Holiday in Heaven

By moc.oohay@onegabmik

Published on Jul 24, 2016


Here we have a story although from my over active imagination, wishful thinking, perhaps both, it was originally inspired by a correspondent who told a story of some fun he had while on holiday.

Thanks "K" you know who you are, more ideas please, I have really enjoyed writing this one.

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All names have been changed and any resemblance to anyone alive, deceased on in the houses of Parliament is purely co incidental. Places named have been used as we have had personal experiences of them, that does not mean they are involved in or have any specific connection with the gay community in anyway whatsoever.

Holiday in Heaven Chapter 1 (The meeting) By Kimbageno. Copyright 2014-2016. All rights reserved.

My partner, Mark and I had been going through a rough patch health wise this year so we decided to take ourselves of for a well-earned holiday now that we were both feeling a little better.

Searching the internet, I found a villa for short term rent in the Spanish town of Mijas, up in the hills above the Costa del Sol, the photos looked idyllic. It was situated on the outskirts of the town, not over looked and it had a pool and better still it was surrounded by a high security fence so no un wanted intruders, perfect.

We had pre-arranged a hire car so we were at the villa within an hour of landing, it was just as advertised, absolutely perfect, two large bedrooms, large lounge all with AC and full height folding doors leading out on to a huge patio and off to one side was the pool complete with a kids slide.

Both of us know the area so we were able to stop enroute for provisions, a little village shop we have used before, sells everything you might need and a good stock of wine, spirits and beers. First job was lunch, Mark, who is a very good cook set to in the kitchen and before long we were sitting out on the patio with a selection of cold meats, Tapas and a glass of wine each.

Neither of us wear cloths at home unless it is really cold so we were both enjoying our lunch in the nude making the most of the wonderful Spanish sunshine, not being overlooked was a bonus along with the terrific views across the valley towards the sea in the far distance, this was going to be a great holiday.

Lunch over, I cleared away the dishes and loaded the dish washer, when I returned to the patio Mark was testing out the water, feels lovely and warm, you up for a swim Dave, did not need asking twice and ran towards the pool and jumped in much to Marks disgust, will you ever grow up?

We both had a good swim and then dried off on a couple of the loungers set out on the patio, it was just heaven. We both must have dosed off; I was woken by a buzzing sound coming from the lounge. I went to investigate, it turned out to be a panel on the lobby wall beside the front door. There was a little screen with a series of buttons. I could see the face of a young man on the screen, I located the speech button and said Hola.

Oh. hello, sorry to disturb you, I've broken down, could you help?

I took a second look at the screen and my mind went straight into pervert mode, I should think so, give me a minuet and I'll open the gate, come up to the villa and we'll see what we can do, thank you so much, I've walked a mile or so, it's so hot, thanks again.

Running back to the patio, I called across to Mark, get some shorts on, we've got company, as I returned to the villa to get my own shorts he followed asking what was going on, as I got myself decent, I explained as we went to open the gate.

We both stood on the porch and watched as this lad, did not look much more than about 19, tall, blond, thick set, wearing cut down jeans and trainers, no shirt which was revelling a nice thatch on his muscular chest as he walked towards us. As he got a bit closer, he smiled and said is everything aright guys, you both look as though you have seen a ghost?

Sorry, it's the glare from the sun I stammered, oh, OK, he replied with a sly grin, trying to sound slightly disappointed, hi my names Tony, I've broken down about a mile up the road, Dads going to kill me if its anything I've done to his car, could you help?

Mark was the first to speak, just, Hi I'm Mark and this is Dave, you look exhausted would you like a beer to cool off a bit then we'll go and have a look at the car. That would be great, thanks he replied as we walked back into the villa.

Wow this is nice Tony said as we went through the lobby and lounge and then out onto the patio, I sat him down at the table under the shade while Mark went for some beers. He joined us just as Tony was commenting on the pool saying it looked so inviting. He went on to explain he was staying at the family's villa on the other side of the valley, they had a pool but it had been drained and shut down at the end of the previous summer as they were not expecting to get over so soon this year, that was the main reason for him in being here.

Would you like a swim after we have had a look at your car? Would you mind, that would be great, finishing our beers we headed out to the car. Tony sat in the back and directed us, it was a good mile when a Spanish registered BMW series 3 convertible came into view. There's the car said Tony and Mark pulled up behind it and parked, nice car Tony I said, yeh, goes well usually, Dad leaves it here so we don't have to hire one every time we come over.

Tony opened the car and raised the bonnet, I have had a look, everything looks ok to me but motor mechanics is not really my field. He watched as Mark started diagnose the problem, Mark had been a motor mechanic many years ago, so it was not long before he had it running like new. Nothing serious, he told Tony, just this lead had come adrift, he showed Tony what the problem had been and explained what the lead did, so now you know what to look for if it drops off again said Mark. Thank you so much Mark, it's such a relief it's not anything serious, we were soon on our way back to the villa with Tony following us.

As we entered the villa again Tony asked if he could use the loo, sure, second on the left, we'll be out on the patio, fancy another beer, yes please if you don't mind, I'm parched, that was a long walk in this heat.

When he returned to the patio he stopped at the threshold and gasped, oh, sorry Tony I said, we tend not to wear much when were here, we were both as naked as the day we were born, is that a problem for you, we can get some shorts on if you would feel happier. No, no, not a problem, he stammered, just a bit of a shock that's all, guess that solves the problem of me having no trunks for my swim later. He then proceeded to drop and get out of his cut downs as he came towards the table, as he sat down he looked at us both and smiled, that feels a lot better, I can understand why you do it now.

Sorry if we seem to stare Tony, you're looking at two guys who probably look as though have just seen another ghost, the sight is just too much for both of us, he just laughed, guess you guys ARE gay then, I'll try and keep "things" under control and gave us both a gorgeous smile flashing his bright blue eyes, and took a long swig of his beer. This young man really was spectacular, as I said, tall, I would say at least six-foot-tall, collar length blond hair, the bluest, brightest eyes I have ever seen, thick set, probably about 13-14 stone, very muscular, great six pack, good abs and thighs like tree trunks, could not see his ass from the front but the front end did not disappoint the connoisseur, he had a good 6-7-inch and that was soft, it looked as though it could be a definite grower girth wise, a low slung pair of balls and to top it all of he was trimmed, I would say perfection.

Managing to regain my composure I asked, so Tony, what's the score, are you here on holiday with your family? He explained he'd been sent over by his Dad to get their villa ready for the summer season, in particular, to get the pool back up and running, the family were due at the weekend. Andy, he's younger brother had come along basically for the ride, not being much practical help either, he had just needed a bit of space on his own for an hour or so, so took off for a ride when the car packed up.

Do you not get on with your brother I asked, which seemed to be the obvious question, oh no, we get on if anything too well, he looked a bit shy, you don't have to elaborate if you don't feel comfortable Tony we understand.

It was then that I noticed Tony's cock, I looked over at Mark who was sitting the other side of the table and tried to indicate that if he moved a foot or so would have an un interrupted view, it was defiantly growing into something quite special. By the time Mark had moved his chair Tony had stood up, revealing his now semi hard cock in all its up and coming glory anyway, sorry guys, I'm losing control here, going to take a plunge, cool this "thing" down a bit, don't bother on our account I quickly replied but he had already jumped into the pool.

When he surfaced he looked over towards the two of us, both sitting, gawking at the apparition that had just jumped into our pool, he stood up, flashed his eyes again, smiled and asked, well, are you two going to join me?

By the time Mark and I had got into the pool Tony had swum to the deep end and was holding on to the edge, so this is the score guys, I'm also gay but don't really do anal, that's sort of spoken for, I'm up for anything else though just to say thank you both for your help getting the car fixed.

Mark and I looked at each other and smiled, I said, well this might be something for the scrapbook and took off towards Tony with Mark in hot pursuit. Mark is a much stronger swimmer than I, as he got close to Tony, the lad suddenly disappeared, going under, Mark slowed and we both reached the edge at deep end at the same time. As we tried to accurately locate Tony I felt him take hold of my, now stiff cock, looking over to Mark he had the same look of pleasure on his face so I guess Tony had us both by the "short and curlies"

Tony soon came up for air, not for long enough for either of us to comment, he went back under and I felt his soft mouth around my cock, I gasped, Mark said that good hah, and better, you wait, he's good. Then Tony came back up for some more air before going back under to give Mark a good time.

Tony was now bobbing up and down between us so I was able to reach down and fondly his perfectly formed butt, I reached around for the sharp end, what awaited me was one of the best cocks I have felt for many a year (don't tell Mark). Rock hard, I guessed about 9-10 inch but it was the girth I had difficulty to close my hand around it and I've got big hands.

Tony surfaced, took a couple of deep breathes to recover then said, race you to the patio and took off, we both followed but Tony was a much stronger swimmer than the pair of us and left us as if standing, when he reached the shallow end he just lifted himself up out of the water and on to the edge in one, very slick, graceful motion a sight to behold, he just stood there, grinning, watching both of us coming towards him, he looked like a real live Michelangelo's "David" but this one had a cock to match the physique, now that his "thing" was out in the open we could both see what might be in store for us, it was, truly, a magnificent example of manhood.

We all went back to the table and sat down under the shade, it was my turn to go for some more beers, I would have been surprised if I had not seen the sight that greeted me when I returned with a tray of beer and snacks. Tony was sitting on the edge of his chair with his legs apart and Mark was kneeling in between his legs with his mouth firmly around his cock giving him a good seeing to.

As I put the tray down Tony said come over here big boy, (I was fairly near the front of the

"cock queue") being slightly longer than Tony perhaps but half the girth, who me I said smiling, as I got closer he grabbed my cock and pulled me in closer, when within reach he opened his mouth and took it straight down to the hilt and just held it, his tongue was doing things I've not had done for many a year, a gift, I thought had died out, I was so close I had to pull away.

Sorry Dave, did I do something wrong, he looked up concerned, no dear boy no, it's just you're so bloody sexy, I'm close enough to blowing, it's just too much for an old fogy, hey, you're not that old, they say you're only as old as the "boy" you play with, he said laughing.

Mark hearing the laughter came up for air, what's all the noise about you two, he was grinning like a cat that had found the cream jug. Tony said I think Dave wants a go; do you want to swap over? Give it a go I said, might keep me going for a little while longer, Mark asked me, is he any good? as he got into position, judge for yourself I replied, smiling at Tony as I sank down on his rod.

Now, I've been sucking cock for far too long to mention here but this thing had me struggling,

it took me a while to adjust to the girth of this monster, Mark enjoys my deep throat technique but I was having real trouble getting the right angle to accommodate this thing, not so much the length just my jaw was aching after a very short time.

I just had to stop, getting off, Tony said that was amazing, no one has ever got that much down before, sorry Tony, I'm sure I can do even better but the angles wrong, sorry to stop you Mark but could we move to a lounger, might be more comfortable for all of us. Mark replied after getting his breath back, why don't we go inside, the bed will be even better.

Great idea said Tony with a renewed enthusiasm, I looked at Mark and said is this guy real? Mark looked at Tony who was smiling at us both and said, no he's just a dream, we'll wake up soon and he won't be here, we all moved in towards the master bedroom. As we passed the loo Tony said he needed to go again, something about all the beer, might be a good idea I said making for another loo.

By the time I had got back to the bedroom, Mark and Tony were already "at it" with a wonderful display of how a 69 should be done, I was a bit naughty at this point, they were so engrossed with each other they did not notice me take a couple of pics with my phone, could not resist and it would be some time, I felt sure before I saw anything so great again.

Can I join in guys? I got no response, they were both, far too busy, I know Mark just loves his ass licked so I got myself into position and gave his hole a good seeing to. After a minute or so they broke off, for air, hey Dave, would you do that for me, I've never had my ass licked, been told is great, no, sorry Tony, I want another go at your cock with the right angle, Mark is the expert at ass licking, over to you my friend. Mark got down to it and within seconds Tony was groaning like mad, I got down to the job in hand before he shot his load.

With Tony laying on his side I was able to get things right and very soon had the whole monster in deep throat, with what I was doing together with Marks attention to the other end the kid did not stand a chance. God I'm going to cum, this is fantastic, the best sex I've ever had AGH bloody hell get ready Dave pull off now, quick it's going AAGGHHH. I had not moved, his cock was still rammed all the way down my throat, I was not going to waste a single drop.

When Tony eventually stopped thrashing around he slumped onto his back, his cock still rock hard with just a little cum oozing from the eye. He was breathing heavily as he recovered. I looked over at Mark, he was smiling as he said well, that's our good deed for the day both of us looking down at this young God like creature laying on our bed.

Tony raised himself up and looked at both of us, what are we going to do about you two, you've not cum yet, let me have another suck of yours Dave and I'll wank Mark then swap till you've both finished. I was the first to cum, he was a bloody good cock sucker for someone so young, he declined to pull away so he got the lot, he did lose some but he did well as it was the most I had cum for a very long time. Mark was not far behind but he came before Tony could get into position so he got a spunk shower, by the time Mark had finished Tony was covered, time for a water shower chaps?

The ensuite of both bedrooms were set out in a wet room style layout with two overhead shower heads, toilet, bidet and double wash basins, we spent another half hour washing each other with meticulous care and attention, particularly to certain bits of Tony's body, before long he was rock hard again, which in turn got Mark and I going again, this time it was Tony's turn to watch. Being in the shower we had soap, which will act as a lubricant. Mark ended up backing onto my cock and getting a really good shafting with Tony watching with disbelief as I pounded Marks ass with full length power thrusts till I came again still buried deep in Marks ass. Tony had not been idle, he was sucking Mark and took a load of Marks spunk and then came himself all over both of us, where did all that spunk come from, he did have a good set of balls but we were both soaked.

Another group shower, this time with a bit more attention on getting each other clean.

When we emerged back onto the patio it was 4 O/C, another round of beers, we all sat around the table. Thanks guys, that was some of the best sex I've ever had said Tony, our pleasure I'm sure we both replied grinning. Still nude Tony was making the most of the sun, he really did look stunning laid out on his back on one of the loungers we had on the patio.

So Tony, I said, what's the story, you said you needed some space which is why you ended up here in the hills, you don't have to answer if its personal, just making conversation. Well guys, after what we've just been through together I doubt of anything will shock either of you, here goes. Mark and I looked across at each other wondering what was coming, you heard me mention I was here with my younger brother to set up the villa for our family at the weekend, we've been coming on our own ever since I got my driving licence. The family come over at least three or four times a year, Dad owns the villa and he has quite a high ranking job so we always get lots of time away.

Saying that, your villa is much better, ours is getting a bit old now, rooms are much smaller, nothing like your fab wet rooms, having said that, our garden is bigger and the pool is at least twice the size. OK so far, yeh nothing earthshattering so far I replied, maybe now though. My brother is a shade over a year younger than me, I'm just turned 21, he's also gay, the family know and are very supportive but he will not leave me alone. Do you really blame him was my immediate response, Tony looked at me, flashed he's fabulous bright blue eyes again and just laughed, yeh, I'm flattered and I spose, I can see why but it gets a bit much sometimes, he wants it all the time, he not satisfied with one fuck he wants two or three if I can't manage it we flip and he screws me, two or three times, its just too intense sometimes, I need to get away for a breather, it has been known for three one way then three the other, in one session?

Sorry guys, have I done it again, he had suddenly noticed that both Mark and I were both rock hard again and wanking ourselves silly listening to this tale of bliss. I did try to warn you both, feel free to finish if you need to he said, then stood up, he too was rock hard. Sit down and stop showing off I laughed, he just flashed those bloody blue eyes again and also started to gently stroke himself.

Thankfully in a way, he sat back down, so Tony, does this stallion brother of yours have a name I asked, oh, sorry, yeh, Andrew as Mum calls him, he hates it, prefers Andy I call him Randy, which he quite likes, we just have to remember only to use it when we're alone. Is he as good looking as you Mark asked, still gently stroking himself. Where did I put my shorts Tony said as he again stood up and walked towards the lounge, his rock hard cock preceding his progress. When he returned, he had his phone, he fiddled with it for a second then handed it to me as I was the closest, on the screen was a head and shoulder shot of another blue eyed blond, he looked much thinner than Tony but equally as handsome. Well, that answers that I said as I handed the phone to Mark, wow, are all your family as good looking?

Guess so, Mums been a model, that's where they met, Dad was a model back then, we think the reason he is so supportive of Andy and I is that he was or maybe even still is gay himself or at the very least bi, our two sisters are still at modelling school, so, yeh you could say we are a good looking family.

That's some tale Tony, will you tell Andy of your exploits here today, yeh spose I'll have to, he will hopefully find out anyway and it'll give him an excuse to get me at it again, he laughed.

We both looked at each other and with the mental telepathy that develops between two people after twenty years together, knew what the other was thinking. You say hopefully Tony, what did you mean?

Andy would love to see your cock Dave, he always says he wished I was longer and as for your ass licking skills Mark, need I say anymore he flashed his eyes knowingly at the both of us, just grinning as if waiting for the offer he knew was coming.

Are you both home tomorrow he asked, again, knowing the answer, I looked across at Mark who I could tell was not far off coming again, he just returned the look, he knew I was not far off either. Yeh we'll be here, what did you have in mind?

If you can deal with it Andy would just love to get fucked by your cock Dave, I can hear him squealing now and he's not a bad cock sucker either having had lots of practice with mine, he can't quite get the whole deep throat thing but he's not bad. And he's always wanted to have three cocks at the same time, at which point I shot my load, oh Dave, that's such a waste, if you'd have said I would have sucked that out of you, he was looking disappointed.

My God boy, you are just too much at which point Mark said he was coming as well, within a second Tony was on him with his cock in his mouth just as Mark shot another load, this time deep into Tony's throat.

He pulled off, wiped his face with the back of his hand, turned and sat back on his lounger, just grinning at the pair of us in turn, sorry guys, even if I think I know the answer already, yes I said before he had chance to finish, yes, bring Andy with you tomorrow, well get some more supplies in for lunch and dinner, if you going to be drinking that much all day you might like to consider staying the night, God that would be super, means he won't be pestering me all night, are you two up to this, he really is a non-stop sex machine at which point he reached for his phone and fiddled a little more then handed it to me.

I had difficulty to breath, there on the screen was a head to toe shot of this tall, slender youth, with long shoulder length blond hair, another pair of big blue eyes, a V waist to die for, great looking pecs, the start of a good six pack but a cock, well, made in gay heaven would be a fairly good description, it was hanging down to almost to his KNEES and it looked as though it was still soft.

As I handed the phone to Mark I said, think we may have to reconsider our offer to entertain these two, that thing looks lethal, Tony, you did not mention that. Oh, he replied innocently, sorry, thought I had, he looked over smiling again, it's not that bad really, it hurts a bit at first but it's a bit like a snake, it never really gets hard hard. He has no trouble getting it in as long as its properly lubricated but I've never seen it rock hard like you are now Dave.

Yes, he'd managed it again, I was rock hard, three times in as many hours, this was going to be a holiday for all time. Mark was also sporting another semi which was going to get some personal attention as Tony moved over and knelt down in front of him and took it down his throat again, with the inevitable conclusion. The sight of this young ass in the air was too much for me not to take advantage of, I moved over, knelt down behind Tony and started to lick his gorgeous ass, lovely firm round buns, a little hair around the entrance. As I progressed, Tony was starting to squirm and push back onto my tongue, I looked up at Mark, he knew what I wanted, permition to fuck him, he grinned and nodded.

Up to this point, we had been mognomious in our relationship but Mark knew this was an opportunity that would probably never present itself again,

What with my licking of Tony's ass together with the pre cum oozing out of my still rock hard cock, I got into position and rubbed the head up and down Tony's crack, he shifted slightly and before I knew what was happening the head was in and sinking. God, it was so warm, even tight which was surprising after what he was used to taking, it was not long before I was in to the hilt and he was asking for more.

Mark said go for it Dave, give him what he's asking for, a bloody good fucking, I was, full length power strokes, I was in second heaven, Mark was now wanking himself as Tony could not handle the attack from both ends, he was crying for me to stop, when I did he said no, no go on give it to me hard, I deserve a good pounding, yeh go on, do it, split me open, oh yeh I'm cumming oh AHHHHHH at which point I let go another load deep in Tony's ass, he shot another load all over the patio and Mark stood up and shot all over Tony's back and my chest.

When we all eventually recovered, all still covered in now drying spunk I suggested we all got back into the pool to clean up, what about the spunk asked Tony, oh let the filters deal with that, I replied and we all jumped in and spent half an hour fooling around, hands still wandering from time to time. Eventually we had all had enough and climbed out and settled on the loungers to dry off, all three of us again sporting semis.

We all dosed off, I was first to come round, again sporting a good semi, must have been having a dirty dream, can't think why, hey guys must be time for stud boy here to be heading home, we made arrangements for the next day, the boys would be at the villa for around 10 am, I gave Tony the code for the gate saying just give us a quick ring, giving him my mobile number, as your close so we can get ourselves respectable and what's wrong with you as you are he asked with a wry smile, He was the only one with clothes on now and we were both still sporting semis. Away with you, you little temptress I said and he again flashed his eyes, those bloody eyes, enough to melt ice, he gave a lovely smile and a wave as he drove out off the grounds.

We watched him disappear down the hill and finally went indoors, it was well time for dinner, after a lovely meal we had a session with just us, Mark gave me one of his best blow jobs, we then moved into the bedroom and I fucked him to within an inch of his life. We both collapsed into bed and both drifted off to sleep with our minds full of the day's events and the anticipation of what lie ahead.

To be continued.............

My usual suffix, sorry but this is important to me.

AIDS has taken all but a few of my circle of friends from my time on the gay scene, it is still a fact of life, it will KILL you eventually, even though they now have some very good meds which may prolong the inevitable.

Prevent the need,

ALWAYS PRACTICE SAFE SEX. USE A CONDOM. Enjoy sex without the hassle.


Thanks Guys and Girls.

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