Hockey Fetish

By Johnny Jones

Published on Jan 25, 2023


This story isn't real. All characters in the story are 18-21. Do not read if you are offended or not allowed. It will feature a number of different fetishes related and not related to hockey.

Hockey Fetish – Chapter 7: Rivals

By the end of the weeklong enslavement, Mark had learned to not only accept his bottom position but also love it. All good things had to come to an end though and on his final day, before the Ice Dogs would meet with the Spartans once again for a big rivalry gang, Mark had to return to his team and play for them.

When the Spartans arrived in their bus and entered the building standing there waiting for them already in full hockey uniform was Lucas and Gary. Standing next to them was Mark, who was also wearing his uniform for the Spartans. From such a rough week his face was covered in bruises. It was the first thing Brian Armstrong, the team captain of The Spartans, noticed when he walked in the door to the arena.

Marching over with a fuming expression, he looked at Mark's face closely and the bruises that covered his face before turning towards Gary, who had a silly grin on his face. So angry because of the grin, Brian suddenly lunged towards Gary, jumping into his chest to try to tackle him down to the ground. Wearing his full hockey uniform and skates it was hard for Gary to stand up straight and he fell back into the wall where sticks were lined up neatly, causing them to collapse everywhere. Lying on top of sticks as Brian laid on his chest, Gary just started to laugh instead of fight back.

"I always took you for a bottom, not a top." Gary teased Brian. Brian in return let out a yell and then started to punch Gary in the face. As soon as he did that Mark grabbed Brian to pull him up and back by the shoulders.

"Forget it captain. We can put them in shame for tonight's game." Dusting the salt from the floor off of his suit, Brian looked at Mark with sympathetic eyes.

"I can't let them get away with what they did to you." Brian replied.

"Make another bet with him, and this time win." Nodding his head in agreement, Brian looked over at Gary, who was still down on the ground, laying on the sticks and laughing.

"A new bet... The team captain of the loser in tonight's game becomes the slave of the other team captain for a whole month." Brian felt proud with his idea, cocky enough to know that he would never lose again to The Ice Dogs, not after their humiliating defeat the week before.

"No dice." Gary unexpectedly responded as he got up from the mess of sticks and walked over to Brian to look at him face to face. "Here's a better deal. This is game seven in the playoffs, today one of us is moving on, the other are packing and going home to watch us on television. So the losing team of this game must ALL be the slaves for the other team for one whole month." It took Brian a minute to think about it but he finally agreed with aggression.

"Deal." Sticking out his hand to shake Gary's to solidify the deal, Gary did the unexpected and grabbed Brian's face, squeezing it and giving Brian a big kiss on the lips. Starting to stick his tongue into Brian's mouth before, Brian suddenly resisted by pushing Gary back into the hockey sticks. While falling over Gary started to laugh.

"What the hell was that about?" Brian demanded. "You sick fucker." Gary just laughed again while he rested on the ground.

"Just solidifying the deal for real. Besides you know you liked it." Brian looked at Gary with anger in his face before but knew there was nothing to do. Instead he started to march off to his locker room to shower and then change into his gear. The arena was left in a cold silence

"Do we stand a chance?" Lucas asked Gary, who at the time had his hands down his pants readjusting his jock. Standing up Gary walked over towards Lucas and then looked at Mark.

"I'm not scared of them." Walking off it was Lucas and Mark now alone.

"Help us throw the game." Lucas said to Mark. "You loved the whole week. It was tough at first but now you're an expert. You don't want to give it all up. Imagine servicing us for a whole month." Mark's face was expressionless. "Well?"

"No way. I haven't forgotten about how you betrayed me. Now it's my turn to get back at you for a whole month." Lucas's stunned expression was priceless. Mark walked up to Lucas and reached behind him, grabbing his ass through the hockey pads. "It's my turn how to teach you to serve. I'll see you after the game." Winking, Mark left the room, leaving Lucas there to ponder on his own.

After the players freshened up, showered, and then suited up, the game started. Both teams knowing everything at risk the entire atmosphere was intense and cold. The players were so focused on the game that the speed of the game was quick, almost to quick for the refs to catch up on.

By the end of the third period the score of the game was two all and the game was forced to go into an overtime sudden death period. First goal would be winner of the division in the playoffs and be the masters of the other team for the next month.

The ref blew his whistle to call both players over for the opening face off of the period. Both starred at each other with intent faces to defeat the other one as they leaned over the center ice spot.

"Armstrong. Score on your own net." Gary told Brian.

"What? Fuck you, no way."

"I see it this way. Either I'm your slave and you don't know what to do, or I become your master for a month and show you a world I know you want. More intense bondage then you have ever even dreamed out because it is with me. I saw it in your eyes when I kissed you today. I see it in your eyes right now." Brian wasn't too sure what to say because Gary was absolutely right. He wanted Gary to be pounding his cock hard into his ass all day long. He wanted to be tied up and taken advantage of by Gary. The man had such a presence that stuck out in the room and that charisma could be spend on abusing him. Brian couldn't get it off his mind since changing in the locker room. Even before that. It was why he offered himself to be a slave a week ago when Gary choose Mark instead.

Before Brian even realized the puck was dropped for the face off and Gary swooped it up with his stick, passing it to another player. Brian put his mind back in the game, focusing on where the puck was flying to. When one of the Ice Dogs did a poor pass to another player across the rink Brian saw his chance to steal the puck. Swooping the puck into his stick Brian flew forward past two defensemen, on a breakaway chance to score and win the game. He noticed a weakness in the top corner pocket of the night and raised his stick up to take the shot. Brian couldn't get what Gary said there out of his head though, something wasn't right. He couldn't win this thing; if he did he wouldn't know what to do for a month. It would be things he wished someone would do to him instead. Gary was the man that could do those things.

Instead of taking the shot Brian skated in a 180 motion to be facing the other way, towards his net, and then took a hard slap shot that flew through all the players, straight down towards the other end of the night. Before the goalie even had time to think about what was happening the puck flew threw him at the top left pocket. Brian scored on his own net to loose the game. Everyone on the ice, Gary included, had their jaws dropped, not believing what had just happened.

The audience itself went silent, just as surprised. The large arena was so quiet a knife could cut the silence. Gary broke the silence though by letting out a cheer and throwing his stick in the air. The other players soon joined in and the red light buzzer by the net went off. Soon enough the fans of The Ice Dogs all started to cheer while The Spartans were left speechless.

Brian was the only one who even moved as he made his way into the cheer crowd of Ice Dog players jumping on each other on the ice. Standing in the middle was Gary who Brian skated up to and they faced each other. Both of them took off their helmets to really get a good look at each other.

"This was the only way it could have ended." Then without warning he did what Gary did to him earlier and grabbed his face to kiss him long and hard, even bending over as Gary continued to kiss him. Instead of joining the celebration the two of them exited the ice to go shower together. As soon as they got off the ice in the distance they could see reporters wanting to interview them, causing a commotion. To hide from this the two ducked into the first and closest closet for some time alone.

When Brian and Gary were finished in the closet The Spartans had already surrendered themselves to The Ice Dogs. Holding hands, Brian and Gary walked into the locker room of the Ice Dogs and the first thing Brian saw was one of his team members being fucked hard in the ass while bent over a bench. Because it was his first time and the player was so rough on him he was screaming hard. Walking further into the place most of the Spartan players were bound and being taken advantage of by the Ice Dog players. Eventually Brian was lead to the door of the dungeon. Opening it and going inside Brian seemed to be silent.

"Well?" Gary looked at him intently, expecting more of a shocked expression then what he got.

Brian took his leg padding and dropped them to his feet so he was wearing just the jock and upper hockey equipment. Then looking at Gary he smiled.

"Well where do we start sir?"


That was the story of Hockey Fetish. A few of you asked me to give it a conclusion so I wrote one up, I hope you liked the whole story. I LOVE getting comments from everyone who read this so please comment :) . Maybe I will write another similar story, write me with ideas of things you might like to read.

Thank you for reading this and all the fun comments and suggestions through the whole thing.

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