Hogwarts' Gays

By Sean DaDude

Published on Aug 4, 2003



Hogwarts' Gays

Chapter One

Harry Potter and the FAGS

by Sean sean_dude88@yahoo.com

This is loosely based on characters created by J.K. Rowling in various Harry Potter books, now published by Scholastic Press and co-owned by Warner Brothers motion pictures. While I personally see no reason why teens or even preteens should not read these stories about boys in their own age range, there are some who feel otherwise, because of the sex, and they control the laws, so if you shouldn't be reading sex stories, go somewhere else!

Chapter One

Harry Potter and the FAGS

It all started when Harry was 11. A letter had arrived for him. Harry never saw what was in that first letter, as his uncle Vernon took it away and destroyed it. Then more letters came, and finally a deliverer. A giant named Hagrid had come and Harry found the letters were inviting him to Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, because, as Hagrid had said, "You're a wizard, Harry, and a thumpin' good one I'd wager, once you've been trained for it."

So it was that Harry came out of the closet, the cupboard under the stairs, where, for most of the past year, he'd been forced to sleep, to live, by his wicked aunt Petunia and her even more wicked husband Vernon.

Now Harry was on the train, the Hogwarts Express, on his way to the boarding school. Being shy, and so new to the wizard world, Harry had looked for, and found, an empty compartment, and was just wondering how he'd make any friends at school if he kept invisible, when two older boys burst into the compartment. They looked to be 13 or 14, each carrying a suitcase.

"Who are you?" asked Harry, somewhat startled.

"Fred," said one, "and George," added his twin. "Fred and George Services," said Fred. "F.A.G.S, (or "fags") that's us," added George.

"Fags?" thought Harry.

"We're trying to get away from Percy -- our older brother `perfect Percy'," said Fred.

"Percy's been made a prefect, that's sort of a head boy, of Gryffindor (one of the 4 houses, or dorms, at Hogwarts), explained George.

"Since we're in Gryffindor too, he'd be afraid our business might cost the house points," said Fred. "You a first year? We're third. You'll learn more about houses and points when you get to Hogwarts."

"Percy would try to stop us," explained George, before Harry could ask anything. "Since we're selling before the term starts, there shouldn't be any problem with the school, but Percy might get upset anyway."

There was a knock at the compartment door.

"Blimey!" said Fred, but in a whisper. " Can't let HIM find this! Now what was that shrinking spell of Dad's?" He muttered something and tapped his wand at the suitcases, which immediately shrunk down to matchbox size.

"Fred, George? It's Ron," said a young voice.

"Whew! That's our younger brother. He knows all about F.A.G.S. and is cool," said George.

(He "knows all about fags"? thought Harry. I wonder.)

"What's the report?" asked George, letting Ron in.

"Percy's been waylaid by some girl up front," the boy reported. "They were kissing!"

"Then we'll continue to the rear," said George. Turning to Harry, he said "Don't mean to be rude, but we really must make our rounds. We can get acquainted when we get back." George did a counter spell, and with a now full-size suitcase disappeared down the hall.

"Now Ron," said Fred before following his twin with his own suitcase, "don't get into mischief. We're supposed to be watching out for you since you're new." Fred then left.

"Don't mind them," said Ron, taking off his jacket. " Now, introductions. I'm Ron Weasley, and you are?"

"I'm Harry. Harry Potter."

Ron's mouth dropped open as he started to speak. "So, it's true!" Ron was in awe.

"What's true?" asked Harry.

"You're real! Fred and George told me the story. They tend to tell tales, but here you are, the only boy to survive an attack by (he lowered his voice) the Dark Lord. Have you really got -- the SCAR?"

"Oh, Yeah!" Harry said excitedly as he raised his bangs so Ron could see the lightning bolt scar on his forehead.

"Wicked!" Ron said. "Can I touch it?" Ron asked.

Harry blushed slightly. Sure!" Harry answered.

Ron's face lighted up like a Christmas tree as he walked over to where Harry sat. Ron took his left hand and very gently moved the hair from Harry's forehead and he took his right index finger and gently traced the lightning bolt scar. This felt surprisingly pleasant to Harry.

Harry blushed. Harry's face turned even redder when he noticed he had a growing bulge directly in the front of his pants. Harry noticed something else as Ron was standing directly in front of him: Ron had a growing bulge in the front of his own jeans.

Ron finally stopped and started back to sit down across from Harry. Harry covered himself with a book, his face burning from embarrassment. Harry watched as Ron walked, not really realizing at first he was staring at Ron's backside. Catching himself, Harry shook his head and looked away just before Ron turned to sit. Harry had an odd feeling, and now he was totally confused. Was he? Could he be? "No way!" he thought to himself. "I can't be Gay. But then, I've never had a girl friend, or any friend. How'd I know?"

Harry noticed something moving under Ron's jacket and decided to change his focus. "What's that?" he asked. Ron looked to where he was pointing.

"Oh that'll be Scabbers, my pet rat," said Ron. "Must've gotten hot and crawled out of the pocket. Wanna have a look at him?"

"Yeah," said Harry, who had never had a pet.

The boys continued to get acquainted.

Soon Fred and George returned, grinning from ear to ear, their hands now carrying bags.

"Where are the cases?" asked Ron.

"We shrunk them. They're in the treat bags," said one twin.

"We did a great business -- joke items, fireworks, and -- some other contraband. Now we celebrate!" said one of the twins (Harry wasn't sure which).

"We've got Wizard Wands, Chocolate Frogs, and Bertie Bott's Every Flavor Beans," said the other twin. "So Ron, who's your friend?"

"Harry Potter," said Ron.

"Harry Potter? No way!" exclaimed the twins together.

"He is!" said Ron. "Go on Harry, show `em your scar."

Harry lifted his bangs to show the scar.

"Wicked!" exclaimed the twins.

"I'm Fred," one twin re-introduced himself.

"And I'm George," said the other twin. "Well Harry, would you like a Chocolate Frog?"

"They're not real frogs, are they?" asked Harry, not sure about these joke sellers.

"They just look like frogs," Ron said. "They come with trading cards -- famous wizards and witches, and like that. I'll have to show you my collection sometime. It's the Beans you have to watch out for. When they say "every flavor", they mean every flavor. There are the usual sweet ones, but there are also flavors like spinach and fish. The Wands, by the way, are just licorice."

The boys all sat quietly eating the sweets the twins had bought. Harry kept noticing Ron getting closer to him every time he reached for something else to eat, but Harry felt comfortable. "I've never had a friend before," Harry thought. Harry then started talking to Ron like they had been best friends forever. Ron seemed to like this; the smile on Ron's face and the twinkle in his eyes made Harry break into a smile.

"Better change into our school clothes and robes," one of the twins said. Harry didn't notice the boys watching him as he began to undress.

Finally the train screeched to a halt and everyone piled off,

" FIRST YEARS COME WITH ME!" Harry heard a familiar voice.

"Hello Hagrid," Harry said.

"Hello there Harry, you look much better! I think the robes suit you better than Muggle clothes," Hagrid commented. Harry just smiled.

"I see you're not all in uniform," Hagrid said. "You can change at the castle. Are you all here? There should be 40 of you." He did a head count. Satisfied, he instructed "Follow me."

"Wow Harry, why didn't you tell me you knew Hagrid?" Ron asked as he and Harry followed Hagrid towards the behemoth castle in front of them.

"Didn't think of it. He helped me get my school things. By the way, how do you know him?" Harry asked.

"I visited my brothers at Hogwarts last year." Ron said.

After they were all piled into the castle at the bottom of a giant size set of marble steps, Hagrid told them all to stay put and that someone would come and take them to the great hall to be sorted.

"Sorted? What's that?" Harry asked. His hand found Ron's and the two entwined. Already the boys didn't want to be separated.

Before Ron could explain that sorting just meant learning what house you'd be in, a fowl hissing voice came from behind them. "What's this with red hair and hand-me-down robes, another Weasley? Who's your friend?" A blond boy lisped, now coming up to Harry and Ron.

"Harry Potter," said Harry, politely to the blond boy.

"So! Harry Potter has come to Hogwarts!" The blonde-headed boy walked up to Harry. "You'll soon find out, Potter, that some wizarding families are better than others. Take Weasley here, you'll learn his family gives wizarding a bad name. My name is Malfoy, Draco Malfoy!" Ron coughed a bit at the name.

"What are you sniggering or scoffing about? I know about your family! You'll be a FAG, just like your brothers!" Malfoy said, looking angrily at Ron, and Ron just looked down. Malfoy turned back to Harry. "As I was saying Potter, some wizarding families are better than others; you don't want to go mixing with the wrong sort! I can help you there," Malfoy said.

"I think I can tell the `wrong sort' myself," Harry replied.

Malfoy got a nasty look on his face and might have said something, but someone came in.

"Students! Attention please!" the woman that entered yelled quite loudly. "My name is Professor McGonagall. In just a moment I will lead you all into the great hall where you will be sorted into your houses. Once you have been sorted, please go to your house table and wait quietly until everyone has been sorted. Then the feast will begin. Ok now, single file, everyone follow me!"

They walked up the marble steps and down a large hallway and stopped in front of two huge wood doors. Mcgonagall raised her wand said a couple of words and the doors swung open and she went in, the students right behind her, past four long tables that stretched the length of the room, candles burning in mid air above them. McGonagall had the students make a perfect line across the front of the great room.

"Now when I call your name, you will walk up, sit on the stool, and place the Sorting Hat on your head to learn your house," Professor Mcgonagall said.

Ron and Harry watched as a girl named Hermione Granger put the hat on. It looked as if the hat was talking to her because it moved and she seemed to be whispering back to it. Then the hat yelled: "Gryffindor!"

Draco Malfoy was next. Ron explained to Harry that the Malfoys hated the Weasleys, and the feeling was mutual. Draco slithered up to the stool and started to place the hat on his head but before it touched his head it screamed fiercely -- "SLYTHERIN!"

"Figures," Ron told Harry. All the bad wizards, the malicious ones, wind up in Slytherin. Why the Dark Lord himself was a Slytherin."

"Ronald Weasley!" McGonagall called. Ron looked at Harry with a scared look on his face, then walked up and put the hat on. Again it looked as if the hat was talking, to him. Ron nodded a few times and a giant smile came over his face as the hat announced: "Gryffindor!" Ron walked past Harry with a broad smile and winked at him before taking his seat. The great hall filled with clapping cheers from the Gryffindor table.

"Harry Potter!" McGonagall called. The Great Hall fell silent, making Harry feel rather uneasy as he walked up to the stool, picked up the old tattered hat and placed it on his head. The hat just sat there and Harry was beginning to think he had just imagined Ron and Hermione looking as though they heard a voice from the hat.

Then Harry heard a very quiet voice; it seemed to be coming from his head, but Harry realized it was the hat. "Hmmm, difficult. Very difficult, very difficult indeed!" it was saying. "I see courage and a desire to prove yourself. I see goodness and love. But where to put you?" Harry was thinking "Not Slytherin! Please! Put me with the Weasleys, in Gryffindor, PLEASE." The hat spoke "Ah looking for love. Yes, you, and young Weasley I imagine, will find great love in --" (then the Hat roared so that the entire hall could hear) "GRYFFINDOR!"

After all the sorting was finally over, Dumbledore stood up. "Welcome!" He said. "Welcome to another fine year at Hogwarts, and now we eat." He waved a wand and spoke some magic words and mounds of food appeared on the tables out of thin air.

They sat and ate chicken, mashed potatoes, sweet potatoes, brown gravy, white gravy, and lots of different types of food Harry had never seen before, and it was all wonderful.

After they ate till they couldn't take another bite, they were all lead to their houses by their house head boy. For Gryffindor, Percy Weasley was the head boy, as red headed as the other three Weasleys. As they went up the stairs toward Gryffindor tower, Harry noticed the pictures on the walls were alive. The students finally made it to Gryffindor tower and stood before an enormous painting of a lady, who said with a quiet voice: "Password please!" Percy replied "Caput Draconis" -- which is Latin for "Head of a Dragon." "Correct! Enter," the painting then cried and swung away from the wall like a great door.

They entered a room that was very large. "Welcome to Gryffindor Common Room," said Percy. "Girls' dormitories are on the left, and boys' dormitories to your right. You may want to get to bed early tonight as it's going to be a long day tomorrow!"

They all went to their dormitories. Harry and Ron shared one since they were both first years. There would be other boys, but so far there was only one, Seamus Finnigan. "This is better than I could ever have imagined," Harry said to Ron as he began to pull his clothes off so he could put on some pajamas.

Ron looked at Harry as he undressed. "Yeah it's definitely better than I figured it would be!" Ron replied, looking at Harry with his tongue hanging from his mouth like a hungry dog, but Harry didn't see that.

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Harry couldn't sleep. All the talk about FAGS had him horny. Harry felt he himself might be a fag, a poof, that is to say "gay." He had been forced into sex (raped) twice. Once he had NOT enjoyed, by his cousin Dudley, but the other, by Dudley's friend Piers, had been rather pleasant. It had been on a night more than a year ago now when Harry was only ten, Dudley was 11, and Piers must've been 12. At that time, Dudley shared his room with Harry, not because he wanted to, but because there wasn't really any other place to put Harry. The spare bedroom was full of Dudley's junk -- he was a very spoiled child and the Dursleys were too lazy to clean it out. Dudley had made Harry suck him, then tried to fuck Harry. Dudley's dick was so small (maybe 2-1/2 inches) Harry couldn't really suck it, and he hadn't even felt it when Dudley tried to fuck him. What Harry HAD felt was the tremendous weight of his fat piggy cousin, and he'd hated it. Piers, on the other hand, was slim, and rather tall, with a cock to match -- a good 5-1/2 inches long, Harry guessed. Harry had rather enjoyed the feeling of sucking Piers and being fucked by him. When the two older boys had each had their dry orgasm, Harry wanted to be sucked too. Dudley had laughed at Harry's "tiny" dick, though it was every bit as long as his own dick.

"Oh go on," Piers had said. "He was a good sport; you owe him that much." So Dudley had started to suck Harry. "Tiny dick?" Harry had been thinking. "I wish I had a man-sized dick to shove in his face." And Harry's dick had grown, and grown, like magic, until it was about 9 inches long, and quite thick, and Dudley was gagging on it, almost unable to breathe, or to mumble to Piers "Ge' im ou' o' me! Ge' im ou'! Piers had managed to pull Harry out and they'd all been amazed at the size of Harry's dick.

"How, how'd you do that?" Dudley stammered.

"I don't know," Harry answered honestly and good-naturedly. "I guess I've got a magic wand."

"M-Magic?" Dudley gasped. "I'm telling my father."

After that, Harry had been forced to go into the closet, literally. His uncle Vernon had forced him to sleep in what had been a cupboard, under the stairs.

Harry was remembering all of this, trying to sort out his feelings.

Harry picked up his wand and decided to go to the Gryffindor common room. No one was there, so he decided to wander the boys' dormitories, maybe see if Fred and George were still up.

When he got to the third-year dormitory, the door was locked, but that was no problem. He'd read his spell book in preparation for the next day, and knew the word to unlock the door. "Alohamora," he said quietly, and opened the door, Fred and George were there, as he had expected, but NOT quite AS he had expected. They were naked. George was on his knees in front of his twin brother, with most of Fred's cock in his mouth.

'Hi Harry!' said Fred cheerily as Harry quietly shut the door.

'What? Oh, eh, hi,' stammered Harry. The twins seemed to be acting as if nothing out of the ordinary was going on, so Harry decided to play it cool.

George managed to say something that sounded like "My Mary," and Harry realized he was trying to extend greetings without taking his mouth from his brother's cock.

"You'll excuse us if we don't pay you more attention right now, but we ARE rather busy," Fred said. With that, Fred began to buck his hips and from the look on his face, Harry could tell that he was squirting his load into George's mouth. The surprise was when Harry saw some of Fred's cum trickle down George's chin and he noticed that it was pink.

'Mmm, strawberry!' exclaimed George before Harry had a chance to say anything. He saw the look on Harry's face and realized that he ought to explain. 'We're just trying out one of our new products.'

"What is it?" asked Harry curiously.

"Spunk Surprise Sweets!" replied Fred. "All you have to do is eat one and then the next time you cum, it'll be flavored. Strawberry in this case, as George has just found out."

Harry was getting incredibly turned on. As he watched George lick the last drops of glistening cum off the head of Fred's cock, he felt his own penis swell beneath his robes.

"So, what can we do you for?" George asked Harry.

"What you just did for Fred would be great!"

"Ah, another boy requesting the expertise of FAGS. Slip your robes off then!" said George.

It didn't take Harry long to get completely naked. He was eagerly anticipating whatever the twins had in mind, hoping it provided the relief he needed.

"Hey, I thought I was next!" said a voice. There was a boy, a few years older than Fred and George, sitting on the edge of one of the beds. He was completely naked, except for a strange-looking rubbery tube sliding up and down his hard cock all of its own accord.

"Who are you?" asked Harry.

"Oliver Wood, captain of the Gryffindor Quidditch team," the boy introduced himself.

"It was Oliver that really introduced us to the joys of gay sex, said Fred.

'Well, uh...' began Oliver, beginning to blush.

'Don't worry,' said Harry, 'Your secret's safe. I won't tell. But what's that on your cock? It looks interesting.'

'This?' asked Oliver, sliding the glistening tube off his penis. 'It's one of Fred and George's inventions."

"So that's what you were selling on the train!" said Harry.

"Guilty as charged," the twins said together.

"How does it work?" asked Harry.

"It's got hundreds of slippery little ridges and knobs on the inside," said Fred. You put it on your cock and it jerks you off all on it's own. Simple, but very effective. It's called a Slurping Slider. There can't be many teenage boys who wouldn't love to get their hands on one of these."

"I've got 2 spares," said Oliver, getting up and getting two objects off the bed. "Here, you can try it out if you like," he offered what looked like 2 condoms to Harry, "and take the other to Ron."

"Ron?" asked Harry, putting the sliders with his clothes.

"Didn't Fred and George tell you?" asked Oliver. "Ron's gay too. In fact, if you take him one of those, he'll probably want to try it, and some other things, with you. I know I would."

"You would?" Harry turned and looked again at Oliver's impressive penis and began to wonder what it would feel like inside him. "Enchanted toys are all very well, but there are better things, as you know."

Harry paused. Oliver and the twins looked at him quizzically.

" I want you to fuck me'" said Harry bravely, wondering what Oliver's reaction would be.

"Really?" said Oliver.

"And I want George to suck me, and I want to suck Fred!"

"How about you suck me, and Fred sucks you?" said George.

"Well, I've seen you suck, and I know you're good," said Harry.

"Hey, I'm just as good as he is!" said Fred.

"He really is," agreed Oliver. "I have trouble telling them apart."

"Okay," said Harry, "let's just get to it!"

Fred sat on the floor with his back to the bed where Oliver had been. George sat on the bed, one leg on either side of Fred. Harry bent over with his hands on the bed on either side of George. In this position, Harry could suck George, be sucked by Fred, and get fucked, all at the same time.

"Okay, Oliver, said Harry. "Fuck me!"

Oliver didn't need telling twice. He moved round to behind Harry without a word, wrapped his arms around Harry's small chest and began to push his penis up the younger boy's bum. Harry let out a series of sharp gasps as the massive organ slowly penetrated him. It felt bigger than it had looked and felt even better. Every time Harry thought he had been stretched to capacity, Oliver slid a little more in.

Oliver began to gently nibble and lick at Harry's ears and neck as he gradually began to slide in and out, sending ripples of pleasure through Harry's very core. Harry felt something sliding over his penis, and for a moment thought that it was the Slurping Slider, but when he looked down he saw Fred, taking the entire length of Harry's penis into his mouth. Harry closed his eyes and allowed his body to be entirely taken over by pleasure. Sadly the sensation was too intense to last for any great length of time. Before long Oliver's urgent thrusting turned to a prolonged shudder, during which Harry felt the Quidditch captain's seed flow into him. Harry now concentrated on George, who was soon shooting into Harry's mouth. Fred was doing wonders on Harry's cock, and Harry let out sighs of utter contentment as he released his own boy-honey into Fred's willing mouth.

"That was fantastic!" Harry said when he was done.

"Whew!" agreed Oliver. "Harry, that's the best boy ass I've EVER had!"

"And you're a natural cock sucker -- great job!" George chimed in.

"Harry, said Fred, "your cock seemed to grow in my mouth. How big are you when erect? You seemed as big as Oliver --- and he's got 8 inches -- but it's not possible for a boy your age, only 11, to have a cock that size, is it? I know Ron's is only about 5-1/2 inches yet."

"Well, I think ordinarily I'm about 6 inches, give or take a half inch, when I'm jacking off, but I have grown once before when getting blown. Sorry, I should've remembered and told you."

Finally they said goodnight and each boy went back to his own bed, each face visibly glowing with pleasure, contentment and the knowledge that this was only the beginning. And Harry could hardly wait to try the Slurping Sliders with Ron.

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