saying he is in the best place. They are hoping to get her to the hospital around 11 o clock, do you think that will be ok, sounds just about perfect Richard, thank you, no problem sir, is there anything else I can do for you. Well, as you ask, I will need a car at some point to get me to the Strand, I've got and appointment at Coutts at two this afternoon, no problem sir, to pick you up from the hotel or the hospital, oh the hospital, I don't want to stay there too long, I'll make it happen sir, it'll be another one of our cars, thank you Richard, goodbye for now, bye sir.

The boys came into the lounge, as we had become used to, with nothing on, sorry guys, think it might be a good idea to put something on this morning, breakfast can't be far away now, it's coming up here and we don't want to scare the staff with sight of the "snake" do we, ah, ok Mark and they scampered of to find something. Hola, hi Dave, oh, hi Mark, how are things going? Just about to have breakfast then I'll take the lads off to the hospital then I'll be off for my lunchtime meeting. Ok, how's Tony, talk of the devil, he's just here, you can ask him yourself, I handed Tony the phone, its Dave. Hi Dave, how are you? Hi Tony, you're the important one here and their conversation continued, giving Dave all the news about Paul and what had been happening, then Andy joined in.

While they were talking to Dave, the doorbell rang, I went to open the door to find a young chefs complete with a Chef's hat, good morning gentleman, very becoming hat I joked, he smiled, they had with them two trolleys with two large silver covers on each. Good morning Mr Pritchard, your breakfast sir, may we come in and set it up for you, thank you young man, please do, I stood aside and they both proceeded to set up our breakfast on the table. As they left I gave the chef a tenner, you can split this can't you young man, I can't but reception will, thank you very much sir, enjoy your meal and they left and shut the door.

By the time I got to the table the boys had reverted to "normal" and were sat waiting for me, don't wait for me, tuck in, they had both cleared their plates and started on the toast before I had finished mine. Right guys, when we have finished, time is of the essence, we have got to get Tony to the hospital to see Paul and I have a meeting in London at 2 this afternoon. Andy was the first to speak, Mark, what are we going to do after Tony has seen Paul if you're going to London? Well, the car will be at your disposal until you no longer need it so you are basically free to do whatever you want. I doubt if the hospital will want Tony around for too long, also there is not a lot he can do for Paul at the moment and don't forget his Mum is going to want some time with him as well. When will we see you again, are we staying at the hotel tonight? That young man is up to the pair of you, the room is yours for as long as you need it of course, as for seeing me, that also is up to you two. Tony said, well, I don't need to stay for Pauls sake, he is in the best place, and with his Mum here he will be ok. He looked at Andy as he asked, can we come to London with you?

Well, yes, of course you can but as I said, I've got a business lunch with the bank at two o'clock and these things can go on for hours, ah, hang on a second, just a thought, have you two been to London? Tony replied yes, I was taken for the day but it was a long time ago, Andy said no, I've always been promised a visit but something always comes up and we can't go. Right, that sorts it, Tony, can you reach behind you a get my phone please, sure, here you are. Hello, Richard? Mr Pritchard, good morning again, I just going to ring you with an update, what can I do for you.

Let's have your news first, ok sir, Mrs Barnes is up and about, the nurses are confident that she is fit enough to see her son later, what sort of time do you think on that sir, we don't want to clash with your visit, oh, we will be well clear by eleven, ok, that's good, gives them time. Now what was it I can do for you sir? Got pen and paper handy, always sir, good man, need the following, fire away sir. Contact George at the London apartment, tell him we have two guests, Tony and Andy Carlsson, get it cleared with security, with full access if I'm not around, can you organise a car with a driver who knows London and can give them an afternoon tour of the city, I will also need transport back to the apartment from Coutts at some point, don't know what time yet but I will let you know, might be a plan to have it standing by for a quick getaway, oh yes and dinner at Hutong in The Shard, can you see if they will accept a flexible booking timewise, again for three, have you got all that, yes sir, I don't think I've forgotten anything but I can always call you, no problem sir, did you want me to confirm, no Richard, I know you too well, thank you in advance for all your hard work, oh Mr Pritchard you spoil me. Rubbish my boy, you deserve it, in fact, I have just thought of something else, yes sir, add two guests for the restaurant will you, ok sir, any names for me? Yes, Richard and Judy Thomas, oh sir, are you sure, that's unexpected, no problem, do you both like Chinese, Judy loves it sir, ok then, using your catch phase, make it happen, speak to you later, ok sir, thank you again sir, very much, see you later, bye, bye Richard.

The boy's face's where an absolute picture, they should be used to the way I do things by now.

Tony said and you commented while we were in Spain on how fast the Spanish speak, this Richard guy must be able to write in shorthand, what just happened? in slow mo please, yes please repeated Andy. I smiled, no time now guys, clothes, sadly, pack your bags, we have got to get to the hospital, scoot and they both disappeared into the bedroom. We all congregated in the lobby, oh Tony, before I forget, did you want to see Pauls Mum, you said that you knew her, would have been nice but not if it upsets your timings Mark, ok lad, we'll see what we can do, come on, let's get this show on the road. The lift doors opened, the bell boy looked surprised to see us with our bags, oh sir we would have collected those for you, no problem lad, we are a bit short of time, ok sir if you're sure, we were very soon in the foyer, you go and see if you can spot our car, I'll settle with reception. As I approached reception I saw it was the same young lady on duty as the previous night, she looked up as I got close, good morning Mr Pritchard, did you have a pleasant night sir, yes thank you and the meal was excellent, oh good, I'm so pleased.

I started to say that I'd come to settle, but she stopped me, no need sir, it has all been done, we were given security clearance from your office, everything is sorted. Thank you very much young lady, no problem sir, have a good day, oh, I also understand your car is waiting for you, thank you, bye, good bye sir.

As I got out onto the step I saw the car with Carl waiting beside it, as I drew close, he saluted, good morning Mr Pritchard did you have a pleasant stay sir, yes thank you Carl I replied as I climbed in, the boys were already strapped in, Carl closed the door and got into the passenger seat, Leo asked if we had had a pleasant stay, yes thank you Leo, was your hotel ok, yes thank you sir, Carl then confirmed we were going back to the hospital, then shut the divider and we were moving.

Andy said, yes, do you know, I could defiantly get used to this life, is that position of house boy still available Mark? I looked at Tony, smiled and replied, yes but house boys usually travel in the boot, ah shucks, Mark, that's not fair, nor is life Tony said to his brother, I looked at Tony, that was a very profound statement lad, well it's true, look at Paul, I thought to myself, wow this lad really is someone special.

Tony then asked again for a slow mo refresh of what had happened in the room earlier, ah, I replied, simple really, maybe to you, Andy replied, well, Tony gets to spend some time with Paul, we then we all go to London, the car drops me off at the bank, you wait for a second car that will give you both a short whistle-stop tour of London, go wherever you want within reason, remember you do not have very much time, you then get taken to our London apartment, were, if I'm not already there, you can wait for me, we will then be going for dinner with Richard and his wife, simples and the Meer cats say. Phew said Andy, you make it all sound so easy, well when you have the resources we have, it is. I should have expected it, but, Tony then asked, just what resources do you have? Mark, I was saved by the glass partition sliding down, sorry to interrupt sir, we will be at the hospital in about five, thank you Carl, the screen slid back up. Ill fill you in at the apartment Tony, when we have a bit more time. Where is your apartment? asked Andy, well, it's the whole 32 floor of the south tower at the Barbican in the City, wow, you mean near the old square mile, correct young man, we are just outside the old walls, ok said Tony, so he's not as stupid as he looks, grinning, Andy gave his brother an elbow in the ribs that I felt, ouch that hurt, well said Andy.

Leo pulled into the hospital grounds and headed for the main reception, will this be alright sir, perfect thank you Carl, we won't need you any more so I'll say thank you both now, put your hours into Richard, will you, thank you sir, Leo got out and got our bags out of the boot, have a good day sir as he handed them to us and we walked off towards the hospital. Hang on a second boys, just another quick call, ok Mark, we stood to one side of the entrance hall. Hello, Richard, yes sir, what can I do for you? any chance you could bring Mrs Barnes visit a bit closer, should not be a problem sir, I understand she is already in the vehicle, great news, Tony would like to see her at some point before he leaves later, looks as though the timings might be spot on, he sees Paul first then Mum and Mum gets son to herself. You have arranged for her to have all the support she needs for as long as she needs it, of course sir, good man, see you both later, thank you again for that sir, Judy was almost in tears when I rang her, she has always wanted to visit Hutong ever since The Shard opened but it's been a bit beyond our price range, are you sure sir, of course my boy, as I said, you have earned it, thank you sir, ah, the vehicle is on the move as we speak, good man, bye for now, bye sir.

At the reception we announced ourselves and the young lady said they were expecting us and picked up a phone. Hello, is that Doctor Ranjif, good morning Doctor, your visitors are here, would you like me to get one of the porters to escort them to your office? Ok Doctor, will do, goodbye Doctor.

Sorry Mr Pritchard but would you mind waiting a couple of minutes for a porter, he will then take you all to see Doctor Ranjif, no problem young lady, thank you very much. We found a set of chairs and were just about to make ourselves as comfortable as you can with clothes on at least, when a very tall young man came towards us asking for Mr Pritchard. As I stood, he greeted us and asked us to follow him, Andy took and instant liking to him, Tony had to put a restraining order out, behave yourself young man, ah, you spoil sport Andy replied, grinning. It felt like a good mile later we were shown into Doctor Ramji's office. He was on the phone as we entered but he acknowledged our arrival and as quickly as he could, finished his call. Good morning gentleman, nice to see you all again, are we all well, yes thankyou Doctor, Tony asked how Paul was, do sit gentleman, sit, please. My team were working all night with Paul, he has just come around an hour ago so he will be able to converse with you Tony, the good news is that we have managed to save the arm, it is back where it should be and everything we can has been reconnected. It is now in the lap of the Gods as to whether the body can re attach the fine nerves and many, many other fibres that have been torn apart. The only bad news is that unless there is a complete miracle he will never have the full use of the arm again, such a shame for someone so young. Tony was remarkable calm, thank you Doctor, for everything you have done for Paul, can I see him now? Yes, young man, of course but please remember, those going in to see him do need to go through the same routine as before with the protective clothing, please go ahead. Andy declined saying he would wait for Tony in the waiting room, I said I would keep him company, Tony mouthed out of eyeshot of the Doctor, YOU TWO BEHAVE, smiled and left the office.

Andy started asking all sorts of questions about their forthcoming tour, could I recommend anything for them to see, I replied, you mean apart from the standards, Buckingham Palace, House Guards Parade, The Houses of Parliament, the Tower of London and the Eye. Then I had another one of my ideas, ah, the Eye, I said but before Andy could ask, I was on the phone again, Hi Richard?, hello sir, sorry to keep bothering you, that's alright sir it's what I'm here for, is there anything wrong, no dear boy, just testing your skills a bit more, oh, don't like the sound of that sir, don't worry lad, it's nothing beyond your capabilities I'm sure, shoot sir, what notice do we need for our corporate condoler on the Eye, ah, you've got me there sir, can you give me five, call me back would you? of course sir, goodbye sir.

Andy had been on to Google on his phone while I was speaking to Richard, as he was about to ask some more questions when my phone rang, ah Richard, good man. What have you got for me? well it's at your disposal 24/7, basically, just turn up and go, you would obviously have to wait for ours to come around and have placed any order for any extras beforehand, would you like me to pre warn of your arrival, yes please Richard, two guests Andy and Tony, maybe some cold refreshments and snacks, better let them go around twice, make it worth it. Ok sir I've got their surname on file, any idea of time, sorry, no, that depends on what else they decide to have a look at, no problem sir, I'll make it happen, well done Richards, see you later, yes sir, goodbye.

So Mark, what is this eye? Google young man, Google, I replied smiling, you're as bad as one of our old teachers, always made us look things up, well, you learnt how to find things out for yourself did you not, um, yeh spose so, there you are then, self-reliance.

We chatted some more and Andy said that the eye looked interesting but the site was warning of a delay of up to at least two hours, he was about to say something else when Tony came into the room, he looked radiant, big smile and the sparkle had returned to his eyes, those lovely bright blue, bed me eyes. Wow, you look good I said, I feel it Mark, Paul is sitting up and says he's feeling so much better, said almost all the pains gone as long as he stays still. I had five minutes with his Mum, she is an amazing lady, with everything she is going through, she just took it all in her stride, she will make sure he's ok, though it was fun to try and get both the beds close enough so they could hold hands. Thank you Mark, so much for what you and Dave have done for him and his Mum, so glad to have been in a positon to help son.

Ok, are we ready to go on our travels lads I asked, yes thank you Mark, ah, said Tony, I would like to see Doctor Ranjif before we leave, do you think he is still in his office? One way to find out I replied and we all set off to find it. We knocked on the Doctors office door and he was sat at his desk, he stood and said do come in gentleman, we won't stop said Tony, I just wanted to thank you again in person for everything you and your team have done for Paul. Why thank you young man, for taking the trouble to find me and say so in person, not many do these days, a sad refection on the world today, I think. That in itself helps to make the job worthwhile, I hope you all have a good day, sorry but I must go, another operation to perform, good luck Doctor we all said in chorus as he scooted out of his office and off down the corridor, what a man said Andy, yeh replied Tony, what a place to.

When we eventually got back to the main entrance, at least we did not have far to look for our next car, this one was white, gleaming in the sun, the driver, kitted out in crisp, nicely ironed white shirt with epaulets and black tie stood by the back door. Mr Pritchard, yes that is me, ah good morning sir, my name is Sandy, she opened the door and waited for us all to climb in. Once she was seated the dividing screen dropped. Now sir, the office told me you are going to a meeting in the Strand, then we were going on a tour of London, do you have anything you would particularly like to see gentleman? Tony looked at Andy and I and we both realised that he was not party to the planning of this little jaunt. I replied not yet Sandy but I need to be at Coutts for 2 o'clock, after that the boys will let you know I'm sure. Ok sir, we'll head for the bank and if you come up with an itinerary in the meantime I'll do my best to comply, thank you Sandy, no problem sir and the screen was raised.

Ok you two what's this all about asked Tony, Andy explained what we had discussed and they busied themselves working out what they would like to see, I did remind them that they only had a limited amount of time.

In the meantime, some more calls, Hola, hi Dave, oh hi Mark, how's it going, pretty well considering, we are currently on the way to the bank for my meeting come lunch, the boys are with me, we have arranged for them to have whistle-stop tour of London while I'm with the bank. That's a good idea, yes I thought so too. Then we're meeting at the Apartment later and to top the day off, Richard has made a reservation for us at Hutong for dinner, could be a nice evening as I have invited Richard and Judy to join us. And any news on the main topic, main topic I questioned, don't be silly Mark, how's Paul? Oh, sorry, yes, very good news, Doctor Ranjif and his team operated last night, they got the arm attached but they don't think he will ever have full use of it again but according to Tony he is so much brighter, he was sitting up and chatting with his Mum. Tony is much, much better, he's got his old sparkle back again, oh yes, you just behave. Who me? give Richard and Judy my regards and enjoy Hutong, hope Mr Chang is still there, will let you know, you ok, I'm fine, thanks, enjoying the peace and quiet, still missing you all but it had to be done, I could have come back with you but it would have complicated things, I'll survive, ok, see you soon, keep in touch, ok, love you, ditto, bye.

How is Dave asked Tony, he ok, says he's enjoying the peace and quiet, do you believe him, of course not, he said he's missing us all, he's coping because he has to but he would much rather be here with us, sure, still it's not for long, when will you be going back to Spain? Nothing planed yet but we have got to get you two back before too long or your parents with think we've kidnapped the pair of you, Tony replied, would anyone be so silly? we all burst into laughter, again, these boys just made us all feel so very happy somehow.

Andy then asked about the apartment, what sort of view have you got if you're on the 32nd floor, bet it's amazing, oh it's not bad, Tony said, not bad, what does that mean? Well, we can see Central Park, the Eiffel Tower, The Brandenburg Gate, Mark, be serious will you said Tony, we all know that you cannot see Central Park from London. Ah but we can, I replied. Yeh, right he said scoffing and just how do you manage that then, a set of telescopes across the Atlantic I suppose. Actually by pushing a button, well, several buttons actually. Several years ago a very good and cleaver friend of ours who runs he's own media company came up with this brilliant new glazing system, the windows in our lounge are floor to ceiling, double height, they are coated with a special film that reacts to an electrical current. I'm listening replied Tony, smiling, though I'm still not sure if your pulling our legs yet but carry on. Ok, so you can set the tint to whatever you want if its bright outside or if you want a snooze during the day. Or you can set them to go total black out, right said Andy, also still not convinced. Now comes the really cleaver bit I said smiling, don't ask me for the technical bits and bobs, I just now which buttons to push to set it up, you can project a pre-selected scene directly onto the black window and it looks as though you are wherever you have programed. Yeh right, they both said, grinning at me, pull the other one it's got bells on it, ok, I said, ask George to show you if I'm not there when you arrive. Your serious aren't you Mark, have you ever known me to lie? Well no of course not but it all sounds so cool replied Andy, Tony? I said looking at him, I'll wait till I have seen it but it does sound pretty cleaver, Ill reserve judgment till I've actually seen it with these eyes of mine and he gave me a flash, which had he's desired effect, he knew that would start me off. I gave him a wry smile, he winked at me, the little sod, I tried to change the subject. So Andy, to answer your original question, we are above and just outside the old London walls so you can see the whole of the old Square Mile of London, Tower Bridge, The Shard, most of the new high rise blocks and in the far distance on a clear day, the House of Parliament and of course the London Eye, wow that sounds fantastic, does your block move if its windy, not that you would notice, it does or it would fall over, I said but no its quite solid. It's a long way up, does it take long to get up there, have you ever had to walk due to the lift's not working. Questions, questions, questions, why don't you wait till we get there, oh ok replied Andy.

We were now on the M 4 heading towards London, both the boys had their hands on a thigh each, Tony was the first, he slid his hand up towards my rapidly growing bulge, he looked up at me, then smiled as he dropped down and managed to unzip my trousers, get my, now rock hard cock out and into his mouth. I was not sure whether Sandy new the score, probably not, we had only told our top officials and Richard of course, Charles and Julian were a couple anyway and of course George and Mavis. I was sure that the glass in the privacy screen was one way, to be quite honest it did not really matter anyway., if she could not handle it she could always get another job. Tony came up for some air, before he could comment Andy was in his place, he's skills were coming on very nicely. Needless to say, it was not long before I reached that point, right you guys, don't fight over it but who wants a mouthful, my turn said Tony, Andy did not complain and moved away. Tony got into place just in time, to his credit, he did not lose a drop.

As tony used his hanky to clean up Andy very carefully put things away, then looked up at me, smiled and said, that's better, back too normal now.

Both boys became more and more interested in the passing scenery, when we hit he elevated section they became quite agitated, commentating on the various buildings along the road side.

Tony spotted the Mercedes showroom with the cars in the tower at one end. I pointed out one of my favourite buildings in London, The Natural History Museum, then we passed Harrods. I pointed to 100 Knightsbridge, the big glass building at the end of Brompton Road, saying that we nearly brought the penthouse but were gazumped by Roman Abramovich who apparently paid way over the going price at the time of 5.5 million.

Seeing Buck house for the first time Andy said he was not impressed, asked why, he replied too impersonal, which I thought was very perceptive of someone still so young. They both liked Trafalgar Square though and commented on the facade of the National Gallery, but neither of them had seen traffic anything like it, how does London cope, with great difficulty I replied.

Sandy did eventually manage to navigate Trafalgar Square and we soon turned into the Strand, Sandy pulled up outside Coutts, no doorman to open the door which I always thought a bit lapses particularly as they were the Queens bankers, I bet they would find a doorman pretty quick from somewhere if ever Her Majesty were ever to visit the bank in person.

I left the boys in Sandy's care, she had assured me that she would take good care of them, they both waved out of the windows as they pulled away and went off on their tour of London. It turned out, I learned later, that they opted for the eye as their first stop. Sandy pulled the car into the VIP car park, the boys got out and walked toward the Eye. I had told them to go direct to the reception and say they were guests of Mark Pritchard, I had given Tony one of my business cards and signed the back, which they did. This set in motion a pre-arranged chain of events the like of which, neither of the lads had experienced before.

They were escorted to the VIP lounge, where they were offered a tea, coffee or soft drink, they chose a soft drink, too cool off. They had about five minutes to wait for our condoler to arrive at the boarding stage. Andy had expected a wait of several hours, seeing the number of people queuing, they were then ushered directly onto the boarding platform, again without any queue's, where they waited for number 12 to come into range. As the condoler came closer a group of staff came forward with a trolley with a couple of coolers, some glasses and a couple of trays of various snacks. As No 12 approached they were again ushered on board the condoler, a member of staff joined then along with this trolley full of goodies. and they were off, up, up and away, with much consternation from Andy.

After two circuits of the eye they were taken back to the car and Sandy drove them off to see, from the outside at least, sadly, due to the lack of time left in the day. St Pauls Cathedral, then onto the Tower of London and then across Tower bridge. By the time she had got to the Bridge it was getting time for them to be at the Barbican. I later learned that both lads where spotting the iconic buildings of the city, Sandy managed to go via The Lloyds building, one my pet hates, I always say the pipework should be on the inside. The Nat West Tower, the Bank of England, the Gherkin which I love, wish it was on our portfolio and even The Cheesgrater, a very strange shaped building. As Sandy eventually pulled into the underground garage at the south tower, Sandy used the intercom to speak to security who raised the barrier and dropped the reverse ramp. Both boys asked what the ramp was for, Sandy explained it stops any big truck getting access to the garage, it helps guard against suicide bombers in trucks, down here they could do a lot of damage. She then explained that being a high security site they would have to see security first. She parked in one of our spaces and showed them where to go. Good evening sir, the security officer said to Tony as they approached the gate house, can I help you? Good evening officer, I do hope so, we're Tony and Andrew Carlsson, guests of Mr Mark Pritchard. Ah yes sir, we have been expecting you both, please come through, the guard took them through the lobby and showed them to the lift, here you are sir, he gave Andy a plastic token, it's a pass key for the penthouse, tap it onto the key pad on top of the panel in the lift and the lift will take you directly to the 32nd floor without any stops on the way, Ill phone up and George will meet you when you arrive, thank you very much replied Tony as they entered the lift.

Andy put the token up to the pad, the doors closed and the counter started to count up, Wow Tony, this is fast, I'm being pushed into the floor, yeh very impressed replied Tony. The lift no sooner stated to climb then they could feel it slowing down again, as the door opened they saw George, waiting for them in our lobby. George is our concierge, an old retainer we have had on the staff for many years, he and his wife have a company flat fifteen floors down, his wife acts as our housekeeper for us whenever were up in London. Good evening gentleman, my names George, been expecting you, welcome to level 32, do follow me please. Tony asked him if he knew when I would be arriving, ah, Mr Mark will be along shortly, he's stuck in traffic, be about 10 minutes, thank you George. Andy could not get over the accent, west country, oh arh he kept saying to Tony when George was out of earshot.

George took them straight through into the lounge, right gentlemen, the toilets are second door down the corridor, one on each side, can I get you both anything to drink? Andy was first to reply, do you have any cold beer George, yes sir, of course, Mr Mark and Mr David insist we always have a good stock in, would that be two, yes please replied Tony. They both wondered over to the main south facing window. Tony said, wow, what a view hey Andy, yeh and they started to point to where they had been. Ok gentleman, here are your beers, please make yourselves comfortable, both the boys looked at each other and smiled, thank you George replied Tony. I'll be in the kitchen if you need me gentleman and he turned to leave, oh, nearly forgot, Mr Mark asked me to ask which view you would like as he came back into the lounge. The boys turned and looked at George expectantly, pardon George, said Tony, which view sir? It was Andy who clicked and asked for Central Park please George, right young sir, if you take a seat and I'll see what I can do, I've not played with this here gadget for several years now, let me see, as he fumbled with a small control box in the floor beside one of the settees. Central Park you say, ah, no, not that one, ah, yes here we are and he pushed a couple of buttons. The boys watched with amazed looks as their jaws dropping further and further as progressively the whole window area began to darken. The room lighting came on as the windows continued to darken till they were at black out, absolute jet black.

Despite having been told about the system and knowing what was going to happen, you could still have heard a pin drop, then suddenly as the image slowly faded in a gasp from them both, Wow, said Andy, this is so cool, they both stood up and went closer to the window and discovered that even the prospective changed as they moved. This is just so incredible, they turned to George, he told me later, their faces were an absolute picture. This is fabulous George; can we go anywhere else? Sorry gentleman I'm not too conversant with it now, it's been a long time since I fiddled, would hate to do any damage, sure replied Andy. Mr Mark will show you I'm sure he replied as he fiddled a bit more, ah, try this he said, the window slowly went dark and then came up again this time with a long distance shot of the Eiffel Tower, taken from the end of the Champ de Mars gardens, bloody hell said Tony as he sat back on the settee. Now gentleman, if you'll excuse me, I've got some work to do in the kitchen, ok George, thank you for the demonstration, before you go, could you put it back to London? of course young sir.

Another little fiddle and the scene faded and the window began to get transparent again as the lights dimmed and eventually went out.

No sooner had I opened and closed the front door and the first click from the steel tips on my shoes hit the tiled floor, I heard rustling from the lounge, suddenly I could see both boys running towards me down the corridor, both with open arms, both talking at the same time, both very excited, we collided and they both gave me a big hug and a kiss. Ok guys, calm down, calm down, let's all go back to the lounge and you can tell my all what's been happening. We made our way back along the corridor, as we passed the kitchen George welcomed me home, I've got your usual here when you're ready, just needs the ice, good evening George, thank you, you're a life saver, I'll have it now please, ok sir on its way.

For the next half hour, I was told everything that the boys had seen and done, they could not stop saying how much they had enjoyed it and how grateful they were and they both kept thanking me, again and again. George saved me, he gently interrupted asking if I needed him anymore, no thank you George, I replied, you go back to Mavis, give her my regards, I'll see her maybe in the morning to let her know how long we will be staying, ok sir, I'll say bye for now then, bye George, both the boys thanked him and he left us to ourselves. Andy was predictable the first to ask, can we get "comfortable" now Mark, please, yes of course we can, we won't be seen all the way up here unless your passing in a plane landing at Heathrow and have your binoculars with you, I replied laughing.

As Andy started to strip he asked, do you get planes flying passed? yes, in the distance, every alternate day, they change the direction of landing so that the residents on the flight path get a day's peace I replied. Really said Tony, is that true, of course I grunted, he looked at me, did you get a demo of the windows I asked, oh yes George got up Central Park and Paris for us, and you still don't believe me Tony, just what do I have to do to convince you, even I did not expect his answer, fuck me Mark, that will do the trick.

They both just stood up and took everything off and pilled it up on the floor, they were both showing signs of arousal and within a minuet we were all on the master bed. I don't remember being as rampant as these two when I was there age, maybe it's my mind playing tricks. Tony got to screw me as did Andy, Tony and I came once but Andy managed twice, without even going soft in between, oh to be young again.

We have a very similar set up in the master suite bathroom, with a wet room layout, as we had at the villa, the shower area is not quite as large and only has one ceiling shower rose but it just made it a little more intimate.

Right guys, best bib and tucker for tonight, where are we going asked Andy, a restaurant called Hutong, they serve mainly Chinese but have a good selection of European dishes as well. Tony asked if it was far, no lad, look over there, see that pointy building, isn't that The Shard said Andy, correct again young man, you have been studying, Sandy took us passed it our tour, oh Mr goody two shoes said Tony with a sly grin. Now, now Tony, don't get nasty, only kidding Mark, he smiled, Andy started to ask more question, later Andy, the car will be here in less than an hour, go and get yourselves ready, they both scurried off to change.

While the lads were busy, I had a couple of calls to make. Ah, good afternoon, this is Mark Pritchard, could you put me through to Doctor Ranjif please, certainly sir, just a second please, hello Mr Pritchard, how are you this afternoon, fine thank you, I'm just phoning quickly to see how Mrs Barnes got on with Paul. Ah, yes, we had such fun, fun I questioned, yes, getting them close enough so that they could see each other and talk without shouting, turns out Mrs Barns is partially deaf on to of all her other problems, ah, that explains something Tony said to me earlier.

My God, that poor woman, indeed, however, we got there, she is still with Paul, I've just left them, they are both fine, thank you Doctor, I'll pass that onto Tony, thank you again for everything Doctor, bye for now, bye Mr Pritchard.

The boys emerged from the bed room looking the best I have ever seen them, really well turned out, casual but very tasteful, short sleeve shirts with slacks and slip on's, Tony's shirt hugged his figure a bit too well for my liking, was I getting a bit possessive? have to ask Dave later. I did feel so proud of them both, I wished they could have been my boys but then, perhaps not because we could not have had the sex, funny that really. We sat in the lounge and I took them on a world tour of the views we had on the system. While watching the various cities and there photogenic building, I relayed the message from Dr Ranjif to Tony about Pauls progress and how well Mrs Barnes was coping with the situation, he was relieved and again thanked me for what we had done. We had just got to the Grand Palace in Bangkok when the phone rang, Mr Pritchard? Frank, security here, just to let you know your car is here sir, thank you Frank, we will be down shortly, good evening sir. Ok guys, world tour over, let's go eat, I'm famished, me to said Andy, will we be using chop sticks he continued, if you want to I replied, they will be very impressed if you can, I could eat a horse said Tony, for once it was me, was that a horse as in gallop gallop or cock as in slurp slurp, you dirty bugger Mark, as if the thought ever crossed my mind, those eyes, those bloody eyes.

The drive to The Shard was only about ten minutes, the traffic was all going the other way, people going home. Our driver pulled the car into the layby outside the main entrance to the hotel, got out, opened our door asked what time for pick up, sorry young man? we have your mobile number? yes, sir, then we will call you when we are ready, ok sir, made a mental note, needs assessment.

We were met in the foyer and taken to a dedicated lift which goes directly to Hutong on the 33rd floor, the head waiter recognised me as soon as we came out of the lift and entered the lobby. Mr Mark, how very nice to see you again, is Mr David with you this evening sir? No, the lucky bugger is in Spain ah, I see, are you fit and well, yes thank you, is Mr Chang still here? Yes, sir, good, would you tell him that we are dinning tonight please, he already knows Mr Mark, he will be out to see you a bit later, your other guests are waiting for you, we took the liberty of showing them to your table, we hope that is ok sir, no problem, thank you, please follow me to your table.

As we walked through the restaurant I spotted Richard and Judy looking out of the window.

Richard must have seen us approach with the reflection on the window, as we drew closer, Richard suddenly spun around and stood up, good evening Mr Pritchard, let me stop you right there young man I said, he looked a bit anxious, from now on, unless we are on business and with company its Mark and David, are you sure sir? positive and I have another little surprise for you a bit later. Now let me introduce Tony and his brother Andy, guys, this is Richard, he is the guy who has made everything with Mrs Barns and Paul happen, Tony went over to Richard and gave him a big hug. Richard looked over at me with a very worried expression on his face till he saw the big smiles on both mine and Andy's faces. Thank you so much for everything you have done for my friend Richard, you can cut that out to young man, my friends call me Rich, whatever, thank you from the bottom of my heart, you have no idea how I was feeling when I first heard of Pauls accident, being in Spain, with no chance of getting back to see him, no problem, may I, Tony? yes of course, it's what Mark pays me for, I was glad to help out. This is my wife Judy, good evening Tony, that was quite moving, brought a tear to my eye, Rich told me what he was involved with and the various developments, sorry Judy but without Riche's help I could not have got back to see Paul so quickly, this is my brother Andy, good evening everyone, they all smiled and we all eventually sat down, Richard was the first to speak, thank you Mr oh sorry, Mark for this invitation, this is going to be a particular special evening for us, oh, I replied, yes sir, it's our tenth wedding anniversary, he looked at Judy and smiled. Well I'll be dammed, the boys both offered congratulations, well now, in that case I said, as I held up my hand, one of the waiters came over, yes Mr Mark, can I help you sir, yes please, can we have a magnum of Dom Perignon 2004 and six glasses please, we have something very special to toast, certainly sir and away he scurried as only the Chinese seem able.

Oh sir, oh sorry Mark, are you sure, of course young man, yes I am, you don't often get to celebrate such an auspicious occasion in such fine company, Judy then thanked me, with a tear in her eye and went on to say she had wanted to come here since it opened and to be given this as well , it was going to be an evening for them both to remember, I smiled as I replied looking at them both, you don't know the half of it yet, they both looked at each other and then back at me with a mixture of concern and expectation, don't worry, I'll tell you a little later, they both smiled.

We had been given a window table looking out on the Thames, as I said, a really spectacular view, almost as good as the glass table back in the villa in Spain. We then saw a big gentleman coming towards us with a couple of waiters in his wake. Mr Chang was at least six-foot-tall and must be in the region of at least 300lbs, I stood up smiling as he approached, good evening My Chang, Mr Mark, how very nice to see you, where is Mr David, he's in Spain, long story, ha so, are you well, yes thank you but this is not about me, here is your Champagne, may I ask to what we are celebrate, yes Mr Ghang, it's this young couples tenth wedding anniversary, you could see the cogs' werring in his head, ah so, we celebrate ten year, congratulation to you, I hope you have good evening and good fortune stay with you forever he said with a big smile on his face.

Thank you Mr Chang they both replied, the waiter poured a class each and we offered a toast to the happy couple. After he had gone Andy looked up and said what a funny man, funny he might be lad but he owns this place and half of Hong Kong and owns all the gambling rights on Kowloon Island, gosh replied Andy, is there anyone that you don't know? Many young man, it's not quantity but quality that counts, I replied with a smile.

Now Richard, before we get carried away with the menus, it is with great pleasure that I make this announcement, everyone looked at me. Richard, yes Mark, sorry but that still feels odd, so it might lad but this won't, expectant looks across the table. Your salary has just doubled, Richards face went white, he started to try and say something but I stopped him, not only that but it will back dated to the start of the year, the back dated portion will also be tax free. Judy burst into tears, think of it as an anniversary present, I continued. Richard turned to console her, ladies and gentleman I give you Richard and Judy, happy anniversary, the boys and I stood up and raised our glasses. At that very second we heard the recorded sound of Chinese fire crackers on the restaurants PA system, I looked over and saw Mr Chang grinning at me from the restaurant entrance, I gave him a thumbs up, he smiled and waved back.

The menus arrived and once the couple had got over the shock and said there numerous thank you's we ordered and conversation began to flow around the table. Richard was intrigued by the boys, he knows Dave and I are gay so I was interested as to where the conversation was going, So, Tony, how did you meet Mark? Tony relayed the whole story of the broken down car and what followed, thankfully, not is full detail, there are some secrets you need to keep from your staff, even your right hand man. It very soon became totally clear that Richard was doing what any really good employee would do, check that the boss was not being taken in. Andy and Judy clicked at the first moment of contact, I heard him ask her about a certain dish, she gave him a full run down, as it turned out, he loved it. We all had a fabulous evening, Mr Ghang came over at one point to see that everything was to our satisfaction, he looked around the table saying, ah so, very good, chop stick, ah so, very good and went away smiling. A small part of the evening was marred slightly with business, Richard asked how the meeting had gone with the bank.

Usual waste of time, I replied, they were concerned about the effect of Brexit on our portfolio.

As you know, we deal with 95 percent English companies, the effect is likely to be minimal as we all new, the only good thing, I got a free lunch at the Ritz.

How are you and Judy getting home tonight? I asked Richard, oh that's sorted Mark, I booked a room here in The Shard for the night, good thinking, you will send me the bill, oh Mark I can't expect you to pay for that as well as the meal, do you want your cards now? I asked, still smiling, ok sir, be in your desk Monday morning, thank you.

We said our goodbyes to Richard and Judy and were shown to the lift, we waited for our car, when it arrived the driver did not even get out of the car, I had to open the door for the boys, must speak to Richard in the morning. He did manage to get us back to the apartment. Once in, we had all stripped naked before we even reached the lounge and as usual it was not long before sex reared its lovely head. We had a threesome on the settee then moved up to the master bedroom and did it all again, this time Andy asked for another two in one. Both Tony and I obliged and after we had all come for the second time, we all collapsed on the bed and fell fast asleep.

To be continued.......

My usual suffix, sorry but this is important to me.

AIDS has taken all but a few of my circle of friends from my time on the gay scene, it is still a fact of life, it will KILL you eventually, even though they now have some very good meds which may prolong the inevitable.

Prevent the need,

ALWAYS PRACTICE SAFE SEX. USE A CONDOM. Enjoy sex without the hassle.


Next: Chapter 11

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