Holiday Heat

By Michael Pendragon

Published on Dec 30, 2022


Holiday Heat - 1

I saw him across the gym floor, walking over to the running machine, his long, loping stride familiar and nice to watch. I paused for a moment doing leg presses to watch him adjust his ear buds, then select a running program. He did a few quick stretches, and I smiled as he did his signature leg side kick before pushing the start button. He must be home for the holidays.

I will never forget his name. Dan Devereaux. Dan D. Some of the kids in the early years of junior high school used to tease him, calling him Dandy -- that is until he grew to his full 6'4", 185 pounds of lean muscle and handsome square jaw.

In the high school locker room he was a god: lean, fit, muscles perfectly proportioned everywhere. His hairy chest was awesome. His prominent nipples hard and obvious under his t-shirt when he worked out. And down below (I knew I wasn't supposed to look -- I was one of his tennis coaches, after all) his uncut cock and full teenage balls made me drool.

I hadn't seen Dan since graduation last June. Now it was the weekend before Christmas and here we was in my gym at River Valley. He was more handsome than I'd remembered, even though it was only six months ago. His scruffy beard looked so sexy, his close-cropped hair perfect. He moved with the grace of a cat, confident but never arrogant. He was a walking hard on.

He'd always been a good student in my English classes, although I didn't have him during his senior year. He was quiet, reserved, but had a quick wit when he allowed himself to use it. His written work was superb; he had a great command of the language, clever and precise in his choice of words. His style was more like Hemingway, short and staccato, no waste; different than my more rambling and detailed writing, which was more like Faulkner. Not that either one of us aspired to literary greatness. It was simply who were were.

I'd been teaching for many years, mostly English literature, but also a smattering of history, social studies, the humanities. I also helped coach tennis, which is where I got to know Dan a little better. I was a mediocre player and now in my 50s I was not exactly a prime time player, although in my youth I had enjoyed it. Now I did mostly administrative tasks and scheduling while the younger teachers did the real coaching.

Dan was a good player, singles or doubles, always working well with the rest of the team. But always reserved. A loner. Maybe shy. He didn't come across as arrogant, although with his stellar looks and good academics, he could have been. Instead, it seemed almost as if he had a secret.

It made me wonder. Throughout high school he'd sometimes stop to chat after tennis, seeking my opinion, asking me about some aspect of the match. I suspected he knew what he was asking about, almost as if he needed or wanted an excuse to be near me. More than once I'd seen him glance in my direction when we were in the locker room. Sometimes he'd lag a little behind the others, slowly undressing near me, never looking my way, but almost as if he wanted me to see him.

Then he'd toss his towel over his shoulder and walk past my office window, letting me see his gorgeous body. More than once he'd give a backward glance at me as he rounded the corner to the shower, giving me his shy smile as I gawked. I couldn't help it. He was just so incredibly beautiful, like a statue carved by Michelangelo.

One time stands out in my memory like a slow-motion movie. It had been an unusually hot day for one of our last matches, just before he graduated. All of us were covered in sweat, even those of us who were coaching and not playing in that scorching heat. Dan had done an exceptional job that day, easily besting all opponents. Every once in a while he would glance my way, giving me a shy smile, before demolishing the poor kid on the other side of the net. It was almost as if he was flirting with me, teasing me to show me how good he was.

As the afternoon wore on, he was covered in a sheen of sweat, his forehead glistening in the bright daylight, his brow furrowed with concentration, then spontaneously relaxing as he won the match. We gathered up our equipment and headed to the lockers, some of the guys running ahead to get away on a Friday afternoon, eager for whatever fun they could have in the hormone-laden atmosphere of teen boys and teen girls waiting for them nearby. I could well imagine what the night held.

But Dan simply loped along, alone, deep in thought, unconcerned and totally confident in his bearing. I admit I was somewhat in awe of him. He was, as we used to say, totally cool.

I wish I could say the same. At my age, I was no longer cool or in great shape. I used to be 5'11" and about 160 pounds of decent muscle. Now gravity had taken a toll. I'd shrunk to 5'9 inches, my waist was now a 34 instead of a 31, and although I still had a full head of hair it was salt and pepper instead of the dark brown of my youth. I wasn't in bad shape, I just wasn't young anymore. I felt less sexy, although I still had a good sex drive for an old guy -- although now rarely used.

After many years of marriage and four kids, now grown, relationships with the wife were limited at best. We were best friends but more like brother and sister than husband and wife. We even slept apart, her thermostat was radically different from mine and it simply was easier and more comfortable to sleep separately. And it allowed me to jerk off whenever the need arose, my 6.5 inches still rock hard in the mornings and when I read or watched porn on line - something I was doing more frequently, especially gay porn.

I had struggled for years with my sexuality, knowing full well I preferred boys over girls. I fooled around with my best friend when we were in junior high. But my generation was still fitting into the mold of college, marriage, job, house, family and all of the usual trappings. I had to be very careful as a high school teacher and coach, never straying or letting on that I'd rather be with someone like Dan than almost anyone else. He was a serious distraction, but I kept my interest entirely professional.

That June afternoon I did something I almost never do: I decided to shower at the school rather than when I got home. I was drenched, I had to run a few errands before heading home, and I didn't want to go out in public smelling like a locker room. Almost everyone was gone when I finished putting away equipment, filing my paperwork and checking a few emails. My younger head coach chatted with me briefly as he headed out the door, wishing me a good weekend. He's a nice guy, science teacher, good tennis player and coach, young family. The kids, especially the girls, adored him.

I stripped off my soaked shirt and dropped my shorts, leaving only my boxer briefs which hugged my butt and package nicely. I glanced in a mirror as I made my way across the locker room. Not bad for an old fart, I thought, then smiled as I rounded the corner, noticing one shower was still running, the steam filling the room.

Stupid kids, I thought, leaving a shower on as they headed out. I walked over to turn off the faucet and stopped dead in my tracks. There was Dan, beautiful and naked, his head fully under the shower, letting the hot water run over his neck, shoulders and back, cascading off his ample bum. I had a perfect view of his puffy uncut cock resting on his full balls. It looked like his pubes were trimmed and his balls were shaved smooth or naturally hairless. I felt my cock twitch in my briefs as I watched him silently bask in the water. He tilted his head up and rubbed his hairy chest, tweaking his left nipple, and his cock twitched and jumped a little. He grabbed his cock and gave it a little tug, pulling the foreskin back and exposing his pink head.

By now my cock was reaching full mast itself and I wasn't sure whether I should stay or retreat. I wanted to watch. I wanted to join him under that shower. I wanted to cup his balls, hold his cock, dive into his crotch and lick his inner thigh. I wanted to reach under and touch his hot hole, put my mouth on his hard cock and suck a load from him.

Then he grabbed his cock and began jerking it. I watched, transfixed, as he slowly slid his hand up and down his beautiful hard cock, teasing the sensitive head while tweaking his left nipple. He was stunning. I gasped and turned away, afraid someone would see us, see my hard cock and the pre-cum soaking the front of my briefs. My legs were shaking so much I could hardly walk. My breath caught in my throat. I had never been so turned on, so scared, so intrigued, so tempted in my entire life. It's as if he knew I was there the whole time, willing me to succumb to his seduction, to do things I had only dreamed about. I fled to my office, quickly dressed and threw things into my battered briefcase before racing toward the door.

Then I realized Dan and I were the last ones in the locker room. Someone had to lock up. Me. I stopped dead in my tracks, knowing I had to let him know I was still there and that he had to leave. Now. Before I ... Before I what? The shower was still on and I turned toward the doorway, poking my head around the corner to tell him to hurry up. But my words stopped before they left my mouth.

Dan was there, near the middle of the room, away from the water, his left hand cradling his balls, his right fist flying up and down his shaft. He switched his left hand from his balls to his left nipple, rubbing it with his palm, then lightly tweaking it between his thumb and forefinger. Almost as soon as he did that, he rose up on his toes and thrust his hips forward, letting a soft "Oh, yeah, oh yeah, coach" escape his lips as his cock fired a volley of cum several feet away, six, seven times before dribbling over his fist. He suddenly dropped his cock, almost as if it hurt to continue, then slumped forward, his chin on his chest, his whole body giving a little shake like an earthquake as he drew great deep breaths. He turned and walked back under the spray and wiped his hand and crotch free of the cum strands. He soaped up and stuck his head under the water.

Holding my briefcase over my enflamed crotch, I ducked behind the corner and then reappeared, clearing my throat and using -- I hope -- my deepest teacher/coach voice, said, "Let's hurry up, Dan. I gotta close up shop for the weekend."

He jerked his head around and looked startled for a moment before giving me his trademark grin. "Sure thing, coach. Sorry, I was a little distracted."

Distracted. Yeah. I'll say. I was more than distracted. I was beguiled. Overwhelmed. Conquered. Horny.

I went back to my office and waited, fiddling with my phone as I heard the shower turn off and saw Dan pad past my window, running the towel between his legs -- OMG why did he do that? -- and disappearing around the corner. A few minutes of silence before I heard the bang of his locker. He appeared at my door, causally leaning against the frame, his long legs flexing in his shorts, his chest showing through his t-shirt, his

nipples standing out, his sandaled feet tapping an unheard tune. That grin, his blue eyes boring into mine.

"Sorry about being so late, coach," he said. I think he was speaking; I was in a fog. "I had a cramp and had to work it out under hot water." He paused, letting his words sink in. "Are you. OK, coach? You look a little tired," he said, with genuine concern.

"I'm fine, Dan. Just had a long week today and a long month this week," I responded a little breathlessly.

He smiled at my pun, bid me good night, and walked away, his beautiful bum flexing in his tight shorts. I was still half hard, until that moment, and went to full hard in a millisecond. Did he have any idea what he had done to me?

I stood up on shaky legs and went to the locker room door and set the lock. The room was eerily quiet, the scent of teenage boys -- sweat, testosterone, pheromones of healthy crotches filling the air. I couldn't stand it any longer. I threw my briefcase on a bench and strode into the shower room. I scrutinized the floor. Yes, there they were: strands of Dan's cum, slightly coagulated on the tile. I knelt down, oblivious to the knees of my khaki pants getting wet, and touched his cum. I stroked my finger over it and picked some up, sniffing the jelly-like string, then licking it. I was harder than I had ever been.

I opened my belt and pushed my pants and underwear to my knees and grabbed my aching cock with my left hand. I was so close. I jerked as I scooped up more of his cum. As soon as I put it in my mouth I cried out and spewed an enormous load of cum all over the floor, on my hand, and into my crotch. I hadn't shot a load like that in decades. When I stopped panting, I glanced around, suddenly guilty and fearful. Nobody could have seen or heard me. But I had never been so totally overwhelmed sexually. It felt wonderful. And frightening. And ... Yeah. I wanted more. But I couldn't, could I.

Dan graduated a few weeks later and we chatted briefly after the ceremony. He thanked me for being a good teacher and a great coach. His handshake was strong and lingered a bit, before he awkwardly leaned in and gave me a bro hug -- something I had never seen him do with anyone. I hugged him back. I almost kissed him on his cheek, but I caught myself and quickly straightened up, giving a few thumps on the back before pushing him back.

"Thanks, Dan. Have a great summer," I said. We held eyes for a moment before he turned away, not bothering to say farewell to any of his other teachers. I watched his wonderful ass as he sauntered away. I was shaken and one of the other coaches gave me a funny look before we resumed shaking hands with the kids who had been our charges for the past four years.

I felt as if a light had gone out in my world. I admit I jerked off far too often that summer and fall to the vision of Dan in the shower. Oddly, I never was attracted to other kids on the team. None had the grace, style, or charisma of Dan. I thought I'd never see him again. But now here he was in my gym, like a Christmas present. I only work out at River Valley, never in the high school gym. I like the pace, the equipment, the steam room. Yeah, the steam helps me relax and the visuals are pretty nice, too. Rumor has it that some guys fool around in

there but I've not seen or done that. But it is intriguing. What would Dan be like in the steam? Where did that thought come from?

He must be home from college for Christmas break, I thought as I realized I'd been idle on the leg press machine for a while, gazing in his direction. Sheesh, I hope I hadn't been too obvious.

As I put my legs back up on the leg press I realized I was rock hard in my gym shorts. Oh my god! Was I that obvious? I did another set of 30, then 15 before my cock softened enough that I could stand. As I walked across the floor to get a drink of water, Dan dismounted from the running machine, mopped his brow and looked right at me. He smiled and raised his eyebrows in recognition and gave a slight nod.

He moved like a cat over to the rowing machine and sat down to adjust the fittings for his long legs. He paused, grabbed the bar and began the classic crew exercise, his thighs and back in perfect form. He looked even better than before, his now adult body showing the dedication he must have employed over the past half year.

I got onto an elliptical right behind him so I could watch. I was half hard again as I went through a quick routine. I was almost breathless, and not because of the exercise. I gulped water from my bottle without slaking my thirst. He was still rowing as I headed down to the locker room to shower. It was fairly quiet, about 5:30, in between the various exercise classes and the guys heading home after work. I loved this time of day, quiet, soothing, not full of boisterous locker room talk.

I walked into the shower and soaped up, enjoying the hot water running over my back, reminding me of seeing Dan last year in the school shower. Damn, I need to be careful not to spring a boner here. I'd been horny more than any time since I'd been a teenager or newlywed after my close encounter with Dan in June.

As I was about the turn off the water the shower directly across from mine went on and I cleared my eyes to see Dan standing there, looking at me. "Hey, coach. Long time, huh?," he said with a grin.

I gulped and I couldn't help it, I glanced down to see his cock flex, as if he were doing pushups with it. I looked up and saw the mirth in his eyes.

"Yeah. Long time, Dan," I said, sounding stupid. He has haunted me for months as I flailed away at my hard cock. I felt my own cock start to rise and I saw him glance down quickly before snapping his eyes back to mine.

"Yeah, see you around?," he said, rubbing his hairy chest. Then he nodded and turned under the spray, presenting his meaty ass as he bent forward to reach for the soap dispenser. I was on the verge of a full on boner, so I quickly shut off my shower and grabbed my towel. Reaching for the steam room door I was hit with a wall of steam and, momentarily blinded, I groped my way to the corner bench. I climbed up on the granite ledge and kicked off my sandals. I pulled my knees up to my chest and took a few deep breaths. I closed my eyes. What was happening to me?

I heard Dan's shower turn off and a moment later he was there beside me.

"Mind if I sit here, coach?," he asked, sitting right next to me on the upper bench.

"Yeah, of course, Dan," I said. "What have you been up to since graduation? " We began a friendly banter about his summer, new college experiences, his memories of high school. Pretty typical stuff, a conversation I've probably had with hundreds of former students in the past. But somehow this was more intimate.

"What about you, coach? How have you been?," he asked.

How could I say that he had rocked my world? I mumbled something about carrying on yet another year of teaching and coaching. I paused, then turned and looked at him and said, "But I haven't had another student or player like you. You were unique, Dan."

We held eyes for a moment and didn't say anything. Then his hand moved the short distance between us and he held my left hand, giving it a squeeze.

"I haven't found another coach like you, either. In fact, I quit tennis. It wasn't fun anymore," he said.

I was breathless. The steam kicked on and we were suddenly overwhelmed with a cloud of heat. It was impossible to see, not only because of the steam, and I felt my face flush with heat and strong emotion. This kid had me under a spell.

His hand let go of mine and he slid his hand to my thigh, giving it a gentle squeeze, before moving higher. I grabbed his wrist and held it steady.

"Dan, are you sure you want to do this?"

"More than anything else. Ever. Coach I've wanted this for a long time."

He took my hand and guided it to his rock hard cock.

"See? I wanted you that day in the shower. I wanted you to join me that day. But I knew you were scared. Now I've graduated, I turned 19 last month, and I want this more than anything I've ever wanted.'

"Me too," I said as I leaned toward him, my mouth grazing his before I leaned down and licked his left nipple. He groaned and I felt his cock pulse in my hand. "Oh yeah, coach. Oh yeah,'' he whispered as he reached for my cock, too.

He pushed my head and hand away and leaned over and took my cock into his mouth, all the way. I almost yelped aloud and thrust my hips up as he slurped on my impossibly hard cock.

"Oh, Dan," I said, combing my fingers through his hair, feeling the sexy scruff of beard on his face, caressing his ear, rubbing his back as he slid up and down my rod. I was getting too close and I didn't want this to end yet.

I pulled his head up and briefly kissed the lips that had just been in my crotch. I bent and went down on his rampant cock as he hissed in his breath and lifted his legs off the bench. I used one hand to cradle his balls as I slid my other hand up and down his dick with my mouth. I could taste his pre cum as he flexed his cock in my mouth.

Then he did something that surprised me; he grabbed the hand cradling his balls and pushed it toward his taint. He pushed until my hand was between his cheeks and I could feel the heat of his hole.

"Oh, yeah, coach. Right there, like that, push it in" he whispered as I looked up at his face. His head was back, his eyes were closed, his breaths were shallow and quick. He moved his ass over my hand and he reached down and turned my hand so I grazed his hole. He pushed and my finger went into his hole. He grunted-- so did I -- and he pushed my mouth back onto his cock.

We did this for a few minutes, all the while listening for sounds in the locker room indicating potential intrusion, but we were alone. He suddenly stood and turned around, bending over slightly and spreading his cheeks. I saw his hole wink at me as he pushed his ass toward my face. I had never wanted to taste another man's ass until that moment. But I dove on like a starving wolf and licked his hole. I had never tasted anything so delicious. I began munching on his ass and reached around to find his cock harder and dripping with pre cum.

The heat of the stream was intense but the heat of his hole seemed hotter. I began slowly jerking my own cock, silently hoping I wouldn't cum too soon. Then he pulled away from my face and brushed my hand from my cock. He grabbed my rod and held it upright before sitting on my cock, taking me balls deep in one swift movement. We both hissed and groaned as he moved his hips.

He leaned back to rest his back on my chest. In a fog, I reached one hand to hold his hairy chest and the other hand found his leaking cock. I jerked him slowly and then tweaked his left nipple. He pushed down hard on my cock and I pushed up at the same time, so close I could almost cry.

He stayed that way for a few minutes, gently rocking, enjoying the sensations that only man to man sex can provide. But I was getting close and I began pushing up, flexing my cock inside. Suddenly, I was there and with a final push I unloaded a massive load of cum into Dan's perfect hole, while he squirmed and cried out.

When I was almost done, he quickly stood, jerking his cock and firing load after load of cum on my face and neck. I opened my mouth enough to get one or two blasts of the sweetest cum I will ever taste. My cock was still twitching and dripping cum onto my thigh. He slumped against me and gave a little chuckle before sitting down next to me. We were both spent and breathless.

"That was worth the wait, coach," he said. "I've wanted that forever."

I was stunned.

"Me, too," I whispered. Then I leaned in and gave him a quick kiss on his neck.

We could hear noise in the locker room now, so we sat slightly apart just as the steam door opened and an older whale-like guy plopped down on the lower bench.

The mood was broken, so we left the steam and showered. Our lockers were next to each other and we chatted quietly then walked to our cars.

"See you again? At the gym?," I asked.

"You got it, coach," he said, smiling at me.

It was the beginning of a fun winter break for both of us. The best Christmas ever, I'd say. And the new year was even better.

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Next: Chapter 2

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