Holding Back

By Patrick Don't Ask

Published on Dec 19, 2002


Disclaimer: No minors allowed. If you are a minor and your pushed trough with the story, it's not my responsibility if you get exposed to anything that isn't appropriate for your present age. People who get offended with male/male relationships should leave this site right now; I wish to offend no one. Please bear in mind that these reminders are for your own good. I do not own any celebrities involved in this story nor do I know them personally, I don't know their preference and I do not claim that I know them. I don't own them and this story is fiction that means this story isn't real and was just made up by the author. There are fictitious people in this story, should a name match someone, it is purely coincidental and I do no claim to know someone that I just made up to play characters in the story. With everything made clear, those who are legal can proceed with the story. Illegal persons please leave (if you haven't left yet a while ago).

Note: This story does not revolve on the subject of sex ALONE. I have an experience of writing stories that featured sex as its plot but after some time, I realized that I was just making crap. When I read about the BBSA (Boy Band Story Awards), I decided to make a story that will be worth reading. There would be female characters in the story but do not worry, they will not have any sex scenes in these story and not even get to kiss anyone in the story. This story will have sex scenes (don't worry) and I will moderate the flow by not limiting my characters in the Nsync Boy - Band only, I will also include other celebrities and fiction characters to play the plot of the story. With everything made clear, we proceed with the story.

Chapter 1

The auditorium was filled with press people scrambling around for seats and talking with the coordinators of the event. Cameras were being set - up and arranged to get a better angle of the long presidential table in front of the hall. Last minute checks were made. Some female reporters were seen retouching their make - up while the males review the questions that they will ask the group. This will be a big story. Mr. Bruce Madrigal, a board member of Jive's Public Relations Committee, called most of them to cover Nsync's press conference about their present situation. With Justin and JC going solo, the group will probably break up.

A door from the left side of the room opened. Everyone became silent and went directly to their seats. Mr. Madrigal was the first one to appear followed by three attendants, and then came Nsync and a woman in her early twenties. As the group took their seats, Mr. Madrigal went directly to the lecture stand.

"Good Afternoon, today we are here because the group wants to clarify certain issues that intrigues the public. But before that, let me introduce you to the group's press coordinator, Ms. Donna Solivan."

The woman seated with the band stood up. She was greeted with loud applause. She bowed her head; just enough to show the press people that she acknowledged their polite gesture. She is a woman with an outstanding beauty. Perhaps if she didn't pursue her course, she will likely end up as a fashion model. Donna is wearing a pink blouse that flaunted her curves and a mild - brown skirt that was just enough to cover her knee. Make - up is softly applied on her face that contrasted her simply fixed brunette hair. The applause slowly dies down as she makes her way to the lecture stand.

"I have an appointment. As of the moment, she will replace me. Anyway, she knows the group better than I do." Mr. Madrigal smiled. Some of the press people laughed and once again applause filled the air - conditioned room. He bowed and left through the same door he came from. Donna was already standing in front of the audience.

"Good Afternoon. As he was saying, we are here to clarify things with you so that we can prevent damaging rumors that may develop from these controversial issues." She paused and turned a paper from the folder she was holding. "I am a straight-forward person and a very frank person. You don't have to worry about a long lecture or whatsoever. I'll go straight to the point then afterwards you can ask you questions to the group." She coughed.

"First of all, the group doesn't have any problem with each other. It doesn't mean that with Justin and JC going solo, they are having problems within the group. Second, rumors coming out that the group will disband are not true. Though we have some problems because of the two said members' promotion of their solo albums, we decided to lay-low as of the moment. And Finally, the last but not the least, the group will have a major concert here in Florida by next year which will be some sort of a "farewell"," She emphasized an apostrophe gesture with her fingers, "concert until Nsync has made a new album." She smiled. "That's all folks, now the floor is open for questions."

"Justin, after your break-up with Brittney Spears, are you still open to relationships? Or would you rather concentrate on the promotion of your solo album."

"I am still open. I know that some relationships can never be. Which was like my former relationship with Brittney."

"Were you able to find the person that will replace her?"

"Yes, I have." Justin said while discreetly looking at JC, who was eating a club sandwich. Lance noticed this and felt broken - hearted.

"For Mr. Lance Bass, since you are the one who always talk with the management, who are the possible celebrities that your group will guest in your upcoming concert?" Lance was silent and looked still at the table. He didn't hear the question. He was thinking about what he saw in Justin's eyes when he looked at JC. He fought back his tears and trying to stay calm as possible.

"Mr. Lance Bass? Are you alright?" The reporter said, looking concerned.

Lance got back to the real world and slowly looked at the reporter.

"Umm, Yeah, I'm fine. Can you repeat your question?"

The reporter did as she was told.

"Yes. The management is trying to get celebrities to guest in our concert. But as of now, there is only one person who they really are sure that will guest in our concert, and that is Aaron Carter."

"For Mr. Chris Kirkpatrick . . . . ." Lance quickly looked at Justin and thought of the emotions that he always felt since the first time he met Justin. He always wants to confide this with Justin, especially during the time when they learned he was gay. But Justin's attention is always centered to JC and he can't find a right time to tell him that he love him, that he want him and that. . he need him. He looked back at the table thinking that his time is running short. With the things that are currently happening, the group will likely disband, unlike what Donna had said. If that happens, he will no longer have the chance to tell Justin what he really felt about him. He can't help it and a single teardrop escaped his right eye and traveled down his smooth cheeks, hoping that Justin loved him instead of JC.

Joey, being one of the most sensible in the group, noticed Lance and knew that his suspicions were right. Lance is indeed in love with Justin. He saw Lance's tear trail down to his chin. Hoping that the media wouldn't notice this, after JC answered the last question, he looked at Donna prompting, "that would be all". Donna sensed this and told the crowd that the group needs rest and told them that the press conference has just ended.

The press people started to leave. The group stood up and went straight to the door that is situated in the left corner of the hall.

Since JC, Justin and Chris were talking about something they didn't notice Lance. Joey catches up with him and handed him a handkerchief.

"So it is true." Joey said, "You are in love with Justin."

Lance reluctantly accepted it and wiped his tear. He looked at him and nodded.

"I should have known it earlier. I could have helped you court Justin."

"You would?"

"Yes, I would. And I will. For as long as the group exists, there's hope."

Lance smiled. "Thanks Joey"

"Anything for you, Lance. Anything for my baby brother."

"Since when did I become your baby brother?"

"Since the first time, the group was coined up."

Lance smirks. "So that makes you what? My big brother?"

"Why don't you want me to be?"

"Lance likes." Lance said and smiled at Joey. Joey fussed his hair and placed his arm on Lance's shoulder.

When Lance arrived to his house that night, no one was around. He walked to the stairs to the bedrooms, stripping until he only had his boxers on. The blonde complained about the weather being to hot for an evening. Lance started to sweat, making his recently developed chiseled chest and washboard abs glisten in the pale yellow light.

He went directly to his room and automatically turned on the TV. As he walked towards his study table, he came across a body-size mirror. His lips formed a satisfied smile. He loved looking at his well-cut body. From his biceps to is abs, Lance can really say that he worked hard at the gym. Not to mention his legs and buttocks.

Then it started to rain.

"Just about time" Lance said as he picked up a pocketbook from his table. He browsed through the pages and leaped to his bed.

Five . . . Ten . . . Twenty minutes passed and he looked so engrossed with what he was reading when the doorbell rang.

He placed the book near his lampshade and checked the door.

"Who is it?'

"It's Justin." Lance's eyes widened.

TBC . . .

There are no sex scenes in this part of the story. Expect it on the next installation of this story. Comments and suggestions are welcome. Email me: red_fox016@yahoo.com

Should there be only a few who will reply, the author then will have to think about releasing the next installation. This is not because I want to be popular or what, I just want to know if there are people who are indeed reading my work. If there are only a few readers, what's the use of continuing the story? Thank you to all the readers. Hope you will mail me about your comments.

Next: Chapter 2

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