Hold Me Tight

By E D

Published on Jun 10, 2000


Hold me Tight (Part 1)

By EDW19

Disclaimer: The following story contains material suited for a mature audience. The story deals with male-to-male relationship and gay erotica; it contains explicit acts of sex between two consenting adult males. If this offends you or is illegal in your location and/or you are under the age of consent in your jurisdiction to read such materials, then you should exit this page now. This statement releases the author of the story, and the site wherein this story is posted from any legal action or liability.

This work is of complete fiction. All characters and locations are fictitious. Any resemblance to anyone who reads this, or anyone they know, is totally by coincidence, and the author cannot be held responsible.

All rights reserved by author. Story was written by author for submission only to Nifty.org. This series is not to be reproduced, distributed, altered, or posted elsewhere without the expressed consent and written permission from the author. Copyright 2000.

Note: This story is about a guy who meets his dream guy and explores every intimacy of gay relationships: from first kisses to first time, finding romance and love.

This is my first submission to Nifty.org. Please feel free to send any comments at edw19@hotmail.com

Chapter 1

It was a calm cloudless night. I can see the stars glimmering every now and then, as I carefully maneuver my car around steeping curves alongside the mountain. Rolling down the window to catch the mid- autumn cool breeze, I recollected my thoughts about the visit to my parent's house over the weekend. It was a nice distraction from the stress at the University. My parents lived only about 4 hours away, but I only visit during holidays. But every now and then, I'd dropped by to see how they're doing. I have wonderful, caring parents; however, at times, they can get too involved in my affairs, so I try to avoid spending too much time with them. I'm starting to like my newly discovered independence at the University.

There was hardly any car on the road except for mine. You don't exactly see many cars driving through the mountain on highway 61 at 11 o' clock at night- including the fact that it's a Sunday. Although I've driven through the stretch several times already, I kept the pedal at minimal since there could be animals passing the road at night. Onetime, I saw a turkey being hit by a speeding car. A Turkey! You'd expect to see deer in these parts--not turkey. The poor bird, feathers flew in every direction when the car hit him. I wasn't too far behind the vehicle that crashed the bird and saw the whole scene.

Anyways, as I was making a long curving turn, I saw a black BMW parked alongside the dirt shoulder with its emergency headlights blinking. Slowing down, I tried to look for the driver but didn't see anyone around so I kept going. Half an hour had gone by before I saw a guy wearing blue jeans with a white shirt walking beside the road. He turned and looked in my direction when he saw my headlights. With a delighted look on his face, he started to flag me with his hands. What to do? Should I slow down and stop to help the guy? He doesn't seem like he can do any harm since he looks around 25, about 5'9, and appear to be near 150 lbs. I'm only 5'7 and 135 lbs, but I can certainly handle a guy his size if need be. Breathing a deep sound of relief, he came near my open window. "Hi, thanks for stopping. I punctured both tires on the right side of my car. And my cell phone's dead. Can you please do me a big favor and call a taxi so I can get a ride to the nearest town?" "I would make the call for you, but I don't have a cell phone." "Oh, . . . can you give me a lift to the nearest gas station so I can call for help than?" I've never given any stranger a ride in my car before, but I've stopped and helped a couple of people with car problems alongside this road before. It was getting kinda late though; I need to get back to Dover and get enough sleep before my first class at 8 o'clock in the morning. Before I could respond, the guy quickly added, "I know it's a lot of trouble, but I'll pay you. I'd really appreciate it if you could help me." Being raised in the south, my parents have always told me to treat people well in general, and I've tried to follow the rule-well most of the time. So I said, "sure, I'll be glad to give you a ride to the nearest station." "Thanks." He flashed me a bright smile. "By the way, my name's Bill." He said as he offered a hand before stepping into my Honda accord.

"Nice to meet you, I'm Jason." I said as I reached out to shake his hand. "How did you punctured both of your tires?" I asked. "There was a broken guard rail lying on the road, and I was going a little to fast to avoid running over it." He said with a slight grin on his face. "By the way, what are you doing driving through these parts at this time of hour? "I'm going back to University at Dover." "Oh, may I ask what you are studying Jason?" "Computer Science." "That's a very exciting field to be in right now. You'll be perfectly suited for the market. Have you thought about doing an intern or are you already doing one?" "I'm just a freshman, but I would like to do an intern before my senior year." During the whole hour drive to the gas station, we never stopped talking. Even thought I'd just met the guy, I was really beginning to like him. He definitely knew a lot about the IT field. Besides the fact that he's really cute looking. Clean-cut light brown hair with blue eyes (and it almost glowed with the blue dimmer lights shining from the dashboard). As I parked the car at the brightly lighted gas station, Bill reached for his wallet. "Thanks again for giving me a lift. You've saved me a whole night of walking." He gave me a big white smile as he handed me a $100 bill. I was a little shocked, since I didn't plan on taking any money at all and just wanted to help him out. "Thanks Bill, but it's okay. I'm glad to help you. I was going in this direction anyway." "No, I insist since I always keep my words. You might need it later to catch a taxi home. Besides, I enjoyed the company." I said giving him my perfect boyish smile. "Alright, but I owe you one. Is there a number I can reach you at? I'd like to buy you lunch one day to properly thank you." "You live in Dover?" "Yeah, for about a years now. So how about it?"

I reached behind the backseat and pulled out a sheet of paper from my bookbag to scribble my dorm number on it. He folded the piece of paper and stuck it in his wallet.

"Dive safely back to campus. Hope you get some rest before class starts."

"Thanks, Bill. Are you sure you'll be okay here?"

"Yeah, I'll be fine. I'll just call a taxi to come pick me up." He said walking toward the phone booth. I waited until he gave me the okay sign after he hanged up the phone before I drove off.

Nothing exciting happened during my first class. The honors chemistry class is taught by the department chair. He really lose himself each day standing behind the oak podium and lectures for hours-doesn't even pause when some of his students starts falling asleep. I wasn't paying much attention this morning and started to nod my head. Guess the two cups of Swiss Mocha from the dinning hall hasn't kicked I yet.

"Hey Jason, can I see your homework again buddy?"

I turned and looked at Steven. "Yeah, forgot to do it again eh?"

"Had a long weekend man; but at least I got the first page done," Steven replied with a grin.

I grinned back, as I pushed my notebook closer to Steven. We were on the 12th row from the podium, so I wasn't worried about the professor spotting us. He's too occupied with his lecture to notice us, but his assistant would, who was sitting near the podium.

"So what did you do during the weekend that was so long?" I asked. "Went to the football game with Cindy and got drunk afterwards. Man, wish you could have joined us. Oh, how was the visit go with your parents?"

"Oh, it was alright. They're doing well, so I'm happy for them." I replied. Steven and I have been friends for a few months now. In fact, he was the first friend I made when I arrived at the University. I was early for class and sitting in front of the lecture hall the first day of class. Steven came, and sat next to me since there's several students waiting in the hall too. He introduced himself and we hit it off well. He's about 5'10 and probably weigh around 160 lbs. Good looks with sandy blond hair and hazel eyes that sometimes almost seem to piece right into your mind as you look straight at him. He's an intelligent, funny guy-- except he parties too much and drags his grades down. Overall, he's a great guy to hang around with. When class started, we were assigned seats right next to each other for the whole semester-which I didn't mind at all.

"God, I'd never thought the day would be over. How does he go on and on; yet still haven't explained how the equation fits with the model ?" Steven groans, as we walked out of the last class for the day. "I think it's time the old geezer retires. Wonder why the University still keeps him around; he just babbles about absolutely nothing when his assistant does all the work?" Steven asks. "He's tenured, so I doubt the University can fire him. All they can do is hope he'd quit or have a heart attack one day. Besides, I think the guy probably would be real miserable if they kept himself locked at home. I mean, he gets so excited when someone in the class actually asks him questions, that sometimes I feel sorry for the guy. He mustn't have any other hobby besides Calculus." "You maybe right, but still, he could at least give us some slack once in awhile. It's only Monday and we already have a whole chapter of problems assigned. Hey, you wanna join me and Cindy for a snack before heading for the gym?" Steven asked. "We're going to Freddy's-something other than cafeteria food." "Thanks Steven, but I think I'm gonna pass. I'm going to try and catch a few hours of shut-eyes before meeting you guys at the gym later." "Alright, we'll see you there at 6 then." He said as he headed toward the parking deck, and I toward the dorms.

As I pulled the covers over myself, I thought about Steven. He's a really nice guy, and I knew I liked him more than just a friend. But I never gave him one hint that I found him attractive. We haven't talked about sex much, but after he hooked up with Cindy, I figured that he was straight as an arrow. I liked Cindy and think they make a great couple, but sometimes I wish Steven wasn't all straight. Being new on campus was bad enough, but I'm kinda shy around crowds. Steven is one of the few handfuls of friends I've made around campus. I'm still very much in the closet and don't even know a single gay person. Throughout high school, I knew I was gay, but I didn't want to accept it. Who would in that hostile environment? There wasn't a single outspoken gay person in that whole school; but every now and then, some wise kid would crack a stupid joke about gays. So I didn't have any reason to finding another gay person. There were even times when I thought I was the only weird guy around. I dated a few girls throughout high school, but didn't get turned on by any of them. I pretty much figured I was totally gay when I got to college, but just haven't the guts yet to meet other guys who are gay also.

The closest thing I've come to meeting a real gay person is on the internet. I've chatted a few times and haven't had much luck. Most of the guys there seem to mainly cruise for sex and that's not what I'm looking for. Then there's those that are 50 year old and likes to pretend to be some 18 year old. But I did meet one guy who seems to be nice. He's a student also, but lives across the country, so we send emails to each other often. He's in the closet as well, and kinda new at this stuff too, so I related well with him. Most of the conversation has been about school and "safe" gay topics so far.

Still at times, even email can't relieve that lonely feeling. I would like to meet someone like myself in person, but don't really want to try the club scene. Wimp right? No, the bad rumors I've heard about clubs have prevented me from walking into one alone. It would have been easier if I have a gay friend who could go with me, but since I don't have a single friend who's gay, I'm at a loss.

Alone in this world kept running through my mind as I drifted to sleep.

Chapter 2

Ring, , , , Ring , , , , Ring , , , I nearly knocked over the phone as I search for it with still closed eyes and tried to picked it up. "Hello?" "Hi, is this Jason?" "This is him, may I ask who's calling?" I said still half asleep. "Hey Jason, this is Bill. Did I just wake you up? I'm sorry about that." My eyes sprang wide awake as I realized who's on the other line. When I handed him my number last night, I didn't think he'd really call me. After all, I only gave him a lift, and that' not much of a hassle in my mind. "Hi Bill. It's alright, I need to get up in a few minutes anyway. Did you have to wait long for the taxi to show up last night?" I asked. "He came 10 minutes after you left, so I didn't have to wait long at all. How was your class today? Or were you too tire and skipped since I awoke your restful sleep?" "Class ended about an hour ago. I didn't get much sleep last night since I had to do some last minute laundry before heading for bed. Sooo, how's your day been? "Oh, long day, the usual. Not much excitement to talk about really. Listen, I wanted to call and see if you'd like to meet me for dinner sometime. How about tomorrow? Are you free tomorrow around 6?" "Yeah, that sounds good. I don't have plans around that time." I replied. "Let's meet at the Royal Gardens at 6 tomorrow then. Do you like Chinese food?" "I love Chinese food. That sounds great." I said. "Wonderful. Sorry I can't chat for long. I have some errands to run, so I'll look forward to seeing you tomorrow then." "Ok, see you tomorrow Bill." I answered. "Bye Jason." "Later." I replied as I hanged the phone back to its place. My thoughts tried to recapture Bill's face as I pulled an Adidas short and t-shirt from the drawer. Those wonderful grins, flashing white, almost perfect teeth. I was definitely going to enjoy having dinner with him tomorrow. As I stuff the towel into the gym bag, I looked at the clock by my bed and noticed that I had only 10 minutes left to spare. I ran all the way to the college recreational center. Steven and Cindy were waiting by a little peach tree in front of the building. "Hey, sorry for being a little late guys. Hope you didn't come too early." I said to them. "It's alright Steven. We just got here about 5 minutes ago." "That little sleep freshen you up well Jason." Steven said to me. "Huh?" "There's a big smile plastered all over your face man. Must have been a really nice wet dream." Steven said giving me a knowing grin.

I must have turned several shades of blushing color for Cindy was giggling as we headed inside the recreational center. The gym is always a fun place to hangout on campus. I always look forward to it each day at the close of my endless classes. It's a pretty large recreational center-thanks to the football team since they paid for it. Four stories high with a climbing wall. Twenty racquetball courts, four basketball courts, two indoor soccer fields, and even an indoor track on the top floor. That's my favorite spot; you get to jog around, and look down to see the Olympic size swimming pool four stories below--the walls are crystal clear glass. I always get a real kick out of it-especially during the swim team meets. Tons of well developed swimmers all over the place.

I usually just do the light cardio machines and jog. Sometimes, I join Steven and Cindy for a swim too. It always amazes me to see so many guys head straight for the free weights when they enter the gym. They really work themselves to gain bulging muscles. I think swimmer's build is the best form-so I like to just stay toned/defined. After all, I'm only 5'8 and 135 lbs. There's only so much muscles mass that I can retain since I have a very high metabolism.

"Hey man, we're getting ready to head for the track. You about done here?" Asked Steven. I was working on the fly machine when Steven showed up. Now that machine doesn't look like it'll do much, but believe me, you'll see results soon enough. It's very effective-although it makes your chest feel kinda funny while you're on it. I almost felt like I reck my shoulder blades first time I used it and put too much weight.

"Done here. Where's Cindy?" I replied to Steven as I picked up my towel.

"She's over by the fountain getting a sip of water. Said she'll meet us by the track." Answered Steven as he opened the door to the weight room for some girls to pass.

"Took you guys long enough to get here. What did you do? Got lost?" Cindy jokingly said as we approach the stretching area.

"Well, we would have gotten here sooner if Steven hadn't stopped to gawk and babble at a few cheerleaders." I winked at Steven as I said that.

"Hey, hey, I happen to know one of them. She's in my history class. We couldn't just pass without saying hello, now could we? Who knows, I may need to borrow her notes one day."

"Up to your usual tricks again Steven?" Cindy replied with a mischievous grin on her face.

"Believe me, I was only after her notes." Steven said.

"Sure, if I remember correctly, your first lines to me were, , , ahem, hi, I wasn't here yesterday. May I borrow your notes?" Cindy replied with a laugh.

"Baby, you know that I had already borrowed Jason's notes that day, so I made up that lame excuse to sit closer to you." Steven said as he came around to wrap his arms around Cindy. "If you lovebirds are done, we should get a spot on the track. I see a group of people heading this way." I said.

I was kinda sore when I got back to the dorm that night. Always feel that way when you skip several days not going to the gym. Steven, Cindy and I went to the dinning hall after the workout. Starved as a devil, I had a big dinner. As I finished working on my Calculus problem, there was a knock on my door.

"It's open, come on in." I said.

"Hey, you got any tooth paste I can borrow? I forgot to get some yesterday and the dorm store is closed now." Steven asked.

I noticed that Steven was wearing only his boxer shorts. His solid built body is lightly dusted with blond hair. Strong legs and nice toned chest. I tried not to stare at him.

"I got an extra bottle that you can have. My mother made me bring it along with other stuff she packed for me this weekend." I said as I headed for the bag that I left in the corner.

"Thanks man, I'll get you one when I'm at the store next week." Steven said.

"No big deal Steven."

"Have a good night man. I'll see you tomorrow for breakfast" Steven said as he headed for the door.

"Have a good night Steven." I said as I looked at his defined V-shaped back.

Chapter 3

"Jason? . . . Jason!?

"What?" I said as I awoke from my daydream.

"Did you hear what I just said?" Steven asked me.

"Sorry , my mind's just stepped off the planet. What was it that you said?"

"Man, what's you today Jason? You didn't have much of a breakfast this morning and now you're drifting to cloud 9 when the Most Exciting game is on TV! Are you sure you're okay?" He asked with puzzling look.

"I didn't get much sleep last night," Lame excuse, but it'll have to do. I kept tossing and turning most of the night as my mind thought about Bill's handsome young face. I almost have to hold my breath everytime I think about him- and I could care less about the boring football game on TV. We just got back from classes, and Steven invited me over to his room to see a game with some of his buddies. And I really don't want Steven to know that I'm all nervous yet really excited about meeting a cute looking guy for dinner. I haven't told anyone that I'm gay, and I haven't given Steven any clues about it either. I just don't think anyone would understand. There's not that many open gay students at the school. It's not like I'm going to a backward school in the boons, there are enough on campus that they have a Bisexual and Gay club. They have get-together parties every semester, but I've never gone. Didn't want to get outed. I wouldn't mind having a friend to talk to about gay matters, but those guys in the gay club decorate their bookbags and cars with rainbows. It's like going around campus with a big sign on your head that says, "Hey, I'm gay." Don't get me wrong , I don't despise or hate them-it's their life. I just think sexual orientation is a private matter and not something I want everyone to know about me.

"Well, I asked you if you want a beer or soda since I'm getting everyone something." Said Steven.

"Thanks Steven, I'll have a Sprite." I said.

I drank the last drop of Sprite and crushed the can with my hands. I saw the clock and noticed that it's time for me to head back to my room and shower before I'd meet Bill for dinner.

"Well guys, I have to run." I said to everyone. There were about five of us in the room-including Steven. Most of them are classmates that I knew, and they hanged around Steven often.

"You're not staying for pizza? We're going to order pizza later and you're welcome to join us man." Said Steven.

"Thanks Steven, but I really have to go now." I said as I waved good-bye and walked down the hall to my room.

To be continue . . . .

Side note: I'll post the second part of the story next month. Until then, direct all comments to: edw19@hotmail.com

Thanks guys.

Next: Chapter 2

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