Holiday Heat

By Michael Pendragon

Published on Jan 3, 2023


Holiday heat chapter 4

I didn't get to the gym the next two days. Wednesday I had a long, boring faculty meeting then I went to my weekly group that ties trout flies for a few hours over dinner and beers. I didn't agree with most of them politically, nor did I consider them friends, but it was a pleasant way to pass a few cold winter hours in the warmth of a local tavern. Thursday I was out of sorts, without a clear understanding why. I was a little short tempered in class when a few of the usual clowns acted up and I had no patience with the boring chatter in the faculty lunch room. I went for a piss and walk. I turned on my phone to check email and it instantly buzzed with a text message. "Hey. Had to visit the grands overnight. Back tomorrow. Free weekend. D" Boing. My cock stirred and I quickly looked around to be sure nobody saw what was on my phone. Another buzz. A pic of Dan's torso exploded, shoulders to knees with his magnificent hard on centered in the photo. It made my breath catch in my throat. And my cock instantly hard. I pushed the power button and the screen went dark. My god! What was he thinking? I could lose my job! I scurried into the faculty men's room and bolted the door of the last stall. "You can't do that!" I wrote. No response. Then "Sorry" "I want you" Followed by a purple grinning devil emoji Then a round face smile icon.

I looked again at the photo and pulled out my hard cock. "Damn" I wrote. The five-minute bell rang for the next period. No time for this. "TTYL' I wrote and shut off my phone. Pushing my half hard cock back in my trousers I turned to the door then, out of pure habit, turned back and flushed just as the mens room door opened and a colleague walked in, unzipping his fly as he turned to a urinal. "Hey, are you ok?" He asked over his shoulder as his piss splashed into the bowl. "Uh, yeh, why"? I asked as I washed my hands, again out of habit. "You looked flushed. Sorta sick," he said, zipping up. I suddenly realized I was staring at his crotch, wondering how big he was. What is happening to me!? Regaining my composure, I simply said, "Yeh. I'm ok, Just a little indigestion from today's ptomaine special in the lunchroom." He laughed and wiped his hands, patting me on the shoulder as he walked by. "I hear ya," he guffawed. The rest of the day was a blur. I knew I wanted to be with Dan again but how could I possibly work it out? There was no plausible excuse for me to be away an entire weekend. The gym was my only routine get away. But Dan wanted more. So did I I was fidgety all evening Thursday and the wife asked me what was wrong. I curtly reported a headache and tension at work. Then she said the most amazing thing. "You need a break. You should get away. I know the holidays were jam packed with stuff. You did most of the cooking and lots of entertaining and then right back to work." She sighed and smiled. "I worry about you. You're too hard on yourself." I gaped at her, my mouth literally hanging open. I rubbed my head and face with both hands and slumped in my chair as the TV droned on. She hit the mute button and watched me until I looked up. "A few of my knitters asked me to go to a long weekend to the Cape with them," she explained. "At first I said no, that I wanted to stay home. But then I thought, `hey, we all could use a break from our routines and the holidays." She paused. "So I said yes. We'll leave tomorrow around noon and we'll be back either late Sunday afternoon or Monday midday." She looked at me for a response. I was speechless. Somebody up there likes me after all. Stifling my elation, I said, "What a great idea ." "You sure you'll be okay without me for a weekend," she asked. "I could still say no...' "Absolutely, dear," I said even as she finished her sentence. "It will be fun for you and I can be a lazy lout for a few days." She smiled, unmuted the TV and resumed knitting. I got up to take the dessert dishes to the kitchen and immediately sent Dan a text. "We're on!" He pinged back. "Really? Sweet." I had to hang around the kitchen for a few minutes to let my boner go down. "My back's a little sore tonight," I said. "I'm gonna take a hot bath and hit the sack early tonight.' "OK. See you in the morning she murmured as she changed channels. I drew a bath and settled in, my phone in hand . Ping. "What's the deal?" "She's away tomorrow through Sunday. Freedom!" "Hot! Ping: A pic of Dan on all fours, his bare bum in full view, his handsome face staring over his right shoulder filled the screen. I was again instantly hard and grabbed my cock under the water. A drizzle of pre cum leaked out and floated to the surface. "Show me yours." Gulp. I haven't sexted before. I figured out how to focus the phone camera on my rigid cock as I lifted my hips above the water. Click I looked at the pic; it was out of focus, Click. This one was good. Pretty sexy for an old fart I thought. I cropped the shot and hit send. "Fucking hot coach." Pause. Ping. Another shot of Dan facing the camera, his hard cock leaking a string of pre cum. Ping. Then a short video of him jerking slowly. I jerked with him, oblivious to the sound of my fist frothing the bath water. Ping. A video of his cock blasting out a load into the camera. That's all it took. I exploded in the water, strings of sperm jetting all over my crotch and legs and belly, then turning to gobs of jelly. Fuck. I haven't jerked off like that since I was twelve! Ping: "Feel good coach? Haha" I slumped in the water, shook my head, hoping my breathing would slow down. "Are you okay in there?" she asked just outside the bathroom door. I grabbed a washcloth and covered myself in case she barged in. "Yeh, I'm fine. I must have dozed off and startled myself," I laughed. "Okay. I worry about you," she intoned walking away. Yeh. I worry about me, too, I thought. I dried off and emptied the tub, being sure no gobs of cum remained. I texted back to Dan: "Good night, sweet prince. LOL Let's talk details tomorrow about a fun weekend.

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"You got it, coach."

Next: Chapter 5

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