Holding Him a Little Tighter

Published on Mar 11, 1998



So many people I know got their sexual experiences in college...including me. In fact many are virgins until they move away from home and mingle with their peers who encourage, dare or participate in the deflowering. Such was the case with Larry. As I struggled with my bags he opened the door to my assigned dorm room. I stared....he wasn't wearing anything but a small pair of jockey shorts. And the vision was like my fantasy welcoming me to the real world. As an only child, the only person I knew who wore very little in my room was me and frankly I had gotten over jacking off while seeing myself long ago. There had been fantasies about the guys in the scout troop, or at summer camp and of course about our gym class...but that was different. "Got anymore?" He asked and I mumbled about a trunk in the car. He whipped off the jockeys and pulled on a pair of small plaid boxers before I could say anything else. My folks had obedietnly waited downstairs. They reacted when Larry appeared with me wearing only his boxers..and they WERE boxers not shorts. I could tell because as he moved, his fly opened. He and I took the trunk and my folks grabbed the last of my stuff and followed us up to our room. Mom and Dad looked around, talked to Larry who seemed quite at ease around them...and Dad invited us to some lunch. Dad suggested Larry put on something more..and Larry made a joke saying the girls could wait. Actually my folks seemed to like him. Lunch of pizza, coke and lots of talk delayed what I begged for...my parents departure. But finally my sobbing mother and handshaking Dad got into their car and drove off....the further they got away from me, the more I felt the weight on me lifting. "By yourself at last, huh?" Larry said grabbing my butt and holding on "I can tell you've got a lot to learn and I'm just the guy to teach you". As I unpacked, Larry grilled me about classes, hobbies, girls, habits, clothing size (he liked some of my shirts) and sports. I answered all and turned the tables.....it was mind numbing but we both got to know each other like starving animals. I helped Larry with his classes, he helped me with sports and Computer Science. I showed Larry how to chug-a-lug beer, a talent my parents didn't know I had, and Larry taught me how to roll a joint. He was the brother I never had..and the best friend I had always wanted. Weeks passed and the weather got cold. I used to hate the cold..hell I was from Florida. But that year I loved it. Larry, who bragged about sleeping like a man -- nude -- walked thru our room one of the coldest nights....and was wearing a hideous stripped shirt that was just long enough to see the tip of his big mushroom headed cock below it. I gave him lots of crap about it..and he barked back. But first, let me tell you that I wanted to have sex with Larry. From the first day I saw his nice round butt through his white jockeys to the few minutes later when he stripped naked to put on boxers, I knew I wanted to do all the things I fantasized about with him. I had seen porn tapes, read stories even watched guys in alleys together and was more then ready to do it...all of it myself. Larry and I, like most freshmen didn't date ... instead we hung together, drinking ilgotten beer, bragged about sex we never had and made fun of each other. I openly looked at guys and girls around me..I felt free to do so without anyone thinking anything about me..because we all seemed to be doing it. After all most freshmen are "free" for the first time in their lives. And Larry didn't make it easy on me either. He would lay naked and study on his bed, stand in front of me talking while he dried himself off after a shower, stand acting patient while I changed clothes so we could go out. I hoped he was watching me as I had watched him. And Larry would comment on built guys on campus too. We'd go to swim meets, wrestling matches, football games and he openly admired the athletes...just when I thought he was signaling me, he'd admire some woman and confuse me. But that night I lost my confusion. "Hell man it's too cold...I don't see you offering to keep me warm" Somewhere deep in me, things clicked and while acting like a nagging roomate I said and did the right thing. I flung my blankets back, revealing my naked body (I had begun to sleep naked "Like a man" too) and didn't care my cock was half hard. Come on in stud. I said in a mocking tone. Larry went to the door, locked it and turned off the light. I lay back down and began to pull the blanket back, figuring that our kidding was over. But my hand was stopped by Larry's as he pulled his sleeping shirt off with the other and got into my bed. The blanket now coverd us both and he moved next to me...intertwining our feet to get warm. "Great, finally a good nights sleep" he said and we moved together quite naturally, arms around each other and rubbing to get our body warmth going. We didn't have sex that night..but we did kid each other about our immense erections...hands on each other and everything. It was the first time anyone had ever touched my cock...when it was hard. Doctors had touched it..but it was usually soft. I know I had wet dreams that night...and that was after I finally fell asleep..it took me a very long time. I swear the last words I heard from Larry were, "We'll play in the morning. G'night, roomie" - And in the morning he and I jacked each other off..splattering each other with our juices. Our shower was shared too and I looked forward to more fun. I knew it would happen because Larry played with my butt in the shower and muttered he couldn't wait to get into it. - Some nights we slept apart and others we shared his bed or mine. We did what we felt like when we felt like. Oral sex was fun...and eventually, Larry's finger in my butthole was replaced by his cock. When he realized I had never screwed, he had me try it with him. I loved it as much as getting screwed. - We played with other dudes too..and by the end of the freshman year, there was no confusion in my head that I was gay.....and frankly I loved it. Neither of us were political...and our friendship wasn't odd to see on a campus so I never knew of any chatter about us being lovers. - The second year we stayed in the dorm again..although many freshmen got apartments off campus. My folks didn't approve and they thought I'd be better off with that nice boy Larry. I relunctantly agreed..not because of Larry but I had hoped to be in an apartment with him..like real lovers. - We got more adventerous, going to off campus dance clubs, dancing shirtless with hundreds of other sweating men our age. Booze, pot, group sex and an occasional staright date mixed into our lives. We never discussed being gay or straight..lovers or friends. We were just having fun....I began to worry it was just a phase that Larry would get out of. - Third year, we took an apartment with two other guys and word got around that we four were gay. Girls in the apartment house hung out with us.....they loved safe guys to hang around with. Parties, pleasures, and occasional parents weekends kept us busy. - Our senior year however changed. Larry and I took a small apartment by ourselves. He said we had to find out if we were going to be lovers or not. And our honeymoon began.... - I saw Larry a couple of years ago and met his boyfriend. I told his friend stories to embarass Larry and slept on their couch. Larry kissed me good night and sat next to me. "You know I never thanked you. Until I met you, I didn't know who I was or lots of stuff" It was as if I were hearing my own words which I had rehearsed to say to him during that visit. He went into his bedroom and probably stirpped naked to cuddle with his lover. - I waved goodbye the next day and went home where David was waiting to hear all the news. I told him about Larry long ago. And that night he held me a little tighter..or was I holding him tighter.

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