Holiday Heat

By Michael Pendragon

Published on Dec 30, 2022


Holiday heat chapter 2

The holidays were busy with family gatherings and too much food. I hadn't been to the gym for a week and I was feeling the effects of neglect and slothfulness. On Dec. 30, the penultimate day of the year, I waddled to the gym mid morning for what I hoped would be a decent workout but also a soothing relaxed time in the steam. I always found the dark warmth of the steam room the best part of any day. Sometimes I just went to shower and steam, especially if I had been working outside. The gym was almost empty. Few brave souls wanted to come out in sub-freezing weather and in the midst of holiday down time. I began with some stretches and got on a bike to warm up before trying anything strenuous. The bikes had a video game on a screen and I cruised around a pirate island capturing prizes and vanquishing imaginary foes. It was vaguely entertaining and I could have fun while getting my sedentary body moving. I was so engrossed in the game that I hardly noticed that someone had joined me two bikes down. But when I glanced over there was Dan, his headphones on, concentrating on a very vigorous ride. Other programs offered bike racing and higher-speed fun, I began slowing down, getting slaughtered in my own game, as I watched Dan's beautiful, powerful legs pump furiously as he hunched over the console. He seemed lost in his routine, but then he quickly glanced over, raised one eyebrow in greeting and gave a quick smirk before looking ahead again. I couldn't help it. I got an instant boner. Sheesh, what's wrong with me? This was awkward. We were the only two people there but how on earth could I get up now? I wasn't wearing a jock, just regular gym shorts. And I was going commando. I love the freedom of letting everything hang loose. But now I was anything but loose. I looked back at my screen and began riding again. But the action of pumping my legs up and down wasn't mitigating my erection problem. If anything, the friction was making it worse. I looked down and was horrified to see a big wet spot forming on my shorts from the pre-cum I was leaking. Fuck. I slowed down and decelerated the bike until it stopped. Grabbing my sweat towel, I quickly dismounted and held the small towel in front of my bulging boner and tried to walk away. Dan gave a small cough. I turned my head to see him grinning broadly as he stared at my lower half. He raised his eyes to mine and wriggled his eyebrows and half guffawed as he pumped away. I turned bright red and almost felt faint as I quickly walked to the locker room. So much for a meaningful workout. The room was empty and quiet, smelling wonderful with its fragrances of sweat, testosterone and pheromones, I thought. Good lord! Where did that description come from? I tossed my shorts and t-shirt into my locker, grabbed my shower towel and almost ran into the shower room, seeking the relative safety of the farthest corner in the open eight-head showers. My boner flapped as I walked, my balls hanging low. I was tingling all over. The hot water felt good. I closed my eye and held my head and shoulders under the jets, placing my arms against the cool tiles and trying to relax. My mind was racing. What in the world am I doing? I'm a middle aged teacher, husband, father. I'm a good guy. Quiet, upright, decent citizen. Upright. Yeah. My erection had softened somewhat but was still sticking straight out. I reached down and grabbed it, giving a swift tug that burped out a bead of clear fluid. My legs shook and I pulled back my hand to my balls causing the head to flare and pulse. Fuck. If I continued this I'd spill my load right here and now. I hadn't been this turned on since I was a horny teenage, going at it multiple times a day. My fist had been my best friend for many years. Lost in thought I was jolted by the sound of the shower across from me turning on. Oh my God! I'm in a public shower with my fist around my boner! I almost passed out. "Hey, coach. You OK?" I turned my blushing face to the other shower and there he was: Dan, naked, erect, smiling kindly at me. There was no judgment there. More like friendly concern. But also lust. I'd never really seen lust in another person's eyes. Suddenly I knew. I sighed and turned toward him, letting out a little laugh. "Hey. Sorry about this." I offered, quickly glancing. "Don't know what came over me, Dan." "Oh but I know, coach. I know," he smirked. He grabbed his beautiful seven and a half inches of uncut cock and gave it a few jerks. My breath caught in my throat and I felt my entire body go rigid. I turned back to the wall and let the water cover me. Oh my God, now what, I thought. I almost jumped straight up when I felt Dan's arms surround me, his strong wet body holding me as he leaned his head on my shoulder. "It's OK, coach," he whispered. "It's OK. I gotcha." He hugged me tight and I felt his boner on my back. He felt so good. His hairy chest rubbing against my back. I could smell him, clean, fresh, virile, sweet. I turned my head and his lips brushed mine. "Let's hit the steam, handsome,' he whispered. He turned off the water, held my hand and led me the few short steps to the steam room door. It was ghostly quiet in the locker room. Thank goodness. The steam hissed on as we made our way to the back bench and sat down. "I was hoping I'd see you again today," he said. He reached behind me and drew me under his hairy arm so my head was near his right breast. "I always wanted to be with you, ever since I was a freshman," he said matter of factly. "You never knew, did you?" I tried to talk but words failed me. I took a breath and gave a little cough. "No. I had no idea, Dan," I said. "I never had any idea." I paused, then asked, "Why me, of all people? You could have anyone you want." He gave me a squeeze and rested his cheek on the top of my head. "Because you're you," he said. "Plain and simple." We sat there for a moment before he reached down and grabbed my finally soft cock -- which hardened again instantaneously. I groaned and let him fondle me before he bent over and inhaled my cock to my bushy pubes, swirling his tongue around and making my whole body shake with lust and pleasure. "Oh, fuck, Dan!" I gasped. He gave a few more slurps then sat up. "Damn, coach. You taste so good," he said. He turned toward me and thrust his hips and boner. "Want a taste?" Did I ever! I bent over, pulled his rigid cock away from his belly and licked the tip where a big bead of clear syrup quivered. He moaned as I slowly slid my mouth down his cock. I wasn't practiced and was afraid he'd feel my teeth, but he seemed to effortlessly fill my mouth until I felt his pubes on my nose. I didn't even gag. I had all of him inside me. I slid back up and began mimicking what he had done to me. My mouth filled with saliva as I savored him. He thrust his hips lightly and rested a hand on my bobbing head. "That's it, coach. Just like that. Just like that," he intoned. With his other hand he slid down my back to my bum and gently caressed my cheeks. I'd never had anyone do that to me and it was incredibly erotic. He continued to rub my bum then slid a finger into my crack. I gulped and pulled off his cock. "Shhh. Just enjoy the feelings, coach," Dan said, pushing my head onto his cock. "Let me make you feel good." I let him guide me as he continued to pump my face and trace his fingers around my virgin hole. It felt amazing and my cock was harder that I ever remember it being. When he slid his fingertip into my hole I thought I'd cum right there. At first I pulled away from him, but he followed me and pushed in further, making my legs shake. I groaned and pushed out as he pushed in. Oh my God. I've never felt like this. I wanted him. He pulled me off his cock and brought my face to his. Then he kissed me. Passionately. Open mouthed. Writhing tongues. He held me close as we kissed and he explored my hole with this other hand. I groaned into his mouth and wanted more. "Will you...." I hesitated. I sat back on his hand, momentarily still inside my bum. I was afraid to ask. "Do you want me to, coach?" he asked, concern and lust equally expressed. I almost sobbed and quickly nodded. He held me and gently rolled me onto my back on the steam room bench, settling atop me as we kissed again. He arranged me, almost like a mannequin, spreading my legs and moving me until my back was on the bench and my bum was on the edge, my legs now supported by his arms. He murmured something and I could see him scrutinizing my lower half. My boner was flexing and pulsing as he leaned over and swallowed me. His hand again found my bum and his finger touched my sensitive hole. He pulled off my cock, spit in his hand, and returned his mouth to my cock and his slick finger to my hole. He slid in effortlessly and, in a daze, I realized he was touching something inside that made me want to cum. He slid his finger back and forth, then slid in two. The pressure increased but there was no pain.We did this for a while and I suddenly pulled his head off my throbbing cock. "No! Not yet!" I yelped, so close to cumming that my cock spasmed, jerking up and down on my belly. My balls hurt, they were so full. "I want you ...... inside," I gasped. "Please?" Dan merely nodded and lifted my legs onto his shoulders. I willingly moved my body to accommodate the next level of intimacy. He touched my hole briefly. Spit onto his hand, twice, slobbering my sensitive hole, then sat upright, lifting me higher. "Ready, coach? He asked. I merely nodded and took a deep breath as he lined up his cock. He tapped my hole with the head of his rigid organ, spreading his own lube where it would do the most good. Then he slowly, ever so slowly, slid his head into my hole.Then he paused I had never felt anything like it, I felt full but it didn't hurt. In fact, I wanted more. All of it. With my legs around his waist, I drew him into me. My mouth open with sheer joy, my eyes half closed in pure pleasure. I held him there as I got used to having him in me. I've never felt so good. I opened my eyes and saw him staring at me. I smiled and gave a little smooch with my lips. "Oh, Dan," I gasped. "I never thought...". Words failed me and I rocked my hips around his rod. His eyebrows shot up and he automatically thrust into mw. I liked that. I rolled again and this time he pulled out part way and pushed in harder and deeper. Then he picked up his pace and began rhythmically fucking me. I was in a daze. "So this is what it's like to get fucked," I pondered. "I can't believe this is happening," I thought. Or did I say to aloud? "Oh, yeah, it's happening, coach," he said breathlessly as he pushed in and out of my responsive body. We went on like this for a few minutes, oblivious to anything other than our rutting. I was very hard and experiencing feelings I had never had. Suddenly, I realized I was about to cum. My body went rigid and I cried out as my cock spewed enormous amounts of sperm all over my belly, neck, chest, face, the bench. It was everywhere. I looked up and Dan's chest was covered, too. When I looked into his eyes, I saw pure desire. He bore into me with his eyes. Then his eyes rolled back and his cock went rigid. I felt it spasm inside me. I felt so full. And fulfilled. He gasped and collapsed on top of me, sweaty torso convulsing as I wrapped my arms around him. We grasped each other in sheer exhaustion and joy. He slowly sat up and gave a little laugh. "Wow," he smirked. I nodded back. "Yeah.... Wow," I murmured, suddenly aware of our vulnerable state. He gently pulled out and there was a slurp and quick pop as his still-hard hard on left my body. "Oh my God,' I groaned. My mind raced but I wanted this again. And again. I stood on shaky legs and realized his sperm was running down my legs. I glanced quickly, almost afraid. No blood. No poop. Just Dan. I smiled. "We better get cleaned up," I suggested. He nodded, took my hand and stopped at the steam room door. Gesturing for me to stop, he opened the door, glanced out and then nodded. The coast was clear. We quickly showered again next to each other. Little was said. There wasn't a need to talk. Well, there was, but this was not the time or place. We could hear others in the locker room now. Whew, that was close. We dressed and chatted briefly about holiday activities and walked to our cars. Just a couple of guys after a workout. Some workout. I went to shake his hand but he wrapped me into a bro hug and thumped my back. "See you around, coach," he said. "Yeah, later, Dan. Good to see you again," I responded. I opened my door and sat down, looking for my keys. He leaned in the door and said," My folks are away for a few weeks. On a cruise somewhere warm. I have the house to myself. Just thought you should know." Then he turned and walked to his own car and drove away. Damn. I was hard again.

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Next: Chapter 3

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