
Published on Dec 18, 2006



Dave stretched before going into the bathroom for his morning piss. He did this everyday of course but that morning he didn't bother searching the floor for his boxers.

Avery wasn't there. He had gone to visit friends for the holidays leaving the apartment empty and quiet.

They had been roommates while in college and shared the days of partying and nights of studying for those years. So they just continued as they both got their first jobs.

Dave was laying on a towel by the Charles River when Avery ran by. His torso glowed with sweat. His shorts seemed to fit him perfectly. They weren't tight nor loose but his buttocks, thighs and genitals were defined.

Avery couldn't resist letting his cock harden. He rolled over to keep it between him and the grass.

"Hey" the voice made Dave turn back over. Avery stood there panting and smiling "You got the time?"

Dave notice the hot looking guy had a watch on but he smiled and responded. In his mind he thought he was being picked up.

"Watch broken" Avery explained "thanks" and he ran off.

"Hey" Dave called after him, "know of anyone looking for a roommate" he surprised himself with his spontaneity. And he was even more suprised when Avery came back.

"Yea matter of fact I am" he stuck out his hand and introduced himself.

Then to Dave's delight he removed his shorts as he plunked himself down on part of the towel available. His nylon boxers kept him decent though reveled his religion as they say.

So the years sped by. Both were casual at home experiencing views of each other's cloth covered erections, even occasional nudity but there wasn't any physical exchange of fluids on or in each other.

Avery dated girls as did Dave. Avery seemed to spend the nights with some of them and Dave found guys with whom he spent the nights exploring his sexual desires too. But often in his head was the images of Avery.

Avery wet wearing only a towel. Avery watchign late night TV wearing his jockeys or boxers, Avery stripping down before putting on his speedos at the pool locker room, Avery sweating as he ran or rowed. Avery's diffused naked form behind the glass shower doors.

"One of these days you're going to get married and I"ll be fucked" Dave would say during their drunkednn late night buddy talks.

"No not me" Avery said "Marriage isn't in my future, so I guess you won't be fucked" they would laugh wrestle and fack bumping crotches.

Occasionally they would wake up in the same pile after one of these drunken nights. Dave would stare at the half clad figure and want to kiss his rounded shoulders, pat his large nipples, nuzzle in his obviously enlarged crotch. And once or twice he did touch him..even lay his arm across him before going back to sleep.

He walked into the living room. It seemed empty, cold somehow despite the Christmas tree they had erected together.

"Hey no sense in not having Christmas while I'm gone" Avery said as he announced his arrival dragging the tree.

The smell of the tree sap did make Dave remember his childhood holidays. He turned and went into Avery's bedroom. Finding a discarded pair of shorts Dave lay on his roommates bed and jacked off inhaling Avery's scent.

Eating cereal in the living room, Dave chuckled at himself. He was 22 years old and knew better but his crush on Avery wouldn't go away. And why should it. He could find sex using his hand or going to the bars now.

But with Avery it was something else. He wanted to be around the guy. They seemed in synch with each other's taste in music, sports, exercise, television and just life. So for now, staying roomates with is crush was as good as it would get. "besides" Dave thought "He'll eventually get married and move out". His cock was still hard thinking about it.

Christmas eve was quiet. The snow crunched under his boots as Dave walked back from his favorite Denny's. He could go to Bumps and see who else was around, perhaps meet someone and bring them back to the apartment for a change. He never brought any guy home unless Avery was gone. He stalled for a moment then decided to just go home.

The apartment was dark except for the Christmas tree lights he had left on. Stripping naked in the lving room, Dave grabbed his cock and let it drain his body of the juices that demanded escape.

He sighed and instead of watching TV he went into Avery's room and got in his bed. The scent was there and hopefully would help put the images of his roommate in his dreams.

Indeed it did. The boy ran along the side of the Charles River naked. His cock would bounce with each step and he would look over and smile. They would wrestle ripping each other's underwear off and frotage until wet.

A sound awakened Dave. He was dissapointed since it interupted his dreams. He checked to see if he had ejaculated in his sleep. Wet dreams did happen but not yet. He put his face into the pillow where Avery's head usually rested and inhaled. His scent was there. And Dave turned over.

"Hey dude" the voice was Avery's, quiet and gentle.

"Oh hey" Davie turned over seeing Avery standing there. "What you doin back?" he looked around "fuck, sorry guess I got drunk". Dave started to get out of the bed. His nudity and erection were clearly visable.

"Hey no sweat" Avery said "stay there". Avery had already stripped to his boxers and then took them off. He moved to the bed. "Just move over and give me room".

Dave slid over to the side of the bed not knowing what to say as Avery's naked body was soon under the covers with him.

"Got bored. Famly crap." Avery said as he lay on the pillow. "Besides my real family is here" he patted Daves bare chest.

"Me too" Dave said turning over to face Avery. It was time to tell him everything. But he didn't say one word.

Avery moved forward and kissed him on the lips. Dave didn't respond at first thinking Avery was kidding.

But Avery continued to kiss and Dave melted into his lips kissing back like he had wanted to for yeras.

Their arms surrounded each other as their bodies moved closer allowign their erecitons to sword fight.

Dave felt Avery's hands moved down his back over his buttock and on his thigh. A hand moved back to his buttock and soon was fingering his butthole.

Dave lost control. There was no turning back. Avery was horny and even if he wasn't gay, Dave was going to get fucked by him that night, he knew.

They didn't speak one word. There were grunts and moans but no words were needed. It seemed like they had been making love for all the years they had known each other. The bites on each other's nipples, the buttock clutching, the fingering, the lips surrounding each other's cock and balls.

The room was dark but Dave could still see Avery above him, his legs on shoulders as his erection slid into him. Dave was so turned on his sphinter literally swallowed Avery's cock and squeezed it each time it withdrew making Avery wince with pleasure.

Jism expended Avery bent forward and kissed Dave's still erect cock. He moved to a kneeling position stradling Dave and reaching around aimed the erection. It buried itself up into him.

Dave almost ejaculated immediately but clenched to take his time as Avery rocked back and forth.

Dave's hands traveled up the boys thighs and onto his chest to pinch, pull and play with the two erect nipples. They kissed now and then when Avery bent forward holding each other as Dave thrust his hips upward.

Dave gasped and gagged as his body could not longer be denied it's impulse to cum.

Avery giggled and lay on top of him. Dave and Avery kissed and stroked each other.

"Merry Christmas" Avery said and giggled.

"and a Happy New Year" Dave replied as he moved down to swallow the cock he had longed to suck for many many years.

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