Hockey Fetish

By Johnny Jones

Published on May 10, 2010


Obviously this story isn't real. All characters in the story are 18-21. Do not read if you are offended or not allowed. It will feature a number of different fetishes related and not related to hockey.

In This Section: Hockey Players Dom/Sub Jockstrap Punching Armpits, hole worshipping Rough Blowjobs Team member services Gary

When Mark was lead through the changing room doors of the opposing team, the first thing he noticed were a number of shirtless, bulky players lined up about 10 feet away looking at Mark with evil intent in their eyes. It was clear to Mark they already had something evil lined up for him and he was so scared that he turned around and went to exit through the door. As he opened the door, he suddenly saw Gary about to enter on the other side of the door. Knowing what Mark was up to, Gary put his arm around Mark and led him back inside the room, again with that evil smirk on his face.

"Planning on leaving so soon? We were just about to get started." Mark had a sorrowful look on his face as he was led further into the locker room towards some lockers and a bench. "I am going to cut to the chase here pup, strip to your jockstrap and get down on your knees." It was then that Gary let go and Mark started to take off his skates. Mark was still wearing everything except for his skates, but he could hear the rage in Gary's voice and he didn't want to piss him off already so he took off his skates in a hurry. Mark peeled off the sweaty jersey from his shoulders and then the body pads. After his body pads came off, he was shirtless. Although by far the skinniest one there, he was still muscular, and it made him nervous to notice many of the players were eyeing him intently as he stripped to the bare skin.

Soon after, the helmet and bottom pads came off and he was standing there cold in just his jockstrap. What Mark didn't have in muscles compared to the players around him, who were mostly naked themselves, he certainly made up for in "size" - that was proven by his extra large jockstrap - which was larger than any of the players had ever seen. He was clearly hung which would later prove to be fun. A few minutes later Gary was naked as well except for a large jockstrap. Although his wasn't as big as Mark's, it was still the largest on the team, which proved him to be the dominant male of the pack. Gary also seemed to be the only one not interested in exposing Mark nude just yet. He wanted his fun first.

"Get on your knees" Gary demanded to Mark. "Show your submission to me by licking my sweaty jock." As soon as Gary made that demand Mark took a step back and for once stood up for himself in this situation.

"Screw you," Mark protested. "I am not going to play your queer game. I am leaving." Mark then turned around and went to storm off out of the changing room while picking up his belongings lying on the ground, but as he turned around and started to walk by one of the players, Jack Brutus laid a large punch into Mark's bare chest.

Brutus, no one calls him Jack, was the largest player on the Ice Dogs and was generally known as the enforcer of the team. That meant he was the one who got into most of the scuffles and fights with enemy-team players on the ice and had the most penalties from slashing, cross checking, and roughing. He stood a towering seven feet tall and although he was also the fattest on the team, most of that fat was pure hard muscle. His chest had the look of a bodybuilder but his mean face had the look of a criminal. His brown hair was almost completely shaved off, but it complimented his left eye that was black from a recent fight and the four stitches located above his left eyebrow, also from a recent hockey scuffle. When he smiled, as he did when he punched Mark hard in the chest to stop him, you could see that two of his front teeth were missing.

Feeling the impact of the punch, Mark dropped his belongings and fell down onto the ground on his knees holding his chest. The punch was so hard that his chest was winded and for about 10 seconds he couldn't breathe. When he regained his breath again Mark noticed a shadow overtake the light - a body was standing in front of him. Looking up he could see Gary with his arms folded over his chest, his muscles squeezed together as he looked down at Mark with a cold stare.

"Disobey me again and you will receive a worse punishment, trust me. Now lick it to show me who is in command." Walking right up to Mark, Gary pushed the bulge in his jockstrap into Mark's face. Hesitating for a few moments his eyes darted around the room until he saw Brutus's face again with a mean expression. Looking back to the jockstrap he then stuck out his tongue and gave the bulge a quick lick at the front for only a second.

"Longer, pup, this time lick it from the bottom all the way to the top." Gary then spread his legs open as he went over the top of Mark, so Mark could get his tongue down further. Mark once again took his tongue out of his mouth and slowly laid it on the bottom of Gary's bulge. He could smell Gary's ass and taste the salty sweat that was absorbed into the jockstrap. Mark then slowly moved his face up and he felt the shape of Gary's penis through the jock while his tongue pressed on it hard. After about 15 seconds it finally reached the top strap and Mark stopped when he hit Gary's bare skin, feeling only a tiny bit of hair that would lead down to Gary's balls. It was only a small amount because like the rest of the team, Gary was clean-shaven over his body.

Finally Mark pulled his head back and then bent it down in front of Gary to show that he was finished. Gary smiled, pleased that his new slave was willing to learn quickly. Gary wasn't finished with the cleaning though.

"I need a shower after such a sweaty game and your tongue works just fine. You can stand up and start with my pits." Gary then lifted up his arms to expose shaved armpits to Mark. Mark stood up and put his face towards Gary's pits. As he did that he could smell an extremely foul odor that came from the pits. Mark gagged for a second and shut his eyes but then opened them again and stuck his face into Gary's pits. Using his tongue, Mark started underneath Gary's pec and then moved up the side of Gary's body until he reached the pit. His tongue was flat and wide; moving slowly, knowing that it was the way Gary wanted him to move. When he moved towards the inner part of the pit he could really start to taste Gary's bitter sweat. When he finally reached the top he started over again at the bottom, this time moving over a few inches to cover every single spot. After a few more minutes of cleaning, Mark moved around to the other side of Gary's body and did the same process all over again with his right armpit. By the end of it, all Mark could taste was Gary's BO sweat. Other team members put their hands down their pants and started to stroke their cocks as they watched with gleeful eyes.

Thinking his job was done Mark stood there waiting for what was next, not realizing he wasn't close to being finished. Gary took his jockstrap and slipped it off to expose his cock. Gary looked good naked. His seven-inch half-hard cock was cut and completely shaved. The fact that it was shaved proved how frequently it was that he was getting sucked. Mark looked at it terrified, but at the same time he was starting to go hard, although his jock was covering that up. Gary then bent over in front of Mark and looked back at him.

"On your knees and continue the cleaning, pup." Mark got on his knees in front of Gary's ass and bent his head forward, licking the top of the ass cheek. "Not there idiot, start with the bottom and move up into the hole." Mark felt disgusted but at the same time turned on by what was going on. His face showed the disgust, but his hidden cock proved differently. Mark's forehead touched the crack in between Gary's two cheeks as his tongue started massaging the area in between Gary's cock and ass. It was the closest he got so far to Gary's balls and then his face started to move upwards, tasting the sweat of Gary once again, this time it tasted different from the armpits. This time it tasted raunchier. When he got to the ass he hesitated for a second but then touched the rim of Gary's ass and tried to quickly scan over the ass to avoid the taste of shit but as his tongue touched Gary's hole, Gary shoved his ass hard into Mark's face while moaning.

"Mmm, that's good. Shove it right in there and clean it out good." Mark obeyed and stuck his tongue into Gary's hole. Surprisingly the hole wasn't as tight as he expected and his tongue slid in easily. He could really start to taste that foul taste as his tongue went deeper in Gary's ass. He then spent about five minutes inside Gary's ass, afraid to come out and find what Gary might do or say to him. His tongue rotated inside of the ass to get different corners to clean the entire thing out. Gary stopped bending over and Marks tongue finally came out of Gary's hole.

"That was fantastic and you're almost done with my cleaning." Mark wasn't too sure what could be left. The washboard chest? The gigantic legs? His questions were answered when Gary sat down on the bench with his legs spread open and his half-erect cock sitting there in the open. "It's time for you to clean this. Don't forget to get all around the edges, the shaft, and the balls." Mark was about to protest again and opened his mouth, but Brutus suddenly pushed Mark hard towards Gary. Mark fell onto his knees and was facing Gary's penis.

At that moment the players starting chanting "Suck his cock!" As long as they could, cheering on what was about to happen. Mark then took his tongue and licked Gary's shaft from the bottom. He started near the balls and then licked upward toward the head. As he did that Gary's cock continued to grow hard and by the time Mark was at the top, Gary was fully erect and long. Mark took a good look at it before moving his face back down again and this time playing with Gary's balls and around the balls where a lot of sweat had built up. With his tongue, he licked them clean. When Mark thought he was finished he moved his head back up and looked at Gary for approval.

"I said clean it, you are not finished. Stick my shaft in your mouth and give it a good cleaning, and don't use teeth or you will regret it." Before Mark could even think of responding, Gary grabbed Mark's shaggy brown hair and shoved the face into his hard shaft. Mark, taking the warning to heart, put his lips around his teeth to protect Gary's cock and then felt a long shaft in his mouth as he was forced to move in and out. Gary went deep, even making Mark choke as the shaft went into the throat but that didn't stop Gary from moving him up and down and teaching him how to do it swiftly and perfectly. After 10 minutes of servicing Gary's cock Gary finally felt himself about to explode and he took Mark's head and shoved his hardon into Mark's throat. Gary ejaculated hard into Mark's throat, squirt after squirt poured into Gary's throat and he could not swallow all of it at once. Finally Gary let him go and Mark fell on his back on the cold wet floor of the changing room. Cum hung out of Mark's mouth as he panted hard to get a good breath.

At that time Gary called Lucas Swift over, another player on the Ice Dogs. Unlike all the other players introduced so far by the Ice Dogs who are large and overly muscular, Lucas was more like Gary. He was only 18 and a new recruit to the team so he was still getting used to everything. He was more muscular than Mark - for their age both were well toned - but both of them still had far to go in their development and were still very skinny compared to the rest of the team. Often hockey players in the same league go to the same training camps and this was the case for Lucas and Mark. The two had gone to a lot of training camps together and were best friends. Gary positioned Lucas to stand over Mark - it was almost as if he was training Lucas as he spoke.

"Make sure he knows who the boss is, take up his light and always look down on him." Lucas, a little nervous about the situation, did as he was told and Mark and Lucas locked eyes with each other. Mark had a look of plea on his face, as if a best friend could get him out of this situation.

"Put away your personal feelings, Swift. This was whom you told me to pick, you told me that you have been eyeing him for a while and that he was perfect, so prove it by being a man. He will try to make you feel bad, but take it as needing to discipline him, take it as if you are now proving that you are the boss." At the time Lucas was wearing no shirt but he was wearing all the equipments and padding on the bottom half except for the skates. Lucas started to take off this equipment in front of Mark who was getting off the ground and onto his knees. By the time Mark got on his knees, Lucas was already fully naked with his jockstrap in his hand. Mark barely got a chance to look at Lucas's small, but thick cock, not that he hadn't seen it many times before in the shower. Lucas put his smelly jock over the top of Mark's face and blocked his eyes and nose. Mark could only see the white of the jock and smell an odor more foul then Gary's.

Suddenly he felt something press against his lips. It was the edge of a cock, Lucas's cock. He knew what came next so he opened his mouth and Lucas's head and shaft slipped right into Mark's mouth. Mark could take this cock a lot easier when it came to length and not gagging, but the smell was far worse. Lucas had some of the worst BO Mark had ever smelled before. The entire team continued to watch as Mark sucked on Lucas's shaft until he eventually cummed into Mark's mouth. Finally Lucas moved away from Mark, but the jockstrap continued to stay on his head.

Mark was lifted off the ground from his knees to his feet when someone powerful, most probably Brutus, pulled him back up. He couldn't see Gary, but he could hear the guy right in front of him. At the same time his hands were put behind his back and were being bound by some sort of rope. He was then brought back down to his knees and he could feel himself being tied by the same rope to his feet.

"You did good today pup, for that you will be rewarded by servicing every single team member the way you just did with Swift. I require that every team member here must be serviced by our slave here to the point of ejaculation before they can enter the showers." While trying to move his arms Mark noticed something, he was hogtied with a rope binding his hands to his feet, and he was unable to move in his position on his knees. He had to keep his balance to keep from falling over.

The servicing then began. Giving a blowjob to every single team member is about as difficult as it sounds. All the cocks came in different sizes and Mark didn't know when what seemed like the never-ending service would end for him, but he took each cock and was careful not to use teeth. He also swallowed all of the cum given to him. After about an hour of just servicing and not seeing a thing he finally heard a recognizable voice, it was Brutus. He spoke with a bit of a lisp from lacking his front teeth.

"I pu'posely safed mysef for lastht. I'm going to gith you a mouth fuckin' that you will neva f'get pawn." Brutus had the thickest cock on the team and when it was erect it stood at 8 inches. He was very cocky about showing it off to other team members so the fact he was doing this came to no surprise to the rest of the team who were already off in the showers naked and soaping themselves now.

Taking the cock into his mouth, Mark had trouble opening his mouth wide enough to take the cock and Brutus started to shove his cock deep into Mark's throat right away, sparing him no mercy, as Mark could only send out small whines. Brutus grabbed Mark's head, following Gary's methods, but moved Mark at a much quicker speed. For Brutus it didn't take a lot for him to get hard, but it took a lot longer for him to cum so for almost 10 minutes Brutus abused Mark's face. Finally when Brutus came in Mark's mouth it was a long and hard flow of cum that came out of him. Mark couldn't swallow it at once and it overflowed his mouth. When Brutus took his cock out Mark tried to spit it out, but before he could do that he felt something go around his neck and in his mouth, it was a ball gag.

Exhausted from servicing about 23 guys in such a short time he was finally left on his own, he fell to the ground and hit the cold, wet ground hard. For a few minutes everything was quiet except the sound of showers, but then he could start to hear a sound, a loud slapping sound with a series of groans. This groan sounded familiar, it was his best friend Lucas's voice moaning with pleasure.

From the fall the jock strap was no longer completely on and a ray of light came from the bottom part where Mark could peek out. Looking out towards the sound he could see in the showers that Gary was fucking Lucas hard. He was doing him so hard that when his body hit against Lucas's ass cheeks a slapping sound was made. Gary moved at an impressive speed and Lucas took it with pain because he was tight, but the expression on his face showed that he was enjoying every moment of it. This was what Lucas had to pay for Gary choosing Mark out of the entire group. Many of the other players, who were long done with their showers, still stood under the running water nearby as they jerked their cocks and watched the live sex show. From their facial expressions it looked as if they wished they were in Lucas' position.

After 20 minutes Gary seemed to be finished and he let Lucas go. Lucas was out of energy and lying on the cold wet tile of the showers. Looking over at his new slave (it was clear that Mark could see more then he was acting like with that jock covering his head) and with a smile he walked over towards Mark, his feet right in front of Mark's face on the ground.

"22 hours and 23 minutes left. This is when the fun really begins." Gary then laughed and some of the hockey players around joined in on his laughter.

Thanks for reading. The third is almost finished and will be posted shortly. All comments and suggestions are LOVED. Please email . Do not be shy, I'm open to all ideas and in the end will incorporate ALL of them if I can.

I tried to incorporate all ideas sent to me this time around although I held some back as I think they will work better later in the plot. E-mail me if you are impatient and want to know at what point your idea is coming in.

Special thanks to the editor butchboy.

Next: Chapter 3

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