Hockey Fetish

By Johnny Jones

Published on Jun 5, 2010


Sorry for the long wait (explanation at the end if you really care) but you're reward is double the story as usual. Obviously this story isn't real. All characters in the story are 18-21. Do not read if you are offended or not allowed. It will feature a number of different fetishes related and not related to hockey.

In This Section: Hockey equipment Multiple ass fuck Hockey Abuse Gym Locker Trap Anal sex BDSM Game St. Andrews Cross Fighting Straightjacket Dom serving Sub Whipping Nipple Play Hand Spanking

Hockey Fetish -- Chapter 6: Rebellion

Playing ice hockey without a jock for protection is always hard and painful, but playing ice hockey without any bottom padding, knee padding, pants, AND a jock and just bare legs with a horse cock hanging out was even tougher. The Spartans that Mark practiced with every day were large muscular men not afraid to be rough with each other because it was part of the game, but the Ice Dogs were a far rougher team than the Spartans, and weren't afraid to really toss each other around the rink with as much force as needed to beat the other team. This violent practice was also what made them such a brute team on the ice against other teams.

The team was extra hard on Mark, taking hard shots at him instead of passing it regularly to him, and slashing their stick at his legs when they got the chance. He was elbowed in the face by Brutus and then another time Jim Smith had slashed him with his stick in the chest in order to get the puck. On top of that, Mark hadn't had a true meal in over 15 hours and was really starting to feel the effects of starving. He had no idea if he was going to last an entire week without eating anything and having to go through all the physical activity at the same time.

Finally Mark was given a break from the practice when the team would start to plan their techniques and strategies for the next game. Because Mark was on the opposing team they had to get rid of him. Not having time to put him into full bondage or be that original, Gary brought him to the locker room and shoved him inside of his own locker, closing and locking it until he could get back to release him. Because of the thick equipment he was wearing Mark's shoulders and muscles were squeezed tight against the locker walls and the only light he saw was the little air holes that came from the top around where his eyes were.

Stuck inside of the locker for about ten minutes, Mark started to have a lot of time on his own to think by himself. The most he could think about was how hungry he was, though. About that time he suddenly felt something crunch against his hand as he leaned against one side of the locker. Feeling the object a little more he noticed that the object being crunched was some sort of food, being in Gary's locker, though, he knew he would be in big trouble if he took the food. Still he was starving and was willing to take the punishment - in some ways, perhaps, Mark wanted to take the food knowing he would be punished. Grabbing the food in the wrapper in his hands he squeezed his arm in the tight space and put it towards his mouth, shoving the food inside of the wrapper into his mouth and chewing on the food. It tasted like regular crackers but he was so hungry that he ate the food in a matter of seconds. He could feel it going down his dry throat and into his stomach to feed him. Then taking the wrapper he stretched it out and licked the inside, trying to get any crumbs possible knowing he would get little food in the future. He could bareley move he was so trapped inside of the locker.

After that he dropped the wrapper on the ground and with the little movement he had, with his feet he pushed the wrapper into the back corner of the locker while he waited for the players to arrive to take him out of the trap. While being trapped inside there alone Mark started to think of everything that had happened to him in the past 17 hours. He had been turned into a complete hockey slave and had his ass and hung penis constantly abused. As he thought about everything being done to him he started to stroke his member slowly up and down and before he even realized it he was growing hard. When it started to go hard Mark moved at a quicker pace. For a long time now he wanted to get off and never had the chance to because Gary wouldn't let him, this was finally his chance. Still even though he moved as quick as he could because he was squeezed into such a tight area he could bareley move his hand up and down.

Just as he felt his cock tightening up and getting closer to going off, he suddenly heard a loud voices in the distance laughing and being rowdy with each other. The door to the locker room was opening and the players were pouring in, it seemed as if they were done with the part of the practice Mark wasn't around to see. He quickly got his hand off of his cock and put it by the side of his body as he heard the voices approaching the locker he was in. The locker door was hurled open and Gary stood there looking at Mark in the locker. Mark was forced to squint his eyes again from the bright light of the room. Grabbing him by his jersey collar Gary pulled him out and shut the locker behind him.

"Time for you to come back to practice." Although Mark would have followed Gary towards the ice, Gary still felt it necessarily to grab Mark by the collar and lead him out towards the ice with him. Most of the team members were still pouring into the locker room for their break time to get something to eat. While walking with his bare ass past Devin Yates, Mark felt something - a strong hand hit his ass and a slapping sound was made. Devin and others were looking at him laughing.

Going out to the ice on his skates Mark started to skate around to stretch his legs before Gary got onto the ice and over towards the hockey net on the far end set in place. Going to where Gary was, the team captain had a good look at Mark's half-naked body. Darryl handed Gary pink bondage tape and Gary took Mark's right wrist and started to wrap the tape around it. He dug under Mark's hockey gloves to secure the skin before leading him towards the hockey net and attaching his taped arm with the top on the right side of the net using more tape. Then did the same with the left wrist. Mark had both his wrists bound to the corners of the hockey net with his chest in the open.

Taking Mark's left skate, Gary wrapped tape around Mark's bare leg and taped it to the bottom pole of the net. Gary quickly did the same with the other leg, which forced Mark into a standing up spread eagle position. His horse cock hung so low that he could feel the head of the cock touch the cold ice. Not being able to move a muscle while in that position he was forced to give up on trying to hold himself up in any sort of way and just let himself hang on the net.

When Mark heard the noise of skates on the ice rink he looked over to the other end and could see the players pouring onto the ice for practice. Some of the players noticed the position he was in and started laughing as they skated over towards him while yelling out insults. They called him names such as slut and cum slave while skating around him. After skating around a little they all started to line up around the blue line as Gary stood around them to prepare for the next part of their practice. Dumping a pile of pucks from a bucket on the ice, Gary then pointed to the first one in line, Cameron Snyder, and after giving him instructions that Mark couldn't hear, Cameron grabbed a puck with his stick and started to skate towards Mark.

Unsure of what was going to happen, Mark looked at Cameron skating towards him at a quick speed and suddenly saw Cameron fire a hard wrist shot towards the net he was tied to. Mark closed his eyes expecting pain but then felt the wind from the puck whoosh by his leg and go into the net behind him. Seeing Cameron skate away and then Devin Yates started to do the same. Mark was catching onto the exercize, he was their goalie and although the objective was to work on their shot and miss him, he still knew most wouldn't. When Devin came up and made a shot, he felt a sharp sting on his leg where he was hit. The other players laughed at him as Devin returned to his lineup position.

The next one to come up scared Mark. It was Brutus, and he knew that the guy would miss the net on purpose, with that evil toothless smirk coming from the guy's face. Being an enforcer, Brutus's shot was far less powerful then the other players, but being part of such an advanced team, and being so big, his shot was still strong and quick. When Brutus made the shot Mark could see with his own eyes as the puck hit his cock and made a hard smacking sound. He felt a sharp pain go through his cock and balls. The puck had hit the pierced head hard. Brutus laughed before returning to his position.

Mark continued for a long time to get different shots directed at him. Many hit and bruised him in the arms and legs along with the balls and it seemed like forever until the entire team got two chances to make a shot before they were ordered back into the change room and Mark was left hanging out there on his own. After about 10 minutes of hanging there, Devin Yates came skating out to the rink and stopped in front of Mark.

"Roy says that I am being rewarded for a good practice today." He then untied Mark's hands and legs. Mark was weak from the bruising and hit the ice hard on his knees. Devin wasted no time unzipping his padding and taking his thick cock out of his pants and stroking it to make it hard. As Mark was about to get up Devin kicked his back with his skate which had Mark fall down on his knees again.

"Stay in that position, pup." Mark obeyed, waiting with his bare ass hanging in the air. He didn't want to upset anyone on the team knowing what could happen to him if he did, and even more deep down inside seeing Devin's cock get hard excited him when he thought about where it would be in a minute.

Devin then got down on his knees and put his body overtop of Mark's. There were knees on the ice, padding pressed against padding, helmet hitting helmet, bare muscular legs against bare muscular legs, and a thick cock teasing two ass cheeks. Devin wasted no time in the position before he pushed his dry hard cock into Mark's hole with a sudden thrust. Mark let out a scream, and that made Devin laugh.

"If you think this is painful, wait until you're back in the locker room." Mark shut up he was so scared from that comment. Devin started to pound his ass harder. He went so hard and fast that every time Devin's thighs hit against Mark's ass cheeks, a large smacking sound was heard. Finally, finishing after about 15 minutes, his cum dripping out of Mark's ass, he stood up on his skates and looked down at his finished work.

"Gary wants you in the locker room, you'd better hurry. He wanted you over 20 minutes ago." When Mark heard that, he got onto his feet and quickly skated towards the exit and to their change room, Devin followed close behind to make sure he didn't get lost. When Mark entered the change room, a number of the players were fixing hockey equipment while they were wearing no shirts, or fixing up their locker while only wearing a jock strap. Gary was wearing absolutely nothing, and was looking at the door waiting for Mark to arrive. Mark didn't need orders on what to do next; he started to strip off the hockey gear he was wearing.

Darryl walked in front of Mark while holding a chain in his hands, it was Mark's leash. The leash was attached to the piercings on his balls and on his nipples before Gary took control of the end of the chain and started to pull. Mark walked with him knowing how painful it would be if he didn't walk. It made him wonder the point of a collar around his neck, if the leash would be attached to his balls and nipples, but knew better by this point than to question what Gary did.

He was led to the middle of the shower room into a big open space. Although Gary led him to the area, many others followed close behind to join in on the fun that was about to take place. Darryl walked over with a hose and wasted no time taking the cold end of the hose and shoving it hard into Mark's ass. Mark felt the piece of cold metal and rubber inside of him as Darryl then walked away. Soon he could see the hose start to get stiff and he knew what was about to happen. He braced his body as he felt a strong gush of cold water shove into his asshole and fill up his hole with cold water to the brim before it started to gush out around the hose.

Gary walked over and got on his knees behind Mark with a small ass plug in his hand, pulled out the hose, and then shoved the ass plug hard into Mark's ass before any of the water that filled him could flood out. Mark could feel the plug wanting to burst out of him at any moment and the tension could be seen on his face.

"Don't let that rupture from your ass or you'll have something far more uncomfortable up there." Gary did a friendly laugh and Mark nodded his head to show he understood what his master was telling him. "You have to service every team member in the shower, wherever they wish, and in whatever way they command." Gary then took a step back as Brutus was anxious to be the first one to step up to Mark. He was naked at the time and took his two hands and cupped them under his cock and balls to lift them up.

"Start cleaning pig." Mark got down on his knees and put Brutus's cock and balls into his mouth and started sucking. Other players started to gather close, as well, and Mark took his time on each of them. He sucked and licked whatever hole or cock they wanted him to suck, sometimes even both. The whole time it got harder and harder to hold in the plug as he felt the cold water inside of his ass. He wasn't sure how much longer he could hold it in. While sucking on Jim's cock while squatting over, eventually the plug just popped out of his ass. Shortly after the plug fell to the ground the water in his hole came bursting out. It felt great to finally be free but that great feeling was suddenly broken when he saw a shadow overtake him, it was Gary who was standing with his arms crossed and looking angry at what Mark haddone.

"Please sir, I am sorry." Mark had no idea what his punishment would be for this, but it was clear Gary had been planning it for a long time. Mark knew this from the smirk Gary got on his face whenever he was getting his way and saw another one pleading at his feet for acceptance from him.

"Get on all fours slave." Mark did as he was told right away, and Gary got on his knees behind him. "You will finish your job, but this time with my fist up your ass." Before Mark had time to react, Gary took his hand and shoved a number of fingers up Mark's hole. Mark let out a scream as he felt the four fingers and thumb climb into him and stretch his hole wide, but he stayed in place as Gary shoved his entire hand into Mark's hole and then curled it into a fist while moving it around inside of him. Mark couldn't even let out a scream anymore, just large gasps and moans.

"Who is next?" Gary demanded as the naked players that wanted to be serviced got in line in front of Mark. Soon Mark saw a dick in front of him and went to move his body up, feeling the hand inside behind him. He wasn't close enough to the cock, though, and had to shift his body forward and move with his legs while the fist was up his ass. It was a few feet to get there, and he could feel Gary's fist move with him while he moved forward, like it was intended to be that way. Mark squealed in pain as he moved, but it just seemed to get Gary even more excited about what he was doing.

Mark serviced the rest of the team members before Gary finally took his fist out of Mark's ass and washed it off in the shower. Mark laid on the ground, hardly able to move, while Gary washed himself. He could barely move as his body was being lifted up by the arms by two players. He was brought to the locker room where there were two large pillars holding the roof up. He felt a large black leather muzzle being put around his face and covering his mouth - anything he would try to say or scream would be muffled from the tight muzzle. After that, he felt himself being pulled up from the ground with his back against one of the poles by two players. He felt his arms being pulled around the wide pole, where they met around the back, and were attached by some sort of rope. Shortly after, his feet were attached, too, and the two players that were holding him up let him go. Instead of falling to the ground he felt himself being hung in the air by the ropes through a series of knots and ties.

He felt ropes start to tighten around his chest as it pinned him against the pol. He was tied on a high level, and eventually he was so tethered to the pole, through a series of ropes, that he couldn't move a muscle. On top of that, someone (not being able to move his head down he couldn't see who) started to push something into his hole. It was a vibrator plug that he could feel turned on inside of him. For about five minutes everything was silent as he just heard players changing and their lockers moving, but suddenly he felt Gary's roar, and Mark he was upset about something. He started to hear Gary talk about missing crackers and Mark automatically knew he was in trouble. He was caught for taking the food when he had been stuffed into Gary's locker and tempted.

Mark knew that Gary was below him, although he couldn't look down at the time, but he couldn't say anything but muffles from the large muzzle put on him - like he was some sort of dog. Gary was furious at Mark and called him a number of names before taking Mark's balls that were about eye level with him, and squeezing them hard. Mark let out a wail but it was muffled. Suddenly he heard another voice say something he didn't expect.

"I took your food from your locker." Lucas lied to Gary. "You can't blame me. I couldn't eat anything last night from being tied up and you said we need to keep strong so I took them." Mark didn't understand why Lucas was helping him, but at the same time Gary stopped hurting him, so he felt relieved. Gary on the other hand didn't sound as impressed. Two men came in behind Lucas and grabbed him by the shoulders as Gary lectured him.

"You need to be taught another lesson. I think you are forgetting who is in charge of this team. You never steal from me no matter what the circumstance." Soon enough Lucas noticed he was being tied with his back to another pole that was facing the one Mark was strapped to. Mark could look in Lucas's eyes but say nothing but muffles as he saw how Lucas was put up. Tying his arms around the pole, first to ropes at the back, they then tied ropes to his feet and around his chest all together in a giant knot at the back. He also had a ball muzzle put in his mouth.

Both of them felt their cocks being jerked until they went hard. A thin rope was tied around the ring piercing on Mark's cock and then stretched as the other end of the rope was tied around Lucas's hard shaft at the head. The rope was tight and to prove this Gary pulled on the rope in the center stretching both of their hard cocks and making them force out muffled screams.

"Nice and snug, and you both better stay hard or you'll start to experience a lot of pain." They had no control over their hands or body to be able to keep themselves hard and in a matter of minutes both of them started to become soft and could start to feel the hard pull on their cocks. Mark's horse dick was the largest by far, and so he would be the one that would have to get really hard in order to save them both. After about 15 minutes of waiting, the two of them were both soft and their cocks were being stretched by the rope. They tried to move their bodies forward but they were snug tight against the pole. It was stressful to just sit there and take the pain, while they could do nothing.

Needing to get hard, Mark closed his eyes to try to think of sexual thoughts and get hard again. The first thing he thought of was what he masturbated to before he came here: Girls. He thought about times in the past he had sex with girls and models that he wanted to have sex with in the past. His dick didn't get any harder, though, so he started to think deeper and let his mind loose. When he let his mind loose and just tried to think of sexual thoughts he started to think of the day before when Gary was pounding his ass while he was servicing a hockey player's cock with his mouth who was also being fucked hard at the same time. Mark suddenly snapped out of that reality when he realized just what he was thinking of. He was confused, he shouldn't have been turned on by that, he hated that entire moment, so why did he think of that? It was then he noticed his cock wasn't being pulled on anymore. He could feel that his cock was hard as ever.

Not wanting to go soft again, he knew that he would have to think about this again, for now he had to keep hard to make the pain go away. He went back to letting his mind go free and thought about how he was tied up all last night with a dildo constantly going in and out of his ass, he thought about servicing the assholes and cocks of an entire hockey team, and even what was happening to him right now. It wasn't hard for Lucas to stay hard, he may not have been able to move his head but he could turn his eyes down and see Mark's hard and large cock and he just remained hard. While Mark thought about these things, he also had time to think about how long he had been put into sexual positions, and how badly he wanted to bust a nut. Gary wouldn't let him cum, though, he seemed to have strict control over that, and probably wouldn't ever let him get off.

They stayed in that position for over two hours and most of the others had left the locker room, including Gary. It was difficult for Mark to remain erect but when he closed his eyes and thought about these thoughts he seemed to have no problem. Finally when he was starting to feel a bit of a pull, it suddenly stopped, and he could feel the rope attached to Lucas's cock fall to the ground. Although he couldn't see why, he could hear Lucas being brought to the ground as a few players talked to him, including Jim Smith.

"He has gone too far," Jim pointed out. "We need to overthrow him now, Sir."

"We have no choice now that you have let me down." Lucas responded, obviously no longer wearing the ball gag. "To take Gary down we have to take out Brutus at the same time. He will be the difficult one."

As the four players were talking they suddenly heard a noise behind them. Lucas turned around to see Darryl spying on them behind a locker.

"Get him now." Two of the players ran over to Darryl and grabbed him by his arms and legs, carrying him so he couldn't move. They carried him over to Lucas.

"You know, you aren't going to get away with this, Lucas." Darryl told him. Lucas had his arms crossed on his bare chest and laughed. "We'll see about that. Hogtie his arms and legs behind his back and put this ball gag on him. Throw him into the storage closet where we'll put Brutus and Gary when they arrive." The ball gag quickly went in his mouth and around his head as Darryl started to yell. He was quickly tied up naked, his arms and legs tied behind his back, and he was unable to move. He was put into the equipment storage room in the dark and the door closed behind him.

As Lucas, Jim, and the two other players started to prepare for their action of taking down the other leaders of the team, they walked by Mark who let out muffles to get Lucas's attention. Lucas looked up at him and thought for a second before looking over at Jim.

"Let him down." As Mark was being untied Lucas talked to Mark to give him instructions. "I am letting you down, but realize that you are still the team's slave, and that I am now in charge. You follow my every order." Mark nodded his head, glad to just be put down. Eventually he felt his legs go free and then his arms. He fell to the ground roughly, but dusted himself off and then looked up at Lucas.

"Thank you friend." It seemed that Mark was starting to forgive Lucas. Lucas in return held out the chain leash and put it on Mark's nipples and cock ring. He led him over towards a locker area where his leash was attached to a ring there. "You wait here until we're finished." Mark could have taken out the vibrator still on inside of his ass, but choose to keep it in.

They came up with a plan to overthrow Gary while they had wait time. One of the players, fully dressed, would wait outside for one of them to arrive - they noticed that the two of them were at different places and would hopefully come back at different times. Inside, the other three players would jump either Gary or Brutus as soon as he entered the room with ropes and other gear. After about a half hour of prep, Jim, who was on guard at the time, came running into the room.

"Brutus is here with a couple of friends."

"Who else?" Lucas asked.

"Devin Yates for one. He won't be happy about what he sees."

"He'll be too scared if we take out Brutus, though. Trust me." The four of them then lined up behind the opening of the double doors into the change room. Three of them had ropes in their hands while Lucas carried a cloth full of chloroform.

Brutus came charging through the doors by swinging them open and laughing.

"Ah ya two sthaves—" Brutus cut his own speech off when he noticed where there should have been two slaves tethered high to a pole were missing. He barely had time to react before Lucas jumped on Brutus's back from behind and covered his face with the cloth. Brutus fell asleep in a second, collapsing backwards, and Lucas jumped back onto the ground. Devin and the other hockey player started to panic and Lucas spoke up to calm them down.

"You have a choice here, fight us or stay out of this mess. This doesn't involve you, Yates." Yates put his hands in the air to show surrender right away. He wasn't a dominator, he just wanted to play hockey and be horny like any teenager his age.

"I'm out. Perhaps I should go practice... without my skates or equipment."

"Yes." Lucas agreed. "And avoid Gary if you see him. Trust me, we'll find out." One of the other players then spoke up.

"Yes, practice without equipment when Gary isn't around." The two of them left the doors and Lucas looked down at Brutus asleep on the ground.

"Bind him to the St. Andrews Cross in the dungeon." Two players went to grab him by the arms and drag him. He was so heavy, though, that they could barely move him. Lucas and Jim had to help them out by pulling on his heavy body as well. It was hard dragging him so far, but it was even more difficult to lift his body up on the cross. It took a lot longer then expected. They stripped him of his clothes, as well, and put a gag on him so he couldn't yell. Before he woke up, they managed to get him strapped onto the Cross naked and when he woke up the most he could do was make an angry face as they teased and laughed at him.

The laughing didn't last long as they suddenly heard a voice; somebody was in the change room. It was Gary's voice. When Gary had walked into the room, he noticed that his two slaves were missing from their position. He also knew that if they were missing it probably meant they were waiting to jump him. Lucas turned back to the three of them who were fearful of being caught by Gary.

"Wait here." Lucas quickly left the dungeon door room, but did it quietly, as he sneaked into the locker room area. As he did that, he suddenly heard music being played on the stereo system and speakers overhead. It was the song Gimme Shelter by The Rolling Stones. As Lucas walked around the locker room, he noticed a hockey stick that somebody left on a bench. He picked it up as a weapon. The music was blaring and he couldn't hear where Gary was, so he kept a low profile himself. There were rows and rows of lockers along with the showers so he knew Gary could be anywhere. While walking around the room he listened to the lyrics carefully as a high-pitched woman squealed the lyrics. "RAPE MURDER, IT'S JUST A SHOT AWAY, IT'S JUST A SHOT AWAY."

While Lucas was going row to row, the song started to change. This time it changed to an Aerosmith song called Living On the Edge. The lyrics were almost distracting because it fit so well to the situation going on as Lucas tried to hunt down his team captain with a weapon. "You can't help yourself from falling, you can't help yourself at all. You can't stop yourself from falling."

Seeing Mark still tied up by a leash to his position, Lucas quickly ran over to Mark.

"Have you seen him?"

"Yes, he's creeping around this locker room, he knows you're trying to overthrow him and looking for you."

"Where did he go last?"

"To the left, but it was a while back."

"Thanks buddy, I owe you one."

"I know." Lucas then started to crouch-walk again as he went through row after row of lockers. While in between two rows of lockers, as the song faded out and the new song started to fade in, he noticed a shadow, the shadow was coming from above him. Looking up Lucas found Gary standing at the top of the lockers looking down at Lucas. Gary at the time was wearing only a jockstrap. He was holding a hockey stick and about to attack. Locking eyes, the two got into position. The song being played suddenly got upbeat; it was Gimme Gimme Gimme by Abba. At that moment Gary jumped down from the lockers towards Lucas while slashing his stick at Lucas's face.

Lucas blocked the slash by holding his own stick out with two hands, and a loud clank was heard. Lucas made a jump back before Gary could take another swing at him. He backed up until he was in the middle of the locker room where there was a large open space with benches. Devin and his friends started to gather at one corner while Jim and the two other players exited the dungeon to look from the other side, circling the fight, but still keeping their distance, knowing hockey sticks were being used as weapons.

"What do you think you're doing Swift?" Gary demanded to know.

"The players are tired of you as captain, call this a mutiny."

"Bring it on." Gary said while with one hand taunting Lucas by moving his fingers back and forth towards his palm as if directing him to come forward. Lucas wasted no time running at Gary as both held their sticks in front of them with two hands. The two met, crossing their sticks, and stopping each other. It became a strength contest as the two pushed against each other with their faces glaring at each other. Gary suddenly pushed his head back and then swung it forward to bash his skull with Lucas's. In pain Lucas flinched back and Gary went to make his move by running forward and slashing his stick at Lucas.

Seeing Gary just in time, he held out his stick sideways to block the incoming stick. Gary slashed it so hard that the stick broke into two pieces. Thinking quickly before Gary could slash him again, Lucas held out the two short sticks he now had in an x to hold back the incoming stick once again. He then ran towards Gary and took one of the sticks, swiping it suddenly towards Gary's knees and tripping him onto the ground. Gary fell hard to the ground, on his back, and dropped his stick in the process.

Finding little use from his two broken sticks he threw them aside and quickly jumped on top of Gary's stomach. Gary tried to get up but Lucas grabbed a hold of his hands with his own hands and pinned them hard down onto the ground. Lucas's open dick sat on top of Gary's bare chest as they wrestled with each other. Rolling his body, Gary managed to break free of Lucas's hold and then two wrapped their arms around each other, rolling on the cold wet ground naked together. Lucas was quick and he managed to turn his body around to Gary's back so he had his arms wrapped around the front of Gary. Taking his arms he started to put one arm around Gary's neck in a choker hold. He moved quickly when Gary tried to break free of the hold, and used his other free arm as a lever for a stronger hold against Gary. In a matter of 10 seconds Gary fell asleep. Lucas quickly looked up at the silenced and shocked hockey players. He had won! No one had expected that. What would happen now?

"Get me the straight jacket, right away!" He looked up at Jim who ran off to get the straight jacket from the equipment room. Gary moaned as he started to wake up and Lucas then went back to holding Gary in a choker hold to put him back asleep again. Soon enough, Jim returned with a white straight jacket and together the two of them swiftly pulled Gary into the arms, doing up the belt straps on Gary's back to prevent escape. Lucas then picked Gary up and laid his back out on the table, his dick flopping in the air. At that time Gary started to wake up again and Lucas stood on the table keeping a foot on Gary's bound body to keep him down. The other players started to gather around them to observe.

"This is a revolution. Gary Roy is no longer team captain. I, Lucas Swift, am now the Master of this team!" As he shouted out the last part a moan could be heard from Gary who was still trying to wake up.

"This isn't over." Gary pointed out. Lucas needed to make a point to try to show how much control he had.

"Jim, get me the vibrating dildo."

"Which one?"

"The largest one we have." He kept his foot hard on Gary so he couldn't move but lowered his back down to whisper into Gary's ear. "I am about to end it, doing everything you taught me." Quickly, Jim returned with a large white dildo and turned it on to make it start vibrating and handed it to Lucas. Gary started to panic.

"Don't you dare put anything up there or you will regret it quickly." Lucas ignored his warning as he took the dildo and lathered it up with lube, and then shoved it quickly into Gary's ass. Gary let out a moan as it was put into his ass and could feel the hard vibration. At the same time, Lucas started to stroke Gary's cock to get it hard. Gary's head was being forced to move by one player as Jim started to put a wired, ring-gag over his mouth, forcing his jaw open. When it was strapped to Gary's face, Jim then forced his hard cock into Gary's mouth to suck on with his tongue, and gag on when it reached his throat.

Lucas shifted his own body so he was squatting with his legs so far down that his ass was touching the tip of Gary's hard cock. With his hands he was putting the cock into place so he could get fucked by Gary.

"This is what a dominating bottom is." He then squatted himself so low that Gary's hard cock entered into Lucas's ass. Lucas then started to move his ass up and down so he could force Gary to fuck him. Lucas moaned, his own hard dick bobbing up and down at the same time. Finally, Gary couldn't hold himself and he cummed right into Lucas's ass. Lucas held his ass in a firm position when he felt the warm liquid enter inside of him. Standing up again Lucas started to give orders to different team members as to what to do.

"Bind his feet together then bring him to the dungeon." Gary's feet were cuffed together and then one player lifted his shoulders while the other player lifted his legs to carry him over towards the door to the dungeon. When they got in, Lucas ordered him to be carried over to where the rope with a hook dangled from the ceiling. With a crank by the side of the room, Lucas walked over to it and lowered the hook from the rope by turning the crank. More rope came off of a spool until it hit the ground beside where Gary was laid. Lucas attached the hook to the straight-jacket belt, and then went back to the crank and lifted the rope up so Gary's body was moved up - eventually he was dangling two meters in the air.

The entire time this was going on Brutus was still tied to the St. Andrew's cross and looking on. He tried to yell but only muffles came out. Jim saw this and remembered being in a similar position before, and what Brutus did to him, and the tortured laugh. This time he walked over and looked at the naked bound Brutus, laughing.

"It seems the tides have turned, slave." Walking over towards the wall full of different paddles and torture devices, Jim pulled out a whip with multiple leather straps dangling off the end, and put his hands through the straps to scare Brutus a little more. "It's time to show you who's in charge." Pulling his arm back like a bat, he then flung the whip forward and the leather smacked Brutus's chest hard. Brutus tried to let out a yell, but was unable to with the ball gag in his mouth. Jim whipped him again but this time even harder across his abs. A red mark was left after that whip that would turn into a bruise later.

Jim took his hand and started to stroke Brutus's cock to make it hard.

"Let's have some fun with this now." Brutus shook his head and gave Jim a pleading look, begging with his eyes not to be hurt there, but this just egged Jim on more. He swung the whip back and forward as hard as he could. A big piercing sound was heard as the whip came against Brutus's cock. Jim gave no time for mercy, though, as he swung his arm back again and continued to whip Brutus down under, trying to teach him a lesson. While this was going on, Lucas and the others in the room started to watch and stroke their cocks. Gary dangled from the air and slowly turned around as he saw his main soldier be beaten badly and he couldn't do anything while in the straight jacket.

After a while Jim stopped the whipping and held Brutus's red cock and balls in his hands to examine them closely.

"We will have some more fun later." He then squeezed the balls tight before turning back to Lucas who seemed anxious to get outside. Once Lucas was out there he could start acting as the new team leader, so they didn't want to waste time in here. The four of them quickly exited the dungeon and shut the door behind them. Back in the change room again where the players were starting to gather around waiting to hear what was next, Lucas stated to jerk his cock as a smile crept up on his face.

"I am the new leader and to show your respect to me, get in a line."

Back in the dungeon Gary simply wasn't going to hang there and let them take over though. As soon as they left the room he started to work on his escape. First he looked up to see that he was on a hook. Swinging his body left and right he started to sway higher and higher as he gave himself a stronger push each time. Eventually he went so high that the hook lost it's grab on the belt it was holding onto, and unable to control his feet or hands, Gary fell to the ground, hard, on his back. Now on the ground, Gary started to work on the straight jacket that held him tightly. To escape from this, Gary knew he had to start with part that bound his two arms tightly together. He started to move his shoulders up and down at the top when he noticed how tightly they had tied him in. They didn't want him to escape. Taking his shoulder in front of him and running against the wall hard he dislocated his shoulder and a bone popped forward. Now with the dislocated shoulder he had room to squirm out of the top part of the straight jacket. As soon as the first belt became undone at the top, he could put his hands behind his head, and from that position, he undid the second belt. By this point, the jacket was so loose that he put his arms around the front of his body again and squiggled out of the jacket as it fell to the ground. With his arms now free, but his legs handcuffed, he ran over towards one wall of the dungeon and grabbed a steel lock box. It wasn't the contents inside he needed but instead the hard box itself as he banged it hard against the cuffs as it rested against the ground.

Eventually over time Gary broke free of the cuffs and popped his dislocated shoulder back in as well. He also took the vibrator out of his ass and threw it across the room, angry at what had happened. The vibrator hit the wall and broke into a series of pieces. Now completely free, and naked, he started to storm out of the room when suddenly he heard some sort of muffle. Looking to his left he noticed that Brutus was hanging on the cross; he had forgotten about him. Gary was half tempted to leave him there for being foolish enough to get caught, but knew he needed all the help he could get right now. Gary undid the cuffs that bound Brutus to the cross and then Brutus quickly took the ball gag off of his own face.

"Le's fuck `em up." Brutus was furious and about to kick some ass. When Gary saw that emotion from him, Gary started to laugh.

By the time Gary had escaped and got Brutus, almost a half hour had passed. When Gary exited the room, nobody was even watching the dungeon. Most of the others seemed to be in some sort of lineup. Following the line, but keeping his and Brutus's presence silent, led them to the showers where Lucas was sitting in a chair with his legs spread open as one of the players was servicing his member. He had his eyes closed in pleasure at the time, so he didn't even see Gary walk up to him with Brutus behind. Finally Gary spoke up and it made Lucas jump in surprise.

"I told you this isn't over." Gary then got into a fighting position, ready to take Lucas on again. Jim, who was by Lucas's side, started to run up to Gary but Brutus quickly ran up to Jim and punched him hard in the face. Jim was knocked out cold on the floor in a second. "And you're on your own now."

"Bring it." Lucas started to walk towards Gary ready to fight him once again. Suddenly both Gary and Lucas felt someone from behind grab their arms and hold them back. It was Gage and Cameron. Cameron started to shout to overpower anything they might try to yell.

"What the hell is wrong with all of you?" Cameron was furious. "We are tired of this shit. We're meant to be a team working together, not fighting each other."

"I can't take his tyranny anymore" Lucas protested. "I am rising up."

"No team leader acts like you are. You still have a lot to learn before you are anywhere close to a leader."

"That's right," Gary agreed, happy to have the two strongest players on the team on his side. As he said that, though, a furious Gabe, who was holding Gary back by the arms, suddenly tossed Gary hard on the ground.

"And what the hell is wrong with you these days?" Gabe demanded to know, now taking command. "All that matters to you is who to force fuck, new ways to take advantage of others. Your job as team captain is to bring to the team together and you are doing opposite. You are getting the rookies to plan against you, that says a lot about what a weak leader you are." Gary sighed, but he knew what Gage was saying was true. Standing up after getting knocked down, he walked over to Lucas.

"He's right. We need to work out a solution so we can work together, not against each other, or we'll never win another game." He looked at Lucas who nodded his head agreeing.

"We never wanted to rebel against you. Can you forgive us?" Lucas pleaded.

"Yes, but don't ever try to take advantage of me again. Remember that I am in charge."

"Always" Gary and Lucas both nodded their heads.

"I will make you the assistant captain. You still have to follow every one of my orders but at least you have some control over the team now, like you want." Gary was nervous saying that but he knew it was the right move to make here so everyone would be happy.

"Really sir? I don't know if I am ready." To help calm Lucas down, Gary didn't say anything, but instead went in behind Lucas and started to massage his shoulders. His naked body pressed against Lucas's back and his cock went hard as he rubbed it against Lucas's leg.

"I think you are ready. I need to teach you some things, though. Such as training." Gary focused his attention on Mark, who was watching from a distance, still tied up by the leash, wondering what was going on, as he could barely hear or see anything but commotion. "He's broken, now we need to train him to be the perfect slave so he'll stay with us forever."

"I'd like that." Lucas agreed. "Teach me how to train him, Sir." They both smirked as Gary continued to rub his naked body against Lucas's.

"Let's have a little makeup sex first."

Everything was merry again between the players, it seemed. Darryl was unbound in the equipment room, when somebody finally remembered he had been put there alone, and someone had bought a 60 of vodka along with a two-four of beer to share between the team. There was a lot of drinking going on in that room, and with that, the clothes quickly came off.

One player, named Percy West, during the celebration felt alone. His head felt heavy from how much he had drunk, but now most of his friends had found a buddy and wouldn't let him tag team. When he looked over at the showers he saw Lucas and Gary were still going at each other and then looking to the locker rooms, he noticed the hockey slave Mark was sitting on a bench looking bored. He was still tied up by his leash that attached to his nipples and cock piercing.

Percy West was a twenty-year-old hot hockey player with long brown hair that went half way down his neck and he had a very hairy chest. He had a heavier stomach compared to most of the other players on the team, which made him a young cub in the bear club. The only place he was shaved was his balls, like the rest of the team. He also had a beard going, although he was still young and starting to evolve.

When he walked up to Mark, who was looking at him confused, he pulled on the chain attaching Mark's nipple piercing hard, causing Mark's nipples to stretch.

"Mmm, you seem all alone here. I thought I'd pay a little visit." Mark still said nothing as he took in the pain of the nipples by breathing hard. Thinking he was being ignored, Percy suddenly smacked Mark's ass hard. Mark jumped up, startled. "Get on the bench and bend your ass over." Mark did as he was told as Percy walked up to a hockey stick lying on the ground. The end of the stick had a large amount of rough hockey tape taped around it, including a ball at the very end of it. Taking that end of the stick, Percy directed it towards Mark's ass and rammed it hard inside Mark. Mark let out a yell as he felt the stick inside of him.

Mark's yell was cut short, though, when Devin walked by and heard him scream and saw what was going on. He sat on the bench, his legs on the ground and his cock near Mark's face. Grabbing Mark's ears he forced Mark down onto his cock and forced him to suck it. Already experienced, Mark opened his mouth and started to suck on it quickly. At the same time, he could feel Percy taking the stick and ramming it harder in his ass before moving it out a few inches and back in repetitively to penetrate him with the hockey stick. When Devin finished, blowing his load all over Mark's face Percy took the stick out and Mark felt relieved. That relief was only for a few seconds though as he suddenly felt a thick cock stick into his ass, it was Percy's.

At the same time, Jim was alone. He had just had sex with one of his friends and was looking to drink a little more. He cheered as he saw the slave being taken advantage of, like he should have been before, and walked over to the large bottle of vodka to drink a little more. As he walked forward, though, a hand suddenly grabbed him from behind a locker and pulled him back. Before he knew it, a very drunk Brutus was smiling, with half his teeth missing, while looking at Jim's naked body. He was naked himself, and it seemed like he was ready to have some fun.

"Tho you think tha ti'es have tuned eh?"

Jim knew what was coming; Brutus was getting revenge on him for what Jim did to him in the dungeon. Brutus wasn't used to being taken advantage of, though, and Jim had done that today. He knew that whatever he had done to Brutus, he would get much worse in return.

"Brutus... uh things are cool now remember? Lucas and Gary worked everything out." Jim hoped he could calm the guy down, although he knew, in the end, he stood no chance against this giant.

"They worked it out, but we hafen't." Brutus put one arm around Jim's chest to give him a bear hug and lift him up like he was nothing. Jim tried to squirm, but he wasn't successful as Brutus carried him over towards a free bench and sat down with Jim in his lap, still holding him tightly. With his free hand, Brutus grabbed a hair on a small patch of hair starting to grow on Jim's chest, and pulled it out. Jim tried to squirm away but Brutus had too strong of a grab. Once again Brutus grabbed another growing hair with his fingers and yanked it out hard. This time knowing he couldn't escape, Jim let out a groan. Brutus pulled out a large batch of hair on his growing chest before finally stopping.

The relief for Jim didn't stop, though, because Brutus wasn't letting go and was showing he wasn't close to finished. When Jim struggled again, Brutus punched him hard in the side of the arms to take down his energy. Still knowing he was in Brutus's hold, and being taken advantage of, he couldn't help but be hard the entire time. This just encouraged Brutus more, who took Jim's body and suddenly flipped it around. He put Jim's chest on his knees, and Jim's knees were resting on the ground with his ass in the air.

Lifting his hand high, Brutus wasted no time and smacked it hard on Jim's ass. Jim jumped, startled from the pain, but remained in that position. Brutus started moving at a fast pace, consistently, and quickly smacking Jim's ass. Jim let out a cry, but nobody was listening to him, but Brutus was encouraged by the cries and hit him harder. Brutus then took his finger and felt Jim's soft bottom that was now red with hand marks. Taking his finger he started to slowly shove it into Jim's hole and move it around, slowly probing Jim's prostate.

In return, Jim stopped struggling and started to enjoy the moment, moaning softly to himself. Brutus then started to talk to Jim.

"Now tha' I am not athithtant I need sthomting elthe. You are now my sthlave." Jim didn't object as Brutus now called him his slave. Instead he looked up to his new master and nodded his head.

"Yes sir." Jim didn't understand what he was agreeing to. Sure, in the past he had been dominated like the night before when he was tied up by the rope, but he had never been owned. Now he had a master that he had to follow.

Brutus took Jim, who was still on his lap, and easily picked him up, with his hot muscular body, by the legs and shoulders like he was some sort of child. Knowing his place, Jim leaned his head over and started to suck on and lightly bite Brutus's nipple. Brutus carried Jim over to the dungeon and the both of them walked inside for more bondage fun where all the toys were.

At the same time Lucas and Gary were finished having sex with each other. They walked past Brutus and Jim, ignoring them, and then walked over to Mark. By this time Percy and Devin were having sex with each other on the bench and no longer paying attention to Mark. Instead, he sat on the bench while looking down, when the light around him was surrounded by a shadow. The naked Lucas and Gary stood there with their arms crossed when he looked up to see them.

"It is time for your training ass pirate."

Sorry for the long wait but I hoped it was a fair enough reward. Got two new jobs AND after I finished writing this long story my hard drive crashed and had to take it in to get this story back. I LOVE ALL YOUR COMMENTS AND SUGGESTIONS SO FAR, please send more to Your comments and suggestions are my muse and will make me write stories quicker. I realize that there are a couple of you that had suggestions at the beginning (ex. Tattoos, Spartans) I haven't done but do not worry, they will come at the right time. Also add to msn with the same addy if you want to talk or rp (another way to get great ideas). No I have no other stories written but have a few ideas floating around in my head. For now though I am focusing on this.

Next: Chapter 7

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