Hold Me Tight

By E D

Published on Jul 23, 2000


Hold me Tight (Part 3)

By EDW19 Copyright 2000

Chapter 9

True to his word, I got a ring around 10 in the morning.

"So did you manage to get your report finish on time?"

"I did." He said, "sent it off around 10 last night, and the guys in Hong Kong already have problems with it. My mailbox was flooded with emails when I checked it this morning. I will have to answer those emails soon and iron out all the details. More than likely, I'll have to drop by there in a few weeks too."

"You'll have fun in Hong Kong if you go. The Big Apple of Asia, except filled with Chinese. And you'll get to impress your Asian clients with your chopstick skills." I said.

"Big Apple for sure, that city never sleeps. There's always people buzzing in the streets everywhere. I had a pretty good time when I was there the last time. But after being with you yesterday, I really don't want to mess with emails today, and just be around you." He said.

"We can hang out another day. I understand completely, and I don't want you to be behind in your work because of me." I said.

"Alright, I'll try to get this done as fast as I can. Can I give you a ring tomorrow?" He asked.

"Sounds good to me. Thanks again for the nice lunch yesterday." I said with a smile on my face.

"You're most welcome. I had a nice time."

"Talk to you later Bill."

"Bye Jason."

Steven dropped by my room around noon and we decided to do lunch.

"So what did you get Kelly?" Steven asked as he took a bit of his burger.

"Get what for Kelly?" I asked a little confused.

"You know, for her surprise birthday tonight?"

"Good grief Steven, I completely forgot about it. I'm really glad you reminded me." I said with a shocked face.

"What did you get her?" I asked.

"I'm planning to get her a couple of new releases by her favorite singers. Since you totally forgot, you want to swing by the mall with me and get something too?" Steven asked. "I need to get them and wrap it before the party tonight."

"Sure, that's a great idea." I replied.

The birthday party that night was crowded. Cindy had organized and planned the entire event at her place. I talked with the usual crowd: Cindy and Meg, Dave, Ken. I also recognized several familiar faces since most were in the same classes with me. Kelly was completely surprised when she stepped into the apartment. I was happy for her but really wasn't into partying the entire night. I mingled with my friends/classmates and made my toasts. I didn't want to appear anti-social, but my mind was else where. So I left the party a little early and headed back to my dorm.

Bill gave me a ring Sunday afternoon and said he had bad news for me. He was having problems with his proposal for the clients in Hong Kong and had to leave immediately. He wasn't sure how long he would be in Hong Kong, but would give me updates on his travel plans. I was surprised and sad at the same time. he seemed to be in a rush so I didn't get into much details. I just told him I understood and asked him to keep in touch.

The professor was drumming on the chalkboard about some equation that I had seen before. My hand was busy copying down whatever he wrote on the board, but my mind was completely in another place. It was Thursday, and I still haven't heard from Bill since he left for Hong Kong. I had called him Tuesday but didn't reach him, so I left a message. But he hasn't returned my call yet. All kinds of scenarios were running through my head as I think about him. Did he lost interest in me or did he had some travel problems? Why hasn't he called me yet?

Steven pulled me from my thoughts when I felt his elbow hitting my side.

"We're working out this evening right?" He asked.

"Yeah, at four right?" I replied.

"Can we move it back to five?" He asked.

"Sure, why?" I asked.

"Cindy wants to join us too and can't make it until after five."

"Oh, I see. I'll meet you guys there at give then."

"Thanks." He said.

I didn't hear from Bill until two weeks later. I had just taken a shower and putting on some clothes when I hear the phone rang.


"Hey Jason, How are you? Sorry that I haven't been able to return your call." Said Bill in a cherry voice.

"Hi Bill, I'm fine, thanks for asking. How are you?" I said quickly, almost trying to squeeze all the questions I had for him in two seconds.

"I'm doing good. I got your message from last week, but my cell phone was having problems dialing from here. I would have called you earlier from the hotel, but things have been very hectic since I got here, and I didn't want to bother you if I was going to be in a tired mode." He explained.

We didn't talk much about his work for the rest of the conversation. He seemed to be stressed over it, so I didn't want to dwell on the topic. We talked about other things—like my classes, and his ideas on career plans. He also told me that he would be back in a week and would give me a ring as soon as he gets back into town.

I had final exams that week, so it was best that we wouldn't talk often. But I was very relieved to know that he was okay and returning soon. We've only known each other for a few weeks, but I was already missing his company.

Students poured out of entrance to the Science building. Everyone was excited since we had just taken our final exam for the honors Chemistry class. Steven was walking beside me as we headed for the city bus parked on the street.

"Well, one semester down, and tons more to go. Aren't you glad we're going to have two weeks of total rest and relaxation from school?"

"Yeah, that will be a nice change." I replied. "What are you doing during the semester break?"

"I'm going home. My parents probably miss me, so I better pay them a visit. And they're dying to meet Cindy. What about you? Heading home too?" Steven asked.

"Probably, I haven't told my parents whether I'm going to stay here or head back home. It doesn't matter either way, since I already saw my parents last week, and they are going to be out of town the next two weeks."

"Wait a minute, if you're going home, where are they going?" He asked.

"My cousin in France is getting marry, so my parents are going to be there for over a week. They want to visit the relatives and stay for the wedding too."

"Bummer, so you're going to spend this break by yourself. Why don't you go with me and Cindy? We'll show you all the nice places to eat and hang out. Come on, what do you say?"

"Thanks Steven. That's very nice of you, but I don't want to intrude." I said.

"It's no problem at all Jason. I'm sure Cindy will not mind either." He replied.

"I'll be fine. Besides, I think you and Cindy will enjoy the privacy for two weeks." I said giving him a wink.

"I think I'll just drop by home and ring up a buddy of mine from high school and see if he's home too for the break. I'm sure I won't be alone." I said reassuring Steven.

"Alright, but if you change your mind, this is my parent's phone number." He said while getting a piece of paper and scribbled a phone number on it. I thanked him and stuffed the notepaper in my pocket as I headed toward my room.

I stopped dead in my tracks as I saw who was standing in front of my dorm room.

"Hey Jason. How are you?" Bill said with a wide grin.

"Hi Bill, when did you get back into town?" I said with a shocked expression.

"I got back last night. I would have called you, but I remembered that you had finals this week, so I didn't want to bother you. So are you done with all your finals?" He asked. "I just took my last one half an hour ago." I said as I opened the door. "I'm glad to hear that." He said following me into the room.

"Boy do I miss you." He whispered into my ear as he hugged me tightly.

"So do I, so do I." I said hugging him back.

"Now that you're done with the semester, what are you doing for your break?" He asked.

"I'm either going home or staying here. I haven't really finalized my plans yet. I've been too absorbed with studying for my finals to care." I replied.

"Would you like to spend your break with me?" He asked with a big smile.

"Sure, I'll stay here than." I said.

"Great, I'm looking forward to spending more time with you." He said.

"And actually, I don't want us to be here for two whole weeks. Why don't you pack your bags with enough clothes for a week, and I'll be back in an hour to pick you up? Is that enough time?"

"Sure, that's enough time. Where are we going?" I asked.

"You don't like surprises too much do you?" He said with a deep laugh. "You'll see. I promise you'll like this place."

"If it's near water, I'm sure I'll like it. We had a really good view of the river during our picnic." I said.

"Oh, you'll see lots of water alright, I guarantee it." He said. "Pack clothes that are suitable for tropical weather, and I'll be by your room in an hour to get you."

"Okay, I'll see you later." I said giving him a big hug before he leaves.

As soon as Bill left my room, I headed straight for the shower. I didn't want to stink since I was sweating during that final exam earlier.

After the shower, I looked into my closet to find something to wear. Most of my clothes are daily school stuff—lots of khaki, jeans, and polo shirts. I outed on some CK white briefs, khaki shorts, and a loose-collar shirt. And began packing a small bag with some clothes that'll last me for a week.

As I threw in some socks, I heard a knock on my door. I wasn't surprise to see Bill standing there with a big smile plaster on his face.

"Hey, ready to go?"

"Just about done. Come on in." I said opening the door wider for him to enter. "Have a seat while I finish packing."

"Must be nice to have a room all to yourself in a dorm. I had to deal with roommates in my first year." Said Bill as he sat in a chair beside my desk and looked around the room. Thankfully, I had cleaned the room last week, so it was not totally disorganize. Like most of the dorms on the campus, my room was really small. Just enough room for a desk, bed, and closet. I have a few pictures hanging on the wall for decorations. "I didn't want to share a room with some stranger since I didn't know anyone here when I arrived." I said and went to the drawer to get some clothes. "Well, you'll get more privacy, but then again, you don't get the fun of seeing your roommate having morning wood when you wakes up." He said with wink. I walked over to him, sat on his lap, and wrapped my arms around him. "I'm sure it would be fun, but not as exciting as seeing your morning wood." I said as I gave him a kiss on the lips. We kissed for a few minutes before he pulled back. "We have to get going. If we keep doing this, we'll stay here all week." He said. "Alright, just one more kiss." I said with a mischievous grin and gave him a wet kiss. I got up and was about to get my bag, but Bill got it before I could reach it. "I got it." He said as we walked out of my room.

I was a little surprised when Bill exited the highway toward the airport. But I didn't say anything—he did say he wanted to surprise me. He had this huge grinning smile on his face since we got into the car. Before long, we were at the ticket check-in.

"When did you have time to reserve flight tickets?"

"I thought about it last week after talking with you and made the reservations." He as we were waiting in line. "You were so sure that I would agreed to go? You sure have a lot of confidence in yourself." I said with a smile.

"It's an acquired taste. I would have kidnapped you and take you along with me if you didn't agreed." He said in almost a whisper so that others around us wouldn't hear.

I gave him a grin as we headed toward an open counter.

"What is your destination gentlemen?" The lady behind the counter asked.

"Palm Sandy Beach," Bill replied while handing the lady two tickets that were in his carry-on bag and proceeded to process the tickets.

"Your flights are on gate 9C Mr. Morgan. Have a pleasant trip." The lady said as she handed Bill the boarding passes.

The flight to Sandy Palm Beach took about an hour and a half. I hardly noticed that we were on the plane that long since Bill kept me occupied with silly stories about himself. I was opening myself to him too, and told stories about me that I hadn't told anyone else. He is so easy to talk to, and he has a very genuine personality. His deep laugh is infectious, and I love to see the expression on his face every time he smiled.

Bill had reserved a suite in the Hilton. I pulled the curtains back and looked out the glass wall as Bill tipped the bell boys for handling our bags. We had a great view of the city. The sun was still out so I could see far out into the deep blue ocean. There were clumps of palms trees in patches here and there along the coast.

As I was watching the seagulls flying along the horizon, I felt two strong arms wrapping around my body. Bill pressed his body against mine, and I could feel his warm breath on my neck. He licked slowly from my neck to my earlobes. It was an incredible sensation, and I could feel my knees weakening. "Isn't it was beautiful sight." He whispered into my ear. "It's breathtaking." I turned my head sideways and met his lips. "Are you hungry? Want to go grab a bite to eat along the beach?" Bill asked as we pulled apart from the kiss. "Sounds like a great idea, I'm starving." I said. We had a rather large dinner at a really neat place right along the beach. The main building had dried palm leaves as part of the roofing, and the tables were outside facing the ocean. Each little table even had an umbrella shaped with palm leaves and burning candles surrounded with tropical flowers. I had myself a non-alcoholic pina colada, tropical fruit salad, and Hawaiian chicken with basil leaves. Bill had the same order except with sweet tea. We also shared a plate of stuffed mushroom and spiced chicken fingers for appetizer. Afterwards, we decided to go for a walk along the beach. There was a reason why they named the place Palm Sandy Beach. Besides plenty of sand everywhere, there were patches of palm trees that dotted along the coast. The area is extremely commercialized with lots of hotels, resorts, and restaurants all over the place as well. The sand was really warm from the sun shining all day without hardly any cloud in the sky. We both had taken our shoes off and walked right only the edge—feeling the warm sand and cool sea water every now and then as the waves rushed in. Luckily, there Weren't too many people around, but still enough that Bill and I stayed a distance of about a feet or two from each other. I rather walked closer to Bill, but didn't want to attract attention to ourselves. We chatted, joked, and goofed around as we followed the meandering coast line. Stopping once awhile to catch our breath or listen to the waves splashing onto the sand. After awhile, we came to a pier that stretched about a quarter of a mile into the ocean. We were about to explore the pier but the sun was fading. So we sat near it on the soft sand to watch the sun set. Bill reached over and grabbed hold of my left hand. I looked at him and saw to mesmerizing blue pools reflecting back at me. By now, there was almost no one around, so I gave his hand a squeeze. We both leaned toward each other and our tongues met. I had a warm and fuzzy feeling as I tasted him. We made out until it was too dark to see anything else in the ocean, but the foamy tops of the moving waves.

I tossed my shoe and socks aside as I reached for the hall light. Bill was right behind me as we entered our hotel room. As Bill closed the door, I nearly jumped onto him, and gave him a tight hug from the back. He turned around and returned my hug with a deep kiss. I could feel his lean, but muscular body radiating heat as my hands moved down his back. Bill pulled the shirttails out of my pants and slowly unbuttoned my shirt as we continue to kiss. I did the same to him as I try to get his shirt off. The passionate kissing was broken when I had to pull his t-shirt over his head. The hall entrance lights in the suit were on so I had a very good view of his well-defined body. He must have worked-out often since he was toned from chest to navel. I could clearly make out a six-pack. He wasn't bulky like bodybuilders, but sort of like a swimmer's build with more definition. After Bill pulled my t-shirt off, he placed one hand on my face to guide his lips to mine while his other hand explored my body. Moving his hand down my body from neck to navel. He cupped my groin and groped me. I had a raging hard-on by now; an almost whimpering noise escaped from my throat as Bill continued to deepthroat me with his tongue and rubbing my balls and dick with his strong hand. He unzipped my khaki and let it fell to the floor. I unbutton his pant, and put my hands inside it. Feeling his balls and boned dick through his boxers. I pushed his pants lowered as I rubbed his inner thighs. He kissed his way to my ear and slowly licked on my ear lobes; making my knees feel weak.

He picked me up in one swift move and walked toward the bedroom. He placed me right on the bed and got on top of me. I could feel his hardon rubbing against mine as he kissed me. I sucked on his tongue and pulled it deeper into my mouth. After a few minutes, he started kissing my chin, lightly biting it as he moved lower. He licked and sucked my neck with such pressure that I was sure to have a hickey in the morning. My hormones were boiling at this point and I could feel my dick leaking precum and wetting the front of my CK briefs. I got a little aggressive, rolled him over and got on top. I kissed him and sucked on his throat. Licking his smooth skin and tasting every bit of him. His cologne and sweet scent. It was like an aphrodisiac, that was driving me wild as I wanted more and more of him. I licked my way down his chest, kissed his navel, and pulled his navy boxers off.

His prick pointed straight up as I took a good look at him in the dimly lit room. He was one fine hot looking guy. I hungrily took him into my mouth and sucked hard on his crown. Bill moaned lightly as my tongue swirled around his dick. He was rubbing my hair, urging me on as I sucked more of him. I could only get a third of him inside my mouth as I tried to deepthroat him. Before I know it, Bill turned and grabbed hold of my waistband with both his hands and pulled them off me. He turned into a sixty-nine position and sucked me. I was in pure heaven as his warm moist cute mouth covered my raging dick. I grabbed a hold of his thighs and guided his dick into my mouth. It didn't take long before an incredible sensation formed in my balls and begins surging its way up.

"I , I"m . . . cumming Bill!" I said, warning him as I tried to hold it back as hard as I could. Bill didn't stop sucking me, and I could feel his dick turning hard as steel as I sucked on him. I could hear a muffled moaning noise as I came into his mouth. At the same time, several spurts of cum pour into my own mouth. I didn't even have a chance to taste his cum as it sprayed deep into my throat. Bill didn't stop sucking me after I came.

"Wait, wait, , ," I said between heavy breaths. "Stop, , , Stop, , , please, , , please stop. I'm really sensitive after I cum." I said as he stopped. He turned around and kissed me.

"That was awesome." I said as we broke the kiss.

He gave me a smile and said, "Yeah, I know exactly what you mean."


I would like to thank everyone for writing since my last posting. I enjoyed reading your emails and comments.

I will be preparing for the CPA exam, so part IV will not be completed until after November 2000.

Next: Chapter 4

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