Holiday Fun in Canada

By Bill Jonners

Published on Dec 16, 2016



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Bill was travelling on 'The Canadian,' the transcontinental train linking Toronto and Vancouver. He had taken early retirement some months earlier and liked to travel as often as he could.

The majority of the passengers on the train were retired people, and most of the rest were married couples. The only person of any interest to him was the Skyline lounge car steward Lucien, a very handsome young man in his early twenties who had a lovely smile and a firm bubble butt. Bill really fancied Lucien but he was content just to look at him and fantasise. He would never risk making a fool of himself by flirting with someone so much younger than himself.

On the second full day, the train had a scheduled morning stop in Winnipeg and, like nearly all the passengers, Bill got off the train to stretch his legs. He had gone for a brisk walk in the downtown area, bought a newspaper and then returned to visit the small railway museum at the station. He checked his watch and found he still had almost two hours to kill before the train was due to leave so he went into the snack bar for a coffee. "Plenty of time to visit the museum afterwards," he said to himself. The snack bar was busy and he had to share a table.

"Do you mind if I sit here?" Bill addressed the body slumped over the table in the corner of the room. The young man had his face buried in his arms and Bill hoped he hadn't woken him.

The blond head slowly lifted and looked up at Bill. "What? Yeah, of course. Please sit down, sir."

Bill smiled at the teenager as he slid into the bench seat opposite him. "I'm sorry I disturbed you but this seems to be the only free seat."

"It's okay." The young man yawned and then apologised. "Sorry, I've been on the train since Toronto and I've hardly slept."

"Really? I'm on the train too but I've slept pretty well," said Bill.

"I guess you're travelling in a cabin with a bed." The teenager stifled another yawn. "I'm riding in Economy so that means only a reclining seat at night. With the unusual sleeping position and people all around me, I just can't relax enough to sleep."

"I can relate to that. I'm the same on long-haul flights so felt I had to have a cabin on this journey. My name is Bill, by the way." He held out his hand.

"Pleased to meet you, Bill. My name is Noah and I'm going to visit my cousin in Vancouver." The teenager smiled as he gave Bill a warm handshake.

"I'm over here on holiday. As you might be able to tell from my accent, I'm from Scotland," Bill explained. "I thought the train would be a good way to travel across to the west coast, allowing me to relax and enjoy the scenery. And I have to say the meals on board have been very good."

"Oh, you are lucky. My meals have been okay but it's cafeteria-style food. Nothing special at all," Noah said. "But I'll survive." He gave Bill another big smile.

Bill thought the boy was very cute and felt his cock begin to stiffen. "Yes, I'm sure you'll recover. How long will you be in Vancouver for?"

"Probably just one day. My cousin and I are going camping. We will do some hiking, swimming, should be fun," said Noah.

Bill smiled. "For someone your age, it sounds ideal. An old man like me needs a comfortable bed."

"You're not an old man!" Noah retorted.

"How old do you think I am?" asked Bill.

Noah shrugged. "Fifty-something. But you're not old."

"That's kind of you to say that. Actually I'm sixty-one," said Bill. "Can I ask how old you are?"

"I'm eighteen," replied Noah. "And yes, everybody says I look younger."

"That's not a bad thing," said Bill.

"It is if I want to have a beer with my mates," Noah said.

Bill laughed. "I guess that is a downside."

The pair chatted happily for the next hour and Bill realised that Noah was an intelligent and very interesting companion. "Hey, I want to make a suggestion...but I won't be offended if you say no."

"Go on," said Noah. He was curious about why he might be offended.

"Well, I really enjoy your company...and I was wondering if you would allow me to pay for an upgrade so that you can share my cabin for the remainder of the journey." Bill could see that Noah wanted to say something and held up his hand. "Let me finish please, Noah. I'm alone in a cabin for two people and you would be sleeping in the upper bunk. Nearly everyone at my end of the train is my age or older and, to be honest, I find them boring. I'd much rather have you to talk to over meals and when just sitting watching the world go by. The money means nothing to me and I'm not looking for anything in return from you. Honestly." He paused and then added, "What do you say?"

"So you don't fancy me?" Noah looked at Bill with a straight expression on his face.

"Err, um...well, I have to be honest and say I do find you attractive but as I said you would be in the upper bunk. I promise to keep my hands off you," replied a slightly flustered Bill.

"I am sorry to hear you say that," said Noah. He paused, then smiled and went on. "I think you're very handsome and I would prefer to share your bed." Bill's mouth fell open in surprise. "Yeah, I think you're hot," said Noah.

"Erm, the beds aren't very wide." Bill wasn't sure how to respond.

"Even better. We can cuddle close together after we' know, had some fun." Noah winked.

Bill smiled. "Okay, let's go to the ticket office and do the necessary." When Noah stood up, Bill saw that the lad was only 5ft 6in (168 cm) compared to his own 6ft 2in (188 cm). This made him even more appealing to Bill.

Bill saw his sleeping car attendant and said his young friend would be joining him for the remainder of the journey. "Very good, sir. I'll make up both beds when you go for dinner this evening," said the attendant.

Taking Noah along to his cabin, Bill explained that it had two armchairs while in daytime mode. It had its own toilet but the shower was at the end of the corridor. "We are second sitting for lunch so you've got time for a shower first if you want to freshen up."

"Can I?" asked Noah. "I've had to make do with washing in a little sink."

"Sure. Take one of these bags. It contains towels, soap and shampoo," said Bill.

Noah thanked Bill, took clean underwear and a shirt from his small backpack and went off for a shower. He returned fifteen minutes later, his shirt open to the waist and revealing a gorgeous smooth, slim body. "I feel so much better after that," he said to Bill. Then he stretched up to give his new friend a quick kiss on the lips. "Thanks again, Bill."

"You are very welcome, Noah," responded Bill. "Now I think you'd better button up your shirt. In my opinion you are too beautiful to wear any clothes but we'd better not distract the other passengers in the dining car."

Noah laughed but did as Bill suggested. A short time later they were sitting in the dining car, sharing a table with an elderly English couple. "I see what you mean about the age group of the other passengers," Noah whispered after looking around the carriage.

Bill smiled but just said, "Do you fancy the soup as your starter?"

After a nice meal and coffee, the pair returned to their cabin. "I enjoyed that," said Noah, "but I wish the chocolate brownie dessert had been a little bigger."

"You don't want to get fat like me, Noah," said Bill. "Besides you'll get a three course dinner later."

"You're not fat," said Noah. "You've got a little bit of a belly but that just means there is more for me to cuddle."

Bill laughed. "I was pretty fit when I retired a few months ago but I've added an inch to my waistline since then."

"On the subject of inches, how many are you going to feed me? I'd love a mouthful of man-cream to finish off my lunch," said Noah. He reached over and caressed Bill's thigh.

"If you really want my old man-cream, just help yourself," said Bill. "But promise me I'll get to taste yours afterwards."

"Of course you can have my load," said Noah. "Do you mind if I strip? I like to be naked when serving a stud like you."

Bill smiled. "Go ahead." His cock was already stiff at the thought of getting a blowjob from Noah but he became even more aroused when the teenager began to strip off. By the time Noah was wearing only his white low-cut briefs, Bill was starting to leak pre-cum. "Wow!" said Bill when the boy pulled the briefs down to reveal a small patch of blond pubic hair and a stiff six inch (15 cm) cock standing proud over a pair of hairless balls. "You're the sexiest guy I've seen in years."

"Thanks but I'm sure a hot man like you has lots of young men chasing after him," said Noah.

"I wish that was true but it's made my day hearing you say I'm hot," said Bill. Before he had finished speaking, Noah was on his knees between Bill's legs. Noah unfastened the top of Bill's trousers and started pulling the zip down over the very obvious bulge. Bill raised himself and pushed his trousers down. Noah grabbed hold of Bill's briefs and pulled them down too.

"Oh my...that's huge," said Noah as he gazed at the thick eight inch (20 cm) cock.

"Not too big for you, I hope," Bill responded.

"I don't know. I've never had one that big before but I definitely want to try," said Noah. He licked his lips and added, "Right now, I want to taste it." The teenager wrapped his finger around the base of the cock and pulled it towards him. He kissed the cockhead and then took it into his mouth. His tongue rubbed the glans before he started sucking.

Bill looked down at the handsome blond and soon began leaking pre-cum. The taste of this seemed to drive Noah crazy. The teenager bobbed up and down faster while jerking on the bottom half of Bill's cock. He pulled back from the cock after a few minutes and said, "Mmmm, love the taste of your juice." He used his free hand to press the knob end and open the piss-slit and then licked the pre-cum which oozed out. Next he tried to push the tip of his tongue into the piss-slit to get more. "Love it, love it," said Noah before moving to lick Bill's hairy balls. He looked up at Bill while he did this.

"Your cock is dribbling pre-cum fluid too," remarked Bill. "You love worshipping my cock, don't you?"

"Yes, sir," said Noah. He slowly licked from the base of Bill's cock up to the glans. "Cock worship is exactly right. Nothing turns me on more than a mature man with a big hard cock." He kissed the cockhead once more and then took the cock as deep into his mouth as he could, gagging a few times before pulling back. "I want you to fuck me later but please feed me your man-cream now."

"I'm getting close. Wet a finger and stick it up my arsehole," said Bill. "I'm not into getting fucked but I love having a young man playing with my hole."

"Would you like me to stick my tongue up your hole?" Noah asked.

"You'd do that for me?" Bill was surprised.

Noah nodded. "I've only done it once before but I love having a man doing it to me."

"Go on. Nothing will get me to the brink of cumming faster than a hot tongue," said Bill before turning round.

Noah put his hands on Bill's buttocks and spread them apart. As he had expected, the crack had a lot of slightly damp black hairs. The musky smell said 'sex' to Noah and he moved closer and sniffed deeply. Then he stuck his tongue out and slowly licked the whole length of the crack.

"Ooh, yes. That feels so good, Noah," said Bill. Then he whimpered with delight when the tongue started prodding his puckered entrance. He gasped when the tongue was pushed deep inside, feeling the boy's face pressed hard against his arse crack. He closed his eyes and tried to picture the scene. When he felt Noah's fingers on his cock once more, Bill said, "I'm about to cum!"

Noah pulled back and knelt with his mouth wide open and Bill spun round. Bill gave his cock one jerk and began spunking off. The first blast of cum splattered across Noah's nose and chin but his aim improved and the rest landed in the boy's mouth. Noah accepted Bill's load in full before closing his mouth, savouring the taste and then swallowing the cum. And then he bent forward to lick any last drops of cum from Bill's cock.

"You are amazing," Bill said as he held out a hand and pulled Noah to his feet.

Noah smiled. "You're not bad yourself," he said and then he stood motionless as Bill used a finger to push the cum from his face into his mouth. "Mmm, thanks. Tastes too good to waste any."

Bill smiled and dropped to his knees in front of the naked boy. Noah's cock was wet with pre-cum. He licked it all and then took it into his mouth. His hands kneaded the firm buttocks as he sucked and Noah was soon letting out little whimpers and gasps. As soon as the tip of one of Bill's fingers touched the entrance to his pink puckered hole, Noah cried, "I'm gonna cum!"

Bill gulped as the first jet of Noah's cum hit the back of his throat. He was able to let the rest of the sweet cream build up in his mouth before swallowing it. Then he resumed sucking, hoping for more.

"Enough. It's too tender," said Noah.

"Sorry," said Bill. "It was so delicious I wanted more."

"I'll give you more this evening. I need to rest now." Noah yawned.

Bill pulled up his briefs and trousers, sat down and took Noah onto his lap. Within minutes, Noah was fast sleep.

After dinner, the pair returned to their cabin and saw that the beds were now in place. "You should sleep better tonight," said Bill.

"I want some fun before I think of sleep," Noah said with a smile on his face.

"There's not much room with the two beds and this ladder to the top bunk," Bill pointed out.

"More room than in the small tent I share with my cousin when we go camping," said Noah. 'And we manage fine."

"So you have sex with your cousin?" Bill smiled.

Noah nodded. "He was my first. We still fuck when we meet up but I'm more into daddies, especially bear daddies, these days."

"That's lucky for me," said Bill before pulling Noah closer. He hugged the boy tightly as he kissed him and felt the young cock begin to stiffen. Then he began to undress Noah. He wondered about pulling down the window blind but they were in the middle of the prairies with nobody likely to see inside. Soon Noah was completely naked and Bill knelt down to take the stiff 6 inch (15 cm) cock into his mouth.

After a few minutes, Noah said, "That feels great but let me undress you and suck your cock now."

Bill got up and stood passively with a smile on his face as Noah unbuttoned his shirt. "Ooh, I do love a man with a hairy chest," said Noah. He lay the side of his face on Bill's chest and ran his fingers through the hairs on Bill's belly. Then, looking up at Bill, he sought out the left nipple and began sucking on it.

"Yeah, suck my nipple," said Bill. "I love some tit play." He noticed that Noah's nipples were erect and grabbed them with both hands.

Noah winced when Bill twisted his nipples but then said, "Yeah, man. Hurt those titties." He whimpered when Bill pressed his fingernails into them but then smiled before moving to suck Bill's right nipple. While sucking the nipple, Noah opened Bill's trousers and let them fall. He rubbed the stiff cock through Bill's briefs before pushing them down.

"Suck my cock now," said Bill, pressing on Noah's shoulders.

"So masterful." Noah smiled again as he dropped to his knees. He rubbed the throbbing cock with his face, hooked a finger round the shaft and then kissed the cockhead. He took the cockhead into his mouth and sucked it, enjoying the taste of the pre-cum on it. Noah then pulled the foreskin back as far as possible and licked the glans. Bill moaned when Noah attempt to deep-throat him. The teenager managed to take most of his cock before gagging and giving up. "I know it's going to hurt at first but I want that cock up my ass," he said.

"How are we going to do it? I really don't think there is enough room to do it in the bed." Bill looked at the teenager.

Noah looked around the cabin and said, "Take me from behind." He moved to stand in front of the wash basin in the centre of the wall opposite the beds. "We can see each other's faces in the mirror," he added, smiling at the reflection of Bill behind him.

Bill grabbed a tube of lubricating jelly from his toilet bag and then knelt behind Noah, saying, "I need to taste this first." He spread the boy's firm young buttocks and gazed at the hairless crack and the slightly darker rosebud. Then he dived in, licking the crack and paying a lot of attention to the puckered entrance of Noah's lovehole. Noah's squirms were accompanied by moans when the tongue started probing the hole.

After only a few minutes Noah said, "You're driving me crazy, Bill. Fuck me now. Please!"

Bill quickly lubed up his 8 inch (20 cm) cock and then applied a generous amount jelly to the boy's hole. He pushed some inside and one finger inside slid in easily. When Bill pushed a second finger in, Noah groaned and said, "That feels good but give me your cock."

Bill stood and smiled at Noah in the mirror as he slid his cock between the tight arse cheeks. He soon found his target and pressed his cockhead against the rosebud. Noah moaned and started to push back. Bill watched the lad grit his teeth, obviously determined to take the thick cock. There was a loud yelp and a flash of pain across Noah's face when the cock burst through the lad's sphincter. "Are you okay?" Bill asked.

Noah nodded. There was a few moments silence and then he breathed out. "Give me more. Push it inside me."

Bill hesitated but then began to push deeper, his hands on the narrow waist. Noah had his eyes closed so it was difficult for Bill to know how the lad was feeling. Soon though the full length of his cock was buried inside the tight, hot hole.

Noah opened his eyes and smiled. He could feel Bill's pubic hair pressing against him. "I've done it. I've taken it all." Bill nodded his agreement. "I feel totally stuffed," said Noah. "Now fuck me, Bill. Fuck me with this monster."

Bill started slowly but gradually his thrusts became longer and faster. "Ooh, yes. This feels so good," Noah said, pushing back on the thick cock. "You can fuck me harder if you want."

Bill kissed the back of the lad's neck before increasing the tempo of his thrusts. Soon he was no longer holding anything back. The look of ecstasy on Noah's face told him all he needed to know. He slid his hands up to grab the boy's erect nipples and he teased them, twisting and tugging them as he pounded into the hottest arse he'd had in a long time.

Suddenly Noah gasped and Bill watched as a jet of white cum shot up and then fell into the wash basin. A second then a third jet followed before Bill grabbed hold of the boy's throbbing cock. He squeezed and jerked it roughly while continuing to fuck the boy.

And then it was Bill's turn to gasp. He rammed his cock as deep as it would go inside Noah and fired off volley after volley of hot man-cream. "I can feel it! I can feel you shooting inside me!" Noah cried.

Bill shuddered as the last drops of cum left him. He held tightly onto Noah with his eyes closed for a minute or two. When he opened his eyes, he saw Noah smiling at him in the mirror.

"That was fantastic, Bill. I've never had a hands-free cum while being fucked before. You're amazing." Noah squeezed Bill's cock with his arse muscles before adding a final "Thank you."

"Thank you, Noah. That was definitely one of my best fucks," Bill said. He licked some of Noah's cum from his fingers.

Noah turned round to kiss Bill and the man's softening cock slid from his hole. After the kiss, Noah fell to his knees and took the cock into his mouth, sucking and licking it clean while bringing moans of appreciation from Bill.

"I didn't expect that. Thank you, " Bill said when Noah finally pulled away. He helped the boy to his feet and they hugged.

"What you said earlier about me worshipping cock. It's what I like to do for an older man." Noah smiled. "Damn, I wish you lived in Canada. I could really fall for a daddy like you."

Bill grinned. "You're sweet. I'm sure you will find a Canadian daddy to take care of you if that's what you want. Now, do you want to go for a shower?"

"No, let's go to bed just like this. Sweaty and sticky and smelling of sex," Noah replied with a big grin.

Bill didn't argue. He pulled the boy close for another kiss and then they crawled into the bottom bunk together.

Bill was awoken the next morning by a strange feeling. He was hot and he had a throbbing hard-on. And someone was giving him a blowjob! He opened his eyes and saw Noah sucking on his cock. He smiled and said, "Good morning."

Noah pulled off the cock long enough to say, "Good morning, Bill. I hope you like this."

"I want your cock. Swing round so we can sixty-nine," responded Bill.

The sound of sucking and licking was accompanied by the occasional soft moan as the pair enjoyed themselves while pleasuring each other. Noah was the first to cum, sending masses of sweet boy-cream into Bill's mouth. Bill swallowed every drop. Then Bill spunked off, moaning as he watched Noah gulp down his load.

"Thanks for that," said Noah as he crawled up to cuddle against Bill.

Bill kissed Noah's forehead. "I could get used to a wake-up call like that." He slid his hand over Noah's smooth face. "I don't think you need to shave. Do you want to go for a shower while I shave?"

"Good idea," said Noah. "I'm ready for breakfast now."

"We're about to stop in Edmonton so it's just a light breakfast this morning," said Bill. "Then we have an early lunch before reaching Jasper. We should have time to get off and explore a little there."

"That's fine," said Noah as he sat up. "I'll just use the toilet before I go for my shower."

The day passed in a very pleasant manner for both Bill and Noah. Noah flirted several times but Bill told him that there would be no more sex until after dinner. "The cabin smelled strongly of sex this morning. I don't know what Thierry, our cabin attendant, thought when he came in to put the beds away. And we forgot to mess up the top bunk to make it look as if you'd slept in it," he said.

"Thierry looks hot. Maybe we could invite him for a threesome," Noah said with a smile.

Bill laughed and shook his head. "Not in a cabin this small. Now behave yourself."

"Or you'll spank me? I might enjoy that." Noah grinned.

The pair enjoyed their dinner, chatting to a couple from New York over the meal. Bill ordered some more wine after the couple left. "We need time to digest our food," he told Noah.

"But I'm horny," complained Noah.

"Yeah? Well, it will be more enjoyable if we wait," said Bill. "Do you want another beer?"

"No thanks," replied Noah. "I just want you.

Bill smiled. "You'll be with your cousin tomorrow. I'm not sure I should fuck you again. What will he say if he sees you with a sore looking hole?"

"Don't know," Noah replied with a shrug of his shoulders. "I'll just tell him I had sex with a hot guy on the train. He won't care."

"Does he have sex with other guys too?" Bill asked.

"No, he has a girlfriend," smiled Noah. "He pretends to be straight."

"There's a lot of that about. I've never really understood it," said Bill. "We're all different but only a guy can turn me on."

"Me too, and you are turning me on right now with that glimpse of chest hair I can see," said Noah. "Let's go back to the cabin where I can lick your hairy balls and eat your hairy ass."

Bill laughed and emptied his glass of wine. "Okay. I'm ready."

Back in their cabin, Bill grabbed hold of Noah and kissed him passionately. The pair quickly undressed each other and then Bill lay on the lower bunk. "You wanted to lick me," he said with a smile.

Noah sucked and licked Bill's nipples before kissing his way down the hairy body. Then he started kissing, licking and sucking the man's cock and balls. Bill moaned and began to leak pre-cum. Sucking this from the piss-slit turned Noah on even more. He returned his attention back to Bill's hairy balls then kissed and licked underneath, pushing Bill's legs up and back.

Bill helped by grabbing hold of his thighs just beneath his knees and pulling them back, allowing the boy full access to his arsecrack, Noah went wild - kissing and licking the sweaty, hairy crack and then sticking the tip of his tongue into the man's arsehole. Bill moaned with pleasure.

"Jeez, Bill. This is such a turn on," said Noah. "I'm so horny right now."

"Climb onto the bed in a sort of sixty-nine position and let me rim you at the same time," said Bill.

Noah moved on top of Bill and the pair used their lips and tongues to excite and please each other. After a short while Noah pulled away and said, "I'm going to cum soon just from doing this if we don't stop but I really want you to fuck me again. Please Bill, fuck me."

"Okay," said Bill. "I want to fuck you. Same position as last night?"

"Yeah, and play with my nips again too," replied Noah.

Soon Bill was standing behind Noah and pushing lubricating jelly into the boy's eager arsehole. One, two and then three fingers opened Noah up.

"Now Bill. Fuck me now, and fuck me hard," begged Noah.

Bill greased up has thick cock and pushed his cockhead against Noah's quivering rosebud. Noah gasped as the cock entered him but it was easier and less painful than the night before. Bill was just as aroused as Noah and it wasn't long before he was fucking hard and fast, really hammering against the boy's prostate.

"Ugh, ugh, ugh. Yes Bill, yes. Fuck me hard," Noah moaned as his arse took a battering.

Bill remembered what the boy had said about playing with his nipples and took hold of them. He pressed his fingernails into the erect nubs and then tugged and twisted them. Noah groaned with a mixture of pain and pleasure.

Bill felt himself getting closer to an orgasm. He would have liked to take things slower but the whimpers and sighs coming from Noah were really turning him on. Then Noah cried out. "I'm gonna cum. It's happening again. I'm cumming without touching my cock!" And then he gasped and started spunking off, sending several blasts of boy-cum up into the air.

The sight of Noah spunking off and the feel of the boy's arse muscles clamping and unclamping his cock took Bill over the edge. He groaned and unloaded masses of hot daddy-cream deep inside Noah's arse.

Bill hugged Noah tightly and nothing was said. Eventually Bill's softening cock plopped out of Noah's hole and then Noah dropped to his knees to suck it clean. Bill pulled Noah to his feet as soon as he was done and then licked the splashes of cum from Noah's chest before kneeling down to take the boy's cock into his mouth.

The pair kissed passionately once more and then Bill pulled Noah onto the bed and hugged him tightly. There were tears in Noah's eyes when he said, "I think I love you, Bill."

Bill kissed Noah gently. "You love the sex, not me. We live too far apart for this to be anything more than a brief holiday romance. You know that, I'm sure."

"If we didn't live so far apart..." Noah began.

"Things might be different," finished Bill. "I will always treasure the time we've had together though. You're a lovely lad, Noah. You'll make some man very happy."

Noah sniffed and wiped away his tears. "Can we take a selfie or two together?"

"Sure," Bill replied. "But you'd better do it. I'm hopeless."

Noah took some photos with his own and then Bill's phone. "Thanks Bill. Can we swap email addresses?"

"Sure! And if you ever visit Scotland, you can stay with me. You can share my bed too, unless you come with a boyfriend," said Bill.

Noah laughed and the pair cuddled together before drifting off to sleep.

The next morning Noah woke Bill by sucking his cock again. That quickly turned into a mutual blowjob. Then, realising the train was approaching Vancouver, it was a rush to shower and go for breakfast.

"My cousin will probably be waiting for me at the station," said Noah.

"Then we will say goodbye in the cabin," said Bill. "I'd never do anything to embarrass you."

"I know. You're very special," said Noah.

"Thanks for making this train journey very special for me, Noah. "I'll never forget you."

There were tears in both their eyes when they left the station and went their separate ways.

The End

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