Holding On

By Rylan Coleman

Published on May 26, 2012


"Move on"


Where it all started

Written by Rylan

This story contains male to male sexual activity (eventually) and if you don't enjoy this kind of story, if it is offending you in any way possible, and if you are not allowed to read this kind of material in the area where you live then please STOP here and read no further. This story is based on the author's real life events which has been modified to make it nearly-fictional and of course has been added some fictional materials. This story may not be published, or reprinted, without the express permission of the author, which is me. Please enjoy and email me at ry.co.92@aol.com to give me criticism, or your ideas and if you want to be my editor then email me:). Otherwise, ENJOY!

*** Pictures of people who look like my characters (These pictures are by no mean the people from my story but they bear resemblances)

Rylan (first main character):

Jules (Rylan's bestfriend): http://www.mobidll.com/s_p_images/p_images/beautiful-asian-photos-model(Mobidll.Com)1529095112.jpg

Benzie (Rylan and Jules bestfriend): http://nextmodelmen.typepad.com/.a/6a00e54ef49d0a88330120a7462f60970b-800wi

Wyatt (second main character)

***I've not found a suitable picture for either the first or the second main characters. So if any of my readers have any suggestions, please email me to let me know :). THANK YOU ***

Present time:

I have been crying for months now. My feelings are numb, I don't even remember why I feel the need to cry, but tears keep rolling down my cheeks on their own, no matter how much I am trying to stop. I brought this upon myself, I realized that but to be honest, who wouldn't jump at the first chance they have to be in love and to have a relationship, especially being a gay teenager.

=== Freshman Year ===

My name is Rylan Colemann and I am 15 years of age. I am a mixed boy of Asian and Caucasian. My mom is Asian. She is half Chinese and half Korean. My dad is, of course, Caucasian. He is half German and half Polish. The weirdest, also the best feature about me is my different eye colors. My right eye is brown while the other is blue. I have been making fun a lot back in Elementary School before of this but I didn't care because not everyone has my kind of eyes, and I love them. I am standing at about 5"11 and an extra ¾ inches. I would say my body is acceptable at 154lb. I am not going to lie; I come from a wealthy family. My parents are both plastic surgeons so we are well off in the money department. I have one brother that is 9 years older than me at 24 and he is away for his master degree in California. My other sibling is my sister who is 5 years older than me and currently attending one of the top universities in the U.S.

Walking down the red hallway of my high school, there are three different colors hallways in my school, it feels great finally being in a freshman in high school. It's been a few weeks now and everything is going smoothly, well almost anyway. I will always remember the event that happened on the first day of school. I was late because my alarm didn't go off until half an hour before the school's first bell goes off. After I finished my morning routine, which was cut short, I barely had enough time to look at myself in the mirror before throwing on some clothes my mom laid out for me before my dad and her left for the airport early in the morning. My gray skinny jeans, purple V-neck shirt, a cute casual white vest, and my all-time favorite: doubled layers high-top converse. I barely had time to put on my clothes before the family driver took me to school. The car stopped at the entrance right before the bell goes off, I thanked Ted real fast, then slipped out of the car and ran like there is no tomorrow to my locker. I'm lucky that we received our schedule a week before school starts; therefore I don't have to pick it up and be later than I already am. I picked out my Geometry book and ran to class, but not before slamming my locker door shut. Before I knew it, I was head down on the hallway, with my book bag flying across the hall. For god sakes, I did not notice the "Slippery When Wet" sign because I was running too fast.

"Damn, someone is having a rough first day. Are you ok? Freshman" -- Someone said, offering me his hand.

"Yeah I am great dude. Just being late and falling on my face. You know the usual" I answered with a hint of sarcasm in my voice.

I finally had a chance to take a good look at him, my knight in shining armor (sort of). He is gorgeous with a capital gee. He has to be at least 4 inches taller than me, handsome squared babyish face, dark brown hair, and the bluest eyes I've ever seen. He was wearing a pair of wash-boarded jeans (I love clothes), a muscle tee, a pair of Nike dunks (good taste), and the school varsity jacket. While admiring his good looks, I notice his pink-ish lips are moving. I know he is saying something to me but I am too focusing on his handsomeness to even notice.

"Dude, are you sure you're ok? Hello???" He said waving his hand in front of my face.

"Yeah, yeah I am fine. Just spaced out a little, probably because I fell on my face haha" I said laughing at my own joke awkwardly.

"Here you go" -- The guy said, offering me my book bag back.

"Thanks, I really appreciate it"

I noticed he is wearing a tag that says he is working for the Dean's Offices. He must be on his free period, I thought to myself. At my high school, a student can either choose to stay in Study Hall or work for one of the school Department (without pay of course but you gets to walk around instead of staying in a classroom). It also says his name is Wyatt J.

"I gotta run to class dude, thanks for helping me up." I said to him realizing I am already 10 minutes late to my first period of my High School career.

"No problem, be careful from now on Freshman." He said chuckling to himself as I started running again.

I bolted through the door of my first period without knocking, gaining me more unpleasant looks from the teacher.

"I am sorry I am late, my alarm didn't go ..." -- I stated my reason, but before I could finish, the teacher cut me off.

"This is your first strike of the school year mister. I expect all my students to be on time, and be ready to learn the material." -- She said sternly eyeing the available seats around the classroom.

"I'm sorry" -- I said once again, before taking my seat next to my best friend Jules.

"Now where were we ..."-- The teacher said looking at me, before continuing with her rules, and expectations.

"Rylan, dude you really want to fail this class don't you? You know how bitchy she can get, remember what my brother told us about her?"- Jules whispered to me quietly.

Important Information

Jules Description:

Let me describe Julianne Xiang to make it easier to read this piece. Jules is a tall girl standing almost at 5"6, comparing to my 5"10 and ¾ quarters. She has mid-back length black silky hair which reflexes her Asian heritage. Jules is my best-friend and neighbor since I can remember. We practically grew up together, and have been there for one another forever. We get along great, which probably due to the fact that I am half Asian. She is slender, weighing about 105lbs which I had to distract her in order to take a look when she stepped onto the scale during gym. We were in the same karate classes together until I lost interest. (I will put up picture soon). She is very pretty, which caused a lot of guys around school to hit on her quite a lot lately.

End of Imp Inf

"I know, I know. My damn alarm didn't go off on time, and I fell on the hallway just now, making me late."- I whispered back while eyeing the teacher, pretending to listen to her rules.

The rest of the period went by decently with me and Jules passing notes back and forth, just in case the teacher might overhear us or in her case, eavesdropping on us. I stopped by the teacher's desk to offer my apology one last time before I walk out of class. The teacher, Ms. Beck, hesitantly accepted it. I don't care though. I offered it, so it's up to her to accept it or not. I need to add, Ms. Beck is an almost forty years old, bitchy, hard-headed, and one of the strictest teacher of McKeown High School of NorthEast Chicago area.

"I can't believe you pissed her off, on the first damn day of school. You are so brave babe haha"- Jules said laughing.

"I am trying my best not to piss off my new teachers, ugh but I don't think I am doing a good job babe"- I said shaking my head, while heading to the second period with Jules.

Suddenly, someone jumped on my back making me almost fall on my face again within the same hour of the day.

"What's up my bitches!!!"- The kid said to me and Jules while still riding on my back.

"What's up Benji?"- Jules and I said to our other best friend Benji.

Important Information

Benzie Description:

There is only one word to describe Benji: Boyishly cute. He was about my height, but probably an inch or two taller than me after a summer of constant working out. He is this boyish boy-next-door type, with hazel eyes and cute baby freckles here and there. He is stocky, with muscles due to constant work-out for the last two years because the girl he has a crush on in 7th grade called him fat when he tried to ask her to be his girl-friend. His full name is Benjamin Johnson. Everyone calls him Ben but Jules and I call him Benji because when he first told us his name (back in 3rd grade), we thought Benji would be cute because he was chubby. He told us later on that when he tried to be our friend at first, it was because he had a crush on Jules which grossed her out a little back in the day because she saw him picking his nose once when he thought nobody was looking. After a few years of hanging out, he became our best-friend and his crush on Jules was not mentioned again.

End of Imp Info

"Having a blast haha, how is your first day going so far?"- He said laughing out loud.

"Mine is ok, but I am not sure about my baby Ry right here."- Jules winked at me jokingly.

"Ugh, don't even get me started. Let's hangout at my place after school, my parents are out of the country on business trip again."- I haft-heartedly offered.

"Awesome, I hope Rosa will make her usual snack for us. Yum Yum."- Benji swallowing his own saliva.

"Fatass"- Jules and I said high-fiving each other.

"Hurtful"- Benji pretends as if we hurt his feelings.

"Fine, you know my house number. Just call her up and place your order, but don't be greedy, your jeans can't hold all that fat in much longer"- I winked at him while patting his 6-packs belly playfully.

Benji stuck out his tongue at us before we parted way with each other to go to our next classes. My second period is Foreign Language, Jule's is Culinary Art, and Benji's is Gym. I picked Chinese, as to further my knowledge with the language and culture since I am ¼ Chinese, and my best friend is also Chinese. I already knew some of the material, so this class would be a piece of cake. I picked a seat toward the end of the class so the teacher won't bust me for texting or falling asleep in class lol. I sat down, minding my own business and then interrupted rudely with a girl's voice.

"Hey Freshmeat, that's my seat!!!"- The girl stated.

I looked up at her and was surprise that she is actually very pretty. Then again, all that beauty is wasted with her rudeness. I can tell she is mixed between Asian and something else. She was wearing a cheerleading uniform with a varsity jacket. Her hair is tied into a pony tail with a bow and her make-up is not heavy like most girls I've seen on campus just now which really suit her well.

"Is your name on this seat somewhere? Or did you buy it with your own money? As long as its school's property, I can sit here if I want to. You came in late so too bad, go find another seat."- I said with a smile which pisses her off even more.

"You will move if you know what's good for you."- She retorted.

"Let me guess, you will make my life hell if I don't?"- I asked innocently.

"So you did do your homework. Now move before I make you"- She emphasized the last sentence evilly.

"That line is as old as this planet. So, unless you can come up with something else to scare me to move to another seat, otherwise Peace out." I laughed to myself.

"You little..."- She was about to say something but the teacher walked in and cut her off.

"Have a seat Nicole. Don't give the freshmen problems for god sakes."- The teacher stated firmly.

"This is not over you little punk."- Whatever her name is said before taking another seat at the far end of the classroom.

Unlike Ms. Beck, my Chinese teacher did not give us his first lecture or homework since it's the first day of school and he wanted to make a good impression. He did socialized to us in Chinese which I understood almost all of it and able to communicated with him some. After class, I walked back to my locker to switch out my books for the third and fifth period because my fourth period is lunch. Jules caught up with me because we have Honor Biology together third period.

Honor Bio was boring, but it is one of the main requirements, therefore we have to take it. We made it through the first biology lecture on plans and its importance to the environment. I am all for the nature, but listening to Mrs. F's monotone just sort of doze me off. The teacher's real name is Mrs. Dauphins but people call her Mrs. F because every school year, half of her class receives F as their final grade. She loves to give out F so much that she doesn't even mind when people call her Mrs. F.

Finally, its lunch time, I was so happy to purchase my first high school meal. There are so many selections than Middle School's food. I was mesmerized and feel like I was in heaven because I can pretty much eat whatever I want. But... before I knew it, I was head down in the trash can puking my gut out.

"Fricking gross!!!"- I said wiping my mouth with a napkin.

"What is? You or the food?"- Jules joked laughing alongside with Benji.

"You are so funny!!!"- I said laughing mockingly.

"Lighten up!!! I told you to go easy on the food. My brother told us the food here is crap."- Benji recited his brother sentence.

The lunch period went by with Jules and Benji keep laughing at me for throwing up on my first day trying the school's food. On the other hand, I was drinking so much water to try to get the grossness off of my tongue but there was no avail.

GYM is the three letters word that does not go well with me. It's not like I hate it or anything but I just don't like following orders, especially gym teachers. Good thing it's only a requirement for the first two year. I sat down on the bleacher waiting for the coach to show up since it's the first day and I don't know where my gym locker is or what to do with my gym clothes. I pull out my iPhone and started listening to music while telling Jules and Benji on group texting how suck it is to stuck in a gym class that smell like socks. I was listening to Starships by Nicki Minaj and the gym door open. In walking is Wyatt, the guy who gave me a hand earlier in the day. We made eyes contact and I gave him an appreciative smile which earns me back one of his. He walks up the bleachers and sits in front of me with his back against the rail while looking at me. Once again, I am mesmerized by his good looks. His lips are moving, his hands are waving in front of my face. I remove the earpiece and turn off my music.

"Sorry, I was so into the music."- I said shyly

"It's cool dude, so how is your face? Been hitting the floor with your face again lately."- He laughed uncontrollably.

"I try not to haha. So are you taking gym this period?"- I asked, trying to change the subject.

"Sort of but not exactly. Which gym are you in?"- He asked curiously.

"I am in Team Sport I with O'Mally."- I read off the schedule on my phone.

"Cool!!! I am the TA of your class."- I told me.

"That's co..."- I was cut off before I could answer.

"Yo, J get your ass over here and look at this."- Some dude yelled for him from across the gym.

"Alright I am coming"- He answered

"See ya later freshman"- He turned to me and said.

"See ya"- I told him and went back to my music.

It's rare that an upperclassman can be so friendly to a freshman like me. It's abit unusual but I am not gonna jinx it either. Finally, the coach shows up and takes attendance. He then introduced himself, and Wyatt as a senior and our TA. He, the TA, then assigning lockers, while the coach talking about the sports that we will be playing for the rest of the semester. There are 4 sports that the class will have to finish: Badminton (which is easy), Soccer (Not too bad), Football (Not my forte), and Basketball (I can't even shoot even if my life depend on it).

Ring... Ring...Ring...

Sixth period is here, and it is my study hall. I reported to the Study Hall with Benji waiting for me by the door. It isn't the worst but also isnt the best period either. We are free to do whatever but there are four no's. NO eating, NO drinking, NO talking and NO sleeping. Benji and I settled down for texting one another since the teacher is eyeing us like hawk on its prey. The whole time, I was thinking about Wyatt in the gym. I still can't believe he is a senior, and my class's TA. It was awkward though, he still remember how I fell on my face. It's nothing really, just try not to make eyes contact or make any mistakes so he doesn't have a reason to come over and laugh at me again.

Finally, the last bell went off. I was so happy I made it through the first day without many troubles. I met up with Jules because her locker is close to mine while Benji's is all the way on the second floor. While I was switching my books out of my locker with my best-friend, the evil cheerleader came over with her "friends".

"Hey Freshmeat, was my seat comfortable? Cuz my friends here will kick your ass so hard, you won't be able to sit for days."- She said laughing with her friends.

"Oh come on, not you again. Didn't you talk enough in class? Mr. Day told you not to give me anymore troubles remember?"- I asked with a hint of sarcasm in my voice.

"I don't care about what he said. You sat on my seat, now you will pay for that."- She stated as her friends starting to walk toward me and Jules.

"Really? Now you want to get violent?"- I asked simply.

"I told you, you would regret not moving out of my seat. By the way, little girl, move aside or you will get hurt too"- She said to me and Jules with a smirk on her face.

"Do you want me to take care of this for you Ry?"- Jules whispered to me.

"It's ok, I can take care of these fools."- I confidently told her, so she moved aside.

The first guy swing his first at my face, but I caught it with my left hand before kicking his side with my left feet, making him back away in pain. The second guy did the exact same thing but I moved to the side, making his punch landed on the locker, bending it a little. Before he could retract his hand, I punched him in the joint between his arm and shoulder causing him searing pain. "This is too easy"- I thought to myself. When I look up at Nicole, wow she is so scared, her face turned white.

"Do you want to give it a try also?"- I asked smiling and offering her a chance to beat me up.

"Let's go to home babe."- Jules said to me.

We started walking to class and before I know it, Jules did a full-round kick the side of one of Nicole's "friends" who runs up to us and about to hit me.

"Do not, ever, do that again if you still want to keep your hands. You hear me?"- Jules whispered in his ear angrily.


End of chapter 1

What does everyone think? Please email me your thoughts and ideas on what I should improve on. I get some of my ideas from reading stories off of Nifty like picking pictures of what I think my characters look like and such.

Email: ry.co.92@aol.com

If I get enough positive feedback, I will continue with the second chapter. This is my first attempt so don't get mad cuz my writing is not that good in the first place lol.


Next: Chapter 2

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