Hockey Fetish

By Johnny Jones

Published on May 12, 2010


Obviously this story isn't real. All characters in the story are 18-21. Do not read if you are offended or not allowed. It will feature a number of different fetishes related and not related to hockey.

Hockey Fetish Third Installment - Punishment

In This Section: Dom/Sub Group Rimming Jockstrap Shower Spanking, paddle and hand Willing slave Hockey Equipment, pucks Public Humiliation Forced Shaving Butt Plug Urination drinking and raunchy play Power bottom Anal sex

There was no time to waste; they only had about 22 and a half hours left with their slave. Already Mark had been stripped to just his jock strap, licked clean the armpits and ass of the team captain Gary, discovered that it was his best friend who betrayed him, and then hogtied and serviced the cocks of every team member while a sweaty jock strap remained on his head. Any time he refused to cooperate the very husky giant Brutus, who seemed to enjoy giving him abuse over all others, abused him. Thankfully for him he had been very submissive and so the abuse had been thin. He was finally given a break when all the players took a shower and had a gag put in his mouth.

His break would end though when Gary walked up to him while he was lying on the ground with his hands and legs behind his back in a hogtie. Gary laughed while taking the jock that was sitting on top of his head off and the ball gag out of his mouth. He looked down at Mark with a grin on his face.

"22 hours and 23 minutes left. This is when the fun really begins." Gary then laughed and some of the hockey players around joined in on his laughter. "Since you are already there you can start by worshiping my feet with your tongue." Gary refused to move his head which meant that while on the ground, bound Mark had to shift his body so his face was over the top of Gary's foot. Sticking his tongue out he then started to clean it, starting with licking in between the toes and then moving up towards the heel. He did this with one foot and then Gary switched his feet around so Mark could start all over again.

When he was finished Gary picked Mark up off the ground and put him on his knees again. Gary's strength was incredible and it showed on his toned body that he wasn't afraid to flaunt around naked in the change room. As other players started to leave the shower Gary pointed towards Mark.

"Do not forget to use the slave to clean out the inside of your ass. I don't want any dirty asses when there is no need for it." The first person to walk out of the shower was Lucas, Mark's best friend who basically sold Mark out to Gary. Lucas had been eyeing Mark for a while but could not do anything outside of the team, not even say anything to Mark. This was finally his chance, and all he had to do in return was a bit of ass sex with Gary in the shower before. An easy payment compared to what Gary could do to team members for far smaller things. This made Lucas pretty certain that Gary was pleased with his recommendation of Mark.

Walking over to Mark, Lucas shoved his ass in front of Mark for him to suck. Mark instead tried to plead with him, still thinking he could reason with his best friend.

"Please Lucas, don't do this. We're best friends man, how could you do this to me?" Angry with how Mark was pleading and wanting to learn to be like Gary, a dominator, he turned around and slapped Mark hard in the face leaving a red streak.

"Shut up slave, I didn't say speak. I said serve, so now you serve! Or do I need to get Brutus to teach you another lesson?" Mark had an angry expression on his face but that didn't even move Lucas who was starting to learn that all that mattered here was the slave submitted to the master. What happened in the past was no matter anymore. After that Lucas once again bent his ass over in front of Mark and Mark did as he was told, taking his tongue and sticking it inside of Lucas's tight hole. With his first lick it still had a lot of cum from when Gary fucked Lucas just before and he slurped up a large amount of cum and recognized the taste from Gary before. Still he didn't stop knowing that if he refused, he would be abused. After he finished with Lucas's ass he pulled out not sure if Lucas would be satisfied. It was harder to give a rim job then a blowjob because he wasn't sure when the hockey player was pleased enough with his work. Still Lucas seemed to be happy as he got out of the way so the next player could take his turn.

As more players approached him in a long lineup, he was quick to learn that he should just keep going until the player himself gave up and pulled their ass off of his tongue. Every single one of the players was dripping wet and naked from the shower they just had. Servicing twenty-three cocks took a lot longer then serving the same amount of asses but sticking his tongue in each of their asses felt a lot worse. As much as his mind convinced him this situation was terrible, his hard cock said otherwise. Not that any of the players could see that yet, he was still wearing his jockstrap and was the only player in the change room that wasn't naked.

While Mark was servicing the hockey players, Gary could see a number of his teammates becoming interested in the growing and bulging jockstrap that was getting larger by the minute. Mark wore one of the largest jockstraps the team had ever seen so Gary wanted to wait for the perfect time to expose it and keep the passion alive. About a half hour of waiting for him to serve every member and getting a bite to eat really took away a lot of that passion. When he returned, around the same time Mark had finally finished serving the last ass, Gary walked behind him.

"If you promise not to run this time, I can undo these ropes."

"I promise, Sir, I will be good and serve you how you want." Gary liked that he was being called Sir now; it was starting to show that Mark truly understood his place. Because of that, Gary undid the ropes that bound Mark's wrist and ankles together and then undid the ropes that were binding both the legs and the arms so Mark was now free to rest his arms by his side. He remained on his knees for further orders.

"Good, you're learning quickly. Now it's time for you to take that jockstrap off of yourself. A lot of my players cannot take their eyes off of it and truthfully I have no patience to see you any way but naked." When Gary told him that, more fear then ever before entered into Mark. He knew how perverted these men were and if they saw him fully naked who knows what they would have planned for him. He had to get out of here as soon as possible, even if that meant risking getting hurt like before. It was as if everything he just remembered how he had to remain submissive, was over. Being naked with these perverts would mean they could do a lot more, plus he was sort of embarrassed because of his size. Not because it was too small, but because of the other way around.

Instead of giving any warning, Mark got back on his feet and ran towards the door at top speed. He knew that one advantage he had over most of these players was his speed. He was one of the quickest players during the game. As he ran towards the door though he saw Brutus standing in front of it with his arms open wide as if he was expecting to catch Mark. When Brutus went to take a swipe at Mark with his arms, Mark ducked and Brutus's arms grabbed thin air. Brutus took up the entire door he was so large so Mark ran another direction, also running into attempted grabs from players who were trying to chase him now. Gary stood in one place calmly but was disappointed in his slave before looking over at Lucas.

"Swift, catch him." Lucas nodded his head in approval and jumped onto the bench and towards Mark to try to grab him. Mark was quick, but so was Lucas, and Lucas also knew Mark's weaknesses because they had trained together for so long. The chase didn't last 15 seconds before Lucas's arms wrapped around Mark and shoved his entire body to the ground - keeping a tight grip on him as Mark flailed his legs and arms to try to break free of the strong grasp unsuccessfully. To win this, Mark knew he would have to start wrestling and grabbed Lucas's leg to try to flip the guy around on the ground. This almost worked as it made Lucas lose his tight grip on Mark, but as he lost his grip he instead put his one arm around Lucas's neck and another hand against his arm to give it a lever, putting Mark into a sleeper hold. Feeling so dizzy, Mark couldn't move as Lucas started to make him drift off.

"Pup, pup, I thought we had a deal. You lied to me." Gary looked at Mark with fierce eyes. "It isn't every day people lie to me but they all pay for it."

"Please sir, I was ignorant. Forgive me." Gary was surprised by what Mark said, but refused to show too much emotion, not wanting to display any weakness.

"No. You need to be punished." Gary sat down at the same bench where, Mark sucked his cock before, but this time instead of his legs spread out they were put together and straight up. Gary padded Mark's leg while looking him in the eye.

"Put your chest over my legs." Mark rolled his eyes when he heard this, knowing what Gary was about to do.

"Ah, come on man, I'm not five." Gary's eyes went furious as Mark continued to protest.

"Double punishment for that lip. Do not test me again." Mark could see the shadow of Brutus approach him and knew that Brutus was hoping Mark would talk back to Gary again. Sighing he went over to Gary's knees and got down to bend his body over Gary's legs. As he did that, Gary grabbed Mark and forced him down hard.

In no time, Gary's flat hand was smacking Mark's left ass cheek hard. Mark let out a cry of pain that was almost as loud as the slapping sound made. Mark tried to put his hand in the way to stop the next slap, but Gary pushed it aside before he started to slap Mark's ass again. This time instead of one slap he slapped Marks ass multiple times. While he slapped it he started to lecture Mark about behaving. Mark could barley hear him as his back arched and he screamed in pain.

"You do not directly disobey me! I am your master who you will always call `Sir' and follow every direction to the best of your ability without questioning." He then slapped Mark's ass hard one more time and Mark tried to plead for it to stop.

"Okay, okay, Sir! I promise to be a good slave and to follow your every order." Tears from the pain were starting to form in his eyes. "I'll do whatever you say, just stop slapping me on the ass."

"Whatever I say?"

"Anything, just please stop punishing me for this."

"I want you to stay the entire week... until the next game we play against The Spartans."

"But you said only 24 hours."

"Then you shall have your ass slapped for the next 22 hours." He then slapped it hard again, making Mark yell loudly before looking over at the only one in the room who wasn't a player on the team, Darryl Perkins. Darryl was the equipment manager of the team, but he got along so well and allowed any of them to use him in any way they saw fit, whenever they wanted. Although he didn't need to be, he was naked and wet from the shower like the rest of the team. Darryl was also muscular and had strong arms that helped him lift all of the player's equipment. He was very well behaved, always obeying orders, which usually revolved around the equipment.

"Darryl." Gary looked over at Darryl and Darryl stood straight and attentive waiting for a command. "Get me the spiked paddle from the locker." Darryl nodded his head and as Darryl turned around towards the lockers, having his ass facing Mark, Mark noticed some sort of tail stick out of Darryl's ass. It was a dildo shoved in there with a tail to remind him of his position on the team. The way Darryl walked around so casually was as if he was used to having it there.

Taking the paddle out of the locker, Mark saw that it was a frighteningly large paddle with spikes to give an extra penetration on the skin. Darryl shoved it in front of Mark's face at first to scare him before handing it to Gary. Gary took the paddle and raised it up high, prepared to give Mark the hardest paddling of his life. As Gary flung his arm down to hit the paddle on Mark's ass, Mark spoke up, not wanting to know how much that paddle would hurt.

"Alright, a week!" Gary's paddle stopped right before it hit Mark's ass, the coldness from the metal of the spikes touched Mark's ass lightly. A split second later and he would have felt it hard. "I'll be your slave for a week. But what am I going to tell the other team?"

"Phone them and tell them you like it here. You were offered a week here for training and you are getting along great with us." As Gary was talking to him he was also feeling Mark's smooth bubble ass and rubbing it sexually. When Mark agreed to make the phone call, Gary let him go and Mark got up. Brutus led Mark to a phone outside of the change room to make the call. Brutus had in hand the paddle that Mark feared, just in case he tried to say or do anything funny.

Taking a look at the situation around him, Gary could see that no other players were around but the slow Brutus. There were two exits, one towards the locker room where he would face more humiliation and one further away towards the rink where the players entered to their bench and ice, where he could perhaps escape. During the phone call Mark did everything they told him to say and even sounded excited, the young fellow was a decent actor. After hanging up the phone he knew it was escape now or a week of pure torture. Considering that every half hour had became more and more extreme put a lot of fear in his mind.

Hanging up the phone he paused for a second looking at Brutus before suddenly running towards the ice rink. When he made it onto the ice rink he ran onto the ice to try to get to the other side where the Zamboni exited. It was there he could truly escape and he could see the escape so close. Suddenly, though, he felt a strong hurtful pressure on his leg, something hard hit it and it made him fall onto the ice. On skates it was easy to stay upright, but being on the ice with just bare feet it was almost impossible to stay up. After falling to the ground, Mark looked over and saw five players, Gary included, on skates and taking practice shots at him with a number of pucks. All they were wearing besides skates were jock straps like Mark. The fact that they had put on their skates, which takes a bit of time to do, proved that they predicted he would try to make a run for it from the ice and they were prepared to punish him for it.

Moaning, he tried to get up again to run back off of the ice but as he got up he suddenly felt a puck hit his back and bruise him, knocking him down on the ice again. Gary skated up to Mark and did an abrupt stop him front of him, causing ice to fly up and cover Mark's almost naked body. Suddenly he heard a lot of laughter and looking up he could see people in the public place looking down at him and laughing, thinking he was getting some sort of initiation from the team. He was embarrassed to be humiliated like this in public.

"We are always one step ahead of you so I suggest you stop trying to escape."

"Yes sir." Gary then picked Mark up by his back and onto his feet.

"March back to the room for further punishment." Mark lowered his head and didn't say anything, as he was lead back to the room with the players on skates following. When he was back in the room Brutus was there waiting for him, punching him hard in the chest again to knock his wind out. Mark would have fallen to the ground, but before he could, Brutus caught him and held him up, dragging him by his feet to a bench and laying him on it.

"Let's see what we've all been waiting for." At this time Gary and the others walked into the locker room to see what was going on but didn't stop it. Brutus knew not to take this guy, not yet. Gary wanted the honor of doing that and Brutus was smart enough to obey his every word if he wanted to be as authoritative as he was right now with everyone. Brutus wasn't as smart as Gary, and Gary used to his advantage when he needed it.

Brutus approached Mark who was lying on the bench fearful of what was about to happen to him next, with that beast standing above him. Brutus grabbed the side of Mark's jock strap and pulled it hard, giving Mark a big wedgie in the process. He pulled on the strap hard until the jock strap broke and fell to the side. Mark was still covering his body, but Brutus was to anxious to see what was under there, and so he took Mark's shoulders and flipped him around onto his back so his full naked body was exposed to the curious team.

There was a loud gasp as all stood around and looked at the fine piece of specimen. At the moment he wasn't hard but it was still almost 7 inches long. He was hung like a horse, uncut, and covered in black hair because he had never shaved.

"This specimen is too beautiful," Gary said, admiring it. Even he couldn't help but to lust at what he saw and showed a bit of weakness. "I wonder what it looks like hard." Walking up to the cock, he took Mark's shaft tight in his hand and started to stroke it. Mark's cock went hard immediately and grew to over 10 inches, which caused even louder gasps from the audience of hockey players watching and appreciating the sight. Gary was even speechless for a few seconds before he looked up at Mark who was afraid to say anything, knowing his punishment was soon coming up. "I must say. I am very impressed. I can see why Swift told me to choose you." Gary turned around and looked at Lucas. "I will reward you later."

Then turning back to the cock he started to pet it, but cringed when he felt the hair tangled in with it.

"We need to do him the favor of shaving him." It was more a favor for them, but making it sound like it was for him put the teams spirits up. All at once every man except for Darryl, who remained in the corner waiting patiently without making any fuss, spoke up volunteering to do the job. Gary started to direct them what to do to keep order.

"You four keep his arms and legs pinned down to the table. You, get the shaving cream and, you, get the razor I used just today on myself before practice." Men started to scatter as they were put to work by their captain. All obeyed on instant command as if they were afraid to do otherwise. Plus the quicker they worked then the quicker they could get to shaving the hair around the large cock, or at least watching it get shaved.

In no time, Gary had a bottle of cream in one hand and a razor in the other. Mark didn't even try to struggle, knowing that the strength of those holding him down were too tough. To put up any fuss would just cause even more hurt for him later when he was already scheduled to face punishment. Gary handed the bottle of shaving cream to Lucas.

"Since you have been eyeing it for so long, I'll let you do the honors of adding the cream." With excitement, but no words, Lucas took the bottle from Gary's hand and squirted a large amount into his hands. Then hopping onto the bench that Mark laid on, and putting his naked legs in between Mark's, he looked down at Mark's naked body, first in the face, then at the large, horse cock. He cupped his hands around Mark's cock, making it go hard again, and then started to rub around his balls and cock to cover the entire thing in shaving cream where there was hair.

"I've wanted this for so long." Then taking his mouth and sticking out his tongue he licked Mark's head and slowly scanned over the top of Mark's shaft to the bottom with his tongue to really enjoy the size. Before he could get to the bottom, though, he heard Gary's angry voice, "SWIFT! Stop it now." Lucas whipped his head up and got off Mark, standing in front of Gary, knowing the next part would not be easy for him. "You directly disobeyed me, as punishment Darryl will give you the correct size for your current level." Gary punished his team members accordingly. The first mess up he inserted just a small plug, the second one they had to wear the plug for an entire day instead of just the designated hour, even if it was during game time. After that the plugs got bigger and bigger, making them more afraid to mess up at all.

Lucas left as ordered and Darryl got him a nicely sized plug to insert into his ass without using any lube. Lucas did it without question. His whole was tight but he was getting used to the tight feeling, since he was fucked by Gary so often. When it was fully in his ass, he returned to see Gary already on top of Mark shaving him carefully around his cock. Mark was very still at the moment, not wanting to get cut in that area - knowing that it was a very sensitive area for any guy to be cut in.

Gary lifted the large cock up at times to get underneath, but overall did a very smooth job of cutting all the pubic hair off Mark. When he was finished after about 20 minutes, the team watching in tranquility, Gary finally handed the razor to a man nearby. Gary's hands were covered in shaving cream and Mark's pubic hair. He spread his naked body over Mark's, both of their cocks going erect as they felt up against each other, before Gary took his hand and spread the cream over Mark's cheek.

"See? We can do good things for you. But now we have to punish you for trying to run earlier. Bring him with me." Gary kissed him on the forehead before getting off of his body and walking towards the public washrooms in the change room. Mark was picked up onto his feet, but instead of being dragged, he walked with a hockey player on each of his shoulders to lead the way, making sure he didn't run away.

When they reached the washroom, Gary stopped in front of a large full body urinal. Next to the urinal there were oddly placed rings bolted into the wall and the ground, as if they were there for a reason. Grabbed by both arms, Mark was led to and sat down inside the urinal. Then handcuffs were put around his wrists and ankles, the other end of the handcuffs were attached to the rings. The idea of the rings was to lock somebody in place in a urinal. Mark could not move his spread around arms and legs as he looked up at the hockey players, not knowing what to expect next.

One player took the lead and stepped up, naked, his cock hanging in front of Mark's face. This player was Devin Yates, a long, curly blonde haired, blue eyed beauty. He was skinnier than most of the other players but his body was still chiseled to perfection. His legs were also massive like all the other hockey players. He stood at about 6'2 and was nineteen years old. Devin usually didn't say a lot, he went with the flow and when he could step up at the right moment, he did.

Taking his own cock in his hand he then pointed it towards Mark's face and started to urinate all over Mark. He needed to go to the washroom for a while now, and that was clear from the fact that the urination lasted longer then usual. Mark closed his mouth but Devin was sure to spray all of the urine into Mark's face and hair, completely drenching him in yellow urine. By the end of the piss, Mark was dripping in piss and trying to breathe through the heavy odor that he couldn't get rid of.

Shortly after that Gary stepped in front of the full size urinal and Devin stepped aside. He also got ready to take a piss. "I want you to take this one with your mouth open, and shallow what I give you." Mark immediately obeyed, not even wanting to know what could be a worse punishment then this. Urine then flowed in a steady stream from Gary and bounced into Mark's mouth. Mark swallowed as much as he could of the disgusting taste, gagging at the same time, but even then it wasn't enough and most of the piss came flowing out of his mouth and down his body. When Gary finally finished, other players got ready to line up and follow his lead but, Gary continued to stand there.

"Since we have you for a whole week now, I think it is fair to use you for a couple of more hours as the public urinal for punishment. You must obey every player's command. I will be stepping out in the next few hours and you may think you can't wait for this to end, but trust me." Leaning over he whispered into Mark's ear. "When I get back I break your seal... your virginity."

Going to the locker room Gary put on jeans and t-shirt, heading out with friends to go drinking. A few stayed behind to practice, but over the hours many came to take a piss all over Mark. Many, Brutus included, drank a lot of fluids to purposely take a lot of piss breaks in between their workout.

At one point, Mark was left alone for over a half hour and he wondered when anyone would come back. Suddenly he heard somebody enter the change room and his head perked up to see who it was. That was when he saw his best friend Lucas walking towards him with a sorrowful look on his face. As Lucas came towards him, he pulled the butt plug out of his ass, if Gary caught him doing that he'd be found in the same position as Mark right now, with an even larger plug in his ass so he was taking a big risk here.

"I'm sorry you had to go through with this." Lucas pointed out, but Mark didn't seem to be amused, so Lucas continued to explain himself. "You get used to it over time, trust me. Eventually you'll be begging for it."

"How could you do this to me? I am your best friend."

"I have been eyeing you since we met when we were young. Since I saw you in that shower, naked, I knew what I had to take, but I knew you would never agree to it. I am sorry this is the only way." Lucas then started to stroke Mark's cock getting it hard as he casually talked to him. "We're still friends and I am still going to look out for you."

"I fail to see how." Grabbing the hard shaft, Lucas started to position himself, squatting over Marks body, ready to take the cock into his ass.

"I've wanted to do this for so long now." He slowly shoved Marks hung cock into his ass. At first he gasped, but then he went further and deeper. Soon enough Mark was starting to gasp again at just how deep his cock was. Lucas then started to bob up and down in order to keep the cock hard and massage his own prostate, moaning as he did so. Nobody was around to see it happen, so Lucas knew it would be the only time in his life he could get away with doing it. It felt so powerful as well to be able to control this massive cock inside of him. Lucas was turning into a real power bottom.

When he saw Mark was about to go off, he suddenly stood up and shoved himself off Mark in a rush. The feeling of it going out of him sent a stronge surge through his body. Mark, on the other hand, was just about to cum, and now he only had an erect penis.

"What did you stop for? At least let me get off. It is only fair since all of you get to, constantly." Lucas laughed and turned to his friend.

"Nothing is meant to be fair for you, get that in your head. Besides, I just heard someone enter, it is probably Gary." First taking the butt plug, he quickly shoved it back into his ass. Then, taking his hard cock that got hard from the fucking he just gave himself, he then started urinate over Mark's head as Gary, and the gang that followed him everywhere fully dressed, came in, laughing at the sight they were seeing. Gary was happy to see his trainee not take things too personally and show the slave who was really boss.

Gary started to undress and when Lucas was done with his urination he stepped aside to watch from afar.

"Undo his cuffs," Gary demanded of the player who had the key. "I have to fulfill my promise. It's time we made this boy slave a man whore."

Thanks for reading. The fourth part will be added shortly, it will be the part where Mark loses his virginity to Gary as so many of you requested so keep reading! As always all comments and suggestions are LOVED. Please email . Do not be shy, I'm open to all ideas and in the end will incorporate ALL of them if I can. So far most of my ideas in part 2 and 3 came from you guys and more will be along the way. E-mail me if you are impatient and want to know at what point your plot idea is coming in and of course if you think of more.

I got like 50 e-mails of compliments and suggestions today so thanks everyone!

Thank you to butchboy for editing.

Next: Chapter 4

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