Hockey Fetish

By Johnny Jones

Published on May 13, 2010


Obviously this story isn't real. All characters in the story are 18-21. Do not read if you are offended or not allowed. It will feature a number of different fetishes related and not related to hockey. A lot of extreme practices are preformed in this chapter not recommended in real life.

In This Section: Group showering Virgin anal sex (no lube, no condom) Servicing both ends Double Penetration Romantic Couple Hidden Blackmail Surprise Fisting Shitting Deck Brush Choking Nipple Piercing Prince Albert Neck collar

Hockey Fetish -- Chapter 4: Ass Penetration

If Gary was going to pop the new slave's cherry, he couldn't have him completely covered in piss and sweat as he was right now. He needed a clean fuck to keep himself in top hygiene. After being constantly abused, betrayed by his best friend, and tamed, Mark was out of energy to put up any sort of fight. Also he knew resisting was just going to get him in an even worse situation with Gary whom he feared more then anything else in his life right now.

Gary had Mark's cuffs taken off of him so he could finally step out of the urinal. When he stepped out he was still dripping from Lucas's urine, among many others, and was soaked with a foul smell. Two of the players, wearing no clothes, led him towards the showers. His large erect cock was covered in a mixture of piss, shaving cream, and shaved pubic hair from his adventure before the urinal. All of that had to be washed off.

Led to the shower, one of the hockey players turned on the shower to full power and a blast of cold water came flying out at Mark. Mark let out a yell from the sudden jolt of cold that went through his body.

"Slaves do not deserve the comfort of warm water so you will always bathe in cold water this week. Get use to it." Then walking up to Mark with a bar of soap in one of his hands, Gary crept in behind him. Gary's arms then wrapped around Mark's chest and his hard cock pressed against Mark's ass cheeks to get him into the mood. With the hand holding the soap, Gary started to cover Mark's body in the soap, viciously scrubbing him as good as possible to make sure he was clean. He lifted Mark's large cock up and scrubbed under the new shaved area along with Mark's ass and legs. Gary made sure to get every single detail and at one point even took the soap and shoved it a little into Gary's hole. Not too far, though, just enough so it was in a little to clean out that area well. He also used his hands a lot to clean off the soap in different places. The way he rubbed his hot body in the shower against Mark's made Mark have a massive erection.

Teammates watched from a distance stroking their cocks at the hot action. Two of the hockey players even started to mimic Gary and soap each other's hot bodies down so they could feel the pleasure as well. The difference was that their soapy shower turned into one guy sucking on the other's cock, and then another one came in from behind and sucked on the guy's ass, licking it clean even though Mark had already done that. Gary eventually stopped, turned off the cold water, and left Mark there to shiver, naked. Gary came up behind him again to embrace him, and squeezed his left ass cheek with his hand, feeling the firm bubble butt.

"Mmm, I know exactly what I was thinking back when you were with your Spartans and why I chose you. It may hurt at first but by the end of the week it'll feel phenomenal." Putting his arm around Mark, the first friendly gesture to the guy since he had been here, he lead Mark out of the shower room while they were both still dripping wet. He led him to the same bench by the locker where Mark gave his first blowjob to Gary just hours before. At this point he wanted Mark to be relaxed; it would be a lot easier for both of them; in the end it was, which was why Gary was being nice for a change.

"Please don't take my virginity Sir, I'm not gay."

"Nah, I'm gonna take it. And it's my duty to make you want to serve me. What you say and your sexual orientation makes no difference to me. Now I need you to get on your knees on the bench."

"Please, this isn't the right place, Sir."

"It is the perfect place, trust me. Besides I'd hate to have to force you on your first time and then punish you after for resisting. It will just be easier for both of us if you get on your knees like I just commanded." Gary still had his arms around Mark who had a sad and scared look on his face. Still Mark was starting to submit knowing there was no other way, so he got down on his knees on the bench doggy style. Gary then got his muscular naked body on the bench as well, and leaned his chest over Mark's back, pressing the muscles against each other. His hard cock pressing against Mark's strapping hockey legs. Gary then whispered into Mark's ear. "I am not going to use any lube, I want your first time to be as tough as ever, but I will give you this advice. The less you fight it the more you will enjoy it." Mark cringed as he heard the advice; it just made him more nervous in the end.

Slithering his skin against Mark's skin as he crept up to the back of Mark, Gary took a good look at Mark's ass by putting his hands on Mark's two cheeks and spreading them apart. His hole was very tight, but he didn't even plan on using a finger to loosen it up first. The tightness was what he wanted, what he wanted to fight.

Taking his cock, Gary positioned himself straight up so his erect cock was facing the hole. When it was fully erect his cock was nine inches long. He planned on using no lube, no condom, just his bare cock ripping apart this virgin hole. Positioning the head of his thick cock with his hands, Gary directed it towards Mark's hole and pressed against Mark to try to force the head in. Mark was already letting out a scream of pain as the head slowly entered into his hole, and he squeezed tightly. The sounds behind made others aware what was going on and all the players were starting to gather around and watch. At the very front were Darryl, Devin, and Lucas who were stroking their cocks slowly, watching intently, and clearly wishing that they were going to be in the same situation some time soon.

Gary took a second for Mark to breathe before he started to force himself further into his hole, this time a bit of the shaft slipping into it. Mark could only feel a pain, like his hole was on fire, as a bit of shit started to leak out while he loosened up. The feeling of loosening up was too much for Mark and so Mark thrust his body forward which took Gary's cock out of him.

"I can't do it, you're just too thick and I am just too tight. I'm sorry sir."

"Did I give you permission to escape? Hold him still." Brutus, Devin, and a number of other players then held him tightly in the doggy position so he couldn't move from the doggy style this time. Gary was less slow this time, shoving his head hard into Mark as Mark let out a louder scream that Gary ignored. Gary then continued to move his hard penis into Mark, his thick, long shaft slowly moved inwards. Gary kept pushing and although Mark tried to struggle, he knew he was locked into position as he felt a hot burning rod enter into his ass. One eager muscular player walked up to the front of Gary and showed him his hard cock to suck on. "Not yet, Ryan! But soon. I want him to remember this first."

Gary eventually pushed his entire cock into Mark's ass as Mark yelled from the sharp pain inside of him. His stomach felt funny, and up and down his legs he had a sharp feeling he never felt before. Still his cock remained erect, which just proved how much he was enjoying the pain. Keeping himself in that locked position for a minute, Gary's hands moved across Mark's thin muscular chest to feel his muscles and massage his body. Then Gary started to pull out a little bit, slowly a few inches, before he moved back in again. He continued to do this process as he loosened the virgin up more and he had more maneuverability. With each trust in and out he picked up speed. It hurt Mark the more he picked up in speed, but Mark discovered that screaming wasn't going to get him anywhere and instead he just cringed when he couldn't bear the pain. Mark tried as little as possible to fight it, knowing that the sooner that Gary cummed inside of him the sooner it would be over for him.

Soon Mark's cringing was starting to turn into moans and pants as he started to get used to the feeling. As Gary heard this, he started to pick up speed, feeling the tight hole rub against his thick hard cock. The agony was almost unbearable for Mark when the speed picked up, but Mark started to get into it when he started to shake his ass an inch back and forth, the most he could move his body while being held down, which made Gary pick up on his speed.

"Yeah, take it like the slut you are." Gary exclaimed as he continued to pick up speed and get more into it. He was use to doing his fucking on non-virgins with loose holes where he could pound as hard as he wanted, so as he got more into it he was starting to forget who he was fucking and moved closer to the quick speed he usually moved at. From the tight tension, Gary didn't realize that he was going to get off quickly, and suddenly he felt a sensation going up his spine as his cock tickled and he ejaculated into Mark's ass. As he let himself off he rammed hard into Mark, pushing his eight inch cock in all the way and leaving it there - so much sperm came out of him that eventually it started to leak out of Mark's ass. While Mark let out a cry of pain, Gary let out a load moan of pleasure while feeling his juices exit onto Mark's prostate. Mark thought Gary would go limp from this and take his cock out, but that was far from the truth. Instead Gary remained hard in that position, his cock fully rammed into Mark while looking over at his teammates.

Gary then looked over at one hockey player who was currently stroking his cock and watching. His name was Gage Petronzi, one of the star scoring right wing players on the team. His abs were solid and his arms were thick like an American football player. He also cared a lot about fashion and had short, spiked, fashionable, black hair and an all- around well-tanned body. Gage was popular with all the girls and pretended to be interested in them while in the public, but never enjoyed having sex with them. What he really desired was the other hot members of his hockey team.

"Gage, for scoring tonight I want you to be rewarded. Keep our slave's mouth occupied while I continue. Swift," Gary yelled, looking over at Lucas, who was currently holding Mark's arm with one hand and stroking his cock with another. Lucas darted his head towards Gary and stood at attention. "It is time I reward you for finding us this horse." As Gary said that, he squeezed on Mark's hard cock. "He is hard, that means he loves this. Come over here so we can double penetrate him."

Lucas had wanted to be in Mark's ass for a long time now, and did as he was ordered. He stood on the bench, got his ass in front of Gary, and lowered his back against Gary's chest, and squatted with his legs until his hard cock was eventually just over the top of Gary's pelvis. He pressed his hard cock against Mark's hole that was already filled with Gary's thick cock. He pressed his cockhead slowly into Mark's hole. Mark let out a yell of terror, the double penetration hurt even more than when Gary popped his cherry not long ago. When he opened his mouth to yell, Gage took advantage of this and popped his entire sweaty cock and balls into Mark's mouth which shut Mark up. His entire mouth was covered. Mark was careful not to use teeth, knowing how much trouble he would get from a stud like Gage.

Shoving his shaft more into Mark, Gary didn't move at a slow speed as he spread Mark's ass further. Gage kept moving his rod and balls in and out of Mark's mouth to keep his own cock hard and going. Eventually both Gary and Lucas were shoved all the way into Mark's hole and at that moment Gary started to shift his body in and out while rubbing against Mark's cock. Mark started to follow his motion as they fucked Mark's ass, bareback, together. At that time, another player walked in behind Gage and pressed his cock against Gage's hole to start fucking him at the same time.

The other man was Cameron Snyder, quite literally Gage's wingman. The two had been playing on the team since they were 18, both 20 now, and were part of the star line up. They worked well together as right and left wing and couldn't get out of each other's arms, off of the ice, when nobody was looking. Everyone thought they were just so close because they were best friends not realizing how much more there was to it. Cameron didn't care about being as well groomed at Gage and his hair was long and stringy, but other than that the two were alter-egos and acted so similarly that many thought they could be brothers. The two loved each other so much that they were afraid to out each other, but knew that some time soon they would have to. For now, though, their fun would remain in the locker room with the rest of the team joining them. Being part of the starting lineup with Gary as the center man meant they got a lot of respect from the team. Instead of abusing their power like Gary did, they liked to keep to themselves and get along with the team as much as possible.

Finally, as the fucking continued, Gary looked over at another team member and directed him to get under Mark's chest, while he was in the doggy position, to suck his cock.

"But make sure he doesn't get off or there will be hell to pay. That goes for this entire week, make sure he can never get off. I want him aching so badly that by the end he'll be begging for more until we let him off." The player got into the position and what a spectacle it was. One had his cock and balls in Mark's mouth while his lover fucked him from behind, two thick cocks, including his best friend and new master, up his ass, and then another player sucking on his cock and keeping him hard - not that he needed the assistance. Mark was so turned on by the situation and in such a sexual zone, instead of trying to yell for help he was moaning with pleasure as he was being taken advantage of.

This went on for almost 10 minutes straight before Lucas finally spoke up again.

"This is so hot, I am about to blow my load!"

"Wait just a bit longer," Gary demanded. "I am almost ready again, we can do it together." Gary kept pounding harder and Lucas worked on his breathing to control himself before he finally let out a yell and arched his back. At the same time Gary let out his load. "Now!" Both of them then rammed themselves hard into Mark and unleashed their load into Mark. More cum dripped out of the ass it was so full.

Both Gary and Lucas were so exhausted from that fucking they excited Mark and fell back on the bench panting hard. Gary took Lucas's head and shoved it into his nipple. Lucas immediately obeyed and started to suck and bite on Gary's nipple while feeling his muscular chest.

Cameron cummed hard in Gage's ass, while Gage shoved his hard cock down Mark's throat, making him gag. After that, Cameron exited Gage and then Gage blew his load into Mark's mouth. Gage took his cock and balls out of Mark and then the hockey player sucking his cock stopped as he noticed Mark was about to blow as well. The rest of the players that were holding Mark in one place let go and Mark was finally free on his hands and knees, but he remained frozen in his position.

"It's over already?" Mark sounded disappointed and wanted more for the first time ever. As predicted he was starting to beg for more.

"You liked that?" Gary quizzed.

"I ADORED that. Can we keep going, Sir?"

"Let me hear you beg first."

"Please, Sir, can we do that again, just how it happened."

"Not right away, but don't worry we can all watch the video of it we just made." From that Gary brought out a player who was holding a camera and shooting the entire thing on tape.

"You taped that?"

"That's right, and we also got the part where you begged for more." Gary laughed with the players before he went on. "Which means, if you try to tell anyone about this, we have proof that you loved it. It also means you have to do what we say."

"Ahh, come on." Gary slapped his ass hard for saying that.

"That was not your attitude before. From now on you will only ask for more and not complain or there will be more punishment."

"Yes sir." Mark's head hung low again. He was starting to feel powerful because he was the focus of what happened before, but Gary was quick to put him back in his place.

"Now, Swift," he looked over at Lucas who was still tending to his nipple, "I am proud of you, you fucked like a real man, had real control. As a reward I want to give you what you wanted for so long, your friend's ass, here by yourself." As he said that Darryl suddenly approached Gary.

"Sir, I have to protest, I can hold my tongue no longer. I saw what Lucas Swift did today while you were gone." Gary's attention turned to Darryl so he could go on.

"Shut the hell up, Darryl, if you know what is best for you" Lucas demanded, knowing exactly what he saw. It was too late, though. Gary had to hear it now.

"While you were out, Sir, Swift here took your slave's cock and had him ass fuck him in the urinal." Darryl knew he had Lucas beat here.

"That can't be possible," Gary proclaimed, taking a finger and shoving it up Lucas's ass he could feel the ass plug in there right away. "He is wearing the plug as punishment from before."

"I took it out, Sir. I am sorry."

"After everything I taught you!" Gary stood up and pointed to a scared Lucas. "You are a top, not a bottom. A bottom cannot be in control." Tired of being bossed around, Lucas made the mistake of talking back to Gary, this time with anger in his eyes.

"I am a power bottom, Sir."

"No such thing."

"I can take control, Sir, but I am also a bottom. That is just the way it is." Lucas could see he wasn't winning this fight, though.

"You think you are a power bottom? Let's see how much power you really have down there. I want you to bend over like the slave here, next to him on the bench." Furiously looking over at other players who feared Gary when he got this mad, he started to make orders. "Get the slave out of here." He then looked at Mark directly in the eyes. "How dare you betray me like that during your punishment?"

"Please, Sir, be kind, I did not have a choice." Mark pleaded. "He took control of me while I had no control of my limbs."

"That is no excuse for a slut slave. You will be punished." Looking over at Brutus he started to give more orders. "Take the slave and prepare him for the dungeon. It looks like we are going to have to take him there." This was the first time Gary mentioned the word `Dungeon' and the word itself made many of the players uneasy as they stood on end and froze. "NOW!" The players hurried and Brutus grabbed Mark, dragging him off to another section of the locker room to prepare him the way he knew how.

By the time he was dragged off, Lucas was on all fours on the bench just in the same position his best friend was before, nervous about what was going to come up. He did disobey Gary in many ways and was caught red handed. He would have to take his revenge out on Darryl for ratting him, later. Gary's red hot, angry face looked over at Lucas from behind as he started to touch Lucas's smooth ass, feeling it all over.

"As I said before, it is time to see just how much power your ass can hold." Putting two fingers in Lucas's ass, Gary pulled the butt plug out and then started to massage his hole to make it bigger. Lucas wondered how this was punishment, but his question was answered soon enough.

Taking all four fingers and his thumb, with a flat hand, he started to shove his entire hand into Gary's hole. Gary moaned in pain, as he had never felt so much up his ass at once. Gary shoved his entire hand and wrist in Lucas's ass and curled it into a fist and twisted it around in Lucas. When it was put into a ball, Lucas felt his ass stretch harder then he ever felt it before and couldn't even let out a yell, but instead released a gasping moan. At the same time he also couldn't help himself and let out a load from his cock and exploded all over the bench. Other players who supported Gary, stood on the side, cheering him on and making jeers.

"Rip his ass apart."

"Teach him who is the boss."

"Look at him jizz all over the place, he loves it."

Not all of the ones that were watching were cheering or making noise, though. Many of them supported Lucas and knew that he was a true future leader. Gary was the one that scouted him after all and was training him to be a leader. To see him punished for something they felt he did nothing wrong made them trust Gary less. They couldn't speak up now though or they would be in the same position so they instead just watched silently. Most of these players were the younger players on the team.

While Gary took his hand, in the form of a fist, in and out of the ass at a quick speed, a white liquid also came out of Lucas's ass and covered Gary's hand and arm. Gary was merciless as he then shoved his arm deep inside of Lucas's ass. Lucas took it like a man without complaining, but couldn't help but to let out moans.

So much was being put into Lucas at once, and after taking part in the double penetration of his friend Mark before, he was losing his energy. Finally Gary seemed to be finished with his punishment and took his hand out of Lucas, wiping the white liquid off his arm and onto Lucas's back. Lucas immediately fell onto his stomach, hardly able to move from the new pain running through his body.

"Bring him to the dungeon." He looked over at Gage and Cameron as he said that and the two immediately obeyed, picking him up by both shoulders and dragging him off to another place.

At the same time Mark was being prepared, and although Mark had no idea what that meant, he knew it would be very rough, especially with Brutus in charge of the preparation.

Being brought to another series of lockers, Brutus laid Mark down on his knees and then shoved his ass in front of him.

"You lithle thit head, i's time ta pu' ya name t' useth." Putting his ass in front of Mark's face Mark got prepared to give him a rim job like he thought he was suppose to do, but suddenly saw something coming out of Brutus's ass. The guy was taking a shit on his face, so Mark immediately closed his mouth and felt his hair and face mash in with Brutus's smelly shit. It then fell to the lump in front of them and Brutus picked Lucas up and dragged him to the showers, needing to clean him first.

Cold water sprayed onto Mark's face as Brutus then took the hard brush, full of soap, and scrubbed Mark's face hard, followed by his entire body. It hurt Mark a lot as Brutus seemed to enjoy making him take pain, especially the part where Brutus scrubbed his penis.

After that was finished, Brutus picked Mark up in a bear hug around his chest with one arm and brought him back over to the lockers where there was a table laid out for him. Slamming him hard on the table, Brutus started to choke Mark. Mark couldn't breathe and tried to fight back by pulling Brutus's arms away, with no success. Mark's hung cock went hard at the same time, though. It stopped when Darryl came by with something in his hands.

"Do not kill him, Master will be very upset." Brutus tried to snarl, but knew that Darryl was right, so he let go of Mark's neck and squeezed Darryl's bare ass.

"I am going to have to get me some of this later then."

"Perhaps so," Darryl casually responded, "But for now I need to prepare him. Hold him down; he will try to fight against this pain."

Four of the players did as they commanded and Darryl approached Mark with some sort of needle. Wiping his nipple clean, Darryl suddenly plunged the thick iron needle into Mark's nipple and let it come out the other side. He was piercing the nipple for whatever reason, but it wasn't as painful as the double penetration. Before he knew it, Mark felt a large hoop go through his nipple. It didn't stop there, though, because after that piercing was finished, Darryl moved to the next nipple to do the same. More prepared for the pain, Mark didn't say anything this time thinking it would be over after that. Also, with the way Darryl used his hands, he seemed to know exactly what he was doing, like he had done it many times before, so Mark felt safe. He felt far safer around Darryl than any of the other team members.

When it was finished he waited to see what was next before Darryl suddenly took out a large spike this time.

"Make sure you hold him down good, he will not appreciate this." Darryl then held onto Mark's cock and observed the specimen. That was when Mark clued in; they were going to pierce his head. He tried to struggle, and Darryl yelled at him.

"You keep up the struggle and I will mess up, you will be scarred for life." That was when Mark stopped the struggle and stayed perfectly still, except for the shaking, he was so nervous. Darryl took his time before he rammed the spike hard into the top of Marks's cockhead and Mark let out a cry. It was more painful then anything he had ever experienced and he could feel the hot iron go through him. The rest of the process was fuzzy, but seemed to last forever. Darryl then added a silver cock ring to the cockhead.

Soon after that, a thin chain was attached to his two nipples, and another chain was attached to his cock and went up to the chain for the nipples. Where the chains met another larger chain was tied to him for someone to hold. It was meant to be his leash.

At that moment, just after cleaning himself from the fisting, Gary entered the room.

"Good, now get him up and bring him towards the dungeon."

Although he was in pain, and it even hurt to stand on his feet, Mark was brought to his feet. A person from behind brought a leather collar that went tight around his neck and was secured.

"The collar is to remind you of the dog you are. Nothing more, slave." Mark nodded his head nervously for approval as Darryl handed the end of the leash for Gary to grab.

"Don't try to resist, your piercings still need to heal, and to fight will just hurt you and may even cause infection. You will be okay if you follow my every order."

"W.. where is Lucas s.. sir?"

"He will be joining us soon. Now walk." Gary suddenly pulled a little on the leash and Mark could feel the pain from just that small pull and what he was talking about. He quickly followed Gary to wherever he was to be led to. They stopped at a door that was labeled `Sauna' but it had no window. When the door was opened it was clear to Mark that whatever was in there was no Sauna. The place was dark and he could hear calls of agony from others inside of it. Gary looked back at Mark with a smile.

"Ready, slave?"

"No, Sir."

At that Gary then pulled on the Mark's leash while laughing at his response. Mark let out a yelp of pain before following his master into the large dark room.

Installment 5 up soon. Thank you for all suggestions, please keep comments and suggestions going (it is my muse and the more I get the quicker the stories come!). I think it's obvious by this point that there is no limit. Love to chat or chat rp with fans by email or even msn. Tell me who your favorite character is or where you want to see the plot going. I take all suggestions so long as it doesn't interfere with what I wrote so far, and if it does I will find a new way to incorporate it. Send me an email on

Many are asking me if I had inspiration from somewhere while writing. I've mostly been watching Buffy the Vampire Slayer in between writing and got most of my inspiration from my head or other stories in this same section on Nifty. One of my personal favorites is Trapped-Muscle-Cop.

Edited by and many thanks again to butchboy

Next: Chapter 5

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