Hockey Hazing

By Zippy Zamboni

Published on Jul 18, 2003


----------------------------------------------------- University of Vermont Hockey Team Hazing On October 2, the University of Vermont (UVM) Hockey team held its initiation party. A freshman goalie, Corey LaTulippe warned university officials in September about the hazing party before it happened, and despite warnings from the athletic department, the party took place. Shortly after the initiation party, LaTulippe was cut from the team and subsequently filed a lawsuit against the University. In the lawsuit he stated that the new players were forced to drink warm beer and walk around holding each other's genitals. The Attorney General was called in to perform the investigation and the conclusion: the allegations were essentially true and furthermore, the entire team had lied to UVM investigators. In January 2000, the UVM President made a bold move: she canceled the remaining games of the Division I hockey season. -----------------------------------------------------

My Story by Zippy Zamboni

(In part one, the five hockey rookies were forced to run naked thru the woods, get upclose and personal with each other in the bus rest room, and enjoy erection contests. These were just preliminaries, though.)

One of the perpetual stories among horny boys following puberty involves intercourse with sheep, and only a few farm boys know if this is common or not. The story has a kernel of truth, since sheep are seen as gentle and about the right size. The version of the sheep-fucking story I heard said that since sheep could become pregnant with human sperm, sex with sheep was illegal in almost every state.

Any visitor to the Vermont campus saw pens of sheep on the ag campus, and the hilly farms nearby usually had sheep too, so we rookies knew sheep were available to the hazers.

From the first day in the locker room, a few clues were dropped on us concerning sheep, and we saw the veterans whispering together, then looking at us, and bleating `Baaaaa.'

I think all of the rookies had lost their virginity to real girls in high school, including The Tulip who let us know a cheerleader claimed his cherry when he was a freshman at Northfield Mount Hermon prep school. None needed or wanted any part of animal sex, but inside our minds the hazers had us wondering.

After the Northeastern trip, we had a week of practice before Boston Univ. came to Burlington for a scrimmage, and coach Gilligan was pretty hard on the team and unhappy about the three-goal loss. On Thursday, Lander announced that there would be a team meeting after Friday's practice.

Friday's practice was not too long, since we had a game Saturday night. The five rookies were all in the showers when suddenly we each were grabbed by two older guys. They said nothing but Baaaaa', led us to the locker room, lined us up, and put towel blindfolds on us. More sounds of Baaaaa' echoed around the room.

Raise your hand,' said Lander, if you've ever wacked off. Raise your hand if you've ever had a dick up your ass. Raise your hand if you've ever popped a girl's cherry. Raise your hand if you've ever had a four-legged animal,' followed by more `Baaaaa's.

I couldn't tell who raised their hands, but it didn't matter. We were told to `help' our fellow rookies get a boner. I could feel Mark grabbing my limp four inches, so I felt for Ryan's dick. Mark started stroking me, and I did the same to Ryan. I guess Pat held Mark, and Tulip had Pat. I don't know who had Tulip's dick, since he was at the end of the line.

It wasn't easy to get a boner, thinking about what the `Baaaa's' might mean, but soon there were five blindfolded guys with hard dicks and I was now famiiliar with another rookie's dick.

Our locker room was a safe sex area, I guess, and we were each given a condom - not for our own dick but for our neighbor's. Ryan was taken down to put the condom on Tulip's hard one.

`Community service,' said Lander, "is one of our favorite jobs, and we are going to help the sheep farmers of Vermont this season. They have a shortage of new lambs, so you're going to father a new litter. You're going to donate your sperm to help these family farmers.'

`Baaaaa' said the others players. We rookies - still hard and wearing our condoms - were not smiling.

To make the hazing more fun, they said, it would be a contest. Whoever does the job fastest, and proves it by showing a cum-loaded condom, wins. The loser will have all of the cum spread around his pubes and armpits, and can't wash it off until after tomorrow's game.

The sheep came in next, and they were just white inflatables, complete with holes for a mouth and ass. Each rookie was given a plastic sheep, and the screwing began, accompanied by a chorus of `Baaaaa's'.

I held my sheep by it's sides, stuck my dick in the ass, and began rapidly stroking. It felt like I was screwing a plastic bag, and it took a while, but I was the second after Ryan to cum and show a filled condom. My blindfold was removed, and I watched while Pat and The Tulip did their job. Mark was going to be the loser.

Tormey gathered up the five condoms, squeezed the cum onto a table, and used a spoon to spread the milky goo onto Mark's pubes and pits.

Four of the rookies went home satisfied and tired that night. Mark went back to his dorm a little sticky and wet.

On Monday, after we had beaten Boston 5-2, the final team roster for the season was posted. All five rookies had partial scholarships, so all were nearly guaranteed spots. Only two sophomores and a junior transfer were cut.

In the locker room, captain Lander announced an end-of-pre-season hockey `party.' The five rookies were required to attend, and were to each bring two six-packs of Coors (half cold, half warm) and a large bag of chips - and you have to shave your pubes and wear female thong panties to get in. Finger nails and toe nails had to be painted in the school colors. After our running naked, bus trip restroom, and sheep party, we knew they were serious.

Ryan and I lived on the same dorm and he suggested that we shave together, so Tuesday night he came over after my roommate left for the library. He brought a couple Bic razors and a can of shaving cream. After four weeks of hockey and hazing, we weren't shy about our bodies any more, and he said he would shave me first. After putting two towels on my bed, I lay down and he rubbed in a handful of soapy cream. There just seemed to be no way to get a close shave without grabbing my dick, and I said OK.

He'd seen my dick hard before, and his hand triggered my urges. He soon was holding a hard one, but it made shaving easier. As soon as he was finished, he got a wet cloth to wipe off the cream. He grabbed my dick with the cloth, and gave it a couple strokes. If you like that, I'll do it some more more,' he said, and I quickly agreed. You'll have to do me, too,' he said.

He knelt beside the bed, and in about three minutes had me shooting one of my biggest loads ever. `Ever done that before?', I asked, and learned that his Culver Military all-boys prep school team made the rookies stroke-off the upperclassmen at regular parties - so he was an experienced stroker and strokee.

He wiped the milky goo off me, touched up a few missed spots with the razor, and then stripped off his boxers and lay on the bed. He was hard immediately, so I grabbed him and started my best jerk off motion. After a minute, I got some lotion from the bath, since he was so tightly cut, and soon produced a good load, shooting nearly straight up in the air.

He relaxed, and I rubbed the cum around - hoping to be able to shave him without more shaving cream.

The party was at a house in Burlington rented by four players. We were told to enter through an attached garage. After closing the garage door, we had to prove our pubes were shaved.

We went to the basement, where the tiny windows were all covered with newspapers and cardboard. We were told to strip to our thong panties, and pictures were taken. Two veterans, Tormey and Gern, closely inspected our shaving jobs. Of course, they weren't good enough to satisfy Tormey and Gern, and they gave us 50 push-ups. We started, but they said they had some hair remover that would work. The beer which we had brought was going to be a hair remover, and we had to do push-ups so that on every downstroke our dicks would be soaked in a cup of warm beer. After the 50, Tormey and Gern said the hair remover had worked. Unfortunately, they said, they drain was broken so we would have to drink the warm beer. Before they gave us the cups, they mixed them up, so you probably weren't drinking your own beer.

More disgusting stuff was next, and they lined us up and gave Ryan five pieces of bread. He was told to chew one slice up, but not to swallow. It looked a lot like kissing, as he passed a chewed-up piece of bread into each rookies mouth. After Ryan had given all four of us bread, we were allowed to swallow it, washed down by more warm beer. And 50 more push-ups.

The elephant walk is one of the oldest hazing rituals, and I had heard about it from older guys who had joined fraternities. At UVM, it's called the hockey walk and starts with five rookies in a row. They all squat, get close to the man ahead, reach between his legs to grab his penis, and then duck-walk around the room - and even up and down the stairs in our case. In our hockey walk, if the chain is broken, another warm beer must be chugged - and I think there were two more beers downed.

Along bunch of push-ups, jumping jacks, sit-ups, and leg lifts followed, and the warm beer was making a mess of my guts. Soon at least four of the rookies had barfed into the buckets - which were shoved into the others' faces, causing more barfing.

The basement had a crude shower in one corner, and they asked us if we wanted a shower. We hoped that a shower was the end of the `party' so we agreed. The shower was nice, especially when they said we had to show our unity by washing each other - with soap and our hands only. I've never taken a shower with such a crowd, but they all seemed to want to watch as we hand washed each other. They forced us to wash each other's dicks until they were hard, and then we were allowed to dry off and get dressed in our thongs and T-shirts.

Next we had hockey socks put over our heads as blindfolds, and lay on the floor close together. Some romantic music started playing, and we were told that a gay stripper was going to amuse us. I soon felt two hands rubbing my chest and dick, and felt a pair of scissors cut off my thong. The team members were laughing loudly, enjoying the cold beer we had brought, and urging the stripper to make our dicks hard and to suck `em since they had just been washed.

The stripper helped remove my T-shirt, and started licking and kissing my nipples. That did the trick, and I popped a full boner. Then my dick was sucked into an experienced mouth, and I thought it was great, but I was too drunk to ever cum, I thought. After a long suck, and moans of ridicule from the team, the stripper moved on. We later learned that the stripper was a city girl, hired by the team.

Eleven days later, the coach told LaTulippe that he was the fourth-best goalie, and the team would only carry three.

LaTulippe soon dropped out of school. He later played junior hockey in Rochester, New York, in a league designed to prepare players for college hockey. The team finished last with a 7-24-0 record.

Later in Oct., LaTulippe's lawyer wrote to the University president, Judith Ramaley, detailing the hazing.

UVM hired an outside law firm to investigate in November.

On Nov. 8, LaTulippe's lawyer requested a settlement of $350,000.

On Nov. 12, the Burlington Free Press contacted the campus police chief about hazing rumors.

On Nov. 26, coach Gilligan said he had learned that each member of the team had violated team rules against hazing, and each would receive a one-game suspension on a rotating basis. "The boys did something they thought was fine team building, and it ends up blowing up in their faces," said Gilligan.

LaTulippe filed suit Dec. 10, seeking compensatory and punitive damages, and costs. The details first appear in the newspaper.

An upset Governor Howard Dean attended a meeting of the UVMBoard of Trustees Dec. 11, and the school asked the state attorney general to investigate "serious allegations." The players were interviewed under oath in early January.

After learning what the players were saying under oath, University president Judith Ramaley terminated the team's season Jan. 14. The record was 5-9-3.

The team was allowed to continue practicing, retained their scholarships, and returned with records of 14-18-2 in 2000-01, 3-26-2 in 2001-02, and 8-14-2 in 2002-03. Coach Mike Gilligan was replaced after the 2002-03 season. UVM had not had a winning season since 1996-97.

LaTulippe eventually received $80,000 from UVM, and undisclosed amounts from seven or more players. One of the players, Graham Mink, a senior, was later charged with attempted aggravated assault for beating and kicking another UVM student. LaTulippe settled separately with former team captains Matt Sanders and Kevin Karlander, and hazers Ryan Cox, Joe Flammia, Andreas Moborg and Donald Richardson.

In 1994, Corey LaTulippe received the "Jeanne Clery Campus Safety Award" which honors schools and individuals that have done extraordinary things to make college and university students safer. "Corey LaTulippe displayed fortitude to follow his conscience and take a public stand against hazing by the University of Vermont hockey team" said the award.

Stephan LaTulippe, Corey's father, testified at a public hearing urging "legislation that is tough, realistic and frightening to those who would haze." The state of Vermont adopted a law setting a fine of up to $5000 for hazers in 2000. Stephan LaTulippe is a college women's tennis coach, and won 11 state titles as a high school tennis coach.

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